1. the first artificially produced isotope was the isotope phosphorus 15 p. this was formed by
bombarding aluminium al with α-particles.
(a) (i) complete the equation to show the missing nucleon and proton
....... .......
....... al + ....... α → 3015 p + 01 n
30 30
(ii) 15p decays to a stable isotope of silicon 14 si by the emission of a further particle, x.
complete the following equation to show the missing nucleon and proton numbers:
p → si + ....... x
30 30
15 14
(b) the half-life of the radioactive isotope of phosphorus 15 p is 195 seconds. give the
meanings of the terms half-life and isotope.
half-life ........................................................................................................................
isotope ..........................................................................................................................
(c) atoms which emit α- or β-particles usually emit γ-rays as well. explain why this occurs.
(total 8 marks)
3. when electrons are fired at nucleons many of the electrons are scattered.
however, when the electrons have sufficiently high energy, deep inelastic scattering occurs.
(b) what is revealed about the structure of the nucleon by deep inelastic scattering?
(d) historically, physicists found that electrons of low energy could not be used to find out
information about the nucleus of neutral atoms. suggest why.
(total 4 marks)
12 14
5. 6C and 6C are two isotopes of carbon.
state the number of electrons in a neutral atom of 6C .
state the number of neutrons in a neutral atom of 6C .
6C decays by beta minus emission. complete the nuclear equation below.
6C N +
(total 7 marks)
12 14
6. 6 C and 6
c are two isotopes of carbon.
(2 marks)
7. in 1909 geiger and marsden carried out an important experiment to investigate alpha particle
scattering. alpha particles were directed towards a thin gold sheet and detectors were used to
observe the distribution of scattered alpha particles.
explain why these observations led to the conclusion that an atom was composed mainly of
space, with a very small positive nucleus.
(total 8 marks)
8. in 1909 geiger and marsden carried out an important experiment to investigate alpha particle
scattering. alpha particles were directed towards a thin gold sheet and detectors were used to
observe the distribution of scattered alpha particles.
state what was observed in this experiment.
some α particles pass } straight through (or
equivalent) (1)
some flashes are seen }
some are deflected slightly (1)
some rebound (or equivalent) (1)
(3 marks)
1 ...................................................................................................................................
2 ...................................................................................................................................
caesium-137 is a by-product of nuclear fission within a nuclear reactor. complete the two boxes
in the nuclear equation below which describes the production of cs.
235 1 137 95 1
92 U + 0 n 55 C s + Rb + 0 n
the half-life of caesium-137 is 30 years. when the fuel rods are removed from a nuclear reactor
core, the total activity of the caesium-137 is 5.8 × 1015 bq. after how many years will this
activity have fallen to 1.6 × 106 bq?
(total 10 marks)
. × 10 6
. × 1015 = (½)n for full credit
or use of 58
number of years = 950 – 960 (1)
(4 marks)
comment on the problems of storage of the fuel rods over this time period.
two problems which are relevant to (1)
the very long storage time involved (1)
eg deterioration of container; finding a site which will remain safe;
long term monitoring.
(2 marks)
[total 10 marks]
describe an experiment you could perform in a school laboratory to determine the half-life of an
α emitter of half-life approximately 1 minute.
a sample of milk is contaminated with a very small quantity of strontium-90. this isotope decays
by β- emission with a half-life of approximately 28 years.
give two reasons why it would be very difficult to use this contaminated sample of milk to
obtain an accurate value for the half-life of strontium-90.
(total 8 marks)
12. radon -220 (also know as thoron) is radioactive gas which decays by α emission to polonium 84
(1 mark)
describe an experiment you could perform in a school laboratory to determine the half-life of an
α emitter of half-life approximately 1 minute.
an appropriate set up for detecting α radiation. (1)
measurement of successive count rates. (1)
at 10-20 second intervals or total duration ≤ 5 min. (1)
13. a student carries out an experiment to determine the half-life of a radioactive isotope m. after
subtracting the mean background count from the readings, the student plots the smooth curve
shown on the graph below.
A c tiv ity /c p m
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
T im e /m in u te s
from this graph the student concludes that the isotope m is not pure, but contains a small
proportion of another isotope c with a relatively long half-life.
determine the half-life of isotope m. show clearly how you obtained your answer.
half-life of m = ………………………………….
isotope m decays by β– emission. write down a nuclear equation showing how the β– particles
are produced.
describe briefly how the student could determine the nature of the radiation emitted by isotope
(total 9 marks)
A c tiv ity /c p m
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
T im e /m in u te s
from this graph the student concludes that the isotope m is not pure, but contains a small
proportion of another isotope c with a relatively long half-life.
state a feature of the graph that supports this conclusion.
graph has flattened off after 7 minutes or non-consistent half-life. (1)
(1 mark)
estimate the activity of isotope c.
150 cpm (1)
(1 mark)
determine the half-life of isotope m. show clearly how you obtained your answer.
allow for 150 (1)
two sets of readings averaged (1)
half-life of m = 1.2 minutes (1)
(3 marks)
isotope m decays by β– emission. write down a nuclear equation showing how the β– particles
are produced.
1 1 0
n→ p e
0 1 + −1 (1)
(1 mark)
15. it is thought that an extremely short-lived radioactive isotope 110 x, which decays by ?-emission,
has a half-life of 200 ?s.
after a series of ? decays the element 104 y is formed from the original isotope. there are no ?
calculate the decay constant λ of 110 x.
λ = ....................................…
the number of nuclei n of 110 x in a sample of mass 0.54 ?g is 1.2 ?1015. determine the activity of
0.54 ?g of 110 x
activity = ..........................................................…
(total 6 marks)
16. geiger and marsden carried out a scattering experiment which led to a revised understanding of
the structure of the atom. the tables below refer to this experiment. complete the tables and
N am e
In c o m in g p a r tic le
T a rg e t a to m s
O b se r v a tio n C o n c lu s io n a b o u t a to m ic s tr u c tu r e
T h e in c o m in g p a r tic le s
w e re m o s tly u n d e fle c te d .
A fe w p a rtic le s w e re
d e fle c te d b y a n g le s g re a te r
th a n 9 0 ° .
a different source emits both α and β particles. how would you use a geiger counter to determine
the approximate count rate due to the α radiation only?
(total 6 marks)
58 60 62 64
add another arrow to the grid to represent what happens if nucleus y subsequently decays by
β emission to nucleus w.
mark a point p on the grid that could represent the nucleus of an isotope of x.
(total 5 marks)
84 P
58 60 62 64
point p on diagram
you have a sample of this soil. design an experiment to find what types of radiation are emitted.
(total 5 marks)
22. read the following paragraph carefully and circle the correct response to the choices in the
geiger and marsden carried out an experiment to investigate the structure of the atom.
negatively charged
positively charged
the experiment led to the conclusion that the atom had an nucleus of
N u m b e r o f a to m s
N / 1 0 20
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
half-life = .......................................
use your value of half-life to calculate the decay constant λ of this radionuclide.
use the graph to determine the rate of decay dn/dt when n = 3.0 × 10 .
explain which method of determining the decay constant you consider to be more reliable.
(total 9 marks)
the thorium produced is itself radioactive and decays by beta minus emission to element x.
u → 90 th +
90 th → +
how could a strong magnetic field be used to distinguish alpha particles from beta particles?
(total 6 marks)
b field perpendicular to direction of motion of particles or (1)
particles deflected in opposite directions (1)
β curve more than α / α harder to deflect / β affected more (1)
[magnets marked +/–, 0/2
α β attracted / repelled by n/s, 0/2] max 2
1 …………………………………………………………………………………………....
2 ....………………………………………………………………………………………....
235 1 137 95 1
92 U + 0 n 55 Cs + Rb + 0 n
the half-life of caesium-137 is 30 years. when the fuel rods are removed from a nuclear reactor
core, the total activity of the caesium-137 is 6.4 × 1015 bq.
after how many half-lives will this activity have fallen to 2.5 × 1013 bq? explain your working.
comment on the problems of storage of the fuel rods over this time period and beyond.
(total 10 marks)
i.e. 4
6.4 × 1015 atoms/nuclei of cs decay
on average each second 2
30. complete the following equations by writing the correct physical quantities, in words, on the
dotted lines.
volume = .................................................
average velocity = time
mass = ..........................................................................
32. samples of two different isotopes of iron have been prepared. compare the compositions of their
tritium (hydrogen-3) is an emitter of beta particles. complete the nuclear equation for this decay.
h→ he + β
describe how you would verify experimentally that tritium emits only beta particles.
(total 10 marks)
when an alpha particle passes through matter, it may ionise atoms. explain what ionise means.
an alpha particle from a certain radioactive source has a kinetic energy of 8.2 × 10 j. using the
information below, estimate how long it would take this alpha particle to travel a distance equal
to the diameter of an atom.
mass of alpha particle = 6.6 × 10 kg
diameter of atom = 1.0 × 10 m
time = ..........................................................
beta particles are many times less effective at ionising atoms than alpha particles.
suggest a reason for this.
(total 8 marks)
36. how many neutrons does the nucleus of 6C contain?
carbon-14 has a half-life of 5600 years. calculate the decay constant of carbon-14.
hence calculate the activity of 7.0 × 10 g of carbon-14.
activity = ......................................................
carbon-14 is a beta-minus emitter and its decay product is a nucleus of nitrogen, n. write down a
nuclear equation demonstrating this decay.
(total 8 marks)
= e le c tr o n
S m a ll d e n s e n u c le u s U n if o rm p o s itiv e c h a rg e
R u th e rfo rd m o d e l: a sm a ll d e n se P lu m p u d d in g m o d e l: e le c tr o n s
n u c le u s s u r r o u n d e d b y e le c tr o n s e m b e d d e d in a re g io n o f u n ifo rm
p o s itiv e c h a rg e
geiger and marsden scattered alpha particles off gold atoms. outline the evidence from this
experiment that supported rutherford’s model.
suggest what geiger and marsden would have observed if the “plum pudding” model had been
(total 5 marks)
a nucleus of an isotope of polonium (symbol po) has 84 protons and 126 neutrons. mark the
position of this nucleus on the grid below, and label it po.
N u c le o n 214
num ber
80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
P ro to n n u m b e r
this isotope of polonium decays by alpha particle emission into an element x. starting from po,
add a line to the grid to represent this decay.
(total 7 marks)
41. isotopes
same different
number of protons number of neutrons
atomic number neutron number
element nucleon number
proton number atomic mass
mass number (1) 1
polonium decay
po at (84, 210) with label (1)
2 steps west (1)
4 steps south (1) 3
experimental check
use of gm tube (1)
inserting sheet of paper/aluminium foil/very thin aluminium/a few cm of
air stops the count (1)
measure background, and look for count rate dropping to background (1) 3
nb award points 2 and 3 for correct converse argument.
the diameter of a carbon nucleus is approximately 10 m.
the mass of the carbon nucleus is 2 × 10 kg. estimate its density.
density = .................................................................
(total 9 marks)
7 N (1) )
0 0 (−)
−1 e / −1 β (1) ) [either way round] 3