Reviewer Lit
Reviewer Lit
Reviewer Lit
English as a literary vehicle came with the - The noted essayists of this time were:
American occupation in August 13, 1898 and as Carlos P. Romulo, Jorge C. Bocobo,
they say, a choice bestowed on us by history. By Mauro Mendez, and Vicente Hilario.
1900, English came to be used as a medium of Their essays were truly scholarly
instruction in the public schools. From the characterized by sobriety, substance
American forces were recruited the first and structure. They excelled in the
teachers of English. serious essay, especially the editorial
The first attempts in using English language - Ignacio Manlapaz, Godefredo Rivera,
(a) El Renacimiento: founded in Manila by Federico Mangahas, Francisco B.
Rafael Palma in 1901. Icasiano, Salvador P. Lopez, Jose
Lansang and Amando G. Dayrit.
(b) Philippines Free Press: established in Manila Introduced informal essay, criticism and
in 1905 by R. McCullough Dick and D. Theo journalistic column, they spiced there
Rogers. work with wit and humor.
- In 1907, Justo Juliano’s SURSUM In the field of short stories, DEAD STARS by Paz
CORDA which appeared in the Marquez Benitez written in the early 1920’s
Renacimiento was the first work stand out as a model of perfection in character
to be published in English. delineation, local color, plot and message.
- In 1909, Jan F. Salazar’s MY Other short stories published during this time
MOTHER and his AIR CASTLES were but poor imitations of their foreign
were also published in this models.
- It was also in 1909 when Period of Self-Discovery and Growth (1925-
Proceso Sebastian followed 1941)
with his poem TO MY LADY IN By this time, Filipino writers had
LAOAG, also in this same paper. acquired the mastery of English writing. They
The Period of Imitation (1910-1924) now confidently and competently wrote on a lot
of subjects although the old-time favorites of
- By 1919, the UP College Folio published love and youth persisted. They went into all
the literary compositions of the first forms of writing like the novel and the drama.
Filipino writers in English. They were
the pioneers in short story writing. 1. POETRY
- Imitating American and British - Noteworthy names in this field include
- Their models included Longfellow and Marcelo de Gracia Concepcion, Jose
Hawthorne, Emerson and Thoreau, Garcia Villa, Angela Manalang Gloria,
Abelardo Subido, Trinidad Tarrosa reflections and serious essays and
Subido and Rafael Zulueta da Costa. which won first prize in the
- The poetry was about love patriotic, Commonwealth Literary Contest
religious, religious descriptive and - Camilo Osias published THE
reflective. FILIPINO WAY OF LIFE (1940) -
2. THE SHORT STORY (1925-1941) essays on the Filipino way of life as
- publicationswriters during this drawn from history, folkways,
time include Osmundo Sta. philosophy and psychology of the
Romana, Arturo Rotor, Paz Philippine
Latorena’s Sunset, and Jose - 1941: F.B. Icasiano (Mang Kiko) -
Garcia Villa’s Mir-in-isa. From was reprints of the best of
1930 to 1940, the Golden Era of Icasiano’s essays in the Sunday
Filipino writing in English saw the Times Magazine under the column
short story writers “who have From My Nipa Hut. It is an essay
arrived,” like Jose Lansang’s The of the common “tao” and is
Broken Parasol, Sinai C. written with humor and sympathy.
Hamada’s Talanata’s Wife, Fausto - Carlos P. Romulo (august 16 1941)
Dugenio’s Wanderlust, Amando - printed in the Philippines Herald.
G. Dayrit’s His Gift and Yesterday, Entitled I AM A FILIPINO, it was
Amador T. Daugio’s The Woman reprinted in his book MY BORTHER
Who Looked Out of the Window. AMERICANS in 1945 in New York
- incentives provided by by Doubleday & Co.
Ignacio Manlapaz, Vicente Albano Pacis, I.V.
Mallari, Jose M. Fernandez, Leopoldo Y.
- Essays during this period improved Yabes, Isidro L. Ritizos, Pura Santillan.
with the years in quality and
essays called Literature Under the
quantity, in content, subject and
Commonwealth: Amando G. Dayrit with his
style. Essayists like Carlos P.
column Good Morning Judge led others like
Romulo became even more
Leon Ma. Guerrero, Salvador P. Lopez,
eminent editorial writers.
Vicente Albano Pacis, Jose A. Lansang and
The notable writers of essays during this period Federico Mangahas.
4. BIOGRAPHY 1925-1941
a. Political, social reflective essays:
- 1935, I.P. Caballero and Marcelo de
Through their newspaper columns the
Gracia Concepcion wrote about
following became very popular
b. Critical essays
- 1938, THE GREAT MALAYAN won a
c. Personal or Familiar
prize in the national contest
Notable works during that time sponsored by the Commonwealth
of the Philippines. This was written
- Salvador P. Lopez’ LITERATURE
by Carlos Quirino
AND SOCIETY (1940) - critical
- 1940, I.V. Mallari’s The Birth of - Filipino literature was given a break
Discontent revealed the sensitive during this period.
touch of a writer who in simple - LIWAYWAY was placed under strict
language was able to reveal his surveillance until it was managed by
profound thoughts and feelings. Japanese named Ishiwara.
Not much about history has been written by
Poems during japnese occupation nationalism,
Filipino writers. In 1937, with regard to
country, love, and life in the barrios faith,
literary history, we can cite Teofilo del
religion and the arts.
Castillo’s The Brief History of the Philippine
Islands. Three types of poems emerged during this
period. They were:
1. Haiku – a poem of free verse that the
The Philippine Free Press provided the first
Japanese like. It was made up of 17 syllables
incentives to Filipino writers in English by
divided into three lines. The first line had 5
offering prizes to worthwhile contributions.
syllables, the second, 7 syllables, and the third,
Other publications followed suit
five. The Haiku is allegorical in meaning, is short
7. THE DRAMA (1925-1941) and covers a wide scope in meaning.
Drama during this period did not reach the 2. Tanaga – like the Haiku, is short but it had
heights attained by the novel or the short story. measure and rhyme. Each line had 7 syllables
The UP provided the incentives when they and it’s also allegorical in meaning.
introduced playwriting as a course and
3. Karaniwang Anyo (Usual Form) – like those
established the UP Little Theater.
mentioned earlier in the beginning chapters of
this book.
A. The Works of Graciano Lopez Jaena 10. PAG-ALIS SA BUWIS SA PILIPINAS (Abolition
of Taxes in the Philippines)
1. ANG FRAY BOTOD (Friar Botod). One of his
works written in Jaro, Iloilo in 1876, six years 11. INSTITUCION NG PILIPINAS (Sufferings of
after the Cavite Revolt attacking the friars in the the Philippines). Jaena refers here to the wrong
Philippines. He exposed how some of the friars management of education in the Philippines
were greedy, ambitious and immoral. 1887.
8. PAHAYAG (News)