Bloodlines and Black Magic, Quickstart

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Quick Start Guide

Version 4 | June 28th, 2022

Welcome to the Invisible
Welcome to the Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game: Quick Start Guide.

This guide is intended to serve as a brief introduction to the Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game, its lore, and its basic
rules. It is divided into seven sections called lessons, each of which is described in the pages beyond. The Bloodlines & Black Magic
Roleplaying Game: Quick Start Guide is not designed to replace the Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook;
it is designed to introduce and explain different aspects of the game and the world in which it takes place. Accordingly, many of the
topics and concepts described herein are mentioned only briefly, referencing the Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game Core
Rulebook for greater details and explanations. This game is recommended for mature audiences.

QSG Scope
The Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game: Quick Start Guide is designed to help players new to the world of Bloodlines &
Black Magic learn its lore and rules more quickly by offering explanations and references to the source material used in both.

This guide is intended to compliment the Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game and its first official season, The Trouble in
the Black Hills.

Setting Expectations Supernatural Themes. The Bloodlines & Black

The Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game is set in Magic Roleplaying Game makes regular and wide use of this
a modern world similar to the one we know yet one that is also as a general theme. Unless otherwise stated, episodes use this
very different—the monsters and magic that fill its shadows are theme by default.
very real.
Players’ characters will often begin play with knowledge
The Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game about the supernatural, gained as part of their background or
incorporates three primary themes, exploring conspiracy as a boon from the story. Likewise, these characters may begin
themes, horror themes, and themes focused on the occult and the play with knowledge about magic or other parts of the Invisible
supernatural. World, especially if they begin play with Occult or Lore skills as
Class Skills.
Horror Themes. The Bloodlines & Black Magic
Roleplaying Game weaves horror themes into its episodes Characters who begin play with the Spellcasting Class Ability
through the empowerment of monsters alongside the selective are assumed to have cast a spell before and know how people
body and psychological horror. react to them.

Moreover, many of the monsters that appear in episodes Characters who begin play proficient with the Occult skill,
of Bloodlines & Black Magic are native to those regions, the Psychic skill, or the Religion skill are all assumed to have
environments, and conditions; players seeking to discover a discovered a small truth in their respective field of research that
monster’s weaknesses must do so by researching it thoroughly has driven them to look deeper.
beforehand or by interacting with it, both of which can be
dangerous propositions. Players seeking games with a wide variety of options for play
that include both conspiracies and horror elements woven into
Some horror themes may include modifications to the a larger supernatural world with its own ecology and history
stories that make surviving or destroying the monster harder. will enjoy this theme. It is ideal for groups including any of the
Characters selecting a bloodline ability may be required to wait classes or bloodlines.
additional levels before attuning while the abilities normally
gained may be halved. Conspiracy Themes. The Bloodlines & Black
Magic Roleplaying Game includes plenty of lore that details the
Characters playing in these games may not gain a bloodline places and people who influence the Mundane World’s affairs
or may be restricted from using their abilities while in the area, from their Secret and Hidden places. It includes the stories of
making prospects of violence even scarier. their exploits, as well as those who oppose them and all those
caught in the elaborate plots woven between the two.
Players seeking games with limited resources that focus on
survival may find these themes ideal, especially if the group Players seeking games focused on secret agencies, gathering
contains one or more Occultists, Hunters, or Spiritualists. information, uncovering clues, and fighting as an agent for
a cause will find these themes ideal, especially if the group
contains one or more Occultists, Operatives, or Hunters.
Welcome to the Invisible
Looking for Clues
The Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game Video Resources
incorporates clues as a storytelling tool that can be used as an Players who would like to watch streams with gamers
active game mechanic. When a character explores or investigates running episodes of Bloodlines & Black Magic can check out
a scene where clues might be found, they make the appropriate both the Ladies of D&D and NorseFoundry’s Twitch channels
skill check and if successful, discover a physical, a psychic, or a to watch live-play of the game. Just follow the links below!
social clue.

Familiar Terms, Stranger Worlds

The original edition of the Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game was designed to be compatible with the first edition of
the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

This edition of the game has instead been designed to showcase its compatibility with the 5e-version of the d20 system. We hope
that, with this PDF, players familiar with other 5e or d20-based games will find learning to play the Bloodlines & Black Magic
Roleplaying Game more enjoyable. Players familiar with 5e-based games should note the following:

● The Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game uses ● Players use a d20 to make most of their rolls, including when
familiar language. Players will recognize terms like Ability making: Ability Checks, Attack Rolls, Initiative Checks,
Check, Armor Class, Attack Roll, Hit Points, Initiative Saving Throws and Skill Checks.
Check, and Saving Throw.
● Most characters begin play with the ability to Pierce the
● New players will learn terms like Arcana, Attunement, Veil, which they can use to to perceive the people, places,
Blooded, Class Die, the Invisible World, Pierce the Veil, and environment located behind the Veil. Characters who
Skill Check, and more. succeed perceive the Invisible World and its inhabitants
using all of their available senses. A character can also use
● The Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game uses this ability to see another creature or individual’s aura.
seven ability scores (instead of six), adding Luck as an Activating Pierce the Veil is a Move action for most people.
ability score to the traditional six: Strength, Dexterity, Characters can maintain the ability for up to 1-minute. The
Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. character must complete a short rest before they can use it
● The Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game offers
characters seven bloodlines from which to choose. Each ● Many characters in the Bloodlines & Black Magic
bloodline has a different set of bloodline abilities to which Roleplaying Game use firearms; these weapons deal ballistic
the character can attune. These abilities grant the character damage, a combination of the bludgeoning, fire, and piercing
magical abilities. These seven bloodlines are: the Dragon damage types that most modern body armor protects against.
Blooded, the Dream Blooded, the Fey Blooded, the Infernal This armor can be destroyed, leaving characters vulnerable
Blooded, the Jinn Blooded, the Seraphic Blooded, and the to additional attacks.
Shadow Blooded. Each bloodline is described in greater
detail in Chapter 2 of the Bloodlines & Black Magic ● Many creatures native to the Invisible World are immune to
Roleplaying Game. ballistics damage unless it is also magical or psychic.

● The Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game offers

characters seven classes from which to choose. Each has
a specific role, Class Skills, and relevant Class Abilities
that allow them to confront the Invisible World. These
seven classes are: the Brawler, the Hunter, the Occultist,
the Operative, the Psychic, the Spiritualist, and the Witch.
Each class is described in greater detail in Chapter 3 of the
Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game.

Lesson One: the Mundane & the Invisible
The Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game takes place in a mirror of the world we know and expect to encounter daily,
when we wake. It has much of the same history (with only slight variations), the same level of technology, the same social and
political problems, and nearly all its population believes everything is as it should be.

Those people are mistaken.

The Secret World shares the same physical structure as the Mundane because it
dwells inside of it; it is a modern walled garden, a place that is collectively barred to the
public and is only experienced through Hollywood’s carefully polished lens. It
is the realm of the world’s secret power players. This general inaccessibility
makes the Secret World the perfect place for its second function—it hides
the many gates that link the Mundane World to the realm beyond the



These restricted regions of the Mundane World hide the

In v
portals and gateways that lead to the Invisible World. The

Secret World is a bridge between worlds hidden within the

glittering elite domains of the rich and powerful. Regular

access is a closely guarded commodity.


Seven distinct bloodlines work from the shadows of the

Secret World to shape the Mundane. Working from walled Th

estates around the world, these lineages dispatch their agents
to solve problems, hunt monsters, depose governments, or
collect items for their masters in the Invisible World.

The Mundane World

Your Aura
Every character in the Bloodlines
& Black Magic Roleplaying Game has
an aura that they can shape, but which
is also shaped by their actions, their
ideas, and the attunements they form.

Monsters, magical items, haunted

locations, and all manner of supernatural
events also have auras; a character can
perceive these when they activate Pierce the
A blooded teen explores a new
neighborhood with his beloved
Auras are described in greater detail in
Chapter 1 of the Bloodlines & Black Magic
Roleplaying Game.

Lesson One: the Mundane & the Invisible
The Invisible World is the truth. It is a
crossroads for many, a collection of all of humanity’s noble Dosh
efforts, good intentions, failed aspirations, decaying dreams, The primary currency for buying, selling, and trading in
and naked, mind-numbing horrors. These truths illuminate the the Invisible World is Dosh. Dosh is a complex idea that can
Invisible World as a refraction of our own world, a variation that be best described as ‘the physical manifestation of a thing.’
is dangerously close in appearance, but whose history defines it It is all the little, sentimental things that have accrued power
differently in some important ways. and special meaning through their use or over time.

Individuals who Pierce the Veil can see, however briefly, An alternate currency, for those who refuse to touch dosh,
directly into this realm from the Mundane World. Likewise, is Coin—a unique currency maintained by special Night
individuals who discover portals or gateways to the Invisible Markets. One coin typically equals 1 traditional gold piece
World may access it directly, disappearing from the Mundane (gp).
World when they do.

The Invisible World is guided and ruled by the Sovereigns,

powerful beings who control regions or domains within it. In
most cases, these domains in the Invisible are territorial and Pierce the Veil
overlay the Mundane, covering entire regions or focused on Characters in the Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying
specific cities (such as New York or London). Many Sovereigns Game gain the ability to look from one realm and into the
represent a concept (such as Knowledge) or purpose (Keeper of other; this ability is called Pierce the Veil.
Keys to the Invisible City).
When a character activates this ability, they roll a 1d8 and
Far above the Sovereigns are the Archons, a septet of add their Class Die (a d4 at 1st-level for most characters).
unfathomably powerful beings who rule over the Earth, acting Characters should add any bonuses or penalties the game
as its divine agents. The Archons are locked in a perpetual war master assigns to the check, as normal.
with the Goëtic Spirits and their allies, who the Archons
view as renegades and rebellious spirits. Each of the The sum of these numbers determines how well you
Seven Grand Archons is served by seven (or more) perceive the veil that separates these realms, allowing
Choirs, each filled with celestial spirits. characters in the Mundane World to see into the Invisible
World (and vice versa).
The Goëtic spirits and the legions who
serve them, in turn, see the Archons as divine
corruptions and usurpers of the worst sort. For
the oldest spirits<insert em dash>those who
served with the Archons in Earth’s earliest
days<insert em dash>the Archons are little more Many of the people who
than divine Fascists whose rule must be brought are able to activate
to an end. Pierce the Veil and
see into the Invisible
Although some outsiders will see the Goëtic World display
spirits through only a singular cultural lens, that ability as an
these entities are legion for a reason; these eye framed by
spirits originate from all manner of places, an upward
cultures, faiths, and ideas. And, while some triangle.
do play the roles of hunter or trickster when
dealing with humanity, many more do so as
champions, wards, and benefactors of all kinds.

Lesson Two: The Invisible City
The Invisible City is the place ‘Betwixt and Between’ the worlds, the great crossroads where entities, spirits, and beings from
across reality can meet. Much like the Secret and Mundane Worlds to which it is interconnected through the
Invisible World, the Invisible City operates according to specific rules, both magical and physical. While limited to
the city, these rules respect the laws of symmetry, the laws of naming, and many of the other magical principles
that connect places across space and time. These laws are explained in greater detail in Chapter 10 of the
Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

The structure of the Invisible City is a modern architectural chimera, a composition of seven distinct
neighborhoods. These neighborhoods are represented by their connection to cities in the Mundane World:
Cairo, Dublin, Las Vegas, New Orleans, New York, and Prague. Each neighborhood is a reflection
drawn from seeds in the Mundane World. People and events in connected cities leave impressions on the
Invisible City, shaping their landscapes.

Traveling to and from the Invisible City can be accomplished via magical spells, gateways, and
portals. Often these methods require connections to a source city in the form of materials, keys, or

A Game about Magical

Places The Void . This place is devoid of life and
the stuff of creation; it is a shell of nothingness
The Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game is a game lying in wait in the outer edges of reality.
as much about the characters as it is the world in which the
characters live; we encourage game masters to do their research The Black Mirror. Occultists
about the locations in which their adventures will take place. and travelers of the Realms Beyond believe
Online mapping tools are a great way to look directly at towns the Black Mirror is a gateway that leads
and cities in the area and using public resources can help one directly to the Void outside of reality.
learn the local culture, its history, and the language(s) its peoples
speak. Additionally, game masters can use public libraries to do The Places In-Between.
more precise, targeted research about these places. There are countless pocket realms
waiting quietly in the darkness, each
While using these tools will empower game masters by giving orbiting the larger realms to which they
them a means to increase immersion, they should be mindful remain tethered. These places are often
of real citizens’ lives, identities, and privacy; game masters personalized by powerful entities
should avoid making use of real businesses, their images, or like the Goetic Spirits or some of the
their associated employee information, instead creating fictional Archons’ powerful servants.
parodies of these entities.

Getting There
The Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game takes place in a world where magical gates and portals lead to strange new
dimensions, or potentially to dangerous and forgotten ones. Characters who study and map the network of gateways connecting the
Invisible World to the countless other places do so somewhat haphazardly; over time, these maps have grown in an ad-hoc fashion,
becoming a patchwork of social and political connections revealed through controlled travel.

Characters who opt to use a magical portal or gate must meet three (3) requirements: to know the gate’s location, its conditions
of activation, and to possess a working key. Most portals and magical gates are located in remote locations, protected by powerful
magical creatures or guardians.

The Invisible City’s citizens are described in Lesson Three.

Lesson Three: The Realms Beyond
There are other dimensions that exist beyond the Mundane, Invisible, and Secret Worlds. Characters who travel these gateways
can discover places like the Astral, Celestial, Ethereal, and Infernal Realms, as well as the Void—a dangerous realm that destroys
many who enter it.

The Astral
This dimension is also known as The Dream Traveling the Realms
Realm, the Dreaming Lands, the Astral Plane, and Traveling the realms beyond the Veil requires a great
similar titles. It is accessible to most of humanity deal of knowledge, resolve, and bravery—much of which
only when they sleep. Psychics enjoy a special characters develop over time and as they gain experience.
connection to this realm. It is often a dangerous activity, as many of these realms are
patrolled by powerful, predatory creatures on the hunt for

The Celestial new prey. Likewise, some of these realms are inherently
dangerous, requiring characters to wear special gear or
This dimension is also known as the Celestial magical protections when they travel therein.
Realms, the Celestials Heavens, and sometimes
just ‘the Heavens.” The Celestial is normally only
accessible to the Archon’s trusted servants, though
some older Goëtic Spirits still gather at the edges, Denizens of the Realms
bathing in what remains of its divine light and glory. For these Though most of humanity lives in the Mundane World, there
beings, the Celestial Realms represent loss and pain. are those who live in the Invisible World, both as citizens of the
Invisible City and the various realms to which it is connected.

The Ethereal These groups are described briefly below:

This is also known as The Land of the Dead, Citizens of the Beyond. While most of
the Realm of the Dead, and the Etheric Realms. It humanity is born in the Mundane World, some people are born
is only accessible to most of humanity once they beyond the Veil - born in places like the Invisible World, the
die. Spiritualists work extensively with spirits from Shining Realms, and the pockets of reality in between. Though
this realm; they often possess interesting insights into these individuals are frequently unblooded, the number who
the Invisible and Mundane Worlds as a result. manifest bloodlines is significantly higher.

Citizens of the Invisible City. The Invisible

The Infernal City and its citizens represent a generational commitment to the
This realm is also known as Hel, Hell, and Invisible World, as both a mirror to the Mundane World and as
‘Downstairs.” It is normally only accessible by a place connected to everywhere else. Citizens of the Invisible
the infernal entities who dwell there, though World behave accordingly, with most adopting global and
others can travel there using magical portals and academic approaches to the worlds around them.
gates. The Infernal is a place of suffering, grief, and
loss for much of humanity. For a few, it is a place of power and The Travelers. These powerful individuals readily
creation. It is where those who oppose the Archons gather for walk the pathways between the worlds. Travelers ensure that the
war. realms beyond remain connected to each other. Characters who
travel these lands sometimes encounter the Sovereigns—the

The Void magical rulers of the Invisible World. Every Sovereign is unique
but all seek a singular goal—to preserve their domain.
This realm is also known as The Great Void and The Abyss.
It is the vast space beyond the worlds we know and operates
as the space just beyond the reality we know. The Void is the
home of the Hollow One, alien spirits who seek shells in which
to live. When pockets of material do manifest in this emptiness,
they do so only for a short time. Sometimes, the Archons create
more permanent spaces; these realms are called the Abhorrent
Heavens. The Void is a dangerous, empty place that destroys
many who enter it.

Lesson Four: The Crimson Ecology
Seven magical species share the world with humanity. These species are briefly described below. They are discussed in greater
details in Chapter 11 of the Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

The Asura The Pack

The Asura are chaotic and evil beings connected to the watery The Pack are beings whose violence has transformed them into
depths, an echo of the darkest corners of the universe. They creatures who are part beast, part human, and wholly enslaved
actively oppose the Archons and seek to destroy the Cosmic to the Night King. As his thralls, members of the Pack are bound
Clock, ending time and life as the world knows it. to answer the Night King’s summons; they gather, annually, to
follow the Night King on his Great Hunt.

The Fey
The Fey are a strange, ancient species tied to the wild, natural The Rakshasa
spaces of the Mundane who now dwell in the Shining Realms. The Rakshasa are former Asura who turned away from their
They feel every moment of pain wrought on nature by pollution weaker brethren’s apocalyptic mission and embraced the call of
and industrialization and actively work to reclaim the land and the Seven Eternal Tigers. Living on the flesh of humanity like
their green spaces. butchers carefully portioning the herd, the rakshasa have carved
out a wicked paradise for themselves on Earth.

The Hollow Ones

The Hollow Ones are fleshy automatons The Serpentfolk
created by the Archons for a singular The serpentfolk are one of the oldest
purpose— to populate the species in the Mundane World. The
Archon’s Abhorrent Heavens long-lived beings were charged to
with mindless, soulless, use their magic and mathematics to
compliant beings capable oversee the beings who came after
of replacing humanity. them, a task they have applied
to humanity in secret over the
millenium that have passed
since their creation. Though
elegant, refined, and intelligent,
the hubris of these beings has
wrought an uneven world history
of progress punctuated by tyranny.

The Skulks
Castoffs from an older civilization
some claim was Atlantis, the skulks
were originally designed to serve a far
more powerful, long-vanished people
and claim to be the custodians of Earth’s
true history. Those skulks that remained
after the Archons struck-down their
great city now propagate in out-of-
the-way corners of the world using
dark, Atlantean rituals that produce all
manner of corrupted variants.

Lesson Five: The Magic behind the TV
In the Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game,
characters gain access to magic in one of three ways: Your Class Die in combat
In the Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game, your
● Discovery. Most occultists and magicians discover Class Die is tied to your class abilities and is often rolled
their spells through ancient scrolls, ancestral grimoires, and alongside a d20 when making attacks against your foes. For
mystical experimentation. instance, characters with the spellcasting class trait (like the
occultist and psychic) use their Class Die when making spell
● Education . Each of the seven schools of magic attacks, while martially-trained characters roll their Class Die
(Tradáre) have institutions that teach their ways of magic, when making ranged or melee attacks in combat.
doing so according to their own methods and unique
understanding of the world around them. Clandestine Brawlers, Hunters, and Operatives:
organizations and secret groups may also have private
collections of magical lore they curate for their members Melee and Ranged Attacks = d20 + Class Die + your
(and trusted allies). Strength or Dexterity Ability Score Modifier

● Otherworldly Gifts . Many characters gain Spell Attacks = d20 + relevant Ability Score Modifier
magic through supernatural encounters with otherworldly
entities or undead spirits, relationships with Goëtic spirits, or Occultists, Psychics, Spiritualists, and Witches:
contracts with supernatural beings such as familiars.
Melee and Ranged Attacks = d20 + your Strength or
Activating magical powers, whether arcane, divine, or psychic, Dexterity Ability Score Modifier
may be performed in a variety of ways:
Spell Attacks = d20 + Class Die + your relevant Ability
● In combat characters cast spells to quickly manifest magic. Score Modifier

● When time permits, a ritual performed by a small group

provides access to greater power through cooperation.

● Powerful ceremonies, on the

other hand, can take much
longer and may include many
more participants, including those
who are entirely unaware of the
Invisible World or magic’s real
impact on the world.

Magic and how characters may access it

are discussed in greater detail in Chapter
7 of the Bloodlines & Black Magic
Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

Lesson Five: The Magic behind the TV
The Elements of Magic
Many magical concepts are aligned to the physical elements: Air is aligned with the mind, intellectual (arcane) pursuits, and the
paradigms that drive humanity’s quest for the stars. Earth is aligned with the material world, Dosh, a being’s health, and the safety
of shelter and community. Fire is aligned with passion, the force of spoken words, and the vital activities of life; this element is often
associated with creation and destruction. Water is aligned with the world of emotions, feelings, and perceptions about the self. Like
fire, it is also associated with creation and destruction.

Spellcasters who study the elements frequently discover that they are interconnected in ways that are not always immediately
obvious to others; the more spellcasters learn about the world around them, the more they find they can impact the world with their
magic. Spellcasters understand that a character’s emotions and feelings directly impact their decisions and choices.

Water Fire
The element water Fire is one of the most common elements
is tied to spells associated with magic, representing the
that include psychic change that magic has on the physical world; it brings
components. light, heat, illumination, warmth, safety as well as
destruction and death.

Fire is commonly associated with the spoken

One’s psychic word and represents the verbal component
nature and of most magical spells.
focus are
interrelated. Words are thoughts and feelings made
manifest using a common language.

The element earth

Air is tied to most spells

in two important ways—it is linked to
Air is both a spell’s material and somantic
associated components. Likewise, earth is tied to all
with a physical Dosh a spellcaster may use to modify
spellcaster’s or otherwise enhance a spell they cast.
understanding, Coins, Dosh, and treasures that are hidden in the
decision-making process, ground are associated with the powers of Earth.
and with a spellcaster’s focus.

The Psyche-Soul Complex Dosh vs. Material Components

In the Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game, Although a spellcaster can include Dosh to some spells
each character possesses a unique pattern of energy and to increase their potency, Dosh can never be used as a
experiences that manifests as their psyche; this replacement for any material components a spell requires;
is sometimes referred to as a character’s those must always be included when the spellcaster casts the
soul, their essence, or their higher self. spell or it will fail to manifest.

This is sometimes illustrated as a Dosh and material components are explained in Chapter
perfect circle, or with two concentric, 7 of the Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game Core
empty rings. Rulebook.

Lesson Five: The Magic behind the TV
the anatomy of a spell
Spellcasters who cast spells must provide all the spell’s requirements to do so; spells are often cast quickly, taking only a few
moments of focus and action. Some characters may concentrate intensely to cast their spells while others will recite magical formula,
use material components, or complete complicated magical gestures to create immediate and strange effects. A spell’s stat block is
broken down below:

Every spell’s name is listed on the top line. If the spell in

Comprehend Languages (Ritual) question can be cast as a ritual or as a ceremony, that will be
1st-level divination indicated in parenthesis to the right of the spell’s name.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: self Below that, each spell will list its spell level, associated
magical school, casting time, range, components, duration,
Components: P, Dosh1
effects and its appearance.
Duration: 1 hour
You understand, for the duration of this spell, the Some spells list Dosh as an optional component with an
literal meaning of any spoken language you hear. associated number in superscript. This number indicates how
You can also understand any written language you much the caster increases the spell’s DC when adding relevant
see, although you must physically touch the words Dosh to it. Dosh and magical spell components are described
to understand them. It takes about a minute to in greater detail in Chapter 7 of the Bloodlines & Black Magic
read a full page of text. Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

This spell does not decode secret messages or

decipher magical glyphs of any kind, regardless of
the language used in them. Spellcasters may cast some spells at higher levels, gaining
additional effects and otherwise increasing the spell’s potency
At higher levels. When you cast this spell as a 2nd- when they do. When a spell can be cast a higher level, this will
level spell, you can also speak 1 of the languages be listed directly below the spell’s effects in the spell’s stat block.
you hear for the duration. Casting spells at different levels is explained in Chapter 7 of the
Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.
None. In the Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game, every
PTV. Individuals who view you with Pierce the spell has an appearance section that tells the game master and
Veil see a small magical eye floating in front of player what people see and experience when the character
your mouth with a triangle floating around it. casts the spell. If the spell has additional effects or a special
appearance only visible to those with Pierce the Veil active, that
description will be listed here.

Notes on magic
Every student of the occult develops unique opinions and ideas about how magic functions, often through the process of filtering
their observations through various cultural lenses. The following notes are common knowledge in the world of Bloodlines & Black

1. When a spellcaster casts a spell, they do so by accessing 3. Although most characters can cast spells, only characters
their psyche; this process imprints the spell, tying it to the who gain the Spellcasting class trait are considered
spellcaster’s aura and creating a magical link to the caster spellcasters. Characters capable of only casting Bonus Spells
that lingers in the area for a short time. Certain divination are not considered Spellcasters.
spells and abilities can detect this link while it persists. The
length of time it takes for the link to fade is determined by 4. Spellcasters can only cast up to 3rd-level spells while in
each spell’s duration. the Mundane World. To cast more powerful spells, those
spellcasters must travel to the Invisible World or another,
2. Spellcasters can use Dosh to amplify a spell’s potency, magic-rich environment beyond the Mundane World.
increasing its DC or forcing the target to make their Saving
Throw at disadvantage.

Lesson Six: The Arcana
The Arcana are described in Chapters 1 and 7 of the
Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. The Arcana at the Table
Each card in The Arcana affects play differently,
The Arcana are a storytelling tool designed to enhance your depending on when it appears and the situation in which the
experience playing the Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying characters find themselves. Normally, these cards impact play
Game. These cards represent the distribution of power in the in one of three ways:
world. Each card represents an archetype, an Archon, an idea, or
an entity in the world. 1. At Character Creation. Each
character selects a single card from The
The Archetypes. The first 22 cards in the Arcana; this card represents their lot in
Arcana mirror the Tarot. Each card represents a major life and grants them a small boon when it
Archetype acting in the world. appears later in play.

The Archons. These 7 cards represent 2. In Play. During play the game master may
the seven great powers that rule the Mundane draw cards from the Arcana to represent the scene
Earth. When these cards appear, they or scenario the characters find themselves in. Each
represent the force of the Archons’ will in Arcana card applies passive modifiers to the game.
their domains. When one of the cards drawn matches the player
characters’ Arcana, that character is empowered and
The Sovereigns. These 11 gains an Arcana Dice Pool of (3) three d20s that they
cards represent the eleven spheres can spend to gain advantage on rolls or force the
of human influence on the Invisible game master to reroll.
World. In play they represent the
human influence on a situation. 3. Game Master Planning Tool. The core book
includes several methods (called “spreads”) that
The Mirror. This card represents game masters can use to generate stories or to
another angle (often, the opposite) to the story. help them outline the stories they want to tell.
Each Archetype, concept, or entity on the
The Null . This card represents the cards helps illuminate story components.
nothingness beyond existence.
4. As Part of the Story. The Arcana
The Aspirants. The remaining exist as an item in the world of Bloodlines
38 cards are made up of the Aspirants, & Black Magic and affect it the same
powerful NPCs from the Invisible World who way they affect play. Characters can
serve special roles like the Sovereigns but on a seek out these cards and attune to
much smaller scale. them, learning more about the magical
currents that affect one’s fate in the larger world.

5. Brooklyn Rules. Characters may draw a

new card from The Arcana, replacing the old
one each time they gain a new level.

Lesson Seven: The Seven Bloodlines
​​In the Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game, a The Fey Bloodlines. This bloodline is defined by
miniscule part of humanity is born from one of seven magical its connection to the primordial parts of the natural world and
bloodlines. Individuals who manifest powers are known as the fey creatures that inhabit it. Members of this bloodline enjoy
‘blooded’. a deep and emotional bond to nature, one that often guides them
toward careers or jobs as custodians of Mother Earth.
These bloodlines are divided further, operating as lineages
and families who form magical houses and orders through which Fey blooded individuals have auras that range from deep
they influence and shape the Mundane World. Whether doing so browns to bright greens. They often display strong connections
by manipulating traditional economies or by embedding their to the Mundane World.
agents inside larger political bodies, members of these families
can be found everywhere. While powerful, these great lines The Infernal Bloodlines . This bloodline’s
wax and wane when influencing the world; not everyone born connection to the Infernal Realm manifests as a dark ambition
to a bloodline manifests the magic inherent therein, a fact that for power, position, authority. Some members of this bloodline
changes that power and influence generationally. inherit a strangely destructive need to win, no matter the cost.

The blooded make up only 0.01% of the world’s total Infernal blooded individuals have gray and black auras that
population and are split between two groups: those born to leave a smoky footprint in the Invisible World, one that stinks of
one of the bloodline families (with access to its generational sulfur, ash, lies, and strategic betrayals.
knowledge and wealth) and everyone else. Those blooded born
to normal humans can often be found living simple, pedestrian The Jinn Bloodlines. The Jinn blooded are an
lives with little or no understanding of the legacy of power they ancient bloodline with a connection to the vast, open spaces of
have inherited. the Mundane and Invisible Worlds and the spirits who inhabit
them. Members of this bloodline are charismatic and free-willed,
For characters, the benefits of their bloodline are two- natural travelers whose need to roam takes them far afield of the
fold. Mechanically, a character’s bloodline shapes their aura, Mundane World.
modifies their stats and traits, and provides the character with
two bloodline powers to which they can attune. Narratively, a Jinn blooded individuals have regal, brilliant auras of deep
character’s bloodline connects them to the Invisible World and yellows and dark bronzes that shine with the brilliance of a
creates relationships based on blood, family, house, or lineage desert sunset.
that impact their financial and social standing.
The Seraphic Bloodlines. This bloodline
Bloodlines do not have regional or ethnic constraints of any possesses a connection to the Celestial Realms and the
kind whatsoever. Characters of a specific bloodline may come Archons who rule them. Members of this bloodline are driven
from anywhere in the world and represent any gender, ethnicity, to pursue careers in law, justice, and civil order; their need to
or heritage. see the universe as a complex, ordered entity is hard to ignore
(and has left some scars in the process). While some seraphic
The Dragon Bloodlines. The dragon blooded blooded individuals are aware of their divine connections, few
possess a connection to the World Serpent in all its forms: as understand the truth behind it.
the Mother of Monsters, the Ouroboros, the Great Dragon, and
a myriad of other mythical serpents. Members of this bloodline Seraphic blooded individuals possess auras that range in color
are often distant, cold, and aloof. These individuals measure from dark gold to bright ivory.
every word and action with a sense of gravitas. Dragon blooded
individuals have auras that are snake-like and draconic, often The Shadow Bloodlines. The Shadow
patterned with scales, and flickering with gold, silver, and onyx. blooded have a connection to shadows and darkness that
manifests magically, allowing them to manipulate those very
The Dream Bloodlines. This bloodline enjoys same shadows. This connection leaves some members of this
a connection to the Astral Plane (see page 7), providing them bloodline feeling cold and detached, suggesting a connection to
with an insight into humanity’s dreams and desires. The passion the Void beyond. Though none know why, this is the smallest of
and inspiration evident in dream-blooded individuals often the bloodlines, the majority of its families disappearing long ago.
leaves others wondering, “who is able to create such oddities and
wonders?” Shadow blooded individuals have auras that reflect the
darkness with which they work, manifesting as fields of entropic,
Dream blooded individuals have auras that manifest as decaying energy.
twinkling stars in the darkness, ranging in color from the bright
orange of night’s raging fire to the deep purple of the vast
savannahs at dusk.

Playing in a Modern World
While every GM will have unique and special places where When the Authorities
they will tell their stories, characters exploring the world
of Bloodlines & Black Magic will discover that many of its
encounters take place in one of four kinds of environments In the Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game, not
described below: everyone who wears a badge is a ‘good guy’. Worse, some of
these authorities serve other masters, committing to causes they
Remote. Episodes and encounters that take place in remote hide from the public; characters learn to consider this when
locations present characters with a number of challenges. These interacting with public servants, even the best intentioned ones.
locations frequently require characters to possess special abilities
or equipment to reach. These locations are often dangerous, Characters can assume:
requiring characters to don special equipment to survive. Lastly,
many of these locations are guarded - by competitors, enemies, ● They’re Armed and Armored. Public servants are fond of
and foes. Remote areas offer characters the most privacy; they carrying weapons and often wear body armor, especially on
may or may not be accessible to law enforcement, depending on duty (or when otherwise expecting violence).
the location.
● They’re Being Watched. Public safety and security officers
Rural. Encounters and episodes that take place in rural are heavily monitored, both locally and nationally. Most of
areas face many of the same challenges that remote locations do these officers wear a recording device that actively monitors
save one; they are closer. While remote locations may require their interaction with the public, though not all like this fact.
hours of travel, rural areas can be reached more quickly. Rural Of course, sometimes these devices ‘malfunction’ and the
areas offer characters a high degree of privacy while remaining law does as it likes.
accessible to population centers. As a result, response times by
emergency services and law enforcement vary, sometimes from ● They’re Talking to Dispatch. Public safety and security
a few minutes to up to 15 (or more) minutes. officers can choose to have their dispatchers assist them,
monitoring their channels while they enter dangerous
Suburban. Suburban areas dominate the developed world, situations, requesting backup, and monitoring the situation
with chains of homes encircling highway exits leading to throughout.
coastlines or scenic farmland communities. Episodes and
encounters that take place in suburban areas increase character ● Ramifications. Public servants understand the impact of
(and bystander) risk considerably, as these locations offer their decisions; they act in accordance with their beliefs and
characters much less privacy and may quickly be reached by law personal safety. They understand someone will pay—these
enforcement and emergency services personnel in a number of officers want to ensure it isn’t them.
● Remember the Evidence. Players quickly learn that even
Urban. Encounters and episodes that take place in urban when things go well for them, someone will likely review the
locations may take place anywhere in ‘the city’. These evidence, especially if something appears amiss.
encounters happen in busy shopping centers, in train stations,
on the docks, and in the downtown area of the local city. These Learn to De-escalate. Experienced characters
locations are always monitored and law enforcement normally learn to de-escalate encounters by actively avoiding unnecessary
respond quickly, arriving within a couple of minutes of any combat. They do so by avoiding and retreating from combat
public display of violence or disorder. encounters that do not serve their goals or objectives.

Quick Tips To help characters avoid unnecessary encounters with the Mundane World. The following tips are designed
to help new players seeking their destinies in the Invisible World.

● Characters thriving (or surviving) in the Mundane World ● A creature’s aura will tell you a lot about it. While most of
understand that one of the key principles to doing so is to the unblooded have gray auras, those with access to magic
know with whom you are interacting; this lesson extends to or who are otherwise connected to the Invisible World will
both the Secret and Invisible Worlds. often have bright, colorful auras that describe their nature.

● Characters should, when they have the time and resources,

research the people with whom they are interacting and on
the monsters they are fighting.

Playing in a Modern World
The following example of play illuminates many of the highlights and new mechanics of Bloodlines & Black Magic.

Game Master (GM): [Narrating] “You enter the graveyard at The Game Master has Player 3 roll a Nature check. They are
night through the back gate in hopes of discovering the source of proficient in the Nature skill, so they roll a d20 and add their
the recent murders”. The GM decides this is a significant scene Class Skill Bonus (2) and their Constitution modifier (+2). They
and draws a single card from the Arcana deck to illustrate the roll a 5, adding +2 and +2 for a total of 9. Not great. Player 2
scene. He draws and reveals The Moon. decides to use a d20 from their Arcana Dice Pool as a reaction
to encourage Player 3. They roll again and get a 12 on the die,
Game Master (GM): [Narrating] “As you creep through the resulting in a total of 16.
graveyard, the full moon appears from behind a cloud. Its light
gives you hope in the darkness and casts a spotlight on a figure Game Master (GM): [Narrating] “This dark green aura has a
standing at the large oak tree at the center of the graveyard”. strong fey connection, it speaks of nature, but also has a darker
element, a feeling of dominance. Ripples in the aura speak of
The character sheet for Player 2 (playing Ashti) lists their imbalance”.
personal Arcana as the Moon. Because the Moon card in play
matches their arcana, Player 2 gets an Arcana Pool of three (3) Player 3 looks around and sees that all the other trees in the
d20s that they can use during this scene as long as the Moon graveyard have been chopped down. They try to approach the
remains in play. This pool of dice represents a character’s man and fey creature, but the fey creature lashes out. The man
influence in an encounter or scene. Player 2 may spend a d20 turns, his eyes solid orbs of wood, and from his mouth spews
from the pool once per round as a reaction to allow themselves splinters of wood.
or a friendly target to make a roll with advantage or to force the
game master to make a roll at disadvantage. Each character has to make a Dexterity saving throw to avoid
the damage. Player 2 rolls poorly and decides to use a reaction to
Player 1 [playing “Javad”]: “Let’s see if we can sneak up and use a second die from their Arcana Dice Pool to reroll. Player 1
get a better look”. rolls poorly as well. They are wounded from an earlier encounter
and decide to Burn Luck to avoid further damage. They take a
Game Master (GM) [addressing the group]: “Everyone temporary -1 penalty to their Luck ability modifier and get to
please roll Stealth skill checks to approach the figure unseen. re-roll as well.
Because the Moon Arcana is in play, its Universal Benefit grants
you advantage on Stealth checks, lighting your way across the As combat ensues, the Occultist attacks the fey-touched man
graveyard and revealing potential hazards”. with a firebolt spell, rolling a d20 plus their Class Die (d4) and
adding their spellcasting Ability modifier (Intelligence) to the
Game Master (GM): [Narrating] “As you approach unseen, spell attack roll. The total exceeds the creature’s Armor Class
you see the figure of a man in a work uniform standing (AC) and so the spell hits.
motionless in front of the tree, staring at it”.
The Brawler also attacks, wading in with his fists. He rolls a
Player 1 (Javad): “This feels unnatural. I would like to Pierce d20 and adds his Class Die (d4) and Ability Score modifier
the Veil and see what is really going on”. (Strength) to his melee attack roll. He could have instead cast
produce flame from his Jinn Bloodline Ability, but then his
Player 1 rolls a d8 and their Class Die (a d4 in this case) and adds attack roll would have been a d20 plus his Ability Score modifier
them together. The total is a 7. (Intelligence). He would not add his Class Die because his class
does not grant him the Spellcasting ability.
Game Master (GM): [Narrating] “You let your eyes go
unfocused, then blink as you pierce the veil that separates the After defeating the fey-touched man and his fey master, the
Mundane world from the Invisible world. The picture is coming characters search the area around the tree and discover small
into focus, mostly clear, but requiring your attention to keep the holes filled with darkness. Investigating, the characters discover
picture from snapping out of focus. You see a dark green aura a narrow passage winding into the ground between the roots
of branches twining around the man. Trails of green energy run at the base of the tree. Heading down to investigate, the Game
from the man to the tree, where a pair of glowing green eyes are Master decides the scene is over, returning the Moon to the deck.
visible”. Player 2 removes the one remaining d20 from the Arcana Dice
Pool since the Moon is no longer in play.
Player 3 (playing Augustin): “This feels like there is a strong
connection to the natural world. What do I recognize here?”

Creating A Character
Character Composition Using Skills
There are two types of characters in the Bloodlines & Black In the Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game,
Magic Roleplaying Game—non-player characters (controlled characters gain access to skills from a number of different
by the game master) and player characters (controlled by places, including their Arcana, their background, and their
the players). Every character, regardless of who controls their class.
actions, is composed of several basic descriptors:
When a character learns a skill (such as those gained from
Aura. Every character has an aura that describes their nature, their background or class), that skill becomes a class skill. A
their choices, and their connections to others in the world. For character always adds their Class Die and related ability score
many characters, their aura is influenced by their Arcana and bonuses when making a skill check.
any associated attunements.
When a character is not trained in a skill, the game master
Bloodline. A character’s bloodline describes their legacy can instead—at their discretion—call on the character to make
and any magical powers that manifest because of that legacy. a related ability check. To make this check, the character rolls
Characters without a bloodline lineage or connection are known a d20 and adds or subtracts their related ability score bonuses,
as unblooded. Characters with a bloodline (many individuals do adding any situational bonuses the GM applies to the check.
not know their bloodline) are simply known as blooded. The result of this check is then compared against the Difficulty
Challenge (abbreviated as DC), a number that normally ranges
Class. A character’s class describes their general interests with between 11 and 31.
regards to the Invisible World and those that dwell therein. When
a character selects a class, they gain its associated Class Die. A Some characters may gain access to equipment that requires
dual-class or multiclass character always uses its highest level them to be proficient with it, as well as trained with a related
class’s Class Die. A character’s class also determines its Hit Dice skill, such as a character using an EMT’s bag to make a
and by extension, its hit points. Medicine skill check. A character who is not trained with the
equipment (or related skill) who fails related checks may make
Level. A character’s level (1-7) describes their degree of things worse. These are explained in Chapter 8: Equipment &
experience in the world. These levels can be broken down Gear of the Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game Core
further, as follows: Rulebook.

● The Novices (levels 1-2). Most of humanity learns little Players need only remember:
beyond the basics needed to survive within their social
circles. Ability Checks = d20 + Ability Score Bonus + any additional
modifiers the game master applies.
● The Experts (levels 3-4). These individuals go the extra
distance, exceling in several areas of life; many of these Skill Checks = d20 + Class Skill Die + Ability Score Bonus +
individuals possess specialized information, training, or any additional modifiers the game master applies.
unique experiences that make them vital members of a

● The Veterans (levels 5-6). Only a small portion of Class Skill Bonus vs. Class
humanity reaches this level of experience or expertise; these
individuals are subject matter experts with the experience
Die: What’s the difference?
necessary to back their decisions. A character’s Class Skill Bonus is always half of their
Class Die; these two numbers are never used in conjunction
● The Legends (levels 7+). Few people reach this degree of unless a rule explicitly states otherwise.
experience and reknown.
How and when a character uses their Class Die is
The steps a player needs to take to create a new character described in Chapter 6 of the Bloodlines & Black Magic
in Bloodlines & Black Magic are described in Chapter 2 of the Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.
Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

Hit Points, Hit Dice, and how a character can use their
Class Die are all explained in greater detail in Chapter 6 of the
Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

Character Name
Class | Level
Ability Scores & Saves Bloodline
AS Other Saving Lineage, House, & Family
Ability Score Bonus Bonus Total Throw
INT Bloodline Abilities
WIS Attuned Aligned Bound Bloodline Ability

Ability Score Class Skill
Skill Bonus Bonus Total
Crafting Class Abilities & Traits
Class Skill Passive Pierce the
Medicine Bonus Class Die Powers DC Spell DC Perception Veil Dark Vision
Persuasion Arcana Aura & Oddities

Current HP Max HP Hit Dice Readied Weapons Combat Conditions

Bleed Exhausted Nauseated Wounded
Blinded Fascinated Paralyzed Other
Weapon or Attack Bonus Damage Ammo
Armor Death
Broken Fresh Petrified
Class Armor HP Saves Charmed Frightened Poisoned
Confused Grappled Prone
Dazed Hampered Readied
Dazzled Hasted Staggered
Speed Speed
(Ground) (Other) Initiative Dead Haunted Stunned
Deafened Helpless Surprised
Disabled Invisible Unconscious
Spells Attunements
Spell Save Dosh Name



Spells Attuned
Level Spell Description Notes Aligned









Name Time Entrants Description


Cerimonies Aligned
Name Time Entrants Description Bound


Personality Backstory






Wealth & Cash Allies

Equipment & Gear Enemies

Episode Zero Checklist
Game Master Players Names and Pronouns:
Game masters should fill out this section, which provides the players with a
quick summary of what they should expect in their game.

Game Master:
Season (Campaign):  PG-13  R  NC-17  NSFW (21+)
Player Requirements:

Episodes: Player Requests:

Primary Theme: Additional Elements:

Secondary Theme: Anything Else:

Players can use this list to establish Enthusiastic: Yup! This is green-light territory.
their degree of comfort with the Acceptable: This does not bother me, provided the content is handled maturely.
content that may appear in their game. Cautious: This could be difficult for me, but worth exploring with a mature group.
Both players and game masters are Nope!: This is NOT open for debate or discussion. Do NOT include this material.
responsible to update this as needed.

Sample Cultural & Social Mental Health Issues

Sample Topic E A C N
Ageism Abandonment
Horror Elements Classism Abuse / Trauma
Bodily Fluids or Blood Colonialism Authoritarianism
Body Horror Fascism Claustrophobia
Cannibalism Genocide Depression
Demons or Devils Homophobia Mental Illness
Dismemberment Human Trafficking Self-Harm
Eyes (Loss/Too Many) Nationalism Substance Abuse
Genitals (Any) Nepotism Suicide
Ghosts (or Spirits) Racism
Gore or Guts Religion Physical Health Issues
Harm to Animals Sexism Sensory Deprevation
Harm to Children Terrorism / Othering Cold / Hypothermia
Harm to The Elderly Transphobia Heat Stroke
Haunts / Hauntings Heart Attack Or Stroke
Environmental Mobility Impairment
Rodents Blizzards / Storms Starvation / Thirst
Sharks Bio-Hazard / Pandemic
Snakes Earthquakes / Cave-Ins Other
Spiders Explosions / Fires
Vampires Hurricanes / Tornados
Werewolves War / Destruction
Written & Designed by Zachary Bauer and Jaye Sonia Art by Juan Diego Diaderas, Tommy Kelly, Tithi Laudthong,
Terry Maranda, Dean Spenser
Proofing by Joshua Archer, Michael Azzolino, Zachary Bauer,
Daniel Begin, Robert Gottsacker, Jason Isolda, Evan Kelly, Matt Layout Design by Jenna Figgers
Lastimosa, Bo Powell, Jenny Roy and Megan Roy.
Storm Bunny Studios would like to officially thank Ally
Editing by Jennifer Roy and Jenna Figgers Cpwn, Erik Frankhouse, the Ladies of D&D, and Norse
Foundry for their support of the Bloodlines & Black Magic
Roleplaying Game.

OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a all rights, title, and interest in and to that Product Identity.
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate
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6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion Bloodlines & Black Magic. Copyright 2018, Storm Bunny Studios, LLC. Authors.
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7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including The Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. Copyright 2021,
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independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. McFarland, and Jaye Sonia. Original O7 Development Team Matt Banach, Clinton
You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Boomer, Stephen M. DiPesa, Erik Frankhouse, Ben McFarland, Justin Sluder, Jaye
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except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of The Bloodlines & Black Magic: Quick Start Guide. Copyright 2022, Storm Bunny
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