Shadows Lesson
Shadows Lesson
Shadows Lesson
Science VA SOL Health VA SOL NGSS (You may have to look to a different
K.8 The student will investigate and K.1.e Describe different types of physical grade level for the connection)
understand that light influences activity and recognize the need for regular 1-ESS1-2. Make observation at different
temperature on Earth’s surfaces and can physical activity. times of year to relate the amount of
cause shadows. Key ideas include daylight to the time of year.
a) the sun provides light and warms Earth’s
b) shadows can be produced when sunlight
or artificial light is blocked by an object; and
c) objects in shadows and objects in sunlight
have different temperatures.
Science & Engineering Practices: (You must tie engineering practices into your plan)
make observations and investigate to determine the effect of sunlight on Earth’s surface (K.8 a)
demonstrate how shadows change as the direction of the light source changes (K.8 b)
Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
Students may think that the sun is the only object that casts shadows
May not correlate the seasons/temperature to the amount of sunlight during the day
Students will create their own shadow puppet and demonstrate the idea that shadows happen when light is blocked by an object (K.8c)
1. At their desks, students will use a black permanent marker to color a basic shape onto the cap of a pringle can (5 minutes)
2. They will fill in the shape completely
3. Collect markers when done
4. Turn off lights
5. Allow students to come up one by one and hold their cap in front of a flashlight
6. Review the concept of shadows
7. Relate the activity back to the Engaging activity
8. The black sharpie(tree) is blocking the flashlight(sunlight)
Allow students to move closer and further away from the light to show how the shadow size changes.
Shadow: dark area produced from an object blocking light
Shade: darkness and coolness caused by shelter from direct sunlight
Temperatures: degree of heat (connect with warm and cold- higher temperatures are warmer, lower temperatures are colder)
Guiding Questions:
- What activities can/do we do outside?
- How do you feel after you stay out in the sun too long?
- What is a way to keep cool from the sun?
Allow students to connect outside physical activity with the need to keep cool in the heat. Students an discuss the importance of
physical activity, hydration, and keeping cool when out in the hot sun. (K.1.e)
Counter Bear/ small action figure of your choice
Popsicle stick
Toilet paper roll
Construction paper
After this activity, discuss what aspect of the student’s projects worked and what did not. Allow students who did not achieve their goal
time to adjust their object. Retest their object inside with a flashlight as an alternative.
Students will be assessed one on one by the teacher to see if they understand the concept of shadows. Give students a dry erase marker
and allow them to circle and draw in their answers.
3 2 1
Circling Activity Student circled all correct Student circles at least one Student cannot circle any
objects that create shadows object that creates shadows object that can create shadows
Sunlight Activity Student correctly draws where Student attempts to draw the Student cannot draw where the
sun would be to cause a sun where it would create a sun would be to cause a
shadow shadow; may not be perfectly shadow