Ae2235 Exercises Lecture 1
Ae2235 Exercises Lecture 1
Ae2235 Exercises Lecture 1
Exercise page 27
(a) We use the sifting property of the delta function, and the integral property of the delta function. Fill in
δ(t − 10) = 0 at all values of t except at t = 10 s. Then we get:
Z ∞ Z ∞
−αt2 −α102
e δ(t − 10)dt = e δ(t − 10)dt = e−100α 1 = e−100α ,
−∞ −∞
where we used the fact that the integral of a delta-function equals one (when the delta-function occurs within the
integration limits, of course).
(b) Note that δ(t + 10) = 0 at all values of t except at t = −10, which is outside the integral limits. Hence
the integral is 0.
Exercise 1-8
t t
Note that Π(0.1t) = Π( 10 ) and that Π(10t) = Π( 0.1 ). Get used to writing the unit pulses this way!
(a) (b)
1 1
−5 5 −0.05 0.05
(c) (d)
1 1
t t
0 1 −0.5 4.5
0 0.5 1.5 2
Exercise 1-9
(a) sin(50πt) = sin(25 · 2πt): then f0 = 25 Hz, T0 = 0.04 s.
AE2235/AESB2020 Exercises Lecture One (V1.1, Jun. 2016) 2
(d) sin(50πt) + cos(60πt) = sin(25 · 2πt) + cos(30 · 2πt); Find the common frequency: sin(5 · 5 · 2πt) +
cos(6 · 5 · 2πt). So the common frequency f0 is 5 Hz. Then T0 = 0.2 s.
(e) Same here: sin(50πt) + cos(70πt) = sin(25 · 2πt) + cos(35 · 2πt) = sin(5 · 5 · 2πt) + cos(7 · 5 · 2πt).
So the common frequency f0 is again 5 Hz. Then T0 = 0.2 s.
Exercise 1-10
√ √ √
(a) A = 3 + j3, so |A| = 9 + 9 = 3 2, 6 A = arctan( 33 ) = π
4, i.e.: A = 3 2ejπ/4 .
B = 10ejπ/3 , so |B| = 10 and 6 B = 3.
1 1
√ √
Re(B) = |B| cos(6 B) = 10 · 2 = 5; Im(B) = |B| sin(6 B) = 10 · 2 3 = 5 3,
So B = 5 + j5 3.
(b) A + B = 8 + j(3 + 5 3), see the sketch.
12 A+B
−2 3 5
(c) A − B = −2 + j(3 − 5 3), see the sketch.
√ √ √
(d) Cartesian: AB = (3 + j3)(5 + j5 3) = 15(1 − 3) + j15(1 + 3).
√ √
Polar: AB = 3 2ejπ/4 · 10ejπ/3 = 30 2ej7π/12 .
√ √ √
(Check:√Re(AB) = 30 2 cos(7π/12) = −10.981 = 15(1 − 3) and Im(AB) = 30 2 sin(7π/12) = 40.981 =
15(1 + 3)).
3 2 ejπ/4 3
(e) Polar: B = 10 ejπ/3 = 10 2e−jπ/12 .
3+j3 3+j3
√ √ √
= = √ 5−j5√3 = 15 15
Cartesian: 100 (1 + 3) + j 100 (1 − 3).
B 5+j5 3 5+j5 3 5−j5 3
A 3
√ A
(Check: | B |= 10
2 and 6 B
= −π/12).
AE2235/AESB2020 Exercises Lecture One (V1.1, Jun. 2016) 3
A 3
√ 15
√ A 3
√ 15
(Check: Re( B )= 10
2 cos(−π/12) = 100
(1 + 3), and Im( B )= 10
2 sin(−π/12) = 100
(1 − 3).
Exercise 1-11
(a) xa (t) = 2 cos(10πt + π/6) = 2 cos(5(2π)t + π/6), f0 = 5 Hz, T0 = 0.2 s.
(b) xb (t) = 5 cos(17πt − π/4) = 5 cos(8.5(2π)t − π/4), f0 = 8.5 = 17/2 Hz, T0 = 2/17 = 0.11765 s.
(c) xc (t) = 3 sin(19πt − π/3) = 3 sin(9.5(2π)t − π/3), f0 = 9.5 = 19/2 Hz, T0 = 2/19 s.
Note that in the answers (10πt) is used, and also in the occurances of this example later on... for now we will stick
to the definition of xc (t) as above.
(d) xd (t) = xa (t) + xb (t) = 2 cos(10πt + π/6) + 5 cos(17πt − π/4) = 2 cos(10 · 0.5 · 2πt + π/6) +
5 cos(17 · 0.5 · 2πt − π/4), hence the ‘common’ frequency, and therefore the fundamental frequency equals 0.5
Hz, the period T0 equals 2 s.
(e) xe (t) = xa (t) + xc (t) = 2 cos(10πt + π/6) + 3 sin(19πt − π/3) = 2 cos(10 · 0.5 · 2πt + π/6) +
3 sin(19 · 0.5 · 2πt − π/3), hence the ‘common’ frequency, and therefore the fundamental frequency equals 0.5
Hz, the period T0 equals 2 s.
(f) xf (t) = xb (t) + xc (t) = 5 cos(17πt − π/4) + 3 sin(19πt − π/3) = 5 cos(17 · 0.5 · 2πt − π/4) +
3 sin(19 · 0.5 · 2πt − π/3), hence the ‘common’ frequency, and therefore the fundamental frequency equals 0.5
Hz, the period T0 equals 2 s.
Note that the phase does not matter, and that we are always looking for the largest frequency that occurs an integer
number of times.
Exercise 1-12
Note that from now on we will use xc (t) = 3 sin(10πt − π/3) as this is what the answers on page 388 suggest.
xa xb xc
2 3
f f f
5 17/2 5
6 X
17/2 5
f f f
5 − π4
− 5π
xa xb xc
1 1.5
f f f
−5 5 −17/2 17/2 −5 5
6 X 5π
π 6
6 π
−5 17/2 5
f f f
5 −17/2 −5
− π6 − π4
− 5π
Exercise 1-14
(a) xa (t) = Π[(t − 3)/6] + Π[(t − 4)/2], which is the same as xa (t) = Π[ (t−3) (t−4)
6 ] + Π[ 2 ], so the sum of a
unit pulse of width 6 centered around t = 3 s and a unit pulse of width 2 centered around t = 4 s. We sketch it first:
Π[ (t−3)
6 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Π[ (t−4)
2 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
AE2235/AESB2020 Exercises Lecture One (V1.1, Jun. 2016) 5
Then, clearly, xa (t) expressed in terms of step functions becomes: xa (t) = u(t) + u(t − 3) − u(t − 5) − u(t − 6).
d d
(b) dt (xa (t)) = dt (u(t) + u(t − 3) − u(t − 5) − u(t − 6)) = δ(t) + δ(t − 3) − δ(t − 5) − δ(t − 6).
Exercise 1-16
Note that this exercise is intended to further explain the rules set on page 18 and 20 of Ziemer, and Example 1-9
on page 20. See also slide 48 of lecture 3 on Fourier transforms.
(c) r(−2t + 3), re-write as r[−2(t − 1.5)], function flips, time goes faster.
(t− 31 ) (t− 31 )
(d) Π(−3t + 1), re-write: Π(−3t + 1) = Π[−3(t − 13 )] = Π[− 1 ] which equals Π[ 1 ] because the
3 3
unit-pulse is an even function (x(−t) = x(t)).
1 1 1
t t t
2 −1 2 4 2
(d) (e)
1 1
t t
1 2 3 4 5 6
1/6 3/6
Exercise 1-26
R 10
(a) 5
cos(2πt)δ(t−2)dt, note that the delta-function is zero for all times, except at t = 2, which is outside
of the integration interval. Hence, the integral is zero!
(b) 0
cos(2πt)δ(t − 2)dt = cos(4π) · 1 = 1.
We use the sifting property of the delta-function, i.e., insert the value of time where the delta-function has some
(unknown!) value, in this case t = 2 s:
AE2235/AESB2020 Exercises Lecture One (V1.1, Jun. 2016) 6
R5 R5 R5
cos(2πt)δ(t − 2)dt = 0 cos(2π2)δ(0)dt = cos(4π) 0 δ(0)dt = 1 · 1 = 1, where we used the fact that an
integral of the delta-function equals 1 (when the delta-function occurs within the integration interval).
(c) 0
cos(2πt)δ(t − 0.5)dt = cos(π) · 1 = −1.
(d) −∞
(t − 2)2 δ(t − 2)dt = 0 (insert t = 2).
(e) −∞
t2 δ(t − 2)dt = 4 (insert t = 2).
Exercise 1-27
R∞ d 2
(a) −∞
e3t δ̈(t − 2)dt = (−1)2 dt 2 (e
)|t=2 = 1(9e3t )|t=2 = 9e6 .
R 10 ...
d 3
(b) 0
cos(2πt) δ (t − 0.5)dt = (−1)3 dt 3
3 (cos(2πt))|t=0.5 = −1(8π sin(2πt))|t=0.5 = −1 · 0 = 0.
R ∞ −3t d
(c) −∞
[e +cos(2πt)]δ̇(t)dt = (−1)1 dt (e−3t +cos(2πt))|t=0 = −1(−3e−3t )|t=0 −1(−2π sin(2πt))|t=0 =
3 + 0 = 3.
Exercise 1-31
(a) −∞
t3 δ(t − 3)dt = 27 (simply insert t = 3).
R∞ d
(b) −∞
(3t + cos(2πt))δ̇(t − 5)dt = (−1)1 dt (3t + cos(2πt))|t=5 = −1(3 − 2π sin(2πt))|t=5 = −3.
R∞ d
(c) −∞
(1 + t2 )δ̇(t − 1.5)dt = (−1)1 dt ((1 + t2 ))|t=1.5 = −1(2t)|t=1.5 = −3.