In nature, light, sound, video etc are analog. For processing power which is also greatly influenced by the charging and
discharging of the current flowing through the load
these signals in digital world, ADC is required. However capacitance. This also affected by the frequency of the clock
DAC will be required to get back analog. In systems, to signal. Such losses are reducible using adiabatic technique.
integrate signals of both analog to digital converters have In this technique, instead of forming the charging path from
crucial role. As the world is digitized there is wide range of supply voltage to load capacitance CL and then discharging
applications ranging from audio communications to medical path to lower potential the energy can be recycled to
electronics. There are wide varieties of ADC’s architectures sinusoidal supply voltage. Instead, power losses exist due to
that are available, which varies in terms of performance, area the RON of the switches. The low clock frequencies of
and power. So that a vast investigation of alternative ADC operating signals are used to minimize that amount of power
design techniques is required. Now a day the digital systems dissipation. There are several adiabatic logic families are
are designed with ICs by establishing the interconnections available in literature each one has its own advantages with
between them to improve the speed of the system. Also some limitations. Wang and Yuan gao (2012) in their paper
input/output (I/O) bandwidth is important concern. proposed that ADC plays a prominent role in power
The interconnections of the chips are used with high speed management applications. In survey, several researches have
links. The term high-speed link refers to communication link given different ADC architectures which has small in area,
high speed with low power. ADC can be implemented for an
Revised Manuscript Received on August 22, 2019. input range of 1.3V to 3.05V and the clock frequency ranges
* Correspondence Author
E Vijaya Babu, Research Scholar, JNTUK, Kakinada from 0Hz to 35MHz suitable for power management
vijayababu.e@gmail.com applications.
Dr. Y.Syamala, ECE Dept., Gudlavalleru Engineering College,
Gudlavalleru, India, coolsyamu@gmail.com
Published By:
Retrieval Number: F12020886S219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijeat.F1202.0886S219 797 & Sciences Publication
Design and Analysis of Multiplexer based 4-Bit Flash ADC
Published By:
Retrieval Number: F12020886S219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijeat.F1202.0886S219 798 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8, Issue-6S2, August 2019
In Fig. 2 the comparison of differential voltage signals along be possible by enhancing the PMOS and NMOS widths
with inverter based comparator with respect to similarities respectively. The result can be affirmed by using the inverter
and differences. CMOS inverter is a very basic and simplest threshold mathematical statement
possible circuit which can be replaced by resistor ladder and
differential input voltage comparator. The inverter circuit
works at high speed in comparison with differential input
voltage comparator network. The benefits of CMOS inverter
are: (2)
1. Its Steady state power dissipation is very little.
2. VTC exhibits full dynamic range between 0 to VDD. Where µp,µn are the motilities of positive and negative charge
3. The VTC transition has very sharp cutting edge. respectively. Making an assumption that both transistors are
In a normal Flash ADC, many voltage comparators are working in active region, thickness of the gate oxide (Cox),
connected in parallel and the ref voltage Vr is established at the lengths of two transistors (Lp and Ln) for both transistors
nodes by the massive resistor ladder network. This TIQ are same. On observation on above equation, Vm is shifted
technique avails a digital inverter that acts as voltage depending the ratio of transistor widths (Wp/Wn).
comparator. Due to this, switching threshold Vm is internal to Hence,raise in Wp(width of PMOS) makes Vm(switching
the inverter, its value dependent on transistor size. The voltage) larger, and increasing Wn (width of NMOS)results
switching threshold voltage of inverter Vm is noted at Vin = in Vm (switching voltage) goes smaller on the VTC. The
Vout intersection on VI curve as shown in Fig. 3.It is the point variation of different switching voltages along with different
of intersection as shown PMOS widths is given in Table I.
For designing fifteen number of TIQ comparators
which uses different widths of the PMOS, NMOS having
fixed length transistors. However, chain of CMOS inverters
are used for comparing the voltage signals, by verifying the
Vm sensitivity with respect to other parameters of the TIQ
flash ADC.
Published By:
Retrieval Number: F12020886S219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijeat.F1202.0886S219 799 & Sciences Publication
Design and Analysis of Multiplexer based 4-Bit Flash ADC
Fig. 4 shows the design of 2x1 MUX using transmission When T6 is ‘0’, T2 is directly equal to G1. As soon as T6 is
gate logic. ‘1’, 02 logic cell output is selected. Considering 02 logic cell,
when ‘0’ is observed on select line, then T10 is picked up for
G1. For T14 equal to ‘1’, G1 is ‘0’ so 02 logic cell input is
grounded. To get G0, allot T13 to input ‘0’ and allot input ‘1’
of 04 logic cell of multiplexer to ground by assuming select
line with T15.04 logic cell output is given to input ‘1’ of 05
logic cell and T9 to input ‘0’ by taking T11 as select line.
The output of 05 logic cell is given to input ‘1’ of 06 logic
cell and T5 to input ‘0’ by taking select line as T7. The
output of 06 logic cell is attached to input ‘1’ of 07 logic cell
of multiplexer and T1 is attached to input ‘0’ by select line is
Fig. 4. Transmission Gate based 2*1 Multiplexer assumed as T3.G0 is collected at the output of 07 logic cell.
Here, the concept of grounding reduces the hardware, such
Multiplexer, one of the circuits that give single output as per that there is a great reduction in overall power consumption.
accordance to multiple inputs. Here, 2*1 multiplexer based The multiplexer based encoder circuit is given in Fig. 5.
encoder is used and the functionality is given in Table II. The
multiplexers here are designed using transmission gates for
better accuracy. A 2*1 multiplexer is the circuit which Table-III: Function Table Of Thermo-meter Code into
having 2 input lines and one output line with single select Binary
Generation of binary code from thermometer code is one
amongst the most style problems with any flash ADC
encoder. So many ways exists for this conversion.
a) Indirect conversion
One additional intermediate stage is needed here, which
might modify the parameters like enhancement in power,
current dissipation, propagation delay etc.
Table-II: Truth Table Of 2*1 Multiplexer
Input Input Selection Output
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1
b) Direct Conversion
In this methodology, truth table is used to write the logic
expressions of thermo-meter code in terms of binary code.
This technique is efficient in terms of the parameters like
reduction in power dissipation, propagation delay etc. The
truth III table shows expressing thermometer code in terms of
binary code. The comparators output is in the form of
Thermometer code. So, encoder is required here to express
the thermometer code in terms of binary code. The principle Fig. 5. Multiplexer based Encoder
of this code converter is given follows The Thermometer
code input, T8 is directly equal to G3(Gray code). So B4 is The Boolean expressions can be observed here are
written as directly T8. For getting G2, the T12 input assumed
as one select line of 01 logic cell of multiplexer. T4 is
attached at input ‘0’ of 0 logic cell and input ‘1’ is grounded.
For G1, T14 assumed as select line for 02 logic cell of
multiplexer and for 03 logic cell of multiplexer, T6 acts as
select line.
Published By:
Retrieval Number: F12020886S219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijeat.F1202.0886S219 800 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8, Issue-6S2, August 2019
Then, the code conversion from gray to binary requires an ADC achieves higher data sampling rate and operates at low
XOR gate as follows voltage with low power consumption. All the simulations are
carried out by MENTOR GRAPHICS TOOL with 130nm
B4=G3 (4) process technology. A viable attempt is made and achieved
B3=XOR of (B3, G2) (5) by designing low power Flash ADC using CMOS logic
B2=XOR of (B2, G1) (6) structures. In this work, the results are given in Table IV and
B1=XOR of (B1, G0) (7) V respectively and achieved the power dissipation of 0.833
µW and delay is obtained of 15.393nsec. The design and
V. RESULTS simulation of different blocks along with integration of Flash
Fig. 6. shows RTL schematic of 4-Bit ADC with input ADC has completed here with supply voltage 1.2V using
port as “a” and output port as numbered from B1 to B4 .The 130nm CMOS technology.
combination of TIQ Block with Comparator Block results in
Table-V: Comparison Of Various Parameters For Four Bit
4 Bit Flash ADC Architecture with necessary connections
Adc With Mux Based Encoder
and applied analog signal to port “a” with frequency of
MUX based
1MHz and Vhi=1.2V,Vlo=0V. Parameter Reference1 Reference2
Technology 90 130 130
Sampling 5 1 1
Fig. 7. Simulation Waveform of 4 Bit Flash ADC
1. D.Lee, J.Yoo, K.Choi and J. Ghaznavi, “Fat-tree encoder design for
In Fig. 7 the simulation waveforms of four bit Flash ADC ultrahigh speed flash analog to digital converters” I proc. IEEE Midwest
Symp. Circuits Syst, pp. 233-236, Aug 2002.
are shown with the analog input voltage signal, Va with
2. Chung-Hsun Huang, Jinn-Shyan Wang, “High-performance and
frequency 1MHz and corresponding output binary values are power-efficient CMOScomparators”, IEEE Journal of Solid-State
plotted. Circuits, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 254 – 262, Feb. 2003.
3. Vinayashree Hiremath, SaiyuRen“An Ultra High Speed Encoder for
Table-IV: Power Analysis Report Of 4 Bit Flash Adc 5GSPS Flash ADC “,IEEE Conference on Instrumentation and
Digital Max Min (V) P-P(V) Avg(uV) Measurement Technology, pp.136-141, May 2010.
outputs (V) 4. S. Sheikhaei, S. Mirabbasi, A. Ivanov, “An Encoder for a 5GS/s 4bit flash
A/D converter in0.18um CMOS”, Canadian Conference on Electrical
5 -5 10 225.15 and Computer Engineering, pp.698-701, May 2005.
Analog input
B1 5. Nikoozadeh, A., Murmann, B., “An Analysis of Latch Comparator Offset
1 -74.8 1.0001 467.26
B2 due to Load Capacitor Mismatch”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and
1 -91.52 1.0001 467.26
B3 Systems II, Vol. 53 , no. 12, Dec. 2006.
1.0027 -600.9 1.0023 467.27
1.035 -905.2 1.023 467.27 6. Abhishek Kumar, Suruchi Tiwari..,”2,4 Bit Flash ADC using TIQ
comparator ” I J C T A, 9(11) 2016, pp. 5235-5242 © International
Science Press
Here a simple and fast 4-bit flash ADC architecture has been
implemented with new comparator style that uses two
cascaded inverters and multiplexer based encoder. Flash
Published By:
Retrieval Number: F12020886S219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijeat.F1202.0886S219 801 & Sciences Publication
Design and Analysis of Multiplexer based 4-Bit Flash ADC
Published By:
Retrieval Number: F12020886S219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijeat.F1202.0886S219 802 & Sciences Publication