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BA /BSW/ BVA- I SEM Illuminations – I English Course Book Notes

1. Poem: DON'T LOOK INTO THE VANITY BAG - Vaidehi furniture or while carrying heavy luggage. Further, it steps out when
meat needs chopping, which symbolises violence. The poem reveals the
The writer begins the poem by asking the men not to look into the vanity nature of the soul as picky, which doesn’t like crowds, profit-making
bag of women because it contains much and hides the secret chords of a motives, and plots. It doesn’t differentiate between joy and sorrow. It
woman’s life which are not easily revealed. She keeps things like a surfaces when the mind is tranquil. It emerges as a guide in tough and
mirror, kajal box, pen, powder, a spool of thread, buttons, comb bindi hopeless circumstances. The soul favours the clock with pendulums and
sticker, clip, perfume, a few tamarind seeds, dried leaves and flowers, a mirrors which work without bothering about materialistic aspirations.
peacock feather, a half-written poem, a hanky holding a sigh that was In the end, the poem focuses on the need for the soul.
trapped in the throat, which she might have used to wipe the tears and
to hold back the sobs when she was in some sad situation. It also has an
addressed envelope containing only a picture of the red sun and a letter
3. Short Story: THE AXE – R.K.Narayam
which she had received from someone-breathing a riddle, a nameless Velan arrived at a town called Malgudi:
photo with a black moustache and flashy smile (which may be her The protagonist Velan was the son of a poor man who had mortgaged
beloved). It is a metaphor for a woman’s mind at every stage of all of his property. His whole family was working on another man’s land.
womanhood (childhood, youth and old age) is celebrated and also An astrologer once told that Velan would live in a three-storey mansion
criticised. The owner of the bag may be a good, passionate lover, or an surrounded by many acres of land. His prediction came true in the years
adulteress all merged into one under dharma and the prescribed norms. to come. When Velan was eighteen, his father slapped Velan in the
According to the writer, the vanity bag (Woman’s mind) contains some presence of others in the field for coming late with the midday meals.
good things and some bad things. The final stanza questions men With a sense of humiliation and anger, he left the place and village and
whether they think the world of vanity and emotion are the same. She arrived at a town called Malgudi. His journey to the town was not that
felt that men are foolish because they try to exercise their minds to easy. He starved for a couple of days and begged wherever he could.
understand the emotions of women, but this equation is beyond their After trying a lot in seeking a job, finally, a rich old man gave him work
comprehension. A woman’s thoughts and ideas in the depth of her mind. of laying out a garden.
The poem ends with the observation that no matter how often one
attempts to pry open guarded secrets, these are not easily revealed. Velan turned the weed-covered land into a beautiful garden.
They will not find the truth of the vanity bag. After being appointed as a Gardener, Velan cleaned up the land which
was covered with weed. He cleaned up the jungle and made the land
2. POEM: A FEW WORDS ON THE SOUL look like a football field. The three sides of the land were marked off for
- Wislawa -Szymborska an extensive garden and the rest of the land was marked for the
The poetess describes the soul in the poem as a playful entity. Usually, construction of the house. He grew many types of flowers like hibiscus,
the soul appears and disappears as it pleases but escapes when we need chrysanthemum, Jasmin, roses and cannea. He planted and reared
it. The poem traces the presence of the soul in childhood fears and mango and margosa trees. Velan developed a beautiful relationship with
wonders, and at the same time approves its appearance in old age. The his plants and flowers. He looked after them like his own children.
soul occasionally takes part in day-to-day life. Most of the time, it prefers The appearance of the palatial house “Kumar Baugh”.
silence and abandons us in difficult situations, such as when we move
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BA /BSW/ BVA- I SEM Illuminations – I English Course Book Notes
Along with the growth of the garden the house was also constructed. It dead. ‘What is to happen to the garden and to me? The sons are no good,’
was a beautiful house and it was named “Kumar Baugh”. The house had he thought at once. The sons were no good. They stayed for a year more,
a dome at its centre. The house had balconies with intricately carved quarrelled among themselves and went away to live in another house.
woodwork hung down from the sides of the house, deep verandas, Tenants began living and Velan felt miserable:
chequered marble floors, and spacious halls ranged from one behind the
other. The roof of the house was supported by smooth, rounded pillars. A year later some other family came in as tenants. They ordered him
about, sent him on errands, made him wash the cow and lectured him
The changes were seen in the house and its inmates: on how to grow a garden. He detested the whole business and often
With the passing years, the house had acquired a richness in its thought of giving up his work and returning to his village. But the idea
appearance. Successive summers and monsoons had robbed the paint was unbearable: he couldn’t live away from his plants. Fortune,
on the doors, windows, woodwork and walls. Though the house had lost however, soon favoured him. The tenants left. The house was locked up
its glory, it had now a more humane look. Hundreds of parrots and for a few years. Velan was too old. His hut was leaky and he had no
mynas and unnamed birds lived in the branches of the margosa, and energy to put up new thatch. So he shifted his residence to the front
under its shade, the master’s great-grandchildren and the (younger) veranda of the house. The house came to be known as the "Ghost House",
grandchildren played and quarrelled. The master walked about leaning and people avoided it.
on a staff. The lady of the house, who had looked such a blooming The behaviour of the people of the company to which the house was
creature on the inauguration day, was shrunken and grey and spent sold:
most of her time in an invalid’s chair on the veranda, gazing at the
garden with dull eyes. Velan himself has changed a lot. Now he had to A few days later, the house was sold to a company. The representatives
depend more and more upon his assistants to keep the garden in shape. of the company came to the house and ordered Velan to open the gates.
He had lost his parents, his wife and eight children. out of fourteen. He They threw open all the doors and windows and did a thorough
had managed to reclaim his ancestral property, which was now being examination of the house. They were doubtful about the mansion’s
looked after by his sons-in-law and sons. He went to the village and sturdiness and decided to pull down the old house and clear the garden
brought back with him one or the other of his grandchildren. Velan was to build houses for renting out. They compared the garden to a jungle
content and happy. and decided to do it away. They agreed among each other that only a
mad could build such a house.
Velan was awakened and told the master was dead:
The reaction of Velan when he saw cutting down an old margosa
He demanded nothing more of life. As far as he could see, the people in
the big house too seemed to be equally at peace with life. One saw no
reason why these good things should not go on and on forever. But death Velan was completely disheartened when the company ordered the
peeped around the corner. From the servants’ quarters whispers workers to cut down the trees. He could not bear the way the Margosa
reached the gardener in his hut that the master was very ill and lay in tree was being cut. Velan wept. This is my child. I planted it. I saw it
his room downstairs. Doctors and visitors were constantly coming and grow. I loved it. Don’t cut it down . . .’ His request to stop the cutting of
going, and Velan had to be more than ever on guard against flower- the tree was not obeyed as the woodcutters had to do their duty. Then
pluckers. One midnight he was awakened and told that the master was he requested them to give him some time and he prepared himself to

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BA /BSW/ BVA- I SEM Illuminations – I English Course Book Notes
leave that place before he could see the tree being cut. He looked at the visit caused a fallout between Gowri and Saraswathi. The Inspector had
margosa and wiped his eyes. Velan thought for a while and requested asked the class what a river was. Saraswathi did not know. The
them to stop chopping the trees until he had gone away from the place. Inspector turned to Gowramma, and she repeated, word for word. None
The fall of the axe on his beloved tree, margosa, hurts him terribly and of her classmates felt jealous when Gowri got high marks. Gowri was an
he decides to leave the place before the tree is cut. Later Velan packed excellent student. He asked Gowri another question. Gowri did not know
all his things and thanked the tree cutters. Velan took one last look at the answer. Saraswati wins the “Shabash!” appreciation from the
his beloved tree and wiped his eyes. Inspector for answers about the origin of the river. It created a rift
between Gowri and Saraswathi. Gowri would taunt her, “Oho, your
4. Short Story: OUR TEACHER -Masti shabashgiri! Such pride even without studying!” Saraswathi had only
The spat between Lakshmi and her friend on her way to school: one reply. “What can I do, tell me? I don’t have your squint.” The teacher
would advise Saraswathi to work hard like Gowri and she would take
The narrator/friend of Lakshmi was in a hurry as it was getting late for
that opportunity to humiliate Gowri. Now and then someone in the class
school. Lakshmi was behind her, almost running on her little feet. As
would remember what Saraswathi had said and start giggling. Or they
they walked along, they saw their teacher ahead of them. They slowed
would whisper among themselves. They were busy doing everything,
down as the Teacher himself was late. Since the Teacher was standing
but the work was given. No one else had much interest in studying
and talking, there was no point in going on to school. So, Lakshmi and
except Gowri, who was sitting quietly, her brows knit together. Gowri
her friend sat down to play Guchamma Nakshatra. They were so
had not forgotten her humiliation.
engrossed in their game that they did not notice their teacher had gone.
But Lakshmi sat there, crying because she had lost all her balapas to her School inspector’s visit to class:
friend. She lost them because she did not know how to play. The The story explains the two incidents of the inspector’s visit to the school.
narrator begged her to get up, but she kept weeping. She only knew that The previous Inspector’s visit caused a fallout between Gowri and
the chalk pieces were hers. Fed up with her crying, her friend gave back Saraswathi. The inspector asked a question on what is a river and its
all the pieces she had won and tried to coax her into going with her. But origin to which Gowri answers the first question but fumbles while
she continued to stand there, asking for the chalk pieces. She would not answering the second. Saraswathi gives a vague answer but is
listen when her friend told her she had given all her pieces back. She appreciated owing to her good looks. It created a rift between Gowri and
said that the narrator had some more in her pocket. But the narrator Saraswathi. The second incident was when the new inspector visited at
protested that those were her own. Finally, her friend handed her all the the time the teacher’s wife was there in the class. He is surprised to see
pieces she had. She would not have come to school otherwise. The friend a slightly older pupil and calls her “Matured one”. It causes displeasure
would not have had the excuse that she had gone to fetch Lakshmi when to her and she walks out unanswering his questions. But accepts that it
the Teacher asked her why she was late. The narrator had won the game, was wrong to call the teacher’s wife a “Matured one” albeit ignorant of
but Lakshmi had won the chalk pieces! the fact. Asks for a nice song to be sung so as to lighten the atmosphere.
Characters of Gowri and Saraswathi: Lakshmi stood to sing but the kitten was hidden in her dress. The
inspector tried to pull it out, but the kitten “Garudamari” scratches him.
Gowri and Saraswathi were friends until the inspection day. Squint-eyed
The teacher tells those young girls don't listen and still bring these pets
Gowri is studious and falls out with Saraswathi. Saraswathi, though
to school. The Inspector comprehends the situation from the right
average in studies, was good looking. Recalling the previous Inspector’s
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BA /BSW/ BVA- I SEM Illuminations – I English Course Book Notes
perspective. He recommends a monthly salary hike to twelve rupees that of a timid husband and teacher and the other as a brave man who
from ten rupees. killed cobra to protect the group of children.
Touches of humour situations in the story: The Teacher’s Wife:
One of the humorous situations we find in the story is when the teacher From the narrator’s description, we know that the teacher’s wife is quite
asked Saraswati to study hard like Gowri, Saraswati wittily comments, argumentative. But according to the teacher, she loved him greatly. She
“let her study well if she wants to, I don’t have a squint.” The whole class spoke roughly, but her heart was utterly guileless. Even though she was
burst into laughter. The narrator Sita also joined. The teacher stifled his proud, she was not vain. As the teacher is so poor as to not being able to
laughter and chided Saraswati not to say such things. Another situation afford necessities of life such as even salt which angers his wife. The
was when the inspector noticed the teacher’s wife in the class. He asked wife’s untimely visit to the classroom during the Inspector’s visit adds
the teacher if she was also a student. The teacher’s wife answered that to the embarrassment of the Teacher. He tolerates a remark “Matured
she was also a student. The inspector told the teacher that he had caught pupil” made against his wife unknowingly by the Inspector. Hearing this
a mature one for a student. Hearing this the teacher’s wife stormed out the teacher’s wife stormed out of the classroom muttering angrily, “A
of the classroom muttering angrily, “A Mature one, is it? Who is he then, Mature one, is it? Who is he then, a tender lemon?” On the day when she
a tender lemon?” passed away, she held the teacher’s feet and told him that it was time for
her to go. She had begged him to pardon her for her anger against him.
The character of the Village school teacher:
She had confessed that she had put him in trouble many times. Finally,
The story is about the life of a humble school teacher. The school teacher Sitamma passed away leaving a girl child behind and the teacher
knew the Shastras and the Vedas. He could recite the Raghuvamsha and desolate.
expound on philosophical matters. He is afraid of two people in his life:
Sitamma, the narrator of the story:
his wife and the school Inspector. He helped everyone and was finally
left with no money. He is so poor to not being able to afford necessities Sitamma is the narrator of the story. She was also the student of the
of life such as even salt which angers his wife. He motivates students to teacher. She was very friendly with Lakshmi, her classmate and her
be early to school and tells them they would be rewarded with a pearl neighbour. She had the maturity to understand Lakshmi’s tantrums. She
necklace if they answered well to the questions asked by the Inspector. was generous enough to give all her balapas to Lakshmi after she lost a
A teacher is a practical person who killed a cobra when it was game of Gunchamma Nakshatra to pacify Lakshmi. She will wait for
approaching children. He ignored what the scriptures said about the sin Lakshmi to get up and get ready for school. Sitamma was sympathetic
of killing a snake and made a practical decision. and had the patience to hear the teacher pour out his heart about his
The School Inspector’s visit keeps the teacher on his toes and he is afraid wife. She helped her teacher by asking her husband to help him to get
of losing a job if the inspection goes bad. The wife’s untimely visit to the the promotion.
classroom during the Inspector’s visit adds to the embarrassment of the Children characters studying in the village school / The students of
Teacher. Many years later he gets a promotion with the help of the school:
Sita’s(student) husband. The Teacher is a classic example of simplicity
and kindness unfound in modern society. But neglected his home by not The story has several children characters studying in the village school.
providing necessities like salt also. His personality has two sides: one The students of the school mentioned in the story are Lakshmi,

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BA /BSW/ BVA- I SEM Illuminations – I English Course Book Notes
Saraswati, Gowri. questions smartly. Among all the students in the class, Gowri got the
highest marks in tests and exams. She knew every detail in geography.
• Lakshmi:
The previous Inspector’s visit to the school caused a fallout between
Lakshmi was playful. She appears to be a small child because she Gowri and Saraswathi.
overslept and was late for school. She even appears to be a still innocent
Tragic elements in the story:
child. Since the Teacher was standing and talking, there was no point in
going on to school. So, Lakshmi and her friend sat down to play The Teacher is a classic example of simplicity and kindness unfound in
Guchamma Nakshatra. But Lakshmi just sat there, crying, because she modern society. But neglected his home by not providing necessities
had lost all her balapa sticks to her friend. Her friend had not cheated. like salt as well. He helped everyone and was finally left with no money.
But she lost them because she did not know how to play. She kept Recalls with Sitamma that he told the Inspector the truth of his wife’s
wailing, “My sticks, my balapa sticks.” She only knew that the chalk presence. Many years later, he gets a promotion with the help of Sita’s
pieces were hers. Fed up with her crying, her friend gave back all the (student) husband. The inspector recommends a monthly salary hike to
pieces she had won and tried to coax her into going with her. But she twelve rupees from ten rupees. But the teacher sadly tells Sitamma that
continued to stand there, asking for the chalk pieces. Finally, her friend his wife had passed away, leaving a girl child behind and the teacher
handed her all the pieces she had. Otherwise, she would not have come desolate. With tears in his eyes, the teacher poured his heart to her. Now
to school. The narrator had won the game but Lakshmi had won the he had the money to buy new sarees, but his wife is no more. On the day
chalk pieces! Lakshmi has befriended a little kitten called Garudamari when she passed away, she held his feet and told him that it was time
by offering Thambittu. She is good at singing but unable to sing in front for her to go. She had begged him to pardon her for her anger against
of the Inspector as the kitten hidden between the folds of her clothes him. She had confessed that she had put him in trouble many times.
scratches the Inspector.
• Saraswati:
The scene at the beginning of the story:
Sarawati is one of the students of the teacher. She is an opponent to
A policeman can be seen on duty in the area. He is on foot patrol. It is 10
Gowri in the story. She measures everything in terms of beauty. She got
p.m. The cold wind is blowing. The area, where the policeman is
“shabashgiri” in the previous year by the school inspector for telling the
performing his duty, seems deserted. Almost all the shops are closed.
answer without studying. She was proud that there was nothing wrong
The place was a business centre, of course. But it does not seem the
with her nose and eyes. She gave no importance to education. The
business centre only. Most shops were business places, as the author
narrator thinks that girls like Saraswati desire to please men with their
says that most of the doors belonged to business places. The author has
beauty. She humiliated Gowri about her squint., whenever the teacher
mentioned a cigar store and an all-right lunch counter. It shows that
asked her to study hard like Gowri.
besides a business place, it also provided common items of eats and
• Gowri: drinks as well.
Gowri is one of the students of the teacher. She worked hard at her
studies. She had a squint in her eye. But she was not self-conscious about Characters in the story "After Twenty Years":
her squint. She was an intelligent girl and she answered the inspector’s There are three characters in the story "After Twenty Years". One is Bob,
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who is a true and sincere friend. He wants to fulfill his promise at any policeman sent to arrest Bob.
cost. His friend Jimmy Wells has joined the police department. The two
friends met each other after twenty years. Bob does not know that the The character of Jimmy Wells:
man in the police uniform is his old friend Jimmy Wells. Jimmy is a Jimmy was raised in New York. Jimmy was twenty. He thought New York
dutiful and honest person. He gives preference to duty over friendship.
was the only place on earth. He had remained in the city and had been
The third character who comes to arrest Bob is also a police officer. He "a kind of plodder. Bob describes Jimmy as the finest chap in the world.
is dressed in plain clothes. He was sent by Jimmy Wells to arrest Bob. He has very much regard for Jimmy. Bob had great faith in Jimmy and
Jimmy and Bob's personalities in the story: knew that Jimmy would surely honour his promise to meet him at Big
Joe Brandy’s restaurant that night. Eventually, Jimmy is now a cop
Jimmy and Bob are close friends. Jimmy is a police officer whom we see
appointed to arrest criminal SILKY BOB in Chicago. He meets his friend
on his routine patrol duty. He is a dutiful as well as an honest officer.
Bob after 20 years. Bob is sure that Jim will meet him without fail if he
When he comes to know that his friend is wanted in Chicago, he does
is alive. At the appointed meeting time and location, Jimmy a policeman
not dare to arrest him himself. He sends another policeman who arrests
walks up and asks Bob, the waiting man what he was doing. Jimmy is
Bob. As far as Bob is concerned, he is a man with a pale face. He is fond
saddened by seeing Bob’s face when he struck a match to light a cigar.
of smoking cigars. He wants to collect money. For this, he is ready to
Because there is a drastic change. Bob was the wanted criminal. Jimmy,
commit crimes. He is a true friend. He wants to fulfill his promise at any
the original policeman, didn't have the heart to arrest his old friend. So,
he sends another police officer to arrest him.
The character of Bob:
The agreement between Bob and Jimmy Wells:
Bob, who had been raised in New York, was eighteen. He had headed
O Henry's "After Twenty Years," tells the story of Jimmy and Bob, two
West to make his fortune. Upon taking leave from his friend Jimmy, he
childhood friends. Bob and Jimmy Wells had been raised in New York,
made an appointment with his friend Jimmy to meet again after twenty
just like two brothers together. Bob was eighteen and Jimmy was
years. He believes that Jimmy was always "the truest, staunchest old
twenty. Twenty years ago, that night, they dined at 'Big Joe' Brady's
chap in the world." He wants to fulfill his promise at any cost. So, he
restaurant. The next morning Bob was to start for the West to make his
came to meet his close friends Jimmy met after twenty years. The
fortune. Upon taking leave of each other, they agreed that night that they
waiting man, Bob, strikes a match to light the cigar he is holding, and in
would meet there again exactly twenty years from that date and time,
a brief flash of illumination, the officer notes that the person before him
no matter what their conditions might be or from what distance they
has "a pale, square-jawed face with keen eyes, and a little white scar
might have to come. They figured that in twenty years each of them
near his right eyebrow." On his scarf is a large diamond, indicating great
ought to have their destiny worked out and their fortunes made,
wealth. The waiting man, Bob, pulls out a fancy watch, embellished with
whatever they were going to be.
diamonds. During the walk around a drug store at the electric light, Bob
was shocked to see it was not Jimmy. But he was under arrest. Bob The climax of the story "After Twenty Years":
recognises the nose difference of his friend. He is known criminal SILKY The most significant happening in the story is when Jimmy Wells sends
BOB in Chicago waiting to be nabbed by his old buddy Jimmy, who, now a police officer in plain clothes to arrest Bob. He comes near Bob and
is a cop appointed to arrest Bob. However, the man is a different pretends to be his old friend Jimmy Wells. The two started up the street
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arm in arm. Near a drug store, Bob sees the face of the other man. He came from thousands of miles from meeting with an old friend, and the
stops suddenly and releases his hand because the other man is not his officer departed. Later, a man claiming to be Jimmy arrives. He was
old friend Jimmy. The climax of the story "After Twenty Years" is when never suspected in the criminal nature of the police well in advance. He
Bob sees that the man he is talking to is not his friend. The man is a police never thought of escaping from the hands of the police. The choice
officer in plain clothes. He gave Bob a letter from Jimmy. Bob learns from between friendship versus professional ethics is evident in the story. So,
the letter that the police officer whom he met earlier was Jimmy, his old Bob had to choose between the friendship of Jimmy and the professional
friend. ethics in which he served. Further, Bob chooses his friendship above his
professional ethics. Bob’s hands trembled when he had finished reading
The ending of the story "After Twenty Years":
Jimmy’s letter. Though he feels betrayed by his friend, Bob realises that
The writer prepares for the end of the story contrary to the expectations his friend is a duty minded police officer. Bob gives precedence to his
of the readers. The story begins very interestingly. Two close friends friendship by surrendering to the policeman. Bob being a criminal, did
Bob and Jimmy meet each other after twenty years. The reader expects not show his professional ethics in his surrender to the policeman.
that Bob and Jimmy Wells, the two close friends, would meet each other There is a humble pure quality friendship with Bob throughout the
after a long separation. They would share their experiences of the past story.
twenty years. Bob does not recognize Jimmy in a police uniform. Bob
was not arrested by Jimmy Wells. He sends another police officer to 6. AUTOBIOGRAPHY: PROLOGUE-THE DAY MY WOLD
arrest him. After Jimmy's departure, another police officer in
plainclothes comes whom Bob considers to be his Jimmy. The police
- - Malala Yusul
officer arrests Bob because he is wanted in Chicago. Later, he gave him
a note from Patrolman Wells and was asked to hand it over to Bob. Bob, Malala likes bus journeys:
the man from the West unfolded the little piece of paper handed to him. Malala’s school was not far from my home and she used to walk. But
His hand was steady when he began to read, but it trembled a little by since the start of last year, she had been going with other girls in a
the time he had finished. The note was rather short. It contained that rickshaw and coming home by bus. It was a journey of just five minutes
Jimmy came to meet him at the appointed place on time. When Bob along the stinky stream, past the giant billboard for Dr Humayun’s Hair
struck the match to light his cigar Jimmy saw it was the face of the man Transplant Institute. She liked the bus because she didn’t get as sweaty
wanted in Chicago. Somehow Jimmy couldn't do it himself, so he went as when she walked. Further, she could chat with her friends and gossip
around and got a plain clothes man to do the job. Despite the tragic end, with Usman Ali, the driver, whom they called Bhai Jan, or ‘Brother’. He
the author makes the story very effective. The ending of "After Twenty made them all laugh with his crazy stories. She had started taking the
Years" fills the reader with poignancy, making the story effective. bus because her mother was scared of her walking on her own.
Bob chooses between professional ethics and friendship: Moreover, they had been getting threats all year and her mother was
worried about Malala.
The story deals with the themes relating to conflicting ideas and
opposing choices. He is keen to know about the welfare of Jim. Upon Malala’s father:
taking leave from Bob and Jimmy, the two friends had agreed to meet Malala’s father founded Kushal school before she was born. First, he
again exactly twenty years to the hour. His absolute faith in friendship would try to rouse Malala. He would say, "Time to get up, Jani mun." he
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always called her that at the start of the day. He was a social activist. He over the students. He demanded who was Malala. No one said anything,
was always speaking out against Taliban terrorism. Hence, Malal was but several of the girls looked at Malala. He lifted a black pistol. Some
more concerned they would target her father. She knew everyone was girls screamed. Malala squeezed Moniba’s hand. He fired three shots,
telling her father, Take care, you’ll be next. Her father had always been one after another. The first went through Malala’s left eye socket and
a daydreamer. In Malala’s dreams about the shooting, her father is also out under her left shoulder. He slumped forward onto Moniba, blood
in the bus and he is shot with her, and then there are men everywhere coming from Malala’s left ear. The other two bullets hit the girls next to
and she was searching for her father. Malala. One bullet went into Shazia’s left hand. The third went through
her left shoulder and into the upper right arm of Kainat Riaz.
Malala’s imagined reaction to a terrorist attack:
Consequences of the terrorist attack on Malala:
Coming home, she would get off the bus on the road. She would go
through a barred iron gate and up a flight of steps. Malala thought if Taliban terrorist was wearing a peaked cap and had a handkerchief over
anyone attacked her it would be on those steps. Like her father, she has his nose and mouth. He swung himself onto the tailboard at the back and
always been a daydreamer. She imagined that on the way home, a leaned right over Malala and her friends in the School bus. He demanded
terrorist might jump out and shoot her on those steps. She wondered who Malala was. No one said anything, but several of the girls looked at
what she would do. Maybe she would take off her shoes and hit him. But Malala. She was the only girl with her face not covered. Then, he lifted a
then she would think if she did that there would be no difference black pistol. Some of the girls screamed. Malala squeezed Moniba’s
between her and a terrorist. It would be better to plead, "OK, shoot me, hand. He fired three shots, one after another. The first went through
but first listen to me. What you are doing is wrong. I’m not against you, I Malala’s left eye socket and out under her left shoulder. she slumped
just want every girl to go to school.’ She wasn’t scared, but she had made forward onto Moniba, blood coming from her left ear, so the other two
sure the gate was locked at night. bullets hit the girls next to her. One bullet went into Shazia’s left hand.
The third went through her left shoulder and into the upper right arm
Taliban Terrorist Attack on Malala :
of Kainat Riaz. The gunman’s hand was shaking as he fired. By the time
The day when everything changed in the life of Malala was Tuesday, 9 they got to the hospital Malala’s long hair and Moniba’s lap were full of
October 2012. It was the middle of school exams. Malala had gone to a blood.
school like she did every day. It was her time to return home. All the girls
Malala’s longings for her home:
got into the bus. They overcrowded it with twenty girls and three
Malala was shot by a Taliban bullet and was flown out of Pakistan
teachers. Malala was sitting on the left between Moniba and a girl from
unconscious. She was recovering at a hospital in Birmingham, London.
the year below called Shazia Ramzan. The bus turned right off the main
Now, every morning when she opens her eyes, she longs to see her old
road at the army checkpoint and rounded the corner past the deserted
room full of her things, her clothes all over the floor and her school
cricket ground. They suddenly stopped. On their left was the tomb of
prizes on the shelves. She was in a country that is five hours behind her
Sher Mohammad Khan and on their right was the snack factory. They
beloved homeland Pakistan and her home in the Swat Valley. But her
must have been less than 200 metres from the checkpoint. A young
country is centuries behind England. She closes her eyes and for a
bearded man had stepped into the road and waved the van down. As he
moment she is back in her valley – the high snow-topped mountains,
was speaking, another young man in white approached the back of the
green waving fields and fresh blue rivers – and her heart smiles when it
van. He swung himself onto the tailboard at the back and leaned right
looks at the people of Swat. Her mind transports me back to her school
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and there she is reunited with her friends and teachers. She meets her papers brought news of disturbances and communal fault lines being
best friend Moniba and they sit together, talking and joking as if she had drawn elsewhere, but here, life continued at its age-old leisurely pace.
never left. Then she remembered she was in Birmingham, England. This quiet harmony has been in place for generations.

Malala compares the Swat valley with Birmingham: The temple started offering ‘Mudulmarayadai’ to Kalam’s great-
great-grandfather: / The Hindu’s acceptance of a Kalam’s great-
She was in a country that is five hours behind her beloved homeland great grandfather’s help of retrieving the idol from the tank:
Pakistan and her home in the Swat Valley. But her country is centuries
behind England. Here is any convenience you can imagine. Water Kalam’s father loved to tell the story of our great-great-grandfather,
running from every tap, hot or cold as you wish; lights at the flick of a who once saved the idol of the Ramanathaswamy Temple. The story
switch, day and night, no need for oil lamps; ovens to cook on that don’t went that on a certain festival day, the vigraha, or idol, would be taken
need anyone to go and fetch gas cylinders from the bazaar. Here out of the sanctum sanctorum and carried in a procession around the
everything is so modern one can even find food ready cooked in packets. temple precincts. The temple has several tanks dotting it, and the idol
When she stands in front of her window and looks out, she sees tall was taken around the periphery of these tanks too. During one such
buildings, long roads full of vehicles moving in orderly lines, neat green procession, the vigraha fell into the tank. People stood rooted in horror,
hedges and lawns, and tidy pavements to walk on. imagining the wrath of the gods falling upon them very soon. Kalm’s
great-greatgrandfather leapt into the tank and retrieved the idol in no
7. ESSAY: THREE GREAT HEARTS RESOLVE THE time. The gratitude of the priests and other temple officials was
PROBLEM overwhelming. But the feelings of caste and religious purists were never
- Kalam articulated at this sacred element of the temple. Kalam’s great-
Rameswaram in Kalalm’s view: greatgrandfather was treated like a hero. The temple also proclaimed
that from then on, at the festival, the temple would give MudalMarayadai
The town of Rameswaram is a small island. Its highest spot is the top of to him. This was a rare honour for someone from a different religion. It
a hill called Gandamadana Parvatham. Standing there, one could see the meant that on each such festival day, the temple would first honour, or
whole of Rameswaram stretched out: Lush green coconut palms give marayadai to Kalam’s great-great-grandfather. This tradition went
swaying everywhere, the sea in the distance and the looming gopuram on for years and years and the marayadai would be given to Kalam’s
of the Ramanathaswamy Temple presiding over the skyline. It was a father too. This sense of harmony continued into later years.
quiet town then. The people made their living from either fishing or
coconut farming, and from the tourism that occurred due to the The three great hearts of Rameswaram:
presence of the temple. Rameswaram is one of the holiest pilgrimage The three great hearts of Rameswaram were Dr.Kalam’s father, the
spots for many Indians, and the town was almost always full of pilgrims imam of the Rameswaram mosque, Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry the priest
and tourists. The small local population consisted of mostly Hindu of the Ramanathaswamy Temple and Father Bodal, the priest of the lone
households, with a sprinkling of Muslims. and Christians too. Each church in the town.
community lived in healthy contentment next to the other. The divisions
and changes of the outside world rarely made their way here. The daily Dr.Kalam’s father:

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BA /BSW/ BVA- I SEM Illuminations – I English Course Book Notes
Kalam’s father had a ferry business in which pilgrims were taken to the fundamental requirement for peace - effective communication
Dhanushkodi. His ferry service was used by the temple too. He was the among sections of the people alive. Their discussions ranged over
imam of the Rameswaram mosque. He was a deeply devout man with several topics: The Freedom Movement that was taking the country in
complete and utter faith in the Koran. He inculcated all the habits of a an entirely new direction, the attitude of the British government to the
good Muslim in his children and his entire family. For the people of the calls of the nationalists and how all this affected us, concerned them
town, he was a philosopher and guide—someone they could turn to with deeply. They quietly soothed the surrounding society, making it a
their problems, whether spiritual or otherwise. harmonious whole where everyone could speak freely to them.
Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry: A portrait of Kalam’s school:
Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry was the priest of the Ramanathaswamy Kalam sketches a portrait of his school, which holds such beautiful
Temple. He was one of his closest friends of Kalam’s father. Sastrygal memories of days of innocence, mischief and learning. It was called the
was not only a priest but also a very learned man, well versed in Vedic Rameswaram Panchayat Primary School. Kalam attended that school
knowledge. He was always dressed in the traditional attire of a temple from 1936 to 1944. It was situated near the seashore and was not the
priest, in his dhoti and angavastram. On his head, he sported the sturdiest building. Parts of it were built with bricks, but the roof was
mandatory tuft of the Brahmins, the kudumi. He was one of the kindest, thatched. But it was the only school in Rameswaram in those days and
most gentlemen. all the children of the town studied there. There were 400 boys and girls
in total in that school. This school had an unimpressive building and
Father Bodal:
scanty amenities, but it was an interesting place. The students loved the
Father Bodal was important in the spiritual life of Rameswaram’s little teachers, particularly those who taught history, geography and science.
community. He was the priest of the lone church in the town. He was as Because they loved teaching and ensured that each one of them excelled
involved in the welfare of the churchgoers of Rameswaram as Kalam’s in their studies. They did not want them to only earn good marks in our
father and Sastrygal. He was concerned about the need for harmony and exams, they also wanted the students to develop a love for the subjects.
peace in Rameswaram. They saw the light of purity shining in their teachers. His school was a
The three men maintained harmony in Rameswaram: happy place.

The three great hearts of Rameswaram were Dr. Kalam’s father, the The teacher hurts Kalam and his friend in class:
imam of the Rameswaram mosque, Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry, the priest When Kalam was in the third standard, there was great excitement.
of the Ramanathaswamy Temple, and Father Bodal, the priest of the Kalam had a new teacher at school. And the first day he came to the
lone church in the town. They meet every Friday evening, at around classroom, all eagerness of the students spilt forth. The teacher was also
four-thirty. They discussed matters of religion and the happenings of the a Hindu, a Brahmin. As soon as he entered the classroom, he cast a quick
town. Sometimes people come to visit them with specific issues to be appraising eye over all the students. He must have missed noticing the
resolved. The three men kept each other apprised of anything that might bright eyes and eager smiles of the children. But the new teacher was
threaten peace among the people and together. They tried to work out quick to get down to business. He walked to the front of the class and
ways of clearing miscommunication or scotching rumours before they the first people his eyes settled on were Ramanadhan and Kalam. His
assumed dangerous proportions. These three patriarchs always kept eyes lingered on my cap and Ramanadhan's tuft. Without giving any
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reason, he demanded to know Kalam’s name. As Kalam told him, Kalam very religious and also socially responsible.
was commandingly told to gather his things and move to the back row.
Kalam felt sad, even humiliated. He wondered why this had happened. 8. A Letter From A Father
Ramanadhan was in tears. Kalam picked up his books and moved away - Prakash Padukone
from him though Ramanadhan’s large eyes were awash with tears.
A piece of advice given to the children by father through the letter:
The three men summoned the teacher & resolve the situation:
Prakash Padukone advises both daughters about the importance of
The new teacher at the school walked to the front of the class and the making their way up in the world without waiting for their parents to
first people his eyes settled on were Ramanadhan and Kalam. Kalam was pull strings. Children should work hard to make their dreams come true
told to gather his things and move to the back row. Kalam felt sad, even and not have things handed to them on a platter. He advised them to
humiliated That very day Kalam and Ramanadhan told their parents. strive to generate positivity around them even though they were too
The men were shocked and dismayed. This went against everything new and too small a player to effect a big change. They were in an
they worked for! A teacher was supposed to be imparting knowledge industry where there was always going to be big money. He believed
and opening up children’s minds. They immediately spoke to one that it was important to try to be the best in whatever they do regardless
another and confirmed the details of the incident. The next Friday, when of the money. He advised Deepika that she can’t always win in life, that
dusk was falling, they met as usual. Father Bodal was present too. The everything she wants might not come her way. That events don’t always
teacher had been summoned and presented himself. Kalam’s father and turn out as she wants them to. To win some, you have to lose some. You
Sastrygal told him in no uncertain terms that the scourge of religious have to learn to take life’s ups and downs in your stride.
divisions, which was disturbing India's fabric in other parts of the
country, would not be allowed to grow there. They would not allow The things that matter in life are relationships, honesty, and respect for
children to be segregated; they would certainly not tolerate anyone who your parents and elders. Material success is important, not fundamental
made religion a divisive factor instead of being inclusive, and they would to happiness and peace of mind. He speaks about the rejuvenating
never let this infect the minds of the youngest members of the society. power of prayer and a little faith. Hence, he asked them to spare a few
All of this was conveyed to the teacher with dignity and courtesy. minutes of their day to close their eyes and meditate, to think about God.
In the end, when their career is behind them, what remains is family and
The teacher stood silent, thinking. Then, he acknowledged, he had tried friends. He further said to live a life that is healthy and one that will
to separate the two boys. He had not bothered to think through the allow them to live with their conscience.
consequences of his actions when he did so. This was the way he had The badminton journey as said by Prakash Padukone:
always seen society being structured around him, and he was just
blindly following the rules. No one had ever taught him otherwise or Prakash Padukone shares some lessons that life has taught him. Decades
made him see the futility of such divisions. He promised to rectify the ago, as a little boy growing up in Bangalore, he started his tryst with
wrong he had done the very next day. And he did so. This was how badminton. In those days, there were no stadiums and courts where
Kalam had the first-hand experience of the way the three religious sportspeople could train. Their badminton court was the wedding hall
elders settled the matter firmly and openly. They made the problem go of the Canara Union Bank near our house. There he learned everything
away without letting it grow and fester. The three great hearts were about the game. Every day, we would wait to see if there was a function

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in the hall, and if there was none, they would rush there after school to compensation, not even the gratification of seeing your face in
play to their hearts’ content. newspapers or television. His daughters were in an industry where
there had always been going to be big money. He thought that it was
The most important thing about his childhood and adolescent years was
important to try to be the best in whatever they do regardless of the
his refusal to complain about a lot in life. He was thankful for the few
money. The things that matter in life are relationships, honesty, and
hours a week they had the opportunity to hit the shuttle back and forth.
respect for your parents and elders. Material success is important, not
The foundation on which he based his career and his life was the refusal
fundamental to happiness and peace of mind.
to whinge or whine about anything. When he won the All England
Championship, the prize money in badminton became significant ************
£3,000 a huge amount in those days. But that did not distract him from
the sheer joy of having been instrumental in putting India on the global
map of the game.
Prakash Padukone’s apprehensions about Deepika’s modelling Prof.B.R.VENKATA RAMU,
Deepika was at eighteen, she wanted to shift to Mumbai for a career in PH: 7899581146
modelling. Prakash Padukone felt that she was too young and too
inexperienced to be alone in a big city and in industry. They knew FOR MORE DETAILS SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL:
nothing about it. In the end, we decided to let her follow her heart and
thought it would be cruel to not give their child the opportunity to go
after a dream that she lived and breathed for.
Prakash Padukone as an ever-encouraging father:
Prakash Padukone encouraged his daughter. As a father he let them
peruse their dreams. He felt it would be cruel to not give their child the
opportunity to go after a dream that she lived and breathed for. He felt
the If his daughter succeeded, it would make him proud, but even if she
didn’t, they would not have any regrets that she did not try. As a loving
father, he advised his daughter Deepika that she can’t always win in life,
that everything she wanted might not come her way. He let them come
up the hard way. His words are highly encouraging to the daughters.
Padukone’s views on money, popularity and human relationships:
Prakash Padukone tells his children that there is no substitute for
perseverance, hard work, determination and passion for what. If you
love what you do, nothing else matters, neither awards nor
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