Big PT in Filipino Research
Big PT in Filipino Research
Big PT in Filipino Research
Research has shown social media use can both positively and
negatively affect relationships, depending on how it's used.
Inevitably, real life won't look like the endless highlight reels
we see on social media, which can lead to disappointment in
either yourself, your partner, or both.
One study found that those who are dating people who
overshare on social media tend to have lower relationship
satisfaction (though positive posts about the relationship itself
every now and then seemed to mediate that effect).
Research indicates that spending a lot of time on social media
leads to negative relationship outcomes.
4. Social media might make daily life seem less interesting
The drool-worthy image of a couple on vacation can trigger
feelings of envy, which can keep you from appreciating where
you are in the present moment.
Just remember: A vacation can make you feel happy, but it's
the everyday moments that lead to ultimate satisfaction.
Next time you and your partner are together and both focused
on your phones, bring awareness to that.
On the flip side, lowering social media use has been shown
to reduce loneliness and depression symptoms.
Several studies have linked social media use and body image
Another study found the way wives perceive their own sexual
attractiveness, based on negative body image, directly affects
the marital quality of both the wife and the husband.
Of the adults who took the survey, 28% say they met their
current partner online, compared with 11% of partnered
straight adults.
Research shows social media can be a great place for meeting
a romantic partner.
In this sense, Page says social media can be used to honor the
activities you do and the things you create together.
The takeaway
Scrolling through social media all day is, unfortunately, not a
hard habit to pick up.
"Social media is not all bad," Ajjan says, "but if you find
yourself comparing your relationship to what you are seeing
online, it may be helpful to unfollow accounts that make you
feel bad and focus more on accounts that make you feel
empowered in your relationship."