2.13 - Nemathelminthes
2.13 - Nemathelminthes
2.13 - Nemathelminthes
• The digestive system consists of three structures • The larvae mature into adult worms in the small intestines,
o Stomodeum: mouth, esophagus, and buccal cavity where they lay their eggs that are eliminated with the feces.
o Intestines • The eggs are capable of surviving in soil, sewage, or water for
o Anus: called proctodeum several years
• The nervous system is made up of two nerves that run along DISEASE AND SYMPTOMS
the length of the body of the worm on both the dorsal • Ascariasis
(back) and ventral (front) sides. o Asymptomatic infection is usually seen with low
• Both nerves are connected to a nerve center found at the worm burden.
head of the worm. o The patient may not be aware of the presence of
the parasite until the adult parasite is passed out
• Nematodes have a sensory organ which is usually located in
with the hers.
the anterior end of the head region of the worms.
o Symptomatic infection occurs due to migration of
• In some (e.g., the aphasmids Trichuris and Trichinella), the
the parasite through the host.
amphids are found in the posterior head region.
o During larval migration, the larvae may induce
• Some nematodes are equipped with a pair of caudal allergic reactions, manifesting as asthmatic tacks
chemoreceptors called phasmus (These are Ascaris, Necator, accompanied by eosinophilia (called Loeffler's
and the filarial worm Wuchereria) syndrome).
• Unlike the more primitive worms, nematodes are equipped o Penetration of the lung apillaries by the larvae as
with excretory canals along each side of the body for the they enter the air sacs can lead to pneumonia.
elimination of waste materials. o The presence of multiple adult worms in the
• Soil requirement: warm, moist soil intestines can lead to abdominal pain (most
ommon complaint), vomiting, fever, and
Intestinal Nematodes abdominal distention.
o Mature worms may entangle with each other
Ascaris Lumbricoides forming a mass that can cause intestinal
• Also known as “Giant roundworm” or “Large Intestinal o due to the erratic nature of the mature worms, the
Roundworm” adult parasite can travel to different organs of the
• Ascaris lumbricoides is the largest intestinal roundworm body
infecting humans. o An adult worm can obstruct the appendix leading
• The adult worm is creamy-white in color with an outer to appendicitis.
covering of cuticle. o Other organs that can be obstructed include the
• They appear in the Small Intestine liver and the bile ducts.
– KathleenVenus
Trichinella Spiralis
– KathleenVenus
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