Notes Ba I Sem English Course Book
Notes Ba I Sem English Course Book
Notes Ba I Sem English Course Book
1. Poem: DON'T LOOK INTO THE VANITY BAG - Vaidehi furniture or while carrying heavy luggage. Further, it steps out when
meat needs chopping, which symbolises violence. The poem reveals the
The writer begins the poem by asking the men not to look into the vanity nature of the soul as picky, which doesn’t like crowds, profit-making
bag of women because it contains much and hides the secret chords of a motives, and plots. It doesn’t differentiate between joy and sorrow. It
woman’s life which are not easily revealed. She keeps things like a surfaces when the mind is tranquil. It emerges as a guide in tough and
mirror, kajal box, pen, powder, a spool of thread, buttons, comb bindi hopeless circumstances. The soul favours the clock with pendulums and
sticker, clip, perfume, a few tamarind seeds, dried leaves and flowers, a mirrors which work without bothering about materialistic aspirations.
peacock feather, a half-written poem, a hanky holding a sigh that was In the end, the poem focuses on the need for the soul.
trapped in the throat, which she might have used to wipe the tears and
to hold back the sobs when she was in some sad situation. It also has an
addressed envelope containing only a picture of the red sun and a letter
3. Short Story: THE AXE – R.K.Narayam
which she had received from someone-breathing a riddle, a nameless Velan arrived at a town called Malgudi:
photo with a black moustache and flashy smile (which may be her The protagonist Velan was the son of a poor man who had mortgaged
beloved). It is a metaphor for a woman’s mind at every stage of all of his property. His whole family was working on another man’s land.
womanhood (childhood, youth and old age) is celebrated and also An astrologer once told that Velan would live in a three-storey mansion
criticised. The owner of the bag may be a good, passionate lover, or an surrounded by many acres of land. His prediction came true in the years
adulteress all merged into one under dharma and the prescribed norms. to come. When Velan was eighteen, his father slapped Velan in the
According to the writer, the vanity bag (Woman’s mind) contains some presence of others in the field for coming late with the midday meals.
good things and some bad things. The final stanza questions men With a sense of humiliation and anger, he left the place and village and
whether they think the world of vanity and emotion are the same. She arrived at a town called Malgudi. His journey to the town was not that
felt that men are foolish because they try to exercise their minds to easy. He starved for a couple of days and begged wherever he could.
understand the emotions of women, but this equation is beyond their After trying a lot in seeking a job, finally, a rich old man gave him work
comprehension. A woman’s thoughts and ideas in the depth of her mind. of laying out a garden.
The poem ends with the observation that no matter how often one
attempts to pry open guarded secrets, these are not easily revealed. Velan turned the weed-covered land into a beautiful garden.
They will not find the truth of the vanity bag. After being appointed as a Gardener, Velan cleaned up the land which
was covered with weed. He cleaned up the jungle and made the land
2. POEM: A FEW WORDS ON THE SOUL look like a football field. The three sides of the land were marked off for
- Wislawa -Szymborska an extensive garden and the rest of the land was marked for the
The poetess describes the soul in the poem as a playful entity. Usually, construction of the house. He grew many types of flowers like hibiscus,
the soul appears and disappears as it pleases but escapes when we need chrysanthemum, Jasmin, roses and cannea. He planted and reared
it. The poem traces the presence of the soul in childhood fears and mango and margosa trees. Velan developed a beautiful relationship with
wonders, and at the same time approves its appearance in old age. The his plants and flowers. He looked after them like his own children.
soul occasionally takes part in day-to-day life. Most of the time, it prefers The appearance of the palatial house “Kumar Baugh”.
silence and abandons us in difficult situations, such as when we move
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BA /BSW/ BVA- I SEM Illuminations – I English Course Book Notes
Along with the growth of the garden the house was also constructed. It dead. ‘What is to happen to the garden and to me? The sons are no good,’
was a beautiful house and it was named “Kumar Baugh”. The house had he thought at once. The sons were no good. They stayed for a year more,
a dome at its centre. The house had balconies with intricately carved quarrelled among themselves and went away to live in another house.
woodwork hung down from the sides of the house, deep verandas, Tenants began living and Velan felt miserable:
chequered marble floors, and spacious halls ranged from one behind the
other. The roof of the house was supported by smooth, rounded pillars. A year later some other family came in as tenants. They ordered him
about, sent him on errands, made him wash the cow and lectured him
The changes were seen in the house and its inmates: on how to grow a garden. He detested the whole business and often
With the passing years, the house had acquired a richness in its thought of giving up his work and returning to his village. But the idea
appearance. Successive summers and monsoons had robbed the paint was unbearable: he couldn’t live away from his plants. Fortune,
on the doors, windows, woodwork and walls. Though the house had lost however, soon favoured him. The tenants left. The house was locked up
its glory, it had now a more humane look. Hundreds of parrots and for a few years. Velan was too old. His hut was leaky and he had no
mynas and unnamed birds lived in the branches of the margosa, and energy to put up new thatch. So he shifted his residence to the front
under its shade, the master’s great-grandchildren and the (younger) veranda of the house. The house came to be known as the "Ghost House",
grandchildren played and quarrelled. The master walked about leaning and people avoided it.
on a staff. The lady of the house, who had looked such a blooming The behaviour of the people of the company to which the house was
creature on the inauguration day, was shrunken and grey and spent sold:
most of her time in an invalid’s chair on the veranda, gazing at the
garden with dull eyes. Velan himself has changed a lot. Now he had to A few days later, the house was sold to a company. The representatives
depend more and more upon his assistants to keep the garden in shape. of the company came to the house and ordered Velan to open the gates.
He had lost his parents, his wife and eight children. out of fourteen. He They threw open all the doors and windows and did a thorough
had managed to reclaim his ancestral property, which was now being examination of the house. They were doubtful about the mansion’s
looked after by his sons-in-law and sons. He went to the village and sturdiness and decided to pull down the old house and clear the garden
brought back with him one or the other of his grandchildren. Velan was to build houses for renting out. They compared the garden to a jungle
content and happy. and decided to do it away. They agreed among each other that only a
mad could build such a house.
Velan was awakened and told the master was dead:
The reaction of Velan when he saw cutting down an old margosa
He demanded nothing more of life. As far as he could see, the people in
the big house too seemed to be equally at peace with life. One saw no
reason why these good things should not go on and on forever. But death Velan was completely disheartened when the company ordered the
peeped around the corner. From the servants’ quarters whispers workers to cut down the trees. He could not bear the way the Margosa
reached the gardener in his hut that the master was very ill and lay in tree was being cut. Velan wept. This is my child. I planted it. I saw it
his room downstairs. Doctors and visitors were constantly coming and grow. I loved it. Don’t cut it down . . .’ His request to stop the cutting of
going, and Velan had to be more than ever on guard against flower- the tree was not obeyed as the woodcutters had to do their duty. Then
pluckers. One midnight he was awakened and told that the master was he requested them to give him some time and he prepared himself to
Malala compares the Swat valley with Birmingham: The temple started offering ‘Mudulmarayadai’ to Kalam’s great-
great-grandfather: / The Hindu’s acceptance of a Kalam’s great-
She was in a country that is five hours behind her beloved homeland great grandfather’s help of retrieving the idol from the tank:
Pakistan and her home in the Swat Valley. But her country is centuries
behind England. Here is any convenience you can imagine. Water Kalam’s father loved to tell the story of our great-great-grandfather,
running from every tap, hot or cold as you wish; lights at the flick of a who once saved the idol of the Ramanathaswamy Temple. The story
switch, day and night, no need for oil lamps; ovens to cook on that don’t went that on a certain festival day, the vigraha, or idol, would be taken
need anyone to go and fetch gas cylinders from the bazaar. Here out of the sanctum sanctorum and carried in a procession around the
everything is so modern one can even find food ready cooked in packets. temple precincts. The temple has several tanks dotting it, and the idol
When she stands in front of her window and looks out, she sees tall was taken around the periphery of these tanks too. During one such
buildings, long roads full of vehicles moving in orderly lines, neat green procession, the vigraha fell into the tank. People stood rooted in horror,
hedges and lawns, and tidy pavements to walk on. imagining the wrath of the gods falling upon them very soon. Kalm’s
great-greatgrandfather leapt into the tank and retrieved the idol in no
7. ESSAY: THREE GREAT HEARTS RESOLVE THE time. The gratitude of the priests and other temple officials was
PROBLEM overwhelming. But the feelings of caste and religious purists were never
- Kalam articulated at this sacred element of the temple. Kalam’s great-
Rameswaram in Kalalm’s view: greatgrandfather was treated like a hero. The temple also proclaimed
that from then on, at the festival, the temple would give MudalMarayadai
The town of Rameswaram is a small island. Its highest spot is the top of to him. This was a rare honour for someone from a different religion. It
a hill called Gandamadana Parvatham. Standing there, one could see the meant that on each such festival day, the temple would first honour, or
whole of Rameswaram stretched out: Lush green coconut palms give marayadai to Kalam’s great-great-grandfather. This tradition went
swaying everywhere, the sea in the distance and the looming gopuram on for years and years and the marayadai would be given to Kalam’s
of the Ramanathaswamy Temple presiding over the skyline. It was a father too. This sense of harmony continued into later years.
quiet town then. The people made their living from either fishing or
coconut farming, and from the tourism that occurred due to the The three great hearts of Rameswaram:
presence of the temple. Rameswaram is one of the holiest pilgrimage The three great hearts of Rameswaram were Dr.Kalam’s father, the
spots for many Indians, and the town was almost always full of pilgrims imam of the Rameswaram mosque, Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry the priest
and tourists. The small local population consisted of mostly Hindu of the Ramanathaswamy Temple and Father Bodal, the priest of the lone
households, with a sprinkling of Muslims. and Christians too. Each church in the town.
community lived in healthy contentment next to the other. The divisions
and changes of the outside world rarely made their way here. The daily Dr.Kalam’s father:
The three great hearts of Rameswaram were Dr. Kalam’s father, the The teacher hurts Kalam and his friend in class:
imam of the Rameswaram mosque, Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry, the priest When Kalam was in the third standard, there was great excitement.
of the Ramanathaswamy Temple, and Father Bodal, the priest of the Kalam had a new teacher at school. And the first day he came to the
lone church in the town. They meet every Friday evening, at around classroom, all eagerness of the students spilt forth. The teacher was also
four-thirty. They discussed matters of religion and the happenings of the a Hindu, a Brahmin. As soon as he entered the classroom, he cast a quick
town. Sometimes people come to visit them with specific issues to be appraising eye over all the students. He must have missed noticing the
resolved. The three men kept each other apprised of anything that might bright eyes and eager smiles of the children. But the new teacher was
threaten peace among the people and together. They tried to work out quick to get down to business. He walked to the front of the class and
ways of clearing miscommunication or scotching rumours before they the first people his eyes settled on were Ramanadhan and Kalam. His
assumed dangerous proportions. These three patriarchs always kept eyes lingered on my cap and Ramanadhan's tuft. Without giving any
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BA /BSW/ BVA- I SEM Illuminations – I English Course Book Notes
reason, he demanded to know Kalam’s name. As Kalam told him, Kalam very religious and also socially responsible.
was commandingly told to gather his things and move to the back row.
Kalam felt sad, even humiliated. He wondered why this had happened. 8. A Letter From A Father
Ramanadhan was in tears. Kalam picked up his books and moved away - Prakash Padukone
from him though Ramanadhan’s large eyes were awash with tears.
A piece of advice given to the children by father through the letter:
The three men summoned the teacher & resolve the situation:
Prakash Padukone advises both daughters about the importance of
The new teacher at the school walked to the front of the class and the making their way up in the world without waiting for their parents to
first people his eyes settled on were Ramanadhan and Kalam. Kalam was pull strings. Children should work hard to make their dreams come true
told to gather his things and move to the back row. Kalam felt sad, even and not have things handed to them on a platter. He advised them to
humiliated That very day Kalam and Ramanadhan told their parents. strive to generate positivity around them even though they were too
The men were shocked and dismayed. This went against everything new and too small a player to effect a big change. They were in an
they worked for! A teacher was supposed to be imparting knowledge industry where there was always going to be big money. He believed
and opening up children’s minds. They immediately spoke to one that it was important to try to be the best in whatever they do regardless
another and confirmed the details of the incident. The next Friday, when of the money. He advised Deepika that she can’t always win in life, that
dusk was falling, they met as usual. Father Bodal was present too. The everything she wants might not come her way. That events don’t always
teacher had been summoned and presented himself. Kalam’s father and turn out as she wants them to. To win some, you have to lose some. You
Sastrygal told him in no uncertain terms that the scourge of religious have to learn to take life’s ups and downs in your stride.
divisions, which was disturbing India's fabric in other parts of the
country, would not be allowed to grow there. They would not allow The things that matter in life are relationships, honesty, and respect for
children to be segregated; they would certainly not tolerate anyone who your parents and elders. Material success is important, not fundamental
made religion a divisive factor instead of being inclusive, and they would to happiness and peace of mind. He speaks about the rejuvenating
never let this infect the minds of the youngest members of the society. power of prayer and a little faith. Hence, he asked them to spare a few
All of this was conveyed to the teacher with dignity and courtesy. minutes of their day to close their eyes and meditate, to think about God.
In the end, when their career is behind them, what remains is family and
The teacher stood silent, thinking. Then, he acknowledged, he had tried friends. He further said to live a life that is healthy and one that will
to separate the two boys. He had not bothered to think through the allow them to live with their conscience.
consequences of his actions when he did so. This was the way he had The badminton journey as said by Prakash Padukone:
always seen society being structured around him, and he was just
blindly following the rules. No one had ever taught him otherwise or Prakash Padukone shares some lessons that life has taught him. Decades
made him see the futility of such divisions. He promised to rectify the ago, as a little boy growing up in Bangalore, he started his tryst with
wrong he had done the very next day. And he did so. This was how badminton. In those days, there were no stadiums and courts where
Kalam had the first-hand experience of the way the three religious sportspeople could train. Their badminton court was the wedding hall
elders settled the matter firmly and openly. They made the problem go of the Canara Union Bank near our house. There he learned everything
away without letting it grow and fester. The three great hearts were about the game. Every day, we would wait to see if there was a function