ME 2203 Engineering Materials: Dr. Kazi Md. Shorowordi
ME 2203 Engineering Materials: Dr. Kazi Md. Shorowordi
ME 2203 Engineering Materials: Dr. Kazi Md. Shorowordi
• A phase may be defined as a homogeneous portion of a system that has uniform physical and
chemical characteristics.
• Every pure material is considered to be a phase; so also is every solid, liquid, and gaseous
• For example, the sugar–water syrup solution is one phase, and solid sugar is another.
– Each has different physical properties (one is a liquid, the other is a solid);
– furthermore, each is different chemically (i.e., has a different chemical composition);
– one is virtually pure sugar, the other is a solution of H2O and C12H22O11.
• If more than one phase is present in a given system, each will have its own distinct properties,
and a boundary separating the phases will exist across which there will be a discontinuous
and abrupt change in physical and/or chemical characteristics.
• When two phases are present in a system, it is not necessary that there be a difference in
both physical and chemical properties;
– a disparity in one or the other set of properties is sufficient.
– When water and ice are present in a container, two separate phases exist; they are physically dissimilar (one
is a solid, the other is a liquid) but identical in chemical makeup.
• Also, when a substance can exist in two or more polymorphic forms (e.g., having both FCC and
BCC structures), each of these structures is a separate phase because their respective physical
characteristics differ.
• A phase has the following characteristics:
1. the same structure or atomic arrangement throughout;
3. a definite interface between the phase and any surrounding or adjoining phases.
– Under these conditions, we have three phases coexisting: solid H2O, liquid H2O,
and gaseous H2O.
– Each of these forms of H2O is a distinct phase; each has a unique atomic
arrangement, unique properties, and a definite boundary between each form.
Illustration of phases and solubility:
(a) The three forms of water—gas, liquid, and solid—are each a phase.
(b) Water and alcohol have unlimited solubility.
(c) Salt and water have limited solubility. (d) Oil and water have virtually no solubility. 5
• Josiah Willard Gibbs (1839–1903) was a brilliant American physicist
and mathematician who conducted some of the most important
pioneering work related to thermodynamic equilibrium.
• As an example of the use of the phase rule, let’s consider the case of pure
magnesium (Mg).
• Figure in the following page shows a unary (C = 1) phase diagram in which the lines
divide the liquid, solid, and vapour phases.
– This unary phase diagram is also called a pressure-temperature or P-T diagram.
• Depending on the temperature and pressure, however, there may be one, two, or
even three phases present at any one time: solid magnesium, liquid magnesium, and
magnesium vapour.
• Note that at atmospheric pressure (one atmosphere, given by the dashed line),
– the intersection of the lines in the phase diagram give the usual melting and boiling
temperatures for magnesium.
– At very low pressures, a solid such as magnesium (Mg) can sublime, or go directly to a vapour
form without melting, when it is heated.
Schematic unary phase diagram for magnesium, showing the melting and
boiling temperatures at one atmosphere pressure.
On this diagram, point X is the triple point. 9
• Suppose we have a pressure and temperature that put us at point A in the
phase diagram.
• The phase rule tells us that there are two degrees of freedom.
Within limits, as seen in Figure, we can change the pressure the temperature, or both, and
still be in an all-liquid portion of the diagram.
Put another way, we must fix both the temperature and the pressure to know precisely where
we are in the liquid portion of the diagram. 10
• Consider point B, the boundary between the solid and liquid
portions of the diagram.
On the other hand, if we fix the pressure, the phase diagram tells us
the temperature that we must have if solid and liquid are to coexist.
• Finally, at point X, solid, liquid, and vapour coexist. While
the number of components is still one, there are three
A point on the phase diagram at which the solid, liquid, and gaseous
phases coexist under equilibrium conditions is the triple point.
• Components are pure metals and/or compounds of which an alloy is composed.
– For example, in a copper–zinc brass, the components are Cu and Zn.
• Represents the element or compound that is present in the greatest amount; on
occasion, solvent atoms are also called host atoms.
• is used to denote an element or compound present in a minor concentration.
• may refer to a specific body of material under consideration (e.g., a ladle of molten
• Or it may relate to the series of possible alloys consisting of the same components,
but without regard to alloy composition (e.g., the iron–carbon system).
• For many alloy systems and at some specific temperature,
– there is a maximum concentration of solute atoms that may
dissolve in the solvent to form a solid solution;
– This is called a solubility limit.
• For example, at 20C the maximum solubility of sugar in water is 65 wt%.
• As Figure 9.1 indicates, the solubility limit increases slightly with rising temperature.
• In metal alloys, microstructure is characterized by the
number of phases present, their proportions, and the
manner in which they are distributed or arranged.
• Equilibrium is another essential concept that is best described in terms of a
thermodynamic quantity called the free energy.
• In brief, free energy is a function of the internal energy of a system, and also
the randomness or disorder of the atoms or molecules (or entropy).
• A system is at equilibrium
– if its free energy is at a minimum under some specified combination of temperature,
pressure, and composition.
• In a macroscopic sense,
– this means that the characteristics of the system do not change with time but persist
– that is, the system is stable.
• A sugar–water syrup is contained in a closed vessel and the
solution is in contact with solid sugar at 20C.
– If the system is at equilibrium, the composition of the syrup is 65 wt%
and C12H22O11-35 wt% H2O (Figure 9.1), and the amounts and
compositions of the syrup and solid sugar will remain constant with time.
– Thus, some of the solid sugar will go into solution in the syrup.
• This will continue until the new equilibrium syrup concentration is established at
the higher temperature.