W-Hu - MIT
W-Hu - MIT
W-Hu - MIT
Weikun Hu
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Statistics
University of Washington, 2014
JUN 0 7 2016
Overdue Invoice Forecasting and Data Mining
Weikun Hu
The account receivable is one of the main challenges in the business operation. With
poor management of invoice to cash collection process, the over due invoice may
pile up, and the increasing amount of unpaid invoice may lead to cash flow
problems. In this thesis, I addressed the proactive approach to improving account
receivable management using predictive modeling.
To complete the task, I built supervised learning models to identity the delayed
invoices in advance and made recommendations on improving performance of
order to cash collection process. The main procedures of the research work are data
cleaning and processing, statistical analysis, building machine learning models and
evaluating model performance. The analytical and modeling of the study are based
on the real-world invoice data from a Fortune 500 company.
The thesis also discussed approaches of dealing with imbalanced data, which
includes sampling techniques, performance measurements and ensemble
algorithms. The invoice data used in this thesis is imbalanced, because on-time
invoice and delayed invoice classes are not approximately equally represented. The
cost sensitivity learning techniques demonstrates favorable improvement on
classification results.
The results of the thesis reveal that the supervised machine learning models can
predict the potential late payment of invoice with high accuracy.
First and foremost, I would like to thank my advisor Prof. David Simchi-Levi. He has
offered invaluable support, guidance, and knowledge over the last two years for
which I am truly thankful.
I would also like to show gratitude to my friend and co-worker, Peiguang Hu, who
guided me through the research project during the first year.
Most importantly, I would like to thank all my friends who helped me get through
two years of graduate school.
Finally, to my parents, thank you for your love and support throughout this
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 11
1.1 Context and Significance ............................................................................................... 11
1.2 Objective and Research Question ............................................................................. 11
5 Classification Models................................................................................................ 40
5.1 Introduction to M achine Learning........................................................................... 40
5.1.1 Data processing..............................................................................................................................41
5.1.2 Classificaiton m odels ................................................................................................................... 41
5.2 Supervised Learning M odels ....................................................................................... 42
5.2.1 Logistic regression........................................................................................................................42
5.2.2 K nearest neighbor ....................................................................................................................... 43
5.2.3 Decision trees ................................................................................................................................. 46
5.2.4 Neural Netw ork ............................................................................................................................. 48
6.1 Random forest...................................................................................................................... 50
6.2 W eighted Random Forest................................................................................................. 54
6.2.1 Group custom er by num ber of invoices .......................................................................... 54
6.2.2 W eighted function in Random Forest ............................................................................ 58
6.3 Robustness of the m odel............................................................................................... 60
7 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 61
7.1 Sum m ary ................................................................................................................................ 61
7.2 Future w ork...........................................................................................................................63
8 R eference .......................................................................................................................... 64
List of Figures
List of Tables
1. Introduction
Firms usually apply cash methods of accounting to deal with the overdue invoice
issues. By using these methods, the firm can deduct the amount of accounts
receivable, and maintain the sustainable business operation.
In this project, we studied the payment behavior of invoices for the customers of a
technology firm. Instead of working on the payment pursing for overdue invoices in
the traditional way, we are interested in detecting the potential delayed invoice in
advance using innovative analytics methods. The proactive approach of forecasting
with classification model is able to provide recommendations on firm's management
on invoice to cash collection process.
The account receivable is one of the main challenges in invoice processing. The
objective of the project is the build supervised learning model to identity the
delayed invoices in advanced and improve the order to cash process.
Building supervised learning models to forecast overdue invoice in advance can help
firm to have a better understanding of the unpaid invoice and related customers
who always have late payments on invoices, and be prepared for the late invoices.
2 Literature Review
Data mining and business analytics techniques have been widely used in the finance
industry in recent years. The advanced statistical techniques are able to help firm to
perform analytical work on large data sets with high efficiency, high productivity,
high quality, and relatively low cost.
Fraud detection
Fraud detection has been a popular topic in the research of machine learning over
the past ten years. Many researchers have been working on the to implement the
learning algorithms into the fraud analysis. The research works by Phua et aL. have
discussed four major approaches of data mining on identifying the suspicious
instances of transactions (Phua et al. 2010).
e Unsupervised learning with unlabeled data, which includes unsupervised
neural network (Dorronsoro et al. 1997), outlier detection (Yamanishi et al.
2004), etc.
Learning from previous research work on fraud detection, we found the advanced
learning methods have been improving the detection process significantly and reach
the cost efficient on the operation level (Phua et al. 2010).
Credit Risk
Classification tree modeling has been used in building customer credit risk model
with a high accurate in credit forecasting (Khandani, Kim, and Lo 2010).
Unsupervised learning model has been discussed in credit risk score card
construction (Correa et al. 2012). In the paper, researchers use the cluster analysis
as part of learning algorithm in building credit risk score card and compare the
performance of clustering with other conventional methodology. They find the
cluster analysis of distance methodology has much higher predictive accuracy
compare to logics regression and MLP neural network algorithms.
2.2 Analytical Research on Invoices
Over the past years, the advanced statistical techniques and analytical analysis have
been used to improve invoice process.
The implementation of Lean Six Sigma phase's road map in the invoice to cash
collection process has been discussed in a recent study. The research showed the
clearly define and measure of the problem is able to make significant improvement
on the invoicing process. The approaches of the project was to reduce the
throughput and processing time of invoicing, and improve the collection efficiency
and reduce the late payment of invoice (Erdmann, Groot, and Does 2010).
Markov model has also been used to evaluate invoice processing. The approach is
used to detect and rank bottlenecks to prioritize of process improvement. (Younes
et al. 2015)
Using machine-learning models to forecast the payment process of invoice has been
developed recently, but there are few literatures have been presented. Supervised
learning has been implement in the improvement of invoice to cash collection
process (Zeng et al. 2008). Their models show high prediction accuracy on delay
payment of invoices, which provides useful framework for the machine learning
study on invoice collection process.
2.3 Inbalance Dalta in Predictive Modeling
In data mining field, several challenges have become pronounced in classification
problem. The imbalance nature of data sets is one of the problems that have been
widely discussed. The imbalance data refers to data sets that composed by a normal
group with majority of the instances and an abnormal (interesting) group that only
contains a few instances. There are many typical problems have issue with
imbalanced data sets, such as fraud detection and disease diagnostic (Chen 2004).
In the learning process, the model is more likely to capture the features from
prevalent group and less focus on rare instances. Therefore, most of classifiers
would not have a good performance on these types of imbalance dataset, and it is
very difficult to detect the under-represent class (Ling and Li 1998). Ignoring the
under represented class leads to substantial consequences both in model estimation
and accuracy evaluation on estimated model (Menardi and Torelli 2014).
the majority class would lead to a better classification model than the over sample
of the minority class (Chawla et al. 2002). The random over-sampling may bring
over fitting problem, while under-sample could eliminate certain significant
instances in the datasets (Maimon and Rokach 2005).
There are a few refined methods that could be used to enhance the performance of
binary classification algorithm on imbalanced dataset.
Due to the limitation of sampling methods, the advanced methods like Synthetic
Minority Over-sampling technique (SMOTE) has been proposed in solving
imbalance dataset problem (Chawla et al. 2002).
The Figure 2-1 presents the comparison between the methods of minority over-
sampling with replacement and SMOTE using the mammography dataset (Chawla et
al. 2002).
2 40
220 i
Confusion matrix
Confusion matrix is a table layout that allows visualization of the performance of the
supervised learning algorithm in the field of machine learning. In the table, the
column of the matrix represents the instances in a predicted class, and the rows of
the matrix represents the instances in an actual class. The confusion matrix is type
of contingency table that has two dimensions, i.e. predicted and actual, and both of
the dimensions have identical sets of classes. For example, a classifier has been
trained to distinguish between two groups, diseased and normal groups, and the
confusion matrix would summarize the classification results of the algorithm for
further inspection.
Predicted Class
Normal Diseased
Terminology of confusion matrix:
True positive (TP): actual normal class is correctly classified as normal class.
True negative (TN): actual diseased class is correctly classified as diseased class.
False positive (FP): diseased class is incorrectly labeled as normal class.
False positive (FP): normal class is incorrectly labeled as disease class.
TPR= -=
Accuracy (ACC):
The cut-off value selection is based on the purpose of the test. The accuracy is a
common approach on evaluating the prediction accuracy of the algorithm for
balanced datasets, when the cost of misclassification for both classes is equal. For
imbalanced data set, the accuracy is not a proper metric to measure the
performance of the algorithm, because only a small percentage of the data lies in the
interesting group. And the cost of misclassifying an instance in the underrepresent
group is much higher than the misclassification in dominant group. For instance, a
classification model could classify all instances as normal with a high accuracy, but it
fails in detecting the rare diseased class (Drosou et al. 2014). The ROC curve
diagnostics would be an appropriate metric to measure the classification results for
imbalanced datasets. The sensitivity (True Positive Rate) and specificity (True
Negative Rate) can be used to effectively on evaluating the performance of the
classifier for the skewed data. For example, if the classifier is used to confirm a
disease, then the higher specificity is preferred (Chawla et al. 2002).
Figure 22 C assificatin R1
For every possible value of cut-off points or criterion value, ranging from 0 to 1,
certain fraction of data is misclassified into opposite group. For example, we select
the cut-off point, indicated by the dash line, some instances in the normal group on
the left are classified as diseased, and some instances in the diseased group are
classified as normal. The position of the point determines the true positive (TP),
true negative (TN), false positive (FP), and false negative, and the objective of cut-off
point selection is to minimize of the erroneous types of the results.
In default classification models, the threshold is usually set to be 0.5. However, this
value of cut-off point may not work well in imbalance datasets. By using 0.5 as a
threshold in skewed datasets, few instances in testing sets is labeled as minority
groups. Using a smaller cut off points could improve the misclassification problem
on minority group, because it is equivalent to increase the misclassification cost for
the class. The ROC curve could be used for accuracy measurement of the model
(Menardi and Torelli 2014).
The performance of a classifier, or the accuracy of a classifier to distinguish two
classes of data is measured by the Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC). ROC
curve analysis is an intuitive way to examine the performance of a classifier, and it
also used to compare the performance among two or more classification models. It
is a curve that plots the true positive rate (Sensitivity) against the false positive rate
(1- Specificity) for different possible values of cut-off points. The curves visualize
the trade-off between sensitivity and specificity using graphs. For example, an
increase in the sensitivity would lead to a decrease in specificity. The points on the
curve represent pairs of true positive rate (TPR) and true positive rate (FPR) under
specific thresholds. The Figure 2-1 is an example of ROC curve.
(or False Piive 7te
F'iue 2 -3 ROCExme
The area Linder the Curve (AUC) quantifies the ability of the classifier to distinguish
between two groups (diseased/normial). AUC represents an area within the unit
square, and the value of AUC is between 0 and 1. The random guess of the
classification would. generate the diagonal line connect (0,0) and (1,1), and the
perfect classifier Should go through the upper left corner point (0,I), which gives
100% on TPR (Fawcett 2006). A realistic ROC should lies between the diagonal line
and upper left corner point, and the distance between ROC and diagonal line is an
indicator of the performance of classifier. In other words, the closer the ROC to the
upper left corner point, the higher the accuracy of the classifier (Zweig and
Campbell 1993).
Data Overview and Data Process
The analysis works in the following sections are based on the invoice data sets from
a fortune 500 company, providing technology service. The invoice data is in monthly
frequency, and we were given six months of data, ranging from November 2014 to
April 2015. Figure 3-1 shows the overview of all invoices data.
1,873,543 Customers
81.2% 18.8%
3.1 Raw data and data formats
The invoice raw data sets contain monthly invoices from the firm divided into four
regions: APAC (Asia and Pacific), EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa), NA
(North America), and LATAM (Latin America). On average, the firm has 700,000
invoices every month. Each row of the data sets is an invoice, and each invoice has
59 features that provides invoice information such as customer number, order
details, transaction amount, invoice date, etc. After initial inspection, we removed
variables that do not provide meaning information, such as "FWD *". Then we
eliminate the variables with a lot of missing value and variables that have single
value, such as "purchaseordernumber" After preliminary selection, we obtained the
simplified features of invoice in the Table 3-1. For now, we have 28 features for
invoices. Then we filter out feature have missing value or unique value.
Source RNMcA
Extract. i)at 2/6/15
Aging.LDate 11/30/14 23:59
Forward Aging. Date 12/31/1-4 23:59
Area Latam
Country Brazil
Business.Detail CloudDirect. CC-RiMCA
Business Other
Cornpany.Code 1010
Pmnt.Methlod IN
Order. 17cf7984-0937-46a8-aa67-742bff-556c
I ImA~CNtit
l)ocunc t.Age 21
Doc urncmnt.Forward.Age 52
I-o c url t tCu.--rri fy(ode B RL
iraxsactiork Amnount 13.8
(CalcIItation(urrecy USD
AginaBucket Ito30
ForwardAgingBucket 31to60
AccountingDocmiientTypeCode IN
AR 5.508652
The features that we used in model and related calculation are highlighted in Table
3-1, which includes Customer Number, Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Clearing Date,
Due Date, Transaction Amount.
3.2 Data Process
3.2.2 Data Processing
e End of month indicator: whether the invoice due at month end or not. It is a
binary indicator. If the invoice is due in last three days of the month, the
value of end of month indicator is 1, and 0 other wise. For example, the
invoice in Table 3-1 due on November 9th, 2014, and the value of indicator is
0 for this invoice.
- Second half of month indicator: whether the invoice due at second half of the
month or not. If the due dates of invoice is after the 15th of the month, the
value of end of month indicator is 1, and 0 other wise. For example, the
invoice in Table 3-1 due on November 9th, 2014, and the value of second half
of month indicator is 0 for this invoice.
- Delay Days: the delay days are the differences between clearing dates and
due dates of the invoices, which is subtracting due dates from clearing dates.
If "delay days" is positive, the invoice is not paid on time, and it is defined as
delayed. If "delay days" is non-positive, the invoice is paid on time, and we
say it is non-delay invoice. For example, the payment of invoice in Table 3-1
was due on November 90h, 2014, and was cleared on November 20th, 2014.
The delay days of this invoice is 11 days, and the invoice is classified as
delayed invoice. For invoices have non-positive value of delay days, we set
the delay days to be zero.
- Payment term (buffer): the difference between invoices' due date and invoice
date, and it is calculated by subtracting invoice date from due date. For
example, the invoice in Table 3-1 is issued on October 10th, and the payment
of the invoice is due on November 9th. SO, the payment term of this invoice is
30 days.
4 Preliminary Analysis
The general approach for the delayed invoice detection problem is building
classification models. There are two outcomes for each invoice, and the new invoice
will be labeled as either "on time" or "delayed". The supervised learning models
built based on features of invoices would be able to classify the data into an
appropriate outcome group.
Adding customer level features to invoice would provide useful history information
of customer behaviors, which could improve the accuracy of predictive models. The
logic of combining features at both invoice and customer level shows in Figure 4-1.
For invoices level, we have features directly related to individual invoices. For
example, the transaction amount of invoice is one of the independent variables from
invoice level. The features at invoices level are listed in Table 4-1.
1 Transaction Amount --
2 End of month indicator Whether the invoice due at month end or not
3 Second half of month indicator Whether the invoice due at second half of
month or not
For features on customer level, we aggregate invoices that belong to same customer
and create a customer profile that could be attached to individual invoices based on
the Customer Number. For example, we calculate the total number of invoices for
each customer. The features at customer level listed in Table 4-2.
7 Delay ratio Ratio of 1 and 2
8 Amount ratio Ratio of 3 and 4
9 Average payment term The difference between invoices' due date
and invoice date
10 Average delayed days --
The binary outcome of invoice has defined by the delay days as the following:
- On time: the invoice is paid before or on due date
e Delayed: the invoice is paid after the due date
The dependent variable of our classification model is the payment status of invoices,
i.e. the outcome of the invoice. Based on the due date and clearing date, we are able
to determine whether the invoice is paid on time or not.
4.3 !Metrics used to evaluate rn; dxeis
For the classification problem of invoices, appropriate metrics should be selected to
evaluate the performance of the predictive models. In our research project, we use
confusion matrix and related calculation to measure the prediction results of
supervised learning algorithm. Confusion is a table layout that presents the
classification results of the predictive models, and Table 4-3 shows the confusion
matrix used in our analysis on delayed invoices.
Predicted Classes
(Predicted by the classificatior model)
On Time Delayed
T 4- Cu iAtrix f- -rInvoices
In Table 4-3, the column of the matrix represents the instances in a predicted class,
and the rows of the matrix represents the instances in an actual class. The
significant terms and notations in the confusion matrix are defined in the following.
There are a few statistical measurements of prediction accuracy that derived from
the confusion matrix, such as accuracy, precision, prevalence, etc.
Eq7cuationzi4-2 Spcfiy
SPC = -
4.4 "')at *sWca1l
Anri a Iysis-
In this section, we would use the invoices in November 2014 as an example of our
statistical analysis on the delay of invoice.
Figure 4-2 is a pie chart shows the percentage of delayed invoices among total
invoices in the month of November. From the graph, we find the delayed invoice is
only 28% of total invoices. The delayed class is the minority class in the invoice data
sets, and the data set is imbalance in terms of the class distribution.
Then we would like to analysis the distribution of delay days of invoices using the
Figure 4-3, which is the histogram of the delay days of each invoices. Seeing from
the graph, we find the days of delay are concentrated within the 30 days period, and
there are some extreme cases that the delay is more a year.
Histogram of Invoice Delay Days in November 2014
Days of Delay
Then we want to study the pattern of the delayed invoice. In the previous part, we
defined the delayed invoice, which is the invoice that has positive delay days. In
Figure 4-4, we show the distribution of delay days for delayed in voices only, and
remove some extreme invoices that have larger delay days. From the graph, we find
most delayed invoices have reasonable length of delay, which is the delays are
within one month. However, there are certain amount of invoices, have delayed for
more than half of the month. We need to pay attentions to these invoices and try to
find if there any common features share by these invoices.
Histogram of Invoice Delay Days in November 2014
C) 20000
Days of Delay
Figu<Lire 4-4 H i of
4i i[lay Days fior]Dellay-!d Invoice
Based on the analytical results on data sets from November 2014, we found that the
delayed invoice class is a minority class compared to on time invoices class. And the
length of delays is centered within 30 days period, and with some longer delays that
ranging around half year length.
Then we conduct the same analysis on other month data and summarized the
delayed invoices information for six months invoice data in Table 4-4.
Time # of invoices # of delayed invoice % of delayed invoices
November, 2014 409158 114109 27.9%
December, 2014 811818 269947 33.3%
January, 2015 687046 147875 21.5%
February, 2015 754912 147406 19.5%
March, 2015 904510 96590 10.7%
April, 2015 878601 60995 6.9%
Seeing from Table 4-4, we found the distribution of two classes, i.e. non-delayed and
delayed, are skewed. In general, majority of the observations lies in the non-delayed
group, and less than 40% of data are delayed. The data sets are extremely skewed
for some months. For example, the minority class in April 2015 only has 7% of
instances. In that case, the data sets are imbalanced, and we need to implement
techniques mentioned in the preview sections to deal with the imbalanced data sets
Classffication Models
Training Data
There are two types of learning in the machine learning, the unsupervised learning
and supervised learning. The unerpservised learning is using algorithme to group
data with similart features into clusters. While the supervised learning is to label
instances based on the algorithem. In our problem, we want to detect the delayed
invoices, and label the invoices with high chance of delayed given all the historical
dealyed invoices features and informtiaon.
The classification model is one types of the predictive model, which is able to make
prediction on new data based on the historical data. The machine learning
algorithme could caputres properties of data in training set and then make
prediction on new instances.
In the field of supervised machine learning, there are many algorithms that available
for use. In the invoice prediction, we selected the following algorithm and
implement them on our invoices data.
5.2 Supervised Learning Models
Linear classifier help use to learn the weight or coefficient for each features from
training set. Given the input, the output is weighted by the sum of the input.
Least Square Regression is the most commonly used linear regression model, which
is the standard approach to data fitting. The best fit of least square regression model
was given by minimized the sum of squared residuals. The least square regression is
widely used for modeling, and it could be used as a starting point of the predictive
The mathematics behind the logistic regression is the logit function ( Equation 5-1).
We model the logit (log P ) as a linear function of x. The p in the logit is the
probability with value between 0 and 1 (Equation 5-2). The logit transformation
make it bounded and with meaningful results.
Equation 5-1 Logit function
p (x)
log 1 = 0 + xP
1 - p(x)
Equation 5-2 Probabitity
p (x) = 1 + efto+x-fl 1 + e -(Po+xfl)
The logistic regression could find weights for each feature in the model by showing
the coefficients in the model. The signs and magnitude of the independent variables
are important in the model interpretation. The positive weights implies the variable
is positively correlated with the out come, while the negative weights implies the
variable is negative correlated with outcome. The magnitude of the weight indicates
the strength of the correlation.
The concept of KNN is to predict the class of a new data point using the
characteristics of k nearest neighbors in the training set. In other words, the
learning algorithm remember the training data, and when making prediction on
new data, the model find the nearest data point in training set and return the label
associate with the training data point. When picking the k nearest points, the
algorithm considers points from training set that are similar to the given point.
The similarity of two data points in KNN is measured by the distance between the
points. There are many options for the metric of measurement. Minkowski distance
is one of the popular measurements of distance. The formula of Minkowski distance
shows in Equation 5-3.
K ~P
In classification learning, the new data point is classified by the majority vote of its k
nearest neighbors. Figure 5-2 gives an example of KNN classification when k equals
to 5. The instance xq is classified as negative, because three out of five of its nearest
neighbors are in negative class.
The important parameter of the KNN is the k, and we need to specify an integer
value of k when applying the algorithm. In general, larger value of k gives a better
prediction results, and the optimal k for most of datasets are from 3 to 10 from
experiences. Some empirical results showed that square root of number of features
could also be an option for value of k. The optimal value of k could be selected by
cross-validation methods for specific dataset (Sutton 2012).
5.2.3 Decision trees
Decision tree applies recursive-partitioning method to build prediction models. The
models are obtained by recursively partitioning the data space and fitting a
prediction model within each partition.
The procedure of classification tree is first asking question at internal nodes, and
then answer at leaves. The optimization practice in decision tree is to find the best
split. The algorithm designed to find the best split on separating the population. The
measurement of separation is calculated by the amount of disorder in leaves, which
is represented by entropy. The greedy approach of the algorithm is to find the
lowest average entropy for all possible splits. (Introduction to Computation and
Programming Using Python)
For large data set, the classification can be huge and complex, and it is important to
prune the tree and stop the algorithm at appropriate stage.
The classification tree is in Figure 5-3. The most importance features of invoice in
classification model are the transaction amount, average delay days of delayed
invoice, and the middle of month indicator. The detailed classifier shows in Table
0 1
3) trAmt>=1.229919e-15 106197 52579 1 (0.495108148 0.504891852)
6) avg-dDay-delay< 7.083333 46333 16816 0 (0.637062137 0.362937863)
12) middlemonth< 0.5 27235 6693 0 (0.754250046 0.245749954)
5.2.4 Neural Network
Neural Network (NNet) method is inspired by the biological neural network
in human brain, which is usually used for abundance of data with little
underlying theory. In abalone case, there is no specific theory defines the
relationship between age and physical measurements, so it is reasonable to fit
the data with Neural Network model.
Therefore, we set the hidden layers equal to one based on our model, and
then I tuned the size and decay parameters by bootstrapping with 25 reps.
The size stands for the number of units in the hidden layer, and the decay
stands for the parameter for weight decay. The tuning parameters selected
are size equal to 4 and decay equal to 0.064.
The neural network of invoice dataset is showed in Figure 5-4. The color and
width of the links between layers are proportion to the direction and
magnitude of the weight. The dark color stands for positive weight, and which
is excitatory connection in neural biology, and light color stands for negative
weight, which is inhibitory connection.
B1 B2
end-month 12
middle-month 13
noinvoice 14
suminvoice 15
avg-invoice 16
no delay 17
sum-delay 18 O1 YB
avg-delay 19 19 H3
avg-buffer 110 H4
avg-dDay-delay 112
ghted-avg-dDay 113
noratio 114
sum_ratio 115
6 Ensemble Models
Random forest performs well compared in prediction, and is able to handle large
dataset efficiently. The learning algorithm is base on the Law of Large Numbers,
and random forest does not have over fitting problem in general (Breiman 2001).
When processing invoice data, the first time customers have different payment
For returning customers who have at least two invoices in their account history, we
use training data from November built prediction model using Random Forest
algorithm. Then we test the performance of random forest model using training
data. The confusion metrics of out of sample test is shows in Figure 6-1. The
accuracy is 75% and the specificity is 68%.
14228 4037
4406 9036
The variable importance plot is an important output of random forest. It shows the
relative importance of each variable in the model during the classification. The most
importance variable showed in the top of the plot, while the least importance
variable showed in the bottom. The importance plot of our delayed invoice
predictive model shows in Figure 6-2.
weighted-avg- Day
sum-invoice 0
avg invoice
middle-month o
avg delay
sum _ratio 0
avg buffer
noinvoice 0
end-month o
The importance plot shows the transaction amount on invoice level is the most
importance variable in classifying delayed invoice. And the number of days of delay in
customer level also very important, for example, the weighted average delay clays,
average delay days of invoices, and average delay days of delayed invoices for each
Figure 6-3 shows the plot of classification error vs. number of trees grown in
random forest model. From the plot, we can see the error become stable when n is
close to 100. Therefore, in the model, we select nurmber of trees equal to 100,
which is stable and computational efficiency.
6.2 Weighted Random Forest
The predictive model has relatively good performance in classification of invoices,
and it has overall accuracy of 75%. For delay class, our model could capture 68% of
delayed invoices. Then we rethink the methodology and comparable research work
in invoice to cash, and figured out ways to improve the prediction accuracy of
supervised learning model.
able to provide much historical information for the model, which affects the
performance in the classification.
Another study mentioned that in their work, they find the average invoices number
is about 15 invoices per customer per month (Hu 2015). The numerous monthly
invoices provide sufficient historical delays information for customer and thus they
were able to build a classification model with high prediction accuracy.
U) 100000
z 0
In order to have a better understanding of customer's invoice history with their
delayed behavior, I add a line on the top of histogram of the customer invoices
summary in Figure 6-4. The line represents the percentage of delay for each
customer group, which could be seen from Figure 6-5. From the plot, we find the
customers with fewer invoices are less likely to have late payment on invoice, while
customers with more invoices have a higher chance of delayed payment. Therefore,
we find different customer group can have different payment behavior, which
suggests us to build different models based on number of invoices for each customer
November 2014
C 1
0 C) ~
p 0
0 q)
0 C)
2) C) C
C) C)
z 0~
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >10
Table 6-2 shows the prediction results by different customer groups. Based on the
analysis conclusion of Figure 6-5, we build ten machine-learning models for each
customer group. For example, in case 3, we build the model using subset of data,
which customer has at least 3 invoices. As seen from Table 6-2, the prediction
accuracy increases as the number of invoices per customer increases. This results
sounds logical for us, because the more invoices the customer has, the more
historical information we know for the customer, which help us to have a better
prediction on the customer's payment behavior. Therefore, when using the
predictive model we have built before, it is necessary to check the number of
invoices for customer, and make sure we have sufficient historical information for
each account. We find the same results for the rest of months data.
6.2.2 Weighted function in Random Forest
From data process section, we learned the invoice data set is imbalanced. The
invoices data is composed by the on time invoice class with majority of the data
points and the delayed invoice class with a few instances. Use November data as an
example, in Table 4-4, there are only 28% of invoices belongs to delayed class,
which shows the class distribution of invoices is highly skewed.
Cost sensitivity learning techniques should be added to the random forest to solve
the imbalance data problem. In the invoice classification problem, the random forest
classifier tends classify the invoice into the majority class, i.e. the on-time class. In
the classification model, we are more interested in correctly identify the delayed
invoices. Therefore, we need to add penalty on the misclassification of the minority
class. In other words, we assigned weights to classes, and give larger weighted on
the delayed class, which is the higher cost of misclassification. This approach of
solving imbalance data based on random forest classifier is called weighted random
forest (Chen 2004).
We investigated the weighted random forest with the November data, with
weighted 1:2 and 1:3 for different customer groups. The results of the classification
models showed in Table 6-3. The first column shows the overall accuracy, and the
second column shows the specificity of random forest, weighted random forest
(1:2), and weighted random forest (1:3). And we find the weighted random forest
has superior performance compared to exist classifier.
Specifici t y Specificity
S C1~L 1
e igh t 1.: 2)
6.3 Robustness of the model
In the previous section, we present the prediction results of the modified random
forest algorithm of delayed invoices. The classification model shows high accuracy
in November invoice data. In this section, we were able to test the performance of
the algorithm in two other months of invoice data.
In December and January, the sizes of data are comparable with November's
invoices, which are about 100K per month. We went through same processes of
machine learning for these new data. We used training sets of new invoice to train
the model, and test the performance with testing sets.
The results of new invoices data also have high prediction accuracy, which shows
relative consistent of the supervised learning algorithm in various data sets.
7 Conclusion
7.1 Summary
This research work has discussed the implementation of machine learning
algorithms in the field of business analytics. The data sets we used through the
project were the invoice data from a fortune 500 company in the technology market.
This company issues invoices every month, and the size of invoices per month is
around 100K. Of all the issued invoices from the company, only a small percentage
of invoices have not been paid on time, which we defined as delayed invoices. The
primary objective of the project is to forecast the delayed invoice in advance, using
the historical delayed information, and build classification models using machine
learning algorithm. Through the research work, we find that the supervised learning
models are able to make significant improvement on the accuracy of delayed invoice
In the modeling part, I identified the pattern of data through statistical analysis,
presented histogram and calculated the ratio of delayed invoice. Then I extracted
significant features of invoice during data processing part. And I aggregated the data
on customer level to provide additional information in perdition. The classification
model is able to learn through selected features and provide accurate prediction
results of delayed pattern of new issued invoices.
The invoice datasets from the firm have specific delay pattern on invoice collection.
Most of invoices issued by the firm are paid on time, while small proportion of over
due invoices, and the data has imbalanced class distribution. In the modeling part of
work, I applied the weighted function in the machine learning algorithm and
addressed the imbalance data issues. Another uniqueness of the datasets is the
account history of customers. In the statistical analysis, I found about half of the
accounts received the invoices have only one or two invoices in the history. The
infrequent invoicing summary provides little historical information on the behavior
of customers. Grouping customer by number of historical invoices is an approach
that I implemented in the predictive modeling. Customer groups with more invoices
in the history transaction have higher accuracy in prediction results. This approach
increases the performance of classifier. The combination of two approaches could
improve the accuracy of delayed invoice prediction.
7.2 Future work
Based on the framework of this study, there are several directions can be further
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