lecture- 8 2024 2
lecture- 8 2024 2
lecture- 8 2024 2
Class : Nematode
• Objective
• Know Important Features of nematode
• Know classification of nemathelminthes
• study of some important species of nematode that infect humans and
• Know different life cycles , Definitive host and Intermediate host.
• Nematodes
• Nematodes are elongated, cylindrical,
unsegmented worms with tapering ends.
• The name ‘nematode’ means ‘thread-like’,
from ‘nema’ meaning ‘thread’.
• Unlike trematodes and cestodes, all of
which are parasitic, most nematodes are
free-living forms found in soil and water.
• Several species are parasites of plants and
are of great economic importance.
• Many nematodes parasitize invertebrate
and vertebrate animals.
• The largest number of helminthic parasites
of humans belong to the class of
• There are an estimated 500,000 species of
• General Characteristics
• They are cylindrical, or lariform in shape,
bilaterally symmetrical with a secondary
triradiate symmetry at the anterior end.
• The adults vary greatly in size, from about
a millimeter (Strongyloides stercoralis) to a
meter (Dracunculis medinensis) in length.
• Male is generally smaller than female and
its posterior end is curved or coiled
• Their body is covered with a tough outer
cuticle, which may be smooth, striated,
bossed, or spiny.
• The middle layer is hypodermis and the
inner layer is the somatic muscular layer.
• They move by sinuous exion of the body.
• General Characteristics
• The body cavity is a pseudocoele, in which all the viscera are suspended.
• The digestive system is complete, consisting of a anteriorly placed mouth
leading to the esophagus, which characteristically varies in shape and structure
in diferent groups.
• The intestine is lined with a single layer of columnar cells and leads to the
rectum, opening through the anus.
• In the male, the rectum and the ejaculatory duct open into the cloaca.
• Nematodes have simple excretory and nervous systems.
❑ The nematodes are diecious i.e. the sexes are separate.
❑ The male reproductive system consists of a single delicate tubule di erentiated
into testis, vas deferens, seminal vesicle, and ejaculatory duct, which opens into
the cloaca.
❑ It also includes copulatory structures such as spicules or bursa or both.
❑ The female reproductive system consists of the ovary, oviduct, seminal
receptacle, uterus, and vagina.
❑ Female nematodes may produce eggs (oviparous) or larvae (viviparous).
Some lay eggs containing larvae, which immediately hatch out
Nematodes can be classified on the basis of the habitat of the adult
worm and zoologically .
Zoological Classification
Phylum – Nemathelminthes (Nematoda)
Class – Nematoda which is divided into 2 subclasses based on the
absence or presence of ’phasmids’, which are caudal chemoreceptors.
The 2 subclasses were earlier called Aphasmidia and Phasmidia, but
now have been renamed as Adenophorea and Secernentea,
• Cutaneous Larva Migrans
• This condition also known as creeping eruption (also called ground itch) is
caused by nematode larvae that infect by skin penetration.
• Etiology
• The most common cause is non-human species of hookworm (Ancylostoma
braziliense and A. caninum).
Types of oesophagus*
Cylindrical oesophagus
Habronema musca
Bulbed shape oeso.
Filariform oesophagus
Rhabditiform oesophagus Strongyloides (L3)
Strongyloides (L1.2)
Double bulbed oeso.
❑The most common cause is non-human species of
hookworm (Ancylostoma braziliense and A.
Visceral Larva Migrans
❑This condition is caused by the migration of larvae of
nonhuman species of nematodes that infect by the oral
❑The most common cause is the dog ascarid, Toxocara
canis and less often the cat ascarid, T. cati.
❑Visceral larva migrans may also be caused by Anisakis,
which are large ascarid parasites of marine animals and
also by Gnathostoma spinigerum, Angiostrongylus
❑Human nematodes like A. lumbricoides and S.
stercolaris may produce visceral larva migrans, when they
get lost in ectopic sites.
Phylum : Nemathelminthes
Class : Nematode
Family : Ascarididae
Final host
paratenic hosts
Ascaridia galli
Anterior end
( Male + Female )
Ascaridia galli
Ascaridia galli
Final host
Heterakis gallinae
* شكل
Heterakis gallinae
Anterior end
( Male + Female )
Heterakis gallinae
Life cycle