Contemp Rev
Contemp Rev
Contemp Rev
1.0)AGE OF EXPLORATION (1492-1800) – this is when
A. REALISM globalization started; “Period of Mercantilism”; “Age
of Industrialization” (rise of British Economy)
explaining globalization focuses on the shifting
World Trade – Europeans started this
distribution of power among states
Tobacco; Corn/Maiz – the reasons why
Philippines was explored by foreigners
3 WORLDS AND WORLD ORDER COMPARISON Decision making of private individuals/business
3 WORLDS: (These terms are only used back on the Cold owners (controls the price, product, and production)
War; was a construct of the Cold War era) Economy under the will and interest of the
1st World – Capitalists; Powerful economies having stable Economic freedom to purchase and sell products,
governments, robust financial markets, and advanced services, and properties.
DESCRIPTIVE THEORY – there is no government
A central economic planning body handles the entire
intervention → there is no tariff
decision making.
The quality and quantity of goods and services It deals with the natural order and the movement of
produced is based on the decision of the trade.
government. It describes the pattern of trade under the idea of
Production quantity is dictated, consumer behavior is laissez faire, a French term which means “leave
directed, and market operation is controlled by a alone”.
single authority. It refers to the notion that individuals are best
Its objective is to mobilize resources for the common economic agents to solve the problems through
good of the public and for the interest of the nation. invisible hand rather than government policies.
Private individuals have no say in the economic It also addresses the questions which product to
operation. trade, how much product to offer and produce, and
which country to trade in the absence of government
Countries: North Korea, Cuba, China, Russia
Examples of Command Economy
2. SECURITY COUNCIL - it is responsible in the The hallmark program of ABILITY Awareness, a non-profit
maintenance of peace and security. it has the power to organization founded in 1995, is the ABILITY House.
impose sanctions or punish members or other bodies for Created by ABILITY Awareness, in conjunction with
the purpose of restoring international peace and security. Habitat for Humanity International, the ABILITY House is
an affordable, accessible home built for a low-income
3. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL - commonly called family where one or more members has a disability. The
as ECOSOC. Its main function is to coordinate, review, unique aspect of the ABILITY House program is in the
and recommend policies relating to economic, social and utilization of volunteers with disabilities during all phases
environmental issues. It serves as the main agency of UN of construction emphasizing their abilities and talents.
in monitoring and evaluating key results in sustainable
NATO was formed initially as a political association, and DOWN SYNDROME SOCIETY OF KENYA
not a military alliance. Realists argue that during its
proposal in 1949, the idea of collective security
© claiming uno for ebriwan — misyel
DSSK is a non-profit disabled persons organization
working for the rights and welfare of persons living with
Down syndrome. It was registered in 2003 under the
Society’s Act and in 2013 with National Council for
persons with Disability (NCPWD), Kenya. It was
successfully launched on 6th March 2004 with an
overwhelming support from both the private and
corporate world.