INSIDELVMH - Secondomodulo
INSIDELVMH - Secondomodulo
INSIDELVMH - Secondomodulo
...over time.
Learn more about how brand heritage and culture respectfully evolve over time, about the definition
of sustainability, and the growing engagement of the luxury industry towards it.
In this video, Serge Carreira, Lecturer in the Program of the Master “New Luxury and Art de Vivre”
at Sciences Po Paris, focuses on one of luxury's most singular dimensions: Time. He uncovers how
luxury can evolve with society to ensure its values are lasting.
What emotions and societal values are strongly associated with brands, and in line with society's
Research has shown that consumers rely on luxury consumption to communicate certain values, and
thus reward companies that truly reflect those values.
Follow Anne Michaut, Associate Dean for Education Track and Pedagogy and the Director of the
LVMH Academic Chair at HEC Paris, as she uncovers the role of brands in society related to
their opportunities to express functional, experiential and symbolic values.
In this video, Anne Michaut, Associate Dean for Education Track and Pedagogy and the Director of
the LVMH Academic Chair at HEC Paris, shares her definition of sustainability, and uncovers
how businesses not only focus on minimising their negative impact, but also seek to effect a
positive one.
What is Sustainability?
In proper definitions, sustainability and sustainable development were seen as: “the ability to meet
the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
needs”. This definition, focusing on the notion of persistence over generations, is the most
frequently cited definition of the concept to date. Another commonly used definition is based on the
so-called three pillars of sustainability. That is to say, maximizing simultaneously the biological
system goals, economic system goals and the social system goals. As the world was witnessing the
negative effects of climate change, water scarcity, species extinctions, etc., while acknowledging the
potential role of brands in activity, championing better policies, transforming business models and
influencing consumer behavior, many companies deeply revisited their activities.
Firmly convinced that truly desirable products can only come from sustainable businesses, we are
committed to ensuring that our products and the way they are made have a positive impact on our
entire ecosystem and the places and communities where we operate, and that our Group is actively
working to build a better future for our planet.
“The LVMH Group embodies a unique culture, one that we express around the world through our
products, as well as our ethical, social, environmental and cultural actions, with each aspect
contributing to a truly living legacy.” - Bernard Arnault, Chairman and CEO of LVMH
In the light of the 30-year mark for LVMH in honouring these commitments, let's look back on the
evolution and progression of this path and dedicated strategy over the years.
LVMH environmental policy has been a pillar of our growth strategy for more than 30 years.
LVMH was the first Group among CAC 40 companies (Paris stock market index) to create and
develop an environmental department in 1992.
Since becoming one of the first major corporations to implement an environmental strategy, we
have persistently intensified our efforts to reduce the impact of our business.
LIFE 360
The LVMH approach to environmental responsibility is structured by the LIFE 360 program.
The program has structured the Group’s actions around a unified vision, a collective commitment
and priorities shared by the Maisons, with a long-term perspective.
In the following video, Hélène Valade, the Group's Environment Development Director deep dives
into the LVMH Environmental LIFE 360 program and its four pillars: Creative Circularity,
Biodiversity, Climate, and Traceability & Transparency.