\ ped, Code No. 025/0
B. E. 3/4 (Civil) |- Semester (Old) Examination, June 2009
Subject : Transportation Engineering
Time : 3 Hours} {Max. Marks: 75
Note: Answer all questions of Part - A and any five from Part-B.
PART —A (25 Marks)
Define "Camber" @)
Write short notes on PIEV @
What is Off tracking 7 2)
Write a brief note on warping stresses . @)
Explain the term Modulus of subgrade reaction. @
Write short notes on dowel bars, @
Define the term "Impact" value of aggregate. @
Distinguish between Penetration and Ductility Value . @
Define "Creep" of rails. @
Write short notes on width of runway. ®
PART —B (5x10-50 Maths)
Explain the various factors to be considered for the alignment of
anew highway .
State the objects of widening pavements on horizontal curves.
What are the factors on which the design of widening depends ?
Explain the various types of traffic signals and their functions.
How are the signal timings decided ?
Enumerate the steps in the construction of cement concrete pavement.
Find the radius of relative stiffness and radius of resisting section for a
conorete slab from the following data :
Modulus of Elasticity of concrete = 2.5 x 10° kg /cm?
Poisson's ratio of concrete = 0.15
Modulus of subgrade reaction = 2.0 kg / cm*
Thickness of concrete slab = 15 cm
Radius of loaded area = 10. om
Define of super-elevation and show how it is worked out. Also discuss the
factors affecting super-elevation in Railways
Explain the factors to be considered for the selection of an airport site,