Landmark Studies in Periodontics - ISP WEBINAR
Landmark Studies in Periodontics - ISP WEBINAR
Landmark Studies in Periodontics - ISP WEBINAR
1. Highly Cited
2. Classic Papers
Papers Are Among The
Top Papers To
Influence The Development Of Our
Knowledge And Practice.
1. Highly Cited
2. Strongest Evidence
3. Un-biased
Classical Papers Highlight Critical
Scientific Contributions To
Irrespective Of When They Were
1. History of Periodontology
2. Classical Literature of Periodontology
Classical Papers Created New
Knowledge And Translated It To
Patient Care And Thereby Shaped
The Evolution Of Periodontology In
The Past 100 Years.
Landmark Studies On
Etiology of Periodontitis
The Most Often-cited Papers In
Periodontology Are Those By Harald Loe And
John Silness In Which They Described The
Criteria For The Gingival Index (GI) And Plaque
Index (PI)- Cited : 4,161 & 4,368 times.
Landmark Studies on
Numerous classification systems for
periodontal diseases have come and
gone in the past 140 years.
This has sparked hundreds of studies all over the world which
used the study designs.
Socransky SS. Criteria for the infectious agents in dental caries and
periodontal disease. J Clin Periodontol 1979; 6: 16-21.
Socransky’s paper on “Criteria for the infectious
agents in dental caries and periodontal disease”
had been quoted, according to Google Scholar,
just 94 times but had nevertheless an immense
impact on pivotal clinical studies designed to
“prove” that certain species or groups of species
were involved in the etiology of Periodontitis
Socransky SS. Criteria for the infectious agents in dental caries and
periodontal disease. J Clin Periodontol 1979; 6: 16-21.
Socransky’s Work on Microbial Etiology of
Periodontitis…..Is it Paradigm Shifting? Can
we have a Consensus on it?
Probably the most often quoted early paper is by
Mattila et al., who found that the association
poor dental health and coronary heart disease
was independent of age, total cholesterol, high
density lipoprotein, triglycerides, C peptide,
hypertension, presence of diabetes, and
Mattila KJ, Nieminen MS, Valtonen VV, Rasi VP, Kesäniemi YA, Syrjälä SL,
et al. Association between dental health and acute myocardial infarction.
BMJ. 1989;298:779–82
Mattila KJ, Nieminen MS, Valtonen VV, Rasi VP, Kesäniemi YA, Syrjälä SL, et al. Association
between dental health and acute myocardial infarction. BMJ. 1989;298:779–82
Frank DeStefano, later described
periodontal disease as an independent risk
factor in the US population, thus supporting
the findings of Mattila in Europe