Guided Revision: Section-I Single Correct Answer Type 9 Q. (3 M (-1) )
Guided Revision: Section-I Single Correct Answer Type 9 Q. (3 M (-1) )
Guided Revision: Section-I Single Correct Answer Type 9 Q. (3 M (-1) )
Single Correct Answer Type 9 Q. [3 M (–1)]
1. A traveling wave is of the form y (x,t) = A cos (kx – t) + B sin (kx – t), which can also be written as
y (x,t) = D sin (kx – t – ) where
(A) D = A + B (B) D = |A + B| (C) D2 = A2 + B2 (D) D = A – B
2. A thin string with linear density µ is joined to a thick string with linear density 2µ. A incident pulse is
sent down the thin string toward the thick string and eventually creates reflected and transmitted pulses.
Which of the following is true ?
(A) The reflected and transmitted pulses are both inverted.
(B) Neither the reflected nor transmitted pulses are inverted.
(C) The reflected pulse is inverted, but the transmitted pulse is not inverted.
(D) The transmitted pulse is inverted, but the reflected pulse is not inverted.
3. Here given snap shot of a progressive wave at t = 0 with time period = T. Then the equation of the wave
if wave is going in +ve x-direction and if wave is going in –ve x-direction will be respectively.
2 y
Here, T
(A) y = A sin (kx + t), y = A sin (kx – t)
(B) y = A cos (kx + t), y = A cos (kx – t) 0 /2 x
(C) y = A sin (t – kx), y = A sin (t + kx)
(D) y = A sin (kx – t), y = A sin (kx + t)
4. A progressive wave is travelling in a string as shown. Then which of the following statement about KE
and potential energy of the elements A and B is true?
(A) For point A : kinetic energy is maximum and potential energy is min.
(B) For point B : kinetic energy is minimum and potential energy is min.
(C) For point A : kinetic energy is minimum and potential energy is max.
(D) For point B : kinetic energy is minimum and potential energy is max.
5. A string consists of two parts attached at x = 0. The right part of the string (x > 0) has mass r per unit
length and the left part of the string (x < 0) has mass l per unit length. The string tension is T. If a wave
of unit amplitude travels along the left part of the string, as shown in the figure, what is the amplitude of
the wave that is transmitted to the right part of the string ?
2 2 l / r l / r 1
(A) 1 (B) 1 / (C) (D)
l r 1 l / r l / r 1
mx for 0 x y
Direction of pulse propagation
y m( x a) for x a
a x
0 every where else, where m<<1
The wave pulse is moving in the +X direction in a string having tension T and mass per unit length .
The total energy present with the wave pulse is :-
m 2Ta mTa
(A) (B) m2Ta (C) mTa (D)
2 2
8. A plane progressive harmonic wave is given by the equation : = msin(2t – 3x + 4y + /3), where x
and y are in meters, and t is in seconds. Let n̂ is the unit vector in the direction of wave propagation, and
v is the speed of wave w.r.t. the wave medium, then :-
3 4 4ˆ 3ˆ 2
(A) n̂ ˆi ˆj ; v 0.4 m / s (B) n̂ i j; v m /s
5 5 5 5 3
3 4 4 3
(C) n̂ ˆi ˆj ; v 0.4 m / s (D) n̂ ˆi ˆj ; v 0.5 m / s
5 5 5 5
9. The vibrations of a string of length 600 cm fixed at both ends are represented by the equation
y = 4 sin cos (96 t), where x and y are in cm and t in second. What is the maximum displacement
y(mm) y(mm)
10 10
5 5
x(m) 1 x(m)
–5 –5
–10 t=0 –10 1
t= — s
Figure-1 Figure-2
(C) y2 = A sin 2x 4t (D) y2 = A sin 2x 4t
3 3
16. A string fixed at both ends and under tension T vibrates in its 1 overtone with an amplitude A at the
antinodes. The total energy of the string is E and the maximum possible speed of a particle of the string
is v. If the same string were to vibrate in its fundamental mode under a tension 4T and with an amplitude
A at the antinode then :-
(A) The total energy of the string will be E
(B) The total energy of the string will be 2E
(C) The maximum possible speed of a particle on the string is v
(D) The maximum possible speed of a particle on the string is 2v
17. A long wire ABC is made by joining two wires AB and BC of equal cross-sectional area. AB has
length 4.80 m and mass 0.12 kg. BC has length 2.56 m and mass 0.4 kg. The wire ABC is under a
tension of 160 N. A sinusoidal wave y = 5.6 (cm) sin (t – kx) is sent along the wire ABC from the end
A. No power dissipates during the propagation of the wave.
(A) The amplitude of the reflected wave is 2.4 cm A B C
(B) The amplitude of transmitted wave is 3.2. cm
(C) The maximum displacement of the nodes of the stationary wave in the wire AB is 3.2 cm
(D) The fraction of power transmitted from the junction B is approximately 0.816
18. In a travelling one dimensional mechanical sinusoidal wave
(A) potential energy and kinetic energy of an element become maximum simultaneously.
(B) all particles oscillate with the same frequency and the same amplitude
(C) all particles may come to rest simultaneously
(D) we can find two particles, in a length equal to half of a wavelength, which have the same non zero
acceleration simultaneously.
Linked Comprehension Type (2 Para × 3Q.) (1 Para × 2Q.) [3 M (-1)]
(Single Correct Answer Type)
Paragraph for Question Nos. 19 to 21
A harmonic oscillator at x = 0, oscillates with a frequency and amplitude a. It is generating waves
at end of a thin string in which velocity of wave is v1 and which is connected to another heavier string in
which velocity of wave is v2 as shown, length of first string is .
v1 v2
E-4/7 Physics / GR # Wave on a string
19. If harmonic oscillator oscillates by an equation y = a sint. The equation of incident wave in first
string is
x x
(A) y a sin t v (B) y a sin t v
1 1
x x
(C) y asin t v (D) y asin t v
1 1
(A) y at sin t v (B) y at sin t v
2 1
x x
(C) y at sin t v v (D) y at sin t v
1 2 2
21. Equation of reflected wave, if it is reflecting at the joint and amplitude of reflected wave is aR
x x
(A) y aR sin t v (B) y aR sin t v v
2 1 1
x 2 x
(C) y aR sin t v (D) y aR sin t v
1 1
3 3
(A) y = (0.06 m) sin x cos (200 t) (B) y = (0.03 m) sin x cos (200 t)
2 4
3 3
(C) y = (0.06 m) sin x cos (200 t) (D) y = (0.03 m) sin x cos (200 t)
4 2
23. Total wave energy on the string will be nearly equal to
(A) 40 mJ (B) 10 mJ (C) 30 mJ (D) 20 mJ
24. At what time from the start (by the answer of first question in this paragraph) string will have maximum
kinetic energy first time (second)
1 1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
200 100 400 800
Hanging Bridge
25. The shape of any cable is best describe by equation assuming center of a cable is origin, vertical direction
is taken as positive Y-axis and horizontal right taken as positive X-axis?
cot 2 tan 2 tan 2 cot 2
(A) y = x (B) y = x (C) y = x (D) y = x
2L 2L L L
26. If a small amplitude transverse pulse is passed through the cable, what is the speed of transverse waves
at the middle ?
1 Mg tan Mg tan 1 Mg cot Mg cot
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 m m 2 m m
Numerical Answer Type Question 1Q.[3M (0)]
(upto second decimal place)
27. A string will break apart if it is placed under too much tensile stress. One type of steel has density.
steel = 104 kg/m3 and breaking stress = 9 × 108 N/m2. We make a guitar string from (4) gram of this
type of steel. It should be able to withstand (900 )N without breaking. What is highest possible
fundamental frequency (in Hz) of standing waves on the string if the entire length of the string vibrates.
Numerical Grid Type (Ranging from 0 to 9) 1 Q. [4 M (0)]
28. A string of length is fixed at both ends. It is vibrating in its 3 overtone with maximum amplitude
a 2 3 mm. Find the square of amplitude (in mm2) at a distance 3 from one end.
Single Correct Answer Type 9 Q. [3 M (–1)]
1. Ans. (C)
Sol. y x, t A sin kx t B sin kx t
It is combination of two wave of phase difference .
Resultant amplitude = A 2 B 2
Compare with the wave y (x, t) = D sin(kx–t +)
D2 = A2 + B2
2. Ans. (C)
Sol. Ai positive
V2 V1
Ar = V V Ai V2 < V1 = negative
2 1
3. Ans. (D)
Sol. Wave moving in +ve x direction
At t = 0 y
At t = 0, x = 0, y = 0
y = A sin(kx – t) x
Wave moving in –ve x direction
y = A sin (t + kx + )
at t = 0, x = 0, y = 0
y = 0 A sin(t + kx)
4. Ans. (B)
y2 4
y3 y1 42
4 8
y4 =45°
= 8 2 sin t cos kx
7. Ans. (B)
1 1 dy
2 2 dx
8. Ans. (C)
Sol. In new cartesian coordinate system X-Y, wave equation can be written as
= nsin(2t – x + )
9. Ans. (B)
2 x 1440t
Sol. The given equation can be written in the form y = 2 × 2 sin cos 2
30 30
2 x
a = 2 cm, =30 cm, v = 1440 cm/sec; ymax = 4 sin
2 5 4 3
For x =5, ymax = 4 sin 2 3 cm
30 2
f n=2
So, the string oscillates with two loops
and x = 1 is a node.
Also x = 0.5 is antinode and at t = 0.05
rate of energy flow through P is zero
13. Ans. (A,B,C,D)
14. Ans. (A, B, C, D)
Sol. At node cos(10x) = 0 & at antinode cos(10x) = 1
& = 50 , k = 10 & v = ,k
15. Ans. (A, C)
Sol. To produce node at x = 0
y1 + y2 = 0 x = 0
A sin ut 0
3 2
A sin 4t
2 3
Phase diffrance between two wave force fig are
may be = A sin 2x 4t
2 3
16. Ans. (A, C)
Sol. Let 1 =
2 = 2
Let of wave become 2 time's have frequency will remain same.
Physics / GR # Wave on a string E-3/6
17. Ans. (A,B,C,D)
18. Ans. (A,B,D)
Sol. PE and KE both maximum at y = 0. [Simultaneously for two particles in phase]
Amplitude and frequency same for all particles.
There will be phase diffrence in motion of all particles.
Linked Comprehension Type (2 Para × 3Q.) (1 Para × 2Q.) [3 M (-1)]
(Single Correct Answer Type)
19. Ans. (A)
20. Ans. (C)
21. Ans. (B)
Sol. (19 to 21)
y = asint
v1 v2
x=L x
Yi a sin t
Transmitted at x = L
Y(x L) a sin t
L x
Yt a t sin t
v1 v2
Reflected at x = L
y x 2L a sin t
y Reff a r sin t
v1 v1
22. Ans. (D)
A = 3 cm
f = 100 Hz
2 2 3 3
4 2
T0 Mg tan
m 2m
Numerical Answer Type Question 1Q.[3M (0)]
(upto second decimal place)
27. Ans. 375
m m m T
Sol. and v
fundamental frequency
= /2
Sol. We have taken x = 0 as node so that
x=0 x=
Amplitude = (Amax sink x)
/2 /2 /2 /2
2 2 4 3 Amax
K where A Amax sin A sin 3
2 3 3 2
Subjective Type 1 Q. [4 M (0)]
29. Ans. 17.5°
n T
4 YA
2 A
4 Y
f 2 2
= 2.5°C
Single Correct Answer Type 9 Q. [3 M (–1)]
1. The speed of sound in neon (Ne) at a certain temperature is V ms-1. The speed of sound in hydrogen
(H2) at the same temperature will be (assume both gases to be ideal)
42 5 V
(A) V ms–1 (B) V ms–1 (C) V 5 ms–1 (D) ms–1
5 42 5
2. In the Kundts tube experiment (shown in fig. (i)), the rod is clamped at the end instead of clamping it at
the center as shown in fig. (ii). It is known that speed of sound in air is 330 m/s, powder piles up at
successive distance of 0.6 m and length of rod used is 1m, speed of sound in rod is
clamp clamp
rod movable piston rod movable piston
(A) 550 m/s (B) 1100 m/s (C) 1200 m/s (D) 600 m/s
3. Two identical wires under the same tension have a fundamental frequency of 500 Hz. The fractional
increase in the tension of one wire will give 5 beats per second, is :-
(A) 0.01 (B) 0.02 (C) 0.03 (D) 0.04
4. A sonometer has two strings stretched side by side parallel to each other. The two strings are made of the
same metal and have uniform cross-sections of radii r1 and r2 respectively with r1 : r2 :: 2 : 3. The two
strings are each of length 1m and are loaded by identical weights. The first string is made to oscillate
with six loops in its length. How many loops will be seen on the second string when it resonates with the
first string?
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 9 (D) 6
5. Statement 1 : When a closed organ pipe vibrates, the pressure of the gas at the closed end remains
Statement–2 : In a stationary–wave system, displacement nodes are pressure antinodes, and displacement
antinodes are pressure nodes.
(A) Statement–1 is True, Statement–2 is True ; Statement–2 is a correct explanation for Statement–1.
(B) Statement–1 is True, Statement–2 is True ; Statement–2 is not a correct explanation for Statement–1.
(C) Statement–1 is True, Statement–2 is False.
(D) Statement–1 is False, Statement–2 is True.
6. A bird is singing on a tree and a man is hearing at a distance ‘r’ from the bird. Calculate the displacement
of the man towards the bird so that the loudness heard by man increases by 20 dB.
[Assume that the motion of man is along the line joining the bird and the man]
9r r 3r 4r
(A) (B) (C) (D)
10 10 5 5
(in Radian)
9. Two loudspeakers are emitting sound waves of wavelength with an initial phase difference of . At
what minimum distance from O on line AB will one hear a maxima ? A
(A) 25 (B) 3 O
25 100
(C) (D) 50 B
Multiple Correct Answer Type 8 Q. [4 M (–1)]
10. A small source of sound operates at 1kHz,24W emitting sound uniformly in all directions.The speed
of sound is 360m/s in air and density of air is 1.2kg/m3.
(A) The intensity of sound at a distance 10m from the source is 0.06W/m2
(B) The intensity of sound at a distance 10m from the source is 0.24W/m2
(C) The pressure amplitude at distance 10m is 7.2 Pa
(D) The pressure amplitude at distance 10m is 28.8 Pa
11. In a resonance column experiment, the length of air column at 1st resonance is measured to be 13.1 cm
with a possible indeterminate error of 0.1 cm. With the same scale, the 2nd resonance occurs at 39.2 cm.
The possible wavelength of the sound can be :
(A) 52.2 cm (B) 52.4 cm (C) 52.5 cm (D) 51. 9 cm
H2 O2
Numerical Grid Type (Ranging from 0 to 9) 5 Q. [4 M (0)]
26. A super car is moving with velocity 150 m/sec towards a fixed wall producing a sound of frequency 75
Hz. Speed of sound is 300 m/sec then find the wavelength (in m) of reflected sound.
27. An open organ pipe containing air resonates in fundamental mode due to a tuning fork. The measured
values of length (in cm) of the pipe and radius r (in cm) of the pipe are = 94 ± 0.1, r = 5 ± 0.05. The
velocity of the sound in air is accurately known. The maximum percentage error in the measurement of
the frequency of that tuning fork by this experiment is given by 2%. Find the value of 10.
28. A plane longitudinal wave having angular frequency = 500 rad/s is travelling in positive X direction
in a medium of density = 1 kg/m3 and bulk modulus 4 × 104 N/m2 . The loudness at a point in the
medium is observed to be 20dB. The pressure amplitude of the pressure wave is given has × 10–4 N/
m2. Find the value of .
29. A ball of radius R = 100 cm is located in the way of propagation of a plane sound wave. The sonic
wavelength is = 2 cm, the frequency is = 100 Hz, the pressure oscillation amplitude in air is
(p)m = 4 Pa. Find the mean energy flow rate (in watt), averaged over an oscillation period, reaching the
surface of the ball. Take density of air 1 kg/m3.
Single Correct Answer Type 9 Q. [3 M (–1)]
1. Ans. (A) 2. Ans. (B) 3. Ans. (B) 4. Ans. (C) 5. Ans. (D)
6. Ans. (A) 7. Ans. (C) 8. Ans. (C) 9. Ans. (C)
Multiple Correct Answer Type 8 Q. [4 M (–1)]
10. Ans. (A, C) 11. Ans. (A, B, C, D) 12. Ans. (A,C) 13. Ans. (C,D)
14. Ans. (A,C) 15. Ans. (B,D) 16. Ans. (A, B, C) 17. Ans. (A,B, D)
Linked Comprehension Type (1 Para × 4Q.) (1 Para × 3Q.) [3 M (-1)]
(Single Correct Answer Type)
18. Ans. (A) 19. Ans. (B) 20. Ans. (D) 21. Ans. (B) 22. Ans. (A)
23. Ans. (D) 24. Ans. (A)
Numerical Answer Type Question 1Q.[3M(0)]
(upto second decimal place)
25. Ans. 1650 Hz
Numerical Grid Type (Ranging from 0 to 9) 5 Q. [4 M (0)]
26. Ans. 2 27. Ans. 4 28. Ans. 2 29. Ans. 4 30. Ans. 2
Subjective Type 1 Q. [4 M (0)]
250 4A
31. Ans. (a) r = m, (b) –
Single Correct Answer Type 9 Q. [3 M (–1)]
1. The speed of sound in neon (Ne) at a certain temperature is V ms-1. The speed of sound in hydrogen
(H2) at the same temperature will be (assume both gases to be ideal)
42 5 V
(A) V ms–1 (B) V ms–1 (C) V 5 ms–1 (D) ms–1
5 42 5
2. In the Kundts tube experiment (shown in fig. (i)), the rod is clamped at the end instead of clamping it at
the center as shown in fig. (ii). It is known that speed of sound in air is 330 m/s, powder piles up at
successive distance of 0.6 m and length of rod used is 1m, speed of sound in rod is
clamp clamp
rod movable piston rod movable piston
(A) 550 m/s (B) 1100 m/s (C) 1200 m/s (D) 600 m/s
3. Two identical wires under the same tension have a fundamental frequency of 500 Hz. The fractional
increase in the tension of one wire will give 5 beats per second, is :-
(A) 0.01 (B) 0.02 (C) 0.03 (D) 0.04
4. A sonometer has two strings stretched side by side parallel to each other. The two strings are made of the
same metal and have uniform cross-sections of radii r1 and r2 respectively with r1 : r2 :: 2 : 3. The two
strings are each of length 1m and are loaded by identical weights. The first string is made to oscillate
with six loops in its length. How many loops will be seen on the second string when it resonates with the
first string?
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 9 (D) 6
5. Statement 1 : When a closed organ pipe vibrates, the pressure of the gas at the closed end remains
Statement–2 : In a stationary–wave system, displacement nodes are pressure antinodes, and displacement
antinodes are pressure nodes.
(A) Statement–1 is True, Statement–2 is True ; Statement–2 is a correct explanation for Statement–1.
(B) Statement–1 is True, Statement–2 is True ; Statement–2 is not a correct explanation for Statement–1.
(C) Statement–1 is True, Statement–2 is False.
(D) Statement–1 is False, Statement–2 is True.
6. A bird is singing on a tree and a man is hearing at a distance ‘r’ from the bird. Calculate the displacement
of the man towards the bird so that the loudness heard by man increases by 20 dB.
[Assume that the motion of man is along the line joining the bird and the man]
9r r 3r 4r
(A) (B) (C) (D)
10 10 5 5
(in Radian)
9. Two loudspeakers are emitting sound waves of wavelength with an initial phase difference of . At
what minimum distance from O on line AB will one hear a maxima ? A
(A) 25 (B) 3 O
25 100
(C) (D) 50 B
Multiple Correct Answer Type 8 Q. [4 M (–1)]
10. A small source of sound operates at 1kHz,24W emitting sound uniformly in all directions.The speed
of sound is 360m/s in air and density of air is 1.2kg/m3.
(A) The intensity of sound at a distance 10m from the source is 0.06W/m2
(B) The intensity of sound at a distance 10m from the source is 0.24W/m2
(C) The pressure amplitude at distance 10m is 7.2 Pa
(D) The pressure amplitude at distance 10m is 28.8 Pa
11. In a resonance column experiment, the length of air column at 1st resonance is measured to be 13.1 cm
with a possible indeterminate error of 0.1 cm. With the same scale, the 2nd resonance occurs at 39.2 cm.
The possible wavelength of the sound can be :
(A) 52.2 cm (B) 52.4 cm (C) 52.5 cm (D) 51. 9 cm
H2 O2
Numerical Grid Type (Ranging from 0 to 9) 5 Q. [4 M (0)]
26. A super car is moving with velocity 150 m/sec towards a fixed wall producing a sound of frequency 75
Hz. Speed of sound is 300 m/sec then find the wavelength (in m) of reflected sound.
27. An open organ pipe containing air resonates in fundamental mode due to a tuning fork. The measured
values of length (in cm) of the pipe and radius r (in cm) of the pipe are = 94 ± 0.1, r = 5 ± 0.05. The
velocity of the sound in air is accurately known. The maximum percentage error in the measurement of
the frequency of that tuning fork by this experiment is given by 2%. Find the value of 10.
28. A plane longitudinal wave having angular frequency = 500 rad/s is travelling in positive X direction
in a medium of density = 1 kg/m3 and bulk modulus 4 × 104 N/m2 . The loudness at a point in the
medium is observed to be 20dB. The pressure amplitude of the pressure wave is given has × 10–4 N/
m2. Find the value of .
29. A ball of radius R = 100 cm is located in the way of propagation of a plane sound wave. The sonic
wavelength is = 2 cm, the frequency is = 100 Hz, the pressure oscillation amplitude in air is
(p)m = 4 Pa. Find the mean energy flow rate (in watt), averaged over an oscillation period, reaching the
Single Correct Answer Type 9 Q. [3 M (–1)]
1. Ans. (A) 2. Ans. (B) 3. Ans. (B) 4. Ans. (C) 5. Ans. (D)
6. Ans. (A) 7. Ans. (C) 8. Ans. (C) 9. Ans. (C)
Multiple Correct Answer Type 8 Q. [4 M (–1)]
10. Ans. (A, C) 11. Ans. (A, B, C, D) 12. Ans. (A,C) 13. Ans. (C,D)
14. Ans. (A,C) 15. Ans. (B,D) 16. Ans. (A, B, C) 17. Ans. (A,B, D)
Linked Comprehension Type (1 Para × 4Q.) (1 Para × 3Q.) [3 M (-1)]
(Single Correct Answer Type)
18. Ans. (A) 19. Ans. (B) 20. Ans. (D) 21. Ans. (B) 22. Ans. (A)
23. Ans. (D) 24. Ans. (A)
Numerical Answer Type Question 1Q.[3M(0)]
(upto second decimal place)
25. Ans. 1650 Hz
Numerical Grid Type (Ranging from 0 to 9) 5 Q. [4 M (0)]
26. Ans. 2 27. Ans. 4 28. Ans. 2 29. Ans. 4 30. Ans. 2
Subjective Type 1 Q. [4 M (0)]
250 4A
31. Ans. (a) r = m, (b) –