Cambridge University Press Association For Jewish Studies
Cambridge University Press Association For Jewish Studies
Cambridge University Press Association For Jewish Studies
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PLO visas when visiting the WesternWall "hasmuch to teachus" (p. 258).
(He immediatelyreassuresthe reader:"Thisis not to be taken,of course,as
an uncriticalaffirmationof all aspectsof NatoreiKartasociety,specifically
theirgenderpractices"[p. 337, n. 45]). In thepenultimatechapterof thebook,
Boyarincarefullyexamines recentGermantheologicalantisemitismand its
relationto the Nazis. Yet in his last chapterBoyarininsists,"Inorder. .. to
preservethe positiveethical,politicalvalueof Jewishgenealogyas a modeof
identity,Jews mustpreservetheirsubalternstatus"(p. 242). Herehe invokes
the rabbisas models who "renounced[the land] until the finalRedemption,
becausein an unredeemedworld,temporaldominionandethnicparticularity
are ... impossiblycompromised"(p. 256). I find this astonishing.To claim
thatthe rabbisvoluntarilyrenouncedthe landout of anxietyaboutthe results
of powerandethnicparticularism is historicallywrongheaded;
to insistat this
point in the twentiethcenturythatthe best coursefor Jews is powerlessness
is nothingless thanmorallyirresponsible.
Rivka Ulmer. Ayin Ha-Ra: The Evil Eye in the Bible and in Rabbinic
Literature.Hoboken,N.J.: Ktav, 1994. x, 213 pp.
1. Wapamnzis the Akkadian equivalent of the Hebrew root yp', which means "to appear";
the Akkadian causative ?iGpameans "to shine," and is often associated with the shining justice
of Shamash.
AlanJ. Yuter