The Design of Human Sexuality - Ebook Sample
The Design of Human Sexuality - Ebook Sample
The Design of Human Sexuality - Ebook Sample
Lesson 1 1
The Genetic Imperative to Reproduce 1
The Difficulty of Establishing a Legitimate Relationship 2
Reproduction 3
The Bedrock of Genetic Imperative 3
Seven Centered Sexuality Was Rooted in the Strategic 5
The End of the Cross of Planning Era 5
Our Sexuality Identity Is Under Pressure 6
The 59th Gate: Dispersion 6
Role Gate of Sexual Intimacy 7
Look at Your Personality Sun/Earth Line 8
The 1st Line: The Role of Pursuer/Pursued 8
No Choice 9
The Mind Cannot Decide 10
We Are a Witness Consciousness 11
Being a Perfect Spectator 11
The 2nd Line: The Role of Shyness/Boldness 12
Surrender to the Lack of Predictability 13
The 3rd Line: The Role of Bonds Made or Broken 14
Helplessness 15
The 4th Line: The Role of Confidant or Not 16
The Potential to Have a Valuable Intimacy 17
The 5th Line: The Role of Seducer/Seduced 18
The Burden of Not Understanding 19
The 6th Line: The Role of Soul Mate or Not 21
Dissatisfaction of Just Any Relationship 21
Establishing New Bonds 22
Your Vehicle Is Built for This Time and Age 23
Lesson 2 24
The Waves 24
Line Continuity 24
The Vehicle Makes Decisions 26
Discovering a New Level of Connectivity 27
True Unique Outer Authority 28
Look to the Design to See What You Need Physically 28
Breaking the Rules of the Past 28
A Signpost of Dysfunctional Sexuality 29
The Waves — The 6th Gate: Conflict 30
Separate the Design from the Personality 31
The 1st Line: The Wave of Weakness/Strength 31
This Is About Outer Authority 32
How You Meet the Other Is Dependent on Inner Authority 33
Enlightened Selfishness 34
The Beauty of Outer Authority 34
Line 2: The Wave of Advance/Withdrawal 35
We Are Complex 36
We Don’t Have Set Ways How We Meet the Other 36
Line 3: The Wave of Allegiance/Rejection 37
The Gift of Navigating in the Maia with Awareness 38
The Trigrams 39
Line 4: The Wave of Kindness/Meanness 40
No Morality with Strategy and Authority 41
Accepting Oneself 41
Line 5: The Wave of Selflessness/Selfishness 42
The Mind Has Value 43
Our Mind Is Not Fixed in Expressing Outer Authority 43
A New Kind of Communication 44
Line 6: The Wave of Sympathy/Apathy 45
Lesson 3 46
Tribal Sexuality 46
The Solar Plexus Center 46
Lesson 4 67
Individual Sexuality | Romance and Passion 67
Lesson 5 88
Collective Sexuality 88
The Channel of Desire — The 41st Gate: Decrease | The Gate of Sexual Hunger | A
Design of Fantasy 88
Collective Sexuality Compared to Tribal and Individual Sexuality 89
Tribal Sexuality 90
Individual Sexuality 90
The Collective Is Just About Sex 91
All Abstract Channels Are Social 91
Humans Have a Deep Sex Drive 92
No Taboos 92
Tribal and Individual Sexuality Is Not Free 92
Sexual Hunger 93
The Motto of the Experiential Way Is Been There, Done That 93
Fantasy 93
The Core of the Sex Drive 95
The 30th Gate: The Clinging Fire | The Gate of Sexual Feelings | A Design of
Yearning 96
Purest Emotional Motor System 96
This Is ‘Want’ 97
The Not-Self Can Become Obsessed 98
Awareness Is the Ultimate Possibility of the Passenger 98
The Channel of Sexual Talent — The 36th Gate: The Darkening of the Light | The
Gate of Sexual Crisis | A Design of Inexperience 99
The 36th Gate Is a Penetrator 100
A Design of Inexperience 101
Collective Power Is in Conflict with the Tribe and the Individual 102
Mechanics Is Healing 102
The 35th Gate: Progress | The Gate of Sexual Boredom | A Design of Experience
Experiential Sexual Talent 104
Experiencing and Letting Go 105
The Drive to Move from One Experience to Another 106
Lesson 6 108
Lesson 7 128
Caring 128
Lesson 8 153
The Themes of Individual Caring | Self-Caring 153
Caring Is the Key to the Survival of Relationships 153
The Spleen is Cool, Existential 155
The Core Caring Gates 156
The Self-Caring of Integration Channels 157
The Channel 20-57 by Itself Is Not Self-Caring 157
Caring Is Expected by the Emotional System 158
The Integration Being Is Not Designed to Care for the Other 158
The Blessing of Self-Caring 159
Self-Love Is What Matters 160
Integration Beings can be Transformed by the Presence of the 28-38 160
The 57th Gate: The Gentle | The Gate of Self-Concern 161
The 57th Gate Is Powerful and Essential 162
Relationships Are Based on Acceptance 163
The 34th Gate: The Power of the Great | The Gate of Individuation 164
This Gate Fuels Us to be Different 164
The 34-57 Empowers Individual Self-Concern 165
The 10th Gate: Treading | The Gate of Behavior | A Design of Self-Love or Not 166
The Perfection of Individual Self-Concern 167
The Perfecting of Behavior 167
Integration Beings Suffer from Guilt 168
The 20th Gate: Contemplation | The Gate of Individualism | A Design of Caring
for Oneself or Not 168
This Caring Is Awakening 169
The 20-34 Is a Perfect Individuated Force 170
Thyroid Problems 170
There Are People Who Don’t Have to Care 171
Acceptance Arises Out of Awareness 171
The Perfection of Individuality Is Better for Everyone 172
Lesson 9 174
The Themes of Individual Caring | The Caring Stream of Romance 174
Consciousness Is Limited by its Hardware 174
The Root of Our caring Is to Stay Alive 175
The Lymph System and the Spleen 176
Manifesting Generator Is the Original Construct 177
The 28/38: Taming of Self-Concern 177
Individuals Are Deaf 178
The 28th Gate Brings the Need to Care to the Surface 179
Individuals Pretend They Care because of Guilt 179
The Channel of Turmoil — The 38th Gate: Opposition | A Gate of Carelessness | A
Design of Incaution 180
The 28th Gate: The Preponderance of the Great — The Gate of Carefreeness | A
Design of Uncertainty 181
An Individual Cannot be Cared For 181
The Channel of Struggle: Struggle to Find Purpose in Life 182
Stop Wondering about Yourself and Just Watch 183
The Channel of Respond-ability — The 57th Gate: The Gentle | The Gate of
Concern | A Design of Listening or Not 184
The 28-38 Switches the 57 from Self-Concern to General Concern 185
The 57th Gate Is Very Acoustic 185
Individuals and the Chemistry of Melancholy 186
An Individual Is Available when Needed 187
Individuals Empower the Other 188
Individuals Only Care When It’s Needed 188
The 20th Gate: Contemplation | The Gate of Individualism | A Design of Caring
or Not in the Now 189
Caring Is an Assurance the Bond Will Survive 189
Verbal Caring 189
Individuality Is Absorption in One’s Process Outside of Influence 190
Surrender to the Other’s Design 191
The Importance of Truly Seeing the Other 191
A Partnership Chart: A Beast with Two Backs 191
Lesson 10 195
Kundalini Caring | The Caring Stream of Perfection 195
The Collective Cares About Everything 195
The Channel of Correction — The 58th Gate: The Joyous | The Gate of Caring
Vitality | A Design of Speculating 196
Logic Is Starved for Energy 197
The Basis of the Logical Pattern 197
The Spleen Is about Survival 198
Speculation on What Needs to be Cared For 198
The Caring Stream of Perfection 198
The Collective Cares about the Species 199
Collective Caring Deals with Large Frameworks 199
The 18th Gate: Work on What Has Been Spoiled | The Gate of Instructive Caring |
A Design of Challenging 200
Ability to Challenge Any Pattern 200
Surrender to Just Letting Them Be 201
Potential for Hopelessness 202
The Challenge to Let Go of the Seven Centered Way 202
The Channel of Caring Skills — The 48th Gate: The Well | The Gate of Caring
Frustration | A Design of Lack of Experimentation 203
Collects Instructions 204
The Frustration of No Action 204
The 48 Carries Possibilities for the Future 205
The Power Is Distorted because of the Not-Self 206
The 16th Gate: Enthusiasm | The Gate of Caring Discrimination | A Design of
Identification 207
Awareness Saves Us 208
What the Seven Centered Beings Brought Us 208
The Nine Centered Uranian Body 209
We Are a Binary Consciousness 209
Variables 210
Lesson 11 215
Instinctive and Ego Caring 215
The Door to Wisdom 215
The Heart Center Is Complex and Powerful 216
The Curse of the Open Heart Center 217
Basic Instinct 218
Instinctive Support 219
The Channel of Encouragement | The 54th Gate: The Marrying Maiden | The
Gate of Attracting Caring | A Design of Impressing or Not 219
Caring About Getting Attention 220
The 32nd Gate: Duration | The Gate of Caring Requirements | A Design of
Demanding Respect or Not 221
The Pain of Homogenization 222
Being Honest in a Relationship 222
The Tribe Demands Loyalty 223
The Need to Respect and Be Respected 223
Never Be What You’re Not 224
The Channel of Manipulation — The 44th Gate: Coming to Meet | The Gate of
Caring Manipulation | A Design of Achieving or Not 224
The Goal of the 44 Is to Bring About Achievement 225
The Power of the 44 Is to Pull the 26 Out of Denial 225
Caring in Order to Survive 227
The Have and Have Nots — The 21st Gate: Biting Through | The Gate of Control |
A Design of Care Management or Not 228
The 21st Gate Feels a Sense of Responsibility for the Other 230
Love Is Simple 230
The 45th Gate: Gathering Together | The Gate of Possessions | A Design of
Supporting Caring or Not 231
Lesson 1
The Genetic Imperative to
Hello to all of you, and all of you that are here in the class and to all of you that
are downloading; welcome.
I used to have a standing joke, it was a good joke actually, if you want to have
a good sex life, if you want to make a lot of money, you want to do this or that,
all of those things people are always talking about or fantasizing about,
whatever the case may be, it really comes back to the basics. It comes back to
Strategy and Authority. It comes back to just living out what you are. We are
each unique and we each express our potential in a way that is an absolute,
that is correct in and of itself.
The nice thing about mechanics is that you can get away from comparison.
It’s the comparison that leads to all kinds of dilemmas and leads to the
moralities that are rooted in the binary we live in; the “this and that,” the “this
is good and this is bad,” and “this is clean and this is dirty.”
The thing that is so enjoyable in the end is that you look at mechanics and
you see it, and seeing it is a lot of fun, at least that’s my sense of humor. But
seeing it doesn’t mean that you can do anything about it. That’s the most
beautiful thing about the nature of mechanics. It’s not that the knowledge in
and of itself has any power, it really doesn’t. It’s entertaining, and I hope this is
going to be entertaining. It’s supposed to be entertaining for the passenger
But in terms of living it, the moment that you understand anything about the
nature of, for example, your sexuality, the only way that you’re going to live
out that potential is not by understanding what it is, it’s by living out what it is
to be you. That is, knowing how to make a decision. The greatest dilemma we
have in our sexuality is that most human beings, as not-self, enter into
relationships and become bonded in relationships that carry with them
extended responsibilities such as children. It becomes difficult for most
human beings in their lifetime to even understand what it is to establish a
legitimate relationship.
That can only come when you’re not making decisions from the mental
plane. As long as you’re up there in your head, the not-self has a real trip with
sex. It has nothing to do with what is correct for you. When it comes to the
nature of any relationship, regardless of whether it is sexual or not, the only
criteria for that relationship has to be whether or not you have made the
decision to accept being in that relationship, and you made that decision
There isn’t anything else. This is where your potential as a being, as a lover, as
a star, that’s when it begins to emerge, because it’s all a matter of
understanding that if the vehicle is operating correctly, the passenger has the
possibility for an extraordinary experience.
So, we’re going to take a look at the complexities of the mechanics of human
sexuality. It is quite an interesting journey. I’ve taught this many times in
many ways, usually in bits and pieces. It’s one of the things that I really like
about the IHDS and being able to teach virtually is that you have the time to
be able to extend the potential to look at things. Here is a classic example
because it gives me an opportunity to sort of synthesize all of the various
areas of my approach to understanding human sexuality and literally bring it
together in one program.