MG8591 Question Paper 2021
MG8591 Question Paper 2021
MG8591 Question Paper 2021
Reg. No. :
Fifth/Sixth/Seventh/Eighth Semester
Aeronautical Engineering
(Regulations 2017)
PART B — (5 13 = 65 marks)
12. (a) Discuss elaborately the purpose, process and types of planning. (13)
(b) Classify the different types of decisions. Also discuss the decision-making
process. (13)
13. (a) What do you understand by the following elements of organizing namely
work specialization, departmentalization, span of control, formalization,
centralization and decentralization? (13)
(b) Define recruitment Discuss the need, process and sources of recruitment
in detail. (13)
14. (a) Compare and contrast Maslow, Herzberg and McClelland theory of
motivation. (13)
(b) How would you interpret the results of Ohio state studies, university of
Michigan studies, and Blake and Mouton- Managerial grid on leadership
theories? (13)
15. (a) What are budgetary and non- budgetary control techniques? Discuss the
types and benefits of Non-budgetary control techniques. (13)
(b) Define Productivity. Discuss how productivity is measured and problems
in measuring productivity of knowledge workers. (13)
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PART C — (1 15 = 15 marks)
16. (a) Suppose you are a HR manager of a multinational company; you are
expected to identify the training needs of the employee’s in various
departments. How will you identify the training needs and what training
method(s) would be most effective in training and developing the
employee’s of this company. (15)
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