1.about PMP and PMP Exam
1.about PMP and PMP Exam
1.about PMP and PMP Exam
Towards the end of the course, I’ll show you how to fill out the application, how to
document your project.
I'll give you a couple samples of how to write those descriptions.
You can download some templates on that.
How to write those descriptions in order to submit it to PMI.
When the course is done and you're finished the application, you could submit it.
Now when you submit it, you need to wait three to five days for PMI to approve that
With an audit part, we can talk about that when we go through the application section.
Once PMI approves the application, they will send you a congratulations.
You're approved to take the exam.
So you get it approved, you show up, you schedule it, you show up, you take the test.
Once you pass the test, you are officially certified.
The day you pass that exam, you'll be PMP certified.
180 questions
Not every single one is gonna count towards your score.
There is a few of pretest questions.
A pretest question is a question that PMI is testing the strength of.
If the question is too easy or it's too hard, it's eliminated out of the testing
If everybody's getting it right and error, everybody's getting it wrong, it's
PMI needs to maintain a consistent pace of certain numberor percentage of
people getting it correct for them to keep it in the testing pool.
So they're testing that.
Try to get as much right as possible.
230 minutes to complete this exam.
It is more than sufficient to complete this exam.
200 questions for 240 minutes (4 hours).
180 questions for 230min.
10 minutes rest time
For the students to finish this exam, most students takes about 3 (1/2) hours
to finish the exam.
Quite a few of them even under 3 hours finishing the exam.
Try to read the questions quicker whether you're taking this exam online or in
the testing center,
Make sure you take the breaks.
Make sure to be rejuvenated, walking around puts some blood in your head,
get some fresh air, come back in, then take the test.
When you finish the exam, you click end.
You will get the exam score report.
It will tell you whether you pass or fail.
PMP Questions
5 different types of questions.
1. Standard Multiple Choice
These are basically standard questions where
You have to choose one of those four choices.
2. Multiple Responses
These are questions where you have to select two or three or four or six of
those choices.
It depends on the question.
If the question say select two that is correct, You have to select two
3. Matching
Matching things up.
Basically some of them are putting things in order or matching them up to a
particular scenario.
PMI has a document or old question for Matching on the website.
4. Hotspot
You have to click on a particular part of the diagram or call out a particular
part of a diagram that is on the test itself.
Which part of this diagram represents what they want?
It includes charts and graphs.
Take note when I show you a chart or graph that will be able to really
understand and be able to read it.
5. Limited fill in the blank.
They will give you a blank and it will be a straight blank there.
They will ask you to fill in this blank.
It includes 5 different types of questions.
i. drag and drop question.
ii. scenario
About the risk specific issues based on the current risk register and the
scenario described, what entry should the project manager edit?
And you have to click on something and you have to identify this is where
they should edit.
Drag this over or identify this diagram and tell me where to click on.
PMP exam is interactive exam where you actually to start doing things,
you have to actually go out there and click on stuff or drag stuff or identify
2. Scheduling
It means 24 hour testing.
That means there's dates pretty much widely available.
The proctor will be watching you.
Camera pointed in front of me and you guys are watching me.
Imagine this camera's pointing at me and I'm taking a test.
They will watch you.
If you go in-person testing center, they will give you a sheet of paper and
pencil or a board with a magic marker.
For formulas, EVM formulas and to draw a network diagram and figure out
its critical path.
In online testing, you don't have this physical whiteboard.
You have only virtual whiteboard where you use your mouse to draw
things or you have to type on your keyboard.
When you do online testing, Pearson Vue will send you a test file.
Open up this testing thing, download and install it.
Log into it.
You can do this before 30 minute before the exam
You log in, and check in.
Show your ID up.
It is an app on your phone.
They will send you an app to your phone.
You take a picture of the, requirements.
Put it back to the phone.
Proctor gets it.
He/She checks it.
Once you're checked in, you can start the exam.
These are some tips and two time hacks of how to gain more time.
Exam is 230 minutes for180 questions.
So, 1.2 minute per question.
The exam is broken down into three sets of 60.
60+60+60 = 180questions.
Extra 2breaktime.
It is not included in 230minutes.
So, the total seat in time including break is 250minutes for the exam.
So, what that means is you get 230 minutes to answer questions.
You take two 10 minute breaks, it's 250 minutes.
Exam starts with the timer at 230 and it clicks down.
It means it starts at number 230, minute number 230 and then it starts to go
Within that first thing, that first section You can answer questions 1 to 60.
Each one of these setsshould take about 75 minutes. (60questions)
If you start a 230, by the time you finish this set, it should be at number 155
When you start the next set, literally 230 minus 75.
Now, when you finish this first 60 question set,
so let's say you're doing the exam, you start the exam, you start question one
to question two, question three, you get to question number 60 and you finish
it, the exam says, would you like to submit this set?
Click submit for you submit it.
Would you like to take a break?
Click yes if you want to take a break(10minutes)
Now, during this break, you can actually leave the exam room.
You can take a walk, use the bathroom.
You can get something (hands tapping) to eat.
I tell people, stay on your feet because you've been sitting on your butt all the
Go walk around a little bit, do some push ups get the blood flowing.
You need blood in your brains.
You need oxygen in your brain to keep on thinking. (sniffs)
Now you come back, you start the exam,
you start now at round number 155.
Then you do question 61 to 120.
After you've finished question 61 to 120, you get another break that's 10
Now, you're gonna want to take this break
and particularly this break because this break is super important.
You see in this break, you're gonna be super tired because you finished 120
You've been sitting in front of this exam for about two hours plus now at this
So, please take this break, 10 minutes,
Once again get up, walk around, get some blood flowing.
You come back.
Now, the timer is around, right around,
it should be, I should say, right around 80 minutes.
And then you start number 121 to 180 and you got yourself about 75, 80
minutes to do this.
When this ends, when you finish the last 180 set.
You submit it, the exam ends.
it'll give you your grade right away.
It'll tell you whether you pass or you fail,
How you did on the three areas of people's (hands tapping) process and
When you finish the question 1 to 60, you check it first and submit it.
Because you cannot come back to this set.
After that, you take the break.
When you start question 61, 62, 63, you can't go back to questions 1 to 60.
So, When you get to question 60, you can then review back 58, 59, 10, 15, all
the way back up to one.
This is the timer breakdown.
Keep these timer in mind.
Don't forget the 35 task here that I mentioned that is in this examination
content outline.
Know all your 49 processes
know the Agile concepts,
know the Agile process
know terms, tooling
Maintaining PMP
Must Maintaining your certification means that after you have passed your
exam, you have to get a certain amount of credits known as PDUs,
professional development units.
In order to maintain it, you have to get 60 PDUs over a three year period in
order to maintain it.
Now these 60 PDUs comes from either taking classes teaching classes, writing
books, or articles or attending the PMI meetings.
Now PMI also have courses online at their website that you can also take that
are pretty low cost.
That will give you PDUs.
So, every three years need to renew it.
So at the end of this three year cycle you're gonna have to get the PDUs.
Now, the PDUs are gonna have to be
you're gonna have to get them based on the PMI talent triangle.
You're gonna have to get PDUs within the talent triangle.
You need to take classes and you should try to get at least 20 of these PDUs
every single year.
Try to get 20 PDUs a year.
It is about one training class, two to three days training class.
Education is an investment.
It's the best investment you can ever do in life.
It has the highest ROI out of everything.
You can invest anything that you can invest in.
If you spend a thousand dollars
and you get a certification, you can increase your salary by $10,000 more a
A hundred, a thousand percent increase on your ROI there, maybe I
miscalculated that.