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es _ HORM WINCH Unt wee}~ le Armeatic PRODUCTS ARE SOLD AND SERVICED THROUGHOUT THE WORLDMAILING ADDRESS ....... 7400- 192nd STREET, NORTH SURREY, 8.C., CANADA PHONE EXCHANGE _--.. NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. — CANADA WIRE ADDRESS - GEARMATIC, NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C, WARRANTY The products manufactured by Gearmatic Co. Ltd. are warranted to be free from defects in workmanship or materials for a period of 6 months from commencement ‘of operation or one year from date of original purchase from Gearmatic Co. Ltd. whichever shall be first. Any parts found defective within the above period will be replaced free of charge fo.b. factory. Gearmatic Co. Ltd. is not liable for any undertaking or representation other than stated herein. The above is a brief summary of the Gearmatic Warranty Policy. A complete war- ranty policy statement may be secured from the factory upon request. HOW TO ORDER PARTS Order parts from your nearest authorized distributor. Order by part number only and state the serial number of the winch. The serial number is stamped on the manu- facturer’s name plate attached to the winch base. To determine the correct part number refer to the instructions on page 6.Index of contents: PAGE Warranty ee 2 Description of the Gearmatic Hydraulic Winch enn Model 23 Winch Specification —.. 5 Explanation of Winch Model Number... Seer. Mounting Instructions Lubrication - ened Hydraulic Oils svn 2 8 Basic Components to be used with Winch «0...» 8 Lowering Application : 10 Parts Lists and Drawings 1118 Foreword to Servicing ssn 19 Disassembly Instructions 20 Assembly Instructions 26 Numerical Index Maintenance Procedure no. sea Trouble Shooting i 35 Performance Graphs iis 31 How to use this Manual .....——--— connie 3BDescription of the Gearmatic Hydraulic Winch with High Speed Reverse The Gearmatie Hydraulic Winch consists of a primary drive housing and a final drive housing fastened to a winch base by dowel bolts which hold the housings concentric. The winch barrel is carried on antifriction bearings between the drive housings. The primary drive housing contains a hydraulic motor which drives the sun gear of a primary planetary reduction. The output of this reduc- tion is transmitted by a shaft which passes through the centre of the winch barrel to the sun gear of a final planetary reduction in the final drive housing. The output from the final planetary reduction is trans- mitted directly to the winch barrel through a spline attaching the final drive planet hub to the winch barrel. The internal gear of the primary reduction is held in its drive housing by a metallic friction dise-type brake. The brake is held engaged by springs, and is released by an annular hydraulic cylinder. This cylinder is connected to that motor port which is pressurized for reverse rotation, and becomes the exhaust port for forward rotation. In this way the brake is engaged at all times until the winch is powered in reverse. The planet gears of the primary reduction form the outer races of cam-type over-running clutches, and are carried on roller bearing assem- blies mounted at each end of the planet gears, and on either side of the cam clutches. The planet pins, which carry these gears, cams, and roller bearings, are fixed rigidly to the primary planet hub. When the winch is powered in a forward direction of rotation, the over-running clutches permit the planet gears to run free, and the full power from the hydraulic motor is transmitted through the entire unit to the winch barrel. When the winch is stopped by moving the control valve to neutral, the cable load causes the cam clutches to “lock up” and the load is then held entirely by the friction brake. When hydraulic oil is supplied to the motor for reverse rotation, the cam clutches “lock up” and the winch will not rotate until the pressure builds up and releases the brake sufficiently to permit the primary planet assembly to rotate as a solid unit. When the primary reduction is active for forward rotation it provides a reduction of approximately 5% to 1 When the unit is driven in reverse, this reduction is eliminated and the winch barre! will rotate 514 times as fast as it will in the forward direction for the same volume of oil supplied to the motor. This provides a high speed “pay out” on the cable,Model 23 Winch Spe: ications STANDARD DRUM DIMENSIONS Barrel diameter s Flange diameter 16%" Barrel length between flanges 10" MAXIMUM LINE PULL on Bare Drum @ 2,000 PSI. Model 23-S-*-* — 22,000 Ibs. Model 23.H-*-* — 11,250 Ibs. LINE SPEED on Bare Drum at Full Load and 90 US GPM Maximum operating pressure — 2,000 P ST Maximum allowable oil supply — 90 US GPM Performance Graphs Page 37 Operating Pressures for Lowering Applications 1. A lowering application where the winch is used to lower a load infrequently over a short distance where good control is not required. Maximum operating pressure ~ 2,000 P ST 2. A lowering application where the winch is used to lower a load infrequently and over a short distance under good control, Maximum operating pressure = 1,500 PST 3. A materials hoist or ship loading type of application where the winch is used to lower a load repeatedly in a con: tinuous operating cycle. Maximum operating pressure — 1,000 PSI For the correct operating pressure for a particular applica: tion contact the manufacturer giving complete details of the operation.Explanation of Winch Model Number MODEL 23-*.¥.¢ FINAL DRIVE 'S = Standard Ratio 825 to 1 H = High Speed Ratio 422 t0 1 DIRECTION OF DRUM ROTATION | (Viewed from Final Drive End) © = Clockwise Rotation (Std) A = AntiClockwise Rotation LOCATION OF MOTOR END L = Left Hand Mounted (Std.) R = Right Hand Mounted EXAMPLE: MODEL 23-S-C-L The above model number indicates— 23 = Basic model number indicating the size of the winch, S = The winch has a standard final drive planetary reduction, When viewed from the final drive end, the winch dram rotates clock wise when “winching. in and has High speed “payoff inthe apposite L = When, looking into the winch with bar 'D” (indicated ga ‘hgure “A’) Tocated up or away trom: you, the mary drive assembly ison the fett, The winch shown in figure ‘A’ (below) is'a left hand winch, MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS neral 8. Do not exceed the maximum PSI or GPM eoteecn neers stated in the winch specifications, Gi waged tes Gini ot eid inouoaig haa 9. Keep the hydraulic system clean and free from dust and grit at all times 2. Do not weld to any part of the winch. 10. If the winch does not perform according to 3. Check alignment of the winch when mounted. specications chee the hydraulic system Be 4, Use correct type of control valve. fore dismantling the wine a ee sm. tL Read the disassembly and assembly instruc: Bea Mes pee es coninol Halve toasts tions for the winch before removing any part of the winch, er ee en eee 12, Disassemble the winch and subassemblies in 7. Connect vent port Q' (Figure ‘A’) directly to ‘a work area that is clean and free from dust the reservoir. and grit. f D | vesr rot ay | Private ae ASsenaLY I soem s z|4 tev u FIGURE AMOUNTING BASE The Gearmatic Hydraulic Winch must be mounted on a rigid base which will not deflect due to the cable pull. This base should be ma- chined flat on the mounting surface. Do not weld to any part of the winch. When it is not practical to fasten the winch to a flat ma- chined face the following mounting procedure Should be used, Take a piece of flat MS plate of Sufficient size to suit the mounting holes in the winch. This plate should haye a minimum thick- ness of 1”. Weld 247x214" 14" thick pads at three corners of the top surface of this plate so that the mounting holes of the winch will be located over these pads. Drill mounting holes 1s" diameter, spaced according 1o the mounting holes {in the winch. Also drill one 244” x 214" xe" spac- er using the same drill, Now weld the mounting plate in its required location so that it forms a Tigid base for the winch, If necessary this plate should be braced with ribs welded to the back of the plate. Once the mounting plate has cooled after welding, fasten the winch using “grade 5” capscrews, nuts and lock washers at the three corners which have the welded pads. Measure the Clearance between the mounting plate and winch at the fourth corner. Now grind the 214" x21" x ie" spacer to fill this measured clearance, install this spacer and the remaining capscrew, nut and lock washer, and tighten all capscrews securely. Check the alignment of the winch as stated below and tack weld the ground spacer to the mounting plate so that it will not be lost when the winch, is removed for servicing in the future. CHECK THE ALIGNMENT OF THE WINCH Measure clearance ‘Y’ with feeler gauges, at points "V’ and ‘W' as indicated on Figure ‘A’. Measure clearance ‘Z' at points ‘V’ and “W’ also indicated on Figure ‘A. For good alignment, clearance ‘Y’ should be equal when measured at points "V’ and ‘W’ within .005". Clearance ‘2’ Should also be equal when measured at 'V’ and "W" within .005". Clearance “Y' does not req to be equal to, clearance ‘2’. Tf the clearances measured at 'V’ and 'W’ are not within .005", in. Stall shims under corner of the winch base until Clearances "V’ and ‘W' are within .005” when the winch is bolted solidly to its mounting LOCATION OF OIL LEVEL PLUG ‘S' IN FINAL DRIVE COVER (Ref. Figure ‘A’) The oil level plug ‘S’ should be located atthe bottom of the final drive cover when the winch ig mounted in position, If plug ‘S’ is not in the required location remove the cover according to the disassembly instructions for the final, drive assembly and replace as required. Refill with SAE, 90 transmission oil to the level of the filler plug. LOCATION OF MOTOR PORTS ‘R’ AND VENT PORT ‘Q’ (Ref. Figure ‘A’) When the winch is mounted in its required lo cation, vent port ‘Q’ must be located within 45 degrees of top dead centre. This insures that the primary housing will always be filled with oil to the required minimum level. Vent port ‘Q' and the motor ports ‘R’ can be moved to any desired angle to suit a particular installation by using the following procedure. First check that all oil has been drained from the primary housing by removing the 14” pipe plug’'U’ from the underside of the primary hous- ing, also remove the top 4” pipe plug’allowing air to enter the housing. Remove the spring cover which contains port “Q' by slackening capscrews ‘T’ half a turn Bea time, progressively around in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction, Care must be used to insure that the spring cover is removed evenly as it carries the full spring load for the brake. When all the spring load has been removed from the spring cover it can be withdrawn from the In most cases there will be a spring in every hole provided, but in certain applications fewer springs are required and it is important that they be located symmetrically when they are replaced. Note and mark any hole that does not contain spring and then remove all the springs. The motor assembly can now be rotated inside the primary housing until the motor ports ‘R’ are turned to the required location. Replace the springs in their holes as marked, so that they form the same symmetrical pattern, as before. Now replace the spring cover with capscrews +p" so that port ‘Q' is in the required location Tighten the capscrews evenly by one half turn at a time, progressively as before. Care must be used to insure that the spring cover rerhains par allel to the end of the primary housing as it is tightened into place. Torque load capscrews ‘T’ to 50 ft. Tbs. LUBRICATION The final drive assembly is to be filled with SAE. 90 transmission oi! to the level of the filler plug ‘S’. The primary drive assembly is to be filled through port ‘Q’ with the same as is used in the hydraulic system. ‘The drum bearing at the primary drive end is pre-packed with bearing grease on assembly and does not require further attention.HYDRAULIC OILS General Application Type ‘A’ Suffix jon Oil (Shell Do- nax T6 or equivalent) is recommended for use in the hydraulic system for all applications in areas where the minimum climatic temperature is 15°F. Transmis For a tractor winch installation or similar tow: ing application any good HYDRAULIC OIL may be used. To express these oils in general terms, for areas where the minimum climatic tempera. ture is above 32°F. a hydraulic oil having a weight equivalent to an SAE rating of 10W will be satisfactory. When the minimum climatic tem- perature is between 0° F. and 32° F. use a hydrau- lic oil having 2 weight equivalent to an SAE rat ing of SW. For Iow temperature climates below 0° F consult the local oil company representative for a hydraulic oil having a maximum viscosity of 3,000 SSU's at the minimum temperature encountered, Oils having 150 to 250 SSU viscosity at 100° F. and a viscosity index of 100 or greater will give good results under normal temperature condi tions. The use of an oil having a high viscosity index will minimize cold-start trouble and reduce the length of warm-up periods. A high viscosity index will minimize changes in viscosity with corresponding changes in temperature. Under continuous operating conditions the tem- perature of the oil at any point in the system must not be allowed to exceed 180° F, It is recom: mended that the pump inlet temperature be limited to 130° F. Definite operational advantages ill be obtained by operating below 130° F. Hoisting and Lowering Application In an application where the winch is used to lower a load, Type ‘A’ Suffix ‘A’ Transmission Oil (Shell Donax T6 or equivalent) must be used in the hydraulic system. BASIC COMPONENTS 10 BE USED WITH THE WINCH Control Valve The control valve used to operate this winch must be a four-way, spring return to neutral, open centre valve, having a motor spool, that is, all ports must be open to the reservoir when the valve spool is in the neutral position. This control valve should have good metering characteristics in order to provide smooth winch control, and have a builtin relief valve suitable for the maxi- mum operating pressure. The use of a long con- trol valve handle will provide better control. The control valve must have port sizes suitable for the hoses recommended under the heading “Hose Sizes” (Page 9), When the winch control valve isto be installed between the pump and an existing control valve, it will be necessary to use a control valve for the winch which has a “high pressure carryover” or “Power Beyond” Port. The following control valves (or Equivalents) are recommended for operating this winch. Select from table | according to the maximum volume of oil to be used in the winch, CONTROL VALVES FOR MODEL 23 WINCH TABLE 1 —— Control Valve without | Control Valve with High Pressure High Pressure Carryover Carryover Volume USGPM 24 to 40 | Commercial Shearing | Commerc and Stamping Co. | and Stamping Co. ABSAASL-MAS9ZI ABSAAO}-MAS9.Y63 410 6 | BEGE BEGE U2DRXOX-LY U20RK-02x-SYF 66 1090 | BEGE BEGE UORYOrYLZ U3ORY-02Y-PBMLZ,Pump For maximum pump life it is important that the manufacturer's recommendations for maxi. mum PST and R PM are not exceeded. When a \V elt, or similar drive is to be used to drive the pump, consult the pump manufacturer for the maximum overhang load which is permissible on the pump shaft Filter When these winches are installed with their ‘own hydraulic system or when there is no filter in the existing circuit, a partial flow micro filter should be installed in the return line between the control valve and the reservoir. This filter should be of a type equivalent to the Cessna 62734. This, filter will trap particles over 10 microns in size. SERVICING SCHEDULE FOR FILTER ‘The original filter cartridge should be replaced after 50 hours operation, Average Atmosphere—Replace after each 500 hours. Dirty Atmosphere — Replace after each 250 hours. The above schedule is for an open system equipped with a micro air breather. Open systems without micro air breathers are not recommended. Visual inspection can not be used to determine when the cartridge should be replaced. Particles below 40 microns are not visible to the human eye. Reservoir The reservoir should be fabricated from clean scale free material and be made as large as is practicable to provide cooling for the oil. The actual size of the reservoir will depend on the application for which the winch is used but should not be less than 14 of the pump capacity. That is, if the pump delivers 90 GPM, the min mum reservoir capacity will be 30 gallons. ‘The reservoir requires to have a filler cap with a builtin micro air breather and a permanently installed fine mesh oil screen having a minimum, ‘of 2000 meshes per square inch (‘Century’ Filler Breather No, 8565 or equivalent). A dip stick or sight glass to indicate maximum and minimum oil levels is also required. The return line must enter the reservoir at a point which will be below the surface of the oil at all times. The return oil should be suitably balled to prevent excessive turbulence in the tank. The addition of a mag- netic plug in the bottom of the reservoir is recom: mended for trapping steel particles. This plug can also serve as a drain for the reservoir, A sealed inspection cover should also be installed on the reservoir for the purpose of cleaning the inside after fabrication, and for future inspection. ‘One additional port requires to be provided in the reservoir so that oil entering through this port will do so just below the minimum oil level, this port is required for the vent line which is to be connected to port 'Q’ on the winch (°4" N.P.T.) The reservoir should be located close to and above the pump if possible, clear of other equip- ment to provide good air circulation around the reservoir for cooling Hose Sizes In order to maintain maximum efficiency in the winch, select the size of hydraulic lines from table 2 according to the maximum volume of oil to be used in the winch. If the hydraulic lines used are too small they may cause sufficient back pressure at the motor to release the brake when “winching in” a load (see paragraph 3 of Descrip. tion of Gearmatic Winch, page 4). The sizes shown in table 2 are to be used as a guide only, If trouble is experienced due to the use of long hoses it will be necessary to use hoses, which are one size larger. TABLE 2 ee’ Minimum Size of Hydraulic Hose Tnside Diameter Volume US GPM |High Pressure) Suction & Retara] Vent Line Tron Lines Lines, Port ‘Q 4 040 ID. 1s" ED. 1D. shoo | 1s" ED. 6" 1D. Se" ED, 6609 ATED, V4" 1, 5" ED,WroRaune aac FOR wicRo ain enEATHCR acceavon ou TEE Tuzamosraric exchange INSPECTION covER eum peuier vais LOWERING APPLICATION Use Type ‘A’ Suffix ‘A’ Transmission Oil (Shell, Donax T6 or equivalent) in the hydraulic system. When the winch is used in a lowering applica- tion it is recommended that the relief valve be set at less than the maximum rated pressure for the winch. In some cases it is desirable to limit the lifting capacity of the winch in this way duc to the limitations involved in controlling heavy loads in lowering, and in cooling the automatic brake. The actual relief valve setting will depend ‘on the amount of control required and the dist- ance and frequency of lowering. The maximum operating pressures stated in the winch specifications under lowering applica: tions on page 5 can be used as a guide. For cor- rect reliel valve setting contact the manufacturer, giving complete details of the operation In all lowering applications, it is necessary to circulate oil through the primary housing. This provides cooling for the brake and also insures that the primary housing is completely filled with oil. Figure ‘B’ illustrates the basic hydraulic circuit for a lowering application. Oil is circulated through the primary housing so that it enters at port 'P’ and leaves at port ‘Q’, The hose used for the circulation lines to ports ‘P’ and ‘Q' can be Jow pressure hose with “push on” fittings. Figure 10 ustrates a partial flow micro filter being used to filter the oil and create a back pressure to cause circulation through the winch. The pres: sure in the primary housing due to the circula. tion oil must not exceed 15 P'S I The filter should be installed close to the reservoir and the circulat- ing line to port ‘P’ should be connected from a point close to the oil filter as shown. Port ‘O° should be connected directly to the reservoir as shown. Once the hydraulic cireuit has been com- leted, bleed all air from the primary housing fore running the winch. This is done by slack ening the %" pipe plug ‘U" (Figure A) on top of the primary housing while oil is being circulated through the housing. Jp installations where the amount of heat ab- sorbed by the oil is greater than the cooling ca- pacity of the reservoir and the other components, it is necessary to install a heat, exchanger as shown by dotted lines on Figure ‘B’. All the oil leaving the control valve passes through the heat exchanger before returning to the reservoir. The heat exchanger illustrated on figure 'B’ is a water cooled unit. The volume of water entering the heat exchanger is regulated by a thermostatic valve which is controlled by the temperature of the oil in the reservoir. When it is not practical to use a water cooled unit an air cooled heat ex- changer may be used. The temperature of the oil at any point in the system must not be allowed to exceed 180°F. It is recommended that the pump inlet temperature be limited to 130 °F. Defi- nite operational advantages will be obtained by operating below 130° F.SECTIONAL DRAWING OF COMPLETE WINCH moder 23.s-c1| “7% h DRUM AND WINCH BASE ASSEMBLY J Weight tem No. | PartNo. Description | Is. ozs. i IIT Ball Bearing 1 2 0 2 G22 ‘O' Ring 1 ae 3 822008 Small Seal Ring 1 o 8 4 iT Oil Seal 1 0 45 5 Heol Drum Bushing 1 ea 6 Al1041 Dowel Bolt 4 0 4 T wis Lock Washer 4 oe 8 NIB Hex. Nut 4 o 15 9 ‘Az2014 Hondu 1 0 10 R21 Snap Ring 1 a u 331 ‘0 Rin; 1 = 2 422000 Taper Seal Ring 1 0 8 2 2B B22009X, Sun Gear Shaft (422000 included) 1 9 8 4 ul7s Oil Seal 1 0 6 15 22002 Large Seal Ring 1 2 0 16 G262 ‘O' Ring 1 ae 7 R120 Snap Ring 1 = 18 #130 Ball Bearing (R120 included) 1 4 8 ® 19 D22009X Winch Base i 136 0 ® 20 22000X Drum (H601 included) 1 165 0 Not Shown] M249 | Wire (shipping only) 1 a g ‘Winch base D22009X is used for a winch having a standard drum with dimensions as listed in the winch specifications on page 5. Winch basc D22009X is also used for a winch having a larger than standard barrel diameter; up vo 2244" lange diameter and a standard barrel length between, anges, ‘When ordering a winch base to be used with a drum that has, up to 2234" flange diameter and a barrel length between flanges that is greater than 10", state the barrel length between flanges after the basic part No. D22014X as illustrated below. ‘Part No, for Non-Standard Winch Base — D22014X.* Insert, barrel length measured between flanges (inches) NOTE: All winch bases have the part number marked in the approximate location indicated on the winch base (19). © _ Drum €22000X is for a standard drum with dimensions as listed in the winch specifications age 5. Pas For any drum which does not have the, standard dimensions as listed in the winch specifications on page 5, state the drum dimensions required after the basic part No, C22041X as listed below. Part No, for Non-Standard Drum — C22041X-+-t-6.4 For Model 23-C*, Insert ‘ cel i } For Model 23-4") Insert.’ Insert measured barrel diameter (sehen Insert measured flange diameter (inches Insert barrel length measured between flanges (inches) @ Sun gear shaft B22004X is used in a winch having a drum with standard barrel length between flanges as listed in the winch specifications on page 5. When ordering 2 sun gear shalt to be used with a drum that is longer than standard, state the barrel length between Nlanges after the basic part No, B22036X as illustrated below Part No, for Non-Standard Sun Gear Shaft — B22036X-* Insert barrei length measured between flanges (inches) WHEN ORDERING PARTS, BE SURE TO STATE THE SERIAL NUMBER OF WINCH 2PRIMARY DRIVE ASSEMBLY Model 23-*.C-* No. | Description No. Req'd rere Ass'y 1D22035XC Primary Drive Ass’y 1 3iL 0 1 A22021 Capscrew 2 0 25 2 Wial Seal Washer 12 ee 3 22010 Spring Cover i 9 0 4 6280 ‘O' Ring 1 os 5 A22017 Brake Spring 4 0 38 6 G26 ‘O" Ring 1 a 7 1B22005, Snap Ring | 1 o 6 8 D22034xC, Motor Ass'y | 1 145 0 9 B22011 Retainer | 1 10 422027 Segment 20 0 8 u ‘422029 Primary Sun Gear 1 1 0 12 €22057XC Primary Planet Ass'y 1 a 8 B 822003 Ring Gear 1 7 8 4 22011 Backing Plate 1 6 8 15 MI79 Brake Plate | 2 3 0 ts | B22014 Divider Plate 1 1 8 7 | G22 ‘O' Rin 1 ee 1 | Ulat Oil Seal 1 9 4 19 | 422085 Seal Ring 1 2 0 20 | R290 ‘Snap Ring 1 0 25 2 | C2012 Primary Housing, 1 89 0 2 F56 Pipe Plug. 4 = 23 | Fes Pipe Plug 1 0 3 Model 23-*-A-* Ass'y D22035XA Primary Drive Ass'y 1 au 0 (This assembly includes all parts listed above under D22035XC except items # and 12 change to the part No's. listed below.) 8 1D22034XA Motor Ass'y 1 145 0 12 | _€22057KA Primary Planet Ass'y 1 2 8 WHEN ORDERING PARTS, 1E SURE TO STATE THE SERIAL NUMSER OF WINCH 3BPRIMARY PLANET ASSEMBLY Model 23-*.C-* thom No. rt No. No. Reg'd Pottindeie assy | c22087xC Primary Planet Ass'y 1 2 8 1 822006 Primary Planet Pin 3 1 ° 2 422048 Gear Spacer 6 ae 3 #227 Roller Bearing 6 o 2 4 22049 Snap Ring 6 i 5 11033 Garter Spring 6 a 6 A220078 Primary Planet Gear 3 2 ° 7 822083 Clearance Cam Lock (Copper Colour) 3 ae 8 A201 cam Lock 48 = 9 ALi018 Thrust Plug 3 0 05 10 AN018 Bushing 1 o 3 u A22019 Thrust Pad 1 0 45 2 G20 ‘O' Ring 1 ee 1B P24t Pin 3 o os 1% 22087 Primary Planet Hub 1 10 3 Model 23-*-A-* fromNo. | PartNo. No. Req'd assy | €22057XA Primary Planet Ass'y 1 2 3 This assembly includes all parts listed above under €22057XC. The difference between this assembly and €22087XC is in the location of items 7 and 8. (See assembly instructions no page 30 and 31.) “4 WHEN ORDERING PARTS, BE SURE TO STATE THE SERIAL NUMBER OF WINCHMOTOR CARTRIDGE ASSEMBLY Model 23-*-C-* and Model 23-*-A-* Hom No. | PartNo. Description Ne.Rowd | as eee Ass'y 1B22088 Cartridge Ass'y 1 25 o 1 A22119 Pin 2 - 2 2128 Backup Washer 2 a 3 Gi28 ‘0’ Ring 2 a 4 A22122 Capscrew 2 0 1 sub Ass'y | A22118 Plate Assembly (consists of items 5 and 6) 1 1 5 422120 Plate 1 7 ° 6 22121 Bushing 1 ° 1 7 A22116 Cam Ring 1 4 3 8 22113 Vane 10 ° 2 9 az2iid Spring 40 = 10 22124 Pin 2 0 1 un A215 Rotor taeeai ait 1 2 A22125, Plate teen 0 1B u200 Seal Ring 1 a WHEN ORDERING PARTS, BE SURE TO STATE THE SERIAL NUMBER OF WINCH 5= | MOTOR ASSEMBLY Model 23-*-C-* Item No. | Patt No. Description No.Regd |, Mem Assy 1D22034XC Motor Ass'y 1 145 0 1 S245H Capscrew 6 0 1s 2 Wi Lock Washer 6 = 3 B22084 Split Flange Set (for 14” Hoses) 1 1 10 B22085 Split Flange Set | (for 114" Hoses) 1 1 10 4 £22009C Motor Housing 1 R 0 5 B22088 Cartridge Assembly 1 2 0 6 A22104 Snap Ring 1 0 a 7 2267 Backup Washer 1 8 267 ‘O' Ring 1 9 €22045M Brake Piston 1 19 0 10 G270 0" Ring 1 ae | 2270 Backup Washer 1 = 12 822086 Motor Shaft 1 2 ° 13 A221 Pilot Ring 1 6 5 a 227 Ring i ae 15 P235 in 1 = 16 252 Y Ring i = 17 RL Snap Ring 2 am 18 Hd Bearing 1 0 7 9 Gu3 ‘O' Rin 1 - 20 €22096¢ Shaft End Cover 1 18 ° pat 1329 Capscrew 8 0 5 2 F56 Pipe Plug 2 a MemNo. | PartNo. Description No. Rea’d is ‘Assy | D22034XA ‘Motor Assembly 1 145 0 | This assembly includes all parts as listed above under D22034XC. The difference between this assembly and 1D22034XA ‘is in the way that the camlocks are assem- bled to the motor, and items 4 and 20 change to the item no's. listed below. 4 £20094 Motor Housing 1 2 0 20 €220968, Shaft End Cover 1 18 0 16 WHEN ORDERING PARTS, BE SURE TO STATE THE SERIAL NUMBER OF WINCHFINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY Model 23-S-*-* tem No. | Part No. Description No. Req'd ee Ass'y 220298 Final Drive Ass'y 1 180 0 1 22001 Final Housing 1 15 0 2 €22006xS Final Planet Ass’y (Std.) 1 6&8 0 3 182000 ‘Thrust Plate 1 1 8 4 22002 End Cover 1 26 0 5 G280 ‘O' Ring 1 - 6 B22005 Snap Ring 1 0 6 7 F67 Pipe Plug 1 o 4 Model 23 tem No, | Part No. Description No. Req'd ee Ass’y c22029XH Final Drive Ass'y 1 173 o (This assembly includes all parts listed above under ‘Ass'y 22029XS except item 2 is replaced by item 8.) 8 B22009X Final Planet Reduction 1 6 0 (High Speed) WHEN ORDERING PARTS, BE SURE TO STATE THE SERIAL NUMBER OF WINCH vFINAL PLANET ASSEMBLY Model 23-S-*.* Item No, | PartNo. Description No.Reqa | eee Ass'y €22006XS, Final Planet Ass'y (Std.) 1 68 al A22001 Final Planet Pin 3 1 z M18 Ball Bearing 6 1 3 R258 Snap Ring 6 = 4 B22001 Final Planet Gear 3 9 8 5 P233 Pin 3 a 6 €22006S, Final Planet Hub 1 30 o Model 23-H-*-* tem No. | Part No. Description No. Req'd eee Ass'y B22009X Final Planet Reduction (High Speed) (tems 7 to 14 inclusive) 1 6 ° Sub Ass'y | C22006XH Final Planet Ass'y (Items 7 to 12 inclusive) 1 56 8 7 22001 Final Planet Pin 3 1 8 8 Hs Ball Bearing 6 1 0 9 R258 Snap Ring 6 10 822008 Final Planet Gear 3 5 0 i P23 Pin 3 a 2 220061 Final Planet Hub a 30 o 13 22031 Retainer Ring 1 _ 14 22030 ‘Sun Gear 1 4 8 7 WHEN ORDERING PARTS, BE SURE TO STATE THE SERIAL NUMBER OF WINCHFOREWORD TO SERVICING ‘The following service instructions have been arranged to provide the best methods for assembly and disassembly of the Gearmatic Model 23, winch, Tt is suggested that before any work is done on this unit, all the steps for disassembly and assembly should be read and understood. Expendable parts such as oil seals, back-up washers and ‘O" rings, should never be reused even though inspection may show these items as being serviceable for future use. The cost of these items is negligible ‘compared to the labour involved in replacing such items if they do not function properly. All replacements parts should be given your final inspection to insure that no damage has resulted after the final factory inspection was made. Cleanliness is of prime importance when any part of this winch is to be assembled or disassembled. Before commencing disassembly be sure that a clean work area with a dust and grit free work bench is available, For ease of assembly and disassembly and in order to avoid damage to some elements in the winch, it is recommended that when possible, the winch should be removed from its mounting base. The reasons for this will become evident once the following instructions have been studied. General Before reassembly of the winch be sure that all parts are perfectly clean, and that all machined surfaces of the winch parts are in good condition and free from damage or excessive wear, During reassembly lubricate all ‘O’ rings and oil seals with grease before installation. In the following assembly, disassembly and inspection instructions, the numbers in brackets refer fo the item numbers on the exploded parts drawing illustrated on the reference page stated beside the heading for each section. 9DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS To Remove the Final D €22029XS or C22029XH (Ref. Page 12) All Model 23 Winches 1, Disassemble the final drive assembly accord- ing to the instructions below. 2. Remove the seven nuts (8) and washers (7) from the final drive end of the winch. 3. If the primary drive assembly has already been removed from the winch base, and if the drum (20) has standard flange diameter as listed in the winch specifications, remove the drum (20) Support the drum under the centre of the barrel and drive t off the final jousing by tapping the inside face of the drum flange opposite to the final housing When the drum. has been removed proceed according to step 5. 4. If the primary drive assembly has not been removed or if the drum has a flange diameter that is larger than the standard flange, re move the final housing (1) on page 17 from the winch base and dram as follows. 5. For final housings with, tapped puller holes in the flange, use two /4" N.C. x 2” capscrews a jacks and pull the housing off of the dowel bolts (6). For final housings with cast slots under the edge of the flange use two heel bars and re- move the housings from the dowel bolts (6) e Assembly FIGURE D 4. If the final drive assembly has not been re- moved or if the drum has a flange diameter that is larger than the standard flange, re- move the primary housing (21) on page 13 from the winch base and drum as follows: 5. For primary housings with tapped puller holes in the flange, use two 1" N.C. x 2” capscrews as jacks and pull the housing off the dowel bolt (6), For primary housings with cast slots under the edge of the flange, use two heel bars and remove the housings from the dowel bolts 6) To Disassemble the Final Drive Assembly C22029XS or C22029XH To Remove the Primary Drive Assembly D22035XC or D22035XA All Model 23 Winches (Ref. Page 12) (Ref. Page 17 and 12) ASSEMBLY €22029XS issemble the primary drive assembly ac- cording to the instruction on page 21, Do hot remove this assembly ay a unit as dain age may be caused to the seal diameter of the primary planet hub (12) on page 13 and tapered seal diameter of the igper seal ring (3) on the sun gear shaft (13. 2 Once the primary drive assembly has been disassembled, remove the hex nuts (8) and washers (7) 3, If the final drive assembly has already been removed from the winch base and if the drum (20) has standard flange diameter as listed in the winch specifications, remove the drum (20). Support the drum under the centre of the barrel and drive it off the primary hous- ing by tapping the inside face of the drum flange opposite to the primary housing. 1, Remove snap ring (6) 2. Remove the end cover, (4) using a heel bar under the lug provided below the filler plug boss. Remove and discard ‘O' ring (5) from the end cover (4) 3. Remove the thrust plate (3) from the final planet assembly. (2). 4, Remove the final planet assembly (2). Using two pinch bars under the rim of the planet hub and against the end of the final housing (1) pull the final planet assembly (2) 0! the splined end of the drum. Care must be taken not to damage the pilot bore in the final housing (1) that carried the end cover @). 5. Remove the sun gear shaft (13) and remove and discard ‘O' ring (11) from the sun gear shaft (13),Model 23-H-*-* ASSEMBLY C22029XH 1. Remove snap ring (6) 2, Remove the end cover (4) using a heel bar under the lug provided below the filler plug boss. Remove and discard ‘O" ring (5) from, the end cover (4). 3. Remove the thrust plate (3) from the final planet assembly (2). 4, Remove the sun gear shaft (13) and remove and discard ‘O' ring (11) from the sun gear shaft (13). The sun gear (8a) and retainer ring (8b) will be removed from the sun gear shaft (13) as an assembly. 5. Remove the final planet assembly (8c). Using two pinch bars under the rim of the planet hub and against the end of the final housing (1), pull the final planet assembly (Be) the splined end of the drum (figure "D’). Care must be taken not to damage the pilot bore in the final housing (1) that carried the end cover (4 Inspection of Parts for Final Drive Assembly €22029XS or C22029XH 1. Discard '0' ring (5) 2, Wash all parts in a suitable solvent and dry thoroughly with compressed. air or ‘clean cloths. WARNING: Do not dry the final planet as sembly (2) or (8c) with compressed air as this may drive particles of dirt into the ball bearings which carry the planet gears. 3. Check snap ring (6) for flatness and that it forms a true circle, if it is bent or damaged replace with a new part 4. Check for wear at the centre of the thrust plate (3). The original thickness at the centre of the thrust plate was 1,363, if the wear is greater than “2” replace the thrust plate (3) 5. Check that the planet gears run freely in the final planet assembly (2) or (8c). For. disas- sembly instructions and inspection of parts in the final planet assembly (2) or (8c) see page 23. 6. Inspect the gear tecth in the final housing (1). If wear is greater than .015" when com pared to the unworn part of the teeth, re place the final housing (1). Check the large pilot bore at the end of the final housing (1) used to carry the end cover (4). Remove all roughness and scores carefully using a scrap: er and extra fine emery cloth so that ‘0’ ring (S) will seal in this diameter. 7. Inspect the sun gear shaft (13), on page 12 Check the gear teeth for wear by comparing the tooth-thickness at the worn area of the teeth with the tooth thickness at the unworn end. If the wear is greater than 012" replace the sun gear shaft (13), om page 12. 8. Inspect the taper seal ring (12), on page 12, if the tapered diameter has any roughness or seratches remove the tapered seal. ting (12) on page 12 from the shaft by using & punch between the gear teeth to drive the ring off the shaft. Replace with a new taper seal ring (12) NOTE: If any one of the gears in this as- sembly requires to be replaced because of tooth wear, all gears in the assembly should be replaced. To Disassemble the Primary Drive Assembly D22035XC or D22035XA (Ref. Page 13) Model 23-*.C-* or Model 23-*-A-* 1. Clean all dust and dirt away from the motor ports and vent port and disconnect the hy- draulic hoses. Mark the location of the spring cover (3) with respect to the housing (21) and location of spring cover (3) with respect to the motor assembly (8) this will insure that the motor ports and vent port are lo- cated correctly on reassembly. 2. Drain the oil from the primary housing (21) by removing one capscrew (1) with its seal washer (2) from the lowest point of the spring cover (3). Remove one pipe plug (22) from the top of the housing (21) to allow air to enter the housing, 3. Remove the spring cover (3) using the fol- Towing procedure. Remove the. remaining capscrews (1) with washers (2) by slacken- ing each capscrew (1) half a turn at a time, progressively around in a clockwise or Countersclockwise direction, Care must. be used to insure that the spring cover (3) is removed evenly as it carries the full sprinj load for the brake. When all the spring loa¢ has been removed from the spring cover (3) it can be withdrawn from the winch. 4. Remove and discard all seal washers (2) from capscrews (1) and remove ‘O’ ring (4) from the spring cover (3) and discard. 5. In most cases there will be a spring in every hole, but in certain applications "fewer sprigs are required and is Important that they be located symmetrically when they are replaced. Note and mark any hole that doce ‘tot contain spring and then remove all the springs. 6. Remove and discard the ‘O’ ring (6) from the motor assembly (8). 7. Remove snap ring (7) and motor assembly (8). Gearmatic tool No, B13009 can be used fo remove the motor assembly (8), 8. ‘The primary sun gear (11) may have been removed with the motor assembly (8). in step 7. If not, remove the primary sun gear (11) from the bore of the primary planet assembly (12), ar9. Remove the retainer (9) from inside of the segments (10), then remove the segments (1) from the primary housing (21). 10. Before removing the primary planet as- sembly (12) first remove the sun gear shaft (13) on page 12 by following the disassembly instructions for the final drive assembly on page 20. 11, When the sun gear shaft has been removed, remove the primary planet assembly (12). 12, Remove the remaining parts in sequence as shown by the item numbers (13) to (23) Inspection of Parts for Primary Drive Assembly D22035XC or D22035XA 1, Discard all ‘O' rings and oil seals. 2, Place the primary planet assembly (12) to one side and wash all other parts in a suit- able solvent. Dry thoroughly with com- pressed air or clean cloths. Do not wash the primary planet assembly unless it is fault ahd requires to be replaced or disassemble 3. Inspect the bore in the spring cover (3) for scores or bruises. If possible smooth out scores or bruises with a scraper and extra fine emery cloth in order that ‘O' ring (6) will seal effectively. 4. Check snap ring (7) for flatness and that it forms a truc circle, if bent or damaged replace, 5. If motor requires inspection see disassembly instruction for the motor assembly on page 25. 6. Inspect the retainer (9) for distortion. Be sure that it seats properly all around the bottom of the groove in the bore of the seg- ments (10). Check the segments. (10) for flatness, replace with new parts if bent or distorted. 7, Check that the planet gears in the primary planet assembly (12) will rotate freely and ‘smoothly in one direction and that they will all “lock up” in the opposite direction. If any the gears will not lock instantly in the "lock up” direction or if there is the slightest slippage in this direction, replace the as- sembly. 8. Inspect the teeth in the ring gear (13), Re place if wear is excessive. 9. Inspect the backing plate (14) for wear on the friction face. Ifthe wear exceeds. ix" replace with a new part. The original thick- ness was 627” at the thickest point. Check the external teeth for wear, if wear is ex cessive replace with a new part. 10. Inspect the friction surfaces of the brake plates (15), if wear has removed the grooves, replace the plates. 11. Check divider plate (16) for wear and dis. tortion. Tf wear is excessive or if the plate is buckled or does not form a true circle replace with a new part. To Disassemble Bearings and Seals from Drum (Ref. Page 12) All Model 23 Winches 1. Remove bearing (1) from the drum (20) us- ‘2 special puller to grip in the groove pro vided in the O.D.of the bearing. Support the Puller screw on a plug focated in the bore Of the drum (20). Gearmatic too! No. CI3I13 an be supplied for removing this bearing. 2. Remove the small seal, ring (3) which con. tains oil seal (4) and 'O" ring (2). Remove and discard the 'O"ring and the oil sea. 3. Remove the drum bushing (5) with a bear- ing puller only if it requires to be replaced 4 To remove bearing (18) fist remove the snap ring (17) from its O.D, Using the same pu eras used in step I above, place 2 plug lo- gated in the hore ofthe drum and pull. the aring by gripping in the shap ring groove on the OD- of the bearing. ma 5. Remove the large seal ring (15) which con- tains oil seal (14) and ‘O" ring (16). Remove and discard the ‘O" ring and the oil scal Inspection of Drum and Bearings, Etc. 1, Discard all ‘O* rings and oil seals. Wash all parts in a suitable solvent and dry thoroughly using compressed air or clean cloths. WARNING: Do not dry or spin the bearings with compressed air. Allow the bearings to air dry after they are properly cleaned. 3. Check the seal diameters at each end of the drum (20) for rust or roughness. Clean and polish the seal diameters using extra fine emery cloth. Check the bearing hub dia meters for scores and wear. If there is any wear, possibly caused by a seized bearing, the drum will require to be replaced, 4. Inspect the ‘O" ring seal face in the bore of the drum (20) at the splined end. This face must have a smooth finish and be free from scratches, etc. Polish if necessary with extra fine emery cloth. If this surface is damaged the drum will require to be replaced. 5. Inspect the drum bushing (5) for bruises, scores and wear. Remove all high spots from bruises or scores using a scraper. The origi- nal inside diameter of this bushing was 2.190", if wear is greater than .010" in dia-meter remove the bushing and replace it with a new part, 6. Inspect the ball bearings (1) and (18) for wear and pitting at the balls and ball grooves. Replace bearings if worn or pitted, To Disassemble Final Planet Assembly C22006XS or B22009X (Ref. Page 18) Model 23-S-*-* ASSEMBLY €22006XS 1. Using a 4" diameter pin punch, drive pin G) completely into the final planet pin (1) 2. Remove the final planet pin (1) by tapping it out of the planet hub b5} so that F is re- moved from the splined bore side of the planet hub. Remove pin (5) from the planet pin (1). 3. Now remove the planet gear (4) 4. Drive the ball bearings (2) out of the planet gear (4) using a drift. Remove the snap rings (3) only if they are to be replaced because of damage. Model 23-H-*.* ASSEMBLY B22009X (includes C22006XH) 1, Using a %4” diameter pin punch, drive pin (11) completely into the final planet pin (7) 2. Remove the final planet pin (7) by tapping it out of the planet hub (12) so that it is removed from the splined bore side of the planet hub. Remove pin (11) from the planet pin (7). Now remove the planet gear (10). Drive the ball bearings (8) out of the planet gear (10) using a drift. Remove the snap Tings (9) only if they are to be replaced because of damage. 5. The sun gear (14) and retainer ring (13) will have been, removed from the winch with the sun gear shaft (13) on page 12 during the dis- assembly of the final drive assembly. Remove the sun gear (14) from the sun gear shaft by pressing the sun gear shaft out of the sun gear (14) only if the sun, gear (14) 1s t0 be replaced or if the tapered seal ring (12) on page 12 has to be removed. The retainer ring (13) will remain in the splined bore of the sun gear (14) and can be removed separately. Inspection of Parts for Final Planet Assembly €22006XS or B22009X ASSEMBLY C22006XS and B22009X 1. Wash all parts in a suitable solvent and dry thoroughly using compressed air or clean cloths. 2, WARNING: Do not dry the ball bearings with compressed air, allow them to air dry after they are properly cleaned. Inspect the planet pin bores in the planet hub (6) or (12) for scores or bruises which may have been caused in removing the planet pins. Remove the high spots of any scores or ruises carefully with a scraper, sufficient to allow-a planet pin to be pressed into each bore by hand. Inspect the planet pin (1) or (7) for exces sive wear at the bearing area. If wear exceeds 001” on the diameter the pins should be replaced. ‘Check the planet gears (4) or (10) for wear and damage on the gear teeth. If wear is ex- cessive or if the sun gear (14) of B22009X or items (13) on page 12 and (1) on page 17 are being replaced because of gear tooth wear, replace the planet gears (4) or (10). Inspect the ball bearings (2) or (8) for wear and pitting at the balls and ball grooves. Replace bearings if worn or pitted. ASSEMBLY B22009X In addi the follo to the above inspection steps make ig inspections which apply to assem- bly B22009X only. Inspect the gear teeth on the sun gear (14) for wear. If wear is excessive replace the sun gear. Inspect the retainer ring (13) for damage. If it is bent or has notches on the inside dia- meter replace the retainer ring (13). To Disassemble the Primary Planet Assembly C22057XC or Model 23-*-C-* or Model 23-*- It €22057XA (Ref. Page 14) recommended that if this assembly does not function properly or is worn, it should be traded in complete for a new assembly. If the assembly is to be disassembled do 40 only if a clean, dust free work bench is avai 1 2 Remove and discard ‘O' ring (12) and remove bushing (10). Using a ¥" diameter pin punch drive (13) through the planetbub (14) uniif it can be removed through the bore which carried the bushing (10) (Figure “E'). Remove the primary planet pin (1) by tap: ping it out of the planet hub (14) So that tis removed from the side of the planet hub that carried the bushing (10). Remove the planet gear (6) with care so that the gear spacers (2) and the roller bearings (3) do not drop off the gear when removed,5, Remove the gear spacers (2) and the roller bearings (3), garter springs (5) and cam Tocks (7) and (8) and place on a perfectly clean surface. Remove one snap ring (4) from the primary gear (6) using suitable goose neck or water pump pliers. 6. After all the planet gears have been removed, the thrust pad (11) and ‘O° ring (12) can be removed from the planet hub. Remove and discard the ‘O" ring (12) Inspection of Parts for Primary Planet Assembly C22057XC or C22057XA 1. Discard ‘0 ring (12). 2. Wash all parts in a suitable solvent and dry thoroughly using compressed air or clean cloths. WARNING: Do not dry the roller bearings with compressed air, allow them to air dry after they are properly cleaned. 3. Check the planet hub (14). Inspect the seal diameter which carried the oil seal (18) on, page 13 for scores or roughness. Try remoy- Ing roughness with extra fine emery cloth. IE roughness can not be removed completely in this way replace the planet hub (14), Inspect the planet pin bores for scores and bruises which may have been caused in re- moving the planet pins (1), Remove the high spots of any scores or bruises carefully with a scraper, sufficiently to allow a planet pin (1) to be pressed into each bore by hand. e: : i 3 : i a 4, Inspect the pins (13) for damage. If they are bent or distorted discard them. 5. Inspect the planet pins (1) for excessive wear at the bearin cam lock areas. If the wear at the bearing and cam lock areas is greater than 001” on the diameter when compared with the unworn areas, the planet pins (1) should be replaced. 24 6. Inspect the bore of the planet gears (6) for ridges in the centre area of the bore and for wear at the centre and ends of the bore. Tf there are definite ridges at the centre of the bore or wear at any part of the bore greater than .001” in diameter the gears will require to be replaced. The original bore diameter was 1.7852". 7. Inspect the roller bearings (3) for freeness of rollers. Check for pits, broken rollers or excessive wear, also damage or excessive wear on the bronze bearing cage or flange, and replace the bearings (3) if any of these conditions exist 8. Check the cam locks (7) and (8) For wear at the points where they contact the planet pin (2) and gear (6). If flats are worn on the cam locks at these points they will require to be replaced 9. Check the gear spacers (2) for flatness and 10. Check thrust plug (9) for wear on, flange end. If flange has worn down to ls" thick the thrust plugs (9) will require to be replaced. 11. Check thrust pad (11) for wear on slotted face, if wear exceeds 4" replace. Original thickness of the thrust pad (11) was .562” 12. Check bushing (10) for wear on, bore and flange. If flange has worn to 's2" thick or if bore has worn more than .010" replace the bushing (10). Original bore was 2.253", NOTE: If planet pins (1), gears (6), bear- ings (3) or cam locks (7) and (8) require to be replaced all these parts must be replaced at the same time, To Disassemble the Motor Assembly D22034XC or D22034XA (Ref. Page 16) Before disassembling this unit, be sure to have new ‘O’ rings and backup washers on hand. It is important to install new ‘O’ rings once the old parts have been disturbed. This assembly should be disassembled only if trouble has been traced to the motor, and only if a clean, dust free work bench is available. ‘The motor assembly must be removed from the primary drive assembly according to the instructions on page 21 before disassembly of the motor is started. 1. Remove the sun gear (11), page 13, if it has remained on the motor shaft 2. Remove the eight capscrews (21). Items (1), (2), and (3) will have been removed at the time the piping was disconnected. 3. Lift off the shaft end cover (20). Items (6) fo (19) inclusive, will be removed with the shaft end cover (20), For disassembly of these parts, see Step 6.4. Remove and discard ‘0' rings (16) and (19). 5. Remove the motor cartridge (5) from the motor ‘housing (4). Gearmatis, Tool No ‘TBI4113 can be supplied for this purpose. Set it to one side for disassembly later. Re- move the ‘O' ring (13), page 15, from the bore in the port end cover. For disassembly instructions on the motor cartridge, see “To Disassemble the Motor Cartridge’ 6. Remove the pilot ring (13) and ‘0’ ring (14) Remove the snap ring (6) from the shait end cover (20). Remove the brake piston (9) Remove and discard ‘O’ rings (8) and (10) and backup washers (7) and (11). Remove the motor shaft (12), ball bearings (18), and snap rings (17) from the shaft end cover (G0), Remove one snap ring (17) and pull the bearing (18) off of the motor shaft (12) only if the bearing (18) is being replaced, Inspection of Parts for Motor Assembly D22034XC or D22034XA 1, Discard all ‘0’ rings and backup washers. 2. Wash all parts thoroughly in a suitable sol- vent, Dry thoroughly with compressed air or clean claths. Do not wash the motor cart- ridge (5) unless itis to be disassembled or traded in complete for a new assembly. WARNING: Do not dry bearing (18) with compressed air. Allow it to air dry after it is properly cleaned. 3. Inspect the bearing (18) for freeness of balls or excessive wear. Replace if either of, these conditions exist 4, Inspect the bore and face of the Motor Hous- ing (4) and face of the shaft end cover (20) for scores or roughness. If possible, remove roughness and scoring with a fine hone. 5, Inspect the shaft end cover (20) and brake piston (9) for scoring and roughness on the cylinder diameters. If scoring and roughness is excessive, replace the shaft end cover (20) and brake piston (9) with new parts. 6 Rewash all parts that have been honed and dry thoroughly. To Disassemble the Motor Cartridge B22088 (Ref. Page 15) 1. Remove and discard all 'O' rings and backup, washers, 2. Remove capscrews (4) from the port plate (5), then remove port plates (5) and (12). 3. Remove pin (1) from the port plate (5) only if replacement is required because of damage or wear. 4, Remove bushing (6) from the port plate (5) only if replacement is required because of damage or wear. 5. Remove the pins (10) from the cam ring (7), then separate the cam ring (7) and the port plates (5) and (12). 6. Carefully position the rotor (11) and vanes (8) halfway out of the cam ring (7) and install a standard four inch ring compressor (see fig. F). Compress the vanes (8) into the rotor (il) and remove this assembly from the cam ring (7). Release the ring compres. sor and disassemble the vanes (8), springs (9), and rotor (11) FIGURE F Inspection of Parts for the Motor Cartridge Assembly B22088 1, Wash alll parts thoroughly in a suitable sol- vent. Dry thoroughly with compressed ar or clean clot 2. Inspect the cam ring (7) for scoring and roughness. If either or these conditions exist, replace the cam ring (7) 3. Inspect the wear faces of the port plate (5) and (12) for wear. Remove any light scoring by lapping. If wear is greater than 005", these components need to be replaced, 4. Inspect the bushing (6) for wear in the bore, If wear is in excess of 003, replace the bush: ing. A new bushing meastires 1.0405" 5. Inspect the vanes (8), springs (9), and rotor (11) for excessive wear in the slots or burrs. If these conditions exist, replace them with new parts. NOTE: If the cam ring (7), rotor (11), vanes (8), oF springs (9) are to be replaced, be- cause of excessive wear, it is good practice to replace all of the above components, Re- placement of one part and not the others, ‘will cause premature wear of the new parts because of their attempt to conform to the wear pattern of the old parts.To Assemble the Winch Completely from Sub-Assemblies All Model 23 Winches ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS To Assemble Bearings and Seals Etc. to Drum (Ref. Page 12) All Model 23 Winches 1. Place the winch base (19) on page 12 on the work bench so that the side which is to be the final drive end of the winch is facing up. 2. Attach the final housing (1) on page 17 to the winch base using seven dowel bolts (6), 1, Install oil seal (4) in the small seal ring (3) so that the lip of the oil seal is at the end of ‘washers (7) and nuts (8) on page 12. the seal ring farthest from the (O° ring 3. Turn this assembly over so that it rests on groove. Lubricate ‘O’ ring (16) with grease the end of the final housing (1) on page 17 and install it in the groove on the outside dis Now take the drew (20) ea page IP hich meter of the seal ring. Lubricate the oil seal, has previously been assembled with the seals give the ‘Q' ring an additional coat of grease, and bearings according to the instructions on and install this seal assembly on the non. eae astund pilot he Lecaing oa the enlined splined end of the drum (20) so that the lip end of the drum into the bore of the final of the oil seal is towards the drum. Be care- housing. Tap the drum assembly down until ful not to damage the lip of the oil seal as it the shep ting on the bearing at the splined is pressed over the taper on the seal diameter endl ofl thelaraaiiacpraperiy, scared atthe SS ee enna end of the final housing bore. There will be around the seal diameter of the drum. approximately ‘x learanee) between, the stall oll seal (14) in the large seal rin final housing and the end of the drum flange 2 thatthe lip ofthe eal at that end ot wen the Bearing snap rng is seated. the seal ring which has the projecting dia- 4. If the drum (20) on rol page 12 has a flange peter (he ote bereate 12 na (16) diameter that is larger than standard, steps Fe Garaidie Ge tke walle eabtinie Whe cl 2 and 3 above can not be used. In this case eal, give the ‘O’ ring an additional coat of it will be necessary to proceed from step 1 grease and install this. assembly on. the as follows: Install the fourteen dowel bolts Spipes and of te dan yz tatthetp om mage Tn he wich ie (1) ne ee ore ere eecere S0 that the ends of the dowel bolts are clear fal er to eens the Up of che oil eal ae of the work bench and the side of the winch Eididtipirrcinge waddle tla pee emloennt base which is to be the final drive end of the meter of the drum. Pack the seal with grease ae around the seal diameter of the drum. nee 3. Install bearing (1) on the nonsplined end ee Tale te etn ase ee eee oa of the drum (20) so that the groove on the winch base so that the splined end of the peerage oar dearer drum is up. Now place the final housing (1) vars re dem Pach ne boning tue on page 17 so that the bearing bore in. the ‘oughly with good quality ball bearing grease. housing pilots over the bearing on the splined 4. Install bearing (18) on the splined end of end of the drum and the dowel bolts (6) the drum (20) so that the snap ring on the ‘on page 12 locate in the flange of the final a ee gee eee Cupeltio the winch base using seven washers Sear eeaeeaee ae (7) and nuts (8) on the dowel bolts (6) on 5. Install the hondu (9) in its slot in the drum page 12. Turn the assembly over so that it (20) so that the small end of the hondu en- rests on the end of the final housing and tap ters the wide end of the slot. the drum down until the snap ring on the bearing at the splined end of the drum is 6, Press bushing (5) into the drum (20) using properly seated. a sizing mandrel that is 2.1885” diameter. Install the bushing so that the end of the bushing is flush with the end of the drum. Gearmatic tool No. B1397 can be used to install this bushing. 6. Take the primary housing (21) on page 13 and install snap ring (20) on page 13 in the snap ring groove that is closest to the large open end of the housing. Now pilot the prim-10, 12. To Assemble the Pi ary housing over the bearing, on the plain end of the drum (non-splined end) so that the dowel bolts (6) on page 12 will locate in the flange of the primary housing. Tap the primary housing on until its flange contacts the winch base and secure it to the winch base using seven washers (7) and nuts (8) on the dowel bolts (6) on page 12. Torque load nuts (8) on page 12 to 75 ft. Ibs. Assemble the primary drive assembly ac- cording to the assembly instructions on pages 27 and 28. Assemble the final drive assembly according to the assembly instruction on page 29. When the assembly of the winch has been completed and secured to its mounting base, check the alignment of the winch according to the instructions on page 7. Connect, the hydraulic hoses to the motor ports ‘R’ and vent ‘O' on figure ‘A’, page 6. Run the winch in the reverse rotation, be- fore running it in the forward rotation. This will centralize the ring gear (13) on page 13, which is held in place by the brake plates (15) on page 13. ary Drive Assembly D22035XC or D22035XA (Ref. Page 13) Model 23-*.C-* or Model 23-*-A-* Before starting this assembly the drum must be mounted between the final and primary hous- ings, secured to the winch base according to the instructions TO ASSEMBLE THE WINCH COM. PLETELY FROM SUB-ASSEMBLIES on page 26 up to and including step 6. 1 Whenever possible sct the partly completed winch on end so that it rests on the end of the final housing (1) on page 17. Check that the drum bearing which is carried in the primary housing has been thoroughly packed with grease. Lubricate ‘O’ ring (17) with grease and in- stall it in its groove in the seal ring (19). Tastall the oi! seal (18) in the seal ring (19) so that the back of the oil seal contacts the shoulder in the seal ring bore. Give the ‘O” ring and oil seal an additional coat of grease and install the seal ring (19) in the bore of the primary housing so that the lip of the oil seal is out towards the open end of the FIGURE G housing (21)( . Tap the seal ring (19) into place with a soft hammer so that it locates against the snap ring (20) which was previously installed. 3, Install the primary planet assembly (12) so that the projecting boss locates in the bush- ing (5) on page 12 at the end of the drum. When this assembly is in place rotate it by hand to make sure that it is free to turn. Check that the bushing (10) on page 14 is in place in the primary planet assembly (12). 4. If it has not been possible to remove the winch from its mounting base in order to make this assembly with the winch in a ver- tical position, and the winch is being as- sembled in a horizontal position, proceed as follows. Spread a thick coat of grease on the machined faces of the six pads on the inside wall of the primary housing (21). Install the ving gear (13) over. the primary planet as sembly (12) so that it engages with the teeth of the planet gears and is pressed tightly against the six greased pads. By using a thick grease on the six pads as explained above, the ring gear (13) will be held in place while the motor assembly (8) is being installed as explained in step 9. If the winch has been removed from its mounting base, and the assembly is being made with the winch placed vertically, do not grease the six pads as explained above. 5. If this assembly is being made with the winch in a horizontal position place four Spots of grease (about ‘the size ‘of a pea) equally spaced on the brake face on the in- side wall of the primary housing (21). Install the first brake plate (15) so that it engages over the teeth of the ring gear (13) and aagainst the brake face in the primary hous- ing which has just been greased. Place four spots of grease on the exposed face of the brake plate which has just been installed and install the divider plate (16) so that it e gages in the internal gear teeth of the px mary housing. Now install the second brake plate (15) and backing plate (14) placing grease between each plate as before. Press all plates together so that the grease will spread between their surfaces. If the winch has been removed from its mounting, and the assembly is being made with the’ winch placed vertically, do not grease the surfaces of the brake plates and ivider plates as explained above. The grease is only required in order to hold the brake plates and divider plate in place while the motor assembly (8) is being installed as explained in step 9. Install the segments (10) in the groove next to the internal teeth in the primary housing (21). Install the retainer (9) in the groove formed on the inside of the segments (10), so that the ends of the retainer (9) rest in centre of one of the segments. Install the primary sun gear (11) in the primary planet assembly (12) so that the teeth on the O.D. engage with the gears in primary planet assembly (12). FIGURE H Take the motor assembly (8) and place it on the work bench with the motor shaft end up. Check that the brake piston (9) on page 16 is located Yc” away from the motor housing (4) on page 16 as illustrated on figure ‘H’. If necessary, tap brake piston down with a 10. a 12, 13, 14, soft hammer, or pry it up by using two heel bars as shown in figure ‘H’ until the Ye” gap is obtained. Install the motor assembly (8) inthe prim. ary housin, y holding it square wit the end of the primary housing as it enters the housing. ‘The spline at the end of the motor shaft (12) on page 16 will engage with the gear (11) in the primary planet assembly (12) and the motor will pilot into the planet hub bushing (10) on page 14. It may be necessary to rotate the motor assembly (8) slightly so that the spline at the end of the motor shaft will engage with the gear (11) in the primary planet assembly (12). The motor assembly will assemble into the pri- mary housing easily by tapping the outside of the motor assembly lightly with a copper drift until the snap ring (7) can be installed, If this assembly is being made with the winch in a horizontal position it is possible for the ring gear (13) to move away from the six machined pads on the inside wall of the pr mary housing and allow the first brake plate (15) to drop down behind the ring gear (13), If this happens it will not be possible to install snap ring (7). When the winch is removed from its mounting base and assem- bled in a vertical position the first brake plate cannot drop behind the ring gear. Do not use force to install the motor assembly (8). If there is interference remove the motor assembly and investigate. Once the motor assembly (8) is in place in- stall snap ring (7) and make sure that it is, properly seated in the bottom of the snap Ting groove all the way around the housing, (21), When snap ring (7) has been installed, rotate the motor assembly in the primary housing to locate the motor ports at the required angle for the particular installation. Lubricate ‘O ring (6) with grease and install, it in its groove on the motor assembly (8). After the ‘O’ ring is installed lubricate it again with grease. Install the brake springs (5) in the same symmetrical pattern as they were in before disassembly. In most cases there will be a spring for every hole but in some installa- tions fewer springs are used and it is import. ant that the springs be installed in 2 sym- ‘metrical pattern for an even load on the brake. Lubricate ‘O’ ring (4) with grease and install it in its groove in the spring cover (3). Once the ‘O” ring is installed lubricate it again, Install the spring cover (3) over the motor assembly so that the vent port is located in the correct position for the particular instal- ation.15. Install _capscrews (1) with washers (2). Screw in all the capscrews to be finger tight and then tighten them evenly by one half turn at a time progressively around in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction. Care must be used to insure that the spring cover (3) remains parallel to the end of the primary housing (21) as it is tightened into place. Torque load the capscrews to 50 for pounds. To Assemble the Final Drive Assembly C22029XS or C22029XH (Ref. Page 17 and 12) Before starting this assembly the drum must be mounted between the final and primary hous- ings, secured to the winch base according to the instructions TO ASSEMBLE THE WINCH COM. PLETELY FROM SUB-ASSEMBLIES ON page 26 up to and including step 7. Model 23-S-*.* ASSEMBLY €22029XS 1, Lubricate ‘O" ring (11) with grease and in- stall it over the taper seal ring (12) which is installed on the sun gear shaft (13). 2, Check that the snap ring (10) is in place on the sun gear shaft (13) and install the sun gear shaft in the winch so that it engages in the splined bore of the primary planet hub, Slide the sun gear shaft (13) in until the snap Fing (10) contacts the end of, the primary planet hub, at the same time ‘O' ring (11) will contact the seal face on the end of the drum and be pushed up the tapered diameter of the tapered seal ring (12) 3. Install the final planet assembly (2) so that the planct gears engage in the internal teeth of the final housing (1) and the splined bore of the planet hub locates over the splined end of the drum. Tap the planet assembly (2) into place until it contacts the bearing that carries the drum in the final housing (1) 4, Install the thrust plate (3) in the end of the final planet assembly (2) 5, Lubricate ‘O' ring (5) with grease and install in its groove in the end cover (4), Give the ‘O' ring an aditional coat of grease and install the end cover in the final housing (1) so that the filler boss will be located at the bottom of the final housing when the winch is mounted. Make sure that the end cover is properly scated against the end of the gear teeth in the final housing, 6. Install the snap ring (6) and make sure that it is properly seated in the bottom of the snap ring groove all the way around the housing (1). 7. Fill the final housing (1) with SAE 90 transmission oil to the level of the filler hole and install the filler plug (7). Model 23-H-*-* ASSEMBLY C22029XH_ 1, Install the final planet assembly (8c) so that the planet gears engage in the internal teeth of the final housing (1) and the splined bore of the planet hub locates over the splined end of the drum. Tap the planet assembly (8c) into place until it contacts the bearing that carries the drum in the final housing (1). 2. Fit the retainer ring (8b) to the groove in the bore of sun gear (8a). Press the sun gear (8a) over the gear teeth of the sun gear shaft (13) until the retainer ring snaps into the groove provided in the gear teeth of the sun gear shaft, 3. Lubricate ‘O' ring (11) with grease and in- stall it over the taper seal ring (12) which is installed on the sun gear shaft (13). 4. Check that the snap ring (10) is in place on the sun gear shaft (13) and install the sun ear shalt in the winch so that it engages in the splined bore of the primary planet hub. ide the sun gear shaft (13) in until the snap ring (10) contacts the end of the primary planet hub, at the same time ‘O' ring (11) will contact the seal face on the end of the drum and be pushed up the tapered diameter of the tapered seal ring (12) 5. Install the thrust plate (3 final planet assembly (8c) the end of the 6. Lubricate ‘O' ring (5) with grease and install in its groove in the end cover (4), Give the “O' ring an additional coat of grease and in- stall the end cover in the final housing (1) so that the filler boss will he located at the bottom of the finat housing when the winch is mounted. Make sure that the end cover is properly seated against the end of the gear teeth in the final housing, 7. Install the snap ring (6) and make sure that it is properly seated in the bottom of the snap ring groove all the way around the housing (1) 8. Fill the final housing (1) with SAE 90 transmission oil to the level of the filler hole and install the filler plug (7).To Assemble the Final Planet Assembly C22006XS or B22009X (Ref. Page 18) Model 23-S-*-* ASSEMBLY C22006XS 1. Install the snap rings (3) in the groove in the bore of the planet gear (4). Press the ball bearings (2) into the final planet gear (4) so that the ends of the bearings shoulder against the snap rings (3). 2. Place the final planet gear (4) into the final planet hub (6) so that the bore of the bear- ing lines up with a planet pin hole. 3. Install final planet pin (1) inthe nal planet hub (6) so that it passes through the ball bearings (2) in the planet gear and the drilled hole in the final planet pin lines up with the hole in the rim of the final planet ub. 4, Install pin (5) and using Ys" diameter pin punch, drive the pin in until the outer end OF the’pin js Tr Delow the outside diameter of the final planet hub (6). 5. Repeat the above for the remaining two final planet gears (4) and check that all the gears run freely. Model 23-H-*-* ASSEMBLY B22009X (includes C22006XH) 1. Install the snap rings (9) in the groove in the bore of the planet gear (10). Press the ball bearings (8) into the final planet gear (10) so that the ends of the bearings shoulder against the snap rings (9) 2. Place the final planet gear (10) into the final planet hub (12), so that the bore of the bear- ing lines up with a planet pin hole, 3, Install a final planet pin (7) in the final jlanet hub (12) so that it passes through the bail bearings (8) in the planct gear and the drilled hole in the final planet pin lines upywith the hote inthe rim of the final planet sub. 4, Install pin (7), drive the pin in until the ‘outer end of the pin is flush with the outside Giameter of the final planet hub (12). 5. Repeat the above for the remaining two final planet gears (10) and check that all the gears run freely 6, Fit the sun gear (14) and the retainer ring (13) to the sun gear shaft (13) on page 12 by following the Assembly instructions for AS- SEMBLY C22029XH, step 2 on page 29. To Assemble the Primary Planet Assembly €22057XC or C22057XA (Ref. Page 14) Model 23-*-C-* or Model 23-*-A-* 1, Lubricate ‘O” ring (12) and install in its groove in the thrust pad (11). Give ‘O" ring an additional coat of grease and install the thrust pad (11) in its recess in the inside Wall of the primary planet hub (14) so that the slotted face of the thrust pad is outwards. 2. Press the thrust plugs (9) into the ends of the primary planet pins (1). LONG FACE OF FIGURE J ican isices 3. Assemble the primary planet gears (6) with cam locks (7) and. (8), garter springs’ (5) and roller bearings (3) as follows. Install one snap ring (4) in a primary planet gear (6). Grip the primary planet pin (1) on the thrust plug end and install a roller bearing (3) over the end of the primary planet pin (1) so that it rests on your hand, then, place the primary planet gear (6), assembled with the snap ring (4) as above, over the planet pin so; that the bearing (3) pilots into the ‘ore of the primary planet gear and locates against the snap ring (4). Now take the six. teen cam locks (7) and one copper coloured cam lock (8) and assemble them so that they stand on end between. the primary planet pin (1) and the bore of the planet gear (6) (See figure ‘’). Install a second snap ring in the bottom of the snap ring groove all the way around the gear. Place a roller bearing (3) in the bore of the planet gear so tha rests on the snap ring (4). Belore installing the garter spring (5) check to see that the roove formed by the notches at the end of the cam locks (7) and (8) next to the snap ring (4) is fully exposed. Install the garter spring (5) so that it engages under the pro- Jecting ends of the cam locks (7) and (8) (See figure ‘K). Turn the complete assembly over and slide the planet pin (1) downthrough the planet gear until the groove formed on the end of the cam locks (7) and (8) next to the snap ring (4) is fully exposed. It may be necessary to rotate the planet gear (6) in the direction of free rotation in order to allow the planet pin (1) to slide through the assembly. Install the second garter spring (5) through the bore of the Foller bearing (3). Now slide the planet pin (1) up through the gear assembly as before so that it is central in the planet gear (6). FIGURE K . To check that the primary planet gear (6), assembled according to step 3, rotates freely in the correct direction of rotation proceed as follows. Hold the primary planet pin (1) Stationary with one hand and view the end of the gear assembly while the thrust plug (9) points away from you. With the other hand fry to rotate the gear ia both directions. Tf the cam locks have been assembled cor: rectly according to step 3 above, the gear Mill fotate freely in a clockwise direction and Mlock up" in the opposite direction, ‘This assembly is correct for assembly No €22087X¢, for use in'a Model 23-"-C* winch In order to change the direction of rotation of the primary planet gear (6) for assembly No. C22087XA for use in a Model 23-"-A winch it is not necessary to remove and reassemble the cam locks (7) and (8). Grip the primary planet pin (1) on the thrust plug. end and remove it from the gear assembly with a twisting motion in the direction of free rotation. Replace the planet pin in the other end of the gear assembly with the game twisting motion in the direction for free rotation. Take the primary planet gear which has been checked for rotation as above and place one Spacer (2) on each side of the primacy planet Bear next 20 the roller bearings G). Hold this assembly opposite one of the gear open ings in the primary planet hub (18) so, that the ross, Hole dried in the end ofthe rimary planet pin (1) is on the same side Sf the gear opening as the drilled rim of the primary planet hub (14). Now hold the pri Tuary planet gear (6) across the spacers (2) . When the hole ii with one hand and remove the, primary planet pin (1) by gripping it on the dried énd with the other hand. Insert the gear assembly into the planet hub so. that the bore of the gear lines up with the planet pin hoe in the planet Hab"), Total a primary planet pin ¥ tapping it into The planet hub (14). As the primary planet pin (1) enters the primary planet gear (6), rotate the gear slowly in the direction for free rotation (see figure L & M) so that the primary planet ‘pin (1) ‘will pass freely through the cam focks\(7) and (8). Tap the rimary planet pin (1) through the planet fu (14) a the drilled hole ‘in the end a the primary planet pin (1) lines up with the hoie in the rim of the planet hub (14). the end of the primary planet pin (1) is lined up with the mating ole in the rim of the planet hub (14), insta pin (13). Drive pin (13) into the planet hub (44) until it is approximately se" away from the bore in the planet hub that carries the bushing (10). FREE LOCKUP gi ROTATION FIGURE L MODEL 23-*.c-* ASSEMBLY C22057XC FREE ROTATION = 2 LOCK-UP FIGURE mM. MODEL 23-*-A-* ASSEMBLY C22057XA, a
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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Little Women
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Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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