Mastering Iron Heroes

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PDF Version 1
August 2005
Requires the use of Monte Cook Presents: Iron Heroes, published by Malhavoc Press
Requires use of the Dungeons & Dragons Third Edition Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
This book utilizes updated material from the v. 3.5 revision.
Editing: Ray Vallese Creative Direction: Monte Cook
Cover Art: Jeremy Jarvis Interior Art: Kev Crossley Proofreading: Scott Holden
Cover Design and Interior Page Design: Lisa Chido Production: Sue Weinlein Cook
Playtesters: Mark Barazzuol, Chris Cumming, Matt Cumming, Chris Gahan, Kat Gahan, Kelly Graham, Derek Guder,
Mason Kortz,Kevin Kulp, Melinda Lau, Kevin MacQuarrie, Jim McArthur, Geoffrey Nelson, Del Shand,
Nicolas Shand, Apis Teicher, Dave Turner, Mait Walker, and Adam Windsor.
For supplemental material, visit the Iron Heroes Website:


Introduction: Running Action
Whats in This Book? . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Using This Book: DMs . . . . . . . . . . .5
Using This Book: Players . . . . . . . .6
Chapter One: Abilities
Alternate Ability Score
Generation Methods . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Modified Point-Buy . . . . . . . . . . .7
Random Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Metageneration Methods . . . . . . . .9
Campaign-Based Generation . . . .9
Setting-Based Generation . . . . .10
Story-Based Generation . . . . . . .11
Ability Scores and NPCs . . . . . . . .11
Chapter Two: Characters
and the Campaign World
Traits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Traits by Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Bringing Regions to Life . . . . . .12
Other Considerations . . . . . . . .13
The Classes in the Campaign . . . . . .13
Class Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Dropping Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Player Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Group World Creation . . . . . . . .15
Shared Worlds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Creativity on the Fly . . . . . . . . . .16
Chapter Three: Character Classes
Villain Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Demonic Brute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Class Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Appearance and Details . . . . . . . .20
Dreaded Sorcerer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Class Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Warleader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Class Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Warleader Equipment and
Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
NPC Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
NPC Class Advancement . . . . . . .26
Multiclassing and
NPC Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Aristocrat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Skill Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Class Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Commoner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Skill Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Class Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Expert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Skill Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Class Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Warrior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Skill Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Class Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
NPC Class Challenge Ratings . . . .32
Chapter Four: Combat
Zones: Interactive Environments . .33
Types of Zones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Condition Zones . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Event Zones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Action Zones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Terrain Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Generic Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Aquatic Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
Arctic Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Arcane Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Forest Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
Desert Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Marsh Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
Table of Contents
Malhavoc is a registered trademark owned by Monte J. Cook. Sword & Sorcery and the Sword & Sorcery logo are trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. All other content is 2005
Monte J. Cook. The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. This book is compatible with 3rd Edition and Revised
3rd Edition rules. This edition of Mastering Iron Heroes is produced under version 1.0a and/or draft versions of the Open Game License and the System Reference Document by permission of Wizards of
the Coast. Subsequent versions of this product will incorporate later versions of the license and document.
Designation of Product Identity: The following items are hereby designated as Product Identity in accordance with Section 1(e) of the Open Game License, version 1.0a: Any and all Malhavoc Press
logos and identifying marks and trade dress, such as all Malhavoc Press product and product line names including but not limited to Monte Cook Presents: Iron Heroes, Mastering Iron Heroes, The Iron
Heroes Bestiary, Monte Cooks Arcana Evolved, The Years Best d20, and The Complete Book of Eldritch Might; any specific characters and places; capitalized names and original names of places, arti-
facts, characters, races, countries, geographic locations, gods, historic events, and organizations; any and all stories, storylines, histories, plots, thematic elements, and dialogue; and all artwork, sym-
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Reference Document or as Open Game Content below and are already open by virtue of appearing there. The above Product Identity is not Open Game Content.
Check out Sword & Sorcery online at <>.
Mountain and Hill Terrain . . . . .46
Urban and Interior Terrain . . . .47
Mobile Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Mobile Terrain in Combat . . . . . .49
Weather Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Precipitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Wind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Combat in Darkness . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
Finding and Attacking Targets . .52
Moving in the Dark . . . . . . . . . . .53
Running Encounters . . . . . . . . . .53
Underwater Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Miscellaneous States and
Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Falling Damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Incorporeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
Invisibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
Starvation and Thirst . . . . . . . . .57
Chapter Five: Treasure, Rewards,
and Experience
Wealth, Rewards, and Campaigns . .58
Handing Out Treasure . . . . . . . .59
The Complications of Wealth . .60
Legendary Treasures . . . . . . . . . .61
Wealth Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
Gaining Wealth Feats . . . . . . . . .62
Using Wealth Feats . . . . . . . . . . .62
The Wealth Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
Cohort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
Followers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
Manse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
Money Buys Innocence . . . . . . .65
Political Connections . . . . . . . .65
Social Influence . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Rewards Other Than Money . . . . .66
Fame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Political Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Experience Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
Monsters and Challenge Rating .67
Marks: A Simpler Alternative . . .68
Gaining Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Chapter Six: Magic and Magic Items
Magic Items in the Game . . . . . . . . .69
Magic Item Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
The Use Magic Device Skill . . . . . . .71
Researching Items . . . . . . . . . . . .71
Extended Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
Blind Activation . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
Magic Item Descriptions . . . . . . . . .72
Magic Item Creation . . . . . . . . . .72
Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
Potions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78
Wondrous Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80
Chapter Seven: Campaign Options
Alternate Experience Systems . . . . .84
Flawed Heroes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84
Goal-Driven Experience . . . . . . . .85
Gold, Greed, and Fortune . . . . .86
Metagame Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . .87
Glory Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87
Tactical Entertainment . . . . . . . .90
Combining Metagame Rules and
Alternate Experience Awards . . . . .90
Appendix: Importing Game Material
Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92
Basic Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92
Importing Spellcasters . . . . . . . .92
Traits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93
Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93
Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93
Weapons and Armor . . . . . . . . . . . .93
Open Game License . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94
Designation of Open Game Content: Subject to the Product Identity designation above, the following portions of Mastering Iron Heroes are designated as Open Game Content: the class advancement
tables and Class Abilities sections of Chapter Three; the feats in their entirety in Chapter Five; the magic items in their entirety in Chapter Six; and anything else contained herein which is already
Open Game Content by virtue of appearing in the System Reference Document or some other Open Game Content source.
Some portions of this book which are Open Game Content originate from the System Reference Document and are 19992005 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The remainder of these Open Game
Content portions of this book are hereby added to Open Game Content and if so used, should bear the COPYRIGHT NOTICE Mastering Iron Heroes 2005 Monte J. Cook. This material is
protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction, retransmission, or unauthorized use of the artwork or non-Open Game Content herein is prohibited without
express written permission from Monte Cook, except for purposes of review or use of Open Game Content consistent with the Open Game License. The original purchaser may print or photocopy
copies for his or her own personal use only.
This document is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental.
Running Action
Welcome to Mastering Iron Heroes, a guidebook to running Iron Heroes campaigns. This book
is meant as a companion piece to the Monte Cook Presents: Iron Heroes variant players hand-
book. It looks at game play from the DMs viewpoint, with an eye toward implementing the new
rules and material from Iron Heroes into a campaign.
astering Iron Heroes seeks to enrich campaigns in
three ways. First, whenever possible, this book pro-
vides new options and ideas for existing rules. No
two DMs run their games in an identical manner, and this
book tries to account for that fact by offering new options,
rules variants, and ideas for how to implement the rules in a
campaign. For example, Chapter One provides alternate rules
for generating a characters ability scores depending on the
nature of your campaign.
Second, this book expands on some of the concepts given
in Iron Heroes, particularly magic. Chapter Six even contains
guidelines and rules for using magic items in Iron Heroes.
Finally, Mastering Iron Heroes tries to place as many rules as
possible within the context of your campaign world, regard-
less of the form it takes. Commentary for new rules or variants
discusses how a change alters the nature of the game and
how best to apply it.
If Iron Heroes is a new game engine, think of this book as
your owners manual. It takes a step back from the raw
mechanics and shows you how to tinker with the basic game
experience and modify it to fit your vision of the game.
Mastering Iron Heroes consists of seven chapters and one
appendix. Heres what youll find in each:
Chapter One: Abilities. This chapter discusses ability
scores and presents several variants for creating characters.
These variant rules make it easier to create a campaign with a
specific flavor or tone by allowing players to create characters
that better match the power level or basic theme of the cam-
Chapter Two: Characters and the Campaign World. This
chapter details ideas for juggling the character options from
Iron Heroes to fit your campaign. It gives suggestions for cus-
tomizing the story elements of the character classes, restrict-
ing PC options to characters from specific regions in your
campaign world, and so forth. The basic idea behind this
chapter is that its much easier for players to grasp your cam-
paign world if their characters have a clear, easy-to-under-
stand place within it.
Chapter Three: Character Classes. This chapter presents
character classes for the DMs use. It covers the Iron Heroes
versions of the aristocrat, commoner, expert, and warrior,
along with a new concept: villain classes. A villain class is a
handy tool for creating a powerful NPC to oppose the player
characters. Rather than go through all the steps needed to
create a foe for the group, you can build one using a villain
class. The villain class focuses on the few key abilities that a
bad guy needs to oppose the party. It cuts down on the
details that arent crucial for a villain.
Chapter Four: Combat. This chapter looks at combat in
terms of designing fun, challenging places for the characters
to engage their enemies. It introduces zones, which help you
create interesting battlefields, and provides samples organized
by terrain type. Whether you want to run a fight in the desert
or in the mountains, this chapter gives you the tools needed
to build a fun encounter.
Chapter Five: Treasure, Rewards, and Experience. This
chapter looks at the role of treasure in Iron Heroes. In a
game that removes magic items as a reliable source of
power, money takes on a much different purpose. The char-
acters no longer must save their cash for a powerful new
magic weapon or wand. Instead, they can spend it on lavish
homes, bribes, and other useful features. This chapter also
provides advice on other kinds of rewards and on granting
experience points.
Chapter Six: Magic and Magic Items. This chapter pro-
vides rules and advice for magic items in Iron Heroes. It focus-
es primarily on the mechanics for creating items, since most
magic devices are unique items in Iron Heroes. Magic swords,
armor, and other items tend to extract a terrible cost from
those who wield them. An adventurer might use a magic item
for a short time, but if he grows to depend on it, he might
lose his life or soul along the way.
Chapter Seven: Campaign Options. This chapter is a
toolkit designed to show you how to make small changes to
the rules to create enormous differences in the tone and atti-
tude of your campaign. It focuses on the rules for experience
points (XP). By rewarding different actions with XP, you can
shift the basic focus of the game to almost anything you want.
A traditional monster-hunting game awards XP for defeating
foes, but in a game where intra-party conflict, thievery, and
greed reign supreme, a DM might award XP based on how
much gold a character acquires.
Appendix: Importing Game Material. Finally, the appen-
dix offers suggestions for DMs on how to convert material
from other games for use in Iron Heroes.
Bonus source material and ideas to augment the informa-
tion in Mastering Iron Heroes appear on Monte Cooks website.
To find the links to these free web enhancements, visit the
books product page online at the following address:
This sourcebook is protected content except for items
specifically called out as Open Game Content on page 3. For
full details, please turn to page 94. Open content is not other-
wise marked in the text of this book.
Mastering Iron Heroes primary purpose is to help guide you
through the process of running and managing a campaign.
Iron Heroes uses the same core rules as other d20 System
games youve played, but its changes and additions are signif-
icant enough to alter the games character noticeably. If you
apply the same strategies and ideas to Iron Heroes that you use
in other games, the game might not turn out exactly the way
you want. In most cases, the changes are obvious. In other
cases, it helps to consider the issues that come up.
If you already have an Iron Heroes campaign in progress,
Chapters Three through Six provide a good overview on new
rules and ideas that you can incorporate into your game
immediately. A few highlights include:
Combat Rules: Chapter Four provides plenty of support for
Iron Heroes-style combat. It introduces combat zones, tools you
can use to create interesting environments. Zones are stunts
that the DM adds to encounter areas for PCs and monsters to
use. This chapter also provides rules for various terrain features.
Wealth Feats: These optional rules allow the characters to
build up political and social influence, hire retainers, and pur-
chase property using the wealth they gain through adventures.
The wealth feats are designed to make it easier to keep track
of money and manage it with a minimum of bookkeeping.
Magic Items: One of the themes of Iron Heroes is that
magic is dangerous but sometimes useful. The rules for magic
items show you how to apply that principle to swords, armor,
and other gear.
NPC Classes: The NPC classes, along with the sample vil-
lain classes, are designed to make NPC generation fast and
easy. By simply picking a level, generating ability scores, and
selecting equipment, you can create an opponent for the
characters in minutes.
If you havent yet started an Iron Heroes campaign, then
Chapters One, Two, and Seven provide everything you need to
get your game off the ground. Iron Heroes is designed to be
portable to a variety of different types of settings, from lands
of high adventure to the backstabbing adventures of common
criminals to fish-out-of-water stories of barbaric warriors in a
strange, civilized land.
Chapter One shows you how to tinker with the ability score
generation rules to create characters appropriate the cam-
paign you want to run. Chapter Two provides some basic
ideas for meshing Iron Heroes with your vision of the cam-
paign. It looks at classes and traits and discusses how to
merge them with your setting into a coherent, compelling
Chapter Seven provides tools for shaping the game through
subtle rules changes that create radical differences in game
play. By altering the experience point system to change which
actions earn the characters experience, you can encourage
the players to pursue different strategies in the game. This
sort of change transforms Iron Heroes from a game of heroic
combat to one of duplicitous scams and double dealing, or a
game where the characters pursue a specific goal, such as
overthrowing the monarchy.
For players, Mastering Iron Heroes provides useful tools to
expand your understanding of the game and extend your
characters abilities in new directions. The wealth feats give
gold and jewels a tangible, mechanical benefit for your char-
acter. The rules for combat show you how terrain can play an
important role in a fight, while the guidelines for magic items
show you the sort of treasure you can expect to find in a
dragons hoard.
Mike Mearls has worked as a freelance roleplaying game designer
since 1999. This prolific writer maintains a high volume of work with-
out compromising quality, which has won him a place on many gamers
lists of favorite designers. Buoyed by positive reaction to his first d20
works, he went on to produce material for leading RPG publishers,
including AEG, Atlas Games, Decipher, Fantasy Flight, Fiery Dragon,
Goodman Games, Mongoose Publishing, Necromancer Games, and
others. His previous Malhavoc Press titles include Legacy of the Dragons
and Book of Hallowed Might II: Portents and Visions (both with Monte
Cook), Mystic Secrets: The Lore of Word and Rune, The Book of Iron
Might, Ruins of Intrigue, and Transcendence. His work also appears regu-
larly in Dragon Magazine. He has recently joined Wizards of the
Coast as a roleplaying game developer.
Nashville artist Jeremy Jarvis attended New Yorks Pratt Institute as a
Fine Arts major, intending to work in comics upon graduation. He did
survive Pratt, but the desire to pencil comics had been slapped from
his hand by his dark, demanding mistress: watercolor. Jeremy is known
for his tongue-in-cheek attitude, his eye for detail, and the tragic abili-
ty to render that detail in unforgiving watercolor. He has illustrated
widely in the fantasy and gaming industry, and his work has been
included in The Spectrum Awards and The Society of Illustrators pres-
tigious Annual Exhibition. Visit his website at <>.
Born in 1972 in Leeds, England, our interior artist Kev Crossley
learned early on that a monster lived in the abandoned house down
the streetafter that, he saw monsters everywhere. He drew monsters
all the way through school, then went to art college and university,
where he was told not to. After he got a job in computer games,
people started to pay him to draw monsters. Moral? Art college and
university were a waste of time. Check out more of his work at
Malhavoc Press is game designer Monte Cooks d20 System imprint
devoted to the publication of unusual magic, creative monsters, and
evocative game elements that go beyond traditional fantasy. Malhavoc
Press products exhibit the mastery of the d20 System rules that only
one of its original designers can offer. Coming soon, look for the Iron
Heroes Bestiary, also by Mike Mearls.
Current titles are available to purchase in either print or electronic
(PDF) format at <>.
s a result, the ability score generation method you
allow the players to use has a major effect on your
campaign. Player characters who start with high ability
scores are more capable than average across all levels, while the
reverse is also true. The default method given in Chapter One:
Abilities of Monte Cook Presents: Iron Heroes produces characters
that are more powerful than normal compared to other role-
playing games. That may or may not work for your campaign.
This chapter presents a series of alternate ability score gen-
eration methods. Each one includes commentary and advice
on how and why it works.
The standard system presented in Iron Heroes gives players a
lot of flexibility to sculpt the characters they want. The maxi-
mum allowed score of 18 is well within their grasp. The alter-
nate methods presented here focus not only on creating char-
acters with a higher or lower range of scores, but also on
alternate methods that place greater emphasis on the cam-
paign world or the main storylines in your campaign.
The core system presented in Iron Heroes yields characters
that are at least competent in every area. By varying the num-
ber of points the players have available, the minimum starting
score, and the maximum scores they may purchase, you can
alter the basic spread of ability scores.
Lower Minimums: Lower minimum scores force the players
to trade off weaknesses in some areas with the strengths they
gain in others. Under the standard system, players start with a
10 in each ability. If you drop this starting value to 8, players
must spend points on each ability score to avoid incurring a
penalty on checks, saves, and so forth.
This change means the players might have to accept penal-
ties to areas that arent important to their characters. This
burden provides an added challenge to the game, and it also
emphasizes the range of abilities in the party. The character
with a high Wisdom and many ranks in Spot and Listen
becomes more important if no one else in the party could
afford to invest points in Wisdom.
Changing the base scores from 10 to 8 makes the charac-
ters less heroic and makes specialization a better option. If
players want to gain a bonus in many skills, they have to
spend a significant number of points on bumping multiple
scores from 8 to 10.
Altered Point Total: Changing the total points that the
players can spend on ability scores is another easy way to
alter the game. The standard rules given in Iron Heroes grant
24 points for purchasing ability scores. Increasing this total
results in a more heroic game with tough characters, while
decreasing it makes the game deadlier, more dangerous, and
Ability scores are the backbone of any character. They provide bonuses (and penalties) that apply across
a variety of situations, from skill checks to saving throws to combat. Thus, a characters starting scores
have a tremendous impact on his or her success.
Point Total Description
16 Players must decide between
several good scores or one high score.
20 Most characters have one high
score and two good scores.
24 The default setting.
28 Characters have two high scores and
several good scores.
32 Characters have multiple high scores.
You can combine these changes with a decrease to the
starting scores to give the players more options while forcing
them to weigh the benefits of having a few good scores and a
few bad ones. The standard rules give you a +0 modifier as a
starting point. Knocking that into a penalty while granting
more points creates a clear distinction between a specialist
with one very high score and several penalties and a charac-
ter who has a bonus in every ability.
Ability Priorities: This variant rule is complicated, but it
can prove useful if you want to emphasize diversity among the
characters. It forces every character to specialize in one abili-
ty at the cost of others.
Before assigning points to an ability score, players must
rank each ability in importance from 1 to 6, with 1 being
the most important. They gain a modifier to the total cost of
an ability based on the rank, and they apply this modifier
after deciding the total number of points to spend on an
Rank Cost Modifier
1 Reduce the cost for this ability by 2.
2 Reduce the cost for this ability by 1.
3 No change.
4 No change.
5 Increase the cost for this ability by 1.
6 Increase the cost for this ability by 2.
If you spend no points on an ability, dont apply the modifi-
er. This method rewards high scores in the abilities given a
rank of 1 or 2, while punishing high scores in rank 5 or 6 abil-
ities. This method becomes particularly useful if you combine
it with a reduced starting value for each ability, such as 8.
Some DMs prefer the luck of the die to determine a charac-
ters basic ability scores. Die roll methods trade predictability
and fairness for speed and excitement. The simple matter is
that, sometimes, its fun to play a character with random abili-
ties. It encourages players to try out classes they might other-
wise avoid, and theres a certain thrill to rolling ridiculously
high scores. On the other hand, thriving with a character who
has average scores is a challenge to even the most experi-
enced player.
In addition to the die methods you might be familiar with
already, try these other variations.
Basic Random Method: Roll 4d6, drop the lowest die, and
add the remaining dice. Repeat this process six times, and
assign the resulting scores to your abilities as you wish.
Luck of the Dice: Follow the basic random method, but
assign the scores generated to the abilities in order. For
example, the first total that you roll goes to Strength, the sec-
ond to Dexterity, and so on. This method is a good way to
introduce a random element to class selection, since you have
no control over where you assign scores.
Die Pool: Under this system, you start with a total of 24
dice to spend on ability scores. Assign a number of dice to an
ability score, roll that number of d6s, and total the three
highest results for your ability score. You must assign at least
one die to each ability score.
Die Placement: Roll 24d6 and write down the results.
Assign three results to each ability, summing them to deter-
mine the total score. Drop the six results that are left over.
A metageneration method is a set of rules that you can apply
to any of the ability score creation systems. Each of the fol-
lowing options allows you to introduce new bonuses and
penalties into the mix. These modifiers are based on a variety
of factors, from your worlds background to the style of play
you want to emphasize in a particular campaign.
The Iron Heroes rules are intentionally written to encompass a
basic style of play without dictating the exact details of the
campaign world. You can use Iron Heroes to run a game where
the characters are criminals battling rival gangs and cartels,
mercenary warriors who spend as much time engaged in
political maneuvers as in those of the battlefield, and so on.
The campaign-based generation rules allow you to reward
players for creating characters that are a good fit for the
game you want to run.
Under a point-buy method, players receive a discount to the
total cost of abilities that are important to the campaign. When
determining the total cost of an ability, subtract 2 from the total.
If you use a random method, the players must keep track of
the die result for each d6 and the score that results from the
sets of rolls. For example, if a player rolls 4d6 and drops the
lowest, he should note that the 14 he rolled resulted from
4d6 rolls of 2, 3, 5, and 6 (3+5+6=14).
Then, when assigning a result to an ability that you have
determined is key to the campaign, reroll the lowest die result
and calculate the total once again. In the example above, the
player would reroll the 2. If he then rolled a 4, hed drop the
3 (the new lowest number) and replace it with the 4, for a
total of 15 (4+5+6).
Note that the random method is much more likely to turn a
mediocre score into a good one. In general, this rule works
best with a point-buy system.
You should use this method to emphasize the importance of a
single score based on your conception of the campaign.
Strength is a good choice for a game that focuses on
Dexterity improves defense and a variety of stealth
Constitution makes the characters tougher.
Intelligence grants more skills.
Wisdom improves skills such as Survival.
Charisma makes every character at least somewhat
competent in social situations.
The key strength of this variant is that it allows the players
to spend fewer resources on abilities that they need for basic
survival. As a result, they can give more attention to the
unique abilities that distinguish each character. In general,
its a lot more fun to spend resources on talents that give the
players new abilities than on talents they need to avoid being
a hindrance. If everyone needs a good Dexterity score, you
force the characters to spend some of their limited resources
on an ability that gives them basic competence. Thus, they
have fewer points to spend on abilities that they want as
opposed to those they need.
The barbarians of the Ice Teeth Peaks are renowned for
their toughness, while the warrior women of the Dalgati
Plains are the worlds greatest tacticians. Just as a charac-
ters place of origin might determine his clothes, his
weapons, and his religious beliefs, so too can it affect
his basic abilities.
The setting-based generation method rewards players for
modeling characters who fit the typical traits of their home
region. This method is best for games in which the campaign
setting plays a vital role in bringing the action to life. It also
provides an easy way to demonstrate to the players the differ-
ences between your campaign worlds regions.
If you use a point-buy method, give the players a discount on
abilities that their home region is known for. Reduce the total
cost for such an ability by 2.
If a players home region has an ability that runs counter to
its defining characteristics, increase the total cost of that
ability by 2.
If you prefer a random, dice-based method, use the method
for granting a bonus detailed under Campaign-Based
Generation, above.
When you assign a result to your home regions penalized
ability, reroll the highest die result and calculate the total
again. For example, if you roll 4d6 and come up with 2, 3, 5,
and 6, reroll the 6. If the new roll is a 3, the ability score
would be 11 (3+3+5).
Obviously, you need to assign abilities that offer bonuses and
penalties to each region of your campaign setting. If you do
assign a penalty anywhere, its best to assign one to all
regions to keep things balanced. You should also consider
keeping at least a few regions free of modifiers, particularly if
you use penalties, for players who prefer balanced ability val-
ues. More importantly, the world should reflect the modifiers
you impose upon it. Nonplayer characters from regions with
ability score modifiers should illustrate the characteristics
you wish to emphasize.
Some DMs like to encourage the players to adopt vivid,
unique personalities for their characters. However, this story-
based generation method requires tremendous DM adjudica-
tion. Use it only if you talk to the players first and theyre
interested in this method. These rules reward the players for
roleplaying, but not everyone is comfortable adopting an
imaginary persona. On some nights, a player might be too
tired from work or class to have the energy needed to portray
his character. Use this rule only if everyone in the group is
enthusiastic about it. Otherwise, save it for a different game.
During character creation, players gain a bonus to one ability
and a penalty to another by creating defining personality or
physical descriptions for the character that explain the modi-
fiers. These descriptions must be obvious enough that players
can portray them during the course of the game.
For example, a player might take a penalty to Strength
because her arcanist is sickly and weak. During the game, she
might complain (in character) about various ailments, gripe
about swimming through cold water to sneak into the barons
keep, and so on. In contrast, she gains a bonus to Intelligence
because of her many years of study as a sage. When she talks
over the plans for infiltrating the castle, she mentions histori-
cal events, obscure myths and legends, and other trivia that
reflects her knowledge.
As an option, you can carry this idea further by having the
players judge each others performance. If you choose, at the
end of each game session, the group can vote on whether
each player accurately portrayed her character. These votes
should occur in secret, and neither the DM nor the player
being judged get to cast a ballotonly the other players vote.
If a majority of votes go against a player, she suffers a 10
percent penalty to experience points earned for the session.
Be careful calling for a vote. If your group shies away from
roleplaying and you think theyd end up having to vote fre-
quently, youre probably better off dropping the whole idea.
Furthermore, it can cause friction if a player feels that she
roleplayed well but receives the XP penalty anyway. Just as
some players enjoy combat while others prefer solving puzzles,
acting and roleplaying arent for everyone. Dont use the vote
option to ram your preferred style of play down the throats
of players who dont like it.
Generating scores for nonplayer characters is a little trickier
than it seems. Sometimes, you can get away with simply
assigning appropriate scores as you see fit. However, you
should use the same generation method that the players use
when you create NPCs that they will face in battle. Otherwise,
the NPCs may have an unfair advantage in higher-than-normal
ability scores.
Of course, this can prove troublesome if you use a random
method for ability score generation. In this case, its probably
best to take into account the characters scores when creating
a villain. Since Iron Heroes uses many opposed ability checks,
base attack checks, and skill checks, its important to keep a
villains ability scores in the same range as the characters
his chapter talks about adapting Monte Cook Presents:
Iron Heroes to your campaign setting. It steers away
from rules, instead focusing on the process of adding
unique spins to the rules to give them a flavor that is distinct
to your game.
In terms of game design, traits serve as a replacement for
character races in other roleplaying games. Since Iron Heroes
assumes that the characters are humans, the traits take the
place the normal abilities and advantages granted by a player
character race.
When it comes to your campaign world, traits are a power-
ful tool for bringing flavor to the settingthey represent a
close connection between a characters abilities, his region
of origin, and his talents. The best setting elements have a
clear, compelling effect on the typical game session. They
serve to make it clear that the game takes place in your set-
ting, not someone elses.
Most of the background traits in Chapter Two of Iron Heroes
grant a character a benefit due to his upbringing or native
region. A character with the Jungle Born trait obviously
comes from a different area than one with City Rat. The
question becomes, where are those regions in your game
world? By linking traits to areas in your setting, you give the
characters a sense of where they belong.
Some of the traits are easy to map to the setting. A charac-
ter with City Rat hails from an urban area, though such a
broad categorization does little to give a PC a precise link to
the world. You might notice that the traits linked to a type of
environment offer multiple abilities. When a character gains
the trait, he picks one of those talents. You can map these
abilities to specific regions of the game world to create a
tighter link between an option and the area that a character
hails from.
For example, the Arctic Born trait has three different
options: bears toughness, ice water veins, and wanderer at
the edge of creation. If you assign one trait to each of three
different arctic regions, you create a divide between areas
that otherwise might be lumped together. The key considera-
tion in this case lies in creating a good reason for this divide.
Not only should the players find a place for their characters
in the world, but they also should understand what that
place of origin means for their PCs. The next section goes
into this concept in more detail.
While mechanics can give a character a place in your world,
what effect does that have on the game? Its one thing to
have a note on a character sheet that says a PC comes from
the kingdom of Vesta. Its another if that relationship has a
real effect on the game. Whenever you work on your cam-
paign world, think about the effects it will have on a game
session. If a tenet of the setting never comes up in play, fails
to affect the players attitudes toward their characters, or has
no impact on how they roleplay, the world doesnt have a
measurable impact on the game.
Character traits, restrictions, and background color are handy ways to introduce marked differences
between adventurers who hail from different regions of the campaign world.
Characters and the
Campaign World
The same applies to a characters area of origin. If it has no
effect on play, whats the point of doing the work to bring it
into the game?
One of Iron Heroes important features is its reliance on
clearly defined character traits that are simple and obvious.
Roleplaying an Iron Heroes character is all about taking a few
traits and playing them to the hilt. Bring the same attitude to
bear on the campaign world.
To extend this parallel to the setting, create a few simple
traits that embody each region. If you can list them as one-
or two-sentence bullet points, the players should be able to
grasp them easily. When you start the game, dont worry
about making each player see and understand the defining
qualities for every region. Instead, they should have a clear
grip on the typical characteristics of their homeland and the
region where the campaign begins.
For example, the barbarians of the Worlds Edge Peaks are
renowned for their ferocity in battle and their skeptical atti-
tude toward civilized lands. They are also a pious people who
built their culture around worship of Tarus, lord of the
mountains. Many of the adventurers among them serve as
mercenaries for a few years, building up a small fortune
before returning home to establish themselves as chieftains
of their people.
Here are three defining traits for the barbarians region:
Tarus gave us all the lore we need. Civilization has
nothing that we require, but well take the gold,
jewels, and wealth the lowlanders offer us.
A man can trust his sword and his clan. Beyond that,
keep one eye open and one hand on your blade.
If the warriors of the lowlands had any skill, their
lords wouldnt hire us out every spring.
These three traits are likely to come up in every adven-
ture, particularly in the interactions between the charac-
ters. A hunter from the Worlds Edge Peaks might poke fun
at the armigers reliance on his armor, swear oaths on
Tarus name, and naturally distrust those he meets on his
This method creates stereotypes that are easy to play to,
but remember that theyre just guides for bringing character
and flavor to the game. Dont use them to limit the players
In addition to creating basic stereotypes for a region, it also
helps to break down the key historical and cultural traits
into easy-to-digest bits. Details tend to bog down the game.
You can apply the same process given above for roleplaying
traits to the regions history. Create three simple descrip-
tions that cover the regions past, present, and potential
future. This short list gives the players a clear idea of where
their characters hail from, what happened there recently,
and what problems the region faces.
Finding a place for the character classes in your campaign
requires only as much effort as you want to put into the
process. Some DMs prefer to work with the high-level details
of the world. They care little for how the classes work in the
context of society, only that they exist as adventuring
options. Other DMs like to customize the character classes
or modify their backgrounds to better fit the world.
By applying the advice given above for traits to classes, you
can create an even more dramatic link between a players
character and his place in the world.
Certain classes could be available to characters who come
from a restricted list of regions. For example, all berserkers in
your campaign might be members of the radical wing of a
powerful worldwide religion. These berserkers practice self-
flagellation to atone for their sins, and they seek adventure
in the name of their god. A player who wants to take the
berserker class has a clear picture of his characters place
in the world.
Its possible to take this idea too far, though, especially if
you restrict the classes too much. Some players come to the
game knowing what they want to play, and if their ideas dont
fit your world, they might be disappointed. Thus, restricting
classes usually works best if you provide three or more
options for players to choose from.
On the other hand, some players are more flexible when it
comes to fitting their characters into the game. You can allow
them to pick the feats, skills, and class they want, and then
use those choices to determine their characters back-
Some classes might not fit your vision of the game world. If
you run a game set in a sprawling, crime-ridden metropolis,
the berserker and the armiger might not work well. One of
Adding races such as dwarves, elves, and halflings to Iron Heroes is rela-
tively easy. You can freely add Level Adjustment +0 races, but more
powerful creatures can introduce magical abilities that disrupt the game.
When creating such characters, replace their access to traits with the
benefits of their racial advantages. In other words, nonhumans dont
gain traits. As an optional rule, you can allow half-humans, such as half-
orcs and half-elves, to select one trait.
Under this optional rule, you can also let human characters select a
bonus feat at 1st level, +4 skill ranks at 1st level, and +1 skill rank per
each additional level in place of choosing two traits. These benefits
represent humanitys flexibility when compared to elves, gnomes, and
other folk.
Iron Heroes strengths is that the class system is robust. Since any character
can take any skill, and you dont have to worry about the partys access to
magic, almost any combination of four classes creates a viable party. The
only situation where the class mix of the party proves troublesome is if
everyone plays the same class. In that case, the PCs might step on each
others toes because they all excel in the same areas.
If you decide to drop classes from the game, be sure to indicate this choice to
the players. After all, no one wants to come to the table with a character concept
that the DM has taken out of the game. You should also make this decision with
an eye toward the campaign world. Sometimes, it makes sense to restrict or
remove a class as a player option, but you should do so with good reason.
The following campaign models show how altering the list of available classes
changes the game.
One common motif in fantasy is that of barbaric outsiders venturing into civiliza-
tion for the first time. In this campaign model, the PCs enter wondrous lands far
from their homes in search of gold and glory. The cultures they encounter might
be strange even by the standards of the typical fantasy world. After all, part of the
games fun lies in the interaction between uncouth barbarians and civilized folk.
In this game, a few classes might be off limits. For example, the armigers
reliance on heavy armor conflicts with your vision of the barbarians as techno-
logically stunted. Furthermore, the executioner might not fit with your idea
of the barbarians simple, direct culture of war.
Other classes may or may not fit in, depending on your campaign. For
example, the thief might be too subtle or cowardly for a barbaric game,
but it also covers the concept of a trickster. The arcanist covers the
archetype of a barbarian shaman, particularly if the players treat spell-
casting as appeals to a totem spirit or ancestor god.
As you can see, sometimes modifying the background color of a charac-
ter class is better than simply cutting it from the players options.
In this campaign model, the characters are thieves, criminals, and merce-
naries in a decadent civilization whose best days are long gone. The char-
acters seek to make it rich, usually through crime. However, these PCs are
no mere gang of thugs or toughs. They raid temples to ancient gods, pen-
etrate the kings palace in search of the royal jewels, and pull off similarly
epic heists.
Stealth plays a major role in this game, to the point that any character
who lacks ranks in Move Silently and Hide is at a severe disadvantage in
many adventure ideas. The background for this game also suggests that
the PCs are likely to start off poor, desperate, and eager. The arcanist
might be a bad choice for the game, since a spellcasters quest for spiritual
and mystical insight might clash with the idea of the characters as thieves
and mercenaries. The armiger could be at a disadvantage because of his
reliance on armor. On the other hand, both of these classes make excel-
lent candidates for villains. The characters might have to sneak into a
powerful spellcasters abode, while a heavily armored opponent serves as
a nice contrast to their reliance on speed and stealth.
This model shows that even if you disallow a class for the characters, it
can still play a useful role as a villain or NPC class. Think of classes not only
in terms of the game setting youve created, but in terms of the actions and
the types of adventures that your campaign will emphasize. If a class is a
poor fit for them, dont be afraid to remove it as an option for the players.
This chapter has talked about casting various player options in light of the DMs
campaign world. In most games, this paradigm makes sense, but sometimes allowing
the players to have creative input into the campaign world draws them into the
game and makes a more enjoyable experience for everyone. This concept doesnt
work for every campaign, especially if you set your Iron Heroes game in a world
that youve already fleshed out, but it can help when you have a new setting or
one that hasnt been developed too much.
In the group world option, each player takes responsibility for fleshing
out one portion of the world, including creating a map and a back-
ground. The area each player creates should serve as the homeland for
her PC, allowing her to develop her culture along with her character.
With the creative load shared between the entire group, the DM has to
do far less preparation.
If you create the campaign world in this manner, the players should
keep in mind that the DM has final say over some aspects of the setting.
For example, it isnt fair for one player to decide that all people from her
characters home region can fly or shoot lightning bolts from their eyes.
The DM should assign several basic topics to each player, such as govern-
ment, religion, and the areas recent history. The players should stick to
those topics and work together to create a shared history if their regions
border each other.
Part of the fun of this process lies in creating a true shared world, with
each member of the group not only creating part of the world but also
running adventures there. In this case, each member of the group has
complete control over her region, but the group as a whole decides which
rules from Iron Heroes to change. For example, if you agree that every
character uses the standard amount of gold to purchase starting equip-
ment, nobody should create a region where the typical adventurer
receives more or less unless the group unanimously agrees.
This arrangement allows each persons creativity to run free without
worrying about trampling the DMs planned adventures or story arcs.
When the campaign starts, you can alternate DMs based on the loca-
tion where the adventure takes place. Each member of the group
might run three or four sessions before handing things off to the
next DM. A DMs character acts as an NPC but doesnt normally take
part in an adventure. The action should focus on the current players
and their characters, not on the DMs character.
With this method, everyone gets the chance to run a game and
engage in world creation without committing to an entire campaign.
In three or so sessions, you should be able to run a single, long
adventure. Of course, nothing prevents one DM from running most of
the adventures, with others jumping in whenever he needs a break.
When you run a game in this way, each participant retains complete
creative control over her region of the world. She runs the adventures set
there and develops its history. If an event would have repercussions beyond
the borders of a DMs territory, the group as a whole should unanimously
support the decision. If anyone objects, its best to preserve everyones cre-
ative freedom by nipping world-spanning events and story arcs in the bud.
To make things easier, a shared world campaign can focus on episodic adven-
tures rather than a continuous game. For example, one adventure might have
the characters escorting the high priest of Apollo to a deserted
isle so he can destroy an evil artifact. The characters must battle
sea monsters, demons, a cunning sorceress, and other foes. The
next adventure, run by a different DM, might take place a year
later, when many of the characters from the first adventure
reunite to prevent a recently unleashed demon from leveling a
town high in the northern mountains. The players can fill in the
details of what their characters have been up to, while PCs that
havent seen play in a while can advance in level to catch up with
the rest of the group. The skipped time gives you a good excuse
for why the characters are all at the same level and how they
managed to travel from one region of the world to another.
Sometimes, working out all the details of the game world
before you start stunts your creativity. Rather than commit to
the details of a region before the game starts, allow the players
to flesh out their characters homelands in response to actions
in play. This can lead to unexpected developments, especially if
the players pull details out of thin air without thinking about
how they fit into the world as a whole, but it also makes the
game far more flexible. Sometimes, interacting with others in a
shared creative environment spawns ideas that are more fun
and interesting than when you work in a vacuum.
When players create ideas on the fly, they should ensure that
the new details are germane to the action. For example, the
weapon master Mbenga and his thief companion Darla sneak
into the gardens outside a barons palace. There they spy a
panther stalking through the trees. Mbenga stops in his tracks.
Panthers are sacred to my people, he whispers. I cannot
raise a weapon in anger against one, even if my life is at risk!
This example is a bit extreme, but it illustrates the type
of cultural detail you can add to a game as play progresses.
Mbengas player might note further that his people consider
panthers to be heralds of their god of war. What was a simple
encounter now becomes more challenging, because violence
is no longer an option. This scene makes the important traits
of Mbengas culture more compelling and memorable.
In comparison, if you as the DM created that detail ahead
of time, it would be up to you to work it into an adventure.
With all the other preparation needed for the game, the
detail might have been lost in the mix.
Giving the players more narrative control lets them con-
tribute to the game in new and imaginative ways. Remember,
though, that with such narrative power comes the responsibil-
ity to keep the game enjoyable for everyone. It might be fun
to declare that your character cant take on a particular oppo-
nent, but it also could make the game less fun for the other
players and the DM. When you add an element to the game,
make sure it doesnt bring the action to a screeching halt. In
the example above, Mbengas player might wait to see if he
can get past the panther without violence. The peaceful path
might be riskier or harder than simply attacking the animal,
but the game can continue. However, if the DM had expected
Mbenga to fight the panther and hadnt prepared for other
courses of action, the players choice could derail the game.
This option isnt for every group. Its best suited to players
and DMs who are used to coming up with ideas on the fly.
Everyone should feel comfortable dealing with a sudden
change in the game. This sort of creativity works best if the
players arent self-conscious about breaking the game.
Finally, consistency is still important under this model. As
players flesh out the PCs backgrounds and homelands, they
should take notes. The DM and other players might build on
what one person creates, and it isnt fair to change facts
without telling them. You might reveal that a detail was a lie
or myth, but dont do so after a player added another feature
to the game under the assumption that your detail was true.
his chapter looks at Iron Heroes NPC classes, which
are designed for use by the common folk the charac-
ters meet in their travels. It also introduces villain
classes: progressions of abilities and talents that you can use
to quickly create antagonists for your adventure. The villain
classes allow you to build an opponent who provides a wor-
thy challenge to the player characters in a few minutes.
Rather than go through the entire process of creating a foe
from the ground up, you can use a villain class to pick out a
few core talents and generate statistics.
This chapter presents three sample villain classes: the type I
demon, the dreaded sorcerer, and the warleader. A villain
class is designed with three basic concepts in mind:
1. As a DM, you dont have infinite amounts of time to
create antagonists for your game. A player might be
able to spend an hour or two creating a detailed,
high-level character, but you might need to create
several NPCs in that hour. The villain classes are
designed to make that fast and easy.
2. The core character classes are designed with the
assumption that each player has to keep track of only
one character. Thus, theyre detailed and have many
abilities that require intense management. A DM
may have to juggle several NPCs and monsters dur-
ing an encounter. Villain classes present a few core
abilities that are much easier to track in battle.
3. Villains can break the rules. While the player charac-
ter classes must be balanced against each other, a
villain needs only to be balanced against the party as
a whole. A villain doesnt have a level. Instead, he has
a Challenge Rating, just like a monster. The villain
classes present options for Challenge Ratings from
1 to 20, though most have a narrower range due to
their abilities.
You might need to get used to the idea of villain classes,
since theyre different from the regular classes. People cant
study in schools to join villain classes, and player characters
cant take levels in them. Instead, theyre a pure game conceit
designed to give DMs a flexible toolset for creating nonplayer
characters easily.
Remember that, while player character classes offer many
options, DMs dont need that same level of detail. Too many
details can make it hard to create NPCs and keep track of
their powers and abilities during an encounter. A villain need
only present a viable challenge to the characters based on
their level and the villains Challenge Rating. How he arrived
at that CR doesnt matter to the system as long as he makes a
good opponent.
Villain classes treat several elements in a slightly different
manner than normal character classes do.
Abilities: A villain class comes with a set of ability scores
for each Challenge Rating. You can modify them based on the
villains race if he is nonhuman. If you change the scores, be
sure to note the alterations to the rest of the villains abilities.
Intelligence doesnt change a villains total number of skills
or the ranks spent on each. The villain classes simply assign
skills rather than use an equation to compute total ranks
The character classes form the foundation of Iron Heroes. They dictate the roles available and help
determine how each player approaches the game. Iron Heroes does little to infuse each class with details
specific to a particular world or setting. Instead, such work is left to you as the DM to fill in. Aside from
the basic premises outlined in Monte Cook Presents: Iron Heroes, youre free to create a setting and
its character types without the rules getting in the way.
Character Classes
Feats: Villain classes assign feats to the villain based on his total
Challenge Rating. You can substitute feats as you wish, but the given
package is designed to make the villain easy to use and effective with-
out change. Villains may have the same, fewer, or more feats when com-
pared to a monster with the same Hit Dice. This is an intentional deci-
sion to sculpt the villains abilities.
Skills: Villains have a number of skills with ranks determined by their
total Challenge Rating rather than Hit Dice. You can swap skills freely,
but in most cases, the villains skills are chosen for a specific reason.
Hit Dice and Hit Points: To make this easier on you, the villain has a
given Hit Dice and hit point total at each Challenge Rating. You should
not alter this value unless youre confident that the change fits your
vision for the villain. Keep in mind that a villains Hit Dice total doesnt
determine his maximum skill ranks, total feats, and other abilities.
Base Attack and Base Defense: These two abilities progress accord-
ing to the villains total Challenge Rating.
Class Abilities: Most villain classes have a few talents that scale with
their Challenge Rating. These abilities are designed to replace most of
the intricate abilities that a player character class may possess. For
example, the dreaded sorcerer has an arcane bolt that replaces the
usual spread of attack spells.
The weakest of all demons, yet still mighty by mortal standards, demon-
ic brutes are simple creatures that rely on physical power to overcome
their enemies. They come in a bewildering variety of shapes and forms,
from nearly humanoid creatures to writhing masses of tentacles and
The demonic brute villain class is useful for generating eldritch
threats. It was designed with the following archetypes in mind:
A demon summoned and bound by an arcanist to defeat his enemies.
A demon that prowls a ruin like a wild animal, intent on crushing
and rending all who fall into its grasp but too dim to formulate
any cunning plans.
A brutish demon that acts as a servant or foot soldier for a more
powerful villain.
A mighty foe for low-level parties of adventurers.
The basic concept behind the demonic brute villain class is to let
you pit low-level characters against fiendish foes. Outsiders and
demons are classic opponents in fantasy gaming, and they provide an
easy way to throw a compelling, scary antagonist at the characters.
CR Range: A demonic brutes Challenge Rating ranges from 3 to 10.
Its physically tough, but it lacks the magical abilities, defenses, and
potential of the more powerful demon varieties. In the ranks of
demonkind, demonic brutes occupy some of the lowest rungs.
Creature Type: Outsider.
Abilities: A demonic brutes Challenge Rating determines its ability
scores. These demons are physically powerful but intellectually limited.
Skills: Demonic brutes have well-developed physical talents, but are
otherwise poorly trained. Their limited intellects prevent them from
developing any complex skills. A demonic brute has ranks equal to its
Challenge Rating + 3 in Climb, Jump, and Spot. You can substitute dif-
ferent skills if you wish. Apply the demonic brutes ability score modi-
fiers to the skill ranks as normal.
Feats: A demonic brute gains feats according to its
Challenge Rating (see below). It gains all the feats listed for
its CR and all lower CRs. For example, a CR 8 demon gains
the feats listed for CRs 3 to 8.
Challenge Rating Feats
3 Power Attack (mastery 1, 2)
4 Cleave (mastery 1)
6 Weapon Focus (claws, mastery 1)
8 Power Attack (mastery 3)
10 Weapon Focus (claws, mastery 2)
Hit Dice: A demonic brute gains Hit Dice as determined
by its Challenge Rating. It uses d10s for each Hit Die and
gains 5.5 hit points per Hit Die on average. Add the demons
Constitution modifier to this total as normal. (The hit points
given in the Demonic Brute Progression by Challenge Rating
table already take the Constitution modifier into account.)
Base Attack and Defense Bonuses: Demonic brutes are
fearsome warriors, but they tend to focus on offense rather
than defensive moves. Thus, they have a good base attack
bonus progression but a poor base defense bonus progres-
sion. Add the demons appropriate modifiers to its attack and
defense bonuses as normal.
Saving Throws: Demonic brutes are fast and tough, but
theyre easily overcome by effects that challenge their
willpower. Thus, they have excellent Fortitude and Reflex
saves but a poor Will save progression. Add the demons abili-
ty modifiers as normal to its saving throws.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A demonic brute is profi-
cient with its natural attacks, two claws and a bite. It uses its
full attack bonus to make one claw attack as a standard attack.
If it uses a full attack, it attacks with two claws and one bite.
The bite attack suffers a 2 penalty because it is a secondary
weapon and the demon has the Multiattack feat (see below).
The demon otherwise lacks weapon proficiencies, though
you can assign any you wish to it.
Size: A demonic brutes Challenge Rating determines its size
(see table on next page). The larger, tougher demons are big-
ger than their weaker cousins. A demons size determines the
damage it inflicts with its natural attacks, as detailed below.
You can decrease the demons size without making other
changes to its abilities, but you should not normally increase
the size of a demonic brute with a low Challenge Rating.
Multiattack (Ex): A demonic brute gains Multiattack as a
bonus feat. When using its secondary attack, it suffers a
penalty of 2 to the attack rather than 5.
Natural Attacks (Ex): A demonic brutes size determines
the damage it inflicts with its natural attacks. See the table
Demonic Brute Characteristics by Challenge Rating, next page.
Natural Armor (Ex): A demonic brute gains a natural
bonus to defense based on its Challenge Rating. See the table
Demonic Brute Characteristics by Challenge Rating, next page.
Speed: A demonic brutes size determines its speed. See
the table Demonic Brute Characteristics by Challenge
Rating on the next page.
Special Abilities (Su): Demonic brutes with sufficiently high
Challenge Ratings gain special abilities. The abilities appear
below in alphabetical order, each with its corresponding CR
value. A demonic brute can have one ability equal to or 1 less
than its CR. It can have two other abilities that are 2 or more
less than its CR. (Because the least powerful special ability is
CR 4, demonic brutes of CR 3 gain no special abilities.)
Challenge Rating Hit Dice Hit Points Base Attack Base Defense Fortitude Reflex Will
3 4d10 34 +4 +3 +3 +2 +1
4 6d10 51 +5 +3 +4 +3 +1
5 8d10 68 +6 +4 +5 +4 +1
6 10d10 95 +7 +5 +6 +4 +2
7 12d10 114 +8 +6 +7 +5 +2
8 14d10 133 +9 +6 +8 +6 +2
9 16d10 172 +10 +7 +9 +7 +3
10 18d10 189 +11 +8 +10 +7 +3
CR Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
3 18 12 16 6 12 10
4 18 12 16 6 12 10
5 20 12 16 6 12 10
6 20 14 18 6 12 10
7 22 14 18 8 14 10
8 22 14 18 8 14 10
9 24 16 20 8 14 10
10 24 16 20 8 14 10
Blindsense (CR 7): The demon can pinpoint the location of
any foe within 60 feet. Its keen senses and magical nature
allow it to see into spectra that humans cannot perceive.
Breath Weapon (CR 9): Once per day the demon can use a
breath weapon to inflict your choice of acid, cold, electricity,
or fire damage in a 60-foot cone. It inflicts 9d6 points of
damage, with a Reflex save (DC 10 + half the demons HD +
its Constitution modifier) for half damage. The demon gains
immunity to the energy type its breath weapon uses.
Flight (CR 6): The demon can fly with average maneuver-
ability and an aerial speed equal to twice its normal speed.
Improved Grab (CR 5): If the demon strikes an opponent
with a claw attack, it may initiate a grapple as a free action
that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Invisibility (CR 5): The demon can turn invisible once per
day for up to 10 minutes. If it attacks, it becomes visible.
Regeneration (CR 4): The demon gains regeneration 2. It
suffers normal damage from two of the following energy dam-
age types: acid, cold, or fire.
Rend (CR 6): If the demon strikes a foe with both of its
claw attacks, it immediately inflicts damage equal to double
the dice normally used for its claws + its Strength modifier.
Scent (CR 5): The demon can detect opponents within 30
feet by sense of smell. For upwind foes, the range increases to
60 feet; if they are downwind, it drops to 15 feet. It can detect
strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, at twice the
ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk
or troglodyte stench, can be detected at triple normal range.
When detecting a scent, the demon does not determine its
exact source, only its presence within range. It can take a stan-
dard action to note the scents direction. If the demon moves
within 5 feet of the source, it can pinpoint that source.
A demon can follow tracks by smell, making a Wisdom
check to find or follow a track. Following a fresh trail is DC
10 (no matter the surface), varying based on the strength of
the odor, the number of creatures, and the trails age. For
each hour that the trail has grown colder, the DC increases
by 2. Otherwise, follow the rules for the Track feat, but
ignore the effects of surface conditions and poor visibility.
Swim (CR 5): The demon gains a swim speed equal to its
normal speed. It can breathe underwater.
Most demonic brutes are towering, hulking brutes with feral
traits or a similarity to a twisted version of a mundane ani-
mal. You can use the demonic brute Basic Appearance and
Strange Traits tables below to generate its appearance or as
inspiration for creating your own monsters.
Demons should be strange and memorable. Try to make
them as vivid and unique as possible.
You can use the tables in a number of ways. For example,
you can roll once on each table and then add some demonic
color and details to the creature yourself. Or, you can roll
two or three times and describe the demon as a bizarre amal-
gam of the different creatures you randomly generated.
d10 Basic Appearance
1 Frog: Shiny green skin, bulging eyes, massive legs.
+4 bonus to Jump.
2 Ape: Shaggy, furry, hairy, long arms.
3 Humanoid: May look like a human or have brutish,
ogrelike features.
4 Piscine: Fishlike with scales, gills, bulging eyes,
vestigial fins.
5 Cat: Sleek fur, massive incisors, sharp claws, tail.
6 Hound: Dog ears, snout, slobbering drool, shaggy
7 Lizard: Scales, long tail.
8 Snake: Serpentine body, long forked tongue.
9 Insect: Chitinous body, pincers, spiderlike or flylike
10 Bird: Feathers, long beak, clawed feet, wings.
d10 Strange Traits
1 Horns
2 Tentacles
3 Drooling maw
4 Long, needlelike teeth
5 Three or more eyes
6 Strange coloration
7 Fat
8 Rail thin
9 Horrid odor
10 Spines
In addition to the demons appearance, you can equip it
with weapons and armor. Most demonic brutes lack the intel-
lect to handle anything beyond simple weapons and a few
martial ones. Avoid giving it medium or heavy armor, as the
demons natural bonus already gives it a passable defense.
CR Size Claw Bite Natural Defense Bonus Speed Reach Notes
34 Medium 1d4 1d6 +2 6 squares (30 feet) 1 square
56 Large 1d6 1d8 +3 6 squares (30 feet) 2 squares 1 size penalty to attack, defense
78 Huge 1d8 2d6 +4 8 squares (40 feet) 3 squares 2 size penalty to attack, defense
910 Gargantuan 2d6 2d8 +5 8 squares (40 feet) 4 squares 3 size penalty to attack, defense
These brutes rely on their hit points and powerful attacks,
rather than their defensive abilities, to pose a threat.
The dreaded sorcerer is a villain class designed to produce
antagonists who are mighty in terms of magic, but weak
when it comes to physical conflict. It was designed with the
following archetypes in mind:
The powerful, feared spellcaster who deals with
demons, devils, and worse. His magic is beyond what
most mortals can ever achieve.
An otherworldly being who adopts a human guise
while on this plane. He conjures spells with the same
ease that humans walk or breathe.
A cult leader who, through sacrifices and ancient
spells, has bound the power of a demon lord.
The key conceit of a dreaded sorcerer is that he can create
magical effects that dwarf the arcanists talents. If you want
an enemy who uses magic as his primary weapon, a dreaded
sorcerer is a good option.
CR Range: A dreaded sorcerers Challenge Rating ranges
from 3 to 20. This class is designed to produce powerful
spellcasters, making it a poor fit for CR 1 or 2. Even the least
powerful dreaded sorcerer is a formidable opponent to neo-
phyte characters.
Creature Type: Monstrous humanoid.
Abilities: A dreaded sorcerers Challenge Rating deter-
mines his ability scores.
Skills: A dreaded sorcerer has skill ranks equal to his
Challenge Rating + 3 in Concentration, Intimidate, Listen,
Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device. Apply the ability modifiers
to each skill as normal. These give the dreaded sorcerer a
basic mastery in skills vital to spellcasters, while Intimidate
allows him to keep his followers in line and Listen helps pro-
tect him from sneaky characters. Bundling both Spot and
Listen with this class might make it too strong against char-
acters who rely on stealth.
Feats: A dreaded sorcerer enjoys Improved Initiative.
Otherwise, he does not gain any feats.
Hit Dice: A dreaded sorcerer gains Hit Dice as determined
by his Challenge Rating. He uses d6s for each Hit Die and
gains 3.5 hit points per HD on average. Add the sorcerers
Constitution modifier to this total as normal. (The hit points
given in the Dreaded Sorcerer Progression by Challenge
Rating table on page 23 already take the Constitution modi-
fier into account.)
Base Attack and Defense Bonuses: A dreaded sorcerer
has a poor rating in both of these areas, because he relies on
magic rather than physical combat to overcome his enemies.
Saving Throws: A dreaded sorcerers supernaturally
enhanced mind and body grant him excellent Will and Reflex
saves, but he lacks physical resiliency. Fortitude saves are one
of his weak points. Add his ability score modifiers to his saves
as normal.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A dreaded sorcerer is pro-
ficient with all simple weapons, no armor, and no shields.
Arcane Bolt (Su): By calling upon the magical power that
roars in his blood, a dreaded sorcerer can smite his enemies
with a bolt of pure arcane energy. The sorcerer gains a bonus
to this attack equal to his Intelligence modifier, and his mys-
tic sense allows him to ignore a targets active bonus to
defense. The damage inflicted with this ability depends on
the sorcerers Challenge Rating:
Challenge Rating Arcane Bolt Damage
3 2d6
4 2d6
5 3d6
6 4d6
7 5d6
8 6d6
9 7d6
10 8d6
11 8d6
12 9d6
13 10d6
14 11d6
15 12d6
16 13d6
17 13d6
18 14d6
19 15d6
20 16d6
CR Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
3 8 10 10 16 12 14
4 8 10 10 16 12 14
5 8 10 10 16 12 14
6 8 12 12 16 12 14
7 8 12 12 16 14 16
8 8 12 12 16 14 16
9 8 12 12 18 14 16
10 8 12 12 18 14 16
11 10 14 14 18 16 18
12 10 14 14 18 16 18
13 10 14 14 20 16 18
14 10 14 14 20 16 18
15 10 14 14 20 18 20
16 10 16 16 20 18 20
17 10 16 16 22 18 20
18 10 16 16 22 18 20
19 10 16 16 22 20 22
20 10 16 16 24 20 22
This attack has a maximum range of 300 feet and no range increment.
Using this attack is a standard action. As a ranged attack, it provokes an
attack of opportunity. The arcane bolt doesnt allow a saving throw.
Mesmerizing Glance (Su): A dreaded sorcerer can batter his oppo-
nents with magic or lure them under his power with his overwhelming
personality. Once per round as a standard action, a dreaded sorcerer
can attempt to dominate an opponent that he can see. The target
must make a Will save (DC 10 + dreaded sorcerers CR + his Charisma
modifier) or be compelled to suffer one of the following effects.
Choose an effect for the sorcerer when you create the character.
Terror: The target of the mesmerizing glance becomes frightened
on a failed save and shaken on a successful save. This effect lasts for
2d6 rounds. A dreaded sorcerer cant use this ability on a given tar-
get more than once every 24 hours.
Obedience: A dreaded sorcerer attempts to control his opponents
mind. If the target fails her save, the dreaded sorcerer controls the
target on the targets actions. The sorcerer can take no other actions
on a round in which he controls the target. At the start of the targets
action, she gains another save to throw off the sorcerers control. If
the sorcerer suffers damage while using this ability, he must make a
Concentration check (see the skills description in Chapter Four of
Iron Heroes) to maintain his grip over his victim.
If the target succeeds at her Will save against this ability, she cant
be affected by it for 24 hours. If she fails, the dreaded sorcerer can
use it on her again if the first effect ends. For example, a sorcerer
uses mesmerizing glance to take control of a berserker. The partys
archer hits the sorcerer with a ranged attack, triggering a Concentra-
tion check that the sorcerer fails. He loses his grip over the berserker.
But on his action, the sorcerer could attempt to use mesmerizing
glance on the berserker again.
Mystic Shield (Su): A dreaded sorcerer can summon a field of
arcane energy to protect himself from harm. This field might be a
shimmering suit of astral armor, a guardian demon that knocks away
attacks, or some other supernatural effect. The sorcerer gains a pas-
sive bonus to defense equal to his Challenge Rating divided by 4 and
rounded down, with a minimum of 1.
Spell Specialty (Su): A dreaded sorcerer gains special abilities based
on the school of magic that he focuses on. Pick one of the schools
noted below for the dreaded sorcerer. He gains abilities from it based
on his Challenge Rating. Unless otherwise noted, using one of these
abilities is a standard action.
Abjuration: Once every 4 rounds, a dreaded sorcerer can use one of
two abilities. Optionally, you can choose spells from a book that uses
the core d20 magic system for this ability.
Cage of Force: The dreaded sorcerer produces a shimmering
wall of pure magical force that traps opponents. The wall lasts
for one minute and can have a length (in feet) of up to 5
times the sorcerers Challenge Rating. The wall measures 10
feet high, but the sorcerer can double this height by cutting
the walls length in half. The sorcerer cant use this ability
again until the first walls duration expires. Each 5-foot sec-
tion of the wall has hit points equal to the sorcerers total
when he cast the spell and takes damage as normal. The wall
blocks line of effect for all attacks.
Dispel Magic: The dreaded sorcerer can cancel a con-
tinuing spell with a roll of d20 + his CR against a
Difficulty Class of 10 + the spellcasters mastery rating.
Conjuration: Once per hour, a dreaded sorcerer can call
upon any monster with a Challenge Rating equal to his own
CR3. This ability requires a full-round action, and the crea-
ture appears within 100 feet of the sorcerer. It manifests at
the start of his next action and may take its own actions as
normal. It obeys the dreaded sorcerers commands to the
best of its ability. It remains for 1 round per sorcerer level.
If the creatures Challenge Rating would be below 1, the
sorcerer must summon a creature with a CR less than 1.
Illusion: As a standard action, a dreaded sorcerer can cre-
ate illusionary images. A single image can fill up to four
squares. A creature can attempt to disbelieve an illusion
with a Will save as a standard action. The Difficulty Class for
this save is 10 + sorcerers CR + his Charisma modifier. The
illusion has no effect on the physical environment. Anyone
who physically interacts with it, such as by touching it, auto-
matically notices that the illusion is a fake.
Necromancy: A dreaded sorcerer gains the services of
undead creatures whose total Hit Dice equal twice the sor-
cerers Hit Dice. An individual undead creatures Challenge
Rating can be no greater than the sorcerers CR5. In addi-
tion, the dreaded sorcerer can animate the dead as a stan-
dard action with a range of 100 feet. This ability transforms
the target corpse into a skeleton or zombie according to the
animate dead necromancy spell method described in Chapter
Ten: Magic of Iron Heroes.
The warleader is a field commander for a more powerful vil-
lain, a warrior who wins the obedience and discipline of his
followers through threats, intimidation, and other terror tac-
tics. He makes an excellent opponent for low-level parties
and serves as a useful bridge between a villains flunkies and
the actual main villain himself.
The warleader was designed with the following archetypes
in mind:
A second-in-command or field officer who oversees
minor tasks on behalf of a powerful villain.
A bandit chieftain or the leader of a humanoid
A minor villain who relies on using his minions to
defeat the party.
A warleaders basic concept is that some villains draw
strength from their followers. A warleader is poorly suited for
use as a powerful villain pitted against high-level parties, as
he has little personal power. Without his hordes of minions,
hes much weaker.
Dont confuse a warleader with a villain who happens to
attract hundreds of followers to his side. The warleader must
rely on his minions to even the odds against the party. Other
villains may use thugs and foot soldiers, but the warleader
depends on them.
CR Range: A warleaders Challenge Rating ranges from 3
to 10. Like a demonic brute, hes best suited as an enemy for
low-level parties or as a follower pledged to serve a more
powerful villain.
Challenge Rating Hit Dice Hit Points Base Attack Base Defense Fortitude Reflex Will
3 4d6 14 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3
4 5d6 17 +3 +3 +2 +3 +4
5 6d6 21 +3 +3 +3 +4 +5
6 7d6 24 +4 +4 +3 +4 +6
7 8d6 28 +5 +5 +4 +5 +7
8 9d6 31 +6/+1 +6 +4 +6 +8
9 11d6 38 +6/+1 +6 +5 +7 +9
10 12d6 42 +7/+2 +7 +5 +7 +10
11 13d6 45 +8/+3 +8 +6 +8 +11
12 14d6 49 +9/+4 +9 +6 +9 +12
13 16d6 56 +9/+4 +9 +7 +10 +13
14 17d6 59 +10/+5 +10 +7 +10 +14
15 18d6 63 +11/+6 +11 +8 +11 +15
16 19d6 66 +12/+7 +12 +8 +12 +16
17 21d6 73 +12/+7 +12 +9 +13 +17
18 22d6 77 +13/+8 +13 +9 +13 +18
19 23d6 80 +14/+9 +14 +10 +14 +19
20 24d6 84 +15/+10 +15 +10 +15 +20
Creature Type: Pick an existing creature, such as human,
goblin, orc, and so forth, and add the warleaders abilities to
the base creature in the same way you would add a class.
Abilities: A warleaders Challenge Rating determines his
ability scores. Add any appropriate ability score modifiers for
his race as normal.
Skills: A warleader gains ranks equal to his Challenge
Rating +3 in Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Listen, and Ride.
He focuses on social abilities and, in many cases, he makes
his way up a villains hierarchy because of his personality
rather than his accomplishments.
Feats: A warleader gains feats according to his Challenge
Rating. He gains all of the feats listed below for his Challenge
Rating and all lower CRs. For example, a CR 9 warleader
gains the feats listed for CRs 3 to 9.
CR Feats
3 Improved Initiative, Overwhelming Presence
(mastery 2)
4 Overwhelming Presence (mastery 3)
6 Overwhelming Presence (mastery 5)
8 Overwhelming Presence (mastery 7)
10 Overwhelming Presence (mastery 8)
Hit Dice: A warleader gains Hit Dice as determined by his
Challenge Rating. He uses d8s for his Hit Dice and gains an
average of 4.5 hit points per HD. Add the warleaders Consti-
tution modifier as normal. (The hit points given in the War-
leader Progression by Challenge Rating table already take
the Constitution modifier into account.)
Base Attack and Defense Bonuses: A warleader is a well-
trained warrior capable of making effective attacks while
defending himself. Add the usual bonuses to attacks and
defense to the warleaders total.
Saving Throws: A warleader has average saving throws in
all three areas. He excels at none, but he doesnt suffer any
particular weaknesses. Add his ability score modifiers to his
saves as normal.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A warleader is proficient
with all simple and martial weapons; light, medium, and
heavy armor; shields; and the tower shield.
Tyrannical Leader (Ex): A warleaders glowering presence
and intimidating style of command are brutally effective. He
grants his Charisma bonus as a bonus to all attacks made by
his allies who have fewer Hit Dice than he has. This benefit
applies to all allies within 30 feet of him who are capable of
hearing him speak. If the warleader is rendered silent, he no
longer grants his allies this benefit.
Field Commander (Ex): Once per round during an allys
action, a warleader can grant a bonus equal to his Charisma
modifier to an allys skill check, defense, or saving throw. This
ally must be within 30 feet of the warleader.
Battle Leader (Ex): A warleader learns not only to com-
mand his underlings but also to use them to ensure that he
escapes a battle unharmed. He chooses a number of the fol-
lowing special abilities equal to his total Challenge Rating
from this villain class divided by 2 and rounded down. The
warleader can select an ability once.
Bootlicking Toadies: Through his personal charm and carefully
perfected ability to manipulate the weak but ambitious, the
warleader has groomed his followers into a fighting force
trained to protect him at all costs. Any of the warleaders allies
within 30 feet of him who have fewer Hit Dice than he has can
CR Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
3 14 10 14 12 12 14
4 14 10 14 12 12 14
5 14 10 16 12 12 16
6 14 10 16 12 12 16
7 16 12 16 14 14 18
8 16 12 16 14 14 18
9 16 12 18 14 14 20
10 16 12 18 14 14 20
Challenge Rating Hit Dice Hit Points Base Attack Base Defense Fortitude Reflex Will
3 4d8 26 +3 +3 +2 +2 +2
4 5d8 32 +4 +4 +3 +3 +3
5 6d8 45 +5 +5 +4 +4 +4
6 8d8 60 +6/+1 +5 +4 +4 +4
7 9d8 67 +7/+2 +6 +5 +5 +5
8 10d8 75 +8/+3 +7 +6 +6 +6
9 11d8 93 +9/+4 +8 +7 +7 +7
10 12d8 102 +10/+5 +9 +7 +7 +7
take actions to defend him. When their opponents provoke
attacks of opportunity, they can replace their normal attacks of
opportunity with the aid another action to give the warleader
a +2 defense bonus against the target of their aid attempt.
Whenever the warleaders allies with fewer Hit Dice than
his own total actually use the aid another standard action to
improve his defense or give him a bonus to attacks, they
grant a +4 bonus. This does not apply to the special aid
action used in place of an attack of opportunity.
Bully Among Thugs: The warleader is at his best when he
fights weak, inferior foes who cant hope to match his
prowess. He gains a +2 morale bonus to attacks and damage
against foes who have fewer Hit Dice than he has. He loses
this benefit if his hit points drop below half.
Grunt Cover: If the warleader is adjacent to an ally who has
fewer Hit Dice than he has, he can use that ally as cover
against ranged attacks. As a move action, the warleader
chooses an ally as the target of this ability. The warleader
gains complete cover against ranged attacks if his chosen ally
is the same size or larger than him. This benefit lasts until
the start of the warleaders next action. It also ends if the
chosen grunt drops or moves so that she is no longer adja-
cent to the warleader.
Grunt Shield: If the warleader stands adjacent to an ally
who has fewer Hit Dice than he has, he can use that ally as a
shield. As a move action, the warleader chooses a single ally
as the target of this ability. When the warleader suffers an
attack, treat the warleader as if he and the target of this abil-
ity were locked in a grapple to determine who actually suffers
the attack. Resolve the attack once you have determined the
true target.
This ability immediately ends if the warleaders chosen tar-
get drops or moves so that she is no longer adjacent to the
Lead From the Rear: Once per encounter, the warleader can
change his initiative score to 20 + his initiative modifiers if
he does nothing but move away from his opponents. The
warleader must choose to use this ability at the end of the
current round.
Warleaders tend to favor heavy armor, though only if they
can ride a horse or similar mount into battle. When on foot,
they use large shields and lighter armor to maximize their
defensive abilities and their ability to escape from superior
foes. While warleaders might not be cowards, they are prag-
matists when deciding whether to stand and fight or run and
live to fight another day.
A warleader is the perfect sneering foil to the characters
heroic actions, the mid-level flunky in a villains hierarchy, or
the local bully who leans on his gang of thugs to get his way.
Time and again, the characters defeat the warleaders min-
ions, only to see him run away before they can trap him. He
makes a good recurring opponent, especially if you play up
his scheming nature.
A warleader can also be a humanoid chieftain or a moder-
ately skilled mercenary leader, particularly for organizations
or tribes with a strong emphasis on religious or political
extremism. In this case, the warleaders followers aid him out
of a sense of desperate fanaticism. Abilities such as grunt
cover reflect the desire of his followers to die in his service
or in the name of their god or cause.
The NPC classes exist to make a clear distinction between
the heroic player character classes and the commoners who
populate the world. The player characters are special, and
whether they fight for good or evil, they leave a mark. The
NPC classes are reserved for those who toil off to the mar-
gins of the campaignthe innkeepers, blacksmiths, and
peasants that the PCs may sometimes interact with. Theyre
not adventurers, and theyre not likely to become heroes.
Thus, in Iron Heroes, the NPC classes are notably weaker
than the core classes.
Some of the NPC classes retain the same hit point total
from levels 1 through 20 or lack a one-to-one relationship
between level and Hit Dice. Only the warriora fighter who
lacks the advanced training of a weapon master, harrier, or
other PC classgains 1 Hit Die per level. The NPC classes
dont focus on combat, so even high-level commoners, aristo-
crats, and experts make poor opponents for a trained player
The NPC classes advance in some areas at a slower rate than
the core classes do. They tend to live quieter, less challenging
lives, and the training they undergo is far less intensive com-
pared to that of a player character class. The NPC classes
grant feats and ability score increases slower than other
classes do, as shown on the NPC Skill, Feat, and Ability
Improvements table below.
The NPC classes are not meant for adventuring. If you wish
to let player characters take levels in NPC classes, you must
make a few modifications to how a character advances in
A player character who takes a level in an NPC class
always uses the PC class advancement table at the beginning
of Chapter Three in Iron Heroes for bonus feats and ability
score improvement. Otherwise, a character with NPC levels
is simply too weak to hold his own with the other characters.
A character who multiclasses in several NPC classes uses
the standard NPC advancement given in the table on this
If a character starts in an NPC class, gains several levels in
it, and then switches to an adventuring class, you must com-
bine the two tables. The character gains feats and ability
score improvements as the NPC class. When he gains his
adventuring class, he enters the PC feat and ability score
advancement scheme at his current level.
For example, the merchant Tondus is a 5th-level aristocrat.
A rival destroys his business, and to survive, Tondus becomes
a thief. He gains a level in that class, making him a 6th-level
character total. He looks up the PC Skill, Feat, and Ability
Improvements table in Chapter Three of Iron Heroes and
checks to see what he gains at 6th level. From now on,
regardless of what class Tondus takes a level in, he uses that
table. He does not retroactively replace the benefits he
gained as an NPC from levels 1 through 5 with the benefits
he would have gained from an adventuring class.
Characters should rarely jump from NPC classes to PC
classes. The Iron Heroes rules are designed around the idea
that the player characters are noteworthy and important
purely because of their status. The NPC classes are designed
to make it easy to create nonadventuring folk.
Aside from the exceptions noted above, multiclassing works
for an NPC class the same way that it does for a PC class.
Some DMs dislike the idea that the player characters begin
at 1st level with fully formed talents. Instead, they see a
characters training and prior experiences as important
background elements. This variant rule allows you to add
such artifacts of a characters past into his abilities at 1st
Under this variant, each player selects one NPC class as
his background. When creating a character from an adven-
turing class, each player spends half the 1st-level ranks of
the NPC class on the skill groups it has access to and the
following skills: Craft, Knowledge, Profession, and Speak
Language. He cant spend these bonus ranks on other
He spends his ranks from the PC class without restriction
and gains the full ranks for 1st level. As he gains levels, he
gains ranks in his PC class as normal.
Level Max. Skill Ranks Feats Ability Score
1 4 1st
2 5
3 6 2nd
4 7 1st
5 8
6 9 3rd
7 10
8 11
9 12 4th
10 13
11 14
12 15 5th 2nd
13 16
14 17
15 18 6th
16 19
17 20
18 21 7th
19 22
20 23 3rd
An aristocrat represents a high-born noble, a successful merchant, or the pros-
perous head of a sprawling criminal syndicate. This class focuses on social abili-
ty rather than fighting. Public influence, political alliances, and economics are
an aristocrats weapons of choice.
The characters are likely to encounter aristocrats first as benefactors, employ-
ers, and authority figures. As the PCs gain levels, aristocrats might treat them as
potentially useful tools or threats to the current social order. If the characters lack
any talent for diplomacy, they could become pawns in aristocratic power games.
Especially while of low level, the characters are likely to deal with aristocrats
who are several levels above them.
Hit Die: 1d6 at 1st level, +1d6 every fourth level.
An aristocrat gains access to the Academia and Social skill groups. In addition,
most aristocrats have ranks in Knowledge, Appraise, Speak Language, and other
skills that they cultivate as part of their profession. Aristocrats tend to be better
educated than the common folk.
Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Intelligence modifier) 4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.
An aristocrat excels at social manipulation, but this class lacks the cunning,
devious talents of a thief or arcanist. The aristocrat gains mastery in social feats
at 1st level, and his mastery improves as he gains levels. Otherwise, he must
spend his feat selections on general feats.
Aristocrat Level Social Feat Mastery
12 1
35 2
68 3
911 5
1214 6
1517 8
1820 9
An aristocrat gains some opportunities to train with weapons, and his reliance on
social talents to make his way through the world gives him several bonus feats.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An aristocrat might have weapons training
based on his background and society. He can choose to gain proficiency with
all simple weapons, three martial weapons, light and medium armor, and
shields. If he doesnt want these proficiencies, hes not proficient with any
weapons, armor, or shields, but he gains a bonus feat at 1st level.
Bonus Feat: An aristocrat gains a bonus feat at 4th, 10th, and 16th levels.
He can spend these bonus feats on any feat for which he meets the mastery
The commoner class represents the broad swath of average folk in the cam-
paign world. It covers farmers, laborers, and others who lack specialized, formal
training in a field. The vast majority of people that the characters encounter on
their travels are commoners. Use this class for serfs, the typical man or woman
in a tavern, and any nonplayer character who doesnt fit the adventuring classes
or any of the other NPC classes.
Hit Die: 1d6 at 1st level, +1d6 every fourth level.
Aristocrat Level Hit Dice Base Attack/Defense Bonus Fortitude Save Reflex Save Will Save Special Abilities
1 1d6 +0 +0 +0 +2 Weapon/Armor Proficiency
or bonus feat
2 1d6 +1 +0 +0 +3
3 1d6 +1 +1 +1 +3
4 2d6 +2 +1 +1 +4 Bonus feat
5 2d6 +2 +1 +1 +4
6 2d6 +3 +2 +2 +5
7 2d6 +3 +2 +2 +5
8 3d6 +4 +2 +2 +6
9 3d6 +4 +3 +3 +6
10 3d6 +5 +3 +3 +7 Bonus feat
11 3d6 +5 +3 +3 +7
12 4d6 +6/+1 +4 +4 +8
13 4d6 +6/+1 +4 +4 +8
14 4d6 +7/+2 +4 +4 +9
15 4d6 +7/+2 +5 +5 +9
16 5d6 +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 Bonus feat
17 5d6 +8/+3 +5 +5 +10
18 5d6 +9/+4 +6 +6 +11
19 5d6 +9/+4 +6 +6 +11
20 6d6 +10/+5 +6 +6 +12
Commoner Level Hit Dice Base Attack/Defense Bonus Fortitude Save Reflex Save Will Save Special Abilities
1 1d6 +0 +2 +0 +0 Weapon Proficiency
2 1d6 +1 +3 +0 +0
3 1d6 +1 +3 +1 +1
4 2d6 +2 +4 +1 +1
5 2d6 +2 +4 +1 +1
6 2d6 +3 +5 +2 +2
7 2d6 +3 +5 +2 +2
8 3d6 +4 +6 +2 +2
9 3d6 +4 +6 +3 +3
10 3d6 +5 +7 +3 +3
11 3d6 +5 +7 +3 +3
12 4d6 +6/+1 +8 +4 +4
13 4d6 +6/+1 +8 +4 +4
14 4d6 +7/+2 +9 +4 +4
15 4d6 +7/+2 +9 +5 +5
16 5d6 +8/+3 +10 +5 +5
17 5d6 +8/+3 +10 +5 +5
18 5d6 +9/+4 +11 +6 +6
19 5d6 +9/+4 +11 +6 +6
20 6d6 +10/+5 +12 +6 +6
A commoner doesnt gain access to any skill groups. Members of this class
must pay for their skills on a 1-point-per-rank basis. Commoners typically
have ranks in Profession, Craft, and the Strength-based skills. While they can
spend points on any skill, they rarely have ranks in Knowledge, Use Magic
Device, or other exotic skills.
Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Intelligence modifier) 4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.
Commoners enjoy access to general feats only. They never gain mastery in
any areas unless they multiclass.
Aside from a few weapon proficiencies, commoners gain no special abilities.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A commoner gains proficiency with
three simple weapons of his choice. Many commoners learn to handle a dag-
ger or spear as part of a local militia or to hunt for food when times are
tough. Because the ruling nobility places strict controls on access to
weapons and training, many commoners lack proficiency with any weapons.
The expert is a catch-all class for a broad variety of skilled artisans and others
who must undergo long, rigorous apprenticeships to master their trade. A
sage, a skilled guide, a translator, and an engineer all qualify as experts.
Experts tend to act as helpers and assistants to the player characters. The
party might visit a sage who can decode the runes in an ancient tome they
find, while a skilled weaponsmith can forge the barbed spear they need to
slay a dragon.
Hit Die: 1d6 at 1st level, +1d6 every fourth level.
An expert gains access to one skill group of her choice. Some experts delve
into academic areas, while others are trained in leading expeditions through
difficult terrain. Most experts take the Academia skill group, although the
Wilderness Lore group comes in handy for those who work outdoors.
Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Intelligence modifier) 4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Intelligence modifier.
Experts tend to take general feats to match their area of work, but some
delve into academic study. The expert gains mastery in lore feats at 1st level,
and her mastery improves as she gains levels. Otherwise, she must spend her
feat selections on general feats. Note that while experts have this mastery,
many never use it. For example, a blacksmith may never select a lore feat,
while a sage or guide spends all of her feat selections on that category.
Expert Level Lore Feat Mastery
12 1
35 2
68 3
911 5
1214 6
1517 8
1820 9
Expert Level Hit Dice Base Attack/Defense Bonus Fortitude Save Reflex Save Will Save Special Abilities
1 1d6 +0 +0 +0 +2
2 1d6 +1 +0 +0 +3
3 1d6 +1 +1 +1 +3
4 2d6 +2 +1 +1 +4 Bonus feat
5 2d6 +2 +1 +1 +4
6 2d6 +3 +2 +2 +5
7 2d6 +3 +2 +2 +5
8 3d6 +4 +2 +2 +6
9 3d6 +4 +3 +3 +6
10 3d6 +5 +3 +3 +7 Bonus feat
11 3d6 +5 +3 +3 +7
12 4d6 +6/+1 +4 +4 +8
13 4d6 +6/+1 +4 +4 +8
14 4d6 +7/+2 +4 +4 +9
15 4d6 +7/+2 +5 +5 +9
16 5d6 +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 Bonus feat
17 5d6 +8/+3 +5 +5 +10
18 5d6 +9/+4 +6 +6 +11
19 5d6 +9/+4 +6 +6 +11
20 6d6 +10/+5 +6 +6 +12
Warrior Level Hit Dice Base Attack Bonus Base Defense Bonus Fortitude Save Reflex Save Will Save
1 1d8 +1 +0 +2 +0 +0
2 2d8 +2 +1 +3 +0 +0
3 3d8 +3 +2 +3 +1 +1
4 4d8 +4 +3 +4 +1 +1
5 5d8 +5 +3 +4 +1 +1
6 6d8 +6/+1 +4 +5 +2 +2
7 7d8 +7/+2 +5 +5 +2 +2
8 8d8 +8/+3 +6 +6 +2 +2
9 9d8 +9/+4 +6 +6 +3 +3
10 10d8 +10/+5 +7 +7 +3 +3
11 11d8 +11/+6/+1 +8 +7 +3 +3
12 12d8 +12/+7/+2 +9 +8 +4 +4
13 13d8 +13/+8/+3 +9 +8 +4 +4
14 14d8 +14/+9/+4 +10 +9 +4 +4
15 15d8 +15/+10/+5 +11 +9 +5 +5
16 16d8 +16/+11/+6/+1 +12 +10 +5 +5
17 17d8 +17/+12/+7/+2 +12 +10 +5 +5
18 18d8 +18/+13/+8/+3 +13 +11 +6 +6
19 19d8 +19/+14/+9/+4 +14 +11 +6 +6
20 20d8 +20/+15/+10/+5 +15 +12 +6 +6
Experts tend to focus on their area of training to the exclu-
sion of all else. Thus, they have few talents beyond those of
their core profession.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An expert gains no pro-
ficiency with weapons, armor, or shields.
Bonus Feat: An expert gains a bonus feat at 4th, 10th, and
16th levels. She can spend these bonus feats on any feat for
which she meets the mastery requirements.
The warrior class represents a typical town guard, soldier,
thug, or similar person with some military training but none
of the specialized expertise of a harrier, man-at-arms, or weapon
master. In most cases, warriors form the bulk of a military
organizations personnel. Even elite units consist of higher-
level warriors, while strategists and commanders are a mix of
aristocrats, experts, and warriors with high Intelligence and
Charisma scores.
In comparison, soldiers with levels in adventuring classes
are either unique operatives or small, elite corps assigned to
special duties. For example, a queens personal guards might
be specially trained weapon masters. The men and women
who watch the palaces walls and patrol its corridors are
probably warriors.
Thugs, bandits, and others who take up arms without for-
mal training are also warriors. A thief or aristocrat usually
leads these gangs, while an archer, hunter, or executioner
character may serve as an assassin or special operative in the
Hit Die: 1d8/level.
Warriors gain access to the Athletics skill group. Their train-
ing in combat develops their physical fitness. Warriors tend
to have few skills beyond those provided by that group, as
they focus most of their training on weapons and armor.
Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 + Intelligence modifier) 4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Intelligence
Warriors gain a basic competence in the art of fighting, but
they never attain the level of mastery of a player character
class. A warrior can handle a sword and shield with far more
skill than a commoner or an aristocrat, but he cant hope to
take on a fresh weapon master or man-at-arms in a fair fight.
Warriors gain mastery starting at 6th level. Before that
time, they must spend their choices on general feats. A war-
rior picks one area in which to gain mastery from this list:
armor, defense, finesse, power, or projectile. At 12th level,
the warrior picks a second category from that list.
Warrior Level First Mastery Second Mastery
68 1
911 2
1214 3 1
1517 4 2
1820 5 3
A warrior character focuses on combat training to the exclu-
sion of almost every other professional pursuit. Aside from
his superior base attack and defense bonuses, he gains few
other abilities.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A warrior is proficient
with all simple and martial weapons, all shields, and light
and medium armor.
Sometimes the NPC classes serve as an easy way to create vil-
lains, common thugs, and other opponents for the player
characters. Since NPC classes are far less powerful than
adventuring classes, their level does not equal their
Challenge Rating. Instead, the Challenge Rating of an NPC
class is usually slightly less than its level. See the Challenge
Ratings by NPC Class Level table here for details.
NPC LEVEL Aristocrat Commoner Expert Warrior
1 1/4 1/8 1/4 1/2
2 1/2 1/4 1/2 1
3 1 1/2 1 2
4 1 1 1 3
5 2 1 2 4
6 2 1 2 4
7 3 1 3 5
8 3 2 3 6
9 4 2 4 7
10 4 2 4 8
11 5 2 5 8
12 5 3 5 9
13 6 3 6 10
14 6 3 6 11
15 7 3 7 12
16 7 4 7 12
17 8 4 8 13
18 8 4 8 14
19 9 4 9 15
20 10 5 10 15
any of the new combat rules in Monte Cook
Presents: Iron Heroes are designed to make fights
more interesting, more dramatic, and more com-
pelling. Ideally, a fight in this game is much more exciting
than two groups of warriors lining up, rolling for initiative,
and trading blows. The action should come fast and furious,
with characters and monsters attempting stunts, using
action zones to turn the environment against their enemies,
and so forth.
While combat has more options in this rules set, it also
places an added burden on the DM. Not only must you create
NPCs, plots, and the campaign, but now you must put extra
thought into each combat encounter. Iron Heroes provides you
with a variety of tools, but they take some effort to master.
This chapter is designed as a tutorial and owners manual for
those rules. It also introduces zones and gives extensive
examples, along with ideas for spicing up encounter areas,
notes on tactics, and advice on how to keep battles moving.
Some options in this chapter note that you need to roll
1d3. To do this, roll 1d6, and consider a roll of 1 or 2 to be
1, a roll of 3 or 4 to be 2, and a roll of 5 or 6 to be 3.
A berserker pushes a catapult off a castles walls, sending it
tumbling into a crowd of enemies. A skilled hunter leaps
onto an elephants flank, slices the ropes that keep the how-
dah on its back, and sends the archers aboard it crashing to
the ground.
These characters have different actions available to them
based on where they stand on the battlefield. If a berserker
moves next to a catapult, he has the option to push it off the
walls edge. The hunter leaps onto the elephant and then has
the option to destroy the howdah.
Zones allow you to create new choices and abilities for
characters based on their physical location during an
encounter. They can add new options to the standard tactical
battle. When characters stand in a particular zone, the play-
ers find themselves looking at the combat environment in a
whole new wayeverything in it becomes an opportunity. A
chandelier serves as a convenient swing. A teetering stone
wall turns into an avalanche of bricks with a good stiff push.
Zones are powerful tools for creating interesting battle-
fields. A simple fight with a few thugs can be dull or diffi-
cult to spice up, but if you set the same battle in the midst
of a sagging ruin during an earthquake, the action
becomes far more intense and compelling. What was once
a run-of-the-mill battle becomes a tense affair as walls
crumble, the floor caves in, and chunks of rock fall from
the ceiling.
The DM creates zones to make environments more inter-
esting, and players should always be on the lookout for ways
to use them to their advantage. Run along a tree branch with
your Balance skill. Jump from a balcony onto the back of the
dragon that rampages in the courtyard below. Players never
know if the DM has put specific terrain in an encounter area
for them to use as a springboard to action. The more inven-
tive they are in combat, the more success theyll find.
In many roleplaying games, combat is just one part of the action.
In Iron Heroes, a rousing battle may take up an entire session.
Three types of zones exist: condition zones, event zones, and
action zones. Each involves a different feature of a battlefield.
A condition zone describes a specific effect that continuous-
ly functions within the battle area. While fighting in the arc-
tic, the characters suffer damage from the frigid tempera-
tures. The cold wears at them every round.
An event zone, in comparison, comes into play only when it
activates. Event zones are tied to things in the environment
that occur without the characters interference. For example,
the PCs might battle a group of trolls in a ruined temple. The
temple altar occasionally emits blasts of energy that target the
characters and trolls at random. Traps also are event zones.
They activate in response to an action, such as a character
stepping on a pressure plate or walking through a tripwire.
An action zone is a fancy way of defining how a character
can interact with the environment during a battle. Usually,
these options are a lot like stunts that require you to use the
environment in some way. Most action zones offer benefits
that are greater than or different from those offered in Iron
Heroes stunt rules. For example, a massive boulder perched at
the edge of a steep slope might inflict more damage against a
greater number of targets than the typical area attack stunt.
Zones are divided into three different types to make them
easier to handle, but they use identical rules. In many cases,
they draw on existing rules, such as the rules for weather, or
they use rules youre already familiar with. The altar that
blasts the characters with eldritch energy simply makes an
attack roll or requires a saving throw to dodge its power.
A typical condition zone stat block looks like this:
Storm-Tossed Ship (Condition Zone): Balance DC 15; Fall prone
in current square/no effect.
It starts with a name and zone type in bold, followed by the
skill or save needed to resist it, the check Difficulty Class, and
the effects of failure followed by the effects on a successful
check or save. The example above is a condition zone for a
ship caught in a fierce storm. As it rides the towering waves,
characters aboard it must struggle to keep their footing.
Other condition zones use an attack bonus to resolve their
effects. A stat block for such a zone looks like this:
Falling Rocks (Condition Zone): Base attack +9; 2d6 points of
In this case, the zone lists its attack bonus and the damage
and other effects it inflicts on a successful hit.
Building a condition zone requires a careful eye for balance.
Since the condition zone affects everyone who enters it and
continues to work against them each round, its easy to cre-
ate one thats too powerful. With a few failed saves, a charac-
ter may fall to an improperly balanced condition zone. In
addition, the PCs still have to battle their foes while dealing
with the zone. Thus, condition zones tend to rely on slowly
wearing down their victims strength rather than a single,
massive blow that knocks a character out of the fight.
A typical condition zone requires a save or check of some
sort each round. Before a character or monster takes its
action, it must attempt this save or check. Apply the results
of this check, and then allow the creature to take its action
as normal. In some cases, the result of this check determines
the sort of actions that a creature can take.
A condition zone can inflict a variety of effects, from damage
to knocking a character prone. The easiest way to determine
how such a zone works is to picture it in your mind. Imagine
how the battle might unfold and focus on how the zone
affects the combatants. Does a ship rise and fall upon the
waves, forcing its crew to keep their balance as they fight a
swarm of pirates? Does the stifling heat of a volcano slowly
sap an adventurers strength?
With that scene in mind, consider the skill or save needed
to resist the zone. Then plot out its effects on both a failed
check and a successful check.
Save and Skill Check DCs: A condition zone usually
requires a character to make a save or skill check each round
to avoid its effects. Before you can determine the Difficulty
Class, think about the skill or save needed to resist the zone.
Balance is a good skill choice for any effect that involves a
moving environment, such as tremors that can knock the
characters prone. The saves fill their niches as usual.
A saving throws Difficulty Class should, on average, equal
10 + the partys level. This gives each character at least a 50
percent chance of success before accounting for feats or
ability scores that improve a save. For skill checks, 13 + the
partys level provides you with a minimum. Obviously, you
can make the zone more or less dangerous by increasing or
decreasing the Difficulty Class. Moving the DC up or down in
units of 3 ensures that this change has a tangible impact on
the game, as it can account for a high ability bonus or a feat
such as Skill Focus or Iron Will.
Attack: In some cases, a condition zone uses an attack
bonus rather than requiring a save or skill check. Any zone
that relies on a physical attack that a character could dodge
or deflect with a shield likely falls into this category. If a
character can take cover against a condition zone, it proba-
bly uses an attack against him. The average attack bonus for
the zone depends on the partys level. You can adjust the
bonus up or down to represent a deadlier or less threatening
Party Level Attack Bonus Party Level Attack Bonus
1 +2 11 +14
2 +3 12 +15
3 +4 13 +16
4 +5 14 +17
5 +7 15 +19
6 +8 16 +20
7 +9 17 +21
8 +10 18 +22
9 +11 19 +23
10 +13 20 +25
A zone that uses an attack bonus might cause additional effects on a suc-
cessful hit. For example, debris that falls from a caverns ceiling might knock
its target prone. These additional effects can allow characters to attempt
saves or checks to avoid them. In the example of the falling debris, a Strength
check (DC 10) allows a character to remain on his feet.
Damage: A condition zones damage should be tied to the characters level,
as shown below. This damage assumes that you use the typical saving throw
or skill check Difficulty Class. For higher DCs, you might want to decrease
the damage slightly, perhaps treating the party as two or three levels lower.
For lower DCs, you can treat the party as two or three levels higher.
The table assumes that the characters suffer half damage on a successful
save. If they suffer no damage on a save, you can increase the damage by two
or three levels as long as the Difficulty Class isnt too high.
Party Level Typical Damage
1 1d2
2 1d4
35 1d6
68 2d6
911 3d6
1214 4d6
1517 5d6
1820 6d6
Other Effects: You can use almost any effect imaginable with a condition
zone, as long as it makes sense within the context of the game. A volcanic
tremor might knock the characters prone, while gouts of hot steam could
cause temporary blindness. The table below lists some common effects aside
from damage and sources that could deliver them.
Try to avoid effects, such as stun or sleep, that leave a character unable to
act. Otherwise, a character with a poor save or skill bonus might be unable to
take any actions during a battle as he misses save after save. Condition zones
should present the characters with a barrier to victory, not an effect that ties
their hands.
Zone Effect* Example Source
Blindness Dense fog, steam, flashing lights, illusions
Checked A powerful wind
Deafness Loud noises, a piercing shriek, a magical effect
Entangled Strange plant creatures, thick mud
Fatigued Intense heat, a life-draining magical effect
Prone Tremors, any effect that causes the ground to move
SickenedNoxious gas, a magical effect
* See States and Conditions in Chapter Eight: Combat of Iron Heroes.
The list of effects is by no means comprehensive, but it should give you
some ideas of how to use condition zones for things other than damage.
In any case, an effect should have a duration that is long enough to play
a role in the encounter without crippling the character. For a condition
zone, most effects that dont require an action to escape, such as being
fatigued or prone, should last for 1 or 2 rounds.
Terrain: Technically, you could consider terrain a condition zone. An
icy coating on a set of stairs causes anyone who walks on it to slip and fall.
This sounds like a zone, but the key difference is that the condition zone
requires a save or skill check at the start of a characters action, regardless
of what he then does on that action, while a terrain effect does not. A
character doesnt have to make a Balance check to avoid slipping on ice
until he walks on it. On the other hand, a noxious gas that fills a cavern
requires a save each round to avoid its effects. Some terrain effects have
associated zones, as you can see in the section that starts on page 41.
Event zones can be triggered (activated by a characters action) or timed
(activated according to a schedule or by chance). Here are sample stat
blocks for a timed event zone and a triggered event zone.
Obelisk of Despair (Timed Event Zone): Once every 4 rounds; Will save DC 16;
on a failed save, causes a 4 morale penalty to attacks and damage for 1d4
Cave-In (Triggered Event Zone): Triggered when a character steps on a pressure
plate in the cave floor; Reflex save DC 16; on a failed save, the victim takes 3d6
points of damage from falling rocks.
An event zone stat block starts with a name and zone type in bold, fol-
lowed by how frequently it activates (for timed event zones) or what causes
it to activate (for triggered event zones). Next comes the skill or save
needed to resist it, its Difficulty Class, and the effects of failure.
Triggered or Timed: The stat block notes the zones type in parenthesis
next to its name. Mark the zones location or area of effect on your map of
the encounter area.
Save DC, Check DC, or Attack Bonus: An event zone either requires
a saving throw or skill check to avoid its effects, or it uses an attack to
determine whether it strikes a character. The relevant Difficulty Classes or
attack bonuses are listed next.
Effects: Event zones inflict damage or other special states on the char-
acters or cause other effects that require explanation. A flash flood pushes
the party along each round, while a rolling boulder needs rules to track its
Area: An event zone affects an area or a single target. If it affects an
area, the stat block notes the radius or otherwise describes how it targets
the characters.
Special Notes: Some zones have additional special rules or effects.
Event zones can be triggered events or timed events.
Triggered events activate in response to an action, such as a character
pushing a button.
Timed events happen on a schedule or in response to an event that the
characters dont control.
A triggered event zone is basically a trap in the way it functions in the
game. When a character steps into a square with a traps trigger mecha-
nism, the trap activates and either attacks him, such as by firing a cross-
bow bolt into his square, or causes an effect that requires a saving throw
to resist, such by as releasing a cloud of poisonous gas into the room.
Event zones have the same basic traits. When a character or creature
enters the zones area, the zone activates and attacks or causes an effect.
A timed event zone activates according to a schedule or by random
chance. For example, every few rounds, a channel opens and floods the com-
bat area with water. While an earthquake wracks a ruined city, theres a
chance each round that the crumbling pillars within a temple
crash to the ground, crushing anyone unfortunate enough to be
standing next to them. These event zones occur independently
of the characters actions.
The first step in creating an event zone is to decide which
kind to use. As with condition zones, picture the zone and its
effect in your mind. Focus on how the zone interacts with the
characters and the encounter. If the adventurers must take a
specific action that causes the zone to activate, its a trig-
gered event zone. Otherwise, its a timed event zone.
Like a condition zone, an event zone can inflict damage,
knock a character prone, blind him, and so forth. But
because event zones are usually one-shot effects (rather than
continuous), they often inflict more damage and can also
cause temporary ability score damage. The characters can
avoid the spot or action that activates a triggered zone, while
a timed zone should activate only once or, if it repeats, every
other round at most.
Save and Skill DCs: Event zones have higher Difficulty
Classes than condition zones, since they might occur only
once during an encounter. The single saving throw or ability
check determines whether the zone has any effect on the
character for the encounter, though timed zones might
require multiple checks or saves.
The typical save Difficulty Class should equal 13 + the
partys average level, and the typical skill Difficulty Class
should equal 16 + the partys level. Reduce these DCs by 2
for timed zones that occur more frequently than once every
4 rounds. You can increase or decrease these DCs, but keep
in mind that the characters will suffer the effects of a failed
save more often.
Attacks: Just as some traps resolve an attack to determine
whether they strike a character, some event zones make the
equivalent of an attack. As a rule, if the zones effect is a
physical attack that a character could deflect with a shield or
dodge completely, you should probably resolve it with an
attack roll rather than a save or skill check. A zones attack
bonus depends on the partys level. You can adjust the bonus
up or down for a deadlier or less threatening zone. Note that
the attack bonus for an event zone is higher than that for a
condition zone. Because an event zone usually has fewer
chances to strike a character, it needs a better bonus to
ensure that its attack poses a threat.
Party Level Attack Bonus Party Level Attack Bonus
1 +5 11 +17
2 +6 12 +19
3 +7 13 +20
4 +9 14 +21
5 +10 15 +22
6 +11 16 +24
7 +12 17 +25
8 +14 18 +26
9 +15 19 +27
10 +16 20 +29
Skills: Almost any skill might prove useful in avoiding an
event zone. A Survival check allows a hunter to notice that a
patch of bushes has sharp, poisoned thorns. A Search check
lets a character uncover the pressure plate before he steps
on it and activates a trap. When you create an event zone,
determine whether a skill check replaces a saving throw for
avoiding its effects, or if a check allows a character to spot
the danger before he stumbles into it. Spot, Listen, and
Search fill this role in most cases, as they cover a characters
environmental awareness. Knowledge and Survival can also
prove useful, as they indicate that a character has the train-
ing needed to realize hes near an event zone.
If you allow a skill check to notice an event zone, its
Difficulty Class should be from 3 to 10 points higher than
the save or check DC needed to avoid its effects. This
ensures that only characters who put ranks into the skill can
spot the danger. In addition, the DC is higher because the
characters gain a greater advantage from a success. Not only
do they spot the zone before it can affect them, but they can
use the zone to their advantage during the encounter.
Damage: An event zones typical damage depends on how
often it activates. The Event Zone Damage table includes two
damage columns. The first covers triggered zones and long
timed zones (those that activate once every 4 rounds, or less
often). The second covers short timed zones (those that acti-
vate more often than once every 4 rounds).
The table assumes that the characters suffer half damage
on a successful save. If they suffer no damage on a save, mul-
tiply the damage dice by 1.5 to determine a fair and bal-
anced total.
Other Effects: The advice for designing condition zones
covers a few effects other than damage that you can throw at
the party. In addition, event zones can inflict temporary abili-
ty score damage. Such damage is usually too harsh to use in
a condition zone, but it represents a fair threat for an event
zone. A triggered event zone can inflict ability score damage
equal to half the damage dice balanced for the partys level.
Most nondamaging zone effects should last long enough to
have an effect on the encounter without crippling a charac-
ter. In most cases, 1d6 or 2d6 rounds are long enough.
Other effects, such as being knocked prone, require specific
actions or checks to remove them. Ability score damage heals
at its normal rate.
Area: When you design an event zone, you must decide on
its area of effect. In general, a zone that affects a broader
area should have an effect that is weaker or easier to resist
than a zone that attacks only one person. For example:
A dam gate opens, filling a dungeon passage with a
flash flood. In this case, the event zone targets every-
one within the passage.
A mechanical crossbow fires at the explorer who
stepped on its trigger plate. In this case, the event
zone attacks a single person.
If a zone targets only a single character or an area with a
10-foot radius, use the standard damage given above. For
every 10 feet you increase the radius, drop the average dam-
age by one level. If the zone covers a nonstandard area, as in
the case of a falling archway that fills several squares, esti-
mate the radius. The zones area should have a logical area of
effect that matches its physical effects in the game. In any
event, if you reduce the damage by more than two or three
levels, the zone might be too weak to pose any threat. If the
zone expands beyond a 40-foot radius, dont keep reducing
the damage.
Traps: The quintessential event zones, traps are useful in
encounters because they force the characters to proceed
with more caution than normal. They also encourage creativ-
ity and tactics, since a smart group can attempt to use a trap
against its enemies. In general, traps provided in other role-
playing game sources are designed for use in noncombat sit-
uations. On the other hand, the guidelines given above
assume that you want to use an event zone as part of an
encounter, which means the characters must deal with the
zone and with the monsters that threaten them.
Generally a trap is a good addition to an encounter if the
partys level is 2 or more higher than the traps Challenge
Rating. Otherwise, the trap might prove too deadly within
the context of the encounter. For example, a pit trap not only
injures a character but also removes her from the fight until
she can climb out. During that time, the adventurers must
try to fend off their enemies while down one person. That
might prove too much if the pit is deep and it takes the
trapped character a while to climb out.
Action zones encourage DMs to design interesting battle
sites. Rather than simply running a fight in a tavern where
the tables, chairs, bar, and beer kegs block movement, you
Party Level Triggered/Long Timed Damage Short Timed Damage
1 1d6 1d6
2 2d6 1d6
3 3d6 2d6
4 4d6 2d6
5 5d6 3d6
6 6d6 3d6
7 7d6 4d6
8 8d6 4d6
9 9d6 5d6
10 10d6 5d6
11 11d6 6d6
12 12d6 6d6
13 13d6 7d6
14 14d6 7d6
15 15d6 8d6
16 16d6 8d6
17 17d6 9d6
18 18d6 9d6
19 19d6 10d6
20 20d6 10d6
can create zones around each of those features that define
how the player characters (and their enemies) can use them.
Instead of standing in one place trading blows with their
foes, the adventurers can try a wide variety of actions.
When a character stands in an action zone, she gains the
ability to select a special combat action that can be complet-
ed only in that location. Sometimes, taking that action makes
it impossible for others to attempt the same thing for the
rest of the encounter. Think of an action zone as an object
waiting for a character to come along and do something
interesting with it. Its like a boulder resting at the top of a
hill. On its own, the boulder provides cover. With a stiff push,
it becomes a rumbling, unstoppable force of destruction.
Heres a sample action zone stat block:
Rolling Boulder (Nonreusable Action Zone): With a Strength
check as a full-round action, you can send a boulder rolling
down a slope to smash into your enemies. The Difficulty
Class and the damage this boulder inflicts depend on its
size. Creatures suffer half damage from the stone if they
make Reflex saves.
An action zones stat block covers the following attributes:
Name: The action zones name should be something
descriptive, like barroom stool or weak supporting beam.
Reusable or Nonreusable: Some action zones can be used
only once before theyre exhausted. A character might smash
a brute over the head with a bench, but it shatters into pieces
from the blow. After someone successfully uses an action
zone, it disappears from the battlefield if its nonreusable.
Actions: The stat block lists different actions available in
the zone. Each action includes a skill, base attack, or ability
check Difficulty Class that a character must make as a stan-
dard action. If the check fails, she spends her standard
action but gains no benefit from the zone. However, she can
try again.
In some cases, a zone may require minimum ability scores
for a character to complete its action. For example, an adven-
turer cant pick up and throw an item unless she has the
Strength needed to handle it.
Action zones are simultaneously the easiest and most diffi-
cult zones to create. Theyre easy because you simply need to
come up with the effects of the action offered by the zone.
Theyre hard because theyre the most likely to involve spe-
cial cases that fall outside of the rules. Unlike condition
zones and event zones, they lack a clear method of design
scaled by level. Theyre more freeform in nature, but because
you can easily design them for purposes other than directly
injuring the enemy, theyre easier to balance. Thus, the
advice in this section focuses more on creating interesting
action zones rather than ones that are balanced against the
partys resources.
A good action zone offers an exciting, fun action that the
characters cant normally complete. An action zone is also a
handy way to encourage a particular kind of stunt, especially
if the players are not yet comfortable with using the stunt
rules to produce various effects. Some players prefer options
that are more concrete and obvious. The stunt rules might
seem vague to the players, or they might have trouble map-
ping the effects they can choose to the situation in the
game. Action zones help you avoid that pitfall, especially at
low levels or with new players.
When creating an action zone, first picture the conse-
quences of the zone in combat, and then write up rules that
reflect the possible events leading up to the consequences.
Find game effects that closely model the results and use
them to guide you. Good resources for game effects include
equipment listings (especially the net weapon), monster spe-
cial attacks (from monster books compatible with the d20
System), and so on.
An action zone should inflict about 1d6 points of damage
for every 4 or 5 points of its Difficulty Class. The description
should specify the zones number of targets or area of effect.
This area should correspond to the area that the object
could physically cover. For example, a thrown bench might
land in any three adjacent squares, inflicting damage on any
creatures standing there.
If an action zone requires an attack of any sort, you need
to hit your targets before the action can take effect. In many
cases, a touch attack works best for thrown objects and other
large, bulky items. Use these rules of thumb:
An item small enough to wield as a normal weapon
requires a normal attack roll.
An item as large as a Medium creature requires a
touch attack.
An item as large as a Large creature always hits; crea-
tures in its target area must instead make Reflex
saves to avoid damage. Use DC 15 to save for half
Zones are like stunts that the DM sets up and places on the battlefield.
They are usually tied to a piece of terrain, such as a swaying rope
bridge or a crumbling platform, that you can use to complete stunt.
Zones require a skill check, ability check, or attack roll of some sort,
leaving them best used by characters with the relevant skill or score.
Zones look a lot like stunts in terms of the actions you can accomplish.
(Review the Stunts section in Chapter Eight of Iron Heroes.) If you
made a movie out of your game session or wrote a narrative description
of it, the viewer or reader probably couldn't tell the difference between
the two. In terms of rules, they have several important differences. The
DM designs all zones, in contrast to the player-created stunts. Zones
can also create more effects and can break the rules in different ways.
Since the DM controls zones, he can design them to fit a broader range
of abilities and effects without upsetting game balance.
damage; add 5 or 10 to this Difficulty Class for
exceptionally large, bulky, or heavy items.
In addition to making attacks, an object in a zone might
help the party members move from one point to another or
let them interact with the environment in an interesting
way. For example, an action zone might allow them to hack
down the wooden poles on which a small building stands.
When the poles fall, the building collapses into debris that
fills the battlefield, and anyone inside the structure suffers
If an action zone is available in an encounter area, the DM
should summarize its effects before the battle begins. This
information allows the players to make use of the zone if they
wish, and it helps emphasize its presence in the encounter.
Keep in mind that even if a piece of terrain isnt a zone, the
characters still can use stunts to simulate the different
maneuvers they can complete with it.
Remember, an action zone simply lets the characters use
their environment in new, exciting ways. When you create
encounters, use action zones to turn mundane pieces of ter-
rain into fun tools that encourage the adventurers and their
enemies to employ interesting tactics.
This section presents a variety of basic terrain types, such as
desert and forest, along with some sample zones that corre-
spond to the terrain types.
Use this section as an encounter area toolbox. It provides
dressing that you can use to spice up your game and make
encounters more fun than two mobs of warriors lining up
and smashing each other with their weapons.
The following terrain features can be found anywhere.
Berm: A common defensive structure, a berm is a low
earthen wall that slows movement and provides a measure of
cover. Put a berm on the map by drawing two adjacent rows
of steep slope (described in Mountain and Hill Terrain on
page 46) that meet in the middle. Thus, a character crossing
a two-square berm will travel uphill for one square, and then
downhill for one square. Two-square berms provide cover as
low walls (see next page) for anyone standing behind them.
Larger berms provide the low wall benefit for anyone stand-
ing one square downhill from the top of the berm.
Fences: Wooden fences generally contain livestock or
impede oncoming soldiers. It costs an extra square of move-
ment to cross a wooden fence. A stone fence provides a
measure of cover as well, functioning as a low wall (see next
page). Mounted characters can cross a fence without slowing
their movement if they succeed at a Ride check (DC 15). If
the check fails, the steed crosses the fence, but the rider falls
out of the saddle.
Rubble, Dense: The ground is covered with rocks of all
sizes. It costs two squares of movement to enter a square with
dense rubble. The Difficulty Class of Balance and Tumble
checks on dense rubble increases by 5, and the DC of Move
Silently checks increases by 2.
Rubble, Light: Small rocks are strewn across the ground,
making nimble movement more difficult. The Difficulty Class
of Balance and Tumble checks increases by 2.
Trench: Often dug before a battle to protect soldiers, a
trench functions as a low wall (see next page), except that it
provides no cover against adjacent foes. It costs two squares
of movement to leave a trench, but it costs nothing extra to
enter one. Creatures outside a trench who make a melee attack against a
creature inside the trench gain a +1 bonus on the attack because they have
higher ground. Trenches might serve as irrigation ditches as well. These
rules also cover gulleys, deep gutters, and so on.
Wall, Low: This wall is 3 or 4 feet tall, high to provide cover for a Medium
character. Larger creatures receive no benefit from the wall, while smaller
ones gain complete cover from it. A Medium creature can cross a low wall by
spending two squares of movement, while larger creatures pass it without
penalty. Smaller creatures must scale the wall (Climb, DC 10) to cross it.
You can map the effects of a low wall to walls of different size by applying
their effects to different size categories. For example, a low wall is low rela-
tive to a Medium character. For a low wall relative to a Large creature,
replace Medium with Large in the previous paragraph. In this way, you
can create walls of various heights.
The aquatic terrain rules apply to adventures on the high seas and encoun-
ters on or near streams, rivers, and ponds. See Underwater Combat on
page 54 for more information on fighting in water.
Any character can wade in relatively calm water that isnt over her head,
with no check required. Similarly, swimming in calm water only requires skill
checks with a Difficulty Class of 10. Trained swimmers can just take 10.
Flowing Water: Large, placid rivers move at only a few miles per hour, so
they function as still water for most purposes. But some rivers and streams
are swifter; anything floating in them moves downstream at a speed of 10 to
40 feet per round. The fastest rapids send swimmers bobbing downstream at
60 to 90 feet per round. Fast rivers are always at least rough water (Swim,
DC 15), and whitewater rapids are stormy water (Swim, DC 20). If a charac-
ter is in moving water, move her downstream the indicated distance at the
end of her turn. A character trying to maintain her position relative to the
riverbank can spend some or all of her turn swimming upstream.
Swept Away: Characters swept away by a river moving 60 feet per round or
faster must make Swim checks (DC 20) every round to avoid going under. If a
character gets a check result of 5 or more over the minimum result necessary,
he stops his motion by catching a rock, tree limb, or bottom snag, and hes no
longer being carried along by the flow of the water. Escaping the rapids by
reaching the bank requires three Swim checks (DC 20) in a row. Characters
arrested by a rock, limb, or snag cant escape under their own power unless
they strike out into the water and attempt to swim their way clear. Other char-
acters can rescue them as if they were trapped in quicksand (see page 46).
Nonflowing Water: Lakes and oceans simply require a swim speed or suc-
cessful Swim checks to move through them (DC 10 in calm water, DC 15 in
rough water, and DC 20 in stormy water). Characters need a way to breathe
if theyre underwater or they risk drowning. When underwater, characters
can move in any direction as if they were flying with perfect maneuverability.
Drowning: Any character can hold her breath for a number of rounds
equal to twice her Constitution score. After this period of time, she must
make a Constitution check every round (DC 10 on the first round, +1 on
each subsequent round) in order to continue holding her breath.
When the character finally fails her Constitution check, she begins to
drown. In the first round, she falls unconscious (0 hit points). In the following
round, she drops to 1 hit points and is dying. In the third round, she drowns.
It is possible to drown in substances other than water, such as sand,
quicksand, fine dust, and silos full of grain.
The forbidding climates of the far north or far south, along
with the frigid upper regions of tall mountains, provide dan-
gerous sites for adventures.
Ice Sheet: The ground is covered with slippery ice. It costs
two squares of movement to enter a square covered by an ice
sheet, and the Difficulty Class of Balance and Tumble checks
there increases by 5. A Balance check (DC 10) is required to
run or charge across an ice sheet.
Iced-Over Lake: Most open bodies of water freeze over in
arctic conditions, but the ice might not be strong enough
to support a creature. Use the rules given for the ice sheet
above. In addition, the following triggered event zone applies
to the encounter.
Thin Ice (Triggered Event Zone): Triggered when a character
steps on a square of thin ice; Reflex save DC 10; on a failed
save, the character creates a hole in the ice big enough to
cover his space. In addition to the normal effects of attempt-
ing to swim and drowning, a character in freezing cold water
must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) each round or suffer
1d6 points of cold damage. He also must make a Spot check
(DC 10) to find the hole in the ice if he sinks below the
waters surface.
Snow: When using snow in an encounter, give it a size
rating similar to a creatures size category. The rating deter-
mines how deep the snow is compared to a creature. A
creature with the same size category as the snow stands
thigh-deep in it. It costs twice the normal movement
allowance to move into a square that is covered with snow
equal to your size. Smaller creatures must pay quadruple
the normal movement cost, while larger creatures can
move as normal.
This category covers anything not normally found in the
mundane world but likely present in a strange ruin, magical
location, dreaded sorcerers laboratory, or similar place.
Acid Pool: Corrosive acid deals 1d6 points of acid damage
per round of exposure except in the case of total immersion
(such as into a vat of acid), which deals 10d6 points of dam-
age per round. An attack with acid, such as from a hurled vial
or a monsters spittle, counts as a round of exposure.
The fumes from most acids are inhaled poisons. Anyone
who moves adjacent to a pool of acid must make a Fortitude
save (DC 13) or take 1 point of temporary Constitution dam-
age. The character must make a second save one minute later
or take another 1d4 points of Constitution damage. Creatures
with any sort of acid resistance or immunity ignore this effect.
Creatures immune to acids caustic properties might still
drown in it if totally immersed (see Drowning, above).
Altar: An altar provides cover as a low wall and might
include the following timed event zone.
Altar of Evil (Timed Event Zone): Once every 5 rounds; Will save
DC 15 (only for creatures that are not undead); on a failed
save, causes a 2 morale penalty to attacks and damage for
1d4 minutes. In addition, any undead creature within 100
feet of the altar of evil gains a +2 bonus to damage reduc-
tion checks for armor (or DR 2/magic if it lacks armor) and
a +2 morale bonus to attacks and damage.
Boiling Water: Boiling water deals 1d6 points of scalding
damage per round of exposure, unless the character is fully
immersed, in which case it deals 10d6 points of damage per
round of exposure.
Lava Effects: Lava or magma deals 2d6 points of fire
damage per round of exposure, except in the case of total
immersion (such as when a character falls into the crater of an active vol-
cano), which deals 20d6 points of damage per round.
Damage from magma continues for 1d3 rounds after exposure ceases,
but this additional damage is only half of that dealt during actual contact
(in other words, 1d6 or 10d6 points per round).
An immunity or resistance to fire serves as an immunity or resistance to
lava or magma, too. However, a creature immune to fire might still drown if
completely immersed in lava.
Sealed Chambers: A Medium character can breathe easily for six hours
in a sealed chamber measuring 10 feet on a side. After that time, the char-
acter takes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage every 15 minutes. Each addi-
tional Medium character or significant fire source (a torch, for example)
proportionally reduces the time the air will last.
Small characters consume half as much air as Medium characters. A larg-
er volume of air, of course, lasts for a longer time.
Smoke Cloud: A character who breathes in heavy smoke must succeed at
a Fortitude save each round (DC 15 on the first round, +1 for each subse-
quent round) or spend that round choking and coughing. A character who
chokes for 2 consecutive rounds takes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage.
Smoke obscures vision, giving concealment (20 percent miss chance) to
characters within it.
Vacuum: Any character can hold her breath for a number of rounds
equal to twice her Constitution score. After this period of time, she must
make a Constitution check every round (DC 10 on first round, +1 on each
subsequent round) in order to continue holding her breath.
When the character finally fails her Constitution check, she begins to
suffocate. In the first round, she falls unconscious (0 hit points). In the
following round, she drops to 1 hit points and is dying. In the third
round, she suffocates.
A dark, mysterious forest is the perfect venue for adventures in the
wilderness. The thick trees prevent the player characters from seeing far
ahead, while deadly monsters can attack from the branches above. Forest
terrain also mixes well with almost every other terrain type. A swampy for-
est consists of watery bogs dotted with trees, while a forest can thrive in
hilly and mountainous terrain.
Trees: A creature standing in the same square as a tree gains a +4 pas-
sive bonus to defense due to cover and a +2 cover bonus on Reflex saves.
The presence of a tree doesnt otherwise affect a creatures fighting space,
because its assumed that the creature is using the tree to its advantage
when it can. The trunk of a typical tree has hardness 5 and 150 hit points.
A Climb check (DC 15) is sufficient to climb a tree.
Medium and dense forests have massive trees as well. These trees take
up an entire square and provide cover to anyone behind them. They have
hardness 5 and 600 hit points. As with their smaller counterparts, it takes
a Climb check (DC 15) to climb them.
Trees might provide the following action zones:
Diving Branch Attack (Reusable Action Zone): You can climb a tree and launch
yourself down upon a foe. You may substitute a Jump check for your normal
attack roll as a full-round action. If you hit, your opponent suffers damage
equal to the falling damage you would normally take from the jump in addi-
tion to your weapon damage. You suffer half the normal falling damage.
Toppling Tree (Nonreusable Action Zone): You can use a
Strength check (DC 15) against a dying, dead, or otherwise
unsteady tree to send it crashing into your enemies. The tree
covers a line up to its height. This line must start from the
square it occupies, but it can extend in any direction you
wish. Creatures caught in the falling trees area must make
Reflex saves (DC 15) or suffer 5d6 points of damage. A suc-
cessful save halves this damage.
Undergrowth: Vines, roots, and short bushes cover much
of the ground in a forest.
A space covered with light undergrowth costs two squares
of movement to move into, and it provides partial conceal-
ment with a 20 percent miss chance. Undergrowth increases
the Difficulty Class of Tumble and Move Silently checks by 2
because the leaves and branches get in the way.
Heavy undergrowth costs four squares of movement to
move into, and it provides partial concealment with a 30
percent miss chance (instead of the usual 20 percent). It
increases the Difficulty Class of Tumble and Move Silently
checks by 5. Heavy undergrowth is easy to hide in, granting
a +5 circumstance bonus on Hide checks. Running and
charging are impossible.
Squares with undergrowth are often clustered together.
Undergrowth and trees arent mutually exclusive; its common
for a 5-foot square to have both a tree and undergrowth.
With its intense heat and shifting sands, the desert is a dan-
gerous place even under the best conditions.
Overwhelming Heat (Condition Zone): Fortitude DC 10; 1d4
points of nonlethal damage/no effect.
This zone represents the oppressive heat of the desert, espe-
cially when mixed with the physical exertion required in
combat. Use the standard temperature rules for extreme heat
(see page 52) in noncombat conditions. Characters in medi-
um armor suffer a 2 penalty to the save against this zone,
while those in heavy armor take a 4 penalty.
Sand Dunes: Created by the action of the wind, sand
dunes function as hills that move. If the wind is strong and
consistent, a sand dune can move several hundred feet in a
weeks time. Sand dunes can cover hundreds of squares. They
always have a gentle slope pointing in the direction of the
prevailing wind and a steep slope on the leeward side. Use the
rules for slopes in Mountain and Hill Terrain (see page 46).
Sandstorms: A sandstorm reduces visibility to 1d10 squares
and provides a 4 penalty on Listen, Search, and Spot checks.
A sandstorm deals 1d3 points of nonlethal damage per hour to
creatures caught in the open, leaving a thin coating of sand
in its wake. Driving sand creeps penetrates all but the most
secure seals and seams, chafing skin and contaminating gear.
Swamps have a justifiably sinister reputation. They are a
haven for insects, disease, and predatory creatures. From an
alligator that lurks just below the waters surface to the feral
goblins that snipe at adventurers with their poisoned arrows,
the marsh provides a daunting challenge for any character.
Swarm of Flies (Condition Zone): Fortitude DC 15; 2 penalty
to attacks, checks, and saves/no effect.
This condition zone represents a large swarm of mosquitoes
and other biting insects. These bugs are too small to inflict
damage on a character, but their relentless bites prove dis-
tracting. The penalty represents the bugs itching and
painful bites. A character affected by the swarm must save
each round to ignore the insects and fight as normal.
Bogs: If a square is part of a shallow bog, it has deep mud
or standing water of about 1 foot in depth. It costs double
the normal movement to move into a square with a shallow
bog, and the Difficulty Class of Tumble checks in such a
square increases by 2.
A square that is part of a deep bog has roughly 4 feet of
standing water. It costs Medium or larger creatures quadruple
the normal movement to move into a square with a deep bog,
or they can swim if they wish. Small or smaller creatures must
swim to move through a deep bog. Tumbling is impossible in
a deep bog.
The water in a deep bog provides cover for Medium or
larger creatures. Smaller creatures gain improved cover (+8
passive cover bonus to defense, +4 cover bonus on Reflex
saves). Medium or larger creatures can crouch as a move
action to gain this improved cover. Creatures with such
improved cover take a 10 penalty on attacks against crea-
tures that arent underwater.
Both shallow and deep bogs impose a 2 penalty on all
Move Silently checks.
Hedgerows: Common in moors, hedgerows are tangles of
stones, soil, and thorny bushes. Narrow hedgerows function
as low walls, and it takes three squares of movement to cross
them. Wide hedgerows are more than 5 feet tall and take up
entire squares. They provide total cover, just as a wall does. It
takes four squares of movement to move through a square
with a wide hedgerow; creatures that succeed at a Climb
check (DC 10) need to spend only two squares of movement
to move through the square.
Quicksand: Patches of quicksand present a deceptively
solid appearance (looking like undergrowth or open land)
that may trap careless adventurers. A character approaching
a patch of quicksand at a normal pace is entitled to a
Survival check (DC 8) to spot the danger before stepping in,
but charging or running characters dont have a chance to
detect the patch first. A typical patch of quicksand is 20 feet
in diameter; the momentum of a charging or running charac-
ter carries her 1d2 squares into the quicksand.
Effects of Quicksand: Characters in quicksand must make a
Swim check (DC 10) every round to simply tread in place, or
a Swim check (DC 15) to move 5 feet in whatever direction
they desire. If a trapped character fails this check by 5 or
more, she sinks below the surface and begins to drown when-
ever she can no longer hold her breath (see the Swim skill
description in Chapter Four of Iron Heroes).
Characters below the surface of quicksand may swim back
up with a successful Swim check (DC 15 on the first round,
+1 for each consecutive round spent under the surface).
Rescue: Pulling out a character trapped in quicksand can
be difficult. A rescuer needs a branch, spear haft, rope, or
similar tool that enables him to reach the victim with one
end of it. Then he must make a Strength check (DC 15) to
successfully pull the victim, and the victim must make a
Strength check (DC 10) to hold onto the branch, pole, or
rope. If both checks succeed, the victim is pulled one square
closer to safety. If the victim fails to hold on, she must make
a Swim check (DC 15) to stay above the surface.
Difficult to traverse and often rife with monsters, hills and
mountains provide a daunting physical barrier to civiliza-
tions outward expansion.
Rock Wall: A vertical plane of stone requires a Climb
check (DC 25) to ascend. A typical rock wall is 20 to 80 feet
tall in rugged mountains and 10 to 160 feet tall in forbidding
mountains. Rock walls are drawn on the edges of squares, not
in the squares themselves.
Scree: A field of shifting gravel, scree doesnt affect speed,
but it can be treacherous on a slope. The Difficulty Class of
Balance and Tumble checks increases by 2 for scree on a
gradual slope and by 5 for scree on a steep slope. If the scree
is on a slope of any kind, characters suffer a 2 penalty to all
Move Silently checks.
Slope, Gradual: A gradual slope is 30 degrees or less up
or down. This incline isnt steep enough to affect movement,
but characters gain a +1 bonus on melee attacks against foes
downhill from them.
Rolling Boulder (Nonreusable Action Zone): With a Strength
check as a full-round action, you can send a boulder rolling
down a slope to smash into your enemies. The Difficulty
Class and the damage this boulder inflicts depend on its
size; see the table below. Creatures suffer half damage from
the stone if they make Reflex saves.
Size DC Damage Reflex DC Suggested Level
Small 10 2d6 15 1st+
Medium 15 4d6 18 3rd+
Large 20 6d6 21 5th+
Huge 25 8d6 24 7th+
The boulder travels one square if you push it along flat ground. Pushing it
down a slope moves it the length of the slope and an additional distance
along flat ground equal to the slopes length. It inflicts an extra 2d6 points of
damage against a creature if it stops in a square occupied by that creature.
Slope, Steep: A steep slope is defined as sharper than 30 degrees but
shallow enough that characters dont need to use the Climb check to
ascend. Characters moving uphill (to an adjacent square of higher eleva-
tion) must spend two squares of movement to enter each square of steep
slope. Characters running or charging downhill (moving to an adjacent
square of lower elevation) must succeed at a Balance check (DC 10)
upon entering the first steep slope square. Mounted characters make a
Ride check (DC 10) instead. Characters who fail this check stumble and
must end their movement 1d2 squares later. Characters who fail by 5 or
more fall prone in the square where they end their movement. A steep
slope increases the Difficulty Class of Tumble checks by 2.
Even in the relative safety of a city or town, the characters must watch
out for assassins, robbers, thugs, and other threats. Some monsters are
at home when hidden among the vast mass of humanity.
Urban zones cover some of the unique features that the characters must
cope with in a city.
Crowd (Condition Zone): Strength DC 10. This condition zone represents a
large crowd, such as an audience gathered to hear a proclamation or wit-
ness a public execution. A crowd counts as difficult terrain that blocks
line of sight. You can attack only adjacent opponents. The crowd does not
block line of effect. If you fail your Strength check, you become caught in
the crowd and can move only at half speed. If you fail your check by 5 or
more, you are knocked prone and suffer 1d6 points of nonlethal damage.
If you are prone at the end of your action while in a crowd, you suffer
another 1d6 points of nonlethal damage as people trample you.
Falling Objects (Timed Event Zone): Occurs at DMs discretion; attack bonus
varies by party level (see Event Zone Effects, page 38). Falling objects
are a potential hazard in a city, especially if the characters fight near an
occupied building. A chamber pot, garbage, and other materials could
pose a threat. In addition to the standard rules for damage, the following
effects fit with an urban encounter.
Falling Garbage: A dumped chamber pot embarrasses the character it hits
and hampers his ability to fight. The victim must make a Fortitude save
(DC 15) or be nauseated for 1d4 rounds.
Riot (Condition Zone): Strength DC 10. This condition zone represents a
general state of violence, rioting, and chaos. It simulates a packed crowd
of panicked people who move and swarm along the streets seemingly at
random. If caught up in the riot, you can move at full speed in the same
direction as the riot, or you can move at half speed in a different direc-
tion. If you want to take other actions, you must make a Strength check
(DC 10). Moving in the same direction as the riot adds a +5 bonus to the
If the check succeeds, you can take your action. However, you
suffer a 4 penalty to attacks, checks, and saves as the riot
pushes past you. In addition, you must make a Strength
check (DC 10) at the end of your action or be knocked
prone and suffer nonlethal damage as described below.
If the check fails, youre jostled to a prone position and suffer
1d6 points of nonlethal damage. To stand up, you must make
a Strength check (DC 10) as a standard action. If at the end
of your action you are prone in the riot, you suffer 1d6
points of nonlethal damage as people trample you.
The concept of terrain inside a building may seem strange,
but a table or an enormous keg of beer has an effect on a
battle, just like a pit or a fence. The characters can use such
things as cover, and they make excellent candidates for
action zones. This section gives you basic rules for a variety
of common furnishings, with an eye toward making them
more interesting and useful than just pieces of cover.
Of course, this section cant present every possible furnishing
or accoutrement found in a building. Hopefully, the list is
extensive enough to help you with other obstacles or items that
you add to your game. Almost any action-adventure movie pro-
vides plenty of ideas for creative use of background elements.
Banister: This wide, smooth guardrail runs the length of
the stairs.
Slide Down (Reusable Action Zone): With a successful Balance
check (DC 15), you can jump on the banister and slide down
to the bottom of the stairs. This grants you the benefits of a
charge with a standard action rather than a full-round action.
Barrel: A barrel fills the square it occupies. You can step
on top of one with a Jump check (DC 5).
Barrel Roll Attack (Reusable Action Zone): You can kick a bar-
rel onto its side and roll it toward your opponents, knocking
them to the ground as the barrel careens over them. You
must make a Strength check (DC 15) as a full-round action
to knock the barrel over and kick it toward your enemies or
pick it up and throw it. In either case, you launch the barrel
in a line with a range of 15 feet. Any opponent in the lines
area must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + your Strength modi-
fier) or suffer damage equal to 2d6 points + double your
Strength bonus. In addition, creatures one or more size cate-
gories smaller than you are knocked prone on a failed save.
The barrel lands at the end of the line.
Chair: A chair turns the square it occupies into difficult
terrain. You gain a +2 bonus to any Jump checks made out of
the chairs square, as you step onto it before leaping to pro-
vide you with an extra boost.
Chandelier: In most cases, a chandelier has no effect on
combat. Its main value lies in the quick, safe passage it can
afford you across a brawl.
Chandelier Swing (Reusable Action Zone): You leap through the
air, grab hold of the chandelier, and use it to swing across the
room. You must make a Jump check as normal to reach the
chandelier. You then use it to swing across the room as a free
action. The distance it carries you depends on its size and the
length of the rope or chain used to suspend it from the ceiling.
If, after swinging across the room, you immediately attack a foe
in melee, you gain the benefits and drawbacks of charging.
Chandelier Crash (Nonreusable Action Zone): With a success-
ful base attack check (DC 20) made with a ranged weapon,
you shoot the chandeliers supporting rope or chain and
send it crashing to the floor. Anyone standing in the four
squares beneath it suffers 3d6 points of damage, though
they can make a Reflex save (DC 15) for half damage. The
four squares now count as difficult terrain. Obviously, once
you destroy the chandelier, its useless. If candles on the
chandelier are lit, targets may catch on fire (see page 52).
Table: A table provides an excellent refuge from a fight for
anyone who ducks under it, while a table pushed onto its
side offers cover against archers and other ranged attackers.
You can duck under a table by squatting down and paying
double the normal movement cost to enter the tables square.
While under a table, you gain a +2 bonus to all Hide checks,
as many combatants forget to look low when scanning an
area for enemies. You gain cover against melee attacks made
by opponents adjacent to the table. Moving out of a tables
area costs double the normal movement cost, as you must
wiggle out and stand as you exit. A creature can fit under any
table that is designed for creatures of its size or larger. Most
tavern tables come with two benches.
You can climb atop a table with a Jump check (DC 5).
While on the table, you gain a +1 bonus to attacks for being
higher than your opponents.
Table as Cover (Reusable Action Zone): With a Strength check
(DC 15) as a standard action, you flip a table over. The table
covers the same squares as before, but one side of that space
now counts as a low wall (see page 42). You can switch the
side that the wall runs along with another Strength check
(DC 15) as a standard action.
Bench Toss (Reusable Action Zone): You can pick up and throw a
bench if your Strength is 14 or higher. This attack has a range
of 10 feet and can target up to three adjacent squares. Make a
touch attack against each target in the area. A successful hit
deals damage equal to 1d6 points + twice your Strength bonus.
Tapestry/Curtain: A tapestry or curtain provides either
cover or partial concealment, depending on its thickness. A
heavy curtain deflects arrows and sword blows, providing
cover, while a light one allows such attacks to pass through but
makes it difficult to perceive who or what stands behind them.
In either case, you can hide behind a tapestry if it blocks sight.
Tapestry Swirl (Reusable Action Zone): As a standard attack action,
you can pull down a curtain and wrap it around an opponent.
Make a touch attack against your opponent. If you succeed, you
grab the tapestry, swirl it in the air, and wrap it around your foe.
Your opponent becomes entangled in the tapestry until the end
of his next action. Of course, both you and the target must be
close enough to the tapestry for this maneuver to work.
Tapestry Collapse (Nonreusable Action Zone): As a standard
action, you pull the tapestry down upon your opponent. You
must make a Strength check (DC 20, though it could be
higher or lower depending on the tapestrys material) to tear
it from the wall, and then make a touch attack against your
opponent. If you hit, your opponent is entangled until he
makes a Strength or Escape Artist check (same DC as needed
to tear the tapestry down) as a standard action to escape.
Tapestry Rappel (Reusable Action Zone): You stab a piercing
weapon into a tapestry or similar object and then hang from
the weapon. As it slices down the tapestry, you ride it safely
to the floor. With a successful base attack check (DC 15), you
can fall any distance down a tapestry without suffering dam-
age. Moving in this manner is a move action.
A raft floats downstream, carrying a party toward its destina-
tion. A group of orcs, noticing the raft, moves to attack. Some
of the orcs fire arrows from the banks, but others swim
toward the raft. The party must fight off the attackers, but
luckily, the raft carries them away from danger.
Mobile terrain adds interesting wrinkles to an encounter.
It can cause unexpectedand perhaps unwantedchanges
to the positions of the characters or their opponents. If the
characters dont know where or when a section of terrain or
a feature will move, they might end up in a sticky situation.
By the same token, a distant monster might suddenly bear
down on the party with help from the terrain. For example,
the characters might spot a gang of goblins at the far end of
a mine tunnel. The mine-cart tracks the PCs have been fol-
lowing are old and rusty, making it quite a surprise when the
goblins come screaming down the passage toward them on
an ancient mining cart. The players may have counted on a
few rounds to cast spells and prepare for combat. Instead,
their enemies are upon them.
The key consideration with mobile terrain is timing. If a plat-
form in the middle of a battlefield is spinning around, what
happens when a character jumps onto it? Does he immedi-
ately move with the platform, or does he have a chance to
take an action and complete his movement? A rogue might
jump onto the platform, ride it for a few seconds, and jump
off to land next to an opponent. A hunter might want to take
a few steps on it to reach his foe, but if the platform moves
him as soon as he touches it, he cant reach her. Over the
course of a six-second round, everyone is assumed to act
almost simultaneously, but if the platform moves on every
character or monsters action, the results may seem strange.
For instance, Pharius leaps onto the spinning platform on
his initiative count of 23. After his action, the DM resolves
the platforms movement. If four other people jumped onto
the platform, youd expect that Pharius also would move with
it those four other times. On the other hand, if the platform
moves only once per round, monsters and characters can
cross it, move onto and off of it, and otherwise treat it as
static terrain. Only characters who remain on the platform
when it moves have to deal with it. Unless the moving terrain
is enormous or the characters must spend time on it during
the encounter, you lose the feel of a dynamic battlefield.
The easiest way to get around this pitfall is to treat terrain
thats in motion as more difficult to handle than regular
ground. After all, its only logical that taking a step on a fast-
moving platform is risky. When you step onto moving terrain,
you need to maintain your balance in order to continue moving
as normal. If youre fast and agile, you can hop onto it, make a
short move, and hop off. A slower, lumbering character might
fall over or become frozen in place, unable to continue moving.
When you enter moving terrain, make a Balance check with
a Difficulty Class determined by the terrains speed. If you fail
this check, your movement immediately ends, and you suffer a
2 penalty to attacks and checks due to your unsteady footing.
If you want to keep moving, you must use another action to
move. Before doing so, you must make another Balance check
with a DC thats 5 higher than that of the previous check.
Should this check fail, you fall prone in your current space
and your movement ends. If you have an extra action, you can
stand and attempt another Balance check to keep moving.
If your Balance check succeeds, you can continue to move
and act as normal. You do not suffer the penalty to attacks
and checks. In either case, moving terrain is difficult ground
due to the speed of its movement and unsteady footing.
Moving terrain also makes you a more difficult target. You
gain a passive defense bonus against anyone whos not on
the moving terrain. This bonus takes into account your
speed, plus the chance that as you move you might gain
cover from the attacker.
When dealing with moving terrain, roll for its initiative
with a +0 modifier. On its action, the terrain moves anyone
standing on it a distance determined by its speed. Anyone on
the terrain moves the listed distance along its path.
Terrain Speed Balance DC Defense Bonus Distance
Slow 5 0 20 feet
Moderate 10 0 40 feet
Brisk 15 +1 60 feet
Fast 20 +2 80 feet
Intense 25 +4 100 feet
While moving through various types of terrain, the player
characters also must deal with the effects of weather. They
shouldnt face a storm or blizzard every time they step out-
side, but introducing different weather conditions lends a
sense of realism to the game.
Many DMs like to have the player characters blunder into
fog or trudge through chilly rain, but dont overlook other
types of precipitation as well.
Fog: Whether in the form of a low-lying cloud or a mist
rising from the ground, fog obscures all sight, including
darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have partial
concealment (attacks by or against them have a 20 percent
miss chance).
Hail: Hail does not reduce visibility, but the sound of
falling hail makes Listen checks more difficult (4 penalty).
Sometimes (5 percent chance), hail can become large
enough to deal 1 point of lethal damage (per storm) to any-
thing in the open. Once on the ground, hail has the same
effect on movement as snow.
Rain: Rain reduces visibility ranges by half, resulting in a
4 penalty on Spot and Search checks. It has the same effect
on flames, ranged weapon attacks, and Listen checks as
severe wind.
Sleet: Essentially frozen rain, sleet has the same effect as
rain while falling (except that its chance to extinguish pro-
tected flames is 75 percent) and the same effect as snow
once on the ground.
Snow, Normal: Falling snow has the same effects on visibil-
ity, ranged weapon attacks, and skill checks as rain. A day of
snowfall leaves 1d6 inches of snow on the ground. See Arctic
Terrain, page 43, for rules on movement through snow.
Snow, Heavy: Heavy snow has the same effects as normal
snowfall, but also restricts visibility as fog does. A day of
heavy snow leaves 1d4 feet of snow on the ground. See page
43 for rules on movement through snow.
Heavy snow accompanied by strong or severe winds may
result in snowdrifts 1d45 feet deep, especially in and
around objects big enough to deflect the winda cabin or
a large tent, for instance. There is a 10 percent chance that
a heavy snowfall is accompanied by lightning. Snow has the
same effect on flames as moderate wind.
Something as simple as wind can be a minor inconvenience
or a dangerous challenge, depending on its intensity. (See
the Wind Effects table on the next page.)
Wind, Moderate: A steady, moderate wind has a 50 per-
cent chance of extinguishing small, unprotected flames, such
as candles.
Wind, Strong: Strong gusts automatically extinguish unpro-
tected flames (candles, torches, and the like). Such gusts impose
a 2 penalty on ranged attack rolls and on Listen checks.
Wind, Severe: In addition to automatically extinguishing
any unprotected flames, winds of this magnitude cause pro-
tected flames (such as those of lanterns) to dance wildly.
They have a 50 percent chance of extinguishing these lights.
Ranged weapon attacks and Listen checks in severe wind
carry a 4 penalty.
Windstorm: Powerful enough to bring down branches if
not whole trees, windstorms automatically extinguish unpro-
tected flames. They have a 75 percent chance of blowing out
protected flames, such as those of lanterns. Ranged weapon
attacks are impossible in windstorms, and even siege
weapons have a 4 penalty on attack rolls. Listen checks are
made at a 8 penalty due to the howling of the wind.
Wind, Hurricane: All flames are extinguished. Ranged
attacks become impossible (except with siege weapons, which
have a 8 penalty on attack rolls). Listen checks are impos-
sible; characters hear nothing but the roaring of the wind.
Hurricane-force winds often fell trees. See Forest Terrain
on page 44 for an action zone that simulates a falling tree.
Wind, Tornado: All flames are extinguished. All ranged
attacks are impossible (even with siege weapons), as are
Listen checks. Instead of being blown away (see the Wind
Effects table below), characters in close proximity to a torna-
do who fail their Fortitude saves are sucked toward the tor-
nado. Those who come into contact with the actual funnel
cloud are picked up and whirled around for 1d10 rounds,
taking 6d6 points of damage per round, before being vio-
lently expelled (falling damage may apply). While a tornados
rotational speed can be as great as 300 miles per hour, the
funnel itself moves forward at an average of 30 miles per
hour (roughly 250 feet per round). A tornado uproots trees,
destroys buildings, and causes other similar forms of major
A simple way to remind the player characters of their envi-
ronment is to make it much colder or hotter than is comfort-
able. This section also covers the rules for catching on fire.
Cold and exposure deal nonlethal damage to a victim. A
character cant recover from this nonlethal damage until she
gets out of the cold and warms up again. Once a character
falls unconscious through the accumulation of nonlethal
damage, the cold and exposure begin to deal lethal damage
at the same rate.
An unprotected character in cold weather (below 40 F)
must make a Fortitude save each hour (DC 15 for the first
save, + 1 for each subsequent save) or take 1d6 points of
nonlethal damage. Characters reduced to unconsciousness
begin taking lethal damage (1d6 points per hour).
In conditions of severe cold or exposure (below 0 F), an
unprotected character must make a Fortitude save once every
10 minutes (DC 15 for the first save, + 1 for each subsequent
save), taking 1d6 points of nonlethal damage on each failure.
A character with the Survival skill may receive a bonus on
this saving throw and may be able to apply this bonus to
other characters as well (see the skill description in Chapter
Four of Iron Heroes). Characters wearing winter clothing need
to check for cold and exposure damage only once per hour.
A character who takes any nonlethal damage from cold or
exposure is beset by frostbite or hypothermia (treat her as
fatigued). These penalties end when the character recovers
the nonlethal damage she took from the cold and exposure.
Ranged Attacks
Wind Force Wind Speed Normal/Siege Weapons* Creature Size** Wind Effect on Creatures Fortitude Save DC
Light 010 mph / Any None
Moderate 1120 mph / Any None
Strong 2130 mph 2/ Tiny or smaller Knocked down 10
Small or larger None 10
Severe 3150 mph 4/ Tiny Blown away 15
Small Knocked down 15
Medium Checked 15
Large or larger None 15
Windstorm 5174 mph Impossible/4 Small or smaller Blown away 18
Medium Knocked down 18
Large or Huge Checked 18
Gargantuan or Colossal None 18
Hurricane 75174 mph Impossible/8 Medium or smaller Blown away 20
Large Knocked down 20
Huge Checked 20
Gargantuan or Colossal None 20
Tornado 175300 mph Impossible/impossible Large or smaller Blown away 30
Huge Knocked down 30
Gargantuan or Colossal Checked 30
* The siege weapon category includes ballista and catapult attacks as well as boulders tossed by giants.
** Flying or airborne creatures are treated as one size category smaller than their actual size, so an airborne Gargantuan dragon is treated as Huge when determining wind effects.
For effect descriptions, see States and Conditions in Chapter Eight: Combat of Iron Heroes.
When checked, a flying creature is blown back 1d6 squares.
Extreme cold (below 20 F) deals 1d6 points of lethal
damage per minute (no save). In addition, a character must
make a Fortitude save each round (DC 15 for the first save,
+1 for each subsequent save) or take 1d4 points of nonlethal
damage. Those wearing metal armor or coming into contact
with very cold metal take damage based on the length of
their exposure. A character takes no damage on the first
round, 1d4 points on the second round, and 2d4 points on
all subsequent rounds until she drops the metal item,
removes her armor, and so forth.
Heat deals nonlethal damage to a victim. A character cant
recover from this nonlethal damage until she cools off. Once
a character falls unconscious through the accumulation of
nonlethal damage, the heat begins to deal lethal damage at
the same rate.
A character in very hot conditions (above 90 F) must
make a Fortitude save each hour (DC 15 for the first save, +
1 for each subsequent save) or take 1d4 points of nonlethal
damage. Those wearing heavy clothing or armor of any sort
suffer a 4 penalty on their saves. Characters reduced to
unconsciousness begin taking lethal damage (1d4 points
per hour).
In severe heat (above 110 F), a character must make a
Fortitude save once every 10 minutes (DC 15 for the first
save, + 1 for each subsequent save) or take 1d4 points of
nonlethal damage. Characters wearing heavy clothing or
armor of any sort take a 4 penalty on their saves. A charac-
ter with the Survival skill may receive a bonus on this saving
throw and may be able to apply this bonus to other charac-
ters as well (see the skill description in Chapter Four of Iron
Heroes). Characters reduced to unconsciousness begin taking
lethal damage (1d4 points every 10 minutes).
A character who takes any nonlethal damage from heat
exposure suffers from heatstroke and is fatigued. These
penalties end when the character recovers the nonlethal
damage she took from the heat.
Extreme heat (air temperature over 140 F, fire, boiling
water, lava) deals 1d6 points of lethal damage per minute (no
save). In addition, a character must make a Fortitude save
(DC 15 for the first save, + 1 for each subsequent save) every
round or take 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. Those wear-
ing heavy clothing or any sort of armor take a 4 penalty on
their saves. In addition, those wearing metal armor or com-
ing into contact with very hot metal suffer damage based on
the length of their exposure. A character takes no damage on
the first round, 1d4 points on the second round, and 2d4
points on all subsequent rounds until shes no longer
exposed to the item.
Characters exposed to burning oil, bonfires, and noninstan-
taneous magic fires might find their clothes, hair, or equip-
ment on fire. Spell methods with an Instantaneous duration
dont normally set a character on fire, since the heat and
flame from them come and go in a flash.
A character at risk of catching on fire is allowed a Reflex
save (DC 15) to avoid this fate. If she fails the save, she takes
1d6 points of damage immediately. In each subsequent
round, the burning character must make another Reflex sav-
ing throw. Failure means that she takes another 1d6 points
of damage that round. Success means that the fire has gone
out. (That is, once she succeeds on her saving throw, shes no
longer on fire.)
A character on fire may automatically extinguish the
flames by jumping into enough water to douse herself. If no
body of water is at hand, rolling on the ground or smother-
ing the fire with cloaks or the like permits the character
another save with a +4 bonus.
Those unlucky enough to have their clothes or equipment
catch fire must make Reflex saves (DC 15) for each item.
Flammable items that fail their save take the same amount of
damage as the character.
An arrow streaks from the darkness, knocking the adventur-
ers torch to the ground. As it sputters out in one of the
puddles that dot the dungeon floor, the clatter of boots
echoes in the pitch blackness around them. While the
partys thief desperately roots through his pack for a sec-
ond torch, the rest of the adventurers steel themselves for
the impending attack.
Darkness presents a daunting challenge for the characters,
as they typically lack the ability to see without light. In caves,
dungeons, catacombs, and other subterranean vistas, dark-
ness is as deadly as an enormous cave spider or a pit trap.
Some characters or monsters might be able to see in the
dark, while others are blinded. For purposes of this section,
a blinded creature is one who simply cant see through the
surrounding darkness.
Creatures blinded by darkness lose the ability to deal extra
damage due to precision (for example, a sneak attack). All
opponents have total concealment from a blinded creature,
so the blinded creature has a 50 percent miss chance in
combat. A blinded creature must first pinpoint the location
of an opponent in order to attack the right square. If the
blinded creature launches an attack without pinpointing its
foe, it attacks a random square within its reach. For ranged
attacks or spell methods against a foe whose location is not
pinpointed, roll to determine which adjacent square the
blinded creature is facing; its attack is directed at the closest
target in that direction.
If an unseen foe strikes a blinded creature, the blinded
character pinpoints the location of the creature that struck
him (until the unseen creature moves, of course). The only
exception is if the unseen creature has a reach greater than 5
feet (in which case the blinded character knows the location
of the unseen opponent, but has not pinpointed him) or uses
a ranged attack (in which case the blinded character knows
the general direction of the foe, but not his location).
A blinded creature loses its active bonus to defense. It suf-
fers a 4 penalty on Search checks and most Strength- and
Dexterity-based skill checks, including any with an armor
check penalty. A creature blinded by darkness automatically
fails any skill check relying on vision. Creatures blinded by
darkness cannot use gaze attacks and are immune to them.
Locating by Sound: A creature blinded by darkness can
make a Listen check as a free action each round to locate a
foe (with a Difficulty Class equal to his opponents Move
Silently check). A successful check lets a blinded character
hear an unseen creature over there somewhere. Its almost
impossible to pinpoint the location of an unseen creature.
A Listen check that beats the DC by 20 reveals the unseen
creatures square, but the unseen creature still has total con-
cealment from the blinded creature.
Even if a blinded character can hear two creatures fight-
ing, he cant be sure which is a friend and which is a foe. A
character may have to guess or call out to a friend to deter-
mine a creatures identity.
Locating by Touch: A blinded character can grope about
to find unseen creatures. A character can make a touch
attack with his hands or a weapon into two adjacent squares
using a standard action. If an unseen target is in the desig-
nated square, the touch attack has a 50 percent miss chance.
If the attack succeeds, the groping character deals no dam-
age but pinpoints the unseen creatures current location. If
the unseen creature moves, its location again becomes
Locating by Smell: A creature with the scent ability auto-
matically pinpoints unseen creatures within 5 feet of its
Characters blinded by darkness stumble about, paying double
the normal movement cost to enter each square as they walk,
unsure and unsteady on their feet. In addition, they must
navigate by sound. Consult the Listen skill description in
Chapter Four of Iron Heroes for the Difficulty Classes needed
to hear the action around them. In most cases, these
Difficulty Classes are trivially low.
When moving, a blinded creature risks veering off its
intended course. A Wisdom check (DC 5) determines whether
the creature can maintain a straight line. If this check fails,
the creature becomes slightly disoriented and might make a
wrong turn halfway through its intended movement.
To determine the direction in which the creature turns,
roll 1d8. The result shows the new direction, with 1 through
8 counting clockwise around the squares surrounding the
creature. The creature continues in this direction until it
uses its intended movement or hits an obstacle. In the latter
case, its movement immediately ends.
A character fumbling about in darkness suffers a 5 penal-
ty to all saves and defense against hazards that are difficult
to notice without sight. For example, a blinded character
could stumble into a pit that is normally easy to spot.
Part of the challenge of fighting in the dark lies in the char-
acters inability to locate their enemies. The use of a map
grid and miniatures undermines this drawback by plainly
showing where each combatant stands. As an optional rule,
you can remove the grid and miniatures from play. Since the
characters cant see the area around them, the players lose
access to the visual representation of the battlefield.
In this case, you have two options. If you have a piece of
graph paper or a similar small grid that you can keep hidden
from the players, you can chart each characters movement
yourself. Alternatively, you can label the columns on your
battle grid using an X and Y axis. This allows you to chart the
exact location of the characters by tracking the X and Y val-
ues of the squares each combatant occupies. In other words,
label the horizontal and vertical rows of squares with num-
bers. For example, square 1 1 would be the square that
falls in vertical row 1 and horizontal row 1.
With this system, the players must make their best guess
of which direction to move during an encounter. Since they
cant use miniatures to determine the relative location of
their friends and enemies, they must grope in the dark.
Land-based creatures can have considerable difficulty when
fighting in water. Water affects a creatures defense, attack
rolls, damage, and movement. In some cases, a creatures
opponents may get a bonus on attacks. The effects are sum-
marized in the Combat Adjustments Underwater table below.
They apply whenever a character is swimming, walking in
chest-deep water, or walking along the bottom of a body of
Ranged Attacks Underwater: Thrown weapons prove inef-
fective underwater, even when launched from land. Attacks
with other ranged weapons take a 2 penalty on attack rolls
for every 5 feet of water they pass through, in addition to the
normal penalties for range.
Attacks From Land: Characters swimming, floating, tread-
ing water on the surface, or wading in water at least chest
deep have improved cover (+8 passive cover bonus to
defense and +4 cover bonus on Reflex saves) from opponents
on land. Magical effects are unaffected except for those that
require attack rolls (which are treated like any other effects)
and fire effects.
Fire: Nonmagical fire does not burn underwater. Spells
or spell-like effects with the fire descriptor are ineffective
underwater unless the caster makes a Spellcraft check (DC
20). If the check succeeds, the spell creates a bubble of
steam instead of its usual fiery effect, but otherwise the spell
works as described. A supernatural fire effect is ineffective
underwater unless its description states otherwise. The sur-
face of a body of water blocks line of effect for any fire spell.
If the caster has made a Spellcraft check to render the fire
spell usable underwater, the surface still blocks the spells
line of effect.
Some portions of this book refer to states such as invisibility.
This section elaborates on such states and conditions for
your convenience and to give players and DMs a baseline set
of definitions that are more detailed than those provided at
the end of Chapter Eight: Combat in Iron Heroes.
A falling character suffers 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet
fallen, to a maximum of 20d6 points of damage.
If a character deliberately jumps instead of merely slip-
ping or falling, the damage is the same but the first 1d6
points are nonlethal damage. A Jump check (DC 15) or
Tumble check (DC 15) allows the character to avoid any
damage from the first 10 feet fallen and converts any dam-
age from the second 10 feet to nonlethal damage. For
example, a character who slips from a ledge 30 feet up
takes 3d6 points of damage. If the same character deliber-
ately jumped, he would take 1d6 points of nonlethal dam-
age and 2d6 points of lethal damage. If he leaped down
with a successful Jump or Tumble check, he would take only
1d6 points of nonlethal damage and 1d6 points of lethal
damage from the plunge.
Falls onto yielding surfaces (such as soft ground or mud)
also convert the first 1d6 points of damage to nonlethal
damage. This reduction is cumulative with reduced damage
due to deliberate jumps and the Jump skill.
Falling Into Water: Falls into water are handled somewhat
differently. If the water is at least 10 feet deep, the first 20
feet of falling deal no damage. The next 20 feet deal nonlethal
CONDITION Slashing or Bludgeoning Tail Movement Off Balance?
Has a swim speed 2/half Normal Normal No
Successful Swim check 2/half 2/half Quarter or half* No
Firm footing 2/half 2/half Half No
None of the above 2/half 2/half None Yes
* A successful Swim check lets a creature move one-quarter its speed as a move action or one-half its speed as a full-round action.
Creatures have firm footing when walking along the bottom, braced against a ships hull, or the like. A creature can walk along the bottom only if it wears or carries enough gear
to weigh itself downat least 16 lbs. for Medium creatures, twice that for each size category larger than Medium, and half that for each size category smaller than Medium.
Creatures flailing about in the water (usually because they failed their Swim checks) have a hard time fighting effectively. An off-balance creature loses its active bonus to defense,
and opponents gain a +2 bonus on attacks against it.
damage (1d3 points per 10-foot increment). Beyond that,
falling damage becomes lethal damage (1d6 points per addi-
tional 10-foot increment).
Characters who deliberately dive into water take no dam-
age on a successful Swim check (DC 15) or Tumble check
(DC 15), as long as the water is at least 10 feet deep for every
30 feet fallen. However, the Difficulty Class of the check
increases by 5 for every 50 feet of the dive.
Falling Objects: Just as characters take damage when they
fall more than 10 feet, so too do they take damage when falling
objects hit them. Objects that fall on characters deal damage
based on their weight and the distance fallen. Use your discre-
tion as the DM for situations not covered by the following rules.
For each 200 lbs. of an objects weight, the object deals
1d6 points of damage, provided it falls at least 10 feet.
Distance also comes into play, adding an extra 1d6 points of
damage for every 10-foot increment it falls beyond the first
(to a maximum of 20d6 points of damage).
Objects smaller than 200 lbs. also deal damage when
dropped, but they must fall farther to deal the same damage.
Use the table below to see how far an object of a given
weight must drop to deal 1d6 points of damage.
Object Weight Falling Distance
15 lbs. 70 feet
610 lbs. 60 feet
1130 lbs. 50 feet
3150 lbs. 40 feet
51100 lbs. 30 feet
101200 lbs. 20 feet
For each additional increment an object falls, it deals an
extra 1d6 points of damage.
Objects weighing less than 1 lb. deal no damage to those
they land upon, no matter how far they have fallen.
Ghosts, phantoms, and similar creatures lack physical bodies.
They are insubstantial and cant be touched by nonmagical
matter or energy. Likewise, they cant manipulate objects or
exert physical force on objects. However, incorporeal beings
have a tangible presence that sometimes seems like a physi-
cal attack against a corporeal creature.
Incorporeal creatures are present on the same plane as the
characters, and characters have some chance to affect them.
Attacks: Incorporeal creatures can be harmed only by
other incorporeal creatures, by magic weapons, or by spells,
spell-like effects, or supernatural effects. They ignore passive
defense bonuses and are immune to the following:
all nonmagical attack forms
normal fires
natural cold
mundane acids
critical hits
sneak attacks
Even when struck by magic or magic weapons, an incorpo-
real creature has a 50 percent chance to ignore any damage
from a corporeal source, except for a force effect.
The physical attacks of incorporeal creatures ignore mate-
rial armor, even magic armor, unless it is made of force.
Movement and Interaction: Incorporeal creatures move in any
direction (including up or down) at will. They dont need to walk on
the ground. They can pass through solid objects at will, although
they cant see when their eyes are within solid matter. They pass
through and operate in water as easily as they do in air.
Incorporeal creatures have no weight and dont set off traps that
are triggered by weight. They cant fall and never suffer falling
damage. Corporeal creatures cant trip or grapple incorporeal
Incorporeal creatures hiding inside solid objects get a +2 circum-
stance bonus on Listen checks, because solid objects carry sound
well. Pinpointing an opponent from inside a solid object uses the
same rules as pinpointing invisible opponents (see Invisibility,
Detection: Incorporeal creatures are inaudible unless they decide
to make noise. They leave no footprints and have no scent.
The ability to move about unseen is not foolproof. While invisible
creatures cant be seen, they can be heard, smelled, or felt.
Detection by Vision: Invisibility makes a creature undetectable
by vision, including darkvision and similar abilities that dont
expressly say that they allow you to see invisible creatures or
Invisible creatures leave tracks and can be tracked normally.
Footprints in sand, mud, or other soft surfaces can provide clues
to an invisible creatures location.
An invisible creature in the water displaces water, revealing its
location. The invisible creature is still hard to see, however, and
benefits from total concealment.
Detection by Spot: A character can notice the presence of an
active invisible creature within 30 feet with a Spot check (DC 20).
The observer gains a hunch that somethings there but cant see
it or target it accurately with an attack. A creature that holds still
is harder to notice (DC 30). An inanimate object, an unliving
creature holding still, or a completely immobile creature is even
harder to spot (DC 40). Its practically impossible (+20 DC) to
pinpoint an invisible creatures location with a Spot check, and
even if a character succeeds at such a check, the invisible crea-
ture still benefits from total concealment (50 percent miss
Detection by Listen: A character can try to find an invisible
creature by making a Listen check for this purpose as a free action
each round. A Listen check result at least equal to the invisible
creatures Move Silently check result reveals its presence. (A crea-
ture with no ranks in Move Silently makes a Dexterity check instead,
to which an armor check penalty applies.) A successful check lets a
character hear an invisible creature over there somewhere. Its
practically impossible (+20 DC) to pinpoint the location of an
invisible creature.
The table on the next page suggests appropriate Listen check
Difficulty Classes to detect invisible creatures.
Invisible Creatures Status Listen DC
In combat or speaking 0
Moving at half speed Move Silently check
Moving at full speed Move Silently check
result 4
Running or charging Move Silently check
result 20
Some distance away +1 per 10 feet
Behind an obstacle (door) +5
Behind an obstacle (stone wall) +15
Detection by Touch: A character can grope about to find
an invisible creature. He can make a touch attack with his
hands or a weapon into two adjacent 5-foot squares using a
standard action. If an invisible target is in the designated
area, the touch attack has a 50 percent miss chance. If the
attack succeeds, the groping character deals no damage but
pinpoints the invisible creatures current location. (If the
invisible creature moves, its location again becomes
Detection by Smell: Invisibility has no effect on the scent
ability. A creature with scent uses that talent against an
invisible foe in the same way it does against a visible one.
Immunities: Invisibility does not, by itself, make a creature
immune to critical hits, but it does make the creature
immune to extra damage from sneak attacks.
Attacks: If a character tries to attack an invisible creature
whose location he has pinpointed, he attacks normally, but
the invisible creature still benefits from total concealment
(and thus a 50 percent miss chance). A particularly large
and slow creature receives a smaller miss chance. If a crea-
ture is one size category larger than the character attacking
it, it gains only partial concealment (20 percent miss
chance). If its three or more sizes larger, it gains no con-
If a character tries to attack an invisible creature whose
location he hasnt pinpointed, have the player choose the
space where his character will direct the attack. If the invisible
creature is there, conduct the attack normally. If the enemys
not there, roll the miss chance as if it were there, dont let the
player see the result, and tell him that the character missed.
That way, the player doesnt know whether the attack missed
because the enemys not there or because you successfully
rolled the miss chance.
A creature with blindsight can attack (and otherwise inter-
act with) creatures regardless of invisibility.
If an invisible creature strikes a character, the character
struck knows the location of his attacker (until the invisible
creature moves). The only exception is if the invisible crea-
ture has a reach greater than 5 feet. In this case, the struck
character knows the general location of the creature but has
not pinpointed the exact location.
Invisible creatures cant use gaze attacks.
Objects: If an invisible character picks up a visible object,
the object remains visible. An invisible creature can pick up
a small visible item and hide it on his person (tucked in a
pocket or behind a cloak) and render it effectively invisible.
Of course, you also could coat an invisible object with
flour to keep track of its position (until the flour fell off or
blew away).
An invisible object, such as a torch, still gives off light as
Ethereal Creatures: Ethereal creatures are invisible. Since
ethereal creatures are not materially present, Spot checks,
Listen checks, scent, Blind-Fight, and blindsight dont help
locate them.
Incorporeal Creatures: Incorporeal creatures are often
invisible. Scent, Blind-Fight, and blindsight dont help in
finding or attacking invisible, incorporeal creatures, but Spot
checks and possibly Listen checks can help.
Characters might find themselves without food or water and
with no means to obtain them. In normal climates, Medium
characters need at least a gallon of fluids and about 1 lb. of
decent food per day to avoid starvation. (Small characters
need half as much, and Large characters need twice as
much.) In very hot climates, characters need two or three
times as much water to avoid dehydration.
A character can go without water for one day plus a num-
ber of hours equal to his Constitution score. After this time,
he must make a Constitution check each hour (DC 10 for
the first check, + 1 for each subsequent check) or take 1d6
points of nonlethal damage.
A character can go without food for three days, in growing
discomfort. After this time, the character must make a
Constitution check each day (DC 10 for the first check, + 1
for each subsequent check) or take 1d6 points of nonlethal
Characters who have taken nonlethal damage due to lack
of food or water are fatigued. Nonlethal damage from thirst
or starvation cant be recovered until the character gets food
or water as needed. Not even magic that restores hit points
heals this damage.
f course, Monte Cook Presents: Iron Heroes removes
magic items as important elements in a characters
abilities. This change sets off a short chain reaction
in the games structure. With the role of magic items radical-
ly reduced, wealth becomes less important to determining a
characters power in terms of combat and skills. As a result,
monetary rewards may seem less compelling to the players.
Since money no longer buys the characters magic weapons,
armor, potions, and other gadgets, the players may not see it
as important.
Worst of all, if you use treasure and rewards as a motiva-
tion for the characters in other d20 System games, you might
have trouble using the same strategy in Iron Heroes. In anoth-
er fantasy game, the kings offer of a 10,000-gp reward for
defeating a dragon is enough to keep the players interested.
In Iron Heroes, the players may not see that as a compelling
reason to risk their characters lives.
This chapter addresses this issue in a number of ways.
It gives some advice on creating motivations and
goals for adventures that draw on story considera-
tions rather than mechanical rewards.
It touches on the role a characters burgeoning
wealth can play when he cant use a fabulous dia-
mond to buy a new magic sword.
It introduces a new game feature, wealth feats, which
represent the favors, new options, and capabilities
that come from having a vast fortune. A rich charac-
ter can buy an audience with the king, bribe city
officials into forgiving his crimes, or create a lavish,
safe lifestyle. Of course, such advantages last only as
long as a character has enough coin to support
Mechanically speaking, a characters wealth has little impact
on his effectiveness in Iron Heroes. Aside from masterwork
weapons, armor, and tools, there isnt much a character can
buy that improves his fighting ability or skills. Furthermore,
only certain classes can take advantage of such gear. A thief
has little use for a suit of plate armor, while a masterwork
sword cant transform an arcanist into a skilled warrior.
Masterwork equipment is useful enough for most characters
to invest in it, but it doesnt change the games complexion.
In many ways, the shift away from wealth makes running an
Iron Heroes campaign easier. Theres little need for extensive
bookkeeping to track each characters total wealth, the gold
piece value of treasure handed out for each encounter or
adventure, and so on. You can give a character 100,000 gp,
but it doesnt help him defeat a snarling werewolf in single
combat. By the same token, you can hand out cash in small
amounts without upsetting the games balance.
In many fantasy roleplaying games, gold, jewels, and magical treasures are far more than a reward for
defeating a terrible monster. They form an important part of a characters abilities, as the rules assume
that characters accumulate magic items and wealth as they gain levels. From a design perspective, magic
items are as important a part of characters abilities as their feats, skills, and attack bonuses.
Treasure, Rewards
And Experience
While monetary wealth doesnt translate into new powers
and abilities for a character, it still should play a role in the
campaign. If you give the characters a tremendous cache of
wealth, they can use it in a number of imaginative ways. After
all, money is power.
Handing out treasure in Iron Heroes may not require a great
deal of attention to detail and balance, but it still deserves
some thought. When running a game, you should carefully
consider any decision that could alter the character and feel
of your campaign. Money is a useful resource, even if it cant
buy a vorpal sword.
Before proceeding too far into this chapter, think about
the tone and feel of your campaign. To help get you started,
consider these three basic campaign models:
1. Money as a Goal: In this campaign, the characters
actively seek out wealth and riches. They might be beggars
and thieves who are down on their luck and eager for some
cash, or perhaps theyre soldiers of fortune who seek money
and fame. Wealth plays an important role in the campaign
because it helps drive the action. The characters might
decide to sneak into the temple of Set because they want
to steal a great treasure cache kept there.
2. Money as a Luxury: Wealth might prove useful in this
campaign, but it rarely drives the action. Instead, the charac-
ters seek revenge, increased fighting mastery, the destruction
of a great evil, or the crown of the land. Money might help
them achieve these things, but on its own it holds little
allure. In this campaign, the characters might sneak into the
kings palace to kidnap a corrupt magistrate. They might use
money to bribe the guards or find out about the secret pas-
sage into the magistrates chambers. These campaigns usually
feature roleplaying and intrigue in addition to combat.
3. Money as No Object: In this campaign model, material
wealth is almost irrelevant. Gold and jewels play only a tiny
role in the characters plans, and the world might even lack a
functioning economy. The adventurers might slay a dragon to
prevent it from burning the crops of neighboring territories,
because it slew their loved ones, or because no one else in
the land has a chance of defeating itnot because they
expect fame and fortune. The beast may not even have a
treasure hoard, hunting solely for food.
The characters should still be rewarded in proportion to
the threat they face. However, few monsters in the world of
Iron Heroes have treasure chests stuffed with thousands of
coins, and random thugs may carry no more than a few silver
or copper pieces.
The key to handing out wealth lies in the plots and stories
that you, as the DM, want to develop in the campaign. Just as
you set how much treasure the characters can uncover, you
also determine how much cash they need to meet their vari-
ous goals. Thus, when you hand out treasure, you should do
so with some idea of how you expect the characters to use it.
Think of wealth as a key that can unlock doors for the
party. If money is important in the campaign, the characters
need to accumulate a lot of it to hire a mercenary army,
bribe noblemen, buy materials for a grand sacrifice to the
gods, and so forth. If the characters never face such barri-
ers, money rarely proves useful to them. In many cases, you
might use wealth in the same way that you could use an
artifact or a magic item that helps the characters bypass a
barrier or fulfill a specific goal.
Finally, wealth is its own reward. In real life, money buys
you fine food, a nice place to live, health care, and other
benefits and necessities. The wealth feats presented later in
this chapter give you a way to reflect the benefits of wealth
through game mechanics.
While money can solve problems, it also creates them.
Wealth brings you power and influence, but it also makes
you a target for thieves, schemers, and rivals who want to
knock you from your lofty perch. If you use wealth as a
reward for the characters actions, you can introduce a vari-
ety of complications to keep them in the adventuring life.
After all, they might not have a reason to keep risking their
skins after they recover a dragons treasure horde. With their
every material need satisfied, why would they want to con-
tinue adventuring?
In many campaigns, the characters still have plenty of rea-
sons to adventure even after they make a fortune. Old ene-
mies resurface, new threats to the world emerge, and old
scores need to be settled. Sometimes, though, the characters
may be content with a small fortune in gold and jewels.
What, then, can you do to keep the game exciting?
The simple but wrong answer is to take away the charac-
ters wealth. If the players have earned something, its
extremely poor DM form to take it from them arbitrarily. The
characters enemies might steal their money or their rivals
may frame them for a crime, but the characters should have
a chance to save themselves.
With that in mind, you can still introduce a variety of chal-
lenges and threats to the party. Just as the characters might
have raided a temple or nobles villa for the wealth kept
there, so too might thieves target the characters. When the
PCs have something that they value, invariably someone who
also values it tries to take it away from them.
The best part about introducing this sort of threat to the
campaign is that it makes the situation much more com-
pelling. If the players worked hard to achieve a goal, anything
that threatens to take it away becomes an important danger.
One of the challenges you face as DM is coming up with com-
pelling storylines. In this case, the story almost writes itself.
The threats to the characters wealth can take on a variety
of forms. Some basic ideas appear below.
Thieves: In the most obvious example, thieves could try to
raid the characters abode to carry off their treasure. The
first attempt might catch the PCs by surprise, forcing them
to react to a sudden assault with little preparation. As the
characters investigate the attack, they uncover a plot to steal
their fortune from beneath their noses. The characters must
track down the villain behind the scheme, uncover the plans,
and defeat the criminals before they can make another move.
A Fool and His Money: While money can buy many
things, it cant buy intelligence. Scam artists, charlatans, and
other schemers may emerge from the woodwork to harass the
characters. An arcanist might offer to forge an unbeatable
suit of armor for a party memberif he pays a few hundred thousand
gold pieces for it. A priest may claim that his god can allow a char-
acter to contact a dead companion or even restore the lost friend
to lifefor a tremendous monetary sacrifice. Dont be afraid to
throw red herrings and liars at the characters. When a charlatan
dupes a character out of his fortune, the party must track the crim-
inal down and figure out a way to get it back. Best of all, the players
will truly hate an NPC who manages to trick them so thoroughly.
Again, this situation breeds an instantly compelling storyline.
Betrayal: A characters success may gain him a host of new
friends, but not all of them have his best interests at heart. Even
old allies may slowly turn against the characters, as they begin to
lust after the fame and power the PCs have accumulated. A newly
wealthy character may find his relatives coming to him for favors
and loans. In time, his siblings might seek to poison him and divide
the inheritance. What happens when a characters brother plots
against him? What if the plot is actually a ruse by another enemy
who wants to turn the characters against their staunchest allies?
This sort of development has tremendous potential for compelling
roleplaying and fun stories. Best of all, Iron Heroes lacks the spells
and magic items that would make it easy to uncover lies or gather
Not all wealth is created equal. Finding a stash of 100,000 gp is a
great deed, but recovering the famous Ruby of Talanthar from the
demon pits of an abyssal city is a legendary one. True, the ruby
might be worth a grand total of 100,000 gp, but the notoriety and
fame that come with seizing it make it worth far more than a simi-
lar sum of coins. The manner in which the characters gain wealth
and the specific treasures they acquire are just as important as the
total value of their fortunes.
Adding an element of the mystical and legendary to a treasure
helps heighten its importance, while lending an air of fantasy to the
game. Put simply, recovering a gem said to have been forged by a
god and stolen by a demon prince is far more exciting to the play-
ers than shoveling a mountain of gold coins into burlap sacks. The
former treasure comes to life in terms of the setting and the story.
The latter is just another number on a character sheet.
Thus, even if wealth lacks importance in your game, you can still
make it a short-term goal for the characters by supplying the right
background to a treasure. Chapter Seven goes into more detail
about using game mechanics to make such treasure more impor-
tant. For example, you might award bonus experience points to the
characters if they recover a rare or legendary treasure. But even
without such added incentives, a treasure with a story is far more
interesting than a treasure without one.
Byrden the Cunning has a lot of friends in town. With a few bribes,
a handful of loans given without expectation of repayment, and sev-
eral donations to local churches, hes made connections with all the
right people. When the city guard comes to arrest him for the mur-
der of one of his enemies, the entire matter turns out to be a case
of mistaken identity. A few more coins here, a reminder of his past
deeds there, and the guard releases him. In this case, wealth
can help an adventurer out of a tight spot. If you make an
investment in others, it can pay back a hundredfold.
Wealth feats allow characters to gain mechanical advan-
tages based on the fortune theyve acquired through their
adventures. In certain situations, a few coins in the right
place can prove far more useful than a sharp sword. Wealth
feats are similar to other feats in that they give you special
abilities unrelated to the talents of your class. However, they
also have several key differences. You dont use a feat selec-
tion to gain a wealth featyou merely invest money in the
feat. In addition, when you use a wealth feat, you usually
must spend additional money to gain its benefits.
You must spend a number of wealth points to gain a wealth feat.
This is whats known as the feats buy-in cost. When you meet
the other prerequisites for the feat, you spend the listed buy-in
cost and then gain the feats benefits. Unlike other feats, you
dont select wealth feats based on your level. You simply meet
their requirements. If for any reason you no longer meet a
wealth feats prerequisites, you immediately lose its benefits.
Unlike many other Iron Heroes feats, wealth feats dont have
minimum mastery ratings or expanded mastery abilities.
Wealth feats differ from other feats in another important way.
Normally, to gain a wealth feats benefits, you must spend
money. This expenditure represents a bribe, a direct pay-
ment, money spent in the recent past, and so forth. You can
spend money to activate a wealth feat only under the condi-
tions given for a specific feat. If you dont meet those condi-
tions, you cant use the feat.
Furthermore, you cant use the feat if you no longer meet
its prerequisites. When this occurs, you must spend any
resources needed to gain the feat again. Once you meet
those prerequisites again, you can use the feat.
In most cases, wealth feats require you to establish your
economic influence in a particular city or region. You might
be known as an influential philanthropist in the city of
Thasp, but that reputation means little to the hill giants of
the Wyrms Teeth Mountains.
Many wealth feats draw upon your wealth pool: an abstract
measure of your standard of living. It ebbs and flows over
time as you spend cash to activate wealth feats and pour
more treasure into it. The wealth pool breaks your personal
fortune into a value thats easier to handle.
Each time you place 100 gp worth of treasure into your
wealth pool, the pool increases by 1 point. You can cash in
your wealth pool at a conversion rate of 50 gp per point.
Your fame and wealth attracts followers to you. You recruit a
cohort, a trusted and skilled henchman who serves as a lieu-
tenant or sidekick.
Prerequisites: You must have a wealth pool of at least 50
points. You must pay your cohort an equal share of treasure
from any adventures he participates in, and you must pay
him 2 points from your wealth pool each month. This pay-
ment represents room, board, and spending money.
Benefit: You gain the services of a cohort, a nonplayer
character who obeys your commands as long as you treat
him well. The DM creates your cohort, though you may
select his class.
The cohorts level depends on your Charisma and your
wealth. To determine the cohorts maximum level, divide your
wealth pool by 2, and add your Charisma modifier. You can
choose to recruit a cohort with a lower level.
Note that the cohorts maximum level depends on the class
you select for him. A cohort with levels in the player charac-
ter classes detailed in Chapter Three of Iron Heroes is much
more likely to seek his own fortune than to remain with you.
Thus, such cohorts have a much lower maximum level when
compared to cohorts built with the NPC classes detailed in
Chapter Three of this book (aristocrat, commoner, expert,
and warrior).
Feat Name Prerequisites Benefit
Cohort Wealth pool 50 points, pay cohort equal share Skilled lieutenant or sidekick obeys your commands.
of treasure +2 wealth points/month.
Followers Wealth pool 20 points, pay followers 1 wealth Gain staff members, servants, assistants, etc., to look after
point/month for every five followers. your interests.
Manse Wealth cost 18 points/square of area. Own a furnished home.
Money Buys Innocence Initial bribe 10 wealth points, 1 wealth Go free when charged with a crime; those you accuse of
point/month maintenance. minor crimes are found guilty.
Political Connections Wealth pool 50 points, spend 10 wealth Receive an audience with local ruler or other important area
points on a party. figure upon request and expenditure of 1 wealth point.
Social Influence Wealth pool 25 points. Receive a +1 bonus to Diplomacy or Gather Information checks
for every wealth point spent (up to a +5 bonus).
The DM controls your cohort, but as long as the cohorts
level is at or below the maximum listed for your wealth, he
obeys your commands. Your cohort fights to the death for
you, but he wont obey obviously suicidal commands unless
theres a clear, compelling need for such a sacrifice.
Special: If your cohorts level rises above the maximum
allowed, he may leave or betray you. Your cohort may also
leave if you fail to give him a share of the treasure and the
monthly wealth points, as noted above.
Each week, you must make a Charisma check with a
Difficulty Class equal to 10 + twice the difference between
the cohorts level and the maximum level you can normally
gain. You suffer a 1 penalty to the check for each day that
youre late with your monthly payment to the cohort.
If you fail this check by 5 or less, your cohort refuses to
engage in dangerous activity on your behalf.
If you fail by more than 5 but less than 10, the cohort
leaves your service.
If you fail by 10 or more, the cohort betrays you. He steals
as much of your wealth as possible before fleeing or other-
wise acts to harm you before taking his leave.
You gather a number of followers who work as your servants,
assistants, and so forth. These followers might staff your
manse, look after your palace while youre away, or help you
complete tasks around town.
Prerequisites: You must have a wealth pool of at least 20
points. You must pay your followers 1 point from your wealth
pool each month for every five people you have on staff. This
payment represents room, board, and spending money.
Benefit: The number of followers you can hire depends on
your Charisma and your wealth. To determine the maximum
number, divide your wealth pool by 2, and add your
Charisma modifier. You can choose to recruit fewer than
the maximum number.
If your wealth grows, you can recruit more followers for
free. If your wealth shrinks, you lose any followers above the
maximum allowed by your new wealth pool. However, you suf-
fer no special penalty for gaining or losing followers. You
simply hire or dismiss them.
Followers have levels only in the NPC classes outlined in
Chapter Three of this book. They dont accompany you on
adventures or undertake dangerous missions on your behalf.
Otherwise, they obey your commands. If you wish, you can
design each follower, or you can let the DM do it.
Followers can use skills such as Gather Information, Dip-
lomacy, Craft, Knowledge, and so forth on your behalf. They
are best employed to conduct day-to-day business or take care
of minor tasks that might distract you from critical affairs.
Your followers might reside in quarters that you provide in
your home or mansion, or they may have homes of their own.
When you gain a follower, you must determine his home base
of operations. For example, you might have a few followers in
the city of Penderlen, several more in the small town of
Yerrens Point, and others scattered elsewhere, all of whom
communicate with you by messenger. They can spend gold
from your wealth pool at the normal conversion rate (1 point
equals 50 gp) to undertake tasks on your behalf.
Even if youre not present, you exercise almost direct con-
trol of your followers. As long as theyre paid, they always act
in your best interest, though they dont risk their lives.
Special: If you fail to pay your followers, they might betray
or abandon you. You can always dismiss followers if you cant
afford to pay them, but if you keep them on staff without
wages, you must make at least one check as detailed below
before dismissing them.
Each week, you must make a Charisma check (DC 10). You
suffer a 1 penalty for each wealth point you were short in
the last months payment.
If you fail this check by 5 or less, your followers refuse to
work for you.
If you fail by more than 5 but less than 10, your followers
leave your service.
If you fail by 10 or more, your followers betray you. In addi-
tion, you lose wealth points equal to half the total number of
Cha Mod. + (Wealth2) Cohort Level (PC Class) Cohort Level (NPC Class)
0 or less 0 1
130 1 3
3140 2 5
4150 3 7
5160 4 9
6170 5 11
7180 6 13
8190 7 15
91100 8 17
101+ 9 20
followers that were in your employ, though your pool cannot
drop below 0.
You own and maintain a mansion or similar living quarters.
Prerequisite: You must spend the wealth points listed in
the table below to obtain your living quarters.
Benefit: You purchase a piece of property or an existing
structure for your use. Note that this feat falls short of the
rules needed to model a full-blown castle, massive estate, or
the like. Rather, it allows you to design a simple hideout or
The base price of your manse depends on where you wish
to buy it, as shown in the table below. You pay a price per
5-foot square of space within it. If the manse has multiple
floors, count up the squares covered by each floor, including
the basement.
Cost Per Square
Manse Location (Wealth Points)
Rural area 1
Small town 4
City, poor district 2
City, middle class district 4
City, rich district 8
Once youve determined the total squares of space avail-
able to you, draw a floor plan for your manse.
Your home comes with basic furnishings, such as beds,
drawers, desks, chairs, fireplaces, and so forth. Its made out
of whatever materials are appropriate to the area. Assume
that any exterior doors can be barred shut.
You also can add features to your manse as shown in the
Manse Options table. Each option increases the total cost,
and most options have a minimum required space (in
squares). When designing a floor plan for your manse, you
must allocate space for a given option equal to its minimum
space (see table, below).
The manse features available to you appear in the descrip-
tions that follow.
Library: You keep a small collection of scrolls, ancient
tomes, and other reference materials within your manse.
While you have access to this library, you gain a +2 bonus
on all Knowledge checks.
Lock: You can add a high-quality lock to an interior door in
your manse at the cost of 1 wealth point. The lock has an
Open Lock DC of 20. You can increase this Difficulty Class
by 5 for each additional wealth point you put into it, to a
maximum Difficulty Class of 30.
CHA MOD. + (WEALTH2) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
20 or less
2125 5
2630 6
3135 8
3640 10 1
4145 15 1
4650 20 2 1
5155 25 2 1
5660 30 3 1 1
6165 35 3 1 1
6670 40 4 2 1 1
7175 50 5 3 2 1
7680 60 6 3 2 1 1
8185 75 7 4 2 2 1
8690 90 9 5 3 2 1
9195 110 11 6 3 2 1
96 or higher 135 13 7 4 2 2
Option Cost (Wealth Points) Minimum Space
Library 3 4 squares
Lock 1 0 squares
Secret door 2 0 squares
Secret entrance 5 0 squares
Secret Door: Each time you purchase this feature, you can
add a secret door to the interior of your manse. You can use
secret doors to build hidden rooms by making one of these
doors the only point of access. The base Search DC for a
secret door is 20. You can increase a doors DC by 1 for each
additional wealth point you spend on that door.
Secret Entrance: Your manse has a hidden passage that
leads to the outside. Finding the hidden doors at both ends
of the passage requires a Search check (DC 20). You can
increase the Search check DC by 1 for each additional
wealth point you spend on this feature, to a maximum
Difficulty Class of 30. The hidden passage leading into your
manse can be up to 100 feet long.
Special: You can buy more than one manse. One might
serve as your public home, while another is a hideout for
when you must escape from prying eyes.
Your frequent bribes to the local magistrates ensure that in
any legal case short of a killing spree, you need not worry
about imprisonment.
Prerequisites: You must spend 10 wealth points as an ini-
tial bribe to judges, town guard commanders, and so forth.
Each month afterward, you must spend an additional point
from your wealth pool to maintain their protection. If you
miss a payment, you must spend 5 wealth points within three
months of the missed payment to retain this benefit.
Otherwise, you must regain this feat as normal.
Benefit: If youre charged with any crime short of murder
or theft of more than 10,000 gp, the guard sets you free. In
any case where youre charged with murder or theft of more
than 10,000 gp and the evidence consists of your word
against another persons testimony, you win an acquittal or
If you charge another person with a minor crime that
results in imprisonment for a week or less, the defendant is
always found guilty.
In a case where both the plaintiff and defendant have this
feat, the two must secretly spend wealth points on a bribe.
Whoever delivers the larger bribe wins the case if there is
reasonably compelling evidence for a favorable result.
Special: This feat assumes that the local constabulary is
open to bribery. The DM may rule that you cant take the feat,
or that you must pay more than the listed rates. Its much more
difficult to bribe officials in a city whose rulers actively cam-
paign against corruption. Your DM may double, triple, or
quadruple this feats costs depending on the situation at hand.
Your burgeoning wealth allows you access to social strata
normally inaccessible to adventurers. You can request an
audience with a local ruler, an important merchant, or the
head of a respected temple.
Prerequisites: You must have a wealth pool of at least 50
points. In addition, you must spend 10 points from your pool
on a ball, masquerade, or similar party for the influential and
powerful folk of the city or region. When you throw this
party, you gain the feats benefits in the city and the region
around it.
Benefit: You can request a personal audience with any
public figure within the city where you have established
political connections. You must spend 1 point from your
wealth pool each time you use this ability.
You can use this ability only with a public figure, defined
as anyone who conducts legal, public business or holds a
commonly acknowledged title or position.
You gain no special favor or ties to the person with whom
you wish to meet. This feat allows you to arrange a meeting,
but it doesnt give you any special bonus to Diplomacy
You cant use this ability to arrange a meeting if the per-
son you wish to speak with has a reasonable suspicion that
you mean to harm him or her.
Special: You can gain this feats benefits in multiple geo-
graphic locations by spending the 10 points from your
wealth pool on a party in each location.
Your wealth allows you to acquire friends and allies in a vari-
ety of places. You can use your wealth to buy favors and aid
from others.
Prerequisite: You must have a wealth pool of least 25 points.
Benefit: You can spend 1 point from your wealth pool to
gain a +1 bonus to a Diplomacy or Gather Information check.
With the Diplomacy check, you must designate a single spe-
cific person against whom you wish to make this check. You
can use this benefit only against targets who are open to
bribes, available to receive gifts, or otherwise have some sort
of social connection to you.
You can spend up to 5 points from your wealth pool to
increase your bonus to a maximum of +5.
As a rule of thumb, this feat applies only to residents of
the city or kingdom where you reside. For example, you can
gain this bonus against the mayor of your city, but it would
not work on a barbarian chieftain of the steppes.
Rewards can take on far more forms than gems, jewels, and
coins. The king may award noble titles and related benefits
to the adventurers who turned back the goblin army. The
warrior who defeated an elemental that threatened to level
the city has a parade in her honor, and she never has to
worry about buying a meal in town again. When a gang of
assassins tries to ambush her in a tavern, the patrons rally
to overcome her foes.
When the characters commit great deeds in the public eye,
they earn the gratitude and admiration of those around them.
People arent about to forget the brave hero who faced down a
dragon, especially if her actions saved their lives. Sometimes,
it helps to look at the potential rewards that the characters
can earn in terms of social and political benefits.
The difference between a typical high-level Iron Heroes char-
acter and a hero is that everyone knows about the heros
accomplishments. You might save the world from a horde of
demonic monsters, but if no one knows of your deeds, life
goes on the same as before. However, if you defeat the horde
in front of thousands of bystanders, your deeds spread far
and wide. Total strangers greet you on the street. The rich
and powerful flock to you to win glory by association.
Fame, like wealth, has its own distinct set of benefits and
drawbacks for the player characters. On the plus side, many
of lifes inconveniences fade as they gain renown. Food,
drink, and shelter are as close as the nearest grateful
innkeeper. Nobles happily fund their next expedition to
the nearby ruins, and they might even receive noble titles.
On the other hand, fame also makes the characters into
targets. Political factions might seek to manipulate them, and
enemies have a much easier time tracking them. If a famous
adventurer needs to complete a deed in secret, she must take
special care to disguise her identity.
Furthermore, a characters skill and fame might put her in
a position where others expect her to repeat her deeds time
and again. If a new threat appears, the king may call upon
her to face it. If a war erupts, both sides bid for her alliance.
If the character throws in with the winning side, she might
end up hailed as a conqueror. But if she chooses her allies
poorly, she could face banishment or death as a traitor. In
either case, shes stuck between two factions without any way
to appease both.
Success in an adventure, particularly one undertaken on
behalf of a benefactor or sponsor, can help an adventurer
build up political influence in a kingdom or city. If a charac-
ter defeats the team of assassins sent to kill the king, the
crown owes her for the service. Only a fool would turn his
back on a warrior who proves so useful, especially since fail-
ing to reward heroism might discourage others from risking
their lives.
If the king owes a favor to a character, she can take advan-
tage of the situation in a number of ways. Obviously, the
crown provides food and board to heroes who have rendered
great service to it in the past. In addition, a character might
earn a prominent place within the structure of government.
Unfortunately, such honors invariably come with great
responsibility. She might earn a comfortable stipend and a
large mansion in her role as chief magistrate, but she also
must hear cases and mete out justice.
Monarchs tend to delegate much of the dirty work of their
reign to their underlings. Furthermore, if a character is pop-
ular, the crown may see her as a threat. When these two fac-
tors combine, the character might find herself posted to a
distant land as an ambassador, sent on a hopeless quest, or
set up as a scapegoat for a disastrous policy.
However, political power isnt all bad news. If a character
has the kings ear or the respect of powerful figures, she
gains the ability to foment great change.
If monsters threaten the land, she can rally the army
to repel them.
When a strange cult stalks the slums for sacrificial
victims, she can bring the full weight of the law
against it.
Villains who rely on their own political resources and
the veneer of respectability that comes with their
social position become far more vulnerable if she
can counter their influence.
A master assassin NPC might have the town guard in his
pocket, but even his bribes might prove useless if the PC
is close friends with the guards commander.
Experience points (XP) measure a characters accumulated
insight and ability to improve his talents. In the standard Iron
Heroes experience system, you gain XP for defeating monsters,
overcoming challenges, and otherwise surmounting the obsta-
cles that stand between you and your goals.
Every creature, pitfall, and obstacle you face has a Challenge
Rating: a measure of its relative difficulty. The experience system
is designed so that you have to overcome 10 obstacles with a
Challenge Rating equal to your level in order to progress to the
next level. If you defeat obstacles with a CR higher than your
level, you gain more experience, and vice versa.
A table at the beginning of Chapter Three in Iron Heroes shows
how many experience points you need to gain each level.
Chapter Seven: Campaign Options in this book introduces a
variety of optional rules and ideas the DM can use to customize
the experience system to fit the specific campaign. The basic
experience system is a good match for the typical game of high
adventure and intense action. If your campaign deviates from
this format, or if you simply want to shift the focus away from
combat, consult Chapter Seven.
Every monster in Iron Heroes has a Challenge Rating to indicate
its relative strength. A Challenge Rating is a lot like a monsters
level. A single creature with a CR equal to the partys average
level (assuming a party of four) is a good challenge for the
group. Creatures with higher Challenge Ratings make deadlier
enemies. The characters should face one or two such foes, at
most, per session. These enemies usually serve as the highlight
of a sessions battles.
Monsters with lower Challenge Ratings serve as thugs, a vil-
lains underlings, and other threats that pose a danger only in
large numbers. Generally, a group of creatures has an equivalent
Challenge Rating equal to each creatures base CR + the total
number of creatures 1. This rule applies only when the group
is made up of the same type of creature. If a group consists of
different types of creatures, you cant assign a single CR to the
whole group.
Some creatures are weaker than a 1st-level party. These mon-
sters have Challenge Ratings expressed as a fraction. In this case,
add the creatures Challenge Ratings together to determine their
equivalent CR. If the total is higher than 1, round down the total
Challenge Rating.
Adding Challenge Ratings to determine a groups total threat
is a useful tool when designing adventures. However, when you
award experience points, use each individual creatures Challenge
Rating to calculate the total award. For example, if the characters
face four CR 1 creatures, the encounter is the equivalent of a
single CR 4 creature (each creatures base CR + the total number
of creatures 1 = 4). When you award experience points, hand
out the reward for defeating four CR 1 creatures, not one
monster of CR 4.
The core experience system is designed so that you can easi-
ly slide into it from other games that use a d20-based
mechanic. However, a characters experience point total has
little effect on an Iron Heroes game. None of the character
options allow you to spend XP to gain a benefit, such as cre-
ating magic items or casting powerful spells. Thus, you dont
need to keep close track of your XP total.
As an alternative to the system above, you can use a more
abstract system of marks thats easier to manage. When a
character accumulates 10 marks, he gains a level, erases his
current mark total, and starts the process again for his next
level. A character gains a mark based on the Challenge
Rating of creatures defeated or obstacles overcome. Its value
is based on its CR compared to your current level.
Monster CR Marks Earned
CR 3 or more below your level 0.0
CR 1 or 2 below your level 0.5
CR equal to your level 1.0
CR 1 or 2 above your level 1.5
CR 3 or more above your level 2.0
This system lacks the precision of a running experience
point total, especially when it comes to monsters with a
Challenge Rating higher than your level. In general, the
characters end up slightly behind a group that keeps strict
track of their XP. If you feel that the game is easier to man-
age with this alternative, keep in mind that it breaks down if
you regularly send powerful monsters against the party.
A character gains a level after accumulating the needed
experience point total and resting for the night. When he
wakes up, he enjoys the benefits of his new level.
When you gain hit points for a new level, add them to your
current hit point total and to your maximum hit point total.
Otherwise, spend skill points, select feats, and so forth as
outlined in the Introduction of Iron Heroes.
Alternate Rule: Training: Some DMs feel that its unreal-
istic for characters to suddenly gain new talents after a good
nights sleep, or that it places the characters too far out of
context with the world. For example, it seems strange that a
hunter could embark on a journey from his home village as a
neophyte and return two weeks later as one of the most pow-
erful warriors in town.
Under this alternate rule of training, the characters must
study with a master to gain levels. Their training takes place
in addition to the other activities they pursue when not
To gain a level, a character must spend at least five hours
per week in training with a master who is three or more lev-
els above him. A character no longer needs to train once he
reaches 5th level (total character level, not 5th level in one
class). At that point, only combat experience and insights
earned in the field allow him to advance in level.
A characters master need not be a member of his class. As
long as the DM rules that the master has some insight to
offer a PC, he can serve as that characters tutor.
The main strength of this alternate rule is that it lets you
place the characters within the context of the world.
A master provides an easy way to bring the party together.
Perhaps they all trained with him, and now that theyve
learned the basics of their chosen paths, they must go out
into the world to complete their training.
A master serves as a convenient NPC who can hand out
quests, give the characters a place in the local community,
play a role in their backgrounds, and offer advice and
insights for their adventures. The master shouldnt swoop in
to save the day when the characters are in trouble. Rather, he
serves as a trusted advisor who has been through many of
the same situations that his students now face.
A master helps keep the story focused on one location,
particularly if the players are new to the game or your cam-
paign setting. In this case, their master gives them a good
reason to explore a limited region and deal with the troubles
in a small area.
The characters might have relationships with the locals
based on the link to their master. For example, if the master
is feared, well liked, or respected, that attitude extends to the
adventurers as well.
agic items are, in essence, raw magical power
merged with the intellect of an outsider and given
physical form. On one hand, they exist as stable
entities within reality. This trait allows them to produce mag-
ical effects that are more reliable than spells. On the other
hand, the intellect contained within a magic item is almost
invariably sinister, unpredictable, and domineering.
Arcanists have a saying: Does the man control the blade,
or does the blade control the man? That statement sums up
the hazard of magic items in Iron Heroes. While many items
stop short of exercising mental control over their users, most
of them subtly guide their owners fates. For example:
A magic blade thrives on the blood of innocents. When
wielded by a heroic warrior, its edge goes dull, and it
proves unable to penetrate even the lightest armor.
A potion contains ichor taken from a demon. It offers
invisibility for a short time, but anyone who drinks it
too often starts to develop bizarre deformities.
A scroll holds an arcane chant needed to cast a mighty
spell, but secret phrases encoded within it summon a
demonic being to the reader shortly before the spell
takes effect. Only a caster clever enough to spot this
trap can evade it.
Considering that magic items are so dangerous, one might won-
der why theyre part of the game. After all, why would anyone
in his right mind use a sword that could prove his undoing?
In Iron Heroes, magic items serve as temporary solutions. A
magic arrow might offer the only way to slay a dragon. A
group of adventurers might drink a potion that allows them
to pass through walls only because they must enter the
tyrants keep as quickly as possible. Magic items allow you, as
the DM, to inject a level of wonder and fantasy into the
game. They arent meant to dominate the game, but they do
help flavor it as a fantasy setting while giving you a useful
tool to develop your campaign.
Magic items are also a deadly temptation, particularly for
players obsessed with gathering more and more power for
their characters. They give you a convenient tool to let the PCs
get themselves into more trouble through their own actions
than you could ever place them in with a normal adventure.
This doesnt mean you should ruthlessly slaughter characters
who pick up enchanted items. The game wouldnt be much fun
if the players had no chance to avoid a deadly fate or had too
few clues to stop a threat before it struck.
The key is that the players should know that magic items
are dangerous, but they may still choose to use them. As they
suffer complications from an items use, your campaign can
move in unpredictable but exciting new directions. Perhaps
the partys man-at-arms bears a cursed blade that he must
destroy in order to save his soul from a demon prince. If the
players got into this predicament because of their own deci-
sions, especially if they knew the repercussions of using the
sword, the resulting adventures grow out of their choices.
Iron Heroes presupposes a world where magic is a dangerous tool. By the same token, magic items are
unstable devices that harm their users as frequently as their targets. The danger in using magic
lies in channeling its energy from dimensional space into reality.
Magic and
Magic items
Giving the players a sense that they control the action, even
in a case where they must undo a bad decision they made, is
a powerful way to make them feel that their characters are an
important part of the story.
Magic items also help you drive the action. A villain may
uncover a mighty artifact that he uses to lay a city to waste,
leaving the characters to stop him before he strikes again.
A corrupt noble may hire the player characters to find an
enchanted ring, with which he then begins a campaign of
assassination and intimidation to seize the throne. The charac-
ters may have to stop the monster theyve unwittingly created.
Finally, in a fantasy game, magic helps to create strange
vistas and bizarre lands. Deep within ancient ruins, floating
disks carry riders up to the highest towers. A strange, alien
archmage comes to town riding a flying carriage pulled by a
winged serpent. The presence of magic allows you to create a
bewildering variety of foes, places, and would-be allies for
the characters. A memorable scene or a strange NPC can
stick with the players long after the campaign has ended.
Magic item abilities can range from the simple, such as a
bonus to attacks and damage from a magic sword, to the
complex, such as the power to create a vampire thrall by fill-
ing a cauldron with human blood. Some complex abilities
include a research Difficulty Class and prerequisites.
Effects: Each ability has one or more effects. For example,
a magic swords effects might be a +3 bonus to attacks and a
+3 bonus to damage. In general, a single ability covers all the
benefits you gain from using one action to activate the item.
In the swords case, swinging it at an opponent grants you
the bonus to attack and damage. If the sword could also fire
bolts of eldritch energy, that would be a second ability.
Research DC: Some abilities require a skill check to help
you understand how they work. You must make a Use Magic
Device check against the listed Difficulty Class to use the
item. Some items list other skills, such as Knowledge (reli-
gion) that can take the place of Use Magic Device. If this
check succeeds, you understand how the ability works. If the
item requires an extended check, that is noted along with the
Difficulty Class.
If an ability lacks a research DC, its usage is obvious.
Anyone who handles the item can plainly see how to activate
it, though the exact results might remain unknown. You can
make a Use Magic Device check (DC 15) to determine the
basic function of an ability that lacks a research Difficulty
Prerequisites: Some items require special talents or quali-
ties in order to activate them. For example, a magic wand
might draw on mana that the user channels into it. DMs can
assign a prerequisite of their choosing to a magic item on a
case-by-case basis if they feel it is warranted. Using prerequi-
sites in this way can add flavor and variety to magic use in
the campaign.
A prerequisite is either a skill check, an ability check, or a
special trait or capability. Some items function only for out-
siders, and others have special effects when a humanoid
attempts to employ them.
Even if you dont meet an abilitys prerequisites, you can
still make a check against its research DC to determine how
it works. If you succeed, you learn the prerequisites along
with the abilities.
Prerequisites should allow the DM to customize items for
specific creatures or to keep them from falling into the char-
acters hands. One of the themes of the Iron Heroes magic sys-
tem is that spellcasting and arcane energies are in many ways
baneful to human life. Since Iron Heroes focuses on martial talent
rather than magical power, the prerequisites fit into the games feel.
In most cases, you can include a prerequisite that the items user
must be an outsider or some other creature type unavailable to the
Drawback: Some magic item abilities extract a cost in return for
the power they offer. This cost can range from drawing on a limited
number of charges stored within the item to a blood sacrifice needed
to power it. Other items slowly sap a users vitality or sanity.
Drawbacks reinforce the idea that magic is a dangerous force that can
prove useful for only a short period. If you grow to rely on a magic
item, it can consume your soul, change you forever, and destroy you.
Characters can make Use Magic Device checks to determine whether
they can use most magic items and to see which abilities they can
access. In essence, a magic item is like a complex piece of machinery
without an instruction manual. The Use Magic Device skill represents
your ability to puzzle out an items functions. Without it, you have lit-
tle hope of using many items. Even if you have a high bonus in the
skill, some aspects of a complicated item might be beyond your
Not every item requires a Use Magic Device check for activation. A
sword, shield, or suit of armor provides its most basic benefits through
mere use. A magic blade chops through steel with ease, even if you
dont understand how the arcane matrix within it functions. Likewise,
if you don a suit of magic armor, you gain the benefits of the added
protection it affords you. Generally speaking, Use Magic Device is
necessary with items that lack an obvious benefit or that need an out-
side source of magical energy to function.
For each item, you can make one Use Magic Device check per day to
puzzle out the items functionunless you want to activate the items
abilities blindly (see next page). This check represents four hours of
work spent studying and experimenting with the item. You make this
check against the items research Difficulty Class.
If the item has one ability with a research DC, you make a check as
normal. If successful, you understand all of the items abilities and can
use them according to its description.
Should the item have multiple abilities with separate research DCs,
you always roll against the lowest DC. If you succeed, you unlock that
ability. The next time you research the item, you roll against the next
higher DC, and so on.
The DM makes these research checks in secret. You can also roll to
see whether you have uncovered all of an items abilities. If you suc-
ceed at a check (DC 20) against an item whose abilities youve already
begun to research, you know when youve uncovered all its secrets.
Otherwise, youre unsure whether further study will reveal anything.
In some cases, an item allows you to use a skill other than Use
Magic Device to unlock its abilities. However, the additional skills pro-
vide more options. They dont replace Use Magic Device, and you can
still employ Use Magic Device as normal. A magic items description
states whether it allows other skills in this way.
Some abilities of a magic item are too complex for a single
check to solve all their mysteries. In this case, you must suc-
ceed at an extended Use Magic Device check to unlock the
items abilities. (See Iron Heroes, Chapter Four, for a discus-
sion of extended skill checks.) An item that requires an
extended check lists the number of successful checks needed
to allow the use of an ability. If you succeed at a single check,
you know that youre making progress but that you havent
yet completed the task. When youve succeeded on at least
half of the necessary checks, you gain a basic understanding
of the function that youre in the process of unlocking.
While you make steady progress in this study, a catastro-
phe can set you back. If you fail the Use Magic Device check
by 10 or more, you lose one of your successful checks. If you
havent made any successful checks yet, a failure increases
the total number of successful checks needed by one.
While magic items normally require careful study and experi-
mentation, sometimes circumstances allow for neither. If a
terrible monster attacks and all you have to protect yourself
with is a mysterious magic staff, you can attempt to activate
the item blindly. In this case, you try to coax an effect from
the item by using your knowledge of how such devices work.
You can do this only if youre trained in the Use Magic
Device skill. If you lack ranks in the skill, you simply have
no idea how to manipulate a magic item.
This variation of Use Magic Device requires a full-round
action. Make a Use Magic Device check as normal. The DM
randomly selects one of the items abilities. If you lack the
prerequisites for that ability, your check automatically fails.
If you meet the prerequisites, you activate the ability if your
check succeeds against the item or abilitys Use Magic
Device DC + 10.
If you fail this check by 5 or less, nothing happens. If you
fail by 6 or more, the item produces its effects, but you acci-
dentally target the wrong space or person. In this case, the
DM selects a random creature or space within range and
resolves the effect. If the DM picks a random creature, he
includes you in the mix of possible targets. Otherwise, he can
use the rules for weapons and scatter from Throw Splash or
Grenadelike Weapon in Chapter Eight: Combat of Monte
Cook Presents: Iron Heroes.
You can never use a skill other than Use Magic Device to
activate an item blindly, even if an item allows you to use
other skills to unlock its abilities.
This section breaks magic items down into several categories,
giving rules and examples for each. The standard magic items
for Iron Heroes are as follows:
Armor: Magic armor can withstand and absorb blows that
would slay even the toughest warrior, but many of these suits
are crafted from unwholesome materials. Warriors who come
to rely on magic armor change in strange, subtle ways.
Potions: Crafted from a bizarre and often noxious combi-
nation of ingredients, potions create temporary magical
effects for those who drink them. However, many potions
cause side effects as the unwholesome materials within them
interact with the human body.
Weapons: Magic weapons offer a deadly way to strike down
enemies, but at the same time, theyre usually possessed by an
independent, willful intellect. Other magic weapons slowly
change their users minds to better match their own goals.
Wondrous Items: This catch-all category covers any magic
item that doesnt fall into the above categories. It includes
everything from a magic wand to a pair of boots that allow
you to walk along the walls.
The following sections provide rules for each magic item
category, along with conversion rules for adapting magic
items from other games to Iron Heroes.
In Iron Heroes, creating magic items is both simple and diffi-
cult. Iron Heroes sheds many of the usual game mechanics
that ensure an items proper balance against other options.
Since magic items are rarely part of a characters arsenal,
theres little need to worry about how they interact with his
talents. Instead, you must consider how a magic item func-
tions within the context of the campaign.
In the vast majority of cases, magic items should serve one
of two purposes. Either the item grants an NPC an additional
source of power, or the item is an important part of the plot
to an adventure or campaign arc. Magic items are not
intended to serve as rewards for the characters or as a means
to improve their powers. Instead, they drive the story. Think
of magic items as a useful part of your bag of tricks, one that
helps you create plots and adventures.
For this reason, the magic item creation rules in Iron
Heroes are deliberately vague. There are no hard and fast
rules for designing items, only guidelines that you can use to
create anything you want.
In many cases, magic items prove useful to NPC villains but baneful to
the player characters. A magic staff or an enchanted cloak serves to
broaden the villains abilities, making him a more dangerous foe. To keep
things balanced, increase the villains Challenge Rating or related experi-
ence point rewards.
If the item serves as the villains primary method of attack or defense and
provides a clear, powerful boost to his standard abilities, increase his
Challenge Rating by 1 or 2.
If the item summons creatures or otherwise grants the villain additional
allies, award the party XP for defeating those enemies as normal.
(Usually, summoned creatures do not grant XP awards.)
On the other hand, Iron Heroes demands a few special con-
siderations when creating magic items.
History: An item should convey a sense of history and its
importance to the game world. Crafting a magic item is a
long-term, difficult project, one beyond the capabilities of
most mortals. Arcanists can only rarely complete such items,
and even then only after decades of toil and with the rarest,
strangest, and most expensive ingredients and materials.
When you design an item, add tales and legends of its past
that the characters can learn. The magic sword they recover
from the barrow of an ancient, forgotten civilization might
appear in diagrams drawn in a book written in an indecipher-
able language. A magic cloak once may have belonged to a
master thief who simply disappeared, his final fate a mystery.
Plot Significance: Since magic items are so rare in Iron
Heroes, their appearance in your campaign should be an
important event. When the item surfaces, it should draw the
interest of a variety of groups, sages, arcanists, and others.
Kings and other mighty individuals may seek it for their own
use, placing the characters in the middle of a vicious power
struggle. The item should spur plots and serve as the center-
piece of adventures.
Drawbacks: Almost every item should have one or more
drawbacks that make its long-term use a bad idea. A suit of
armor might slowly sap your strength, while a magic sword is
destined to turn against its wielder. While magic items offer
a quick path to power, they rarely provide anyone with last-
ing success.
Each drawback you select for an item must be linked to
a single ability. You can pick the same drawback multiple
times, applying it once to each ability. There is no limit to
the total number of drawbacks you can place on an item.
These rules assume that player characters in your cam-
paign never belong to the outsider monster type. In Iron
Heroes, outsiders are infused with tremendous magical ener-
gies. Many drawbacks represent the dangerous effects of
magical energy on mortal, mundane creatures. An outsider
can shrug off such energy as if it were no more hazardous
than a spring rain.
Magic armor provides two basic sorts of abilities: an increased
capacity to protect the user, and magical powers that alter or
extend the wearers physical abilities. For example, a suit of
armor might turn aside steel weapons. A different suit might
sport a pair of demonic wings that allows its wearer to fly.
Obviously, armor has a close relationship to its users body.
It surrounds and encases you as you wear it. While this
allows it to protect you from harm, it also greatly exposes you
to the fell energies and strange magic that give it power.
Armor tends to physically warp those who wear it for long.
Mortals are simply too fragile to sustain the arcane energy.
For each suit of magic armor, select an enhancement
bonus and/or an armor ability plus one drawback.
Most forms of magic armor grant a bonus to the armors
damage reduction. This bonus can range from +1 to +5.
When you roll an armors DR against an attack, add the
bonus to the total damage reduction result.
Magic armor provides its full DR against magic weapons.
Normally, such weapons ignore the damage reduction afford-
ed by mundane armor.
In addition to an enhancement bonus, armor can have one
or more of the following abilities. Most armor abilities lack
research DCs, since using a suit of armor is simply a matter
of putting it on. You can add prerequisites to these abilities
as normal (see page 70).
Blinding: A shield or suit of armor with this ability flashes
with a brilliant light up to twice per day upon command of
the wielder. Anyone within 20 feet except the wearer must
make a Reflex save (DC 20) or be blinded for 1d4 rounds.
Unlike many other armor abilities, this ability requires a
research check to unlock its potential.
Research DC: 25.
Chameleon: This strange armor shifts its colors to match
the environment around you. Depending on the extent of its
power (DMs discretion), chameleon armor can grant a bonus
to Hide checks ranging from +2 to +10.
Note that the armors check penalty, if any, applies as nor-
mal. However, if you remain motionless while hiding, you
dont suffer the check penalty. As soon as you move, you must
make another Hide check with the armor penalty as normal.
Energy Resistance: A suit of armor or a shield with this
property absorbs the first 10 points of energy damage per
attack that the wearer would normally take. Select one of the
following energies for the armor: acid, cold, fire, or sonic. A
suit of armor can carry this ability multiple times. Each time
you select it, choose a different type of energy.
Energy Resistance, Improved: As energy resistance, above,
except it absorbs the first 20 points of energy damage per
Energy Resistance, Greater: As energy resistance, except it
absorbs the first 30 points of energy damage per attack.
Fortification: This suit of armor or shield produces a
magical force that protects vital areas of the wearer more
effectively than normal armor. When an opponent scores a
You can import most magic items from other games with ease, but remem-
ber to look at them in terms of the campaign as a whole. Do you want the
characters to use a particular item? Is it a tool or plot device for the villain?
If you want to prevent the characters from growing reliant on magic items,
use the sample drawbacks in this chapter to balance the new item.
critical hit or deals sneak attack damage to the wearer, theres a chance
that the armor negates the critical hit or sneak attack bonus damage.
Fortification Type Chance for Normal Damage
Light 25%
Moderate 75%
Heavy 100%
Ghost Touch: This armor or shield seems almost translucent. Both its
enhancement bonus (if any) and its armor bonus to defense count against
the attacks of incorporeal creatures. It can be picked up, moved, and worn
by incorporeal creatures at any time. Incorporeal creatures gain the
armor or shields enhancement bonus against both corporeal and incor-
poreal attacks, and they can still pass freely through solid objects.
Glamered: A suit of armor with this ability appears normal. Upon com-
mand, though, the glamered armor changes shape to assume the appear-
ance of a standard set of clothing. The armor retains all its properties
(including weight) when glamered. Unlike many other armor abilities,
this ability requires a research check to unlock its potential.
Research DC: 25.
Phantom Armor: The wearer of phantom armor can become incorporeal
once per day, on command. The character can remain incorporeal for as
long as desired, but once he returns to normal, he cant become incorpo-
real again that day. Unlike many other armor abilities, this ability
requires a research check to unlock its potential.
Research DC: 30.
Armor tends to have severe drawbacks, primarily because it requires a
great degree of physical contact. Considering that magic items carry
energies that are fundamentally deadly to mortal creatures, encasing
yourself in magic armor is dangerous at best (see sidebar on the next
Fusion: The armor slowly merges with your body, making it difficult to
remove. Metal hooks from the armor dig into your flesh, or the metal and
leather plates meld with your skin. When you attempt to remove the armor,
you must make a Will save (DC 20 + the total number of consecutive days
that you have worn the armor). If you succeed, you remove the armor but
suffer 2d4 points of damage. Should the save fail, you refuse to remove
the armor. You must then make another Will save at the end of each sub-
sequent day. Each time you fail a save, the armor maintains control of you
(the specifics are left to the DMs discretion). The alien personality within
it guides your actions until someone somehow removes the armor, or
until you finally make your Will save, at which point you can take off the
armor but also suffer 2d4 points of damage.
Infestation: This suit of armor bears a strange curse. Anyone who
wears it develops a strange skin disease, manifesting sores, rashes, and
other troublesome ailments. For each day (or portion of a day) that you
wear the armor, you suffer 1 point of Constitution damage.
Life Leech: The armor slowly drains your vitality, sapping your strength
to sustain its magical energies. For each hour (or portion of an hour) that
you wear the armor, you must make a Fortitude save (DC 20 + the num-
ber of consecutive hours that youve worn the armor). If this save fails,
you suffer 1d4 points of damage to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution.
If the save succeeds, you suffer 1d2 points of damage to
Strength, Dexterity, or Constitutionchoose one score at
random. Outsiders are immune to this ability, as their strange
planar natures sustain the armor without harm.
From an elixir that strips away the ravages of old age to a
fetid brew said to improve a warriors strength, potions offer
a variety of abilities. Despite their promises of power and
vitality, most potions come with a bevy of side effects. Of all
the magic items, potions have the closest interaction with
their users body. A potion must be ingested before it takes
effect, allowing its arcane ingredients to mingle with flesh,
bone, mind, and blood. Most potions provide useful benefits
only in the short term. Over time, they cause hideous muta-
tions, addictions, and other debilitating side effects.
This section presents 10 potion abilities and six draw-
backs. To create a potion, simply match an ability with a
drawback. You can also use these properties as examples for
abilities and drawbacks of your own design. Then select a
duration as described below.
Some potions provide a permanent benefit. An elixir of youth
reduces its drinkers age by a decade or more, restoring his
physical vitality. By the same token, the drawbacks it inflicts
should be permanent also. A potion that allows its user to
see in the dark for a short time should have a drawback that
also fades over time or manifests only with repeated use.
When you select a potions effects, pick one of the follow-
ing three durations. Apply the rules to the potions abilities
and its drawbacks.
Short Duration: This potion provides a temporary boost
to its user. Luckily, its drawbacks also tend to fade over time.
Abilities: The potions abilities last for up to one hour. After
that time, the benefits fade away.
Drawbacks: The potions drawbacks remain in effect as long
as its abilities. Once the benefits fade, the potions drawbacks
also disappear.
Long Duration: These potions last for several days, as
their magical essence is strong enough to endure within the
body for an extended period of time.
Abilities: The potions abilities remain with the drinker for
one week. After this time, they fade away.
Drawbacks: The drawbacks last for the entire week of the
potions duration. In addition, each time a character drinks a
long-duration potion, he gains 1 toxin point that remains
with him for a year. Each time the character gains a toxin
point, he must make a Fortitude save with a DC equal to his
newly increased toxin point total. If he fails, he permanently
suffers one potion drawback of the DMs choice.
Permanent: This potion mingles with the users life essence,
forever altering it or causing effects that remain in place even
after the magic fades.
Abilities: A permanent potion grants its drinker a new abili-
ty, such as the power to command air elementals or cure
injuries with the touch of his hand.
Drawbacks: The potions drawbacks are likewise permanent.
Exceptions: Some potions may have abilities that fall into
one category, but their drawbacks are better covered by a dif-
ferent category. Normally, this situation arises when the
potions benefits arent good enough to inflict a long-term,
devastating drawback. For example, a potion that heals
injuries is useful and seems to have a permanent effect. The
wounds it mends dont burst back open after an hour or a
week. However, the potion pales in comparison to one that
gives a permanent boost to an ability score. Should both
potions have comparable permanent drawbacks? In the case
of the healing potion, it makes more sense to use a drawback
that is one duration category shorter than normal.
In general, a permanent potion should offer advantages
that dont fade due to any condition short of death. A potion
that cures a disease shouldnt count as a permanent potion
unless it also offers immunity against all diseases. Even if it
conferred immunity to a single disease, the benefit probably
isnt great enough to justify a permanent drawback. In any
case, make your best judgment if youre unhappy with a
potions abilities and drawbacks.
Use the abilities listed here to design potions or as models
for new benefits of your own creation.
Armor: When you consume this potion, your skin
becomes as hard and tough as a dragons scales. You gain
a +4 natural passive bonus to defense while the potions
effects last.
Boost: A boost potion describes a general category of elixirs
that enhance your natural talents. When you drink one of
these potions, you gain a +4 enhancement bonus to one
ability score. Most boost potions grant a bonus to Strength,
but versions exist to improve any score. When the potions
duration expires, you lose the bonus it provides.
Remember that an enhancement bonus is a modifier that
does not stack. The permanent version of this potion pro-
vides the equivalent of a continuous enhancement bonus.
That means you cant drink multiple boost potions to perma-
nently increase a single ability score more than once.
Cleansing: A potion of cleansing purges poison, disease,
paralysis, or a similar condition from your body. Each potion is
linked to a specific condition and removes only that condition.
Few of the classes in Iron Heroes rely on heavy armor. One class, the
armiger, is the master of armor. However, magic armor makes it easy for
a character of a different class to outdo the armiger. Thus, on a rules
design level, armor must be more dangerous than normal for balance.
It doesnt restore any effects that the condition previously
caused, but it does prevent future penalties or damage from
the current condition affecting the imbiber. For example, say
a character suffers a bite from a poisonous spider, and its
venom deals him 3 points of Strength damage. A potion of
cleansing (poison) would not remove that damage, but it
would prevent the poisons secondary damage.
Healing: This potion knits wounds shut, either providing
temporary reprieve from injury or permanently restoring
your health. When you drink this potion, you heal 4 hit
points per Hit Die. Any healing above your normal maximum
number of hit points is lost. If the potion has a duration
other than Permanent, you take damage when it expires
equal to the number of hit points you healed.
Flight: This potion infuses you with the energy of elemen-
tal air, allowing you to soar through the skies with the same
ease as walking. You gain a flight speed equal to double your
normal land movement rate with average maneuverability.
Phantom Form: This potion lets you adopt a spectral form.
You can slide through walls, avoid many physical effects, and foil
a variety of defenses. You become incorporeal for the duration of
the potions effects. You can shift to your normal physical form
again by doing nothing but concentrating for one minute. At
the end of this time, you become physical. You can return to
your incorporeal state by concentrating for another 10 minutes.
Any items you carry while you change shift along with you.
Speed: When you consume a potion of speed, you can move
faster than normal. For the duration of the potions effects, you
gain an enhancement bonus of two squares (10 feet) to your
speed in all movement modes you normally use. You also gain
an additional move action each round, including surprise
rounds. The effects of multiple potions of speed dont stack.
Transmutation: When you ingest this potion, your physical
form shifts and changes. The potion can have a variety of
effects. It might change you into a different creature, make you
as tall as a giant, or shrink you down to the size of an apple.
Each potion of transmutation creates one specific change.
If your size changes, you gain the appropriate size penalty
or bonus to attacks, defense, and Hide checks. For example, a
Medium creature that shrinks to Small gains a +1 bonus to
attacks and defense and a +4 bonus to Hide. Consult Chapter
Eight in Iron Heroes for more information. In addition, you
gain a +2 bonus to Strength for each size category you grow
and suffer a 2 penalty for each size category you shrink.
A creatures speed also changes with its size. You gain a
two-square (10-foot) bonus for each size category you grow
and suffer a two-square (10-foot) penalty for each size cate-
gory you shrink, to a minimum speed of 5 feet.
If a potion of transmutation turns you into a different crea-
ture, you gain that creatures Strength, Dexterity, and
Constitution scores in place of your own. You also gain its
natural bonus to defense and all of its supernatural, spell-
like, and extraordinary abilities. You retain your class abili-
ties, though you might not be able to use them. For example,
a berserker transformed into a bear would be unable to wield
his axe but could still accumulate and use his fury tokens.
True Sight: This elixir sharpens your senses and grants
you the ability to perceive things normally hidden from mor-
tal eyes. You gain a +5 bonus to all Spot and Listen checks.
You can see all invisible and ethereal objects and creatures,
and if you concentrate for 1 round, you perceive all magical
auras within a 60-foot radius.
Vitality: This powerful draught grants you superior dura-
bility and toughness, allowing you to shrug off wounds that
normally would severely injure you. You gain 2 hit points per
Hit Die. These bonus hit points exist as a separate pool from
your normal hit point total. Until the potions duration
expires, you subtract any damage you suffer from this pool.
If the pool is reduced to zero, you begin to suffer wounds as
For example, lets say you currently have 12 hit points. You
drink a potion of vitality and gain 10 extra hit points from it.
An attack then deals you 6 points of damage. These 6 points
come out of your extra hit points, reducing that pool to 4.
You then suffer 8 more points of damage from another
attack. Of this damage, 4 points come out of your extra pool,
reducing it to zero, and the 4 remaining points of damage
are subtracted from your normal hit point total.
When the potion of vitalitys duration runs out, you lose the
pool of bonus hit points it provides (if any remain). Your nor-
mal hit point total remains unchanged.
Potions tend to have terrible drawbacks, as they must be
taken internally to have any effect. The magical energies that
enhance your body or give you special abilities can also warp
and twist your form in unpredictable ways. When selecting a
drawback for a potion, pick one that has a logical connection
to the potions benefits. For example, a potion that enhances
a characters Strength might cause a penalty to his Intelli-
gence. In this case, the same magic that enhances a charac-
ters body weakens his mind. This sort of design also enables
the potion to be useful in some circumstances despite the
Addiction: You become increasingly dependent on the
potion, developing a physical or psychological addiction to
its effects. It may have pleasurable side effects in addition
to its game mechanic effects, or its magic may change your
You can import potions from other d20 System games by matching
drawbacks to their effects. In most cases, potions from other games have
short durations. For example, a potion of bulls strength grants an
enhanced Strength score for a few minutes at most. In such cases, the
potions drawbacks should also have a short duration, according to the
rules given here for creating potions.
body so that you cant survive without frequent doses of
the potion.
When you first drink this potion, you must make a
Fortitude save (DC 20). This Difficulty Class increases by 2
every time you drink that same type of potion. If you drink
different potions that have the addiction drawback, keep
track of their DCs separately.
Should you fail this save, you develop an addiction to the
potion. Each day that you dont drink a vial of the potion,
you must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + the number of days
since you last drank the potion). If you fail the save, you suf-
fer 1 point of Constitution damage. Drinking the potion
later that day does not heal the Constitution damage.
If the potion is not permanent, you must go 28 consecu-
tive days without using it in order to break the addiction.
Once that time period passes, you no longer have to make
saving throws.
If the potion is permanent, you can rid yourself of the
addiction only by losing the potions effects. Even in that
case, you still must go 28 consecutive days without consum-
ing the potion to break the addiction.
Delusions: The potion interacts with your mind in
strange ways, granting you unwanted insight into the nature
of the cosmos. You see bizarre planar creatures that lurk
just beyond the edge of perceptionor at least you believe
that you do. Each round in combat, there is a 10 percent
chance that all of your attacks for the round miss because
you lash out at one of these phantom threats instead of your
actual target. Make this check the first time you attempt an
attack on your action. This drawback lasts until the end of
your action. It has no effect on attacks of opportunity or
other attacks that dont take place on your action or as part
of a readied action.
Madness: As the potions magic takes effect, your mind
grows increasingly unstable. You suffer a 4 penalty to all
Spot and Listen checks due to your distraction. In addition,
you must make a Will save (DC 15) each round of combat,
immediately before taking your actions. If you fail, you suffer
from confusion as described in States and Conditions in
Chapter Eight of Iron Heroes. If you succeed, you act as nor-
mal. Regardless of the result of your saving throw, you con-
tinue to make a new Will save each round. The DM also may
require you to make a save each round when youre in other
stressful situations, not just combat.
Mutation: The potions magical essence has a baleful
effect on humanoids. It may or may not have a similar effect
on other creatures. For example, a potion crafted by a demon
may have no side effects on an outsider, but it warps and
twists any other creature that consumes it.
Each time you use a potion with this drawback, you gain
1 mutation point and must make a successful Fortitude save
(DC 10 + your total number of mutation points) or undergo
a severe or hideous physical change to your body. These
mutations include thick scars, weeping sores, and other
deformities. They cause you to suffer a 2 penalty to all
Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill checks. The
penalty increases by 1 each time you suffer a mutation.
In addition, each mutation causes you to suffer a 2
penalty to one ability score chosen at random. This penalty
usually relates to the deformity. For example, if your head
withers in size, your Intelligence may drop. When this draw-
backs duration ends, the penalty goes away (your body
adapts to it) but the change to your appearance remains, as
does your current mutation point total.
Poison: In addition to its normal effects, the potion is
highly toxic to humanoids and perhaps other creatures. The
DM decides whether any creature types are immune when he
creates the potion. The potion inflicts 1d4 points of Consti-
tution damage as its primary and secondary effects, with a
Fortitude save (DC 25) to resist. If the potion has a duration
of longer than one day, you suffer the initial effects of the
poison each day upon waking (or at noon if you dont sleep).
Spasms: The potion interacts with your body in strange,
unpredictable ways. You develop random tremors, muscle
spasms, and other physical breakdowns. During combat or
in other stressful situations, there is a 20 percent chance
per round that you suffer from these tremors. They inflict a
4 penalty to attacks, checks, and saves for the duration of
that round. Make this check at the start of your action on
each round. This drawback lasts until the start of your next
For the purposes of your campaign and the adventures you
design, some potions might have no drawbacks. Instead, they
might serve to drive the plot forward or give you an excuse to
set an adventure in a strange area. For example:
A mystical brew concocted from the horn of a great
dragon is the only thing that can neutralize a deadly
The boiled blood of a kraken grants anyone who
drinks it the ability to breathe underwater, allowing
the adventurers to swim to a shipwreck located deep
beneath the waves.
Potions are an excellent way to deliver temporary magical
effects to the characters, particularly if doing so opens fun
options for adventure. Most players, particularly those expe-
rienced with other fantasy games, expect that a potion has a
limited duration. When its magic runs out, they dont feel
cheated. If you want to prevent magic items from becoming
too important a part of the game, you can easily control
access to such potions. The ingredients needed to make
them might be difficult to find, only a few doses of the
potion might remain in existence (and theyre needed for the
current adventure), and so on.
Remember, the rules for magic items in this chapter
assume that you want to stick close to the low-magic feel of
Iron Heroes. The effects given here for potions are not the
only ones possible in the context of the game. These rules
should never prevent you from creating plots, stories, and
other game elements that you want to include.
Magic weapons offer a warrior an easy shortcut to victory, but
often at a perilous cost. In most cases, weapons enhanced
with magic alter a characters actions or cause complications
that soon outweigh their advantages.
For each magical weapon, select an enhancement bonus
and/or a weapon ability, plus one drawback.
Magic weapons grant a bonus to attacks and damage that
ranges from +1 to +5. In addition, these weapons deal magic
damage. They ignore the damage reduction provided by
mundane armor.
In addition to an enhancement bonus, a weapon can feature
one or more of the following abilities.
Brilliant Energy: The significant portion of a brilliant energy
weapon (a swords blade, an axes head, etc.) transforms into
light, although this does not modify the items weight. It always
gives off light as a torch (in a 20-foot radius). A brilliant energy
weapon does no injury to nonliving matter (including undead,
constructs, and objects) and has no effect on it. Passive bonus-
es to defense dont count against it because the weapon passes
through armor. Like all magic weapons, it ignores armor DR.
Dancing: As a standard action, a dancing weapon can be
loosed to attack on its own. It fights for 4 rounds using the base
attack bonus of the one who loosed it, and then drops. While
dancing, it cant make attacks of opportunity, and the person
who activated it is not considered armed with the weapon. In
all other respects, it is considered wielded or attended by the
person for all maneuvers and effects that target items. While
dancing, it takes up the same space as the activating character
and can attack adjacent foes. A reach weapon has a reach of two
squares (10 feet). The dancing weapon accompanies the person
who activated it everywhere, whether she moves by physical or
magical means. If the wielder who loosed it has an unoccupied
hand, she can grasp the weapon while its attacking on its own
as a free action. When so retrieved, the weapon cant dance
(attack on its own) again for 4 rounds.
Research DC: 30.
Defending: A defending weapon allows the wielder to
transfer some or all of the swords enhancement bonus to her
defense as an active bonus that stacks with all others. As a
free action, the wielder chooses how to allocate the weapons
enhancement bonus at the start of her turn before using the
weapon, and the effect to defense lasts until her next turn.
Research DC: 25.
Distance: This property can be placed only on a ranged
weapon. A weapon of distance has double the range incre-
ment of other weapons of its kind.
Flaming: Upon command, a flaming weapon is sheathed in
fire, which doesnt harm the wielder. The effect remains until
the wielder commands it to go out. A flaming weapon deals
an extra 1d6 points of fire damage on a successful hit. Bows,
crossbows, and slings so crafted bestow the fire energy upon
their ammunition.
Research DC: 25.
Flaming Burst: A flaming burst weapon functions as a flam-
ing weapon that also explodes with fire upon striking a suc-
cessful critical hit. The fire doesnt harm the wielder. In addi-
tion to the extra fire damage from the flaming ability (see
above), a flaming burst weapon deals extra fire damage on a
successful critical hit.
If the weapons critical multiplier is 2, it deals an extra
1d10 points of fire damage. If it is 3, it deals an extra 2d10
points of fire damage, and if the multiplier is 4, it deals an
extra 3d10 points of fire damage.
Bows, crossbows, and slings so crafted bestow the fire
energy upon their ammunition.
Even if the flaming ability is not active, the weapon still
deals its extra fire damage on a successful critical hit.
Research DC: 30.
Frost: Upon command, a frost weapon sheathes itself in icy
cold, which doesnt harm the wielder. The effect remains
until the wielder commands it to turn off. A frost weapon
deals an extra 1d6 points of cold damage on a successful hit.
Bows, crossbows, and slings so crafted bestow the cold ener-
gy upon their ammunition.
Research DC: 25.
Ghost Touch: A ghost touch weapon deals damage normally
against incorporeal creatures, regardless of its bonus. (An
incorporeal creatures 50 percent chance to avoid damage
does not apply to attacks from ghost touch weapons.) An
incorporeal creature can pick up and move the weapon at
any time. Essentially, a ghost touch weapon counts as either
corporeal or incorporeal at any given time, whichever bene-
fits the wielder more.
Icy Burst: An icy burst weapon functions as a frost weapon
that also explodes with cold upon striking a successful criti-
cal hit. The cold doesnt harm the wielder. In addition to the
extra damage from the frost ability, an icy burst weapon deals
extra cold damage on a successful critical hit.
If the weapons critical multiplier is 2, it deals an extra
1d10 points of cold damage. If it is 3, it deals an extra 2d10
points of cold damage, and if the multiplier is 4, it deals an
extra 3d10 points of cold damage.
Bows, crossbows, and slings so crafted bestow the cold
energy upon their ammunition.
Even if the frost ability is not active, the weapon still deals
its extra cold damage on a successful critical hit.
Research DC: 30.
Keen: This ability doubles the threat range of a weapon.
It stacks with other abilities that increase a weapons threat
range. Apply the standard rule for adding together different
abilities that multiply a value (see the Introduction of Iron
Heroes for the rules of multiplying).
Returning: This special ability can be placed only on a
thrown weapon. A returning weapon flies through the air back
to the creature that threw it. It returns to the thrower just
before the creatures next turn (and is therefore ready to use
again in that turn).
Catching a returning weapon when it comes back is a free
action. If the character cant catch it, or if the character has
moved since throwing it, the weapon drops to the ground in
the square from which it was thrown.
Seeking: Only ranged weapons and ammunition can have
the seeking ability. The weapon veers toward its target,
negating any miss chances that would otherwise apply,
such as from concealment. The wielder still has to aim the
weapon at the right square. Arrows mistakenly shot into an
empty space, for example, dont veer and hit invisible ene-
mies, even if theyre nearby.
Shock: Upon command, a shock weapon sheathes itself in
crackling electricity, which doesnt harm the wielder. The
effect remains until the wielder commands it to stop. A shock
weapon deals an extra 1d6 points of electricity damage on a
successful hit. Bows, crossbows, and slings so crafted bestow
the electricity energy upon their ammunition.
Research DC: 25.
Shocking Burst: A shocking burst weapon functions as a
shock weapon that also explodes with electricity upon strik-
ing a successful critical hit. The electricity doesnt harm the
wielder. In addition to the extra electricity damage from the
shock ability (see above), a shocking burst weapon deals extra
electricity damage on a successful critical hit.
If the weapons critical multiplier is 2, it deals an extra
1d10 points of electricity damage. If it is 3, it deals an extra
2d10 points of electricity damage, and if the multiplier is 4,
it deals an extra 3d10 points of electricity damage.
Bows, crossbows, and slings so crafted bestow the electrici-
ty energy upon their ammunition.
Even if the shock ability is not active, the weapon still deals
its extra electricity damage on a successful critical hit.
Research DC: 30.
Speed: When making a full attack action, the wielder of a
speed weapon may make one extra attack with it. The attack
uses the wielders full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers
appropriate to the situation. This benefit is not cumulative
with similar effects.
Thundering: A thundering weapon creates a cacophonous
roar like thunder upon striking a successful critical hit. The
sonic energy doesnt harm the wielder. A thundering weapon
deals additional sonic damage on a successful critical hit.
If the weapons critical multiplier is 2, it deals an extra
1d8 points of sonic damage. If it is 3, it deals an extra 2d8
points of sonic damage, and if the multiplier is 4, it deals
an extra 3d8 points of sonic damage.
In addition, subjects dealt a critical hit by a thundering
weapon must make a Fortitude save (DC 14) or be deafened
Bows, crossbows, and slings so crafted bestow the sonic
energy upon their ammunition.
Throwing: This ability can be placed only on a melee
weapon, granting it the thrown identifying descriptor. A throw-
ing weapon gains a range increment of 10 feet and can be
thrown by a wielder proficient in its normal use.
Research DC: 20.
Vorpal: This potent and feared ability allows the weapon
to sever the heads of its victims. Upon a roll of a natural 20
(followed by a successful roll to confirm the critical hit), the
weapon severs the opponents head (if any) from its body.
Some creatures, such as many aberrations and all oozes,
have no heads. Others, such as golems and undead crea-
tures other than vampires, are not affected by the loss of
their heads. However, most other creatures die when their
heads are cut off. A vorpal weapon must be a slashing
Wounding: A wounding weapon deals 1 point of
Constitution damage from blood loss when it hits a crea-
ture. A critical hit does not multiply the Constitution dam-
age. Creatures immune to critical hits (such as plants and
constructs) are immune to the Constitution damage dealt
by this weapon.
The following drawbacks cover the typical baleful qualities
present in a weapon forged with arcane energy.
Domination: The weapon contains a malign intellect that
slowly overcomes its owners personality. Each day that you
carry this weapon, you must make a Will save (DC 15 + the
total number of previous saves made against this ability). If
the save fails, you suffer an effect based on the number of
times you have failed.
With your first failed save, you grow to value the weapon
above all others. You refuse to use other weapons as long as
this one is in your possession. If you lose it, you do every-
thing in your power to regain it.
With your third failed save, the weapon seizes control of
you in battle. Whenever you attack in combat, the sword
chooses your target (as decided by the DM). It might turn
you against your friends, or it could force you to take on a
powerful foe that promises to increase the swords renown.
After your fifth failed save, the swords personality dis-
places your own. You become an NPC under the DMs con-
trol, a puppet of the weapon who lives only to serve its
inscrutable purposes.
Doom: This weapons legacy is rife with stories of the
deaths of those who have wielded it. After carrying the
weapon for seven days total, you feel its grim legacy take
hold. Your opponents double their critical threat ranges
against you and gain a +10 bonus on all rolls to confirm
critical hits. This effect remains in place whenever you
carry the doom weapon.
Physical Dependency: Over time, you grow dependent on
the weapon to sustain you. After carrying it for seven days
total, you must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 20 + the
number of days you have carried the weapon). If the save
fails, you suffer a 1 penalty to Strength and Constitution
whenever the weapon leaves your possession for more than
one hour. You continue to make a new Fortitude save every
seven days, and the penalty increases by 1 for each failed
save. This effect is permanent.
The wondrous items category covers any item that doesnt fit
into the other categories. Rings, cloaks, gloves, and similar
objects fall here. Wondrous items tend to have high research
Difficulty Classes and multiple abilities. In most cases, an
items physical form closely follows its function. For example,
a cloak has the ability to hide its wearers form, wrap her in a
protective layer of magical energy, or disguise her true
There are no creation rules for wondrous itemsthey cover
such a wide range of abilities that its impossible to fully
detail them all. Your best bet in creating this type of item is
to give it a harsh drawback so that the characters will use it
only once or twice before discarding it.
In addition to the generic drawbacks given below, use the
sample items presented in this section to guide your design
process. You can easily swap out abilities and drawbacks to
create the exact item you wish to design.
These drawbacks ensure that the party uses an item for no
more than a day or two before discarding or destroying it.
These items might be too powerful or offer abilities that
could derail an adventure. In addition, try to create prerequi-
sites for the item that restrict it to one or two characters.
Otherwise, the party might trade the item back and forth to
spread its ill effects across the group.
Ability Score Loss: Sapping a characters ability scores is a
good way to reflect an items dangerous nature, as a drop in
an ability potentially affects her saves, skills, and combat
prowess. The loss should range from 1d6 to 2d6 points. The
item should seriously impair the character, not instantly kill
her or render her helpless. The item inflicts this ability dam-
age when it is first used or worn and inflicts it again every 24
Corrupting Influence: The item slowly alters its users
personality. With each day that passes, it exerts greater con-
trol over its user, forcing its alien intellect into her mind.
When a character activates the item, she gains 1 corruption
point. Alternatively, she can gain corruption points based on
how long she carries the item. A rate of 1 point per hour is
good for the most dangerous items, while 1 point per day is
reasonable in other cases.
When her total corruption points from the item exceed her
Charisma score, the item gains the power to replace her per-
sonality with that of a malevolent spirit. While the character
possesses the item, she must make a Charisma check (DC 10
+ the number of corruption points accrued from the item) at
the start of each encounter. If she makes the save, she main-
tains control of herself. If she fails, the item controls and cor-
rupts her for the next 1d4 minutes; the DM runs the charac-
ter during this time period.
If she manages to rid herself of the item, she no longer
needs to make this Charisma check. However, her corruption
point total never decreases. If she later reacquires the item,
she suffers its effects starting with the corruption total she
has already accrued.
If a character uses multiple items with this drawback, track
her corruption totals for each item separately. If she carries
more than one of these items at the start of an encounter,
she makes Charisma checks in order from highest Difficulty
Class to lowest. If she fails a check, the relevant item immedi-
ately seizes control, with no further checks needed.
Curse: The item places a terrible curse on whoever carries
it. The bearer suffers a 4 penalty to attacks and a 8 penal-
ty to saves. In addition, her allies within 60 feet suffer a 2
penalty to attacks and a 4 penalty to saves. You can increase
or decrease these penalties to better match the curses
potency. With each day that passes, increase each penalty by
1 as the item exerts its baleful influence on those foolish
enough to carry it. If the characters finally drop the item,
write down their current penalty. If they ever reclaim the
item, they suffer its effects starting with the penalty theyve
already accrued.
Limited Use: The item can be activated only once a month
or even once a year, forcing the characters to use it only
when absolutely necessary. Alternatively, the item has a limit-
ed number of uses. Each time the characters activate it, the
item consumes one of its few remaining charges. When it has
no charges left, it turns to dust. Assign the item a number of
charges based on how many times you want the characters to
use it. While this option doesnt inflict a penalty, its probably
the most effective way to remove the item from the game
once it has served its purpose.
For items that you want the party to use for a long time, the
costs are lower and tend to build up slowly. In any case, the
characters should rarely use an item for more than one or
two adventures unless its important to the plot. A magic item
should serve as a useful tool but never a replacement for a
characters abilities. As a general rule, items meant for long-
term use should suffer the drawbacks listed above for short-
term use items, but with lesser penalties.
In some cases, an items drawbacks take time to build up. A
magic ring might grant its wearer fantastic strength, but after
a month, it begins to drain her intellect. This allows the
characters to make use of an item thats important to the
current adventure while discouraging long-term dependence.
Ability Score Loss: This item inflicts its damage once
every two or three days, and it doesnt begin to heal until the
character goes without using the item for a week.
Corrupting Influence: For an item with potential for
long-term use, corruption points accrue at the rate of 1 per
week. In addition, a character need not make Charisma
checks before encounters until she has built up 10 corrup-
tion points or a total equal to half her Charisma, whichever
is lower.
Curse: Start this drawback off at a lower total penalty and
slowly increase it, perhaps by 1 point every three days or
every week.
Limited Use: This is the easiest drawback to scale. You can
simply grant the item more uses if the party needs it over a
longer period of time.
You can use the following items as treasures or plot devices
for your campaign. In addition, they make useful models for
designing your own items.
Wondrous items should be unique. No arcane factories
churn them out by the hundreds. Instead, each item repre-
sents years of research, an intense investment of magical
power, and endless nights of toil. A single wondrous item
might take four or five years to produce, and many of these
objects are relics from ancient civilizations or noteworthy
items with long, storied histories. Finding a wondrous item
should be an important part of a campaign.
Likewise, selling a wondrous item is no easy task. Once word
spreads that the party has a genuine and unique magic item
for sale, thieves might seek to liberate it from them. The kings
agents might investigate and seize the item if they feel its too
powerful to fall into the wrong hands, while others who seek
the item descend upon the party like a pack of wolves.
If the PCs do manage to sell the item and it turns out to
have a debilitating drawback, the buyers might come after
the characters for revenge. In any case, set a price that makes
sense for your campaign. If the characters uncover a magic
item, it should set the stage for action and adventure. In Iron
Heroes, such items are not easy to cash in for fabulous wealth.
Banner of the Red God: Crafted from silk, this red, 4-
foot-long banner is trimmed with yellow. It features no sym-
bols, devices, or other signs. When touched to the body of a
humanoid creature killed by a violent act within the past
minute, its true power manifests.
Ability: When touched to a recently killed humanoid, the
banner glows with a bright crimson light. The spectral image
of a red, humanoid-shaped figurethe Red Godappears
before the banners carrier. The image speaks to the bearer
via telepathy and agrees to answer a single question. The Red
Gods answer is no more than 20 words total, and its usually
cryptic and strange. However, the message always contains
the truth, even if it is shrouded in symbols.
The banners power can be activated once per day.
Research DC: 25, extended check 3 successes, Knowledge
Drawback: Each time a character contacts the Red God,
she must make a Will save (DC 20 + 5 for each previous
attempt to commune with this strange deity). On a failed
save, the character begins to make a small (10 gp or less)
sacrifice to the Red God each day and paints a series of
strange runes on her face in red. She also must make another Will save (DC 25)
each day or attempt to use the banner again, resorting to violence if others try to
stop her. Upon this second use, the character immediately converts to worship of
the Red God and becomes a fanatical high priest (and NPC) in his service. If the
victim goes for one week without touching the banner, she returns to normal.
The Red God bids his followers to commit murders as sacrifices in his name.
In particular, he favors the rich and powerful and offers his devotees absolute
knowledge of the world. Some sages believe that the Red God is a powerful
demon who, if offered enough souls, can win its freedom from whatever strange
prison holds it.
Design Notes: The banner makes a good element for an adventure. Perhaps the
characters must slip into the secret lair of a Red God cult, use the banner to learn
an important clue, and escape. If one of the characters or a trusted NPC falls
under the items spell, the others must fight to save their friend. Obviously, the
party should use this item only a few times at most.
Cloak of the Dead: This horrid cloak is crafted from cured human skin and
knitted with hair from sacrificial victims. Anyone who dons the cloak feels a
strange chill run through her body. It has two abilities: master of the dead and
denizens of the grave.
Ability (Master of the Dead): The cloak grants its wearer the ability to command
the undead. As a standard action once per round, you can attempt to force
undead creatures with a total of 20 or fewer Hit Dice to obey you. The targets
must be within 60 feet of you, but once you establish control, the effect has no
range limit. The targets of this ability must make Will saves (DC 25) or fall under
your power. They obey your commands without hesitation, though you must have
some way to deliver your commands to them. Undead creatures that lack
Intelligence scores dont receive a saving throw against this ability.
Affected undead fall under your power for 24 hours. After that time, they may
attempt another save to resist the effects. Until this save succeeds, they must obey
your commands.
Research DC (Master of the Dead): 20.
Drawback (Master of the Dead): The cloak drains your life essence to power this
ability. If you are a living creature, you must make a Fortitude save each day with
a Difficulty Class equal to twice the total number of Hit Dice of undead you con-
trol. If this save fails, you suffer 2 points of temporary Charisma damage. If your
Charisma drops to zero because of this damage, you become an undead creature
(and NPC) under the DMs control. Your creature type becomes undead, you use
d12s for your Hit Dice, and you lose your Constitution score, but your Charisma
score returns to its normal value.
Ability (Denizens of the Grave): Once per day, you can summon a total of 15 Hit
Dice worth of undead. These creatures appear within 100 feet of you and obey your
verbal commands. You can spread this ability out over multiple uses. For example,
you could summon 5 Hit Dice of undead during the morning, 7 Hit Dice in the
afternoon, and the final 3 Hit Dice at night. A summoned undead creature serves
you for one hour before disappearing or until it is destroyed, whichever comes first.
Research DC (Denizens of the Grave): 25, extended check 3 successes.
Drawback (Denizens of the Grave): Each time you summon undead with this
power, you suffer 1 point of temporary Charisma damage as described under the
drawback for the master of the dead ability, above. There is no saving throw
against this damage, though nonliving creatures are immune to it.
Design Notes: The drawbacks for this item have a terrible effect on player char-
acters, but an undead NPC is immune to them. This technique shows how you
can create a magic item to bolster an NPCs abilities without worrying about it
falling into the player characters hands.
The Lamp of Zarthaleez: This brass lantern is covered
with a variety of strange sigils in a whirling, elegant pattern.
Its warm to the touch, and in areas of darkness, the markings
upon it glow with a faint silver radiance, enough to shed illu-
mination in a 10-foot radius.
Ability: If a vial of human blood is poured into the lantern,
a ghostly blue flame ignites within it. This flame casts pale,
cool light in a 60-foot radius. Within this area, incorporeal
creatures and objects lose the benefits of that ability. They
become solid and can interact with objects as normal. As
soon as such a creature moves beyond the lamps area of
effect, it returns to the incorporeal state. Any solid objects it
carries remain solid and interact with the incorporeal crea-
ture as normal for that ability. A single vial of blood provides
enough fuel to activate the lamp for one hour.
The lamp can function in this manner for a total of 12
hours before the energies that sustain it collapse. When
the lamp enters an inert state, its runes no longer glow in
Research DC: 25, extended check 5 successes, Knowledge
Drawback: Corporeal creatures other than undead, elemen-
tals, fey, and outsiders suffer a strange effect if they stand
within the lamps radius while it is active. They see strange,
horrid monsters that press and grind against the fabric of
reality as they attempt to enter the physical world. For each
round a creature remains in the lamps radius, it must make a
Will save (DC 25) at the start of its action. If this save fails,
the creature suffers 1 point of temporary Wisdom damage.
Design Notes: The lamp inflicts its penalty when the charac-
ters use it. This is a good way to balance an item that you
expect the party to use over the course of several adventures.
It allows them to overcome an opponent while creating new
problems that they must deal with.
Map of the Awakened Eye: This magic item is a battered
piece of parchment roughly 1 foot in length along each side.
A few bloodstains mar its yellowed, wrinkled surface. Legend
has it that the map shows the location of rich treasures,
nearby enemies, and other features. It has passed through
the hands of many users, though each owner has disap-
peared within a year of acquiring the map. Somehow, the
map continues to turn up in the hands of merchants, treas-
ure hunters, and peddlers.
Ability: When three drops of blood are spilled upon the
parchment, it displays a map of the surrounding area includ-
ing secret passages, creatures, traps, and other notable fea-
tures. The map provides a snapshot in time. It doesnt show a
creatures movements, but it does reveal invisible or hidden
objects. The map can be used in this manner once per day.
Research DC: 20.
Drawback: The map displayed by this item is not always
reliable. There is a cumulative 5 percent chance per use that
it fails to show living creatures, traps, and other items that
could prove dangerous to the maps user. The chance of a
malfunction drops to 0 percent if the map remains unused
for one year.
Rod of the Sands: Crafted from bone of unknown origin,
the rod of the sands first appeared in the hands of a prophet
from a great, fiery desert. He used it to gather a small sect
of followers to his side, then led them into the desert on an
enigmatic quest. Years passed without word from the prophet,
and eventually the rod resurfaced when a band of adventurers
uncovered it in the dungeons beneath a desert pyramid. The
rod has two abilities, arouse the faithful and eyes of the
desert, and one drawback that covers them both.
Ability (Arouse the Faithful): The rod of the sands grants its
bearer a +4 bonus on all Diplomacy and Bluff checks. Its
magic makes her more persuasive and personable than nor-
mal. This ability has no research Difficulty Class; the rods
user automatically gains it while she carries the item.
Ability (Eyes of the Desert): By dipping the rod in a jug of
water and driving its wet end into the desert sand, the user
can determine the relative direction and distance to the
nearest burial tomb of the ancient Kyrsofar city-states of the
desert. Once, the city-states were the greatest human civiliza-
tion in the world. Now, all thats left of them are demon-
haunted ruins and towering, black granite pyramids that
house their restless dead.
Research DC (Eyes of the Desert): 15.
Drawback: The rod contains the personality seed of an
ancient Kyrsofaran functionary. Once per week, the rod
attempts to seize control of its user. The user must make a Will
save (DC 10 + 2 for each previous save attempted). On a failed
save, the user believes that she is the prophet of a deity known
as the Slumbering God. She gathers followers to her side and
leads them on a pilgrimage to an ancient desert pyramid. In
truth, this is an elaborate trap. The functionarys master, an
ancient vampire, poses as the Slumbering God. One by one,
he devours those duped into seeking to worship him.
Staff of Osseus: One end of this wooden quarterstaff is set
with the mummified, grasping claw of a demonic creature.
The most cherished possession of the god-wizard Osseus, the
staff is said to have been the source of his power. According
to legend, while it lent him strength, it also brought about
his doom.
Ability: The staff is a natural conduit for magical energy.
Spells channeled with its assistance achieve their desired
form more often than usual. When you cast a spell while
holding the staff, you gain a +5 bonus on all channeling
Research DC: 30, extended check 2 successes, Knowledge
(arcana) or Spellcraft.
Drawback: Each time you gain the benefits of the +5
bonus, there is a cumulative 1 percent chance that the staff
draws the attention of its creator, a demon lord named
Londroniun. If this occurs, the fiend seeks the staff s owner,
as the item was stolen from the demon centuries ago by a
planar traveler.
his chapter provides several ideas for alternate rules
that you can use to further customize Iron Heroes to
produce the campaign world, adventures, and action
that you want to see in your game.
Tokens gained from certain class abilities (as described in
Chapter Three of Iron Heroes) reward characters for embrac-
ing their classes core competency in battle. Think of them as
a tactical reward for the players. This chapter looks at strate-
gic rewards, or rules that allow you to provide incentives for
broader, more long-term actions and plans. Theyre built on
the same basic principle as the tokens. Characters receive a
reward for behaving in a manner in keeping with the tone,
intent, and focus of the campaign. With these options, you
can provide tangible, readily apparent differences between
each campaign. If you run a game where the characters are
holy warriors on a quest to slay a demigod, you can create
rules that enforce the feel of a crusade and give a mechani-
cal bite to that theme. Later, you could run a game where the
characters are treasure hunters and use a different set of
rules to enforce the change in goals, tone, and feel.
This chapter shows you how to institute such changes with
relatively simple alterations to the rules. Even if you dont find
specific rules here for the exact campaign you want to run,
the models give you examples and ideas that should make it
possible to adapt them to a broad variety of campaigns.
One consistent theme in roleplaying game design holds that
players will willingly take actions or follow certain behaviors
in return for a reward in the game. In many ways, Iron Heroes
embraces this concept. The token pools give a big edge in a
fight to characters who take the actions needed to fill their
pools. A berserker who charges into a mob of opponents
racks up far more fury tokens than one who hovers at the
rear of a battle. This concept of rewarding choices underlies
many of the Iron Heroes mechanics, particularly those
designed to spur the players to action.
The alternate experience systems in this section also
embrace this concept. The idea behind them is simple. If you
reward the characters with experience points (XP) for a cer-
tain range of actions, theyll pursue those actions over other
choices. You can therefore pick out a set of options or expect-
ed goals for your campaign and tie them to XP rewards.
The easiest way to understand this concept is to read the
example systems given below. They provide commentary on why
you would use them in addition to the mechanics behind them.
The characters make the game, and in this alternate system,
they receive experience points for getting themselves into
trouble in a way thats consistent with their personalities.
Concept: In fantasy novels, comic books, and adventure
fiction, the main characters sometimes have flaws that work
against them. The dashing thief cant resist an alluring
woman, even if shes actually a demon in disguise. The barbar-
ian warrior from the north is too greedy to let a great treasure
go, even when a terrible monster guards it. An impetuous
knight refuses to allow an insult to pass, even when discretion
might be the better choice.
Monte Cook Presents: Iron Heroes spends little time detailing the games setting. It describes a sample
location known as the Swordlands in brief, but the book focuses simply on using the rules to create a
unique feel and tone for fantasy adventure. Action and adventure drive the game, but the venue for
them is largely up to the DM.
Campaign Options
Game Mechanics: Each character has one flaw, such as greedy, head-
strong, reckless, or lustful. Whenever a situation comes up where that flaw
might come into play, the character must either willingly play it out the
trait or try to resist it.
If the character willingly plays out his flaw, he receives double the XP for
any encounter or reward earned because of that flaw. As a rule of thumb,
this bonus applies only to an encounter that is immediately tied to the
event that triggers his flaw.
If he tries to resist playing out the flaw, he must make a Will save (DC 10
+ his character level). Failure means he has to play out the flaw to its natu-
ral consequences. Whether this save succeeds or fails, he earns only the
normal amount of XP for the situation. Note that this Difficulty Class
scales with character level to keep the save as an important obstacle at all
levels and to show that the character must struggle against his own nature,
not some external force.
Otherwise, award XP as normal for whatever set of rules you decide to use.
Effects: This alternate system emphasizes playing the game true to each
characters role rather than making the most tactically astute choice.
However, it has some drawbacks.
First of all, you and your players must be on the same page when it comes
to determining how a characters flaws function in the game. Flaws are not
an excuse for the DM to ruthlessly take advantage of the adventurers. On
the other hand, the flaws must place the characters in danger for them to
have a real effect on the game. Flaws should play a role in the adventure, but
they shouldnt demarcate the line between success and defeat.
More importantly, every players flaw should receive equal attention.
Since some characters will receive bonus experience points for an
encounter that draws on their flaws, the game could develop a gap between
characters whose flaws play a role in the action and those whose shortcom-
ings remain on the sidelines. Again, this requires careful adjudication by
the DM. If you appear to favor one character over the others, the players
may feel slighted.
Tweaks: If you and your players feel comfortable allocating a significant
portion of experience point awards to the DMs judgment, the whole group
can have a lot of fun with this variant rule. You can expand the bonus XP
awards to include almost any sort of trait that you feel is important to the
game, from a characters motivation to the defining qualities of a hero. The
idea behind this rule is that the players are supposed to roleplay and use their
characters personalities as filters for the decisions they make. When the play-
ers make decisions that are not the best tactical ideas, but that are in keeping
with their characters, you reward them with extra XP for the encounter.
One of Iron Heroes strengths is that it requires less long-term recordkeeping
than some games. You have to keep track of tokens during combat, but in
most cases, you build them up and spend them quickly. Experience point
totals require rather extensive bookkeeping and computations, particularly
for the DM. You can streamline this process by tying level advancement to
achieving specific goals that are important to the campaign or the ongoing
Concept: The characters gain in skill only when they face a challenge
that pushes their abilities beyond their limits. A warrior doesnt steadily
improve as the result of each separate battle. Rather, the sum total of an
adventure gives him the insight and experience needed to improve.
Game Mechanics: Rather than award individual dollops of
XP, you simply grant the party members an added level of
experience once theyve accomplished a specific goal. For
example, if the characters are a gang of thieves in a sprawling
city, they may gain a level for successfully raiding a heavily
guarded villa. A band of heroic warriors could gain a level for
leading a blind old prophet through dangerous territory to a
distant shrine.
This system cuts down on experience packing, or the
process of adding in a number of minor battles solely to give
the party a level boost before facing a specific challenge. It
also gives you absolute control over when the characters gain
levels, making it easier to plan encounters since you have a
clear idea of the characters levels after an adventure.
Effects: This system works best if your players are more
interested in exploring the world, facing their enemies, and
coming out on top rather than improving their characters. It
also requires a degree of trust. If the players think that a
challenge you set before them is too tough for their level,
they may feel that youre abusing your control over the flow
of level advancements. In contrast, the standard experience
system ensures that the players get a fair portion of XP based
on the difficulties they overcome. If you want to use this
alternative, be aware that some players may think it puts too
much power in your hands.
As with many issues in gaming, communication is the key.
If cutting down on recordkeeping sounds appealing to you,
be sure to talk this rule over with the players. It also helps to
give them clear conditions for gaining levels. If they must
defeat the ogre king to gain a level, tell them that. It can
serve as a useful reason for them to dive into the story or
scenario you created.
On the other hand, if theyd rather pursue a different
course of action, listen to their preferences. This alternate
rule gives you the power to railroad the characters into what-
ever plot you have in mind, because you can drive the story
with promises of XP. Some players dont mind that level of
DM control, but others may resent it.
Note: This system is incompatible with any rules that allow
the characters to spend XP for special benefits, since they no
longer keep an exact running total of accumulated experi-
ence points.
Tweaks: If you like the idea of tying XP awards to story ele-
ments but think this system goes too far, you can add XP kicks
to certain encounters. For example, the ogre king might be an
important villain in your campaign. Hes a CR 9 foe, but due to
his importance in the game, you award experience points for
defeating a CR 11 creature when the characters overcome him.
This solves the problem of having to add fights to the game
simply to give the party enough experience points to level
up. Again, keep the players preferences in mind when you
make this change. Some of them might feel like its cheating
to gain bonus XP in this mannertheyd prefer to earn their
rewards the hard way. Other players place less emphasis on
leveling up as long as the game is interesting and challenging.
This alternate XP system stems from the idea that money
makes the world go around. The characters earn experience
points based on the treasure they find and spend.
Concept: The characters are thieves, mercenaries, and
treasure hunters. They desire the rich, comfortable life that a
fortune in gold coins or a bejeweled idol can buy them. As
risk-taking adventurers, theyre willing to do whatever is
required for fame and wealth. By the same token, they have
great appetites for the comforts in life. After a successful
adventure, theyre likely to pour their money into a brief but
legendary spree of fine clothes, expensive drinks, wondrous
accommodations, and stunning bed partners. Once the coins
are gone, they gather their equipment, ready their weapons
and armor, and embark on a new quest for wealth.
Game Mechanics: Characters gain 1 XP for each gold
piece spent on wine, women (or men), and song. In essence,
they gain experience points for money they spend on some-
thing other than game-mechanics benefits for their charac-
ters. However, the gold must be well and truly spent. A char-
acter cant merely lend gold to an ally, gain the XP, and then
ask for the money back.
Effects: This change has several critical effects on the
game. First, it makes combat almost purely optional. Slaying a
monster doesnt improve your abilities unless you manage to
uncover a great treasure as a result of your victory. Second, it
makes finding rich treasures far more important than in the
standard Iron Heroes game. The characters are much more
likely to pursue options that appear the most financially
profitable. This is a great choice for games that emphasize
planning, deceit, raids on evil temples, and mad dashes for
rare, fabulous treasures.
If youre a fan of classic sword and sorcery, this rule helps
enforce the idea of the characters as soldiers of fortune who
are looking for the next great opportunity for debauchery.
You can also have a lot of fun playing out the repercussions
of the characters partying lifestyle. Perhaps the adventurers
sign up for a dangerous task while theyre befuddled with
drink. For example, after a few cups of ale, they might agree
to break into the local temple of the Spider God and steal
the ceremonial hood of the high priestess. If you like bar
brawls, this XP model guarantees you plenty of chances to
run them. Bone up on the rules for zones!
Tweaks: You can add new layers to the game with a few
subtle changes to this rule.
Classic Play: In this change, treasure is important but so is
defeating terrible monsters. Award half the normal XP for
defeating creatures and 1 XP for every 2 gp spent as
described above. This mix emphasizes treasure and monster
slaying, making it great for classic dungeon explorations.
From 5th level onward, award full XP for monsters slain so
that you dont have to award the players tens of thousands
of gold pieces to keep their level progression reasonable.
Honor Among Thieves: If you want to run a game where the
characters dont completely trust one another, award double
the XP for gold spent that was recovered without the other
characters knowledge or that was stolen from another party
member. This is an excellent option for games that feature
the thief class in a prominent role or campaigns where you
expect the players to plot against one another.
Metagame mechanics are rules that exist outside of the events
depicted within the game. Theyre tools that players, rather
than characters, possess that can alter the game. Action
points or hero points are a classic example of metagame
mechanics. Players decide to spend action or hero points to
grant a bonus to their characters attacks or skill checks.
Many game mechanics have a direct analog in the reality of
the game. For example, characters in a roleplaying game world
dont talk about their current level, but level does measure a
tangible elementa warriors skill, an arcanists talent for
magic, and so on. Metagame mechanics often lack that sort of
analog. They usually exist solely within the context of the game
mechanics, rather than within the context of the game setting.
Most metagame mechanics either emphasize a certain
style of play by rewarding specific actions or give the players
a tool to avoid the vagaries of luck.
A berserker charges a dragon, heedless of the terrible wyrms
fiery breath. A heroic weapon master stands at the city gate,
ready to give his life against an endless horde of monsters to
buy the critical seconds needed to evacuate the elderly and
the children. An executioner readies for her last mission,
knowing that even if she slays the wizard lord, she will die in
the attempt. These characters dont fight for money, riches,
or personal acclaim. They do battle with the forces of dark-
ness because its the right thing to do.
Glory points are a metagame mechanic that you can use to
encourage heroic sacrifice, brave acts in the face of unbeat-
able odds, and gallantry in the face of evil. They reward char-
acters who take risky actions for the good of others, making
them an excellent addition to any game that concentrates on
heroism in the face of overwhelming opposition.
Concept: Glory points support the concept of the characters
as heroes, defenders of the realm who stand between civiliza-
tion and the forces that would destroy it. The heroes may not
be nice, pleasant, or charitable, but when everythings on the
line, you can count on them to do whatever it takes to defeat
evil. Characters gain glory points through actions such as:
Attacking a powerful monster that threatens a small
Standing and fighting a mighty foe even when escape
is an easy option.
Wading into the midst of the enemy to help an ally.
Dying to save a comrade.
As a character gains glory points, he can spend them for
the following benefits:
A bonus on an attack, skill check, or saving throw.
Bonus tokens for his various pools.
A chance to remove deadly effects or counter spells
that target him.
The ability to return from the gates of Valhalla to aid
his comrades.
The last point may not apply to a campaign where the
afterlife is strange, mysterious, and unknowable, but it
demonstrates the sorts of things that are possible with these
Game Mechanics: The mechanics behind glory points are
relatively simple. When you complete a heroic act, the DM
tells you how many glory points you earn. You can then
spend the points as you wish, as detailed below.
Awarding Points: You can earn between 1 and 5 glory points
for a single act or a sequence of acts. Whether you earn
points is solely up to the DM. He judges your actions and, if
he thinks they fit the heroic mold, awards points. The DM
follows some basic guidelines to determine how many points
to hand out. Note that the 10-point action, giving your life
for your allies, applies only if your DM uses the optional
rules for Valhalla, given below.
Points Awarded Action
1 Risk serious injury to aid a friend
or innocent in danger.
3 Rescue a friend or innocent
while putting yourself in dire peril.
5 Drop below 0 hit points in the
act of saving another.
10 Die so that another may live.
In addition, you can earn glory points for heroic actions,
stunts, and maneuvers that require you to risk your life to
complete them. For example, leaping across a bottomless pit
to prevent a dreaded sorcerer from escaping with a magic
artifact should earn you glory points. The key consideration
for such actions is that you choose to risk your life to
accomplish a deed, particularly when a safer option
though perhaps one without potential for a great victory
is available.
Spending Glory Points: At any time, you can spend a glory
point to gain a bonus on any attack, skill check, ability
check, or saving throw. You can spend 1 point per roll. If you
decide to spend the point before rolling, add 1d10 to the
result. If you decide to spend the point after rolling, add 1d6
to the result. In other words, if you wait to see whether your
attack hit or your check succeeded before deciding to spend
a glory point, your maximum bonus will be smaller.
You also can spend glory points to remove conditions and
effects from your character. When you spend the points, you
stop suffering from the effect. However, any damage it has
already inflicted upon you remains. For example, if you fail
your saving throw against a giant snakes poison, you suffer
the initial ability score damage as normal. You then can
spend glory points to remove the poison. The initial damage
remains, but you dont suffer the poisons secondary effects.
Condition/Effect Points to Remove
Disease 2
Poison 2
Paralysis 4
Fear effect 6
Mind-affecting effect 8
Death 10
There is one exception to this rule: You can spend 10 glory
points to try to avoid death. In this case, you gain one of the
following benefits (your choice):
If you suffered hit point damage from an attack (as
opposed to a spell) that killed you, the killing blow
automatically misses instead.
If you fell victim to an effect that allowed a saving
throw, your save automatically succeeds instead.
Note that you still might die if the reduced damage
is high enough.
The Gates of Valhalla: Many fantasy settings provide a cos-
mology that, in part, explains what happens to a creatures
soul when it dies. Some settings have multiple planes of exis-
tence, many of which are occupied by a variety of gods.
Others have simpler systems. In either case, one or more
planes serve as the home of the dead. When a hero dies, his
soul journeys to another plane, where he rests with his fore-
The Gates of Valhalla rule builds on this concept. This
optional rule allows a slain hero to continue to aid his com-
panions from beyond the veil of death. Perhaps he watches
their actions from the heavens, or he waits with his weapons
and armor ready for one last chance for glory. When his
friends need his aid, he departs the land of the dead to
battle beside them one final time.
Under this rule variant, you keep track of the total number
of glory points you earn while alive. Even as you spend
points, keep a log of how many you accumulated over the
course of your career. If and when you fall, that total deter-
mines your standing in the afterlife. If youve earned more
than 50 total glory points when your character dies, you
enter Valhalla (or its equivalent in the campaign world) and
are lauded as a great hero. Your ancestors greet you with
open arms, and you earn a place of honor at the great feast
of heroes in the heavens. More importantly, your fame,
prowess, and bravery earn you the right to aid your allies
from beyond the grave.
Your current number of glory points becomes equal to the
total number of glory points you earned in life. For example,
if your character accumulated 78 glory points during his
career but has only 12 points when he dies, he enters the
afterlife with 78 points.
You can spend these glory points to aid the other players
characters and whatever new character you create for the
game. Even though you have fallen, your comrades continue
to battle your enemies. They need your aid, and even death
cannot stop you from helping them.
The various benefits you can purchase with your points
are summarized below. Once your glory point total drops to
zero, you draw away from the world. Your work is done, and
you leave mortals to their own fates. You cant earn more
glory points once you have entered the afterlife.
Point Cost Benefit
4 points per +1 Provide a bonus on one attack,
check, or save
6 points per 1d8 Heal points of damage
4 points per +1 Provide a bonus to defense for
1 round
All points/special Pierce the mortal veil
For example, you can spend 4 glory points to provide a +1
bonus on a characters attack, 8 glory points to provide a +2
bonus, and so on. You can spend 6 glory points to heal 1d8
points of damage dealt to a character, 12 glory points to heal
2d8 points of damage, and so on.
The benefits you provide apply to one of the current char-
acters in the game or their allies. You can spend these points
once per round at any point in time. You apply the effects
immediately. For example, you could spend points to heal a
character immediately before a foe attacks him.
The pierce the mortal veil option allows you to return to
life for one final battle. You can use this option only once,
after which your glory point total immediately drops to zero.
You enter the mortal world cloaked in divine energy. You
appear within 10 feet of any of your allies and may act as
normal for a number of rounds equal to 10 + your Charisma
modifier. You are equipped with the following items:
One melee weapon of your choice
One suit of armor of your choice
One shield of your choice
One ranged weapon of your choice
40 projectiles of your choice for the ranged weapon
(such as arrows, slings, and so on). If you wish, you
can have four throwing weapons of your choice
instead of the ranged weapon and its projectiles.
None of this equipment has any magical or special abilities.
You have full hit points and the full spread of abilities,
feats, skills, and so on that you had when you died. You stand
alongside your allies for one last battle, appearing in their
hour of need to strike a grievous blow against their enemies.
At the end of the duration, you and your equipment return
to the realm of the dead permanently. (Note that if you lose
enough hit points during the battle, you can be killed as
normal, which means you return to Valhalla immediately.)
This is an optional rule meant to soften the blow of a char-
acters demise. In Iron Heroes, death is final. There are no
spells that can return the dead to life, but this option allows
a beloved character the chance to play a role in the game
even after he is gone.
The glory point rules are meant to encourage heroism, self-
sacrifice, and other noble acts. Like the experience point
rules given earlier in this chapter, you can modify them to
reward other actions depending on the flavor and tone of
your campaign. For example, heroic actions might not be
appropriate for a campaign set in a gritty, crime-ridden fan-
tasy city. In such a game, you might reward characters who
betray their allies, risk their lives for a fabulous treasure, or
accept daring missions purely for monetary gain.
Making this change is relatively easysimply award glory
points for different criteria. This section covers a few basic
variants for different types of games.
Skill at Arms: The characters earn glory points for defeat-
ing powerful enemies, as shown on the table below. In this
variant, the characters must demonstrate their ability by
meeting certain benchmarks that prove their mastery. They
can gain each reward once per encounter, and they cant
receive more than one reward for a single action.
For example, if a character defeats a creature with more
than triple his Hit Dice, he receives 4 glory points. He does
not also receive the reward for defeating a foe with more
than double his Hit Dice. In other words, if an act fulfills
multiple rewards, the character receives only the highest
reward for it. However, he can receive more than one reward
for a single encounter. If he defeats two monsters, one with
more than double his Hit Dice and the other with more than
triple his Hit Dice, he receives 5 glory points total.
All members of the party earn the same number of glory
points for the encounter. The DM doesnt award points and
then divide by the number of characters. So if the whole group
battles a monster together but one adventurer lands the killing
blow, each character still gets the same number of points.
This variant works especially well with variant XP rules
that place less emphasis on combat. With this glory point
variation, the characters still receive a tangible reward for
defeating their enemies. It keeps combat important while
focusing on another method for gaining levels.
Points Earned Action
1 Defeat a foe with more than double your
Hit Dice.
1 Defeat two foes in 1 round.
1 Land a single attack that inflicts 20 or
more points of damage.
2 Defeat five foes in 1 round.
3 Slay a foe with more Hit Dice than you in
single combat.
4 Defeat a foe with more than triple your
Hit Dice.
5 Defeat a foe with more than double your
Hit Dice in single combat.
Story Awards: This variant rewards the characters based
on the emotional importance of an act. Glory points repre-
sent the confidence and determination that help drive the
characters. As they overcome important goals they set for
themselves, they gain the resolve needed to do their best in
a time of dire need.
To work properly, these rules require some input from the
players. Each character has one goal or cause that he fights
for. When he progresses toward that goal or defends his
cause, he gains glory points. The goal can be short term or
long term, and when a PC achieves a goal, he should pick a
new one.
The goals selected by the characters answer the basic
question, Why do you adventure, battle enemies, and risk
your life? The goals in this system derive from a characters
motivation for adventuring.
This system requires a tremendous amount of DM judg-
ment, as you must measure how each action or event in the
game helps the characters achieve their goals. You should
award the PCs 1 to 5 glory points at the end of each session
to reflect their actions. In addition, you can give a one-time
award during a session if a character makes a decision that
allows him to progress toward his goal, particularly if the
choice requires a risk or sacrifice on his part.
The number of glory points awarded should be in line with
the progress made and the dangers suffered to make it. Keep
in mind that the players may feel slighted if you consistently
reward one character over others. Try to arrange events so
that everyones goals come into play during each session. If
you cant pull that off, talk it over with the players. Be sure
never to leave anyone out of the action for long and to rotate
attention from character to character.
This system is best suited for campaigns in which you
expect the characters to have their own plots and stories that
run concurrent with the games primary events. Its also use-
ful in encouraging the players to create backgrounds, story
ideas, and depth for their characters.
This metagame model is designed to reward players who get
into the spirit of Iron Heroes and spice up combat with fun
descriptions, stunts, and other actions. These rewards can
come into play if someone uses an action zone, describes an
otherwise normal attack in a cool way, completes a wild stunt
that impresses everyone at the gaming table, and so on.
Concept: This variant emphasizes fast-paced action and
cinematic combat. It can be a lot of fun for creative groups,
since it rewards efforts to come up with interesting actions
in even the simplest battles. On the other hand, these rules
reward a players actions and creativity rather than his char-
acters abilities. Some players freeze when asked to come up
with wild, crazy ideas on the fly. Some might feel that theyre
being forced to compete with other players who have more
experience at this sort of thing or who are naturally better at
coming up with details at a moments notice. Use this variant
only if the whole group feels comfortable with it.
In addition, be considerate of the players. If you use these
rules, give them extra time to come up with cool ideas. Allow
the players to help each other think of ideas, and reward
everyone at the table. Dont be afraid to step in with ideas
of your own. Many players are intimidated by the creativity
demanded by stunts and exciting descriptions, but with prac-
tice, they soon feel comfortable with it.
Finally, try to judge everyone fairly. Since the DM deter-
mines whether a players description is good enough for a
reward, you might cause hard feelings if you consistently rule
against a few players or are too hard to please. The object of
the game is to have fun, and this variant moves away from
hard and fast rules and toward increasing a DMs control
over the action. Some players feel uncomfortable placing
that much power in the DMs hands, so be sure to treat them
all equally.
Game Mechanics: Whenever a character attempts an
attack or stunt, makes a skill or ability check, or uses an
action zone, he gains a +2 bonus on the relevant d20 roll if
his player provides an interesting, fun, or entertaining
description of the attempt. This description should make the
game fun for everyone by adding more color and detail to
the action. The DM determines whether the description war-
rants the bonus. A character can gain this bonus only once
per action.
Effects: This change works best if you like to run long,
cinematic fights where the visuals are just as important as
the tactical considerations. The rule makes it easy for the
players to gain a key advantage over their enemies, especially
in the case of opposed checks. Expect the characters to have
an easier time with many encounters, particularly if the play-
ers consistently come up with entertaining descriptions. This
option works well for experienced players who are comfort-
able with the idea, but it definitely isnt for everyone.
In addition, villains and monsters should have full access to
entertainment rewards, based on how well you as the DM
describe their actions. In this case, allow the players to judge
if the description you created is worth a bonus. If youre not
sure you can trust the players to make this decision impartial-
ly, the entire model is probably a poor idea for your group.
The entertainment model fits perfectly with freeform, cine-
matic, over-the-top games that make reality take a back seat
to action. In most cases, it works best for short campaigns or
single-session adventures rather than sober, dramatic, long-
term campaigns. However, if you like the model, you can
make it work for a long game.
As with the variant rules for experience, metagame mechan-
ics allow you to alter the game to emphasize certain styles of
play, types of actions, or facets of the game world. In many
ways, the two types of rules cover the same ground. If you
want to use both of them in one game, first consider the role
that each one plays.
Experience awards are good for games that place a greater
emphasis on gritty action and games where the characters
arent necessarily any better than other adventurers. For
games that adhere to the core Iron Heroes rules and level of
balance, use the alternate experience rules to encourage par-
ticular types of actions.
Metagame mechanics let the players dodge bad luck or
erase a harmful event. Theyre somewhat arbitrary and tend
to swing the balance of power toward the PCs. If you want a
game that stresses heroism and success against long odds,
metagame mechanics are a good choice.
You can use a metagame rule and alternate experience
awards at the same time, but doing so requires special con-
siderations. If both sets of mechanics reward the same
actions, the characters might accumulate too much power
too quickly, especially when compared to other characters
who dont rigorously fill the requirements needed to gain
those benefits. This arrangement can work, but keep in mind
that it gives double the reward (such as bonus XP or glory
points) for one action. If some players arent committed to
running their characters in a manner thats consistent with
the games tone, you might end up with a few characters who
lag behind the group. This might become a problem with
either set of rules, but its more troublesome if you use both
variants at the same time.
Alternatively, you can use metagame mechanics to reward
one type of action and bonus XP to reward a different action.
You can make this distinction by tying the mechanics to the
campaign setting. For example, glory point rewards might be
divine in nature. The gods watch the characters actions and
reward their heroism. Experience point awards, on the other
hand, represent self-confidence, insights, and accomplish-
ments. The divide between the two rewards can help draw the
line between the characters actions, goals, and motivations.
Some characters may strive to earn the gods favor, while oth-
ers seek to improve their talents on their own.
To create a serious divide between the two types of
mechanics, you can use them to reward opposed actions.
Characters might earn bonus XP for stealing from each
other or escaping encounters unharmed, but they earn
glory points by risking their lives for others. This sort of
arrangement separates the two paths for charactersin this
case, greed and charity. It might cause some trouble for
party unity, but it can also provide fodder for good roleplay-
ing. The greedy thief might decide to grab the treasure and
run, while his companions must battle the monster that
guards it.
As with any alteration to the core rules or any rule that
requires DM judgment, be sure to talk your ideas over with
the players. Good communication helps put everyone on the
same page and clears up any misunderstandings before they
can cause problems.
his appendix looks at various types of rules you might
want to add to Monte Cook Presents: Iron Heroes and
gives advice for converting them to this game. In
addition, it offers ideas for using other game material in ways
that you may not have considered before.
The key characteristic of Iron Heroes is that it drops magic
items as an important measure of a characters power. Some
other fantasy games do this, too, but Iron Heroes also keeps
everything balanced against the core monster books. The
characters must be balanced against chimeras, dragons,
demons, and everything else.
This creates a gap in power between Iron Heroes classes
and those drawn from other d20 System games. Generally
speaking, an Iron Heroes character can easily defeat a fantasy
character from a different game who doesnt have an appro-
priate load of magic items. Thus, its generally a bad idea to
shift Iron Heroes classes to other games.
Luckily, the reverse is not true. While the warrior-type
classes, such as fighter, paladin, ranger, and barbarian, are
outmatched by their Iron Heroes counterparts, the spellcast-
ing classes make excellent additions as villain classes. Clerics,
wizards, druids, and sorcerers have the magical firepower
needed to pose a threat.
A character class from another game gains a defense bonus
equal to its base attack bonus and replaces its base saves
with a save modifier equal to its level. Add all modifiers, such
as ability scores, feats, and so on, as normal. In addition,
switch the Hit Die of the new class to the Iron Heroes equiva-
lent, unless its an NPC class. Imported classes gain a pool of
reserve points and obey all other Iron Heroes rules, including
the progression of new feats by level, as found in Iron Heroes.
Standard Hit Die Iron Heroes Hit Die
1d4 1d4
1d6 1d4+2
1d8 1d4+4
1d10 1d4+6
1d12 1d4+8
When incorporating a spellcasting class into Iron Heroes, you
must increase the save DCs of its spells and account for its
loss of magic items. Assign the class a defense bonus equal to
its base attack bonus. The save Difficulty Class of a spell
equals 10 + the minimum caster level needed to use the spell
+ the relevant ability modifier.
For example, fireball is a 3rd-level spell, and a wizard must
be 5th level to use it. Thus, the save DC for a wizards fireball
is 10 + 5 (the minimum caster level) + the wizards
Intelligence modifier.
In addition, add modifiers for feats as normal. This change
is important, as Iron Heroes characters have higher saves than
other classes do. If you use the standard save DCs, characters
of Iron Heroes classes can almost ignore spells used by
imported spellcasters.
The spellcasting classes work best as villains and powerful
NPCs, particularly if theyre members of strange, alien races
who have a natural affinity for the magical arts. You can also
apply them to weaker outsiders and elementals to give them
expanded abilities.
One of the advantages of open game material is that you can transfer it from one game system to
another relatively easily. However, you still need to make some changes before certain material is
ready for your Iron Heroes game.
Importing Game
Currently, Iron Heroes is the only d20 System game to replace
the concept of race with traits. Thus, you may not yet find
many sources for new traits. However, you can easily add to
the trait list by adapting standard d20 feats to become traits
from specific regions of your campaign world. In particular,
feats that are accessible only at 1st level make great addi-
tions as traits. A trait should be about as powerful as a feat.
Weapon-specific feats are a good way to further reinforce
the differences between regions in your campaign. Perhaps
only one area of the world uses the exotic weapon youve
taken from a different sourcebook. You can also use traits to
introduce feats or abilities that dont fit into the Iron Heroes
feat system.
Iron Heroes uses the standard skill system found in most other
d20 System games, with some additions (see Chapter Four of
Iron Heroes). As such, when adding new skills to Iron Heroes,
check to see how they interact with the rules additions.
The rules for challenges give a generic set of benefits you can
add to any skill check. If additional, skill-specific challenges
come to mind, be sure to balance them against these standards.
Assigning a new skill to a group is a thornier issue. This
step is completely optional, as not every skill must fall into a
group. Try to think of two other skills that currently exist in
the game and have a natural connection or relationship with
the new skill. Look at the groups to which those skills belong.
If they share a group, the new skill probably belongs with
them. If theyre in different groups, assign the new skill to
the group that provides the best fit, or assign it to both
groups if the new skill is a logical part of both.
In most cases, you can add feats directly to the game without
any changes. While it may seem inelegant to keep a feats pre-
requisites when Iron Heroes feats are arranged by mastery rat-
ing, it might be difficult to translate the new feats you want
to add into expanded mastery levels of existing base feats.
If there are obvious analogs, such as a new feat that uses
Power Attack as a prerequisite, make the feat into an expand-
ed mastery ability based on its prerequisites. A feat should
have a mastery rating equal to half the minimum level a char-
acter normally needs to attain before she can take the feat.
When assigning a feat to a feat category, consider the feats
usage, its general role in the game, and its prerequisites.
Armor: Feats that alter or improve how a character uses a
shield or armor belong in this category.
Defense: Feats that grant a bonus to defense belong here,
as long as they dont provide a defensive bonus by improving
a characters ability to wear armor or carry a shield.
Finesse: Feats that improve a characters attacks and use
Dexterity or a Finesse feat as a prerequisite fall into this cate-
gory. In addition, feats that improve attacks at the cost of
damage fit in here.
Lore: Feats that have an Intelligence prerequisite might
fall into this category. Consider how the feat works. If it
draws on a characters knowledge to grant her a benefit, and
particularly if it focuses on scholarly pursuits, its a good
match for this category.
Power: Feats with Strength or Power Attack as a prerequi-
site fall into this category, as do combat feats that improve
damage at the cost of accuracy.
Projectile: Any feat that improves only ranged attacks or
that changes how a character uses a missile weapon falls into
this category.
Social: Feats that improve a characters social skills fall
here. Generally, they require ranks in skills such as Diplo-
macy, Bluff, and Gather Information. If the feat uses Charisma
as a prerequisite, it might fall here, depending on its imple-
Tactics: Feats that allow characters to improve an allys
fighting ability fall into this category, as do feats that give a
bonus for creating a certain tactical situation, such as being
Some feats are difficult to slide into a single category. You
can place a feat in multiple categories, especially if the feat
requires a character to select a single weapon that gains its
benefits. In this case, the feat could fall into the category
most closely linked to the chosen weapon. In other cases,
these feats still match best with a single category.
Dont be afraid to designate a feat as a general feat, espe-
cially if it has no direct usage in combat. It also helps to talk
to the players and see what they think about the feat. If no
one wants to take it, it probably isnt worth worrying about.
If only one player wants the feat, it might make sense to put
it in a category that her character can access, as long as the
feat is a good match for that category.
When adding weapons to Iron Heroes, look at the current list
and find an existing weapon that most closely matches the
new weapons form, function, and game statistics. Exotic
weapons might be hard to fit into a category, especially if
theyre truly strange. In this case, look at the feats and think
about which ones the weapons typical user would favor.
Based on what seems to make sense, assign the weapon a
category and descriptors that match the feats commonly
used with it.
Armor is a trickier fit. Basically, Iron Heroes has the armor
types it needs. Unless money is hard to find, the characters
will upgrade quickly to the most expensive armor available
in the category (light, medium, or heavy) that they favor.
The damage reduction provided by armor is a carefully bal-
anced mechanic. If it rises too high, the game can break
down. In most cases, youre better off using the statistics for
an existing type of armor to match the new gear you want to
add to the game. While this smothers some of the distinct
flavor and feel of different kinds of armor, it keeps things
Version 1.0a
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright
20002005, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
d20 System Reference Document
Copyright 20002005, Wizards of the
Coast, Inc.; authors Jonathan Tweet,
Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker,
Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich
Redman, and Bruce R. Cordell, based on
original material by E. Gary Gygax and
Dave Arneson.
Mastering Iron Heroes Copyright 2005
Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.

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