Asset Management Policy
Asset Management Policy
Asset Management Policy
Version Control
ITSEC004 IT&S Steering Committee
Policy Code: Approved By: 3/24/2021
IT Board 4/8/2021
Owner: IT&S Effective Date: 4/8/2021
Revision History
Date Version Created by Description of change
Asset Management Policy
Table of Contents
1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE .....................................................................................................4
2. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES .........................................................................................4
2.1 OWNERSHIP OF ASSETS ............................................................................................................. 5
3. DATA CLASSIFICATION ....................................................................................................6
3.1 INITIAL ASSET CLASSIFICATION AND REVIEW ............................................................................. 7
4. LABELING OF INFORMATION ASSETS ...............................................................................7
5. HANDLING OF INFORMATION ASSETS .............................................................................8
6. SYSTEMS CLASSIFICATION .............................................................................................11
7. DEVICE AND MEDIA CONTROLS .....................................................................................11
7.1 ACQUISITION ..................................................................................................................... 11
7.2 INVENTORY & ACCOUNTABILITY ........................................................................................... 12
7.3 SOFTWARE APPLICATION ..................................................................................................... 12
7.4 MANAGEMENT OF REMOVABLE MEDIA ................................................................................. 13
7.5 MAINTENANCE AND PATCH MANAGEMENT............................................................................ 13
7.6 DESTRUCTION AND DISPOSAL ............................................................................................... 13
7.7 MEDIA RE-USE .................................................................................................................. 14
7.8 RETURN OF ASSETS............................................................................................................. 14
8. POLICY MAINTENANCE AND MANAGEMENT .................................................................14
9. REFERENCES .................................................................................................................15
Asset Management Policy
Asset Management Policy
• That IT assets are inventoried in accordance with the requirements discussed in this
• That assets are appropriately classified, handled and protected in accordance with this
policy and other policies, including but not limited to:
Asset Management Policy
3. Data Classification
All IT&S information assets require an assigned classification level. The classification level must
consider the impact of disclosure, the degree of sensitivity, and any legal or contractual
obligations relevant to the information asset. Information assets should be analyzed to determine
their level of sensitivity and criticality in accordance with the classification model outlined below.
All information assets must be clearly and appropriately labeled with the assigned classification
Data Classification Model
Classification Level Definition Examples
• PII data
• ePHI
• Credit card information
Any information that is • Financial information,
extremely sensitive in nature, such as billing info.
including but not limited to • Payroll data
regulated data, sensitive client
• Social Security Numbers
information, financial
information, or proprietary • Administrative
data. Unauthorized internal or passwords or
Confidential external access to this data administrative access
could have a major impact on information
the company. Strict rules • Source code
should be adhered to in the • Customer data
usage of this data, including • Penetration test or
any specific rules imposed by vulnerability assessment
the applicable laws, results
regulations, and/or contracts. • Any other regulated
• Network maps
Asset Management Policy
Additionally, the classification levels of IT&S information assets must be reviewed periodically to
ensure classifications are still accurate and identify any needed changes. The information owner
is responsible for such review.
• Public information – no labeling requirements. However, adding the label “Public” (or
“Unrestricted”) is advisable if possible – to avoid confusion.
• Internal, Restricted, and Confidential information – should be labeled with the
appropriate classification name. If a document contains data in different classification
levels, the highest level of classification will determine the classification of the document
and the appropriate label.
• Classification labels in electronic documents should appear on every page when the
document is viewed or printed. This can be achieved by adding a header and/or footer to
the document indicating the classification level.
• Classification labels on removable/portable media should be clearly visible.
Asset Management Policy
Asset Management Policy
Asset Management Policy
Asset Management Policy
6. Systems Classification
In conjunction with risk analysis activities, a criticality analysis will be performed to determine
the criticality of IT&S systems to business operations.
IT&S will inventory all information systems, as well as identify and document dependencies
between systems. Using this information, the IT Director (and Security Officer) will classify each
system by criticality, with input from relevant departments, subject matter experts, and
management as needed. The following table outlines the varying impact of system unavailability,
or how critical the system is.
The Security Officer will coordinate the documentation of the results of the system criticality
analysis in a list of critical systems, which will be used to support contingency planning and the
prioritization of recovery activities. This document will contain:
• The criticality level of each system
• The corresponding system owner
• Business function
• System dependencies
• Information asset(s) stored, processed, transmitted, or created on the system
7.1 Acquisition
The IT Director or designated IT staff must approve all equipment purchases. Requests for the
purchase of new equipment must be sent to the IT Director or designated IT staff as a Hardware
Request Form. All monies for spending must be pre-approved via purchase order by The IT
Asset Management Policy
Director or designated IT staff. The IT Director or designated IT staff must also approve the
purchase order.
• Type of Asset requested
• Business justification
• Cost or estimated cost
• Urgency
After the Hardware Request has been approved, the IT Director or designated IT staff will make
the purchase or delegate the purchase to another employee.
Each asset must be assigned a unique ID. IT&S will keep a record of company information
systems (KACE). The IT Director or designated IT staff is responsible for maintaining the
inventory, which includes tracking ownership and maintenance of the systems.
Each entry should include the following, if applicable (KACE or CPU Label):
• Asset ID
• Asset classification
• Serial number, manufacturer, model
• Asset owner (indicate the Department to whom the asset has been assigned to)
• Date of purchase
• Description of business function
• Location
• IP Address
• Software and licensing information
• Value of purchase
• Purchase order reference number
• Vendor contact
• Licensing information
• Version and update information.
• System backup and maintenance status
• Service contract or maintenance contract details, if applicable
• Disposal and destruction status, and method of destruction
If information contained within the asset inventory becomes outdated, the IT Director or
designated IT staff must make the necessary changes in a timely manner. This will ensure that
IT&S has complete knowledge of the current information systems and related activities. The IT
Director must coordinate the review of the asset inventory at least annually, to confirm the
accuracy of the document.
Asset Management Policy
• Freeware/Shareware
• System Software
• Various Tools
• Databases
This inventory of software applications will adhere to the requirements mentioned above in
Inventory and Accountability. Additionally, this inventory will include the following information:
• Pertinent location information of the software;
• Licensing information, including any specific license keys
• Pertinent information relating to its functionality or security (e.g., baseline software
configurations, approved deviations, etc.)
• Information needed to support technical vulnerability management
• Use of removable media in workstations should be monitored and restricted. Users are
only permitted to use removable media if a legitimate business need exists. Request and
approval of removable media must adhere to the requirements outlined in the Access
Control and Authorization Policy and Acceptable Use Policy.
• Only approved removable media devices may be used. Removable media (i.e. USB Drives)
may be issued to users by the IT Department and will be tracked to ensure such media is
returned for proper disposal and/or removal of data.
• Removable media must not be used in servers unless required for performing specific
tasks and removed immediately once completed. Physical access to servers and ports
used for removable media must be restricted to authorized personnel only.
The Network Manager and Network Staff are responsible for overseeing patch management
implementation, procedures, and timing/scheduling of patches. The Network Staff and Network
Staff will be responsible for carrying out patch management procedures such as patching servers,
workstations, and infrastructure components (switches, routers, etc.). When possible, systems
will be configured to accept automatic updates. The Network Manager and Network Staff are
responsible for establishing a patch schedule for systems that do not automatically update.
The Network Manager and Network Staff will also consult various resources to stay informed
about current security threats and available patches.
The IT Director must approve any off-site maintenance of equipment containing information
classified as Internal or Confidential. The data on the device must be backed up and completely
wiped from the device prior to taking the device off-site for maintenance.
Asset Management Policy
needed. Disposal of IT&S IT assets must be formally approved by the IT Director. Upon approval,
the IT Director or designated IT staff is responsible for the destruction and disposal of media and
devices, as well as their removal from the inventory of assets.
Prior to redistribution, salvage, or disposal, all sensitive information must be erased from the
specific IT assets. All electronic information must be overwritten bit by bit. IT Staff will confirm
through technical testing that removal procedures are successful and complete. Hardware assets
to be destroyed may also be disposed through an authorized disposal company. Certificates of
destruction must be obtained. Any hardware awaiting destruction or disposal must be stored in a
secure area.
The Board of County Commission (BOCC) is also responsible for transferring ownership of a
reused device in the asset inventory. If media is not intended for recycle or reuse, the best control
may be destruction.
IT&S must see to it that these IT assets are returned as soon as possible and that IT&S follows any
other information security policies relevant to the IT asset’s return or the termination of the
relationship with the individual.
In the event the individual refuses or is unable to return the IT asset, IT&S is required to abide by
its information security policies that apply to such a scenario.
Asset Management Policy
9. References
NIST Cybersecurity Framework References
• ID.AM – Asset Management
• PR.IP – Information Protection Processes and Procedures
• PR.DS – Data Security
• PR. MA – Maintenance
• PR.PT – Protective Technology
Policy References
• Access Control and Authorization Policy
• Acceptable Use Policy
• Data Integrity and Encryption Policy