Newman 1975
Newman 1975
Newman 1975
Porous electrodes have numerous industrial applications the system, or the reactants may be dissolved and forced
primarily because they promote intimate contact of the through a porous electrode.
electrode material with the solution and possibly a gaseous 6. The compactness of porous electrodes can reduce the
phase. Specific factors are as follows: ohmic potential drop by reducing the distance through
1. The intrinsic rate of the heterogeneous electrochemi- which current must flow. This has obvious advantages in
cal reaction may be slow. A porous electrode can compen- reducing the losses in batteries and fuel cells. It may also
sate for this by providing a large interfacial area per unit permit operation without side reactions by providing po-
volume (for example, lo4 cm-1). tential control for the desired process.
2. Double-layer adsorption constitutes the basis for If porous electrodes were trivially different from plane
novel separation processes involving cycling of the elec- electrodes, there would be no motivation for their separate
trode potential. Just as in conventional fluid-solid adsorp- study. But here inherent complications arise because of
tion, a high specific interfacial area is desirable. the intimate contact of electrode and solution-the ohmic
3. Important reactants may be stored in the solution in potential drop and the mass transfer occur both in series
close proximity to the electrode surface by means of porous and in parallel with the electrode processes, with no way
electrodes. This permits sustained high-rate discharge of to separate them. One needs to develop an intuitive feeling
the lead-acid cell. for how and why the electrode processes occur nonuni-
4. A dilute contaminant can be removed effectively with formly through the depth of the electrode. Finally, we
a flow-through porous electrode. The proximity of the flow- seek methods for designing a porous electrode for a par-
ing stream to the electrode surface is again important. ticular application in such a way as to maximize the effi-
5. Similar arguments apply to nonconducting reactants ciency.
of low solubility. Then another solid phase (as in batteries) Electrodes with two fluid phases are excluded from con-
or a gas phase (as in fuel cells) may be incorporated into sideration here. Gas electrodes for fuel cells are reviewed
c i
zici = 0 (3)
as the working electrode and positioned adjacent to it, just
beyond the double layer. The potential difference @I - @pz
is equal to T ~ plus
, an additive term which depends on the
local solution composition.
Our assumption here means that the interfacial region Consider a redox reaction like the oxidation of ferrous
which comprises the electric double layer (where de- ions to ferric ions, thereby leaving the electrode structure
partures from electroneutrality are significant) constitutes unchanged. One frequently assumes that the composition
only a small volume compared to any of the phases or dependence of the exchange current density and the com-
the electrode itself. This will not be true for finely pqrous
position dependence of the equilibrium potential cancel
media and very dilute solutions, where the diffuse layer
in such a way that the polarization equation can be written
may be more than 100 angstroms thick. Furthermore, we (see, for example, Newman, 1973, p. 388)
make no attempt here to treat electrokinetic effects like
electro-osmosis and the streaming potential.
It is a consequence of the assumption of electroneutrality
that the divergence of the total current density is zero. For
the macroscopic model, this is expressed as
V * il + V . iz = 0 (4)
Charge which leaves the matrix phases must enter the pore where io is a constant representing the exchange current
solution. In fact, combination of Equations ( 1), ( 2 ) , and density at the composition cI0, cZ0,which might conveni-
(3) gives ently be taken to be the initial concentrations of the re-
actants or the concentrations prevailing external to the
In Equation ( l o ) , the reaction is first order with respect
to the reactant and product, at a given electrode potential.
where in is the average transfer current density (from the This would be obscured in Equation (9) because of the
matrix phase to the solution phase). V . i2 is the transfer shift of the equilibrium potential with concentration, and
current per unit volume of the electrode (A/cm3) and has io consequently has a fractional-power dependence on con-
the direction of an anodic current. centrations.
Electrode Processes For a single electrode reaction, a material balance on the
For a single electrode reaction, represented as solid phases shows how the porosity changes with the ex-
tent of reaction at each location within the electrode:
-ac= - A o V . i z
Faraday’s law is expressed as where
dri = (g) Y
ack U’.
in order to yield Di and ui. A porosity factor has already
been taken out; that is, cDi might logically be regarded to
be the effective diffusion coefficient of the species in the
pore solution in the same way that u is the effective con-
where U’ = - @2. This formidable equation indicates ductivity of the matrix. Estimation of such physical proper-
all the differential coefficients which must be known for an ties is considered again in a later section.
exact treatment of transient processes involving double- D, represents the effect of axial dispersion-the attenua-
layer charging. These differential coefficients have been tion of concentration gradients as a fluid flows through a
determined carefully for ideally polarizable mercury sur- porous medium. Plug flow does not prevail in the pores;
faces in relatively simple electrolytic soutions. Their estima- fluid near the wall moves more slowly than fluid toward
tion becomes inherently more difficult for solid surfaces, the center of the void space. The compensation for this
particularly in the presence of faradaic reactions. Nigan- convective nonideality appears as a diffusion phenomenon.
tion Equation (9), and the ratio K / U of the effective con- As in the classical secondary-current-distribution problem,
ductivities of the solution and matrix phases. the value of aio is unimportant as long as the backward re-
The first two, 6 and P, are ratios of the competing effects action can truly be neglected. In the Tafel case, the cur-
of ohmic potential drop and slow electrode kinetics. For rent distribution depends only on the parameter 8 and on
- 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
y=x/L (43)
Fig. 1. Reduced current distributions for Tafel The potential loss for Tafel polarization is plotted in Fig-
polarization with u = K. ure 3 under the condition of Equation (42). This corre-
sponds to the so-called “Tafel plot” and has a slope of
2.303 for low values of 6. As 6 increases, the potential drop
the ratio K / U . (For cathodic polarization in the Tafel range, due to resistance becomes important. For a high conduc-
replace aa by - a c in Equation (37) in order to use these tivity of one phase, a double Tafel slope results, as pointed
results.) For a small value of 8, the reaction is uniform; but out by Ksenzhek and Stender (1956b) and by Winsel
for large values of 8, the reaction takes place mainly at the (1962), among others. Thus, the lower curve in Figure 3
electrode interfaces. The ratio K / U serves to shift the reac- attains a slope of 4.605 for large 6. If both conductivities
tion from one face to the other so that the reaction is some- are finite, the ohmic contribution to the potential loss will
what more uniform as K approaches u at constant 6. eventually dominate. Thus, the upper curve in Figure 3
Curves for the linear-polarization equation would have becomes linear in 6, not linear in the logarithm of 6. The
the same general appearance as Figure 1. In analogy with behavior of both curves for large 6 illustrates the general
the classical problem of the secondary current distribu- rule that the ohmic potential drop becomes more important
tion, the reduced distribution depends only on the param- at large currents.
eter v and on the ratio K / U and is independent of the The Tafel approximation becomes poor at low currents.
magnitude of the current. The distribution becomes non- One cannot extrapolate Figure 3 since p@1( L ) should ap-
uniform for large values of V, that is, for large values of proach zero as 6 approaches zero. The backward reaction
the exchange current density, the specific interfacial area,
or the electrode thickness or for small values of the con-
ductivities. The ratio K / U still shifts the reaction from one
face to the other.
The distance to which the reaction can penetrate the
electrode determines how thick an electrode can be effec-
tively utilized. This penetration depth is characterized by
the length
Fig. 3. Potential of the metal backing plate as it depends on 6 .
Here B = &/RT (or -acF/RT for cathodic currents).
problems. Thick electrodes and low flow rates produce coefficient without any tortuosity factor.
In -
- d/sSC'/6
In -
3. Oxidation of organic pollutants and of CN- (24 to flow-through electrodes with an emphasis on electroanalyti-
0.1 pprn). cal applications.
4. Oxidation of organic surfactants. Reduction of foam- Only a small number of experimental porous electrode
ing in Solvay process for manufacture of NaZC03. studies have yielded kinetic information (Posey and Misra,
1966; Austin and Lerner, 1964), the potential-time dis-
5. Electro-organic synthesis where the need for careful
control of potential may have ruined attempts at scale up. charge behavior (Simonsson, 1973b, c ) , or the electro-
Many of these-both oxidations and reductions-are re- chemically active surface area (Euler, 1961). Information
lated to water pollution abatement. Others may have in- in these areas is needed to refine the models which are be-
dependent economic incentives. ing developed.
Some of these processes raise questions about new as-
pects of the system design such as
1. How to design a counter electrode to carry out a gas-
evolution reaction. The porosity of an electrode plays a major role in deter-
2. How to separate anode and cathode processes. mining its polarization behavior. The void volume con-
3. How to regenerate the electrodes in the case of lead tained within the electrode provides not only intimate con-
deposition. tact between solution and solid phases, as well as a reser-
4. How to carry out both reduction and oxidation on a voir of soluble species available for consumption, but also
waste stream. the necessary space for storage of solid products of reac-
5. How to balance oxidation needed in one process with tion. The effective solution and solid phase conductivities
reduction needed in a separate process. and the solution diffusion coefficient are found to be func-
tions of the porosity. The correspondence between theory
and experiment is strongly dependent on the values se-
EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS lected for the effective conductivities and diffusion coeffi-
cients as well as their functional dependence on porosity.
Current distribution within an electrode has been deter- Therefore, it is important that these parameters be either
mined by measuring the distribution of discharged mate- measured experimentally or predicted from appropriate
rial through the interior (see, for example, Brodd, 1966; equations.
Bro and Kang, 1971; Nagy and Bockris, 1972; Alkire, Meredith and Tobias ( 1962) have reviewed extensively
1968; Euler and Horn, 1965; Bode and Euler, 1966a, b; conduction in heterogeneous media. Equations were de-
Bode et al., 1966). This determination involves a wash-dry rived which predict the effective conductivity of solutions
operation followed by electrode sectioning, and this pro- in multiphase dispersions as a function of the volume frac-
cedure can result in a net reduction and a redistribution of tion occupied by the solution. The utility of these equations
material within the electrode. Sectioning the electrode also lies in their ability to account for changes in the effective
results in averaging the material in question over a non- solution conductivity of porous electrodes uhdergoing struc-
zero thickness and may result in an inaccurate picture of tflral changes during testing. Their results %uggest that the
the real current distribution. effective conductivity can be found by multiplying the
Current distribution can also be inferred by measuring bulk conductivity times the porosity raised to the three-
the potential distribution with reference electrodes located halves power. Gagnon (1973) showed that this relation-
in the electrode (Daniel’-Bek, 1948; Brodd, 1966) or by ood agreement with experimental results. Scho-
using a sectioned electrode and directly measuring the cur-
rent in each element (Coleman, 1951). However, sectioned
ship infi
field is
and akshinamurti (1948) have shown that the same
porosity factor can be used for the diffusion coefficient.
electrodes are usually inferior to sectioning because of the (The effective diffusion coefficient considered here is cDi
small distance involved, an exception being the MnOz elec- in terms of the diffusion coefficienyt introduced in Equa-
trode (Coleman, 1951). Studies on simulated single pores tion (20) .) Ksenzhek, Kalinovskii, and Baskin (1964)
(Will and Hess, 1973) have helped to examine micro- measured the conductivity of 1.ON sodium hydroxide solu-
structure problems. Gagnon and Austin (1971) formed a tion in porous nickel and carbon electrodes. Their results
composite Ag-AgzO electrode from five thin sections and suggest that the effective conductivity of the contained
determined the current distribution by disassembling and solution is proportional to 2 rather than as suggested
completing the discharge in each section. Panov et al. by Meredith and Tobias.
(1969) used a composite electrode of 15 sections with Direct measurement of the effective conductivity of a
provision for varying both solid and solution phase resist- solution in an inert porous material can be readily accom-
ance. The results are in good agreement with the calcula- plished and offers a check on the correlations mentioned
tions of Daniel’-Bek (1966) and of Newman and Tobias above. However, since porous electrodes have an electroni-
(1962). cally conducting solid phase, the passage of alternating or
Most investigations have tended to support the predic- direct current through the electrode (with the electrode
tions of porous-electrode theory. Haebler et al. (1970) acting as an inert separator) will be affected by the amount
reported results at odds with the predictions of Stein of current which passes through the solid phase by way of
The objective of this work was to extend the study by results were on the system air/water, and so the depen-
Biddulph and Stephens (1974) of the phenomenon of dence on gas density could not be confirmed. In this exten-
oscillations on sieve trays. The dimensionless group which sion of the work, the apparatus was modified to allow
was proposed earlier as a criterion for the onset of oscilla- various gas mixtures to be used. This was achieved by
tions was based on the work of Hinze (1965)and on dimen- converting the open system used previously into a sealed,
sional analysis. The group did appear to have consistent closed-circuit system. Mixtures of helium and air of vari-
critical values for full-wave oscillation and half-wave oui compositions were used to obtain densities lower than
oscillation for the results then available. However all these that of air. Mixtures of carbon dioxide and air were used