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5, SEPTEMBER 2010 1211

Personalization Algorithm for Real-Time Activity

Recognition Using PDA, Wireless Motion
Bands, and Binary Decision Tree
Juha Pärkkä, Luc Cluitmans, and Miikka Ermes

Abstract—Inactive and sedentary lifestyle is a major problem in exercise; and 3) bone-strengthening exercise. The guidelines are
many industrialized countries today. Automatic recognition of type important in educating people about the level of physical activ-
of physical activity can be used to show the user the distribution of ity required to achieve health benefits. However, still there is a
his daily activities and to motivate him into more active lifestyle.
In this study, an automatic activity-recognition system consisting clear need to motivate people to start exercising and to continue
of wireless motion bands and a PDA is evaluated. The system clas- exercising regularly.
sifies raw sensor data into activity types online. It uses a decision Methods for objectively measuring the level of physical ac-
tree classifier, which has low computational cost and low battery tivity have focused traditionally on the indirect measurement or
consumption. The classifier parameters can be personalized online assessment of energy expenditure. Several methods have been
by performing a short bout of an activity and by telling the system
which activity is being performed. Data were collected with seven developed to assess the energy expenditure with unobtrusive
volunteers during five everyday activities: lying, sitting/standing, sensors as part of everyday life (e.g., step counters and heart
walking, running, and cycling. The online system can detect these rate monitors). Accelerometers have been shown to be especially
activities with overall 86.6% accuracy and with 94.0% accuracy suitable for estimating the human movement [5]. However, more
after classifier personalization. research is needed to objectively measure the type of activity
Index Terms—Binary decision tree, classifier personalization, (e.g., aerobic, muscle-strengthening, and bone-strengthening).
real-time activity recognition. Previous studies have shown that it is possible to infer the daily
distribution of activities into different activity types with good
I. INTRODUCTION accuracy using offline [6]–[8] and online [9] methods based on
accelerometer measurements.
EGULAR physical activity is known to produce long-term
R health benefits. In 1995, the World Health Organization
(WHO) reported that 60% of the world’s population fails to
Methods commonly used for activity classification were re-
cently reviewed in [10]. Methods like artificial neural networks,
support vector machines, K-nearest neighbor, decision trees,
achieve the minimum recommendation of 30 min moderate in- Bayesian classifiers, etc., are commonly used, but no single clas-
tensity physical activity daily [1]. In a recent study [2], compli- sification scheme has proven to be superior in this task. When
ance with physical activity recommendations was assessed with porting the activity-recognition algorithms from PC into mobile
78 postal workers in the U.K. Only 10% of the participants suc- devices, complexity of the algorithm becomes an issue. A com-
ceeded in complying with the 30-min daily recommendation. plex algorithm consumes more time and more processing power.
Today’s sedentary lifestyle and parents’ habits also affect the In our recent study [11], we compared different classification
children. In a recent study [3], 17% of the 7-year-old Finnish algorithms running on a mobile phone. The results show that
school children were overweight and 5% were obese. Thus, the very simple classification algorithms outperform more complex
benefits of a more active lifestyle should be emphasized not algorithms on a battery-powered device. The battery lifetime of
only among the working-age population, but also among chil- an activity-recognition application running with a simple algo-
dren and elderly. Physical activity guidelines for Americans [4] rithm is significantly longer than with an algorithm requiring
were recently published to promote physical activity. The new intensive computation. However, when using a simple classifi-
guidelines recommend 60 min of physical activity daily. The cation algorithm, the features used as inputs to the classifier have
recommendation also emphasizes that the daily physical activ- to be carefully selected to maintain good classification accuracy.
ity should include 1) aerobic exercise; 2) muscle-strengthening In this study, we report results of an activity-recognition al-
gorithm based on a decision tree classifier to automatically rec-
ognize physical activities on a portable device, online. We also
Manuscript received September 8, 2009; revised March 20, 2010; accepted report results of a personalization algorithm used to update the
June 14, 2010. Date of publication June 28, 2010; date of current version decision tree threshold values with user’s own data. The per-
September 3, 2010. This work was supported in part by TEKES (The Finnish sonalization represents a situation, where a customer buys a
Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation) under the project “Ramose—
Data Processing and Decision Making Methods for Mobile, Distributed Com- device, whose algorithm uses default parameters that have been
puting Environment.” trained to give optimum performance for average users. After
The authors are with the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, P.O. buying the device, the user might be interested in personalizing
Box 1300, Tampere 33101, Finland (e-mail:; luc.cluitmans@; the activity-recognition algorithm to achieve better recognition
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TITB.2010.2055060 accuracy. This procedure is necessary, especially, for people

1089-7771/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE


Fig. 2. Wireless motion band attached on ankle.

Fig. 1. PDA with annotation screen of activity recognition software. ACTIVITIES DURING EVALUATION

performing the activities in a different way (e.g., different pace

or intensity) than the default users.

A. Data Collection
The goal of our data collection was to evaluate the activity-
The activity-recognition system was evaluated with seven
recognition system running on a portable device and the useful-
volunteers. Median volunteer age was 27 yrs (range 4–37 yrs),
ness of the personalization feature in improving the classifica-
and median length was 180 cm (range 92–187 cm) (see Table V).
tion accuracy. The central device in data collection and activity
The volunteers performed six activities according to the activity
recognition is a personal digital assistant (PDA) (HTC P3300,
plan (see Table I) and annotated these using the PDA.
HTC, Taiwan). The PDA is running an application that is based
on an annotation application used in earlier studies [12] (see
Fig. 1). In addition to annotation functions, the current applica- B. Feature Extraction and Classification
tion receives data over Bluetooth connection, computes feature Four features were computed from the raw sensor data. These
signals from raw data online, classifies the data in second-by- were 1) intensity of highest peak in power spectral density
second basis online, and stores the data on a memory card. When (PSD); 2) signal average; 3) signal spectral entropy; and 4) sig-
the personalization feature is used, the user can tell the system nal variance. The time-domain features were computed from the
which activity he is performing, by annotating his activity type most recent 255 samples (5 s), and the frequency-domain fea-
with start and end times using the pen stylus. tures were computed from the same 255 samples and one added
The human movements were quantified with Nokia wire- zero for efficient fast Fourier transform (FFT) implementation
less motion bands [13] using the 3-D accelerometer signal and with 256 samples. In our earlier study, we found that features
Bluetooth connection for data transfer to the PDA (see Fig. 2). computed from an ankle sensor signal represent the activity type
Fifty Hertz of sampling rate was used with accelerometers. Data very well, better than those attached to wrist or hip [14]. Com-
were collected with wireless motion bands attached to volun- bination of the ankle sensor data with other sensor data did not
teers’ both ankles and wrists. The wireless motion bands were improve classification accuracy. Thus, only ankle sensor data
attached using velcro straps. The velcro straps were adjustable are used for computing the feature signals. Furthermore, only
so that firm attachment was possible for all volunteers. the vertical direction of the 3-D sensor is used. This has the


Fig. 3. Binary decision tree used for activity recognition on PDA.

the highest peak in PSD to discriminate activities containing

regular movements from static activities. Node 2 utilizes signal
average to discriminate upright positions from positions in hor-
izontal direction. Node 3 discriminates cycling from walking
and running with the help of spectral entropy. Cycling produces
one peak in PSD without harmonics, while walking and run-
ning produce a peak with multiple harmonics. The harmonics
increase signal entropy in walking and running. Node 4 utilizes
signal variance to discriminate walking from running. Sitting
and standing were combined into one activity, because they
both represent static activity with low energy consumption.
A personalization algorithm was developed and used to im-
prove classifier accuracy. The algorithm searches for optimum
decision boundary between the activities falling left and right
in each node (see Fig. 4). When using the device for automatic
activity recognition, the user can annotate his activities and thus
personalize his algorithm online. The personalization algorithm
takes 3–10 min of new data with annotation and uses that for
updating the thresholds in each node. The updating rules are
given in Table II.

All data from the seven volunteers were used in evaluation.
Leave-one-subject-out cross-validation was used in training and
testing the classifier. Thus, data of one volunteer was left out
Fig. 4. Effect of personalization. Variance of volunteers’ data in node 4, and threshold values were defined based on the data from six
which separates walking and running. Bars represent training data, and line volunteers. The obtained classifier was then tested on the sub-
plots represent the individual data (leave-one-out cross-validation). Line plots
have been multiplied with 3 to make them better visible. Data during walking ject’s data that were left out earlier. The same procedure was
is seen on the left as open bars and thick line. Running is represented on the repeated for all volunteers. Confusion matrix was computed by
right as filled bars and thin line. Cases (a)–(e) are adult data, cases (f) and (g) summing the seven confusion matrices together.
are child data. The ages of cases (a)–(g) are 37, 37, 27, 28, 24, 4, and 8 years,
respectively. Vertical lines show node 4 threshold, dotted vertical line is the The original confusion matrix as obtained without personal-
original threshold obtained with training data, and the solid line is that after ization shows a rather good overall performance to other activ-
personalization. ities, except walking (see Table III). The original accuracy is
86.6%. This is the normalized accuracy, meaning that each ac-
advantage that the activity-recognition system is simple and can tivity has equal weight even if they would have different amount
be implemented with small amount of rather simple sensors. of samples.
Structure of the binary decision tree used for automatic ac- The confusion matrix after personalization shows an im-
tivity recognition with PDA includes four nodes (see Fig. 3). proved accuracy (see Table IV). The accuracy after personal-
The tree is structured so that there is one threshold value in ization is 94%.
each node. Feature signal samples with values larger than the Individual classification accuracies for each volunteer in orig-
threshold fall into the right branch, while those smaller than inal stage and after introducing data for personalization were
the threshold fall into left branch. Node 1 utilizes intensity of computed (see Table V). Data for personalization are presented



Fig. 5. Missing samples in one recording. In each second, 50 new samples per
channel are expected to arrive over the wireless Bluetooth connection. The figure
shows two layers of missing data. (Top panel) Number of samples missing, when
some packets are received (short breaks). (Bottom panel) Number of seconds
with no incoming packets (longer breaks). In the bottom panel, bars are placed
on the time, when the next packets after a break are received.

AFTER INTRODUCTION OF EACH NEW SET OF PERSONAL Despite of its low computational cost, it can produce decent
TRAINING DATA [IN PERCENTAGE] classification accuracy with carefully selected features.
The binary decision tree algorithm has been found very effi-
cient, requiring only simple comparisons and doing classifica-
tion rapidly [15]. A decision tree classifier can classify many
orders of magnitude faster than most classifiers that depend
on distance calculation between input pattern and stored exem-
plars [16]. During classification, a decision tree consumes very
little memory.
In this study, the original classification accuracies for static
TABLE VI activities are almost perfect. Also cycling can be detected almost
MISSING SAMPLES PER MINUTE perfectly. Walking and running however are being mixed. One
reason for this is that some people ran with very low speed and
with very low step, so that the normal acceleration impact when
the heel hits the ground in running does not appear in the data.
In a way, it is thus justified to say that the activity performed is
walking instead of running. Some part of activity annotated as
walking is also recognized as sitting or standing. In this study,
this is only true in cases when the volunteer had to stop, e.g.,
because of traffic lights.
The personalization algorithm improves accuracy on average
to the algorithm one activity at a time (about 5 min of annotated with 7.4%. Thus, there is a trend that personalization improves
data) and accuracies are computed after introduction of each classification accuracy; however, the dataset is too limited to
new activity. prove statistical significance. Interestingly, with all except case
Some packets were lost due to the wireless data transfer. 3, introduction of personal walking data first decreases classifi-
The number of missing samples per case ranges from 0.01% to cation accuracy. The decrease is corrected by introducing more
2.02% (see Table VI). Overall, 0.43% of samples are missing activities (cycling, running) later. However, it gives an indica-
on each minute of the data received over the wireless Bluetooth tion that it is advisable to introduce personal data with multiple
connection. activities instead of just one.
The poor classification accuracy of case six data is due to
lots of short connection breaks (see Tables V and VI). The per-
IV. DISCUSSION sonalization algorithm finds the optimal threshold values, but
A simple and effective online classifier for activity recog- cannot compute features when data are missing. Wireless trans-
nition using wireless sensors and a PDA was presented. The mission of data to PDA is not as reliable as data transfer with
classifier is accompanied with a personalization algorithm. The wired connection. The sensor indexed measured samples with
selected classifier, a binary decision tree, is an effective algo- a running index from 0 to 254, thus in blocks of approximately
rithm, requiring only a few comparisons and thus consuming 5 s. We experienced two types of breaks: short breaks of less
very little battery power compared to more complex classifiers. than 5 s and longer breaks leading to no incoming packets from

the sensor (see Fig. 5). When data are collected with multiple [10] S. J. Preece, J. Y. Goulermas, L. P. J. Kenney, D. Howard, K. Meijer, and
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[16] Y. Lee and R. P. Lippmann, “Practical characteristics of neural network
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classifier personalization. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2, D. S. Touretzky,
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The authors would like to thank volunteers of this study for
performing the activities and for collecting the data. They would
also like to thank Nokia for providing the wireless motion bands
Juha Pärkkä received the M.Sc. (Tech.) in informa-
for this study. tion technology (digital signal processing) from Tam-
pere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland, in
He is currently a Senior Research Scientist at
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B. H. Marcus, J. Morris, R. S. Paffenbarger, K. Patrick, M. L. Pollock, cessing, ubiquitous computing, and personal health
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[4] M. O. Leavitt, Ed., 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans [On- Finland. His research interests include biomedical
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[6] L. Bao and S. Intille, “Activity recognition from user-annotated accelera-
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[7] J. Pärkkä, M. Ermes, P. Korpipää, J. Mäntyjärvi, J. Peltola, and Miikka Ermes received the M.Sc. (Tech.) and D.Sc.
I. Korhonen, “Activity classification using realistic data from wearable (Tech.) degrees in digital signal processing from Tam-
sensors,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Technol. Biomed., vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 119–128, pere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland, in
Jan. 2006. 2005 and 2009, respectively.
[8] M. Ermes, J. Pärkkä, J. Mäntyjärvi, and I. Korhonen, “Detection of daily He is currently a Research Scientist in the Personal
activities and sports with wearable sensors in controlled and uncontrolled Health Systems Team, VTT Technical Research Cen-
conditions,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Technol. Biomed, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 20–26, tre of Finland, Tampere. His research interests include
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activity recognition with wearable sensors,” in Proc. 30th EMBS Conf.,
2008, pp. 4451–4454.

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