5 Forces
1.5.1 Balanced and unbalanced forces
★ Understand that the size, shape and velocity of objects can be altered by forces.
★ Identify different types of force and use free-body diagrams to show the magnitude and direction of all the
forces that act on an object.
★ Become familiar with load–extension graphs for an elastic solid and describe an experiment to show how
a spring behaves when it is stretched.
★ Understand that when several forces act simultaneously on an object that a resultant can be determined.
★ Know that, unless acted upon by a resultant force, an object will remain at rest or will continue moving
with a constant speed in a straight line.
★ Define the spring constant and the limit of proportionality on a load–extension graph.
★ Apply the equation = P to calculate force and acceleration.
★ State Newton’s third law of motion.
A gravitational force causes a freely falling object to accelerate and keeps a satellite moving in a
circular path. Clearly a force can change the speed or direction of travel of an object. A force can also
change the shape or size of an object. If you stand on an empty paper carton it will change its shape
and if you pull on a spiral spring it will stretch. Several forces may act on an object at once and it is
useful to calculate a resultant force to predict their combined effect; both the size and direction of
the forces are needed for this. You have already learnt how to quantify some of these changes and in
this topic you will learn more ways to do so.
Types of force
A force is a push or a pull. There are different types These forces do not require contact between
of forces. You have already found that weight is a objects. A force can cause an object at rest to move,
gravitational force and will learn later that there are or if the body is already moving it can change its
magnetic forces between magnets (Topic 4.1) and speed or direction of motion.
electrostatic forces between charges (Topic 4.2).
▲ Figure 1.5.1 A weightlifter in action exerts first a pull and then a push.
1.5.1 Balanced and unbalanced forces
A force can also change a body’s shape or size. For in relative motion. Other contact forces are the
example, a spring (or wire) will stretch when loaded force experienced by an object at rest on a surface
with a weight. (Figure 1.5.4 on p. 33) and the tension that occurs
Contact forces occur between objects that in a string or spring (Figure 1.5.2) being stretched
are touching each other. These include drag and (elastic force).
air resistance which are resistive forces caused Thrust is a sudden force (driving force) in a
by the motion of an object through a fluid such particular direction.
as a liquid or air. They act against the direction The forces on an object can be represented in a
of motion of the object to slow it down as does free-body diagram (Figure 1.5.4, p. 33).
friction, which occurs between two solid surfaces
Elastic deformation
Practical work
Sometimes it is easier to discover laws by 1 What is the shape of the graph you plotted?
displaying the results on a graph. Do this on 2 Do the results suggest any rule about how the
graph paper by plotting total extension along spring behaves when it is stretched?
the x-axis (horizontal axis) and load along the 3 What precautions could you take to improve
y-axis (vertical axis) in a load–extension graph. the accuracy of the results of this experiment?
Every pair of readings will give a point; mark 4 How could you test if the extension of the
spring is proportional to the stretching force?
The graph of Figure 1.5.3 is for a spring stretched Load–extension graphs similar to Figure 1.5.3 are
beyond its limit of proportionality, E. OE is a straight obtained. You should label each axis of your graph
line passing through the origin O and is graphical with the name of the quantity or its symbol followed
proof that the extension is directly proportional to by / and the unit, as shown in Figure 1.5.3.
the stretching force over this range. If the force for The limit of proportionality can be defined as the
point A on the graph is applied to the spring, the point at which the load–extension graph becomes
proportionality limit is passed and on removing the non-linear because the extension is no longer
force some of the extension (OS) remains. proportional to the stretching force.
A Worked example
A spring is stretched 10 mm (0.01 m) by a weight of 2.0 N.
stretching force / N
a the spring constant
b the weight of an object that causes an extension of
80 mm (0.08 m).
2.0 N
a k= F = = 200 N/m
x 0.01m
b = W W QJ IR
S total extension/mm = ×
= 1P× P
▲ Figure 1.5.3 = 1
2N 3N
Going further
▲ Figure 1.5.4
force meter
(0–10 N)
1 kg
▲ Figure 1.5.7a
▲ Figure 1.5.5 The design of an offshore oil platform
requires an understanding of the combination of many
Test yourself
and together are balanced by and 6 Jo, Daniel and Helen are pulling a metal ring.
so their resultant must be a force equal Jo pulls with a force of 100 N in one direction
and opposite to . and Daniel with a force of 140 N in the opposite
direction. If the ring does not move, what force does
Complete the parallelogram OACB. Helen exert if she pulls in the same direction as Jo?
Measure the diagonal OC; if it is equal 7 A boy drags a suitcase along the ground with a
in size (i.e. 9.8 cm) and opposite in force of 100 N. If the frictional force opposing the
direction to then it represents the motion of the suitcase is 50 N, what is the resultant
resultant of and . forward force on the suitcase?
8 A picture is supported by two vertical strings.
C If the weight of the picture is 50 N, what is the
force exerted by each string?
9 Using a scale of 1 cm to represent 10 N, find the
size and direction of the resultant of forces of 30 N
and 40 N acting at right angles to each other.
O Newton’s first law
Use the scale 1 cm 1N
Friction and air resistance cause a car to come to
rest when the engine is switched off. If these forces
9.8 cm
Key definitions
Newton’s first law of motion an object either remains at
rest or continues to move in a straight line at constant
speed unless acted on by a resultant force
Resultant force may change the velocity of an object by
changing its direction of motion or its speed
1.5.1 Balanced and unbalanced forces
Practical work
Repeat using first two and then three identical first one trolley, then two (stacked one above
pieces of elastic, stretched side by side by the the other) and finally three. Check the friction
same amount, to give two and three units of force. compensation of the runway each time.
If you are using tickertape, make a tape chart Find the accelerations from the tape charts or
for each force and use it to find the acceleration computer plots and tabulate the results.
produced in cm/ten-tick2. Ignore the start of the
Mass ( )/(no. of trolleys) 1 2 3
tape (where the dots are too close) and the end
(where the force may not be steady). If you use a Acceleration ( )/cm/ten-tick2 or m/s 2
motion sensor and computer to plot a speed–time
graph, the acceleration can be obtained in m/s2 7 For part (a), does a steady force cause a
from the slope of the graph (Topic 1.2). steady acceleration?
8 Do your results in part (a) suggest any
Put the results in a table.
relationship between acceleration and
Force ( )/(no. of pieces of elastic) 1 2 3 force ?
9 Do your results for part (b) suggest any
Acceleration ( )/cm/ten-tick2 or m/s 2
relationship between and P?
10 Name the two independent variable quantities
(b) Mass and acceleration (force constant)
in experiments (a) and (b).
Do the experiment as in part (a) using two 11 How could you use the results to verify the
pieces of elastic (i.e. constant ) to accelerate equation = P ?
Newton’s second law This is Newton’s second law of motion. When using
it, two points should be noted. First, is the resultant
The previous experiment should show roughly that (or unbalanced) force causing the acceleration in the
the acceleration is same direction as . Second, must be in newtons,
(i) directly proportional to the applied force for a P in kilograms and in metres per second squared,
fixed mass, i.e. ∝ , and otherwise is not 1. The law shows that will be
(ii) inversely proportional to the mass P for a fixed largest when is large and P small.
force, i.e. ∝ 1/P.
Combining the results into one equation, we get Key definition
F Newton’s second law of motion
a∝ resultant force = mass × acceleration ( = P )
You should now appreciate that when the forces acting
∝P on a body do not balance there is a net (resultant)
Therefore force which causes a change of motion, i.e. the
body accelerates or decelerates. The force and the
= P acceleration are in the same direction. If the forces
where is the constant of proportionality. balance, there is no change in the motion of the body.
One newton is defined as the force which However, there may be a change of shape, in which
gives a mass of 1 kg an acceleration of 1 m/s2, case internal forces in the body (i.e. forces between
i.e. 1 N = 1 kg m/s2, so if P = 1 kg and = 1 m/s2, neighbouring atoms) balance the external forces.
then = 1 N.
Substituting in = P , we get = 1 and so we
can write
resultant force = mass × acceleration
1.5.1 Balanced and unbalanced forces
Test yourself Note that the pair of equal and opposite forces
10 Which one of the diagrams in Figure 1.5.11 shows do not act on the same body; if they did, there could
the arrangement of forces that gives the block of
never be any resultant forces and acceleration would
mass M the greatest acceleration?
be impossible. For a book resting on a table, the
book exerts a downward force on the table and the
10 N 12 N 2N 4N
M M table exerts an equal and opposite upward force on
the book; this pair of forces act on different objects
and are represented by the red arrows in Figure
20 N 40 N 20 N 30 N
M M 1.5.13. The weight of the book (blue arrow) does
not form a pair with the upward force on the book
▲ Figure 1.5.11 (although they are equal numerically) as these two
forces act on the same body.
11 In Figure 1.5.12 if P is a force of 20 N and the object
moves with constant velocity, what is the value of An appreciation of the third law and the effect
the opposing force F? of friction is desirable when stepping from a rowing
boat (Figure 1.5.14). You push backwards on the boat
object and, although the boat pushes you forwards with
an equal force, it is itself now moving backwards
▲ Figure 1.5.12 (because friction with the water is slight). This
12 a What resultant force produces an acceleration reduces your forwards motion by the same amount –
of 5 m/s2 in a car of mass 1000 kg? so you may fall in!
b What acceleration is produced in a mass of 2 kg
by a resultant force of 30 N?
push of table
contact on book
force pair pull of Earth
push of book
on book
on table
force pair
pull of book
on Earth
▲ Figure 1.5.14 The boat moves backwards when you step forwards!
1.5.2 Friction
★ Understand that friction between surfaces acts to slow an object and produces heating.
★ Describe the motion of objects falling with and without air resistance or drag.
★ Explain how an object reaches terminal velocity.
★ Describe how the overall stopping distance of a car is affected by its speed and by factors that affect the
friction forces or factors that affect the driver’s reaction time.
Friction between a moving object and its surroundings is important as it acts to reduce the speed of
the object. A steady braking force applied to a car produces a uniform deceleration. The car slows
down and stops. The distance the car moves while it is braking depends on the size of the resultant
force, which depends on the force applied by the brakes and the size of the friction force.
A falling object accelerates due to the pull of gravity, however drag force caused by air resistance
reduces the acceleration. If the size of the drag force increases so that it is balanced by the object’s
weight, then the resultant force is zero and the object will move at constant speed.
Friction is the force that opposes one surface tend to when we walk on ice. On the other hand,
moving, or trying to move, over another. It can be engineers try to reduce friction to a minimum in the
a help or a hindrance. We could not walk if there moving parts of machinery by using lubricating oils
was no friction between the soles of our shoes and and ball-bearings.
the ground. Our feet would slip backwards, as they
1.5.2 Friction
the braking distance. The braking distance becomes object, like a raindrop, or an object with a large
longer when the load carried by the vehicle is surface area, such as a parachute, has a low terminal
increased. velocity and only accelerates over a comparatively
short distance before air resistance equals its
Air resistance: terminal weight. A skydiver (Figure 1.5.16) has a terminal
velocity of more than 50 m/s (180 km/h) before the
velocity parachute is opened.
Objects falling in liquids behave similarly to
In the absence of air resistance, a falling object has a
those falling in air.
constant acceleration as shown in the distance–time
graph of Figure 1.2.9 on p. 19. However, we cannot
usually ignore the effect of air resistance. As the
object accelerates, the air resistance opposing its
motion increases as its speed rises. This reduces its
acceleration; the acceleration is no longer constant.
Eventually, air resistance acting upwards equals
the weight of the object acting downwards. The
resultant force on the object is then zero since the
gravitational force balances the frictional force. The
object falls at a constant velocity, called its terminal
velocity, whose value depends on the size, shape and
weight of the object. Figure 1.2.3c on p. 14 shows the
speed–time graph for an object that is decreasing its
acceleration and approaching a terminal velocity.
A small dense object, such as a steel ball-bearing,
has a high terminal velocity and falls a considerable
distance with a constant acceleration of 9.8 m/ s2
before air resistance equals its weight. A light ▲ Figure 1.5.16 Synchronised skydivers
There are many examples of bodies moving in circular paths: rides at a funfair, clothes being spun
dry in a washing machine, the planets going round the Sun, and the Moon circling the Earth. When
a car turns a corner, it may follow an arc of a circle. ‘Throwing the hammer’ is a sport practised at
Highland Games in Scotland (Figure 1.5.17), in which the hammer is whirled round and round before
it is released.
To keep an object moving in a circular path requires for a whirling hammer, it is the force exerted on the
a force to act towards the centre of the circle. In handle of the hammer by the athlete. The size of the
the case of a satellite orbiting the Earth, that force force depends on a number of factors.
is provided by the Earth’s gravitational attraction;
1.5.3 Circular motion
Going further
Satellites Communication satellites
For a satellite of mass P orbiting the Earth at radius Communication satellites circle the Earth in orbits
with orbital speed Y, the centripetal force, , is the above the equator. Geostationary satellites have an
Earth’s gravitational force on the mass. orbit high above the equator (36 000 km); they travel
with the same speed as the Earth rotates, so appear
To put an artificial satellite in orbit at a certain height
to be stationary at a particular point above the Earth’s
above the Earth it must enter the orbit at the correct
surface – their orbital period is 24 hours. They are used
speed. If it does not, the force of gravity, which
for transmitting television, intercontinental telephone
decreases as height above the Earth increases,
and data signals. Geostationary satellites need to be
will not be equal to the centripetal force needed
well separated so that they do not interfere with each
for the orbit.
other; there is room for about 400.
Monitoring satellites
Monitoring satellites circle the Earth rapidly in low
polar orbits, i.e. passing over both poles; at a height of
850 km the orbital period is only 100 minutes. The Earth
rotates below them so they scan the whole surface at
short range in a 24-hour period and can be used to map
or monitor regions of the Earth’s surface which may
be inaccessible by other means. They are widely used
in weather forecasting as they continuously transmit
infrared pictures of cloud patterns down to Earth
(Figure 1.5.19), which are picked up in turn by receiving
stations around the world. ▲ Figure 1.5.19 Satellite image of cloud over Europe
Test yourself
16 An apple is whirled round in a horizontal circle on 17 Is the gravitational force on a satellite greater or
the end of a string which is tied to the stalk. It is less when it is in a high orbit than when it is in
whirled faster and faster and at a certain speed a low orbit?
the apple is torn from the stalk. Explain why this
A seesaw in a children’s playground can be balanced if the two children have similar weights or if
the lighter child sits further from the pivot than the heavier child. Each child exerts a turning effect
on the seesaw, either clockwise or anticlockwise, which depends not only on their weight but also on
their distance from the pivot. Forces act in different ways depending on their orientation. In this topic
you will discover that the turning effect of a force (its moment) depends on both its magnitude and
the perpendicular distance from the pivot point. This means that a small force at a large distance can
balance a much larger force applied closer to the pivot. When the combination of all the forces acting
on a body is such that there is no net force or turning effect, the body is in equilibrium (the seesaw is
level) and will not move unless additional forces are applied.
1.5.4 Turning effect of forces
Moment of a force a
The handle on a door is at the outside edge so
hinge (fulcrum)
that it opens and closes easily. A much larger force O
would be needed if the handle were near the hinge.
Similarly, it is easier to loosen a nut with a long
spanner than with a short one. F 5N
The turning effect of a force is called the moment
of the force. It depends on both the size of the force b
and how far it is applied from the pivot. It is measured
by multiplying the force by the perpendicular distance 1.5 m 1.5 m
of the line of action of the force from the pivot.
The unit is the newton metre (N m). F 5N
PRP QW RI IR = IR × S S QG O G W Q ▲ Figure 1.5.20
Balancing a beam
Key definition
To balance a beam about a pivot, like the ruler
Moment of a force moment = force × perpendicular
distance from pivot
in Figure 1.5.21, the weights must be moved
so that the clockwise turning effect equals the
anticlockwise turning effect and the net moment on
In Figure 1.5.20a, a force acts on a gate at its
the beam becomes zero. If the beam tends to swing
edge, and in Figure 1.5.20b it acts at the centre.
clockwise, P can be moved further from the pivot
In Figure 1.5.20a:
to increase its turning effect; alternatively, P can
PRP QW RI R W2= 1× P= 1P be moved nearer to the pivot to reduce its turning
In Figure 1.5.20b: effect. What adjustment would you make to the
position of P to balance the beam if it is tending
PRP QW RI R W2= 1× P= 1P to swing anticlockwise?
The turning effect of is greater in the first case. This
agrees with the fact that a gate opens most easily when
pushed or pulled at the edge furthest from the hinge.
Practical work
is trying to turn the ruler anticlockwise and 12 Name the variables you will need to measure
× is its moment. is trying to cause in this experiment.
clockwise turning and its moment is × . 13 Calculate the moments of a force of 5 N acting
When the ruler is balanced or, as we say, at a perpendicular distance from the pivot of
in equilibrium, the results should show that a 10 cm
the anticlockwise moment × equals the b 15 cm
clockwise moment × . c 30 cm.
1.5.4 Turning effect of forces
How does the effort compare with the load for fulcrum
scissors and a spanner in Figures 15.24c and d?
OA 10 cm effort
OB 200 cm
effort load
fulcrum Conditions for equilibrium
Sometimes a number of parallel forces act on an
object so that it is in equilibrium. We can then say:
(i) The sum of the forces in one direction equals the
▲ Figure 1.5.23 Crowbar sum of the forces in the opposite direction.
effort (ii) The law of moments must apply.
When there is no resultant force and no resultant
moment, an object is in equilibrium.
Key definition
Equilibrium when there is no resultant force and no
resultant moment
Test yourself
20 The metre ruler in Figure 1.5.26 is pivoted at 21 A seesaw has a weight of 60 N placed 0.5 m from the
its centre. If it balances, which of the following pivot and a weight of 20 N is placed on the opposite
equations gives the mass of ? side of the pivot at a distance of 1.5 m from the pivot.
A + 50 = 40 + 100 Is the seesaw balanced? Justify your answer.
B × 40 = 100 × 50 22 The beam shown in Figure 1.5.27 is balanced with
C × 50 = 100 × 40 weights of 160 N, 120 N and in the positions shown.
D /50 = 40/100 Calculate the value of .
50 cm 40 cm 3m 3m
1m pivot
M 100 g
160 N 120 N W
▲ Figure 1.5.26
▲ Figure 1.5.27
Why are tall vehicles more likely to topple over on a slope than less tall ones? The answer lies in
the position of the centre of gravity. In the presence of gravity an object behaves as if its entire
mass is concentrated at a single point, the centre of gravity. The object’s weight appears to act at
this point. For a symmetrical object, such as a ball, the centre of gravity will be at its centre. In this
topic, you will learn that when an object is suspended so that it can swing freely, it comes to rest with
its centre of gravity vertically below the point of suspension. This enables the centre of gravity of
unsymmetrical objects to be located. You will discover that it is the position of the centre of gravity
that controls stability against toppling. If the centre of gravity remains within the footprint of the
base of the object, it remains stable.
Centre of gravity any other point it topples because the moment of its
weight about the point of support is not zero, as
An object behaves as if its whole mass were in Figure 1.5.28b. The centre of gravity is sometimes
concentrated at one point, called its centre of also termed the centre of mass.
gravity even though the Earth attracts every part of
it. The object’s weight can be considered to act at
Key definition
this point. The centre of gravity of a uniform ruler
Centre of gravity the point through which all of an
is at its centre and when supported there it can be object’s weight can be considered to act
balanced, as in Figure 1.5.28a. If it is supported at
1.5.5 Centre of gravity
Practical work
Centre of gravity of an irregularly shaped the lamina from a third hole. Also try balancing it
lamina at its centre of gravity on the tip of your forefinger.
Suppose we have to find the centre of gravity A
of an irregularly shaped lamina (a thin sheet) of hole nail clamped
in stand
cardboard. lamina C
centre of gravity
Make a hole A in the lamina and hang it so that
it can swing freely on a nail clamped in a stand. D B
It will come to rest with its centre of gravity plumb line
vertically below A. To locate the vertical line
through A, tie a plumb line (a thread and a
weight) to the nail (Figure 1.5.31), and mark its ▲ Figure 1.5.31
position AB on the lamina. The centre of gravity 14 a How could you make a plumb line?
lies somewhere on AB. b Explain the purpose and use of a plumb
Hang the lamina from another position, C, and line.
mark the plumb line position CD. The centre of 15 When an object is suspended and allowed to
gravity lies on CD and must be at the point of swing freely, where does its centre of gravity
intersection of AB and CD. Check this by hanging lie when it comes to rest?
centre of
▲ Figure 1.5.32 ▲ Figure 1.5.33a A fire truck under test to find its centre of
Toppling can be investigated by placing an empty
can on a plank (with a rough surface to prevent
slipping) which is slowly tilted. The angle of tilt
is noted when the can falls over. This is repeated
with a mass of 1 kg in the can. How does this affect
the position of the centre of gravity? The same
procedure is followed with a second can of the same
height as the first but of greater width. It will be
found that the second can with the mass in it can
be tilted through the greater angle.
The stability of a body is therefore increased by
(i) lowering its centre of gravity, and
(ii) increasing the area of its base.
In Figure 1.5.33a the centre of gravity of a fire
truck is being found. It is necessary to do this when
testing a new design since fire trucks are often
driven over sloping surfaces and any tendency to
overturn must be discovered. ▲ Figure 1.5.33b A coach being tilted to test its stability
1.5.5 Centre of gravity
Going further
Balancing tricks and toys
Some tricks that you can try or toys you can make
Three terms are used in connection with stability. are shown in Figure 1.5.35. In each case the centre
of gravity is vertically below the point of support
Stable equilibrium and equilibrium is stable.
An object is in stable equilibrium if when slightly
displaced and then released it returns to its previous needle
position. The ball at the bottom of the dish in Figure
1.5.34a is an example. Its centre of gravity rises when cork
it is displaced. It rolls back because its weight has a
moment about the point of contact that acts to reduce
the displacement.
dish ball
point of contact
centre weight
card cork
of mass
centre of mass
spar thick
bull-dog clip
point of matchsticks
iron nut
Unstable equilibrium
An object is in unstable equilibrium if it moves
further away from its previous position when slightly
displaced and released. The ball in Figure 1.5.34b
behaves in this way. Its centre of gravity falls when
it is displaced slightly because there is a moment
which increases the displacement. Similarly, in Figure
1.5.28a the balanced ruler is in unstable equilibrium.
Neutral equilibrium
An object is in neutral equilibrium if it stays in its new
position when displaced (Figure 1.5.34c). Its centre
of gravity does not rise or fall because there is no
moment to increase or decrease the displacement.
▲ Figure 1.5.36 A self-righting toy
Test yourself
23 Where does the centre of gravity lie for a
a uniform ruler
b sphere of uniform density? A B C
24 a When does an object topple?
b How can the stability of an object be increased?
25 Figure 1.5.37 shows a Bunsen burner in three
different positions. State the type of equilibrium
when it is in position
i A ▲ Figure 1.5.37
ii B
iii C.
Revision checklist
After studying Topic 1.5 you should know and ✓ combine forces acting along the same straight line
understand: to find their resultant
✓ the significance of the term limit of proportionality ✓ recall the equation resultant force = mass ×
✓ Newton’s first law of motion acceleration =P and use it to solve problems
✓ friction as the force between two surfaces that ✓ define the thinking distance, braking distance
impedes motion and results in heating and that and stopping distance for a vehicle when a driver
friction also acts on an object moving through applies the brakes and explain the factors that
the air or a liquid affect thinking and braking distance
✓ that Newton's third law of motion describes pairs ✓ explain how an object falling in a fluid reaches
of forces of the same type acting on different terminal velocity
objects ✓ describe qualitatively motion in a circular path
✓ the conditions for equilibrium due to a perpendicular force and recall that the
✓ that an object’s weight acts through the centre of force required to maintain circular motion changes
gravity. when the speed, radius of orbit or mass changes
✓ define the moment of a force about a pivot and
After studying Topic 1.5 you should be able to:
give everyday examples; recall the principle of
✓ recall that a force can cause a change in the
moments and use it to solve problems, including
motion, size or shape of a body
the balancing of a beam
✓ identify and show different types of force on
✓ recall that an object behaves as if its whole mass
free-body diagrams
acts through its centre of gravity
✓ describe an experiment to study the relation
✓ describe an experiment to find the centre of gravity
between force and extension for springs; plot and
of an object and connect the stability of an object
draw conclusions from load–extension graphs
to the position of its centre of gravity.
✓ define the spring constant and use the equation
spring constant = force/extension = to solve
Exam-style questions
Exam-style questions
1 a Describe how you would investigate the 3 Two forces of 5 N and 12 N act at a point.
variation of the extension of a spring when a The two forces first act in opposite directions.
different loads are applied. Mention two i Make a sketch showing the direction
precautions you would take to obtain of the forces. [2]
accurate results. [6] ii Calculate the resultant of the forces
b The table below shows the results obtained and mark its direction on your sketch. [2]
in an experiment to study the stretching b The two forces then act at 90° to each other.
of a spring. Copy the table and fill in the Calculate the magnitude and direction of the
missing values. What can you say about the resultant force by calculation. [6]
relationship between the extension of the [Total: 10]
spring and the stretching force? [4] 4 Starting from rest on a level road, a girl can
reach a speed of 5 m/s in 10 s on her bicycle.
Stretching Scale Extension/ a Calculate the acceleration. [2]
Mass/g force/N reading/mm mm
b Calculate the average speed during the 10 s. [2]
0 20.0 0 c Calculate the distance she travels in 10 s. [2]
100 20.2 d Eventually, even though she still pedals as
200 20.4
fast as she can, she stops accelerating and
her speed reaches a maximum value. Explain
300 20.6 in terms of the forces acting why this
400 20.8 happens. [2]
500 21.0
[Total: 8]
5 Explain the following using = P .
[Total: 10] a A racing car has a powerful engine and is
2 The spring in Figure 1.5.38 stretches from 10 cm made of strong but lightweight material. [3]
to 22 cm when a force of 4 N is applied. b A car with a small engine can still
a Calculate the spring constant of the accelerate rapidly. [3]
spring. [3] [Total: 6]
b If the extension is proportional to the 6 A rocket has a mass of 500 kg.
stretching force when a force of a Calculate the weight of the rocket
6 N is applied, calculate on Earth where = 9.8 N/kg. [1]
i the new extension length of the b At lift-off the rocket engine exerts an
spring [2] upward force of 25 000 N.
ii the final length in cm of the spring. [1] i Calculate the resultant force on the
rocket. [2]
ii Calculate the initial acceleration of
the rocket. [3]
10 cm
22 cm [Total: 6]
▲ Figure 1.5.38
[Total: 6]
▲ Figure 1.5.41
Alternative to Practical
Alternative to Practical
13 A physics class is asked to investigate the 15 In an experiment to investigate the law of
extension of a stretched spring. moments, a half-metre ruler is balanced at its
You will be supplied with a spring, a clamp stand, centre as shown in Figure 1.5.42.
a half-metre ruler, a set square and a hanger with
d1 d2
100 g weights and sticky tape.
a Describe how you would carry out the
experiment. [5]
b Suggest any precautions you would take to
fulcrum (nail through
achieve good results. [3] m1 hole in ruler) m2
[Total: 8]
▲ Figure 1.5.42
14 a The table below shows the extension of a
spring for increasing stretching forces. Masses of 50 g, 100 g and 150 g are placed in turn
at the positions given in the table below.
Stretching force/N 0 1 2 3 4 5 a Complete the table, filling in values for
Extension/mm 0 2 4 6 8.5 12 i the units at the head of each column [1]
ii force ( ) [2]
i Plot a graph with extension/mm along iii distance from pivot ( ) [2]
the -axis and stretching force/N on iv moment about pivot ( × ). [2]
the -axis. [4] b State which combinations of two different
ii Draw the best line through the points; masses could be used to balance the beam. [3]
mark the region over which
proportionality holds. [2] Mass/g Force/ Ruler reading/cm / × /
iii Indicate the limit of proportionality. [1] 50 5 A
b Calculate the gradient of the graph. [2] 50 10 B
c Determine the spring constant . [1]
50 15 C
[Total: 10]
50 20 D
100 30 E
100 35 F
100 40 G
150 20 H
150 35 I
[Total: 10]