17 EN Gennisi Ektos Gamou 1 Gonea
17 EN Gennisi Ektos Gamou 1 Gonea
17 EN Gennisi Ektos Gamou 1 Gonea
We initially require receiving the supporting documents electronically (registry.chc@mfa.gr or registry.chi@mfa.gr) , so to confirm that you have the right
documents. After that, you can submit the supporting documents in person and in hard copies at a mutually arranged date, presenting your valid passport or Greek
Please note that during the appointment, we will keep the original certificates and will no longer be available for you to take them back.
Greek mother
1. Family registration of the Greek mother attesting to the fact that the mother was not married at the time of the applicant’s birth. The document can be
retrieved inside the Consulate through the citizens’ online database. State the Greek mother’s first name, last name, father’s name, mother’s name and
year of birth (i.e. Ειρήνη Παπαδοπούλου, Αναστάσιος, Ελευθερία, 1951).
3. The birth certificate of the applicant stating the hospital, the date and time of birth, as well as the birthplace.
Greek father
1) Voluntary Recognition of Parentage The applicant was born before February 18, 1983
What is it?
Signing and filing a Recognition of Parentage establishes a legal Further consultation is needed. Address the Vital Records/ Citizenship
relationship between a father and child when the biological father is not Department of the Consulate.
married to the child's mother. It creates and waives certain rights and
responsibilities for the mother, father and child and allows the father's The applicant must seek Greek citizenship through naturalization.
name to be on the child's birth record. The presence of both parents is
required. The applicant was born after February 18, 1983
1) The birth certificate of the applicant stating the hospital, the date and
2) Copy of the passport of the Greek father time of birth, as well as the birthplace. The birth certificate must bear an
Apostille Seal and be translated into Greek.
3) Copy of the passport of the applicant bearing an Apostille Seal and a
translation into Greek. 2) Copy of the passport of the applicant bearing an Apostille Seal and a
translation into Greek.
4) The birth certificate of the applicant. The birth certificate must bear an
Apostille Seal and be translated into Greek. 3) Copy of the passport of the Greek father
5) Family registration of the Greek father attesting to the fact that the 4) Family registration of the Greek father attesting to the fact that the
father was not married at the time of the applicant’s birth. The document father was not married at the time of the applicant’s birth. The document
can be retrieved inside the Consulate through the citizens’ online can be retrieved inside the Consulate through the citizens’ online
database. State the Greek father’s first name, last name, father’s name, database. State the Greek father’s first name, last name, father’s name,
mother’s name and year of birth (i.e. Ελευθέριος Παπαδόπουλος, mother’s name and year of birth (i.e. Ελευθέριος Παπαδόπουλος,
Αναστάσιος, Αικατερίνη, 1981). Αναστάσιος, Αικατερίνη, 1951).
6) A certificate of no record of marriage for the non-Greek mother. The 5) A certificate of no record of marriage for the non-Greek mother. The
above mentioned document will be issued by the national Authorities of above mentioned document will be issued by the national Authorities of
the mother’s country of origin. It must bear an Apostille Seal and be the mother’s country of origin. It must bear an Apostille Seal and be
translated into Greek. If the non-Greek mother is a European Union translated into Greek. If the non-Greek mother is a European Union
citizen, the Consulate will accept a statement by the non-Greek mother citizen, the Consulate will accept a statement by the non-Greek mother
declaring she was not married when the applicant was born. The declaring she was not married when the applicant was born. The
statement must have the declarer’s signature notarized either by the statement must have the declarer’s signature notarized either by the
Greek Consulate or by an official foreign Authority. In this case, the Greek Consulate or by an official foreign Authority. In this case, the
notarization will also bear an Apostille Seal and a translation into Greek. notarization will also bear an Apostille Seal and a translation into Greek.
7) If the applicant is male, we will also require two (2) passport –size photos 6) If the applicant is male, we will also require:
a. two passport –size photos
Cost: b. if adult (copies of the applicant’s current passport. If the current
passport was issued less than two (3) years ago, copies of the previous
Female applicant: €270 + €10 for each copy requested by the applicant passport must also be submitted. In a separate note, please indicate
Male applicant: €390 + €10 for each copy requested by the applicant. dates of entry and exit to and from Greece within the passport’s
The cost will be €220 for a female applicant and €340 for a male applicant.