Service Kit KT 202565
Service hit 202565 is availabe for HPA 300118, HPA 308074, HPA 308165 and HPA 308166 and incdes the folowing:
1 Bleed screw GA 100113
1 Inlet fing Ga 100213,
1 Inlet iting back-up ving RG 100214
1 Inet iting “O" ring (inner) GA 100215
1 ‘Check valve seat “0” ring GA 100108
1 Plunger back-up ring RG 100209
1 Plunger “0” ring GA 100110
It (Check valve spring SSP 200608,
1 Plunger gland "0" ring (inet) GA too1tt
1 Plunger sland back-up ring RG 100207
' unger sland 0" ring (outer) GA 100087
1 unger gland back-up ring RG 100208,
HPA 300118
4 Service Kit KT 202565
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1. Disconnect the lever from the housing and the plunger. Remove the retaining ring and the clevis pin before removing.
the link assembly.
2, Remove the plunger gland retaining ring from the housing. The plunger gland will come out on the plunger when the
plunger is pulled from the housing. Remove the plunger gland from the plunger.
3, Remove the discharge check valve seat from end of the plunger. Discharge check ball valve and discharge check valve
spring will drop out of the plunger.
4, Remove the inlet fitting from the end of the housing. Inlet check ball valve and the inlet check valve spring will drop out
of the housing.
5. Back out the bleeder screw and remove the ball.
Housing: Check for cracks and other visible damage. Bore of eylinder must be smooth with no pitting or scoring. All
threads should be checked, (It is not necessary to remove the pipe plug unless there has been leakage at
threads), Bleed ball valve and its seat in housing must be checked. Replace ball valve if damaged. Replace
the bleed screw *“O" ring with a new one.
Inlet Fitting: Examine internal and external threads. Inspect inlet check valve seat for nicks or scratches. Replace the
‘nner and outer inlet fitting “O" rings and back-up rings with new ones. Examine inlet check ball valve and
spring. Replace if damaged.
Plunger: Check plunger for scoring on large diameter and on plunger shank where it rides in plunger gland. A wear
pattern may be evident but no scores or scratches should be present. Replace the plunger “O" ring and
back-up ring and the discharge check valve seat “O" ring with new ones. Examine discharge check ball
valve and spring and discharge check valve seat. Replace any damaged parts.
Lever: ‘Check link assembly for wear or damage. Replace if necessary.
Plunger Gland: With the inner plunger gland ‘“O" ring and back-up ring removed, check gland on plunger shank to be sure
it does not bind, Inner and outer plunger gland “O” rings and back-up rings should be replaced with new
NOTE: Make sure that all parts are clean before assembling, To facilitate assembly use ight silane based oil or grease on
“Q" rings and back-up rings.
1, Install inlet check valve spring and ball into housing. With the inner and outer inlet fitting “O” rings and back-up ring on
the inlet fitting, install the fitting into the housing. Tighten the inlet fitting securely being sure that the inlet check ball
valve seats properly in end of the inlet fitting.
2, Install discharge check valve spring and ball into plunger. With discharge check valve ““O" ring in place, thread
discharge check valve seat into plunger and tighten securely.
3. Insert the plunger into the housing, bottoming plunger in pump bore, Install the plunger gland being sure that the inner
"0" ring is closest to the leading edge (see illustration). Press the plunger gland in until groove for the retaining ring is
‘uncovered, then insert the retaining ring.
4, Drop bleed ball valve into place and with bleed screw
* ring in position insert bleed screw. Tighten the bleed screw
5. Install the link assembly to the plunger and the lever. Place the lever into posit
taining ring. Put other side of link on and secure with clip.
yn and insert the clevis pin and the re-TEST PROCEDURE
- Mount hand pump in suitable holding fixture and connnect all hoses to appropriate fittings as illustrated in Test Circuit
‘Schematic (see page 11, Figure 1) leaving the discharge connection loose. Slowly operate the hand pump until all the air is ex-
pelled. Retighten connection. This operation will also assure that the plunger is free in the housing. With high pressure valve
‘open, operate the hand pump long enough o sufficiently purge the system.
2, Close the high pressure valve. Operate the hand pump until the system pressure is approximately 1800 psi (124 bars). Check
for external leakage.
3. Operate the hand pump until system pressure is 3000 psi (207 bars). Observe the pressure gage closely to determine if the
unit is pumping on each stroke. (Pump is double acting.)
4. Locate the pump plunger is mid-position and release the operating handle. Any movement of handle indicates leakage past
inlet check ball valve or “O” rings om inlet fiting, (There should not be any perceptable drop in pressure gage reading.)
‘5. Move the plunger in the full extent of its travel until the plunger bottoms in housing. Disconnect inlet line from pump. A.
steady pressure reading of 3000 psi (207 bars) indicates that the discharge check valve plunger “0” rings and bleed valve are
sealing properly. If leakage occurs at this point it will be necessary to correct and retest as required
6. Open high pressure valve slowly and release pressure to 0 psi
7. Remove the hand pump from the test circuit. Drain the remaining quantity of oil from the hand pump and close all open
ings with a suitable plug to prevent entrance of Foreign matter during shipment or storage
‘The Test Circuit Schematic for Hydraulic Cranking System Components illustrated in this section shows the approximate posi-
tion of the equipment required for testing purposes. This may be altered to meet the individual requirements of shop lay-out
and components to be tested.
Reservoir: ‘The reservoir should be mounted hhigh enough so that the outlet at the bottom of the reservoir is above
the oll inlet to the engine pump. The reservoir should be filled to approximately 3/4 of its maximum oil
volume. (This pertains to a test circuit only and does not refer to actual application specifications.) This
will provide sufficient space above the oil level for the return oil to surge back into the reservoir when
‘components are being tested without the hydrotor in the circuit
Accumulator: ‘The capacity of the accumulator should be 230 cu. in, (1 gal.) for the time factor used when testing the
engine pump. It also provides a sufficient volume of oil for testing other components,
Electric Motor: The electric motor should be at least 1 HP and have a speed of 1750 RPM. This speed and HP are re-
Quired when testing and operating the engine pump at the high pressures attained.
Hand Pump: ‘The hand pump is not required in the circuit unless itis one of the components to be tested.
High Pressure Valve: The high pressure valve is used in the circuit when components other than hydrotors are being tested, Tt
3000 psi (207 bars) is to be inserted between the accumulator and reservoir to provide a means of returning the high pressure
oil to the reservoir. A Crane #222 H, Steel, 1/2" valve, oF equal should be used.
Fittings and Hoses: All return hoses from components to the reservoir should be larger (#10 ot larger recommended) than the
inlet hoses (#8 recommended). This will eliminate back pressure within the unit. Hose should be as shown,
as possible to prevent surging. All fittings and hoses should be inspected periodically to insure that they
are in good condition. If there is any doubt about a fitting oF hose it should be replacedHano Pump Service Instructions
Clean all hose assemblies before installing. Do not use sealing compound when installing fittings.
Unloading Valve: Most Kocsis Technologies, In. engine pumps include an integral unloading valve. When testing such pumps,
set the system unloading valve at approximately 3500 psi (241 bars) so as not to interfere with the integral
‘unloading valve inthe pump under test.
Hydraulic Oil ‘A good clean hydraulic oil appropriate for all seals should be used in the test cigcuit. Test oil temperature
Recommendation: should be maintained at 75° to 80°F (24° to 27°C), during testing,
High Pressure Filter: Follow instructions as outlined in components catalog HF-1
Purging: A. Open valve at reservoir outlet,
B. To purge the hand pump (if used), loosen the discharge connection and slowly operate the hand pump until all the
air is expelled. Retighten connection,
C. To purge the complete system open the control valve if a hydrotor is installed or the high pressure valve if this is
being used. Start the engine pump to circulate the oil through the system. Allow the pump to operated a period
sufficient to completely purge the system of air. After purging, close the appropriate valve and proceed with the