1 s2.0 S0921889022001373 Main
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Article history: The haptic terrain classification is an essential component of a mobile walking robot control system,
Available online 22 August 2022 ensuring proper gait adaptation to the changing environmental conditions. In practice, such compo-
nents are a part of an autonomous system and thus have to be lightweight, provide fast inference time,
and guarantee robustness to minor changes in recorded sensory data. We propose transformer-based
Legged robots
Deep learning methods HAPTR and HAPTR2 terrain classification methods that use force and torque measurements from feet
Data sets for robot learning to meet these requirements. For reliable comparison of the proposed solutions, we adapt two classical
machine learning algorithms (DTW-KNN and ROCKET), one temporal convolution network (TCN), and
use the state-of-the-art CNN-RNN. The experiments are performed on publicly available PUTany and
QCAT datasets. We show that the proposed HAPTR and HAPTR2 methods achieve accuracy on par
or better than state-of-the-art approaches with a lower number of parameters, faster inference time,
and improved robustness to input signal distortions. These features make HAPTR and HAPTR2 excel
in terrain recognition tasks when considering real-world requirements.
© 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V.
0921-8890/© 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V.
M. Bednarek, M.R. Nowicki and K. Walas Robotics and Autonomous Systems 158 (2022) 104236
2.1. Terrain recognition for legged robots Time-series data mining has become an emerging field over
the past decades due to the increased availability of temporal
One of the first contemporary approaches to terrain recog- data [28]. We can approach the problem by looking at the sig-
nition for walking robots was presented in [11], where authors nal properties. The authors of [29] compared several similarity
tackled the problem of blindly estimating terrain properties using measures in the distance-based time series classification task,
showing that no individual distance measure is significantly bet-
1 https://github.com/kolaszko/haptic_transformer ter than the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) [30]. Based on that
M. Bednarek, M.R. Nowicki and K. Walas Robotics and Autonomous Systems 158 (2022) 104236
distance, a popular K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN-DTW) classifier Temporal convolutional network (TCN). A convolution-based TCN
could be adapted for time-domain signals, which is considered model for the sequence prediction initially proposed in [34] fits
as a strong baseline in the field. our requirements while handling longer sequences than recurrent
Recently, learning-based approaches started to play a signifi- neural networks. It does not contain any form of memory or
cant role in the time series classification field, including Recurrent recurrence while providing state-of-the-art results. The original
Neural Networks (RNN) with Convolutional blocks (CNN) or Fully TCN returns a sequence, which does not apply to our task. There-
Convolutional Neural Networks (FCN). In [31], authors proposed fore, we equipped it with the Multi-Layered Perceptron (MLP)
the InceptionTime classifier based on the Inception-v4 [32] ar- layer at the end to predict terrain classes. We also evaluated
chitecture achieving state-of-the-art scalability with decreased several configurations of the TCN that differ when it comes to
training time. A similar approach, called RandOm Convolutional the number of convolution levels (LE), hidden units per each level
KErnel Transform (ROCKET), was proposed in [33]. The authors (HI), and the number of hidden neurons in the (MLP):
showed that their model achieves state-of-the-art accuracy while
maintaining a relatively short training time by using multiple • Light - LE=4, HI=8, MLP=128,
convolution kernels instead of stacking an ensemble of classifiers. • Base - LE=8, HI=16, MLP=256,
In [34], authors presented the Temporal Convolutional Network • Large - LE=16, HI=25, MLP=256.
(TCN) as a convolutional alternative for recurrent neural net-
The TCN implementation was based on the original PyTorch
works with a comprehensive comparison to the state-of-the-art
code provided by the authors of [34].
recurrent models.
Despite the undeniable success of transformers [35] in nat-
3.2. Improved haptic transformer (HAPTR2)
ural language processing [36], image recognition [37] or object
detection [38], to the best of our knowledge, no prior works
The Haptic Transformer comes from our previous work [39],
used transformers in the terrain classification in the real-world
and it presents an initial adaptation of the transformer-based
scenario with a walking robot.
neural networks to the terrain classification problem. But with
3. Methods a piece of domain knowledge about the problem itself, we were
able to optimize its architecture to provide an improved Haptic
The following section demonstrates the adapted state-of-the- Transformer called HAPTR2, as presented in Fig. 2.
art approaches for the time-series classification to the terrain The main novelty of the proposed solution is the Modality
classification problem. Secondly, we describe an improved ver- Attention Layer (MAL) based on the Multi-Head Attention mecha-
sion of our HAPtic TRansformer (HAPTR2) model that was initially nism introduced in [35]. Firstly, input time series are split accord-
described in [39]. In addition, the list of all improvements that led ing to modalities (i.e., forces and torques signals measured at the
to the creation of HAPTR2 was included. robot feet are processed separately) and passed to 1D convolu-
tional layers. They, in turn, transform multi-dimensional signals
3.1. Adapted methods included in the comparison into their flattened modality representations of the same length
as inputs. Learnable linear layers process and shape each modality
Convolutional neural network with recurrent modules (CNN-RNN). representation to so-called queries (Q), keys (K), and values (V)
CNN-RNN model was initially described in [7], and improved for the dot product attention layer. There are as many queries
in [8] to achieve the best results in the terrain classification on as time samples in the input signal. Each sample is weighted
the PUTany dataset. The most recent version of this approach between
√ keys (represented by keys) and scaled by the factor
described in [9] enhances its performance by using residual layers (1/ dk ), where dk is the dimensionality of multiplied queries and
with masking and two bidirectional layers (Bidir) with two GRU keys. Therefore, the activation of the MAL layer is described with
cells in each layer. equation:
Fig. 3. The visual explanation of the Modality Attention Layer used in our
experiments. We used it to increase the robustness of the HAPTR model.
• a batch normalization layer was included in an MLP classi- In our experiments we used the PUTany dataset [9] which was
fication layer. recorded during walking sessions of the ANYmal robot on dif-
ferent real-world terrain samples with no additional exploratory
Before describing the data, we would like to draw a line moves. The created map with eight different terrain types was
between identification and classification in our context. Terrain presented in Fig. 4.
Identification: The identification term indicates the presence
Robot and sensor. During the walking session, the ANYmal robot
of multiple stages involving detection, recognition, classification,
presented in Fig. 1 was equipped with sensorized, compliant
and other techniques. The aim behind terrain identification goes
feet [42] that consist of flat contact surfaces with a range of
beyond naming the terrain type. It involves all the information
motion 50◦ for the pitch and 30◦ for the roll axis. The robot was
needed for a robot to traverse and interact with the terrain safely.
walking on a flat surface and a ramp requiring the feet to adapt
Terrain Classification: In machine learning, classification is the
to the terrain type and shape. Force/torque (F/T) sensors placed
process of categorizing a set of data into predefined classes. It
inside the feet were custom-made and can sense up to 1000 N
is the most utilized method in the field of terrain identification.
in the Z direction (along the robot’s leg), 400 N in the ground
However, terrain classification alone does not provide compre-
surface, and up to 10 Nm of torque in each axis at a frequency
hensive information about traversability since it often misses key
400 Hz. We cropped F/T signals to 160 samples registered during
terrain physical parameters. The terrain classification is a step
the instant of contact.
toward robot autonomy but requires an extension to reach the
level of complete terrain identification. Environment. Eight different terrains are used in the experiments
(Fig. 5): carpet, artificial grass, rubber, sand, foam, rocks, ceramic
4. Datasets tiles, and PVC. One can observe that the adaptive foot slopes
differently depending on the terrain type, properties, and shape.
Until recently, the terrain classification algorithms mainly To assure walking stability, we commanded the robot to perform
were evaluated on the sequences explicitly recorded by the au- a statically stable gait with only one leg in a flight phase at a time.
thors of the dataset and were not made available. Without public After a flight phase, all feet are placed on the ground. Then, a
data, it was almost impossible to compare the results of different flight phase starts all over again with a different leg.
M. Bednarek, M.R. Nowicki and K. Walas Robotics and Autonomous Systems 158 (2022) 104236
M. Bednarek, M.R. Nowicki and K. Walas Robotics and Autonomous Systems 158 (2022) 104236
Fig. 5. Terrain types included in the dataset: carpet (a), artificial grass (b), rubber (c), sand (d), foam (e), rocks (f), ceramic tiles (g), PVC (h). Each terrain gave unique
F/T feedback enabling the classification of these samples.
Fig. 7. The accuracy as a function of a number of parameters reveals the efficiency of the applied method. Notice that the axis of parameters is in the logarithmic
scale. In this context, HAPTR2 significantly outperforms other algorithms.
Fig. 8. The accuracy of deep learning models as a function of a mean inference time on CPU. Notice that the axis of an inference time is in a logarithmic scale.
Table 2 time needed for calculations and related tasks. It includes the
Inference time for a single sample for evaluated terrain classification time of transmitting data between the main and GPU’s memory,
and this overhead is present in all the measurements of inference
Method Variant CPU [ms] GPU [ms]
time included in the comparison. The reduced time is visible
DTW-KNN 1619.86 ± 11.11 – only for the TCN in Large that was reduced to the accepted
ROCKET 180.62 ± 13.05 –
threshold. Much to our surprise, the inference time of the CNN-
Light 1.37 ± 0.29 1.86 ± 0.05 RNN increased on the GPU. We assume that the poor optimization
TCN Base 2.97 ± 0.24 3.37 ± 0.04
Large 16.82 ± 0.91 6.43 ± 0.06
of the RNN model on this particular GPU architecture was the root
cause. Another probable reason would be sequential processing in
Light 1.43 ± 0.09 1.61 ± 0.15
HAPTR Base 2.91 ± 0.22 2.73 ± 0.06 recurrent units, which cannot fully utilize a GPU computational
Large 5.60 ± 0.59 4.87 ± 0.15 power — GPUs were designed primarily for parallel processing.
Light 1.38 ± 0.03 1.53 ± 0.11 Eventually, the HAPTR2 appeared to be the most efficient method
HAPTR2 Base 2.25 ± 0.05 2.13 ± 0.05 based on the accuracy and the inference time on a CPU or GPU.
Large 3.99 ± 0.09 3.39 ± 0.05
CNN-RNN [9] 11.68 ± 0.83 30.60 ± 5.30 5.5. The choice and analysis of the best solution
Fig. 9. The accuracy as a function of a mean inference time on GPU. The axis of time is in the logarithmic scale.
Table 3
Classification accuracy of the HAPTR2Light models
trained with and without the additional modality
attention module.
HAPTR2Light Acc [%] Accmin [%]
with MAL 91.7 80.7 (Art. grass)
without MAL 91.3 76.0 (Art. grass)
Fig. 11. HAPTR2Light accuracy on the PUTany test dataset, in which a simulated payload was added to the force modality.
deviation. The inspiration for adding the uniform noise in our Table 4
setup was based on a real-world use case of inspecting the mine Classification accuracy of the proposed HAPTR2Light and state-of-the-art
RNNs+FCL measured on the QCAT and PUTany datasets with the 10-fold cross-
tunnels equipped with conveyor belts. Along the way, the robot validation providing mean, standard deviation (SD), and min and max values
was experiencing the noise from a large industrial transformer for each fold. The best results are bolded.
and electric motors, which were the root of the noise on the Dataset Mean [%] SD [%] Min [%] Max [%]
analog sensors. HAPTR2Light 93.85 0.82 92.68 95.29
In the payload change scenario, we modeled an additional PUTany
RNNs+FCL [6] 93.20 0.89 92.06 95.39
increase in mass by adding a bias to forces. Each step consists HAPTR2Light 97.33 1.21 95.49 98.96
of two phases, i.e., a stance and a flight. We assumed that a QCAT
RNNs+FCL [6] 96.60 0.89 95.49 98.61
robot’s leg swings from 60 to 15 degrees from the normal to
the ground during the stance phase. In the following scenario,
we added a simulated payload vector that acts along the gravity
vector and has an increasing length. However, we are aware emergence of public datasets that facilitate impartial comparison
that changes in payload would influence the torques as well, between methods. In our comparison, we decided to compare
but we do not find a convincing method to simulate this effect. our results to the most recent method RNNs+FCL [6]. In that arti-
Firstly, the deep learning model was trained on original data, cle, the authors evaluated the RNNs+FCL method on the PUTany
but its weights remained fixed during the simulation. Then, we dataset and on their dataset QCAT (that was made publicly avail-
added a bias in the range of 0.0 to 2.0 to the input force signal able). To ensure proper comparison, we evaluated our HAPTR2Light
to measure the model’s performance. These values correspond using the same evaluation procedure on both of these datasets
to the robot weight increasing from an initial weight to three using their cross-validation steps with the same data splits. The
times the original weight. Such significant change is unrealistic obtained results are presented in Table 4.
but proves the generalization capabilities of the network. The Our HAPTR2Light outperformed RNNs+FCL on both datasets
obtained accuracy depending on the simulated increase in weight with an accuracy margin of 0.64% for PUTany and 0.73% for QCAT
is presented in Fig. 11. In this simulation, the HAPTR2Light with datasets. The results achieved similar standard deviations thus
the MAL achieved higher accuracy on the PUTany test dataset in proving that most methods would probably work similarly in
a whole range of artificial biases introduced in input modalities. the real-world environment. However, our model is significantly
Moreover, for an unexpected 3× change in weight, we can see smaller comparing the number of parameters and is more suit-
that the accuracy drops just by approximately 7.5% when the MAL able for deploying on a real robot than RNNs+FCL. According to
is not used. the implementation shared by the authors of [6], the RNNs+FCL
In the simulated case of a sensory failure, we add a uniformly consists of 395106 trainable variables with recurrent units, while
distributed noise from a range of 0.0 to 0.25 to sensor measure- our HAPTR2Light had only 12568 weights in total, which is over
ments. Like the previous scenario, we also tested performance 30 times less. Moreover, we measured an inference time equal to
on the PUTany dataset measuring the accuracy at different noise 130.44 ms on a GPU and 38.44 ms on a CPU for the RNNs+FCL.
levels. Fig. 12 shows the accuracy obtained for the data degrada- Similar to [9], the inference on a GPU took longer than on a CPU.
tion scenario. As one can observe, a significant improvement in As previously stated, GPUs are preferable processing units only
the model’s robustness can be noticed for both input modalities, when we process large batches of data. Our experiments focused
achieving over 10% of accuracy improvement for the highest noise on the real-time robotics perspective, which prefers the inference
levels when it used the MAL. Moreover, the HAPTR was more of a single sample to reduce the delay between the measurement
robust to the changes in the force measurements proving that the and the processed result.
torque measurements might have a higher impact on the final
performance of the network. 6. Conclusions
5.7. Comparison to the state-of-the-art The HAPTR and HAPTR2 are novel methods to tackle the
terrain recognition problem with transformer-based neural net-
The terrain classification algorithms for walking robots are work architectures. In our work, we primarily focused on the
mostly incomparable due to the different types of terrain used real-world applicability and compared our approach with mul-
and different hardware platforms. But it is changing due to the tiple data-driven methods, including adapted non-deep learning
M. Bednarek, M.R. Nowicki and K. Walas Robotics and Autonomous Systems 158 (2022) 104236
Fig. 12. HAPTR2Light accuracy on the PUTany test dataset, in which a uniform noise with an increasing range was added to one input modality (a force or a torque)
to simulate a sensor failure.
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