Epracto Product Booklet PDF
Epracto Product Booklet PDF
Epracto Product Booklet PDF
With a current manpower of approximately 1.25 billion, it is ironic that India suffers from dearth
of talent. The competitive higher education system with the vast curriculum leaves little space
for innovations and practical applications. As a result many educated and talented engineering
graduates dont possess the right skills and expertise to qualify for job interviews and their
performance is affected. Regular practice via mock tests is essential for students to crack
competitive tests which are an integral part of gaining employment. Regular practice sessions
will help students sharpen their overall performance and increase job competency.
Frequent Assessments
No one is born perfect, but regular practice can transform a layman into an expert. Irrespective
of skill level of the student, stimulating deliberate practice will definitely improve performance.
An effective learning system comprises of 30% of a teachers efforts and 70% of practice
by students
Students performance improve by over 80% after practice
In addition to improving on skills, practice tests also helps students get accustomed to
dealing with the high stress that comes with the exams and reduce their anxiety
Real-time monitoring
Tests can be monitored in real-time to
check progress of the tests, follow the
answering trend, idle time, etc and admins
have the power to pause/stop, restart or
re-schedule the tests anytime, enabling
them to deal with any issues like system
errors, power failures, etc.
Multi-dimensional Reporting:
EPracto tests produces multi-dimensional reports using which professors or management can
customize and extract any kind of data required by them to suit their specific needs. Professors
can make quick decisions regarding the skill set of their students with on-spot evaluation
and explanation.
Comprehensive reports under different variables - individual student performance,
group performance, batch wise performance, department wise performance, etc
Identify the strengths and areas of improvement of their students
Frame the next course of action for students and map future industry roles for them
Student profiles
Individual student profiles which
can be assessed by student
log-ins to check for test results,
their individual reports, key strength
areas, how they can improve,
upcoming assessments and other
info from the admin.
Contains all the required information
- both personal & academics for a
quick snapshot
All students profile goes under
rigorous data check for correctness
and admin shall have full control
over the profile
Tests are online and data is stored securely in a cloud server which can be accessed from
anywhere. Tests can be taken anywhere and reports can be generated by admin and students
from any computer with an internet connection facilitating ease of use.
EPracto software can be installed on the college intranet server and admin/students can log
in and access information using the college intranet. Data can still be backed up in our cloud
server when required and internet would be required to access the tests and reports.
About Formac
Formac is an IT consulting and software development company who have recently forayed into
Indian industry. Formac empowers the educational institutions to produce high quality professionals
and enables the industry to identify and recruit the right talent by developing and offering innovative
solutions and software.
Formac Software Services is a subsidiary of Formac Inc. (USA) which was founded in February
2008 with an aim to transform the user experience - from finding the right education to building a
prosperous career with our suite of products and services.
11- Informatica
2- Acropetal
12- Infosys
3- Alltance Global
4- Amazon
24- Quinnox
5- Atos
15- Microland
16- SAP
7- CSS Corp
17- Samsung
8- Flipkart
28- Ariant
9- HP
29- Genysis
10- iGATE
Agni Block
Salarpuria G R Tech Park
ITPL Main Road,Whitefield,
Bangalore 560 066
Tel: 1800 102 8860
3340 Walnut Avenue
Ste #256
Fremont, CA 94538
Tel: +1 510-379-9024