This document provides a rubric and instructions for a project-based assessment (PBA) in which language learners will record themselves speaking about their daily routines. Students will be evaluated on fluency, accuracy, pronunciation, and effort using a scoring guide rubric. The recording must be at least 4 minutes. Students can earn a score between 22.5-25 for an A, 20-22 for a B, 17.5-19.5 for a C, 15-17 for a D, and below 14 for an F. Late assignments will lose 5 points per day. Sample questions are provided to guide students' responses.
This document provides a rubric and instructions for a project-based assessment (PBA) in which language learners will record themselves speaking about their daily routines. Students will be evaluated on fluency, accuracy, pronunciation, and effort using a scoring guide rubric. The recording must be at least 4 minutes. Students can earn a score between 22.5-25 for an A, 20-22 for a B, 17.5-19.5 for a C, 15-17 for a D, and below 14 for an F. Late assignments will lose 5 points per day. Sample questions are provided to guide students' responses.
This document provides a rubric and instructions for a project-based assessment (PBA) in which language learners will record themselves speaking about their daily routines. Students will be evaluated on fluency, accuracy, pronunciation, and effort using a scoring guide rubric. The recording must be at least 4 minutes. Students can earn a score between 22.5-25 for an A, 20-22 for a B, 17.5-19.5 for a C, 15-17 for a D, and below 14 for an F. Late assignments will lose 5 points per day. Sample questions are provided to guide students' responses.
This document provides a rubric and instructions for a project-based assessment (PBA) in which language learners will record themselves speaking about their daily routines. Students will be evaluated on fluency, accuracy, pronunciation, and effort using a scoring guide rubric. The recording must be at least 4 minutes. Students can earn a score between 22.5-25 for an A, 20-22 for a B, 17.5-19.5 for a C, 15-17 for a D, and below 14 for an F. Late assignments will lose 5 points per day. Sample questions are provided to guide students' responses.
WLC 452 – 18402 6 November 2023 Rubric with PBA: Daily Routines 1. Choose a Topic Language learners will talk about routines they engage in daily, at the end of the unit. 2. Create a Project Based Assessment Learners will be scored on how well they can elaborate on daily routines in a recorded activity. They will be evaluated on presentational speaking. Specifically, students will be assessed on fluency, accuracy, pronunciation, and effort. Instructions I would give to students: It is time to put everything you have learned this unit into a final product! You are ready! Using the vocabulary from the unit as a starting point, you will expand on your daily routines and other activities you do throughout the week. You can talk about activities specific to each day of the week or focus on one day’s activities. You have to record yourself and submit the video. The goal is for you to talk about your routine and to show me what you have learned in at least four minutes. Grades: 22.5 ↑ out of 25 = A 20 - 22 = B 17.5 - 19.5 = C 15 - 17 = D 14 ↓ = F Remember, late work will be accepted for full credit with a medical note. Otherwise, each day it is late, it will lose five points of the total score. For example, a day late means a score of 25/25 (A100%) will only earn 20/25 (B80%). That is a letter grade! The assignment is due in two weeks, on MM/DD/YYYY. One per unit. Plan ahead. You can use the following questions as a guide and remember to elaborate on your responses, you do not have to answer all the questions (depending on students’ proficiency level, I would give only the Spanish questions). However, be mindful of the number of questions you have to answer in order to earn all possible points. Phenomenal students answer at least nine questions with complete sentences, verbs conjugated in simple present, and vocabulary terms from this unit (use parts of the sentence to structure your response if needed). Great students answer at least seven questions. Students in the limited category answer four questions. Lacking students answer two or less. • What is your daily routine? ¿Cuál es tu rutina diaria? • What time do you usually wake up? ¿A qué hora te despiertas? • What is your morning routine? ¿Qué haces por las mañanas? • Does your routine change on the weekends? ¿Tu rutina cambia los fines de semana? • What is the most fun part of your daily routine? ¿Qué es lo más divertido de tu rutina? • What is the least fun part? ¿Qué actividades no te gusta hacer? • What do you do in the afternoon? ¿Qué haces a mediodía? • Do you watch television? ¿Te gusta ver la televisión? • What do you do in the evenings? ¿Qué haces por las tardes? • What do you do at night? ¿Qué haces cuando anochece? 3. Create an Original Rubric I mainly evaluate if students would be understood by native Spanish speakers in a culturally appropriate context. To do this while also providing quantifiable feedback, I will use a Scoring Guide Rubric with four sections: fluency, accuracy, effort, and pronunciation. Students can obtain either phenomenal (5), great (4), limited (3-2), or lacking (1) in each category. Rubrica presentación oral
Fenomenal 5 Genial 4 Limitado 3-2 Carente 1
Esfuerzo Se nota a leguas que Te esfuerzas por Te interesaba solo Solo te importo has invertido tiempo crear oraciones terminar el trabajo entregar el proyecto ¿Has cuidado los en lo que haces. Es correctas al hablar. mas no se ve el sin cuidar los detalles de tu obvio que te Sin embargo, tu empeño. Las detalles y resultó en presentación? enorgulleces en tu trabajo necesita más instrucciones no un video con trabajo y que no revisiones. Tu fueron seguidas en muchos errores y ¿Invertiste tiempo grabaste el proyecto trabajo se su totalidad. El falta de en tu trabajo? en una sola toma beneficiaría de más producto final no compromiso. El porque presentas un práctica. refleja el trabajo en trabajo no refleja un trabajo casi sin clase. aprendizaje errores. significativo. Precisión Se te entiende con Se te entiende Se te entiende poco. Es difícil de facilidad. Casi muchas de las En general no tienes entender lo que ¿Utilizas las siempre utilizas veces. De vez en cuidado al utilizar quieres comunicar. palabras conjugaciones cuando utilizas conjugaciones, Rara vez tienes adecuadas? correctas, sintaxis y conjugaciones, sintaxis ni cuidado con las concordancia del sintaxis y concordancia conjugaciones, género. concordancia correcta. sintaxis y correcta. concordancia de las palabras. Pronunciación Suenas como un Hablas como Hablas como Hablas como un hispanohablante alguien que está alguien que está extranjero ¿Pronuncias las nativo, con un aprendiendo aprendiendo emitiendo las palabras excelente dominio de español. Un nativo español. Pero tu palabras en español correctamente? las vocales te podría entender acento le dificultaría con pronunciación españolas. Un nativo aun con tus errores entenderte a un de otro idioma. Un te entendería sin de pronunciación nativo. nativo no lograría dificultad. poco frecuentes. entenderte. Fluidez Creas dialogo fluido Tu dialogo casi Has memorizado las Tu respuesta tiene que no suena siempre fluye, pero respuestas o una combinación de ¿Te ves seguro de memorizado. Hablas dudas de lo que apuntes. Respondes palabras en español lo que dices? en oraciones dices y te detienes a en fragmentos y te e inglés. Pareciera completas sin dudar. la mitad de las cuestionas lo que que solo lees oraciones. dices apuntes. constantemente. Cumple con el Cumple con el El video dura menos El video dura menos Tiempo requisito de cuatro requisito de cuatro de cuatro minutos. de dos minutos. minutos o más. minutos, pero ¿Cuánto dura tu mucho tiempo se presentación? perdió en pausas. Total ____/25 Presentational Communication Rubric
Phenomenal 5 Great 4 Limited 3-2 Lacking 1
Effort You have invested You try to create You are just You only cared time into your work. correct sentences interested in getting about submitting Have you reviewed It is evident you are when speaking. this assignment over your work without all details of your proud of your work However, your with, and the effort reviewing any presentation before and that you did not work needs more is not all there. details. submission? record this project in editing. Your work This resulted in a a single take because would benefit from Instructions were video with many Did you invest you have almost no more practice. not followed errors and a lack of time into your mistakes. completely. The commitment. The work? final product does work does not not showcase your showcase your best best work. attempt. Accuracy It is easy to You are understood You are understood It is difficult to understand you. You most of the time. few of the times you understand what Are you using the almost always use You sometimes use speak. In general, you are right words? correct verb correct verb you are not careful communicating. conjugations, syntax, conjugations, when using correct You rarely use subject-verb and syntax, and subject- conjugations, correct gender agreements. verb and gender syntax, and subject- conjugations, agreements. verb and gender syntax, and subject- agreements. verb and gender agreements. Pronunciation You sound like a You speak like You speak like You speak like a native Spanish someone learning someone learning foreigner producing Do you pronounce speaker, with an Spanish. A native Spanish. However, Spanish words with the words excellent command Spanish speaker your accent would another language’s correctly? of Spanish vowels. A could understand make it difficult for pronunciation. A native Spanish you regardless of a native Spanish native Spanish speaker would your few speaker to speaker would not understand you with pronunciation understand you. be able to no difficulty. errors. understand you. Fluency Your dialogue is Your dialogue is You have Your answers fluent and does not almost always memorized your include a Do you seem sure sound rehearsed or fluent, but you seem answers or notes. combination of of what you are memorized. You doubtful of what You answer in Spanish and English saying? speak with complete you are saying. You fragments and you words. It seems like sentences without stop in the middle constantly seem you are just reading doubting what you of sentences. doubtful of what over your notes. are saying. you are saying. Time Your recording met Your recording met Your recording lasts Your recording lasts the four-minute or the four-minute less than four less than two How long is your more requirement. requirement, but minutes. minutes. presentation? much time was lost in long pauses. Total ____/25