Hypolipidemic Activity of Mimosa Pudica
Hypolipidemic Activity of Mimosa Pudica
Hypolipidemic Activity of Mimosa Pudica
Hypolipidemic activity of Mimosa pudica Linn on Butter Induced
Hyperlipidemia in Rats
A. Sowmya and T. Ananthi*
Department of Biochemistry, S.T.E.T Womens College, Mannagudi- 614001. Thiruvarur District, Tamil Nadu,
*Corresponding Author E-mail: elangani576@gmail.com
The hypolipidemic activity of Mimosa pudica extract was studied on high fat diet induced models of hyperlipidemia in
rats. Hyperlipidemia in experimental rats evidenced by an enhancement in the levels of Cholesterols, Triglycerides,
LDL and VLDL. Ehanol extract showed significant hypolipidemic effect by lowering the serum levels of biochemical
parameters such as significant reduction in the level of serum Cholesterol, TG, LDL, VLDL and increase in HDL level
which was similar to the standard drug Lovastatin. Preliminary phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of
phytoconstituents such as steroids, flavonoids, glycosides, alkaloids and phenolic compounds.
Mimosa pudica L. is common plant in moist waste ground The high levels of cholesterol particularly TC, TG and LDL
belongs to family – Mimosaceae. It mainly contains cholesterol is mainly responsible for the onset of CHDs. A
tannins, steroids, triterpenes, alkaloids, glycosides, 20% reduction of blood cholesterol level can decrease about
flavonoids, c-glycoside, flavones (Adikari, 2003).The 31% of CHD incidence, and 33% of its mortality rate. The
extract of Mimosa pudica is used in the treatment of known lipid lowering drugs, such as fibrates, statins and
migraine, insomnia, headache, diarrhea, dysentery, fistula, bile acid sequestrants have many side effects in patients
piles, and fever (Rajendran, 2010).The decoction of M. (Chattopadhyaya,1996). Thus, there is a considerable
pudica antagonized chemically induced seizures in mice. It interest on development of lipid lowering drugs from
significantly protected the mice in PTZ-induced seizures. natural products in the recent years.
Plant is also used as a blood purifier (Ghani, 1998). In
Ayurvedic and Unani system of medicine, this plant has As Mimosa pudica plant species have been traditionally
been used in diseases arising from corrupted blood and bile, claimed for the treatment of atherosclerosis; hence, in the
heart disorders, bilious fever, piles, jaundice, leprosy, ulcers present study, an attempt has been made to screen the
and small pox. herbal extract that is ethanol extract of Mimosa pudica
leaves, for the hypolipidemic activity to prove its claim in
Hyperlipidemia contributes significantly in the folklore practice.
manifestation and development of atherosclerosis and
coronary heart diseases (CHD). Atherosclerosis, are the MATERIALS AND METHODS:
most common cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Collection of plant materials:
Although several factors, such as diet high in saturated fats Mimosa pudica whole plants materials were collected from
and cholesterol, age, family history, hypertension and life the fields of Thiruvarur in Tamilnadu.
style play a significant role in causing heart failure
(Blackwelder, 1977). Preparation of plant extract:
Mimosa pudica whole plants were dried at 40ºC for 7 days.
Powered using electric grinder’s server and stored in a
Received on 03.10.2011 Accepted on 21.10.2011 container. This fine cured powered was used as herbal drug.
© Asian Pharma Press All Right Reserved Weighed amount of dried powered of Mimosa pudica
Asian J. Res. Pharm. Sci. 1(4): Oct.-Dec. 2011; Page 124-127 whole plant were taken and added 50 ml of 99.9% hot
Asian J. Res. Pharm. Sci. 2011; Vol. 1: Issue 4, Pg 124-127 [AJPSci.]
ethanol mixture and evaporated at 55ºC by using hot air Statistical Analysis:
oven, the collected were for hypolipidemic activity studies. Results were presented as mean ± SD. The significance of
difference among the groups was assessed using one way
Preliminary Phytochemical analysis: analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Dunken’s
The ethanol extract of M.pudica was subjected to Multiple Reliance test using SPSS software.P 0.05 was
preliminary phytochemical analysis to assess the presence considered significant.
of various phytoconstituents; it revealed the presence of
flavonoids, alkaloids and glycosides (Harborne,1984). RESULTS:
Healthy young male albino rats (130-150 gm) were The preliminary phytochemical screening revealed the
purchased from animal house of St, Joseph arts and science presence of phytoconstituents such as glycosides, alkaloids,
college, Tirchy. The groups of rats were kept separately flavonoids, tannins, saponins and phenolic compound in the
individual stainless steel hoppers. The test animals should ethanol extract of Mimosa pudica linn. (Table I)
be characterized by strain, source, sex, weight and age. The
animals were kept individually for feeding in conventional
laboratory diets with an unlimited supply of drinking water. Table 1: Phytochemical screening of ethanol extract of Mimosa pudica
S. No Test Constituents of Mimosa pudica
Diagnostics kits: 1. Alkaloids +
Diagnostics kits used for the estimation of lipid profile 2. Carbohydrates -
3. Saponins +
(Totalcholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, VLDL, LDL) were 4. Tannins +
obtained from Eumic laboratory, Trichy. 5. Terpenoids -
6. Flavanoids +
Hyperlipidemic inducer: 7. Phenol +
Butter was used as the hyperlipidemic inducer in animal + indicates presence; - indicates absence
procured from Trichy.400mg of butter/Kg b.wt dissolved in
10ml of buffered saline was used for the induction of
hypolipidemic rats. Hypolipidemic activity:
A marked increase in the level of serum cholesterol,
Experimental Design: triglycerides, LDL and VLDL were found in the animals
Group I was considered as control which received 0.5% which received high fat diet and HDL levels were
sodium carboxy methyl cellulose; Group II was considered decreased. Administrations of ethanol extract at the dose of
as high fat diet group and received the butter diet; Group III 100 mg/kg showed significant reduction in the level of
was considered as test group and received the test extract serum cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL, VLDL and increase in
that is ethanol extract of Mimosa pudica at the dose of 100 HDL level which was similar to the standard Lovastatin,
mg/ Kg body weight per oral along with the high fat diet and are almost near the levels of normal control.
and Group IV was considered as standard group which
received the standard drug Lovastatin (dose of 75 mg/kg A significant percentage reduction of serum cholesterol,
body weight per oral) along with the high fat diet. triglyceride, LDL, VLDL and percentage increase in HDL
in test extract was also comparable with the standard drug.
Sample Collection: A potent hypolipidemic effect of ethanol extract was
At the end of 21 day, blood serum was withdrawn from the evident by a significant reduction in the level of serum
retro orbital plexus after overnight fasting for the study of cholesterol, LDL, VLDL and triglycerides in the cholesterol
biochemical parameters. Serum was estimated for the total treated animals and also marked increase in the HDL
cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, VLDL and HDL Cholesterol level (Table.2).
Asian J. Res. Pharm. Sci. 2011; Vol. 1: Issue 4, Pg 124-127 [AJPSci.]
Asian J. Res. Pharm. Sci. 2011; Vol. 1: Issue 4, Pg 124-127 [AJPSci.]