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Abstract–The performance of the electrostatic precipitator The fundamental principle of operation of an ESP is that
(ESP) is studied theoretically using an advanced simulation the particles are passed through an electrical field where
model. The theory of the operation of the ESP was presented in they receive an electrical charge. Charged particles are then
the concepts of electric potential and the electric field and their deflected across the field and collected on a grounded plate.
role in creating the corona onset, which initiates the charging of
Most industrial ESPs are based on a single-stage approach in
the dust particles through the process of ionizations. The effective
design and operative parameters are the main keys which play which both charging and migration across the field take place
an important role to achieve good performances with demanded within the same set of electrodes [1].
efficiencies. The ESPVI 4.0W computer code which owned and The understanding of electrostatic precipitation has,
employed by the environmental protection agency of USA is used in recent years, reached a high level. The physics of the
in this work to examine the effects of all operating parameters on electric fields, the charging of particles within the field,
the performance of an assumed ESP example. These calculations their migration velocity and collection, and the effect of
show the significance and usefulness of the computer simulations the charged particles have become well understood. The
in designing ESPs, testing their operations, and predicting the mathematics that describes the physics has evolved. The
reasons of the defaults. Discharge electrode spacing, wire-plate
solutions for the ESP mathematical physics have become
spacing, number of electrodes, number of sections, resistivity of
dust particles, and particle distribution were studied versus the readily available [2]. However, the process is combined of
efficiency of the device. The particle size distribution may lower the several activates: Production of an electric field to create
performance of the ESP, especially, when it lies in the region where corona and ions, charging of the particles by the ions, the
the two-charging method field and diffusion charge are not efficient. space charge effect, migration of the charged particles
However, we conclude that not only good designing parameters are through the field, and collection and removal of the charged
enough to achieve successful electrostatic precipitation process. particles [3] (Fig. 1).
Such an achievement requires a correlative optimization to be The ESPVI 4.0W has been developed to allow the user
performed between these parameters and the operating conditions. to accurately predict ESP performance. This model is the
result of many separate research efforts that have been drawn
Index Terms–Current density, Electrostatic precipitator, together into a close-knit working relationship. It runs on
Electrostatic precipitator VI 4.0, Optimum operation, Wire plate Windows compatible computers.
geometry. The ESPVI 4.0W controls the data entry with a menu-
structured interface and makes the results of intermediate
calculations available to appropriate parts as input data. The
I. Introduction outputs are presented in a variety of forms, both tabular and
A necessary tool for the electrostatic precipitator (ESP) graphical [4]. The ESPVI 4.0W is the latest in a long series
owners or operators is a means to understand how the unit of model development activities under the sponsorship of
works; when it is, or is not, functioning properly; how to the U.S. environmental protection agency that started in the
identify and correct problems; and what options are available 1970s [5].
to improve its performance. The performance of an ESP can be determined by the
voltage–current (V–I) characteristics. The V–I curves under
clean air conditions help in diagnosing the electrical problems
Pure and Applied Science Conference | Koya University that occur under various load conditions in an existing
Paper ID: ICAPS2018.NMT106, 9 pages precipitator. The electrostatic field in the inter-electrode
DOI: 10.14500/icpas2018.nmt106
region is governed by Poisson’s and current continuity
Received 16 March 2018; Accepted 03 April 2018
equations [6]. Several numerical techniques are being
Conference paper: Published 01 August 2018
Conference track: Nano Materials (NMT) employed today, either individually or in combination, for
Corresponding author’s e-mail: saddon.taha@koyauniversity.org predicting the DC V–I characteristics. It seems a tradition to
Copyright © 2018 Saddon T. Ahmad, Jahfer M. Smail. This is start with McDonald, et al. [7] since they developed the first
an open-access article distributed under the Creative Commons ever numerical technique based on finite difference method
Attribution License. (FDM) but the method proved to be highly time- consuming
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14500/icpas2018
146 International Conference on Pure and Applied Sciences (ICPAS 2018)
for larger grid sizes and a simple numerical technique, to II. Theoretical Aspects
solve the governing equations. The heart of the modern ESP model is the well-known Deutsch
FDM was used to solve, both Poisson’s and current equation, which in its rigorous form computes the probability
continuity equations simultaneously with suitable boundary that a particle traveling in the turbulent interior of an ESP will
conditions. The electrical conditions, predicted under enter the laminar layer at the collecting surface. If the particle
dust-free conditions, give a reasonable agreement with entering the laminar layer is charged and an electric field exists
experimental data. However, this method is less accurate and at the collecting surface, then its migration velocity assures its
takes a more number of iterations when compared to other collection. This differs from the Deutsch equation used in its
methods [7]. non-rigorous form, in which a single pseudo migration velocity,
Kallio and Stock [8] developed their approach, which sometimes called a rate parameter, is used to represent all the
employed finite element method with quadratic interpolation particles in the gas stream regardless of their size [4].
in solving Poisson’s equation to yield the electric potential
solution and a backward difference method to compute η= 1 − exp( Aωe Q ) (1)
the space charge density from the continuity equation.
Furthermore, this method shows better accuracy and faster Where h is the efficiency, ωe is the effective migration
computation than the pure FDM approach of McDonald velocity, A is the area of grounded collecting electrode, and
et al. [7], and the total number of iterations required by FE- Q is the actual gas volumetric flow rate.
FDM was much less than that required for pure FDM. In the modern computerized model, the Deutsch equation
Adamiak [6] simulated the electrical conditions using is used in its rigorous form. It requires that all the particles
a combined boundary element method and method of included in the performed calculation should have the same
characteristics (BEM-MOC). The electric potential was migration velocity. Here, the true migration velocity is required
computed using BEM, while the charge distribution was instead of a rate parameter. To handle this requirement, the
found out using MOC. Recently, Rajanikanth [9] introduced particle size distribution is divided into a number of narrow
what they called a quasi-analytical method, based on solving size increments, for each of which the migration velocity is
the current continuity equation by FDM and Poisson’s computed. Before computation of the migration velocity, the
equation by variation principle with the help of Rvachev charge of the particles in each size increment is determined.
functions (R-functions). Depending on the particle size, the model uses diffusion,
In further step, Rajanikanth and Thirumaran [10] combined field charging, or some combination of both. In addition,
BEM and FDM to do simultaneous solution for governing the computation is divided into a number of ESP length
Poisson’s and current continuity equations over a one-quarter increments, usually one for each electrode element. For each
section of precipitator, and only a quarter sections in the of the length increments, the particle charge corrected for
present BE-FDM [5] because of the symmetry of the wire- charging time and migration velocity are recomputed. The
plate geometry facilitates. changing electrical conditions from one increment to the
Kim, et al. [11] proposed a theoretical model to predict the next are accommodated in the calculations. Finally, a double
collection performance of ESP by considering simultaneously summation, for both the particle size and length increments, is
the convection force, the electrostatic force, and the turbulent performed to give the overall ESP collection efficiency.
diffusion process. However, they employed the mass
balance equation which contains all the fundamental forces; A. Production of an Electric Field
furthermore, this equation can be solved by the separation of In practice, with a negatively energized system, as the
variables method. Al-Daamy [12], in his study, employed an electrons rapidly move across the field area, they collide
approach close to McDonald and FDM approach and gave a with, and attach themselves to, gaseous molecules to produce
review for these methods. negative ions. Any positive ions are attracted toward the
Experimental studies also were conducted in different discharge element and on reaching the element. There is
levels. Kim and Lee [13] designed and built a laboratory scale an abundance of free electrons adjacent to the discharge
single-stage ESP. The problem of the experimental research in element. However, the number of free electrons decreases
the laboratory scale is the dimensions of the studied models. as the distance from the element increases, and there is
Sometimes, the length and height of these models are not more a corresponding increase in the number of negative ions.
than one meter, by which researchers unable to produce a Within a relatively short (compared to the distance to the
good simulation to the real industrial electrostatic precipitators. collector electrode) distance from the corona discharge
In Ohio University, an intensive work was going on, namely, electrode, the free electrons disappear and are completely
MSC research thesis to achieve an optimum design of the replaced by the ions. Negative corona is a feature of gases
discharge electrodes and optimum efficiency [1-3]. that exhibit appreciable electron attachment and is, therefore,
The simulated ESP software will help not only to predict sensitive to gas composition and temperature.
the performance and the efficiency of the device but also
to troubleshoot the problems. Building and creating this B. Charging of the Particles by the Ions
software are intended by companies and agencies who are For industrial ESPs, in which negative ionization is used
working in this industry. because of its lower corona initiation voltage and higher
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International Conference on Pure and Applied Sciences (ICPAS 2018) 147
breakdown potential, particle charging occurs in the area ESPVI 4.0W divides the particle size spectrum for an
between the active plasma region and the passive electrode ESP (0.07−70.0 μm), which is in the form of a log-normal
surface. As the gas-borne particles enter the space charge region distribution, into 27 discrete size fractions. For each size
of the field, two charging mechanisms occur: By ion attachment, fraction, ESPVI 4.0W computes both the diffusion and the
i.e., field charging and by diffusion charging. Field or impact field charge levels. As time is a factor for both charging
charging predominates for particles greater than about 0.8–1 μm. mechanisms, ESPVI 4.0W considers it, as it relates to the
Diffusion charging is essential for particles <0.2 μm diameter. velocity of the gases through the ESP, in computing the level
Both processes occur in the intermediate size range but neither of charge. This means that, further, the particle travels into
dominates (Fig. 2). Classical charging theory provides the the ESP, and the higher is the level of charge that it acquires,
saturation charge, q, for field charging as follows [4]: up to its maximum level.
It can be shown that, with good electrical conditions, most
q=3πε0d2E(2) field-charged particles reach around 90 percent of their full
saturation charge in <0.1 s; the diffusion charging of the
Where d is the particle diameter, εo is the permittivity of particles can take longer depending on the abundance of
free space, and E is the electric field. Diffusion charging, Q, negative ions that are present. Hence, it can be assumed that,
is given by Equation 3: on entering a precipitation field having a typical exposure/
Q=(1/2)dKT/e2 (2) treatment time of 3 to 5 s, the particles achieve their
maximum charge.
Where d is the diameter, K is Boltzmann constant
(1.38054 × 10−23J/K), T is the absolute temperature, and e is C. Effect of the Charged Particles on the Electric Field
the electron charge. The level of this charge is proportional Charged particles entering the electric field within an
to the electric field. The presence of back corona gives rise to ESP have the effect of modifying the electric field. For this
positive ions in the gas stream, which, in turn, modifies the discussion, the term charged particles, includes electrons,
charge on the particles. ions and actual particles that have an electric charge on them.
The ESPVI 4.0W computes both the amount of diffusion Each charged particle has its own electric field. A volume
charge and field charge that each particle size acquires. containing a cloud of charged particles, which is called the
Bipolar charging is also included to allow ESPVI 4.0W to space charge, has an electric field that is contributed to by
consider the effects of back ionization when necessary. the individual particles. The electron component makes only
a very small contribution to the space charge because they
either travel very rapidly out of the cloud or, more likely,
give up their charge to a gas molecule to form an ion. The
majority of the ions travel quite rapidly out of the charged
particle cloud to the collecting surface, thereby making a
small but significant contribution to the space charge. The
effect of space charge is to weaken the electric field near the
corona discharge electrodes, thereby suppressing some of the
corona and its generation of ions. It effectively accomplishes
this by raising the corona onset voltage, VC, as follows [4]:
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148 International Conference on Pure and Applied Sciences (ICPAS 2018)
Where Q is particle charge, E is an electric field, d is the ESP length is divided into a number of short segments, one
particle diameter, µ is the viscosity, t is the time, and m is for each corona discharge electrode. For each of the length
the particle mass. The numerator QE is the electrical force segments, the electrical conditions are computed taking into
acting on the particle. Its denominator, 3πdµ, is the resisting consideration the electrode size and the space charge caused
viscous force. The exponential, time-dependent inertial force by all of the particles in its portion of the gas stream.
is generally of short duration, which does eventually go to In spite of the communications which we made with
zero, leaving the migration velocity in its steady-state form, technical management in Tasloga factory of cement, in
which is the terminal velocity. However, until it goes to zero, Sulaymaniyah, and with their entire offer to help, we found
it must be considered since it does affect collection. Once it that the provided information is not enough to perform a
does go to zero, Equation 5 becomes the terminal velocity complete simulation and reliable calculations. Under these
that the particle ultimately achieves. circumstances, we oblige to use set of data from the database
ESPVI 4.0W does explicitly determine the migration of the USA (EPA) to conduct this work. The most important
velocity, taking into consideration the decrease of the inertial parameters of Gannon factory (plant 6 in SORI database)
force with time, and apply the correct particle size-dependent a have unit of precipitation with gas conditioning system,
Cunningham slip factor. From Equations 2 and 5, once it has which is reducing the resistivity of the dust and increasing the
achieved its steady-state form, Equation 6 can be derived as efficiency of device. The input data are arranged in Tables I.
TABLE I The Design Parameters of The ESP
ω=(ε0dE2)/µ(6) Data for ESP Data for section
The significance of this equation is to demonstrate Parameter Unit Value Item Units Value
the behavior of particles dominated by field charging.
SCA m /m /sec 65.37 SCA
2 3
(m /m /s) 8.171
2 3
Accordingly, the amount of charge on the particle is Plate area m2 40973.7 Plate area m2 5117.07
proportional to the square of its radius and migration Gas velocity m/s 1.463 Length M 1.372
velocity of the particle is increased with the increase of its Number of 8 Wire‑plate spacing m 0.1143
size. Furthermore, the migration velocity is proportional sections
to the square of the applied voltage. The particles of those Plate length M 10.97
Plate height M 9.14
sizes, about 0.2–0.8 μm, for which neither diffusion or field
ESP width M 46.63 Stack diameter m 6.10
charging dominate, will have the lowest migration velocity
ESP: Electrostatic precipitator
which is most difficult to collect in an ESP. This is due to the
penetration by particle size for an actual ESP. It should be
noted that penetration is: TABLE II Gas Properties in the Assumed ESP
Penetration = 1 - Efficiency Parameter Unit Data value Parameter Unit Data value
For a fundamental determination of ESP performance, N2 % 70.7 Gas Temperature (K) 450
O2 % 7.0 Gas Volume m3/sec 626
such as that embodied in ESPVI 4.0W, the Deutsch equation
CO2 % 14.3 Gas Pressure (kPa) 1.02E02
is used in more scientifically rigorous form. This is done in H2O % 7.9 Gas Viscosity (kg/ms) 2.40E‑05
conjunction with the particle charging migration velocity SO2 ppm 7.660E‑02 Gas mobility (m2/Vs) 9.73E‑05
means discussed earlier. SO3 ppm 3.100E‑04
ESP: Electrostatic precipitator
E. Collection of the Charged Particles
Deutsch’s derivation of this equation for the collection of
particles in an ESP was done on a rigorous basis [4]. The TABLE III
The Operating Voltages And Electrical Parameters For Assumed ESP
equation for the efficiency h is given by Equation 7:
Section 1 2 3 4 5 6
η=1−exp[−(A0/Vf)ω (7) Voltage 40800 40000 40400 42200 38500 39000
Current density 2.38E‑4 2.85E‑4 2.78E‑4 2.85E‑4 3.56E‑4 3.75E‑4
Where A0 is the area, Vf is the volumetric flow rate of the A/cm2
gas, and w is the migration velocity of the particles. The Current A 1.218 1.458 1.423 1.458 1.822 1.919
collection of the particles by the Deutsch relationship does Starting voltage V 0 0 0 0 0 0
Peak to average 1.319 1.374 1.326 1.270 1.522 1.530
involve the ESP geometry, especially the collector electrode voltage
area. Deutsch also considers the gas flow through the ESP. Maximum 45000 45000 45000 45000 45000 45000
voltage V
Maximum peak 63000 63000 63000 63000 63000 63000
III. The Input Parameters of the Tested ESP voltage V
Maximum 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0
For ESP modeling with ESPVI 4.0W, the particle size current A
distribution is divided into 27 narrow size segments which Resistivity 2.8E+8 2.8E+8 2.8E+8 2.8E+8 2.8E+8 2.8E+8
are sufficiently narrow to be treated as one specific size Ohm‑m
for calculating the total charge and migration velocity. The ESP: Electrostatic precipitator
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International Conference on Pure and Applied Sciences (ICPAS 2018) 149
In Table I, we include the designing parameters, such as the migration velocity, and efficiency. This model is a full
specific collection area (SCA), which can define the collecting simulation to the ESP, treats the whole process, and predicts
plate area which is required to for each 1 m3/sec of the flow, the overall performance to indicate the limitations and faults
the dimensions of the unit, (length, width, and height), the total if occurred.
area of the plates and the diameter of the chimney (stack), gas
velocity, and the number of sections. The sectionalization has A. Current Density and Space Charge Through High Voltage
advantages to improve the performance and prevent the total shut The relation of current density with the applied high
down of the device. Gannon constructed with eight sections. The voltage obeys the sequence of the charging operation,
data of each section (field) are also included in Table I. starting with the corona onset limit, as a minimum voltage
could start the emission of electrons, then the ionization, and
A. Gas Property Data the particle charging. These processes begin at voltage higher
Gas composition and properties are affecting the whole than the VC. Fig. 3 show the results for six sections. First
production process in many aspects, such as the explosion section starts with a higher voltage than others. On the other
hazard (if the ratio of O2 and CO is higher than the safety hand, the second section starts with a voltage which is lower
level), the contribution of H2O and SOx in the corrosion of than that of the first section but higher than that of the third
the structure of the device and its components. Also, there section. This sequence applies to the third field, fourth field,
are environmental restrictions on the emission concentration and so on. For the same voltage, the current densities grow
of NOx and SOx to the environment. The physical properties in the direction to the last section. Space charge starts low
of gas such as volume, pressure, and temperature have direct in the low applied voltage (greater than Vc,) and grows till
involvement in the design of the unit and its performances. reaching maximum value and then slowly will drop when the
These parameters are arranged in Table III. voltage increases. Fig. 4 demonstrates this description for the
first section. An interesting image can be noticed in the other
B. Voltage and Current Settings sections, and this is different in many aspects such as the line
The electrical operating parameters such as applied does not have maximum as in the first section and it is lower
voltages (HV) on the discharge electrodes (wires), maximum in value. As we move to the outlet, the level of space charges
voltage allowed, maximum peak voltage, maximum current, gets lower and lower. More details are presented in Smail
current, and current density at each section (field) in the [14].
ESP are tabled in Table IV. Further parameters have to be
included in the simulation such as dust resistivity. However, B. The Migration Velocity of Charged Particles
in ESP, a huge and dusty macroscopic system, employing In Fig. 5a, the migration velocity of the charged dust particles
physics with microscopic phenomena, demands an efficient is shown for different spacing of discharge electrodes. It is
mathematical model, very good design, and first class readable that these velocities increase as the distance between
expensive technology. Its master key is the experience which two electrodes is increased, which can be explained by the
makes all these advantages worth their offers. profile of electric field distribution in the path of the particles.
The current density as a function of the discharge electrodes
spacing is presented in Fig. 5b. In both cases, linear relation is
IV. RESULTS present. The relationship between the migration velocity and the
ESPVI 4.0W has been used for obtaining results related spacing of wire- plate is shown in Fig. 6. It is quite clear that
to space charge, current densities, particle size through these velocities are decreased as the spacing between wires and
Fig. 3. Current density versus applied high voltage in electrostatic precipitator with six sections.
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150 International Conference on Pure and Applied Sciences (ICPAS 2018)
Fig. 4. The space charge versus high voltage in electrostatic precipitator with six sections.
D. Sectionalizing
a b Sectionalizing in ESP devices is one of the important
Fig. 5. The migration velocity (a) and current density (b) as a function of designing parameters since it represents two effecting
the electrodes distance. parameters, the total collecting area and the number of power
supplies, if each section is fed independently. These two
parameters are increasing the overall efficiency in one hand
and preventing the system from being out of service, if one
of the power supplies is off. The effect of the sectionalizing
is presented in Fig. 8.
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International Conference on Pure and Applied Sciences (ICPAS 2018) 151
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152 International Conference on Pure and Applied Sciences (ICPAS 2018)
The authors thank the academic support provided by Koya
University and also thank all those who helped us throughout
this work.
Fig. 13. The penetration as a function of the particle diameters.
such investigation. The ESP system cannot be watched or
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