Analytical Method of Plotting Contours
Analytical Method of Plotting Contours
Analytical Method of Plotting Contours
I. Introduction
The constant vertical distance between adjacent contour lines is termed the contour interval.
On a topographic map the choice of contour intervals depends on the intended use of the map, the
type of terrain portrayed, the required accuracy, and the scale of the map.
II. Objectives
1. To learn the analytical method of interpolating (or spacing) contour lines proportionally between
points of known locations and elevations.
III. Materials
Triangles, Straight Edge, Metric Scale, Divider, Pencil, Pen, Eraser, Tracing Paper, Cartolina, Scotch
or Masking Tape and Electronic Calculator.
IV. Procedure
A. The accompanying tabulation gives elevations of points over the area of a 50 m by 60 m tract of
land. The elevations were obtained by the grid method using 10-m squares. Point A-1 is located
at the northwest corner of the lot and point G-6 at the southeast corner. All elevations are in
POINT 1 2 3 4 5 6
A 1522.82 1559.25 1485.10 1413.45 1362.12 1290.56
B 1440.00 1441.32 1462.38 1451.65 1391.05 1340.00
C 1395.45 1425.68 1506.44 1480.37 1400.72 1371.58
D 1409.56 1453.68 1545.15 1460.00 1410.28 1393.19
E 1436.73 1479.15 1495.65 1451.30 1434.05 1430.00
F 1470.35 1520.44 1490.68 1465.40 1452.98 1458.16
G 1545.25 1565.00 1519.50 1490.23 1475.10 1470.75
B. Tasks
a. Construct a contour map using a horizontal scale of 1:125 with a contour interval of 20
meters. The proportional spacing of contour lines must only be determined analytically.
b. The contour map should be drawn on a grid layout (see accompanying sketch). All necessary
map marginal information, elevation of points, labeling of horizontal and vertical grid lines,
and etc must likewise be indicated.
c. Use tracing paper with dimensions of at least 46 cm by 54 cm, and arrange the paper so that
the longer side is vertical.
d. Indicate the elevations of the following index contours: 1300, 1400 and 1500 m. The
thickness of these index contours should be drawn heavier than the intermediate contours.
Refer to the illustrative sketch shown below.
Figure 2. Drawing index and intermediate contours
e. A total of 30 grid squares, as shown in the grid layout, are needed to portray the 42 points
with known elevations. For example, one such grid square is formed by points A-1, A-2, B-2
and B-1. Contours should be interpolated between points A-1 & A-2, A-2 & B-2, B-1 & B-
2 ,and A-1 & B-1. Similarly, there is a need to interpolate only along one of the two diagonals
of this grid square. One diagonal is formed by a line joining A-1 and B-2 and the other
between B-1 and A-2. The selected diagonal is one where the difference in elevation
between the terminal points is maximum. In the illustrated grid, the selected diagonal should
be connecting points B-1 and A-2.
f. The analytical interpolation of contour lines should be made on all the lines and selected
diagonals forming the 30 grid squares. The formula to be used in determining the proportional
spacing of contour lines is given in Part V (Computations).
g. Use pencil for initial plotting and a technical pen with black ink for final plotting.
h. All accompanying computations must be submitted. In addition, a grid layout showing the
selected diagonals will be prepared in 8 ½’’ and 11’’ paper.
i. The actual plotting of contour lines will be done individually.
j. A completed contour map is given in the following figure to serve as an example for the
student. Note: The sample contour map is based on a different set of data.
V. Computations
The following formula may be used in determining the proportional spacing of contour lines between
points (such as A-1 and A-2 in the given tabulation) whose locations and elevations are known.
d ❑e
h= (H)
h = scaled horizontal distance on the map from point A-1 to the contour line to be
located (cm)
de = difference in elevation between the contour line to be located and point A-1 (m)
DE = difference in elevation between points A-1 and A-2 (m)
H = scaled horizontal distance on the map between points A-1 and A-2 (cm)
The following illustrative computation is given to enable the student to understand how contour lines
are interpolated analytically.
de = 1,540 – 1,522.82 = 17.18 m
DE = 1,559.25 – 1,522.82 = 36.43 m
H = 8.0 cm
de 17.18 m
h= ( H )= ( 8.0 cm ) = 3.77 cm (the horizontal distance on the map from point A-
DE 36.43 m
1 to contour line 1540)
1391.05 − 1300
H(B5 − B6) = × 14.14 = 12.81 m
1391.05 − 1290.56
1340 − 1300
H(B6 − A6) = × 10 = 8.09 m
1340 − 1290.56
1362.12 − 1340
H(A5 − A6) = × 10 = 3.091 m
1362.12 − 1290.56
1391.05 − 1360
H(B5 − B6) = × 10 = 6.082272282 m
1391.05 − 1340.00
1371.58 − 1360
H(B6 − C6) = × 10 = 3.666877771m
1371.58 − 1340.00
1440 − 1400
H(C1 – B1) = × 10 = 8.978 m
1440 − 1395.45
1441.32 − 1400
H(C1 – B2) = × 14.14 = 12.739 m
1441.32 − 1395.45
1440 − 1400
H(C1 – C2) = × 10 = 8.494 m
1440 − 1395.45
1453.68 − 1400
H(C1 – D2) = × 14.14 = 13.037 m
1453.68 − 1395.45
1409.56 − 1400
H(C1 – D1) = × 10 = 6.77 m
1409.56 − 1395.45
1413.45 − 1400
H(A5 – A4) = × 10 = 2.62 m
1413.45 − 1362.12
1451.65 − 1400
H(A5 – B4) = × 14.14 = 8.158 m
1451.65 − 1362.12
1451.65 − 1400
H(B5 – B4) = × 10 = 8.52 m
1451.65 − 1391.05
1434.05 − 1420
H(D5 – E5) = × 10 = 5.91 m
1434.05 − 1410.28
1430 − 1420
H(D6 – E6) = × 10 = 2.716 m
1430 − 1393.19
1485.10 − 1420
H(A4 – A3) = × 10 = 9.085 m
1485.10 − 1413.45
1451.65 − 1420
H(A4 – B4) = × 10 = 8.285 m
1451.65 − 1413.45
1451.65 − 1420
H(B5 – B4) = × 10 = 5.22 m
1451.65 − 1391.05
1440.00 − 1420
H(C1 – B1) = × 10 = 4.489 m
1440.00 − 1395.45
1425.68 − 1420
H(C1 – C2) = × 10 = 1.877 m
1425.68 − 1395.45
H(C5 – C4) = 1480.37 − 1420
× 10 = 7.579 m
1480.37 − 1400.72
1453.68 − 1420
H(D1 – D2) = × 10 = 7.63 m
1453.68 − 1409.56
1460.00 − 1420
H(D5 – D4) = × 10 = 8.045 m
1460.00 − 1410.28
1436.73 − 1420
H(D1 – E1) = × 10 = 6.157 m
1436.73 − 1409.56
1458.16 − 1440
H(E6 – F6) = × 10 = 6.448 m
1458.16 − 1430.00
1452.98 − 1440
H(E5 – F5) = × 10 = 6.85 m
1452.98 − 1434.05
1485.10 − 1440
H(A4 – A3) = × 10 = 6.29 m
1485.10 − 1413.45
1441.32 − 1440
H(C2 – B2) = × 10 = 0.84 m
1441.32 − 1425.68
1451.65 − 1440
H(A4 – B4) = × 10 = 3.049 m
1451.65 − 1413.45
1480.37 − 1440
H(C5 – C4) = × 10 = 5.068 m
1480.37 − 1400.72
H(B5 – B4) = 1451.65 − 1440
× 10 = 1.92 m
1451.65 − 1391.05
1453.68 − 1440
H(C2 – D2) = × 10 = 4.88 m
1453.68 − 1425.68
1479.15 − 1440
H(E1 – E2) = × 10 = 9.229 m
1479.15 − 1436.73
1470.35 − 1440
H(E1 – F1) = × 10 = 9.027 m
1470.35 − 1436.73
1451.30 − 1440
H(E5 – E4) = × 10 = 6.55 m
1451.30 − 1434.05
1460 − 1440
H(D5 – D4) = × 10 = 4.0225 m
1460 − 1410.28
1465.4 − 1460
H(F4 − F5) = × 10 = 4.347 m
1465.4 − 1452.98
1475.1 − 1460
H(F5 − G5) = × 10 = 6.826 m
1475.1 − 1452.98
1522.82 −
H(B1 − A1) = 1460 × 10 = 7.585 m
1522.82 −
H(B2 − A2) = 1559.25 − 1460
× 10 = 8.416 m
1559.25 − 1441.32
1485.1 − 1460
H(A4 − A3) = × 10 = 3.503 m
1485.1 − 1413.45
1462.38 − 1460
H(B2 − B3) = × 10 = 1.13 m
1462.38 − 1441.32
1462.38 − 1460
H(B4 − B3) = × 10 = 2.218 m
1462.38 − 1451.65
1480.37 − 1460
H(C4 − B4) = × 10 = 7.092 m
1480.37 − 1451.65
1506.44 − 1460
H(C2 − C3) = × 10 = 5.75 m
1506.44 − 1425.68
1480.37 − 1460
H(C5 − C4) = × 10 = 2.557 m
1480.37 − 1400.72
1545.15 − 1460
H(D2 − D3) = × 10 = 9.309 m
1545.15 − 1453.68
1479.15 − 1460
H(D2 − E2) = × 10 = 7.518 m
1479.15 − 1453.68
1479.15 − 1460
H(E1 − E2) = × 10 = 4.514 m
1479.15 − 1436.73
1495.65 − 1460
H(E4 − E3) = × 10 = 8.038 m
1495.65 − 1451.3
1470.35 − 1460
H(E1 − F1) = × 10 = 3.078 m
1470.35 − 1436.73
1465.4 − 1460
H(E4 − F4) = × 10 = 3.829 m
1465.4 − 1451.3
1470.75 − 1460
H(F6 − G6) = × 10 = 8.538 m
1470.75 − 1458.16
1490.68 − 1480
H(F4 − F3) = × 10 = 4.22 m
1490.68 − 1465.40
1522.82 − 1480
H(B1 − A1) = × 10 = 5.17 m
1522.82 − 1440
1506.44 – 1500
H(C3 – C2) = 1506.44 – 1425.68 × 10 = 0. 797 m
1559.25 – 1500
H(A2 – A3) = × 10 = 7.99 m
1559.25 – 1485.1
I. Conclusion
II. References
LA PUTT, J.P., 1985. Surveying Lab Manual. National Book Store, Quad Alpha
Centrum Bldg., 125 Pioneer Street, Mandaluyong City 1550.