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CHAPTER 1: GLOBALIZATION  realists warn that countries may suffer, and struggle

to maintain its power it will be overreached and used

GLOBALIZATION – interconnected, interdependence;
technology, economics, politics, individuals and
institutions, environment, and culture are all connected Reasons:
to this
– Financial returns of expanding markets offer new
economic opportunities to the capitalist (origin country).

CHARACTERISTICS OF GLOBALIZATION – The continued centrality of political power and military

strength are obvious forces of interdependence and
1. Creation and Multiplication of Social Networks and
realistic behavior of the more and most powerful
Cultural Activities which break the traditional norms
and practices in the political, economic, and cultural
realms of most communities; links distant localities in
such a way that local happenings are shaped by
B. LIBERALISM (Example: freedom of speech)
events occurring many miles away and vice versa.
(KPOP)  is a perspective in international relations where
2. Expansion and Stretching of social operations and actors and institutions emphasize relationships, and
Connections which is seen in the financial markets negotiations.
and trading operations around the globe. (MCDO)  This idea is very evident in countries where
* electronic trading; gigantic shopping malls have democratic governance and institutions play major
emerged on all continents, offering those consumers who roles in maintaining national cohesiveness in
can afford it commodities from all regions of the world – managing domestic and international affairs.
including products whose various components were Three Factors that describe the Transformation of
manufactured in different countries. Political-Economic Structure and Development of Global
(Examples: World Trade Organization, ASEAN Economic Interconnectedness: (SGI)
Community, World Economic Forum and European a. SPREAD OF DEMOCRACY AND INSTITUTIONS:
Union) Many liberals believe in the vital function played
3. Intensification and Acceleration of Human Activities by the rule of law as safeguard of self-respect and
which describes the process of world and individual social stability.
connection works. Consumer markets and b. GLOBAL ECONOMIC TIES: Opening to markets to
consumerism continue to rule in this postmodern era other countries is described as an act of country’s
where the farthest have the access to reach the commitment to global consciousness and moral
central portion of global events.(OLYMPICS) understanding of multistate interests.
4. Consciousness and Awareness. People, as the c. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: the formation
primary actors of globalization are the front liners as of leading regional and international
reflected in their experiences. The human organizations like global commerce and
consciousness is critical on how they impact the governance are main instruments in the
growing outcomes and markets of globalization. maintenance of peace and solidarity

(Examples: response in the covid-19 pandemic) C. IDEALISM

 hold the notion that values, and norms play pivotal

IS GLOBALIZATION THE SAME AS WESTERNIZATION? roles in sustaining and reforming the process and
works of individuals, group, and nations.
NO. The concept of Westernization is deeply rooted in  they value the importance of “appropriateness” and
the Western World where often associated with the “transparency” in reshaping and framing rules
Western culture and values. This concept is famously affecting the general welfare of its members, may it
used in referring the western value system and it be individual or collective.
influences countries outside its territory and sovereignty.  Idealists emphasize appropriate policies and decisions
The political, economic, and technological prowess of during the state of conflict as it advances the moral
United States and European countries are best described aspects and ethical dynamics of actions.
in the idea of Westernization.

1.0)AGE OF EXPLORATION (1492-1800) – this is when
A. REALISM globalization started; “Period of Mercantilism”; “Age
of Industrialization” (rise of British Economy)
 explaining globalization focuses on the shifting
 World Trade – Europeans started this
distribution of power among states
 Tobacco; Corn/Maiz – the reasons why
Philippines was explored by foreigners

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2.0)STEAM ENGINE (1800-1950) – the train was invented, and modern infrastructures, low poverty, and high
therefore the trade becomes faster; End of World standard of living
War II; “Age of Pax Britannica”
Examples: Unites States, United Kingdom, Japan,
3.0)INTERNET (1950-2000) – After World War 1 & 2, the
Western European Countries (UUJW)
internet was created, so thus WWW (World Wide
Web) in 1980s, which resulted in a faster and efficient 2nd World – Communists; The idea of world order is
communication and trade; “Period of Technology associated with role of political and military power during
and Internet”; “Age of Information” Cold War. The communist countries of the Second World
4.0)ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE – this is already a part of are found to be trapped between poverty and prosperity.
21st Century; this technology is not only efficient, but
also effective Examples: Soviet Union, China, Estonia, Lithuania,
5.0)AUTOMATION – where we are now; everything is Half of Germany, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba
automatic (Example: Tesla) (SCELHVNC)

3rd World – Neutral and non-aligned countries; in the

middle of 1st and 2nd
 There were number of interpretations on the origin
*Globalization cannot exist without these 3 of Cold War. First, the conflict was caused by
aggressive behavior and domestic policies of Soviet
1. WORLD CAPITALIST ECONOMY – distribution of
Union prompting other countries especially the US to
react. Second, the cold war was a result of the US
 Primary force of globalization
economic system of expansionist-capitalism. Third,
 Capitalists states are the main engines of global
the war was a consequence of security response from
production and distribution of goods and services
the two countries on the power vacuum and threat of
 Capitalists engage in transnational operation
central Europe.
maintaining pool of resources such as labor and
 Multinational corporations are very powerful in
controlling domestic and foreign market.
Developed Countries – high Human Development Index
(HDI ↑)
2. NATION-STATE SYSTEM – kahit merong sariling
Examples: Australia, Canada, France, Germany,
batas ang isang country/state, they still have a
Unites States, United Kingdom, Japan (UUJGFAC)
national and internationally system and laws
 SOVEREIGNTY OF STATES has been emphasized as a Developing Countries – (HDI =)
primary part of independence and autonomy.
Examples: Philippines
 The concept of sovereignty in a globalized world is
understood as the best form of asserting the Least Developed Countries – (HDI ↓)
existence and operation of a state in order to be
recognized. Examples: Afghanistan, Angola, Bhutan, Sudan,
 It has been used as a major political unit in Chad
international relations.
 Nation-states have the right to make their own
collective objectives. CHAPTER 2: GLOBAL ECONOMY

TRADITIONAL ECONOMY – is a system that relies on

customs, history, and time-honored beliefs. Tradition
3. WORLD MILITARY/INTERNATIONAL SOLDIERS – guides economic decisions such as production and
protection from terrorists distribution. Societies with traditional economies depend
 Strengthening military power is the priority of the on agriculture, fishing, hunting, gathering, or some
first world countries as well as the developing and combination of them. They use barter instead of money.
third world countries.
 Budget allotted by governments to defense and  Barter – exchange of goods and product;
military surged hundred folds with the aim of nagkaroon ng number value kaya nawala din ito
delivering world-class defense operation and services
to its people.

3 WORLDS AND WORLD ORDER COMPARISON  Decision making of private individuals/business
3 WORLDS: (These terms are only used back on the Cold owners (controls the price, product, and production)
War; was a construct of the Cold War era)  Economy under the will and interest of the
1st World – Capitalists; Powerful economies having stable  Economic freedom to purchase and sell products,
governments, robust financial markets, and advanced services, and properties.

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 This condition is not planned by a single person or workers' self-management of enterprises.;
group that has the ability to manipulate or direct the controlled by the private or public
economy solely.
 It promotes competition among business and firms.
Countries: Hong Kong, New Zealand, Australia,
 Market-driven economies
 Combination of market and command economies.
Examples of Market Economy  Some sectors are under the directions of the private
individuals while other aspects of the economy are
a. CAPITALISM: an economic and political system in
left within the guidance of the government.;
which a country's trade and industry are
controlled by the private and public
controlled by private owners for profit, rather
 State can take over the ownership and operation of a
than by the state
private company for the purpose of maintaining the
Positive Effects: provides labors, provides innovation → interest of the nation.
↑price ↓sold
Negative Effects: capitalists, monopoly (controls the up
↓price ↑sold
and down of prices)
 Equilibrium – middle of supply and demand
b. LAISSEZ-FAIRE: an economic system in which
 Ceiling & Floor – where the seller and consumer
transactions between private parties are absent
meets in price
of any form of economic interventionism such as
regulation and subsidies; “let alone” policy; Countries: Philippines, US, UK, France
bawal mangialam ang government

DESCRIPTIVE THEORY – there is no government
 A central economic planning body handles the entire
intervention → there is no tariff
decision making.
 The quality and quantity of goods and services  It deals with the natural order and the movement of
produced is based on the decision of the trade.
government.  It describes the pattern of trade under the idea of
 Production quantity is dictated, consumer behavior is laissez faire, a French term which means “leave
directed, and market operation is controlled by a alone”.
single authority.  It refers to the notion that individuals are best
 Its objective is to mobilize resources for the common economic agents to solve the problems through
good of the public and for the interest of the nation. invisible hand rather than government policies.
 Private individuals have no say in the economic  It also addresses the questions which product to
operation. trade, how much product to offer and produce, and
which country to trade in the absence of government
Countries: North Korea, Cuba, China, Russia
Examples of Command Economy

a. COMMUNISM: is a political and economic system

PRESCRIPTIVE THEORY– there is government
that seeks to create a classless society in which
intervention → there is tariff
the major means of production, such as mines
and factories, are owned and controlled by the  It prescribes whether government, an important
public. economic institution, should interfere and restrict
with the movement of goods and services.
Positive Effects: provides equality and basic needs (if
there is good governance)  This theory views government to have participation in
deciding which countries to alter the amount,
Negative Effect: no innovation, scarcity composition, and direction of goods.
b. FASCISM: is a form of far-right, authoritarian
ultra nationalism characterized by dictatorial
power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well Three Perspectives on International Trade
as strong regimentation of society and of the 1) ECONOMIC LIBERALS – Explain the importance of
economy which came to prominence in early free trade and the role of individual’s preference in
20th-century Europe. (Example: Hitler) choosing economic activity; “government should not
c. SOCIALISM: is a political, social, and economic be involved”
philosophy encompassing a range of economic  David Ricardo – LAW OF COMPARATIVE
and social systems characterized by social ADVANTAGE (use capital, manpower, or human
ownership of the means of production and resource to our advantage)
 Adam Smith - Wealth of Nations

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 Implementation of the latest General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade (GATT) agreements
2) MERCANTILISTS – The emerging eras of nation
 A venue for trade negotiations dispute settlement
states and the formation of more central
body responsible for resolving trade problems
governments; “promote our own”
 Review and assess national and international trade
 Higher export than import. (↑export ↓import)
laws and policies
 Export less high valued product and import less
 Assist members and developing economies by
high valued product
providing technical assistance and training programs
 The benefits of colonial powers. (Filipino First

WORLD BANK (Four associated agencies)

3) STRUCTURALISTS – This system as part on the  It helps the war-devastated countries by granting
structure of the global capitalism, involves them loans for construction.
exploitation, and transformation in some ways.  International Development Association (IDA) – This
 Core – developed agency focuses on poor and third world economies in
 Semi-peripheral – developing the world by providing financial assistance and load
 Peripheral – least developed program.
 International Finance Corporation (IFC).
 Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA).
Why Countries Engage in International Trade?  International Settlement Centre of Investment
Disputes (ISCID).
• Use of Excess Capacity in Demand – to expand their
market base outside the national territory
• Cost Reduction and Increase of Profit – enables a
firm to increase its profit while reducing its operating INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF)
costs.  Is responsible in supervising exchange rate system,
• Cheaper Supplies – country imports goods from providing loan programs to economies experiencing
other countries because of inexpensive raw materials balancing payments adjustments, and review
and supplies used for production domestic economic policies.
• Addiction to Product Line – It offers consumer to  Mandated to ensure the stability of the international
choose and by products that are competitive prices, monetary system including exchange rates and
degree of importance, and will offer higher international payments.
• Reduction of Risk – Importing products is seen as an
alternative to countries that are vulnerable to supply EUROPEAN UNION
• Foreign Policy Tool – Enhancing the economic and Core Values
political affiliation of a country is very important in
 Human dignity
sustaining its international status in a global market.
 Freedom
 Democracy
 Equality
MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION (MNCS) – was used to  Rule of law
refer to a firm operating in different countries around  Human rights
the world; global/international

Example: Adidas, Unilever

business organizations and firms that compete in Six Fundamental Principles
regional or global markets; limited to national
i. Mutual respect for the independence, sovereignty,
Example: Huawei equality, territorial integrity, and national identity of
all nations;
ii. The right of every State to lead its national existence
Free Trade Area (FTA) warns UNFAIR TRADE is the free from external interference, subversion or
conduct of trade by a business firm or government that coercion;
violates and breaks the international trade agreements iii. Non-interference in the internal affairs of one
that are unjustifiable and discriminatory another;
iv. Settlement of differences or disputes by peaceful
International Economic Institutions and Market v. Renunciation of the threat or use of force;
Integration vi. Effective cooperation among themselves


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TOPIC 1 Example:

GLOBAL GOVERNANCE – process by which nations and  Underrepresentation of developing countries in

international organizations come together to manage the international institutions such as the United Nations
global environment for mutual benefit. Security Council (UNSC).
 Democrats are generally far more likely than
Republicans to view several concerns – including how
racial and ethnic minorities are treated by the
1. JURISDICTION GAP – The lack of global governance in criminal justice system, the coronavirus outbreak and
taking actions to problems affecting key sectors arises unemployment – as very big problems in the country.
from the absence of authority. This involves the need
to create power and jurisdiction to governments and
international organizations that have the TOPIC 2
commitment in confronting issues like
The kind of political system used by a country has
unemployment, human rights, peace, and crimes.
implications to the success of its economy and the overall
 Lack of legal authority and of addressing societal
POLITICAL SYSTEM means the system, or the form of
practice employed by the state. Udayanskar (2012)
 Government Pays Blind Eye To Blind Children identified two dimensions of political system. First, a
(Malawi, East Africa) - K240,000 monthly fund was country emphasizes the importance of individualism as
stopped for the government facility, beyond opposed to collectivism. Second, a system in which a
minimum wage for the employees, no food source for country is either democratic or totalitarian in its form of
the kids and staff, lack of interest to support the government.
special needs
 Government Turning Blind Eye To New Parents Post-
Covid Needs - lack of health visiting services, lack of  it is a political system that values the significance of
strengthening employment protections fo childcare r individuals over collective goals.
new mothers, refusal to extend leave, refusal to  Freedom of the people is the primary consideration.
funding and affordability of parental  Government values choices and preferences of its
people at a very personal level.
 It is built in two elements: individual freedom and
2. INCENTIVE GAP – Global governance is formed with expression are important in the sense that individuals
the participation of countries that have the interest just like state have sovereignty; and the pursuit of
to deal problem affecting their sovereignty. It is an economic interest among individuals.
issue between the rich and poor countries of the
world because of uneven distribution of authority Example: Australia, United States, United Kingdom
and control over decisions and policies.
 Need for international cooperation and the
motivation to undertake it. 2. COLLECTIVISM
 Closing as globalization provides increasing  Is a philosophy that stresses the importance of the
impetus for countries to cooperate. collective goals over individual freedom and
Example: interests.
 The state, as the primary economic manager views
 Despite being a regional economic powerhouse in collective action as the best strategy in establishing
East Africa, Kenya faces significant challenges in the welfare and interest of the nation.
addressing poverty, disease, and environmental  According to Plato, social stratification must be built
degradation. One major challenge is the lack of in order for the society and the entire economy and
support from wealthy countries, many of whom the government be managed properly and orderly.
prioritize their own economic growth over global
development. Example: China, Japan, Ghana
 Putin said that Ukrainians and Russians are one
people. He sees Ukrainians and Russians as brother
nations and says that because Russia is the older 3. DEMOCRACY
brother, it should get to be in charge.
 Democratic institutions and governance focus on the
role of individuals in political decision making.
 The practice of direct participation in modern
3. PARTICIPATION GAP – member states sometimes societies involves representation, where individuals
disagree on issues that are harmful to their periodically elect someone who has the ability to
interests. They do not involve in decisions that are represent them in the government.
crucial to the economic and political welfare of their
elections occur where candidates freely compete for
 Lack of unity with other countries
votes through conduct of fair and honest election.
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 Elected officials are accountable for their actions in
the government and operation of the state.
2. MULTILATERALISM - is when two or more countries
 CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS are provided to safeguard
work in partnership
the welfare and interest of the people.
The idea of multilateralism includes Three Powers in
Example: Philippines, Canada, Taiwan
International System.

a. BIPOLAR - it happens if there are only two great

4. TOTALITARIANISM powers dominating the distribution of power.
The Cold War era is fitting example of bipolarity,
 Is built on the idea that society and citizens have no the global power was highly contested between
right and freedom of expression. US and USSR.
 Totalitarian countries do not recognize the conduct of
fair and honest election, the presence of media, and Example: Bilateral relationship of US and Germany
civil liberties.
b. TRI-POLAR or TRI-POLARITY - exists if there are
 Decision making of the states is exclusive only on a
only three states dominating the distribution if
single political party if not a ruler who has full
global order. United States, Japan, and Europe
control in the political, economic, and social affairs if
were considered as potential powers during the
its government.
Second World War. They controlled some areas
Example: North Korea, Afghanistan, Eritrea under the respective military instruments and
interests. In the area global economic power,
Japan, China, and United States are the most
TOPIC 3 favored nations identified by scholars as the
three leading economic giants of modern time.
Example: China threats Philippines because of the
States in contemporary world are hungry for power. Philippine Coast Guard. (UK, US, Japan)
POWER is the ultimate goal to contain and control other c. MULTIPOLAR or MULTI-POLARITY - is situation
states and nations that do not enjoy much power are when more states are involved in the
considered as powerless states in international arena. distribution of global power. This geological
Realists define POWER as capabilities of a country or condition is described as an alignment of the
state like population of its people, resources, territory, powerful and emerging powers in the world. The
economic, and military strengths (Chomsky, 2006; Nau, current situation of the globe could be described
2008). In a typical discourse, power is described as the as Multipolar because of state actors joining the
ability of a person, group, or institution to affect the prestige of superpowers. Europe, China, Japan,
behavior of others against their will. Russia, United States, and major alliances are key
In international relations, GEOPOLITICS is defined as a players in the distribution of power.
focus and concentration of a country's location, Example: NATO is a security alliance of 30 countries from
environment, and geography as the basis of its national America to Europe.
interests (Nau, 2008). United States and China have ideal
geography because of its vast land and territory, Israel on
the other hand, has struggles when it comes to defending 3. ISOLATIONISM
the territory because it is surrounded by Islam majority
countries. India enjoys its huge territory but have some Isolationists believe that major powers and states exclude
challenges when it comes to territorial security and the use of force and military in the international system.
military relationships with neighboring countries Pakistan War and attacking other nations are unethically
and China. acceptable in the international political economy. It is
already enshrined in the international law. Realist-
1. UNILATERALISM – When one country excludes other isolationist stresses that United States must disengage
nations from intervening in its international affairs. itself using military force over other military interests.
The economic growth experienced by China and other  Is when one country is against getting involved
emerging economies in the world are dependent on the in the political issues
American market. On the political angle, American
military power is considered as the most highly valued Example: Switzerland remains a neutral country up until
military force in the world with billions of dollars annually now.
spent by the government. Its military presence in some
countries in Asia and Pacific, Middle East and Africa,
Europe and South America is a remarkable manifestation TOPIC 4
of its control in global defense operation. However, the
global stability of power enjoyed by the Americans can
only be sustained if it will employ the liberal values of UNITED NATIONS
freedom, democracy, and human rights (Balaam, and
Veseth, 2008).
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The United Nations or UN is an international organization arrangement was the main feature of NATO. Its purpose
established in 1945 with the League of Nations as its was not directed against the threat of Soviet Union but to
original body. Currently, the organization has 193- strengthen political commitment of governments in
member states performing various capacities and Western Europe. However, liberalists point out the belief
divisions. As the world's most powerful binding political that NATO was established to back up and save the
organization, UN can act on the issues confronting economic and political problems of Europe from the
humanity in the 21st century such as peace and security, damages of war. The economic alliances of Europe's
climate change, sustainable development, human rights, powerful countries transformed the region as a major
disarmament, terrorism, humanitarian and health hub in industrialization. Its development transformed
emergencies, gender equality, governance, food NATO as a conventional military alliance and protected
production, and more. UN operates worldwide in Europe from the threat of Soviet Union.
providing aids and support services to global problems in
countries where it is needed.
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION – is responsible for
international public health. They work worldwide to
1. GENERAL ASSEMBLY - this is UNs main deliberative promote health, keep the world safe, and serve the
and decision-making body represented by all its 193 vulnerable.
members. The assembly holds general debate from
September - December in its headquarters in New York.
Two thirds of vote are required to decide range of issues TOPIC 5
like peace and security, budget, and admission if new
members to the organization. ABILITY AWARENESS

2. SECURITY COUNCIL - it is responsible in the The hallmark program of ABILITY Awareness, a non-profit
maintenance of peace and security. it has the power to organization founded in 1995, is the ABILITY House.
impose sanctions or punish members or other bodies for Created by ABILITY Awareness, in conjunction with
the purpose of restoring international peace and security. Habitat for Humanity International, the ABILITY House is
an affordable, accessible home built for a low-income
3. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL - commonly called family where one or more members has a disability. The
as ECOSOC. Its main function is to coordinate, review, unique aspect of the ABILITY House program is in the
and recommend policies relating to economic, social and utilization of volunteers with disabilities during all phases
environmental issues. It serves as the main agency of UN of construction emphasizing their abilities and talents.
in monitoring and evaluating key results in sustainable


principal body or court of UN. Its role includes setting Benetech is a non-profit organization was founded by
legal disputes among concerned states and provides technology entrepreneur JIM FRUCHTERMAN in Palo
opinions on legal matters. This is the only UN organ that Alto, California, under the name of Arkenstone in 1989.
operates outside United States with headquarters in the It was initially created to provide reading machines for
Peace Palace, Netherlands. blind people.
5. THE SECRETARIAT - it is headed by the UN Secretary -
General who sits as its Chief Administrative Officer at the
appointment of the secretary general is done through the COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATION COMMITTEE FOR
recommendation of the Security Council for a five-year THE UNITED NATIONS (CCCUN)
term. This organ is responsible for the day-to-day work Established in 1946 as the Speakers Research Committee
and operation of the UN including its peacekeeping for the United Nations, it is one of the oldest non-
mission and thousands of international staff stationed in governmental organizations working with the United
different countries. Nations. Its early work promoted an increased public
6. TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL – It was established to understanding of the structure, objectives, and
supervise the administration of trust territories as they accomplishments of the U.N. It provided a bridge
transitioned from colonies to sovereign nations. The main between citizens and the United Nations.
goal of International trusteeship system is to promote the  Its goal is to facilitate the interchange of
advancement of the inhabitants of trust territories. information among civil society organizations, the
NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION (NATO) United Nations, and the public in order to
promote more profound understanding of world
Formed in 1949 with the signing of the Washington problems, their effective solutions, and rapid
Treaty and is a security alliance of 30 countries from implementation.
North America and Europe. NATO’s main feature is about
the idea of collective security arrangement.

NATO was formed initially as a political association, and DOWN SYNDROME SOCIETY OF KENYA
not a military alliance. Realists argue that during its
proposal in 1949, the idea of collective security
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DSSK is a non-profit disabled persons organization
working for the rights and welfare of persons living with
Down syndrome. It was registered in 2003 under the
Society’s Act and in 2013 with National Council for
persons with Disability (NCPWD), Kenya. It was
successfully launched on 6th March 2004 with an
overwhelming support from both the private and
corporate world.


promotes the recovery, social inclusion, and rights of
people with a psychosocial disability and their families.  It refers to the process of improving the economic,
Founded in 1978, Enosh is the largest mental health social, and environmental conditions of a specific
organization in Israel delivering comprehensive and geographic area.
ground-breaking community-based rehabilitation  It involves identifying the strengths and weaknesses
programs in the domains of supportive housing, of a region, setting goals and strategies to overcome
employment, and socialization and family counselling challenges and maximize opportunities, and
centers. We also address early intervention efforts implementing policies and programs to achieve those
through innovative programs for youth. goals.
 It is the development of specific (typically sub-
national) portions of territory. These may be an
CHAPTER 4: GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT AND DIVIDE urban, metropolitan, regional or rural jurisdiction, but
DEVELOPMENT also watershed, coastal, mountainous, border areas,
 The term development is described as a process,  Most often, the term is used to encompass both local
system, procedure. It is a state or condition of development (narrowly associated with smaller, first-
changing and enhancing something. tier, jurisdictions or even part of them and regional
 Oxford defines development as "a process and an development, i.e. the development of larger,
event constituting a new stage in a changing intermediate jurisdictions (districts, provinces,
situation. regions, etc.).

It can take many forms, depending on the specific needs

and resources of a region. Some examples include:
 Infrastructure development
 Entrepreneurship promotion
Indicators:  Natural resource management
 Cultural heritage preservation
 Literacy Rate
 Infrastructure INDICATORS
 Internet Access
 Academic Level  Human settlements
 Access to good quality housing  Environment and disaster prevention
 People shift to agriculture to industry, then  Better management and conservation of natural
service sector resources
 Standard of living  Land tenure
 Access to good quality healthcare  Cadastral surveys conducted in the territories
 Conflicts of tenure and natural resources and
II. HUMAN DEVELOPMENT mechanisms for the resolution of said conflicts
 Integration of the National Land Administration
UN's Three Dimensions of Human Development: System
 Increase in the population with legal certainty
regarding property
 Sustainability of Municipal Cadastral Units
Long and healthy life Life expectancy at birth  Governance and participation
 Integration of LUP in sectoral policies and its
Knowledge Expected and mean years recognition by institutions and the citizenry
of schooling  Democratic governance
Decent standard of living Gross National Income
 The maintenance and replacement of capital assets.
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 Maintaining the environmental conditions for the  FIRST WORLD COUNTRIES – comprised of countries
benefit of the all. which have developed economies -account for over
 Resiliency or the ability to adjust and cope with the 90% of all manufacturing industries in the world
changes and crises.  Countries comprising the North include The United
 The avoidance of internal and external debts in the States, Canada, all countries in Western Europe.
future. Australia, New Zealand as well as the developed
 Fiscal and political sustainability. countries in Asia such as Japan and South Korea.
 The ability to hand over the programs and projects to
the decision and control of the citizens.
Causes Of Global Divide


The 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to
transform our world: Countries of the global south especially under unstable 39
governments and weak economics failed to produce
GOAL 1: No Poverty
outputs as a response to the internationalization system
GOAL 2: Zero Hunger
of economy and government. There were countries that
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
disappear from the pipelines of the global competition.
GOAL 4: Quality Education
Some countries mostly third world shifted its interest
GOAL 5: Gender Equality
through relying to a more powerful economy.
GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality People from Asia targeted Western Europe and America
GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities as ideal point of employment. Developed countries that
GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production are on the height of technological development,
GOAL 13: Climate Action advancement, and high quality of social services became
GOAL 14: Life Below Water the man venues accepting migrants. This trend continues
GOAL 15: Life on Land to happen in the current times where in most countries
GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions of the global south found this opportunity as an
GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal alternative to the absence of jobs available in the local
How will the Sustainable Development Goals be
• Resource mobilization and financing strategies are ECONOMIC RELATIONS
fundamental requirements in materializing nationally-
framed and locally-led sustainable development goals. These problems are associated with the abuse of
capitalists who control most of the world's wealth.
• The success of policies and programs of SDGs rely on International institutions that have the power and
the actions and willingness of members-parties and resources are very silent and unresponsive in this
states in aligning their plans with the kind of global problems experiencing countries in the global south.
commitments. Plans initiated and implemented within Countries in the global south are trapped in the hands of
the national level are gauge in how governments respond developed countries where rising financial obligations like
to the demands of SDGs. loam programs are continuously punishing economies of
the south.
• The expected contribution of government, private
sector, civil society groups, and other stakeholders of the
SDGs. The roles of NGOs and CSOs are potentially
advantageous in the attainment of SDGs. These private
entities and organizations perform tasks where
governments fail to act and deliver.

• The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development requires

partnership between the efforts of global community
and national government.

GLOBAL GOVERNANCE is the main driver of achieving

SDGs with the cooperation of national governments who
have commitments and responsibilities this agenda.



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