Ejmbe 10 2017 0027
Ejmbe 10 2017 0027
Ejmbe 10 2017 0027
Brand authenticity leads to value and
perceived value and brand trust brand trust
Asuncion Hernandez-Fernandez
Department of Marketing and Market Research, Faculty of Economics,
University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain, and
Mathieu Collin Lewis Received 20 October 2017
University of North Caroline Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina, USA Revised 5 December 2018
Accepted 22 April 2019
Purpose – This paper investigates consumer perceptions of brand authenticity (BA), perceived value (PV )
and brand trust (BT) into the context of craft beer market. The purpose of this paper is to examine the
statistical associations between these constructs as well as the three antecedents of BA: individuality,
consistency and continuity.
Design/methodology/approach – The survey, delivered in an online format, was completed by 749
respondents from the USA. These respondents were gained through a basic simple random sampling
technique. After conducting data analysis techniques such as reliability, correlation and regression, all five
research hypotheses were accepted.
Findings – All three antecedents of BA were found to have significant influence on the first-order construct.
Also, BA was shown to have a substantial effect on both PV and BT. The relationship between brand
individuality and BA was the most significant of the five, while the association between BA and PV was
found to be the least significant.
Originality/value – Prior research on BA, the majority of which has involved a qualitative approach, has
been severely limited. The authors’ work deepens the study of the effects of BA, or its various antecedents, on
PV and BT, enhancing the research with an empirical, quantitative analysis. In addition to the shortage of
investigation related to these factors, there has been a nearly complete absence of the application of these
variables to the craft beer market.
Keywords Perceived value, Brand trust, Brand authenticity, Craft beer market,
Individuality, Consistency, Continuity
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
Nowadays, consumers are faced with increasing commercialization of products and a
globalization market (Morhart et al., 2015). Consumers look for brands that are relevant and
genuine. They increasingly search for authenticity in brands because of authenticity has
overtaken quality as the prevailing purchasing criterion (Gilmore and Pine, 2007).
Authenticity begins to capture interest amongst marketers, keen to analyze on consumer
preference for authentic offerings (Taheri et al., 2018), which enhances consumer experience
(both in terms of the consumer’s subjectivity and in relation to their experience with others).
Therefore, delivering authentic experiences to consumers is necessary (Kim and Bonn, 2016).
While the more-general concepts of branding, brand equity and brand loyalty have been
studied in great detail by a variety of authors (Šeinauskienė et al., 2015; Abril and Rodriguez-
Cánovas, 2016; Yeh et al., 2016), little examination of the brand authenticity (BA) construct has
been conducted (Morhart et al., 2015), presenting a significant research gap. This sentiment is
2. Literature review
2.1 The BA construct
The concept of BA, while a recent focus of modern researchers, has grown and evolved
rapidly both in definition and conceptualization. The result of this rapid development is a
plethora of definitions created by an array of authors. It can be said that authenticity is a
much more complex phenomenon than the simple fact of being genuine or original, although
this view is evident in many early definitions (Alexander, 2009). Social-scientific sources
hardly ever attempt to pinpoint the meaning of authenticity with any degree of precision,
due to it being so notoriously difficult to define. They typically opt for a more or less
comprehensive enumeration of meanings and connotations (O’Neill et al., 2014).
The concept of authenticity has its roots in Greek philosophy (“To thine own self be true”).
Later studies approach authenticity from a diverse approach as “a general preoccupation of
modern Western culture” (Liu, Yannopoulou, Bian and Elliott, 2015) immerse in a competition
in lifestyle display multicultural (Potter, 2010), as manifestations and antecedents in
marketing communications (Ibarra, 2015), and as authenticity in the leadership tending to
latch on to authenticity as an excuse for sticking with what is comfortable for ourselves
(Liu, Cutcher and Grant, 2015). Or, as marketing literature (Gilmore and Pine, 2007) puts it,
stands as “authenticity is what consumers want” (O’Neill et al., 2014). In sum, authenticity is
often used to denote a product or other object that is the real, genuine article and not an
imitation (Chhabra and Kim, 2018). In this sense, consumers tend to seek traditional or
historical products in their pursuit of authentic encounters.
This is particularly noteworthy in the craft beer market, as many companies advertise
traditional methods of production, while opting out of including the current, industrial
aspects that are truly at the heart of modern manufacturing. Until recently, much of the
authenticity research has focused on a single dimension: how real or genuine a product is
another example of this can be found in the work of Fine (2003) as the author describes self- Perceived
taught artistic endeavors as consisting of sincerity, innocence and originality. Contrary to value and
this belief, many studies have shown that authenticity can, in fact, reveal itself in a brand trust
multitude of ways for different products or categories (Lu et al., 2015).
According to Interbrand (2014, p. 68), “The brand is soundly based on an internal truth
and capability. It has a defined heritage and a well-grounded value set. It can deliver against
the (high) expectations that customers have of it”. While Beverland’s et al. (2008) research
primarily focused on exploratory, qualitative findings in specific industries such as luxury
wines, many additional and important insights were gleaned about the components of BA:
links to past, handcrafted methods, respect for traditions and cultural links.
Overall, the message of authenticity has advanced greatly over the years, from a simple
reassurance of genuine merchandise or service (Beverland et al., 2008) to a more powerful
and cohesive message of non-commercial differentiation and deeply rooted firm values (Kim
and Bonn, 2016). In a recent dissertation, Coary (2013) defined BA in a simplistic manner:
“genuineness in its product and its principles” (p. 7). This belief of authenticity as having
strong values and principles is evidently shared by Schallehn et al. (2014) after reviewing the
measurement scale for BA used in their research.
Regarding the understanding of BA and its antecedents, Beverland et al. (2008) has been
a powerful influence. According to this author, authenticity possesses six dimensions or
attributes: heritage and pedigree, stylistic consistency, quality commitments, relationship to
place, method of production and downplaying commercial interests. As is the case in other
frameworks that will be discussed later, this model includes consistency as an antecedent
of authenticity. While these attributes cannot be generalized to many industries, the
application of them to the craft beer market is undeniable.
Bruhn et al. (2012) developed a scale for measuring consumers’ perceptions of BA. In this
research, authenticity is examined in the context of containing four dimensions. Through
literature review and qualitative studies, the antecedents are identified as continuity,
originality, reliability and naturalness. These four dimensions differ greatly from those
derived in the work of Napoli et al. (2014). According to these authors, BA is represented by
only three factors: quality commitment, sincerity and heritage. These dimensions are the
result of a factor analysis consisting of 14 items, and the ensuing findings possess
convergent, discriminate and predictive validity (Napoli et al., 2014).
According to Eggers et al. (2013), BA consists of BCons, brand customer orientation and
brand congruency. This conception shares a distinct similarity with the model developed the
next year by Schallehn et al. (2014), one that is referenced frequently in the current research. In
both models, BCons is noted as an antecedent of BA, giving additional credence to the theory.
Additionally, both sets of authors investigated the connection between BA and BT.
In a comprehensive dissertation regarding BA, Coary (2013) noted a pervasive theme
regarding the meaning of authenticity, one that included both temporal and spatial aspects;
he observed this nearly universal agreement after reviewing a wide array of literature.
According to this author, three key dimensions materialize: being a pioneer, maintaining
product originality and adhering to principles (Coary, 2013).
In order to remedy the lack of empirical assessment of BA’s effects and antecedents,
Moulard et al. (2016) developed a conceptual framework of BA based on the
self-determination theory, attribution theory and existing brand research. This model
asserts that BA possesses four antecedents – two related to rare brand behaviors
(uniqueness and scarcity) and two related to stable brand behaviors (longevity and
longitudinal consistency). In addition, the framework proposes two effects or outcomes of
BA – expected quality and trust (Moulard et al., 2016). This model appears to share
distinct similarities with the research structure composed by Schallehn et al. (2014).
According to these authors, and within the scope of their study, individuality is “defined
EJMBE as the unique way in which the brand fulfills its promise” (Schallehn et al., 2014, p. 194). To
draw comparison, it seems their concept of individuality can theoretically be categorized
in rare brand behaviors proposed by Moulard et al. (2016). The concepts of consistency
and continuity can then be classified as stable brand behaviors. Also, the outcome of trust
is found in both conceptual models. As seen below, Table I displays a summary of the
development of the BA literature.
2.1.1 BA concept interfaces with experiences. Current consumers increasingly use
products and experiences to reconnect to places, history, culture and one another (Napoli
et al., 2014; Eades et al., 2017). This is true across of range of products including tourism.
Products and places became increasingly standardized. Travelers are actively seeking
authentic experiences. Therefore, the interface between BA and experiences is evident. As
Slocum (2015) stated, not only companies but also government support this relationship
(e.g. Virginia County helped to organize tours of the three local breweries to encourage
visitors at local resorts to experience the local community).
The issue of whether consumers perceive their experiences to be authentic when visiting
tourism destinations or consuming a beer is no trivial matter. Authenticity and its
importance among consumers perceptions have been discussed and debated for many
decades and continue to be highly controversial topics not only in the tourism and
marketing research literature (Hede et al., 2014) but also in practical studies.
In wine tourism, activity of visiting wineries showed that authenticity perceived by
consumers is a determinant for customer loyalty (Kolar and Zabkar, 2010), behavioral
intention (Robinson and Clifford, 2012) and satisfaction (Tsai and Sakulsinlapakorn,
2016). In addition, in heritage tourism, studies attribute the decisive significance of
authenticity to the fact that authenticity connects tourists to destination experiences
attractions (Lindberg et al., 2014).
As Eades et al. (2017) affirmed, with the rise in craft beer popularity in the USA, craft
beer destinations that feature breweries, brewpubs and craft-beer-focused bars have
increasingly become appealing to tourist and consumers. Tourists seeking “authentic and
unique” experiences can use craft beverages to explore others cultures and lifestyles (Lu
et al., 2015). In this sense, Murray and Kline (2015) investigated the factors that influence
customer’s brand loyalty within two rural destinations. Through surveying customers of
two North Carolina craft breweries, Murray and Kline found that the brewery’s connection
with the community, the respondent’s desire for unique consumer products and the
respondent’s satisfaction with the product were the key influences as to establish. Thus,
craft beer often leverages distinct place-based qualities of the communities in which it is
produced to join authenticity and experiences (Newman and Dhar, 2014; Eades et al., 2017).
Dimensions Author(s)
Cultural/historic integrity, workmanship, craftsperson and materials, esthetics, Littrell et al. (1993)
function and use, shopping experience, genuineness, uniqueness, originality
Heritage/pedigree, stylistics consistency, quality commitments, relationship to place, Beverland et al. (2008)
method of production, downplaying commercial interests
Continuity, originality, reliability, naturalness Bruhn et al. (2012)
Brand consistency, brand customer orientation, brand congruency Eggers et al. (2013)
Being a pioneer, maintaining product originality, adhering to principles Coary (2013)
Quality commitment, sincerity, heritage Napoli et al. (2014)
Table I. Brand individuality, brand consistency, brand continuity Schallehn et al. (2014)
Antecedents of brand Uniqueness, scarcity, longevity, longitudinal consistency Moulard et al. (2016)
authenticity Source: Adapted by the author after the references of the paper
2.2 Relationship of BI, BCons BCont and BA Perceived
Taken from the conceptual framework developed and tested by Bruhn et al. (2012), Eggers value and
et al. (2013) and Schallehn et al. (2014), BA is shown to consist of three antecedents: BI, BCons brand trust
and BCont. Additionally, the significant influence of these three antecedents on the BA
construct is empirically validated in their research (BCont was found to have the largest
influence on BA (R2 ¼ 0.37), followed closely by BCons (R2 ¼ 0.36). BI was shown to be the
least significant contributor (R2 ¼ 0.15). In the case of craft beer, however, BCons was found to
have the highest explanation of variance in BA. In fact, while describing the empirical results
of their investigation, the authors upheld the assumption that “fulfilling the brand promise at
every touch-point is essential for the authenticity perception of beer brands” (Schallehn et al.,
2014, p. 196). With the current study placing context in the craft beer market, these findings
and assertions present significant and relevant evidence to support the relationship.
The most recent research cited in this paper also found nearly identical similarities in
these proposed connections. In this work, Moulard et al. (2016) examined the antecedents
and outcomes of BA. Of particular emphasis are the four antecedents, two of which share
distinct similarities with the model of Schallehn et al. (2014). Uniqueness and longitudinal
consistency were found to have a positive and significant impact on the BA construct.
Again, the choice of wording for the antecedents differs between authors, but the semantics
seem to be quite comparable. Therefore, the same connections will likely hold true, resulting
in the development of H1–H3:
H1. Higher perceptions of BI result in higher perceptions of BA.
H2. Higher perceptions of BCons result in higher perceptions BA.
H3. Higher perceptions of BCont result in higher perceptions of BA.
3. Research methodology
3.1 Research methods
This research has been focused in the context of craft beer in the USA due to the relevance
of this market in the last years and regarding all the opportunities present for the creation
and renewal of authenticity as well as its numerous advantages.
Indeed, as of the end of 2015, craft beer production volume, amounting to slightly over
24 million barrels, accounts for 12.2 percent of the total beer production volume in the USA.
This volume corresponds to a $22.3bn retail sales value, or approximately one-fifth of the
Perceived value
consistency Brand authenticity
Brand trust
Figure 1. continuity
Conceptual framework
for the research
Sources: Rajh (2012), Schallehn et al. (2014)
overall US beer market (Brewer Associations, 2016). To continue, the craft beer market
experienced 16 percent $ sales growth from the previous year, a significant leap in an
otherwise mature industry. While the craft beer market realized a 12.8 percent year-over-year
growth in production volume, the overall beer market saw a 0.2 percent decline in product
volume (Brewer Associations, 2016). To broaden the perspective, US craft beer production has
increased by an astonishing 290 percent over the past decade.
Thus, this investigation has placed emphasis on the more-specialized and premium craft
beer market, particularly that of the USA. While the questionnaire used in the research
contained foreign craft beer brands, such as the popular Belgian brand Duvel, the primary
focus of the examination is related to consumer perceptions in the American craft beer market.
In total, 48 craft beer brands were used in the quantitative study, providing respondents with a
high degree of freedom when completing the survey. Of the craft beer brands, 45, or 94 percent,
are American brands and include the following: Yuengling, Samuel Adams, Sierra Nevada,
New Belgium, Lagunitas, Goose Island, Founders, Cigar City, Tree House, Stone, Ballast Point,
Brooklyn, Firestone Walker, Oskar Blues, Dogfish Head, SweetWater, Harpoon, Abita, Anchor,
Long Trail, Shipyard, Full Sail, Odell, Rogue Ales, 21st Amendment, Flying Dog, Left Hand,
Uinta, Allagash, Lost Coast, Troegs, Karl Strauss, North Coast, Minhas, Alaskan, Summit,
Ninkasi, Bear Republic, Bell’s, Deschutes, Victory, Southern Tier, Green Flash, Four Peaks and
Revolution. Three of the craft beer brands, or 6 percent, are foreign brands and include the
following: Gambrinus (Czech Republic), Duvel (Belgium) and August Schell (Germany).
In order to achieve the research objective, a survey was delivered through an online format
(Google Forms) and was completed by a sample of 749 consumers. The survey included an
extensive list of popular craft beer brands from which respondents could select a single brand
in order to complete the questionnaire. By employing this technique, familiarity with and actual
consumption of the chosen brand were more likely guaranteed. For the ensuing analysis,
respondents who provided the same answer for every question, including reverse-coded
questions, were eliminated from the sample. The sample was “cleaned” and narrowed to
738 respondents. This group was acquired through a basic simple random sampling technique
for sake of convenience.
All questions were developed using seven-point Likert scales, with “1” representing “Strongly
disagree” and “7” representing “Strongly agree.” All scale measurement items were derived from
previous research. All three antecedents of BA (BI, BCons and BCont) were measured using
three-item scales taken directly from the work of Schallehn et al. (2014). However, these items
were adapted from previously developed scales (Netemeyer et al., 2004). The construct of BA was Perceived
measured with a six-item scale which was originally developed by Schallehn et al. (2014) through value and
a two-faceted qualitative investigation. In terms of the dependent variables, PV was assessed brand trust
using a five-item scale taken from the research of Rajh (2012). Finally, BT was evaluated using a
three-item scale, again taken directly from the research of Schallehn et al. (2014). The items for
this measurement scale were slightly adapted from the previously established and empirically
measured trust scale developed by Chaudhuri and Holbrook (2001).
Table II shows the measurement scales used in this current investigation along with
their respective set of scale items.
After eliminating certain respondents from the final sample, as mentioned above, descriptive
analysis was conducted to provide detail regarding the demographic distribution of the sample
in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, education, employment and location. While this information
was not specifically relevant to the research hypotheses, it offered insight into how successfully
the sample represented the target population of the study. The typology of the desired target
population of this research, in terms of demographics, are Americans consumers who are 21–55
years of age, employed for wages, and have completed at least a bachelor’s degree. Table III
provides an overview of the demographic profile of the sample respondents.
scale Items Adopted from
Brand 1. The way how [X] fulfills its brand promise is very different Netemeyer et al. (2004),
individuality from competing brands Schallehn et al. (2014)
2. The way how [X] fulfills its brand promise is unique
3. [X] fulfills its brand promise in a distinct way
Brand 1. Brand [X]a fulfills its promise consistently
consistency 2. The current brand behavior of [X] fits to its brand promise
3. The brand promise of [X] and its present actions are in line
with each other
Brand 1. In the past, brand [X]a has already fulfilled its brand promise
continuity 2. The previous behavior of [X] fits to its current brand promise
3. The brand promise of [X] and its past actions are in line with
each other
Brand 1. Brand [X]a possesses a clear philosophy which guides the Schallehn et al. (2014)
authenticity brand promise
2. Brand [X] knows exactly what it stands for and does not
promise anything which contradicts its essence and
3. Considering its brand promise, the brand [X] does not
pretend to be someone else
4. Considering its brand promise, brand [X] does not curry
favor with its target group; moreover, it shows self-esteem
5. Brand [X] distorts itself, to match contemporary trendsb
6. The saying “you trim your sails to every wind that blows”
describes brand [X] adequately
Perceived 1. This brand is very good value for money Rajh (2012)
value 2. Given its price, this brand is economical
3. This brand can be considered a favorable purchase
4. The price of this brand is acceptable with regard to its quality
5. The price of this brand corresponds to its value Table II.
Brand trust 1. I trust the brand [X]a Chaudhuri and Holbrook Measurement scales –
2. I rely on brand [X] to fulfill its brand promise (2001), Schallehn et al. (2014) items in individual
3. I feel safe when I rely on brand [X] scales used in
Notes: [X]a indicates a brand name; breverse-coded question the research
EJMBE Age Sample information
Mean 33.8
SD 10.34
Gender (%)
Male 52.7
Female 47.3
Ethnicity (%)
White 73.9
Asian or Pacific Islander 14.6
Black or African American 5.8
Hispanic or Latino 5.7
Education (%)
High school graduate 19.6
Bachelor’s degree 38.1
Post-graduate or doctoral degree 22.9
Others 19.4
Employment (%)
Employed for wages 83.4
Unemployed 4.6
Retired 2.7
Student 9.3
4. Results
The six constructs used in the research were tested for internal reliability. In this case, five
of the six scales were found to have relatively high internal reliability. The BI scale was
comprised of three items (α ¼ 0.85), the BCons scale contained three items (α ¼ 0.84) and the
BCont scale consisted of three items (α ¼ 0.87). Cronbach’s α values for the five PV items
and three BT items were both 0.88, indicating that these two scales have the highest
reliability of the six. The BA scale, comprising six items, was found to have the lowest
Cronbach’s α value of 0.58. A possible explanation for this phenomenon is the inclusion of
two reverse-coded items in the BA scale, which may have instigated comprehension issues Perceived
among respondents. These two items were eliminated in hope of improving the quality of value and
the scale and it was then re-tested, resulting in a revised Cronbach’s α value of 0.82. brand trust
Subsequently, dimension reduction was conducted in the form of a factor analysis, which
did not uncover the presence of any additional underlying variables in the data. All scale
measurement items were correctly and reliably categorized into their respective first-order
constructs. The results of the factor analysis are presented visually below in Table IV.
Regarding results from the model, they provide us with measures of the relationships
between the constructs. Assessing the model, the results indicate expected relationship
between BI and BA. Furthermore, changes in BI were found to have significant influence on
changes in BA, thus deepening the relationship (R2 ¼ 0.25, F(1, 736) ¼ 248.71, p o0.01).
According to these results, higher perceptions of BI result in higher perceptions of BA.
In the same sense, results show expected relationship between BCons and BA. Moreover,
changes in BCons were found to have significant influence on changes in BA (R2 ¼ 0.21,
F(1, 736) ¼ 199.81, po0.01). With this in mind, it can be affirmed that a brand’s present actions
have a meaningful impact on the extent to which consumers perceive the brand as authentic.
Regarding relationship between BCont and BA, findings show that changes in BCont were
found to have significant influence on changes in BA, thus further validating the relationship
(R2 ¼ 0.21, F(1, 736) ¼ 191.09, po0.01). Since this hypothesis is confirmed, it is evident that
the prior behavior of a brand has a substantial influence on consumers’ perception of BA.
Results also show expected relationship between BA and PV. Furthermore, changes in BA
were found to have significant influence on changes in PV (R2 ¼ 0.15, F(1, 736) ¼ 126.92,
p o0.01). With H4 also being supported, it is shown that this perception has a significant
effect on how a brand is perceived in terms of value. If a brand is viewed as possessing
higher authenticity, it will also be seen as being a very good value for money, a trait that
may be a critical decision criterion among certain consumer groups. In addition, higher
1 2 3 4 5 6
BI1 0.828
BI2 0.831
BI3 0.805
BCons1 0.678
BCons2 0.640
BCons3 0.634
BCont1 0.756
BCont2 0.724
BCont3 0.751
BA1 0.508
BA2 0.650
BA3 0.629
BA4 0.779
BT1 0.718
BT2 0.758
BT3 0.787
PV1 0.778
PV2 0.855
PV3 0.673
PV4 0.659 Table IV.
PV5 0.682 Factor analysis –
Notes: Extraction method: principal component analysis; rotation method: Varimax with Kaiser rotated component
normalization matrix
EJMBE perceptions of BA will result in a brand being perceived as a more economical (given its
price) and favorable purchase. Regarding monetary costs, the price of perceived authentic
brands will be considered acceptable with regard to their quality and corresponding to their
value, regardless of the levels of said prices.
Finally, BA and BT shown to be significantly and positively correlated. Furthermore,
changes in BA were found to have significant influence on changes in BT (R2 ¼ 0.24,
F(1, 736) ¼ 238.24, p o0.01). According to these results, BA is a powerful driver of BT
among consumers.
Table V presents a summary of hypotheses. All the proposed relationship have
been supported.
Figure 2 presents a visual summary of the findings derived from the empirical investigation.
5. Discussion
This study provides some significant contributions to the marketing theory. This research
has confirmed that the three antecedents of individuality, consistency and continuity
effectively capture and positively influence consumer perceptions of BA and that a higher
consumers’perception of brand authenticity resulting in higher perceived value and brand
trust. Nowadays, brands’ competitive battles for winning the consumer’s mind and heart are
focusing in forging deep connections with individuals, rather than delivering excellent
service or innovative technologies (Napoli et al., 2016). Our findings are consistent with
previous researches (Alexander, 2009; Kolar and Zabkar, 2010; Newman and Dhar, 2014)
where authentic brands offer consumers an opportunity for establishing a stronger
emotional connection with a brand, compared to less authentic brands.
r = 0.50
individuality R 2 = 0.25 r = 0.38
F = 248.71 R 2 = 0.15 Perceived
r = 0.46
F =126.92
R 2 = 0.21
F =199.81
consistency Brand authenticity
r = 0.50
R 2 = 0.24 Brand trust
r = 0.45
Figure 2. F = 238.24
Evaluation of the R 2 = 0.21
conceptual framework continuity
F =191.09
Our findings show the needs to explore the benefits that consumers experience when they Perceived
consume something authentic (Hede et al., 2014) as well as the need to use of BI, BCons, BCont value and
and BA as a positioning device. Positioning a brand based on product superiority, quality and brand trust
great service is all too common in the competitive market, whereas authenticity allows a brand
to be true without being perfect (Beverland et al., 2008). Moreover, by being able to measure
and assess authenticity, marketers may be empowered to identify new opportunities for brand
positioning and value creation that may contribute to greater consumer PV and BT.
According to Liao and Ma (2009), consumers with a high need for authenticity tend to
spend more time and energy searching for truly authentic offerings, consume authentic
products deliberately, remain trust to authentic products and refuse to consume imitation
goods, compared to consumers with a low need for authenticity (Napoli et al., 2016).
Therefore, marketers should clearly show in their communications campaign the
characteristics and attributes that demonstrate the authenticity of a product.
More specifically, in the craft beer market and regarding the relationship between BI and
BA, the higher the extent to which a brand is perceived as fulfilling its brand promise
differently from competing brands, the more likely the brand is to be perceived as authentic
among consumers. This same principle applies to the perception that a brand fulfills its
brand promise in a unique and distinct fashion. That is, a brand’s ability to create unique
mental associations between the brand and things that matter to an individual. This finding
may hold particular importance in the highly competitive craft beer market. With an
enormous array of craft beer brands, each presenting seemingly similar brand promises,
value propositions, and physical products, consumers may perceive BI as an exceedingly
significant attribute influencing potential consumption of these brands (Grohs et al., 2016).
If a single brand is able to differentiate itself among the thousands of craft beer brands
available in the market, thereby increasing its perceived BI, the brand will be handsomely
rewarded with perceptions of authenticity among its audience.
Regarding the relationship between BCons and BA, a brand must fulfill its brand
promise consistently, ensure that its current brand behavior and present actions fit to its
promise, and not engage in any other activities that contradict this essence. Otherwise, a
noteworthy and negative impact on perceived BA will be realized. With an array of brands,
not only those in the craft beer industry, offering consistent and fulfilling consumer
experiences across a variety of touchpoints, it comes as no surprise that perceptions of
BCons and BA are highly interrelated. For craft beer brands, comparable success can be
achieved by following a related strategy. These brands are similar in the sense that they are
offer premium and aspirational products. Therefore, higher perceptions of authenticity can
be realized by aiming to increase levels of perceived BCons.
Regarding the relationship between BCont and BA, the successful past fulfillment of its
brand promise and the fit of past actions to its current brand promise are vital to enhancing
these perceptions among a brand’s audience. Again, this likely holds particular importance in
the craft beer market. Although the industry sees many new entrants each year, a large number
of popular brands have existed in the market for an extensive period. These entrenched brands
have well-grounded sets of values, deeply rooted heritage, and an engaging story to share with
consumers, attributes that have been shown to contribute to perceived authenticity. Even for
new entrants in the market, the relationship between BCont and BA should not be disregarded.
By crafting this engaging story and developing core values from the beginning, perceptions of
BCont can be increased, resulting in higher perceptions of authenticity among consumers.
Regarding the relationship between BA and PV, since craft beer brands are positioned as
premium or even luxury products with associated high price levels, this finding is
tremendously informative. In order to command these premium prices and compete effectively
against lower-priced, mass-market products such as those manufactured by Anheuser-Busch,
craft beer brands must generate high consumer perceptions of authenticity. By doing so,
EJMBE consumer PV will also likely be increased (Vera, 2015). While this relationship is the least
significant of the five examined in the study, the significance should be not understated.
Finally, regarding the relationship between BA and BT, to put it simply, higher
perceptions of BA result in higher perceptions of BT. If a brand is viewed as more authentic in
the eyes of consumers, it will be significantly more trusted than brands with the opposite
perception. Higher perceptions of BA will also produce a higher reliance on a brand to fulfill its
brand promise. Additionally, consumers will enjoy feelings of safety when relying on
authentic brands. In the past, craft beer firms were focused on single, short-term transactions
and did not concern themselves with deepening their relationships with consumers. However,
the concentration of modern firms and marketers is to develop long-term, mutually beneficial
relationships with consumers in order to generate a higher customer lifetime value. In order to
achieve these connections, trust must be gained from consumers. Based on the current finding,
BT can be more easily formed and enhanced by increasing perceptions of BA.
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Asuncion Hernandez-Fernandez can be contacted at: asuncion.hernandez@uv.es
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