9 Problem Solving Techniques Using C December 2019
9 Problem Solving Techniques Using C December 2019
9 Problem Solving Techniques Using C December 2019
of Printed Pages : 2
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103 117
I Semester B.C.A. Examination, December - 2Ol9
(CBCS) (F+R) V2KL4\
BCA 1O3T : Problem Solving Techniques Using C
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
2. Write the C functions used for formatted input and outpril. Give one
example of each.
6. What is the ternary operator ? Give one exalnple showing the use of
this operator.
7. What is recursion ? State one advantage and one limitation of recursive
GN-444 2
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u. Answer any five questions. 5x1O=50
13" (a) What is software ? Write a note on classilication of software. 5
(b) Write an algorithm and flow chart to check whether an input 5
number is odd or even.
18. (a) What is a Structure ? How are structure variables declared and 5
initialized ? Illustrate with an example.
(b) Write a program to store details like emp-no, name and salary for 5
five employees using structures and print them.
What are the different modes for opening a file ? Write any three 5
frle operation functions in C.
Write a progr€un in C that accepts the filename and displays its b
20. (a) What are bit fields ? How can they be defined ? State the 5
advantages of bit fields.
(b) Write a program for multiplyrng two matrices. 5