Dealing With Familiar Spirits
Dealing With Familiar Spirits
Dealing With Familiar Spirits
We must war against familiar spirits, because familiar spirits are robbing our
identity, our blessings, our destiny and our position on our throne in the Kingdom.
They are throne takers. Familiar spirits take people down false and dead-end trails,
all the while people thinking that they themselves made the decisions to take these
routes in their lives. We need to know who we are in Christ; we need to learn how
to exercise our authority and how to rule as kings and priests in the kingdom of
God. We need to know how to recognize and deal with familiar spirits and get
back on our thrones!
Proverbs 23:7 says: “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” Luke 6:45 talks about
what comes out of the man’s heart: “A good man out of the good treasure of his
heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings
forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks”.
The heart is a place of intimacy; where the Bible says our thoughts flow from.
When the blood leaves the heart, the first place it goes to is the brain; the heart
conditions your brain how to think. Your heart carries fully oxygenated blood to
your brain. You think the way your heart is. What you are listening to from your
heart are the things that command your attention. “For I have heard many
whispering and defaming, [There is] terror on every side! Denounce him! Let us
denounce him! Say all my familiars, they who watch for my fall, perhaps he will
be persuaded and deceived (Jeremiah 20:10).
Familiar spirts position themselves in your heart and thoughts in order to alter your
thinking process. The word “familiar” means: well known from long or close
association, intimate or informal. Familiar spirits sneak into a person’s mind and
produce whispering conversations that become so a part of a person, that many
people believe its their own thinking. Many people also have deceitful or stupid
conversations going on inside their brain all the time.
Research in spiritual warfare and deliverance sessions have shown, that most
of us will have at least half a dozen familiar spirits who speak to us regularly,
unless we have dealt with them.
That last sentence shocks every person who reads it (except those experienced in
spiritual warfare). Christians never believe that they are afflicted with evil spirits
until they agree to a deliverance session. Then they’re revealed and cast out. After
deliverance of familiar spirits, people say their minds feel clear now or empty. All
of the false thoughts and concepts that they thought were theirs are gone. This
especially includes those trapped in false religious doctrines that have kept them
from their thrones with Christ in the Kingdom. Familiar spirits don’t want anyone
operating in their inheritance with God. When a person chooses their doctrine
rather than what is clearly God’s standards in His Word, you can be pretty
confident that familiar spirits are doing that thinking for them! When a person will
attend “church” and accept prayer for themselves but adamantly refuses a
deliverance session, look to evil spirit intrusion of the thought process, as a
deliverance only harms evil spirits, not the person. Evil spirits don’t care if you go
to a religious church. They actually encourage it, as God powerless, religious
activities reinforces their position.
1. Fear
This is a big one for many. Fear is a tool the devil uses against us to make us
miserable and to destroy our lives. It begins as a thought and then creates
emotions that can rule us. Because it's such a common way that Satan
attacks people's lives, this is the main or master spirit that he uses to
manipulate people to keep them out of God's will.
2. Rejection
A lot of people have grown up on a "merry-go-round" of trying to please
people so they won't be rejected. We all have an inbred need to be loved.
People usually love you based on your performance. If you do what they
want you to do, they accept you; but if you don't, they reject you. This is the
operation of human love, and none of us know how to do anything else until
we taste God's agape love that's not based on man's performance but is based
only on God. He loves you and accepts you because He decided to, not
because of what you do or don't do. God desires to heal His people from past
hurts caused by rejection. He wants you to know He will never reject you.
He says in Matthew 11:28: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy
laden, and I will give you rest”.
3. Pride
There’s a deceptive sin that can keep us from walking in love: pride. It’s
deceptive because when you have pride, you’re usually too proud to admit
it. Proverbs 16:5 says: “Everyone proud and arrogant in heart is disgusting,
hateful, and exceedingly offensive to the Lord.”
Choose Godly humility. With every success you have, tell the Lord, “I know I’m
nothing without You. I can do nothing without You and I’m successful because of
You.” When people compliment you, thank them and give it to God. That’s where
the glory really belongs. It’s all about Him.
God wants you to deal with these areas in your life. He wants you to receive a
crown of royal identity. He wants you to receive your destiny. The trophy room of
Satan is filled with those crowns. It is filled with destinies of people who he’s
robbed. Each person needs to go and get their destiny back. Everything that
belongs to us, everything that belongs to our family line that has been robbed in
past generations, God can restore them to us. We can get things back we didn’t
even know we had lost.
Most of us have a craving need for affirmation of people. This isn’t the real you.
Gossip is another familiar spirit- anyone who has a need to obtain and spread
information on others, especially negative news. Reading books and gossip
magazines or personal info about other people online are other examples. People
are interested in this stuff but they don’t need to know this info. If you want to
know about someone go to Heaven and ask Jesus. WHATEVER YOU READ
A familiar spirit uses your body electromagnetic field for its information.
Whatever you’ve given yourself to, has power over your life; they form bondages
and strongholds in this field to establish a pattern in your life that bend towards an
area they want. For instance, leaders get addicted to their ministry because they get
fulfilment out of what they are doing instead out of their relationship with God.
Most people wouldn’t see a problem with a nice, generous, hard-working leader,
yet if they’re doing their ministry in the flesh (apart from the Holy Spirit’s
direction and power) or for themselves or to please people, they’re being
manipulated and deceived.
Familiar spirits are intimate activators. They activate an individual to yield to the
nature that lives inside of them. A familiar spirit is a demon expressing itself
through a person’s life into the world around them. A person becomes its waterfall
on the face of the earth. So instead of the river of the glory of God coming out of a
person’s heart and mind, there is another river flowing out of their life. When the
kingdom of God through the Holy Spirit doesn’t flow from their life, the kingdom
of satan flows from familiar spirits instead.
The more a person pays attention to familiar spirits the more they occupy their life.
A familiar spirit is demanding but also comforting, as it comforts people over their
sin and hides them from what God calls sin.
After a sin it also likes to remind people and torment people that they’re sinners.
Familiar spirits are accusers that bring condemnation to make a person feel that
they want to hide from God.
Familiar spirits will also give hidden thought patterns; have people conduct secret,
sinful behavior; reveal themselves in erratic behavior such as bursts of anger when
things don’t go their way.
They can be picked up from others (transference), although usually they move
through specific family lines which is more familiar to them. After the death of a
parent, they’ll move to the children. Some enter into a person while they’re still in
their mother’s womb. Cancers, diabetes, heart disease, certain behaviors, transfer
down through family lines. These are also known as generational curses.
Deal with them. Get rid of them out of your life. Daily!
Father, I pray with the power and the authority that you have mandated to me. I
exercise that authority and I challenge the familiar spirits that are operating in the
lives of the person reading this right now. I declare that you familiar spirits will not
whisper, defame and denounce this child of God anymore, but that you will come
under their feet and you will be crushed and leave to go into a spiritual prison and
remain there bound until your judgment from God. Angels of God, please assist
with this deliverance and imprisonment now.
Father, I declare in the name of Jesus, a revelation of sonship and authority and
Your power on this person today.
And I pray that you release their crowns of royal identity. Cause them to rise up to
take hold of their destiny and pursue it until it is fulfilled.
Right now, I declare the destiny of God released over this person for them to get
hold of in the heavenly realms.
In Jesus’ name.
Seek guidance from the Holy Spirit on how to direct your life. Don’t be self-
directed, religion-directed or familiar spirit-directed.
Remember, right now you are a royal-priest of God and joint-heir with Christ (1
Peter 2:9; Romans 8:17)!