LEP 3.5.02 Thermal and Electrical Conductivity of Metals: Related Topics
LEP 3.5.02 Thermal and Electrical Conductivity of Metals: Related Topics
LEP 3.5.02 Thermal and Electrical Conductivity of Metals: Related Topics
PHYWE series of publications • Laboratory Experiments • Physics • PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH • 37070 Göttingen, Germany 23502 1
Thermal and electrical conductivity of metals
• The height of the lower calorimeter can be changed with • Weigh the water-filled calorimeter and determine the
the aid of the supporting block. When doing so, care mass of the water. Settings of the temperature measuring
must be taken to ensure that the non-insulated end of the device 4-2:
rod remains completely immersed in the cold water dur- – In the first display on the measuring device, the tem-
ing the experiment. perature of the lower calorimeter is displayed.
• The surface temperature probe must be positioned as – In the second display, the differential measurement
close to the rod as possible. between the upper and the lower surface probe is
• The outermost indentations on the rod (separation:
• The thermal conductivity of different metals can be deter-
31.5 cm) are used to measure the temperature difference
mined from the measuring results.
in the rod. To improve the heat transfer between the rod
and the surface probe, use heat-conduction paste.
3. Measurement of the electrical conductivity.
• Using an immersion heater, bring the water in the upper • Perform the experimental set-up according to the circuit
calorimeter to a boil, and keep it at this temperature. diagram in Fig. 2 (set-up in accordance with a 4-conduc-
• Ensure that the upper calorimeter is well filled to avoid a tor measuring method).
drop in temperature due to contingent refilling with water. • Set the voltage on the variable transformer to 6 V.
• Keep the water in the lower calorimeter at 0 °C with the • The amplifier must calibrated to 0 in a voltage-free state
help of ice (in a gauze pouch). to avoid a collapse of the output voltage.
• The measurement can be begun when a constant tem- • Select the amplifier settings as follows:
perature gradient has become established between the Input: Low Drift
upper and lower surface probes, i. e. when no changes Amplification: 104
occur during the differential measurement. Time Constant: 0
• At the onset of measurement, remove the ice from the • Set the rheostat to its maximum value and slowly
lower calorimeter. decrease the value during the experiment.
• Measure and record the change in the differential tem- • Read and note the values for current and voltage
perature and the temperature of the water in the lower • The resistance, and thus the electrical conductivity, can
calorimeter for a period of 5 minutes. be determined from the measured values.
2 23502 PHYWE series of publications • Laboratory Experiments • Physics • PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH • 37070 Göttingen, Germany
Theory and evaluation 1. The heat capacity of the calorimeter is obtained from
If a temperature difference exists between different locations results of the mixing experiment and the following formula:
of a body, heat conduction occurs. In this experiment there is qW – qM
a one-dimensional temperature gradient along a rod. The C = cW · mW · (1)
qM – qR
quantity of heat dQ transported with time dt is a function of
the cross-sectional area a and the temperature gradient dT/dx cW = Specific heat capacity of water
perpendicular to the surface. mW = Mass of the water
dQ T qW = Temperature of the hot water
= – lA · (1)
dt x qM = Mixing temperature
l is the heat conductivity of the substance. qR = Room temperature
The temperature distribution in a body is generally a function The measurement supplies a value of approximately 78 J/K ±
of location and time and is in accordance with the Boltzmann 25 %. The large variations in the results are a result of the
transport equation manner in which the experiment is performed and of the
experimental set-up.
T l 2T
5 · (2)
t r · c x2 The addition of heat from the surroundings is calculated from
the temperature increase (T of the cold water in the calorimeter.
Where r is the density and c is the specific heat capacity of
the substance. DQ = (cW · mW + C) · DT
where DT = T – T0
After a time, a steady state
T T0 = Temperature at time t = 0
=0 (3)
2. The heat energy supplied to the lower calorimeter can be
is achieved if the two ends of the metal rod having a length l calculated using Equation (6). The values and the change
are maintained at constant temperatures T1 and T2, respec- in the temperature difference on the metal rod are plotted
tively, by two heat reservoirs. as a function of time.
Substituting equation (3) in equation (2), the following equation In the diagram illustrating the temperature difference, one can
is obtained: see that the temperature essentially remains constant.
Consequently, equation 3 can be considered as having been
T2 – T1 satisfied. In order to calculate the heat energy transported by
T (x) = · x + T1 (4) the metal rod according to Equation 1, the ambient heat frac-
tion must be subtracted.
dQ/dt for the ambient heat can be calculated from the slope
T1 dQ T2 T1 > T2 of the graph in Fig. 3. dQ/dt for the entire set-up can be cal-
culated from the slope of the graph of Q over t in Figs. 4 and
l x 5. With the values for the length of the rod (Dx = 31.5 cm), the
area (A: 4.91 · 10-4 m2) and the averaged temperature on the
PHYWE series of publications • Laboratory Experiments • Physics • PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH • 37070 Göttingen, Germany 23502 3
Thermal and electrical conductivity of metals
Fig. 4a: DT as function of time for aluminium. Fig. 4b: Q as a function of time for aluminium.
Fig. 5a: DT as function of time for copper. Fig. 5b: Q as function of time for copper.
4 23502 PHYWE series of publications • Laboratory Experiments • Physics • PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH • 37070 Göttingen, Germany