H235-Further Mathematics-Pure Core (Mandatory Paper Y531)

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Content of Pure Core (Mandatory paper Y531)

Introduction to the Pure Core. Assumed knowledge

In Pure Core learners will extend and deepen their Learners are assumed to know the content of GCSE
knowledge of proof, algebra, and vectors studied in (9–1) Mathematics and AS Level Mathematics. All of
AS Level Mathematics. They will also broaden their this content is assumed, but will only be explicitly

knowledge into other areas of pure mathematics assessed where it appears in this specification.
that underpin the further study of mathematics and
other numerate subjects with complex numbers and Occasionally, knowledge and skills from the content
matrices. of A Level Mathematics which is not in AS Level
Mathematics are assumed for this qualification;
4.01 Proof this is indicated in the relevant content statements.
Proof by induction is introduced, including its
application in proofs on powers of matrices and Use of technology
To support the teaching and learning of mathematics
4.02 Complex Numbers using technology, we suggest that the following
Complex numbers and their basic arithmetic are activities are carried out through the course:
introduced, including in modulus-argument form.
They are used to solve polynomial equations with real 1. Graphing tools: Learners should use graphing
coefficients and to define loci on the Argand diagram. software to investigate the relationships
between graphical and algebraic representations
4.03 Matrices of complex numbers and vectors.
Matrix arithmetic is introduced and applied to linear
transformations in 2-D, and some in 3-D, including the 2. Computer Algebra System (CAS): Learners
concept of invariance. Determinants and inverses of could use CAS software to investigate
2 # 2 and 3 # 3 matrices are found and used to solve algebraic relationships and matrices, and as an
matrix equations. investigative problem solving tool. This is best
done in conjunction with other software such
4.04 Further Vectors as graphing tools and spreadsheets.
Vector equations of lines are studied; methods for
finding angles and distances between points and 3. Visualisation: Learners should use appropriate
lines are developed. Scalar and vector products are software to visualise situations in 3-D
introduced, and used in a variety of geometrical relating to lines and planes, and to linear
problems. transformations.

4.05 Further Algebra 4. Spreadsheets: Learners should use spreadsheet

Relationships between roots of and coefficients of software for modelling and to generate tables
polynomials are explored. of values for functions.

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AS Level in Further Mathematics A 13
Content of the Pure Core (Mandatory paper Y531)

Any gaps in the OCR ref. in this specification refer to statements in similar topic areas in ‘Stage 2’ of OCR’s A Level in Further Mathematics A (H245).

OCR Ref. Subject Content AS Level learners should… DfE Ref.

4.01 Proof
4.01a Mathematical a) Be able to construct proofs using mathematical induction. A1
This topic may be tested using any relevant content including divisibility, powers of matrices and results on powers,
exponentials and factorials.
e.g. JK Nn J N
Prove that K = for n ! Z +.
Prove that 7 n - 3 n is divisible by 4 for n ! Z +.
Prove that 2 n > 2n for n $ 3, n ! Z.
4.02 Complex Numbers
4.02a The language of a) Understand the language of complex numbers. B2
complex numbers B5
Know the meaning of “real part”, “imaginary part”, “conjugate”, “modulus” and “argument” of a complex number.
4.02b b) Be able to express a complex number z in either cartesian form z = x + iy, where i 2 =-1, or modulus-
argument form z = r (cosi + i sini) = [r, i] = rcisi, where r $ 0 is the modulus of z and i, measured in
radians, is the argument of z.
4.02c c) Understand and be able to use the notation: z, z*, Re (z), Im (z), arg (z), z .
Includes knowing that a complex number is zero if and only if both the real and imaginary parts are zero.
The principal argument of a complex number, for uniqueness, will be taken to lie in either of the intervals [0, 2r) or
(-r, r]. Learners may use either as appropriate unless the interval is specified.
AS Level in Further Mathematics A

Knowledge of radians is assumed: see H240 section 1.05d.

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AS Level in Further Mathematics A
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OCR Ref. Subject Content AS Level learners should… DfE Ref.

4.02e Basic operations e) Be able to carry out basic arithmetic operations (+ , - , # , ') on complex numbers in both cartesian and B2
modulus-argument forms. B5
Knowledge of radians and compound angle formulae is assumed: see H240 sections 1.05d and 1.05l.
z1 r1
Learners may use the results z 1 z 2 = [r1 r2, i 1 + i 2] and z = ; r , i 1 - i 2E .
2 2

4.02f f) Convert between cartesian and modulus-argument forms.

4.02g Solution of g) Know that, for a polynomial equation with real coefficients, complex roots occur in conjugate pairs. B1
equations B3
4.02h h) Be able to find algebraically the two square roots of a complex number.
e.g. By squaring and comparing real and imaginary parts.
4.02i i) Be able to solve quadratic equations with real coefficients and complex roots.
4.02j j) Be able to use conjugate pairs, and the factor theorem, to solve or factorise cubic or quartic equations with
real coefficients.
Where necessary, sufficient information will be given to deduce at least one root for cubics or at least one complex
root or quadratic factor for quartics.
4.02k Argand diagrams k) Be able to use and interpret Argand diagrams. B4
e.g. To represent and interpret complex numbers geometrically.
Understand and use the terms “real axis” and “imaginary axis”.
4.02l l) Understand the geometrical effects of taking the conjugate of a complex number, and adding and
subtracting two complex numbers.


OCR Ref. Subject Content AS Level learners should… DfE Ref.

4.02o Loci o) Be able to illustrate equations and inequalities involving complex numbers by means of loci in an Argand B7
i.e. Circle of the form z - a = k , half-lines of the form arg (z - a) = b , lines of the form Re (z) = k , Im (z) = k and
z - a = z - b , and regions defined by inequalities in these forms.
To include the convention of dashed and solid lines to show exclusion and inclusion respectively.
No shading convention will be assumed. If not directed, learners should indicate clearly which regions are included.
Knowledge of radians is assumed: see H240 section 1.05d.
p) Understand and be able to use set notation in the context of loci.
e.g. The region z - a > k where z = x + iy , a = x a + iy a and k > 0 may be represented by the set
" x + iy : (x - x a) 2 + (y - y a) 2 > k 2 ,.
Knowledge of radians is assumed: see H240 section 1.05d.
AS Level in Further Mathematics A
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AS Level in Further Mathematics A
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OCR Ref. Subject Content AS Level learners should… DfE Ref.

4.03 Matrices
4.03a The language of a) Understand the language of matrices. C2
Understand the meaning of “conformable”, “equal”, “square”, “rectangular”, “m by n”, “determinant”, “zero” and
“null”, “transpose” and “identity” when applied to matrices.
Learners should be familiar with real matrices and complex matrices.
4.03b Matrix addition b) Be able to add, subtract and multiply conformable matrices; multiply a matrix by a scalar. C1
and multiplication
Learners may perform any operations involving entirely numerical matrices by calculator.
Includes raising square matrices to positive integer powers.
Learners should understand the effects on a matrix of adding the zero matrix to it, multiplying it by the zero matrix
and multiplying it by the identity matrix.
4.03c c) Understand that matrix multiplication is associative but not commutative.
Understand the terms “associative” and “commutative”.


OCR Ref. Subject Content AS Level learners should… DfE Ref.

4.03d Linear d) Be able to find and use matrices to represent linear transformations in 2-D. C3
• reflection in either coordinate axis and in the lines y = ! x
• rotation about the origin
(defined by the angle of rotation i, where the direction of positive rotation is taken to be anticlockwise)
• enlargement centre the origin
(defined by the the scale factor)
• stretch parallel to either coordinate axis
(defined by the invariant axis and scale factor)
• shear parallel to either coordinate axis
(defined by the invariant axis and the image of a transformed point).
Includes the terms “object” and “image”.
4.03e e) Be able to find and use matrices to represent successive transformations.
Includes understanding and being able to use the result that the matrix product AB represents the transformation
that results from the transformation represented by B followed by the transformation represented by A.
4.03f f) Be able to use matrices to represent single linear transformations in 3-D.
3-D transformations will be confined to reflection in one of the planes x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 or rotation about one
of the coordinate axes. The direction of positive rotation is taken to be anticlockwise when looking towards the
origin from the positive side of the axis of rotation.
Includes the terms “plane of reflection” and “axis of rotation”.
Knowledge of 3-D vectors is assumed: see H240 section 1.10b.
AS Level in Further Mathematics A
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AS Level in Further Mathematics A
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OCR Ref. Subject Content AS Level learners should… DfE Ref.

4.03g Invariance g) Be able to find invariant points and lines for a linear transformation. C4
Includes the distinction between invariant lines and lines of invariant points.
[The 3-D transformations in section 4.03f are excluded.]
4.03h Determinants h) Be able to find the determinant of a 2 # 2 matrix with and without a calculator. C5
a b
Use and understand the notation or M or det M.
c d
4.03i i) Know that the determinant of a 2 # 2 matrix is the area scale factor of the transformation defined by that
matrix, including the effect on the orientation of the image.
Learners should know that a transformation preserves the orientation of the object if the determinant of the
matrix which represents it is positive and that the transformation reverses orientation if the determinant is
negative, and be able to interpret this geometrically.
4.03j j) Be able to find the determinant of a 3 # 3 matrix with and without a calculator.
4.03k k) Know that the determinant of a 3 # 3 matrix is the volume scale factor of the transformation defined by that
matrix, including the effect on the preservation of the orientation of the image.
Learners should know that the sign of the determinant determines whether or not the corresponding transformation
preserves orientation, but do not need to understand the geometric interpretation of this in 3-D.
4.03l l) Understand and be able to use singular and non-singular matrices.
Includes understanding the significance of a zero determinant.
4.03m m) Know and be able to use the result that det (AB) = det (A) # det (B).


OCR Ref. Subject Content AS Level learners should… DfE Ref.

4.03n Inverses n) Be able to find and use the inverse of a non-singular 2 # 2 matrix with and without a calculator. C6
4.03o o) Be able to find and use the inverse of a non-singular 3 # 3 matrix with and without a calculator.
4.03p p) Understand and be able to use simple properties of inverse matrices.
e.g. The result that (AB) -1 = B -1 A -1.
4.03q q) Understand and be able to use the connection between inverse matrices and inverse transformations.
4.03r Solution of r) Be able to solve two or three linear simultaneous equations in two or three variables by the use of an C7
simultaneous inverse matrix, where a unique solution exists.
4.04 Further Vectors
4.04a Equation of a a) Understand and be able to use the equation of a straight line, in 2-D and 3-D, in cartesian and vector form. F1
straight line
Learners should know and be able to use the forms:
x - a1 y - a2 z - a3
y = mx + c , ax + by = c and r = a + mb in 2-D and u1 = u 2 = u 3 (= m) and r = a + mb in 3-D.
Includes being able to convert from one form to another.
4.04c Scalar product c) Be able to calculate the scalar product and use it both to calculate the angles between vectors and/or lines, F3
and also as a test for perpendicularity. F4
Includes the notation a.b
4.04e Intersections e) Be able to find, where it exists, the point of intersection between two lines. F5
Includes determining whether or not lines intersect, are parallel or are skew.
AS Level in Further Mathematics A
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AS Level in Further Mathematics A
Version 1.7 © OCR 2023

OCR Ref. Subject Content AS Level learners should… DfE Ref.

4.04g Vector product g) Be able to use the vector product to find a vector perpendicular to two given vectors. Essential
content for
Includes the notation a # b.
F2, F3, F5,
When the vector product is required, either a calculator or a formula may be used. The formula below will be C6
JKa 1NO JKb 1NO i a 1 b 1 JKa 2 b 3 - a 3 b 2NO
a # b = KKa 2OO # Kb 2O = j a 2 b 2 = Ka 3 b 1 - a 1 b 3OO .
Ka O KKb OO k a b KK
a b - a 2 b 1O
L 3P L 3P 3 3
L 1 2 P
[The magnitude of the vector product is excluded.]
4.05 Further Algebra
4.05a Roots of equations a) Understand and be able to use the relationships between the symmetric functions of the roots of D1
polynomial equations and the coefficients.
Up to, and including, quartic equations.
b c
e.g. For the quadratic equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0 with roots a and b, a + b =- a and ab = a .

4.05b Transformation of b) Be able to use a substitution to obtain an equation whose roots are related to those of the original D2
equations equation.
Equations will be of at least cubic degree.

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