Business Result Advanced TB - Unit 6 - Progress
Business Result Advanced TB - Unit 6 - Progress
Business Result Advanced TB - Unit 6 - Progress
By the end of this unit, students will be able to As a lead-in, write Walkman and Ipod on the board (or draw them
• discuss factors for success if you prefer). Ask students which companies they think of when
• evaluate ideas and solve problems in a they look at these items (Answers: Sony and Apple). Brainstorm
brainstorming meeting everything they know about these companies on the board. Then
• use adverbs to show different attitudes ask them which of the companies is stronger now and why.
• use vague language to show uncertainty. Possible answers: Sony: A Japanese company, founded in 1946.
Introduced the Walkman in 1979 and this became an icon of pop
culture. Latest Sony MP3 player offers music, radio, photo and video
Context playback. In a constant marketing battle with Apple. Apple: An
American company founded in 1976. Became a market leader with
In today's fast-moving business environment, it's
its launch of Apple Mac computer in 1984. Introduced the 'pod in
becoming more of a challenge for companies to
2001 with a strong marketing campaign. Ipod is seen by many as
ensure that they continue to progress and grow. Their
the ultimate fashion statement and some believe it has the edge over
ability to do so depends on a number of factors. One
Sony on what its Ipod provides (consumers can download music,
of the most important of these is creativity. Many
photos, files, folders, etc. from their PCs).
of the companies which became leaders in their
field did so because of their ability to 'think outside
the box' and come up with innovative products that
1 2 Students can discuss these questions in pairs before feeding
captured the imagination of the market, e.g. Google back to the rest of the class. If they work, encourage them to also
with its wide range of search-related services, Skype think about their own company and competitors in their field when
with its concept of a free Internet telephone service, discussing the questions.
Sony with its novel vision of a portable music device
that gave rise to the Walkman. Possible answers
However, progress also depends on healthy financial 1 Innovate, ensure best quality, benchmark against competitors,
performance, and with the emphasis on cost- manage costs, maximize profit margins to be able to invest in new
efficiency, productivity, and shareholder value, today's products, employ the best people, be flexible - offering different
companies have to balance the need for creativity employment contracts, advertise widely.
with a more realistic economic view. This balance 2 Avoid complacency, seek to continuously improve, recognize
isn't always easy to achieve, since innovation and mistakes and act on them quickly, avoid stretching company
creativity require both time and money. resources (financial or human), stay in touch with rapidly changing
In this unit, students learn to talk about success consumer tastes / demands and with new technology.
factors and discuss the balance between creativity,
profitability, and quality. They practise the language
of putting forward, developing, clarifying, and Working with words
evaluating ideas in the context of brainstorming
meetings. They also look at the adverbs we use 1 Students read the text and answer questions 1-2. When eliciting
to indicate different attitudes and language for their answers you can also ask what they think of the Creativity Lab.
expressing vagueness. In the Case study they work
on a rescue plan for a car manufacturer faced with
1 Helps its customers develop innovative ideas, products, and services
possible bankruptcy after losing its way in the market.
and facilitates their creative ideas through collaboration on projects.
2 She thinks that people need to look beyond technical training
and find creative and innovative solutions. She also believes that
creativity and success are products of a trial-and-error process
where mistakes can be made and learned from.
2 Students work in pairs and match the phrases. 5 As a lead-in, ask students why they think writers often have
problems meeting deadlines.
Ask them what they know about the company 3M.
1 c 2d 3f 4e 5 a 6b
( Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company until
2002 - multinational conglomerate, produces adhesives,
abrasives, electrical materials, inventor of Post-it notes, etc.)
Extra activity / Dictionary skills Students then read the quotation, and discuss as a class
what the dilemma might be. Ask if they agree with George
To enable students to learn more about the origin of some
Buckley's views on creativity.
of these phrases, write the following categories on the
board. Possible answer
• trains The quotation implies that under a strict quality control
• planes regime, coming up with new, innovative ideas would need
• plants to be measured against a set quota (quota = a fixed amount
Ask students to find phrases in 2 that are derived from of something someone needs to achieve), but that this is
language in these categories. problematic because it is impossible to predict when flashes
(Answers: trains = get back on track, planes = get off the of inspiration will occur.
ground, plants = come to fruition).
Then elicit other phrases in these categories that can be
6 311> Students listen and answer questions 1-4.
used to describe company / employee performance. You
may like to encourage them to use dictionaries. Watch out! Before listening, you might want to elicit the
Examples: trains = to get sidetracked, to get derailed, to run out meanings of the following:
of steam, to be on the wrong track, to go off the rails; planes = to the bottom line = the amount of money that is a profit or loss
take off to make a soft landing, to crash, to nosedive; plants = to after everything has been calculated
blossom, to thrive, to wilt, organic growth, a budding company, knock something into shape = to make something more
to branch out. acceptable, organized, or successful
an efficiency drive = an organized effort to be efficient
stifle creativity = to prevent creativity from happening
3 Students replace the words. They can then compare their
answers with a partner. Answers
1 How to run a profitable, efficient company while
Answers maintaining creativity and innovation.
1 try out 2 There was a real emphasis on creativity because the
2 run into company had built its reputation on innovation.
3 figure out 3 He shifted the emphasis to quality control, cost-saving,
4 look beyond and efficiency using the Six Sigma strategy (which led to
5 hit on creativity being stifled).
6 bounce around 4 A compromise solution which allows more room for
creativity (aiming to get the balance right).
4 Students look back at the text and find the nouns that
collocate with the verb phrases.
Answers Extension
1 hit on + ideas Ask your students what they already know about Six
2 look beyond + their technical training Sigma strategy (it's a business management strategy that
3 bounce around + ideas was first introduced by Motorola in the 1980s and was
4 try out + different things designed to identify and remove causes of defects and
5 run into + problems errors in manufacturing companies). Ask them to find out
6 figure out + ways to reduce costs more about the Six Sigma strategy before the next lesson
including any advantages and disadvantages.
Watch out! Note that try out, figure out, and bounce around
are separable so a noun / noun phrase can also separate
the phrasal verb. For example, both I'm trying different things 7 Students work in pairs and form collocations. Don't feed
out and I'm trying out different things are possible. However, if back on the answers yet.
a pronoun is used, it must separate the phrasal verb,
e.g. try it out, not try out it.
8 31 D Students now refer back to the text in 1 and then The groups that used those collocations can then explain
listen again to the interview to check their answers. briefly to the class what happened during their project, i.e.
why it took a long time to get off the ground etc.
l b 2a 3 b 4 a 5a 6a
7 a 8 a 9 b 10 a 11 b 12 b 0 Refer students to the Interactive Workbook Glossary for
further study.
Watch out! You might want to check that students
understand the meanings of the following. Business communication skills
to cut into the bottom line = to reduce profits
to undergo = to be subjected to 1 32-34D As a lead-in, you could ask students to brainstorm
to cause a stir = to create controversy ideas in pairs under the headings 'Problems faced by small
to shift = to change shops' and 'How small shops can fight back'. Elicit answers
from the class then refer them to the Context. Students then
9 Students work in pairs to put the collocations in the four listen and answer questions 1-2.
categories. When they compare answers with another pair, Ask students to compare their answers in pairs before
ask them to justify their choices. feeding back to the rest of the class.
Watch out! Note that impose targets could be linked to
Possible answers
profitability and / or quality.
Ideas Pros Cons
Possible answers 1 Recycling of Gives company Might not be
Profitability: boost earnings, control costs, cut into the computer parts a more caring cost-effective or
bottom line, outperform the competition, impose targets and maybe image. practical.
Change: shift the emphasis, cause a stir, undergo change send them to
Creativity: pursue ideas, explore a concept developing
Quality: tolerate mistakes; demand precision, impose targets.. countries
2 Volunteer Rewarding Might not be
)) If students need more practice, go to Practice file 6 on
training experience for cost-effective or
page 112 of the Student's Book.
programme staff. practical.
10 Students work in groups and discuss a recent project. in developing Gives company
Encourage them to use some of the language in 2, 3, and 7 country a more caring
during their discussions. If students are not from the same image.
team / company, you could ask them to compare and 3 Specializing in Big money in Risky - too
contrast different projects they have worked on. energy-saving energy saving. different
e.g. solar- Could open up from present
powered laptops market share, business.
Pre-work learners especially through
Ask students to think about any projects they have been website and
involved in. This could be company could
• a group project relating to their studies gain competitive
• a group presentation they had to give advantage.
• organizing an event (e.g. a party, sports event, etc.).
4 Sell recovered Could be more Not original
parts through competitive on - another
Feedback focus brokers or even service than company (Green
Listen out for collocations used by the different groups act as brokers brokers. PCs) already
and make a note of who used them. When students have themselves does this.
finished the activity, ask questions to the whole class
relating to the collocations you noted. For example:
• Which group had an idea which took a long time to get
off the ground?
• Who ran into problems?
• Who had a radical idea that caused a stir?
2 32 E> Students listen again to extract 1 and complete the
sentences. Extra activity
Write the following sentence on the board. If you like you
Answers could draw a thought bubble around it.
1 couldn't we consider • I think your idea is rubbish and it'll never work.
2 it's not clear to me what you mean by Tell students that this is their opinion of an idea their boss /
3 Well, for example teacher has just had. Now ask students to work in pairs and
4 I would have thought it would be possible to brainstorm different ways of expressing their view more
5 Oh, I see, so you're thinking of, am I right diplomatically. For example:
6 Thinking about it, we could even • I'm not sure how your idea will work in practice.
7 I'm not totally convinced • That's an interesting idea, but I think we need to explore it
8 I' m concerned about how further.
9 I can't help wondering whether When feeding back to the class, make sure that students are
10 I would certainly need to know, before taking it any further . also using polite intonation when expressing their opinions.
Possible answers
1 c 6 a 4 Ask students to decide on their favourite and least
2 a 7 b favourite innovation. They should then explain their
3 d 8 c choices in pairs, using as many adverbs as they can.
4 b 9 d
5 a 10 d
4 Students works in the pairs. Each student chooses the Task
subject they want to be asked about. Encourage students
1 Students read the company history and discuss the
to ask fairly difficult questions (e.g. What was the name of the company's key strengths in the 1990s in pairs before
trainer at the training session you went to last?). Circulate and feeding back to the rest of the class.
be ready to add a few 'difficult' questions of your own if
students' memories seem a little too reliable. Possible answers
• A long history of producing high-performance cars at an
affordable price.
Pre-work Learners • Highly skilled and motivated workforce.
Ask students to talk about a hotel or city they have been • Good profits, allowing possibilities for further investment.
to, or they could also talk about one of the following • Cars gained good reputation.
childhood memories.
• a house they lived in when they were younger 2 Students read theFiles and discuss the problems faced by
• a holiday they had as a child the company since the 1990s with a partner.
• a relative they met only a few times
Possible answers
Key word • Unsuccessful diversification moving away from its original
Students match 1-5 with a—e. Ask them to check their market.
answers in pairs before feeding back to the rest of the • A top-heavy management structure that has been
class. developed as the number of production workers
Answers: 1 e, 2 b, 3 d, 4 c, 5 a diminishes.
• Competition increased.
• Poor reputation due to the unsuccessful Tera and Bos
@ Refer students to the Interactive Workbook Exercises models.
and Tests for revision. • Lack of cash means reduced possibilities for investment
in creativity.
Possible answers
Answers will vary, although it's likely that having adequate
financial resources and employing the right people will be
considered most important.
Feedback focus
Ask each group to answer the following questions about
their meeting.
• Were all ideas sufficiently clarified? -0
• Were ideas built on / developed by the other
• Were all ideas evaluated in a fair and unbiased way?
Find out which groups had the most successful meeting and
ask all groups to share their best ideas with the class.
Ask students to write a report (as consultants) for the
company based on the findings of the brainstorming
session. The report should include the following.
• Four ideas that were put forward.
• Two ideas that were rejected, and why.
• Two ideas that were accepted, and why.
Your student can read the Background and you can
then answer the Discussion questions together. Have a
brainstorming session together and then ask your student
to write a report based on the findings as outlined in the
Extension above.