Crypto Slaya
Crypto Slaya
Crypto Slaya
0 at
// © BrookstarNZ
indicator("CRYPTO SLAYA", overlay=true, max_labels_count=500)
//"Buy Label" = Strong Buy
//"Sell Label" = Strong Sell
//"Don't Buy" = Green Cross
//"Don't Sell" = Red Cross
//"Weak Buy " = Green Circle
//"Weak Sell" = Red Circle
//"Reversal Buy" = Green Diamond
//"Reversal Sell" = Red Diamond
// Functions
smoothrng(x, t, m) =>
wper = t * 2 - 1
avrng = ta.ema(math.abs(x - x[1]), t)
smoothrng = ta.ema(avrng, wper) * m
rngfilt(x, r) =>
rngfilt = x
rngfilt := x > nz(rngfilt[1]) ? x - r < nz(rngfilt[1]) ? nz(rngfilt[1]) : x - r
: x + r > nz(rngfilt[1]) ? nz(rngfilt[1]) : x + r
percWidth(len, perc) => (ta.highest(len) - ta.lowest(len)) * perc / 100
securityNoRep(sym, res, src) =>, res, src, barmerge.gaps_off,
swingPoints(prd) =>
pivHi = ta.pivothigh(prd, prd)
pivLo = ta.pivotlow (prd, prd)
last_pivHi = ta.valuewhen(pivHi, pivHi, 1)
last_pivLo = ta.valuewhen(pivLo, pivLo, 1)
hh = pivHi and pivHi > last_pivHi ? pivHi : na
lh = pivHi and pivHi < last_pivHi ? pivHi : na
hl = pivLo and pivLo > last_pivLo ? pivLo : na
ll = pivLo and pivLo < last_pivLo ? pivLo : na
[hh, lh, hl, ll]
f_chartTfInMinutes() =>
float _resInMinutes = timeframe.multiplier * (
timeframe.isseconds ? 1 :
timeframe.isminutes ? 1. :
timeframe.isdaily ? 60. * 24 :
timeframe.isweekly ? 60. * 24 * 7 :
timeframe.ismonthly ? 60. * 24 * 30.4375 : na)
f_kc(src, len, sensitivity) =>
basis = ta.sma(src, len)
span = ta.atr(len)
[basis + span * sensitivity, basis - span * sensitivity]
wavetrend(src, chlLen, avgLen) =>
esa = ta.ema(src, chlLen)
d = ta.ema(math.abs(src - esa), chlLen)
ci = (src - esa) / (0.015 * d)
wt1 = ta.ema(ci, avgLen)
wt2 = ta.sma(wt1, 3)
[wt1, wt2]
f_top_fractal(src) => src[4] < src[2] and src[3] < src[2] and src[2] > src[1] and
src[2] > src[0]
f_bot_fractal(src) => src[4] > src[2] and src[3] > src[2] and src[2] < src[1] and
src[2] < src[0]
f_fractalize (src) => f_top_fractal(src) ? 1 : f_bot_fractal(src) ? -1 : 0
f_findDivs(src, topLimit, botLimit) =>
fractalTop = f_fractalize(src) > 0 and src[2] >= topLimit ? src[2] : na
fractalBot = f_fractalize(src) < 0 and src[2] <= botLimit ? src[2] : na
highPrev = ta.valuewhen(fractalTop, src[2], 0)[2]
highPrice = ta.valuewhen(fractalTop, high[2], 0)[2]
lowPrev = ta.valuewhen(fractalBot, src[2], 0)[2]
lowPrice = ta.valuewhen(fractalBot, low[2], 0)[2]
bearSignal = fractalTop and high[1] > highPrice and src[1] < highPrev
bullSignal = fractalBot and low[1] < lowPrice and src[1] > lowPrev
[bearSignal, bullSignal]
// Get components
source = close
smrng1 = smoothrng(source, 27, 1.5)
smrng2 = smoothrng(source, 55, sensitivity)
smrng = (smrng1 + smrng2) / 2
filt = rngfilt(source, smrng)
up = 0.0, up := filt > filt[1] ? nz(up[1]) + 1 : filt < filt[1] ? 0 :
dn = 0.0, dn := filt < filt[1] ? nz(dn[1]) + 1 : filt > filt[1] ? 0 :
bullCond = bool(na), bullCond := source > filt and source > source[1] and up > 0
or source > filt and source < source[1] and up > 0
bearCond = bool(na), bearCond := source < filt and source < source[1] and dn > 0
or source < filt and source > source[1] and dn > 0
lastCond = 0, lastCond := bullCond ? 1 : bearCond ? -1 : lastCond[1]
bull = bullCond and lastCond[1] == -1
bear = bearCond and lastCond[1] == 1
countBull = ta.barssince(bull)
countBear = ta.barssince(bear)
trigger = nz(countBull, bar_index) < nz(countBear, bar_index) ? 1 : 0
rsi = ta.rsi(close, 28)
rsiOb = rsi > 78 and rsi > ta.ema(rsi, 10)
rsiOs = rsi < 27 and rsi < ta.ema(rsi, 10)
dHigh = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "D", high [1])
dLow = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "D", low [1])
dClose = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "D", close[1])
ema = ta.ema(close, 144)
emaBull = close > ema
equal_tf(res) => str.tonumber(res) == f_chartTfInMinutes() and not
higher_tf(res) => str.tonumber(res) > f_chartTfInMinutes() or timeframe.isseconds
too_small_tf(res) => (timeframe.isweekly and res=="1") or (timeframe.ismonthly and
str.tonumber(res) < 10)
securityNoRep1(sym, res, src) =>
bool bull_ = na
bull_ := equal_tf(res) ? src : bull_
bull_ := higher_tf(res) ?, res, src, barmerge.gaps_off,
barmerge.lookahead_on) : bull_
bull_array = request.security_lower_tf(syminfo.tickerid, higher_tf(res) ?
str.tostring(f_chartTfInMinutes()) + (timeframe.isseconds ? "S" : "") :
too_small_tf(res) ? (timeframe.isweekly ? "3" : "10") : res, src)
if array.size(bull_array) > 1 and not equal_tf(res) and not higher_tf(res)
bull_ := array.pop(bull_array)
TF1Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "1" , emaBull)
TF3Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "3" , emaBull)
TF5Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "5" , emaBull)
TF15Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "15" , emaBull)
TF30Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "30" , emaBull)
TF60Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "60" , emaBull)
TF120Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "120" , emaBull)
TF240Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "240" , emaBull)
TF480Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "480" , emaBull)
TFDBull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "1440", emaBull)
[wt1, wt2] = wavetrend(close, 5, 10)
[wtDivBear1, wtDivBull1] = f_findDivs(wt2, 15, -40)
[wtDivBear2, wtDivBull2] = f_findDivs(wt2, 45, -65)
wtDivBull = wtDivBull1 or wtDivBull2
wtDivBear = wtDivBear1 or wtDivBear2
// Colors
white = #ffffff, white30 =, 100)
blue = #2962ff, blue30 =, 100)
whiteish = #ffffff, whiteish30 = , 100)
// Plot
off = percWidth(300, offsetSignal)
plotshape(showBuySell and bull ? low - off : na, "Buy Label" , shape.labelup ,
location.absolute, color(#00ff0a), 0, "Buy" , color.white, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(showBuySell and bear ? high + off : na, "Sell Label", shape.labeldown,
location.absolute, color(#ff0015), 0, "Sell", color.white, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(ta.crossover(wt1, wt2) and wt2 <= -53, "Don't Sell/Bottom" ,
shape.xcross, location.belowbar, color(#ff0015), size=size.tiny)
plotshape(ta.crossunder(wt1, wt2) and wt2 >= 53, "Don't Buy/Top", shape.xcross,
location.abovebar, color(#00ff0a), size=size.tiny)
plotshape(wtDivBull, "Weak Buy ", , location.belowbar,
plotshape(wtDivBear, "Weak Sell",, location.abovebar, color(#ff0015),
barcolor(up > dn ? white : blue)
plotshape(showReversal and rsiOs, "Reversal Buy" , shape.diamond,
location.belowbar, color(#00ff0a), size=size.tiny)
plotshape(showReversal and rsiOb, "Reversal Sell", shape.diamond,
location.abovebar, color(#ff0015), size=size.tiny)
lStyle = lineStyle == "Solid" ? line.style_solid : lineStyle == "Dotted" ?
line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed
lSize = labelSize == "small" ? size.small : labelSize == "normal" ?
size.normal : size.large
dHighLine = showPdHlc ?, dHigh, bar_index + 1, dHigh ,
xloc.bar_index, extend.both, lineColor, lStyle, lineWidth) : na,
dLowLine = showPdHlc ?, dLow , bar_index + 1, dLow ,
xloc.bar_index, extend.both, lineColor, lStyle, lineWidth) : na,
dCloseLine = showPdHlc ?, dClose, bar_index + 1, dClose,
xloc.bar_index, extend.both, lineColor, lStyle, lineWidth) : na,
dHighLabel = showPdHlc ? + 100, dHigh , "P.D.H",
xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #000000, label.style_none, labelColor, lSize) : na,
dLowLabel = showPdHlc ? + 100, dLow , "P.D.L",
xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #000000, label.style_none, labelColor, lSize) : na,
dCloseLabel = showPdHlc ? + 100, dClose, "P.D.C",
xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #000000, label.style_none, labelColor, lSize) : na,
srcStop = close
atrBand = srcStop * (percentStop / 100)
atrStop = trigger ? srcStop - atrBand : srcStop + atrBand
lastTrade(src) => ta.valuewhen(bull or bear, src, 0)
entry_y = lastTrade(srcStop)
stop_y = lastTrade(atrStop)
tp1_y = (entry_y - lastTrade(atrStop)) * 1 + entry_y
tp2_y = (entry_y - lastTrade(atrStop)) * 2 + entry_y
tp3_y = (entry_y - lastTrade(atrStop)) * 3 + entry_y
lineTpSl(y, color) =>
line lineTpSl = percentStop != 0 ? - (trigger ? countBull :
countBear) + 4, y, bar_index + 1, y, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, color,
line.style_solid) : na
lineTpSl(entry_y, color.gray)
lineTpSl(stop_y, #ff0015)
lineTpSl(tp1_y, #00ff0a)
lineTpSl(tp2_y, #00ff0a)
lineTpSl(tp3_y, #00ff0a)
var dashboard_loc = locationDashboard == "Top Right" ? position.top_right :
locationDashboard == "Middle Right" ? position.middle_right : locationDashboard ==
"Bottom Right" ? position.bottom_right : locationDashboard == "Top Center" ?
position.top_center : locationDashboard == "Middle Center" ? position.middle_center
: locationDashboard == "Bottom Center" ? position.bottom_center : locationDashboard
== "Top Left" ? position.top_left : locationDashboard == "Middle Left" ?
position.middle_left : position.bottom_left
var dashboard_size = sizeDashboard == "Large" ? size.large : sizeDashboard ==
"Normal" ? size.normal : sizeDashboard == "Small" ? size.small : size.normal
var dashboard = showDashboard ?, 2, 15, tableBgColor,
#000000, 2, tableBgColor, 1) : na
dashboard_cell(column, row, txt, signal=false) => table.cell(dashboard, column,
row, txt, 0, 0, signal ? #000000 : tableTextColor, text_size=dashboard_size)
dashboard_cell_bg(column, row, col) => table.cell_set_bgcolor(dashboard, column,
row, col)
if barstate.islast and showDashboard
dashboard_cell(0, 0 , "CRYPTO SLAYA")
dashboard_cell(0, 1 , "Current Position")
dashboard_cell(0, 2 , "Current Trend")
dashboard_cell(0, 3 , "Volume")
dashboard_cell(0, 4 , "Timeframe")
dashboard_cell(0, 5 , "1 min:")
dashboard_cell(0, 6 , "3 min:")
dashboard_cell(0, 7 , "5 min:")
dashboard_cell(0, 8 , "15 min:")
dashboard_cell(0, 9 , "30 min:")
dashboard_cell(0, 10, "1 H:")
dashboard_cell(0, 11, "2 H:")
dashboard_cell(0, 12, "4 H:")
dashboard_cell(0, 13, "8 H:")
dashboard_cell(0, 14, "Daily:")
dashboard_cell(1, 0 , "")
dashboard_cell(1, 1 , trigger ? "Buy" : "Sell", true), dashboard_cell_bg(1, 1,
trigger ? #00ff0a : #ff0015)
dashboard_cell(1, 2 , emaBull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish", true),
dashboard_cell_bg(1, 2, emaBull ? #00ff0a : #ff0015)
dashboard_cell(1, 3 , str.tostring(volume))
dashboard_cell(1, 4 , "Trends")
dashboard_cell(1, 5 , TF1Bull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish", true),
dashboard_cell_bg(1, 5 , TF1Bull ? #00ff0a : #ff0015)
dashboard_cell(1, 6 , TF3Bull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish", true),
dashboard_cell_bg(1, 6 , TF3Bull ? #00ff0a : #ff0015)
dashboard_cell(1, 7 , TF5Bull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish", true),
dashboard_cell_bg(1, 7 , TF5Bull ? #00ff0a : #ff0015)
dashboard_cell(1, 8 , TF15Bull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish", true),
dashboard_cell_bg(1, 8 , TF15Bull ? #00ff0a : #ff0015)
dashboard_cell(1, 9 , TF30Bull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish", true),
dashboard_cell_bg(1, 9 , TF30Bull ? #00ff0a : #ff0015)
dashboard_cell(1, 10, TF60Bull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish", true),
dashboard_cell_bg(1, 10, TF60Bull ? #00ff0a : #ff0015)
dashboard_cell(1, 11, TF120Bull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish", true),
dashboard_cell_bg(1, 11, TF120Bull ? #00ff0a : #ff0015)
dashboard_cell(1, 12, TF240Bull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish", true),
dashboard_cell_bg(1, 12, TF240Bull ? #00ff0a : #ff0015)
dashboard_cell(1, 13, TF480Bull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish", true),
dashboard_cell_bg(1, 13, TF480Bull ? #00ff0a : #ff0015)
dashboard_cell(1, 14, TFDBull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish", true),
dashboard_cell_bg(1, 14, TFDBull ? #00ff0a : #ff0015)
// Functions
percWidth1(len, perc) => (ta.highest(len) - ta.lowest(len)) * perc / 100
// Get components
rb = 10
prd = 284
ChannelW = 10
label_loc = 55
style = lineStyle == "Solid" ? line.style_solid : lineStyle == "Dotted" ?
line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed
ph = ta.pivothigh(rb, rb)
pl = ta.pivotlow (rb, rb)
sr_levels = array.new_float(21, na)
prdhighest = ta.highest(prd)
prdlowest = ta.lowest(prd)
cwidth = percWidth(prd, ChannelW)
zonePerc = percWidth(300, zoneWidth)
aas = array.new_bool(41, true)
u1 = 0.0, u1 := nz(u1[1])
d1 = 0.0, d1 := nz(d1[1])
highestph = 0.0, highestph := highestph[1]
lowestpl = 0.0, lowestpl := lowestpl[1]
var sr_levs = array.new_float(21, na)
label hlabel = na, label.delete(hlabel[1])
label llabel = na, label.delete(llabel[1])
var sr_lines = array.new_line(21, na)
var sr_linesH = array.new_line(21, na)
var sr_linesL = array.new_line(21, na)
var sr_linesF = array.new_linefill(21, na)
var sr_labels = array.new_label(21, na)
if ph or pl
for x = 0 to array.size(sr_levels) - 1
array.set(sr_levels, x, na)
highestph := prdlowest
lowestpl := prdhighest
countpp = 0
for x = 0 to prd
if na(close[x])
if not na(ph[x]) or not na(pl[x])
highestph := math.max(highestph, nz(ph[x], prdlowest), nz(pl[x],
lowestpl := math.min(lowestpl, nz(ph[x], prdhighest), nz(pl[x],
countpp += 1
if countpp > 40
if array.get(aas, countpp)
upl = (ph[x] ? high[x + rb] : low[x + rb]) + cwidth
dnl = (ph[x] ? high[x + rb] : low[x + rb]) - cwidth
u1 := countpp == 1 ? upl : u1
d1 := countpp == 1 ? dnl : d1
tmp = array.new_bool(41, true)
cnt = 0
tpoint = 0
for xx = 0 to prd
if na(close[xx])
if not na(ph[xx]) or not na(pl[xx])
chg = false
cnt += 1
if cnt > 40
if array.get(aas, cnt)
if not na(ph[xx])
if high[xx + rb] <= upl and high[xx + rb] >= dnl
tpoint += 1
chg := true
if not na(pl[xx])
if low[xx + rb] <= upl and low[xx + rb] >= dnl
tpoint += 1
chg := true
if chg and cnt < 41
array.set(tmp, cnt, false)
if tpoint >= strengthSR
for g = 0 to 40 by 1
if not array.get(tmp, g)
array.set(aas, g, false)
if ph[x] and countpp < 21
array.set(sr_levels, countpp, high[x + rb])
if pl[x] and countpp < 21
array.set(sr_levels, countpp, low[x + rb])
// Plot
var line highest_ = na, line.delete(highest_)
var line lowest_ = na, line.delete(lowest_)
var line highest_fill1 = na, line.delete(highest_fill1)
var line highest_fill2 = na, line.delete(highest_fill2)
var line lowest_fill1 = na, line.delete(lowest_fill1)
var line lowest_fill2 = na, line.delete(lowest_fill2)
hi_col = close >= highestph ? colorSup : colorRes
lo_col = close >= lowestpl ? colorSup : colorRes
if enableSR
highest_ := - 311, highestph, bar_index, highestph,
xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, hi_col, style, lineWidth)
lowest_ := - 311, lowestpl , bar_index, lowestpl ,
xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, lo_col, style, lineWidth)
if useHLZones
highest_fill1 := - 311, highestph + zonePerc, bar_index,
highestph + zonePerc, xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, na)
highest_fill2 := - 311, highestph - zonePerc, bar_index,
highestph - zonePerc, xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, na)
lowest_fill1 := - 311, lowestpl + zonePerc , bar_index,
lowestpl + zonePerc , xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, na)
lowest_fill2 := - 311, lowestpl - zonePerc , bar_index,
lowestpl - zonePerc , xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, na), highest_fill2,, 90)) , lowest_fill2 ,, 90))
if ph or pl
for x = 0 to array.size(sr_lines) - 1
array.set(sr_levs, x, array.get(sr_levels, x))
for x = 0 to array.size(sr_lines) - 1
line.delete(array.get(sr_lines, x))
line.delete(array.get(sr_linesH, x))
line.delete(array.get(sr_linesL, x))
linefill.delete(array.get(sr_linesF, x))
if array.get(sr_levs, x) and enableSR
line_col = close >= array.get(sr_levs, x) ? colorSup : colorRes
array.set(sr_lines, x, - 355, array.get(sr_levs, x),
bar_index, array.get(sr_levs, x), xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both :
extend.right, line_col, style, lineWidth))
if useZones
array.set(sr_linesH, x, - 355, array.get(sr_levs, x)
+ zonePerc, bar_index, array.get(sr_levs, x) + zonePerc, xloc.bar_index, expandSR ?
extend.both : extend.right, na))
array.set(sr_linesL, x, - 355, array.get(sr_levs, x)
- zonePerc, bar_index, array.get(sr_levs, x) - zonePerc, xloc.bar_index, expandSR ?
extend.both : extend.right, na))
array.set(sr_linesF, x,, x),
array.get(sr_linesL, x),, 90)))
for x = 0 to array.size(sr_labels) - 1
label.delete(array.get(sr_labels, x))
if array.get(sr_levs, x) and enableSR
lab_loc = close >= array.get(sr_levs, x) ? label.style_label_up :
lab_col = close >= array.get(sr_levs, x) ? colorSup : colorRes
//array.set(sr_labels, x, + label_loc,
array.get(sr_levs, x), str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(array.get(sr_levs, x))),
color=lab_col , textcolor=#000000, style=lab_loc))
//hlabel := enableSR ? + label_loc +
math.round(math.sign(label_loc)) * 20, highestph, "High Level : " +
str.tostring(highestph), color=hi_col, textcolor=#000000,
style=label.style_label_down) : na
//llabel := enableSR ? + label_loc +
math.round(math.sign(label_loc)) * 20, lowestpl , "Low Level : " +
str.tostring(lowestpl) , color=lo_col, textcolor=#000000,
style=label.style_label_up ) : na
//Line Style function
get_line_style(style) =>
out = switch style
'⎯⎯⎯' => line.style_solid
'----' => line.style_dashed
'····' => line.style_dotted
float ob = na
array.unshift(ob_top, top)
array.unshift(ob_btm, btm)
array.unshift(ob_avg, avg)
array.unshift(ob_left, time[length])
ob := ob_val
array.remove(ob_top, idx)
array.remove(ob_btm, idx)
array.remove(ob_avg, idx)
array.remove(ob_left, idx)
, xloc = xloc.bar_time
, extend = extend.right
, color = lvl_css
, style = get_line_style(line_style)
, width = line_width))
//Global elements
var os = 0
var target_bull = 0.
var target_bear = 0.
n = bar_index
upper = ta.highest(length)
lower = ta.lowest(length)
if mitigation == 'Close'
target_bull := ta.lowest(close, length)
target_bear := ta.highest(close, length)
target_bull := lower
target_bear := upper
os := high[length] > upper ? 0 : low[length] < lower ? 1 : os[1]
, bear_btm
, bear_avg
, bear_left
, bear_ob] = get_coordinates(phv and os == 0, high[length], hl2[length],
mitigated_bear = remove_mitigated(bear_top
, bear_btm
, bear_left
, bear_avg
, target_bear
, false)