Cairo Invigilator Application January 2021
Cairo Invigilator Application January 2021
Cairo Invigilator Application January 2021
This application form is available in other formats upon request. It is in 3 parts: parts 1 and 3 contain
personal information and are confidential documents, which will only be seen by Human Resources; part 2
relates specifically to the post you are applying for and will be seen by those making selection decisions.
Please refer to the Guidance Note for information about completing the Application Form
Part 1 Personal Information
Job(s) reference Application reference number (for
Job(s) title
number British Council use only)
Contact postal or
Present address
email address
Word of mouth
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Part 2 Job-related Information
Please note, this section of the form will be detached and given to the Recruiting Manager and
colleagues involved in the selection process. The Recruiting Manager and the selection panels
will have access only to information contained in this section.
Job(s) reference Application reference number (for
Job(s) title
number British Council use only)
Personal Information
Family name Initials
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Employment and relevant work-related experience (covering no more than 10 years, starting with the
most recent) (see guidance notes)
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Education/qualifications (see guidance notes)
Please give details of relevant educational and professional qualifications in chronological order.
Qualifications Dates
Supporting statement
In support of your application, and referring to the role profile, please state succinctly, why you are suitable
for this role, focusing on the skills, knowledge and experience you bring (see guidance notes).
Supporting statement
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I declare that all the information I have provided in support of my application is, to the best of my knowledge
and belief, correct and complete.
Warning: if you include any details that you know to be false or if you withhold relevant information, you
may render yourself liable to disqualification from the recruitment exercise or, if appointed, to dismi ssal.
Your name Date
N.B Typing your name will be taken as being as binding as your signature
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Part 3 References and additional information
Additional information
When are you available to What length of notice
take up the job? must you give?
Please give details of your current/most recent remuneration package including
salary, pension and bonuses. Candidates will be asked for documentary
evidence of this if appointed.
3. Previous employer (or if not applicable, a personal referee who knows you well and who is not
a relative).
Name and job title Name of referee’s
of referee Organisation
Postal address
Telephone no Mobile no
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Please indicate if this is a work, Academic/
Work Personal
academic/ training or personal Training
reference reference
reference reference
If you are applying for a job which clearly states involvement with children or young people, or a
teaching job, please additionally complete this section. please detail below all convictions, cautions and
bindovers, including those regarded as ‘spent’.
I declare that I have not been convicted, nor had any criminal proceedings against me, nor have I been
warned, either orally or in writing, in relation to a sexual offence or child abuse. I declare that there are no
such proceedings pending against me at the date of this declaration. I know of no reason why I should be
considered unsuitable for work with children, elderly or disabled people, and I have not been dismissed
from such a post for malpractice.
I agree and hereby agree to provide the British Council with the Criminal Check Record document
as part of the recruitment documents required in case I take up an employment with the British
N.B Typing your name will be taken as being as binding as your signature
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Guidance Notes for completing application form
Data Protection
The British Council will use the information you provide in this form to process your application. If your
application is successful and you take up employment with the British Council, this form will be kept on your
personnel file and some details from it will be held electronically by Human Resources. If your application is
unsuccessful, this form will be kept on file for one year after completion of the recruitment exercise and then
securely destroyed.
Part 2 - Job-Related Information
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Disabled People defines a disabled person as someone
who has long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments, which in interaction with various
barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.
It is British Council policy to interview all applicants who are disabled and who meet the essential criteria for
an advertised job.
Education / qualifications
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Please list only those qualifications specified in or related to the requirements listed in the person
specification. If you have a qualification which is not directly relevant but which you feel demonstrates that
you have a skill which is important to the job please list this under Other Relevant Experience saying why
you think this is important.
Supporting Statement
The purpose of this section is to give you an opportunity to say why you are interested in the job and what
you would bring to it. When writing your supporting statement please refer to the role profile and link your
experience, qualifications and interests to the requirements. Your supporting statement should be succint
and to the point. It will be used for shortlisting so please ensure you highlight the relevant skills,
knowledge, experience and qualifications you have relevant to the role. This can relate to information listed
earlier or you can give other examples.
Please provide 3 references. One from your most current/most recent employer and if possible two from
previous employers. If you have no previous employer then please provide a reference from your
school/university/ training provider and a personal reference from someone who knows you well but is not a
relative. We will only contact referees if an offer of employment is made.
Criminal Convictions
British Council is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and
expects all of its partners to share this commitment. Criminal Records Check will be required if you take up
employment with the British Council and is one of the required recruitment documents.
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