#290 Annie Con Conejo
#290 Annie Con Conejo
#290 Annie Con Conejo
* The key to the prim look is careful sanding of your project. I
use fine sandpaper. Medium is ok, just be careful, you don't want
to sand straight through the fabric. Sand lightly all over. A little
more in areas that would naturally show more age. Afterwards, you
may rub lightly with cinnamon to "grubby" it up even more.
Makes it smell good too!
*Gettin' Started
Trace on to doubled muslin, one doll body, 2 legs, and 2 arms. With right
sides together, sew on tracing line, leave open where indicated on each
pattern piece. Trim excess and turn all pieces right side out. Stuff arms
and legs to the line indicated on pattern. Stuff head and body. Stuff all
pieces firmly. Stitch the openings closed except for doll body. Put legs,
feet forward, into open body bottom. Pin in place then sew bottom closed
with legs in the seam. Hand stitch arms to body. Refer to pattern for
placement of arms and legs.
*Paintin' Her Up
Spray your doll with your coffee mix solution and place on a cookie sheet
in a 180 degree oven to dry. Watch closely and turn often so as not to
burn her. Remove from oven and let cool. Blush her cheeks and stripe her
legs, using barn red acrylic paint and a dry brush method. Paint two white
circles for her eyes with ivory acrylic paint. Make them just slightly larger
than your 3/8" button...that will go in the middle. Let dry completely. Stitch
the nose using 6 strands of red DMC floss. Stitch the 3/8" black buttons in
the center of the white of her eye. Pull tight on the thread to indent slightly.
I use a long length of black DMC floss and a long doll needle. Enter and exit
through her back below the neckline. Shade around the outside of the nose
and white eye circles with burnt umber acrylic paint and a tiny paint brush.
Use a dry brush method for this using VERY little paint...just a slight hint.
With one strand of black DMC floss, stitch on her brows and lashes and
smiling mouth. Using one strand of red DMC floss stitch a mouth. For the
face details I use a long doll needle and enter and exit at the top of her
head, we will cover that later with hair so it won't show. Refer to picture
and pattern for placement of all items.
#290 Raggedy Fern and Foo Foo Page 2