A New Assessment of Perforation Skin Factor For Vertical Perforated Wells in Near Wellbore Region
A New Assessment of Perforation Skin Factor For Vertical Perforated Wells in Near Wellbore Region
A New Assessment of Perforation Skin Factor For Vertical Perforated Wells in Near Wellbore Region
Received: 17 July 2021 / Accepted: 11 October 2021 / Published online: 25 October 2021
© The Author(s) 2021
The perforating technique is one of the well completion methods and a final stage that helps connect reservoir formation to
wellbore during hydrocarbon production. The present work aimed to determine the effect of the perforated casing comple-
tion on the pressure gradient and perforation skin factor in the vertical near-wellbore region. This work presented a novel
experimental approach for studying the effect of perforation parameters on hydrocarbon production by creating a prototype
representing the near-wellbore region. The study conducted extensive laboratory testing to create two prototype artificial
samples for a cylindrical near-wellbore region, open hole, and perforated casing sample. An experimental test was carried out
using a geotechnical radial flow setup to measure the differential pressure in the two samples; the single-phase (water) was
radially injected into the core sample within the same flow boundary conditions. Numerical simulation and statistical analysis
were used to expand the investigation of the effect of the dimensions and distribution of perforations on the perforation skin
factor and the pressure gradient in the cylindrical near-wellbore region. The results showed a clear view of the effect of the
perforations’ parameters on the pressure gradient in the vertical near-wellbore region. In addition, two novel correlations
were produced from statistical analysis that simplified the estimation of the perforation skin factor in the perforated casing
completion. This study will help to clarify and understand the effect of perforation parameters on well productivity.
Keywords Radial flow cell · Artificial sandstone sample · Near-wellbore region · Perforation skin factor
List of Symbols kv Vertical permeability
⃗ f Body force
B Jd Productivity index for a well with skin factors
C2 Inertial resistance factor Jo Productivity index for an ideal open hole
D Diameter of sample Ld Damaged zone length
dp Perforation diameter lp Perforation length
H Sample height lw′ Modified perforation length
h Formation thickness Q Flow rate
hp Perforation space Pr Penetration ratio
kd Permeability of damaged zone pe Pressure at the external boundary of reservoir
kf Formation permeability pw Pressure inside wellbore
kh Horizontal permeability re Reservoir radius
Kr Permeability ratio rp Radius of perforation tunnel
Rr Radius ratio
rs Skin zone radius
* Ekhwaiter E. R. Abobaker rw Wellbore radius
rw′ Modified wellbore radius
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial Sh Horizontal perforation skin factor
University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL A1C 5S7, Sp Skin due to ideal perforations
Canada Sv Vertical perforation skin factor
Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University at Qatar, Swc Wellbore skin factor
23874 Doha, Qatar v⃗ Velocity
Faculty of Engineering, University of Tobruk, Tobruk, Libya γ Porosity
118 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2022) 12:117–133
𝛾f Porosity of formation zone 2011). Perforations can be created using a variety of meth-
𝛾s Porosity of skin zone ods (Behrmann et al. 2002), and their success is related to a
𝜃 Perforation angle number of characteristics, including radius, phasing angle,
𝜃d Ratio of perforation angle to 180° density, and length of perforation (Economides, 2013).
𝜇 Fluid viscosity Here, a flow path is generated between the wellbore and
𝜌 Fluid density pay zone that affects the efficiency of the well’s operation
𝜏 Stress tensor related to viscous flow (Economides & Nolte, 2000). For the mentioned factors
Δp Pressure drop (radius, phasing angle of perforations, etc.), the total and
combined effect can typically be attributed to one parameter
only, which is the total skin factor. In general terms, the total
ANOVA Analysis of variance
skin factor measures the productivity of a well. Skin factor
BBD Box–Behnken design
may also provide a measure for pressure drop in perforated
CFD Computational fluid dynamics
completion in comparison with the ideal pressure drop that
DQ Data acquisition
is predicted using the radial flow theory for similar flow
DoE Design of experiments
rates. Perforation skin models for vertical wells have been
IPR Inflow performance relationship
presented in various studies for more than 50 years (Harris
PD Perforation by drilling
1966; Klotz et al. 1974; Locke 1981; Karakas and Tariq
PR Productivity index
1991; Yildiz 2006). Klotz et al. (1974) employed a 2-D finite
PSD Pore size distribution
element model to examine how perforations and formation
RSM Response surface methodology
damage at the crushed zone affect well productivity, while
Locke (1981) looked at a novel way (nomograph) to estimate
skin for perforated completions. Nomographs can take skin
Introduction factors into account by considering rock compaction and
formation damage at perforation tunnels. Using a finite ele-
The last stage in well construction is known as well com- ment simulator, Karakas and Tariq (1991) formulated sev-
pletion, which is also the first stage to move the reservoir eral empirical equations for predicting the total skin factor
toward production status. To finish a well, an appraisal of at fully perforated vertical wells. Yildiz (2006) proposed a
the reservoir’s quality must be made. The appraisal consid- novel way to assess the total skin factor that accounted for
ers aspects such as the properties of the reservoir rock (e.g., a large number of other factors, including compaction zone
permeability and porosity) as well as saturation and type skin, perforation skin, drill-damaged skin, and the impact
of interstitial water and hydrocarbon fluids. Therefore, the of partial formation perforation. In particular, the model of
production engineers must have a variety of tools available Karakas and Tariq (1991) has been commonly used in the
for designing an appropriate completion plan in accordance industry for the past three decades.
with reservoir fluid characteristics, the production rate for There have been significant improvements in computa-
casting, and rock formation type. Because the process of tional fluid dynamics (CFD) and computers during the last
well completion is costly, the majority of these wells must two decades. The improvements permit the running of sig-
be able to quickly produce large amounts of hydrocarbon to nificantly larger models and finer meshes for significantly
ensure an attractive and rapid return on investment. How- lower cost and time expenditures. As well, the improvements
ever, the process of drilling itself impairs the reservoir rock include revisions to field development strategies in relation
permeability, decreasing the reservoir’s natural productiv- to horizontal and deviated wells and upgrades to perforat-
ity. This phenomenon is called “formation damage” and is ing technology in relation to increased penetration depths.
mainly caused by the completion process, drilling, stimu- Several recent studies have used CFD for simulating flows
lation, and other activities (Yuan & Wood, 2018). One of in porous media, especially near perforations and wellbore
the main contributing factors to well components is forma- regions, which is becoming more widespread, due largely to
tion damage, which may significantly affect productivity. In improvements in computer technology. CFD technology can
general, well productivity has been documented as being easily and quickly model complex interactions’ flow occur-
affected by a number of interacting elements, including the ring in a near-wellbore region (Wood et al. 2020), including
diameter of the casing entrance hole, the depth and density formation damage and completion geometry. Using CFD,
of perforations, and boundary flow conditions. Perforation the well’s completion is expedited by formatting the well
is used to connect reservoir formations to wellbores during as a grid and dealing with each small section individually.
hydrocarbon production stages. Although the primary pur- Reservoir heterogeneity and formation damage can also be
pose of using perforation is to boost production, its applica- captured for a well, which allows for a significantly more
tion can also cause issues with virgin reservoirs (Renpu, detailed examination of the well and near-wellbore area,
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2022) 12:117–133 119
resulting in improved estimations for inflow performance. describes open-hole well production in steady-state flows
For example, Byrne et al. (2009) used CFD to model well (Darcy, 1956):
inflow at a perforated vertical well. Also, Byrne et al. (2010 ( )
and 2011) demonstrated how CFD could resolve asymmetric 2𝜋kf h pe − pw
Q= ( ) (1)
distribution formation damage near the well and capture the r
𝜇ln r e
cross flow in the layered reservoir with a heterogeneous. A w
few years later, the same researchers developed a model for The flow rate ( Q ) for a vertical well in a cylindrical
a perforated horizontal well (Byrne et al. 2014). Addition- near-wellbore region with perforations, anisotropy perme-
ally, Molina and Tyagi (2015) applied CFD on a near-well ability and Darcy flow perpendicular to the wellbore is
model to examine how a perforated gas well performs, look- expressed as (Economides, 2013):
ing in particular at various types of completion techniques
( )
and how these strategies might have erosive effects at the 2𝜋kf h pe − pw
wellbore. This study is an extension of the works (Zheng, Q= [ ( ) ] (2)
et al. 2016; Ahammad, et al. 2018, 2019; Abobaker et al. 𝜇 ln r e + Sp
2021a, 2021b) for investigating single fluid flow occurring
in perforated porous substances numerically and experimen- Hydrocarbon wells can be affected by a number of skin
tally. The researchers' model was able to predict the pressure factors. These effects include perforation skin factor ( Sp );
gradients of petrophysical characteristics within perforation any difference between an actual well’s performances com-
tunnels and the near-wellbore regions. The present research pared to that of an ideal vertical open hole is expressed as
attempts to determine how the dimensions and distribution the perforation skin factor. The perforation skin factor can
of perforations affect skin factors by conducting four main be obtained after the pressure drop is calculated from the
investigative procedures of the sample preparation, experi- equation:
mental method, numerical simulation, and statistical analy- ( ) ( )
2𝜋kf h pe − pw r
sis. Also considered in this work is how skin factor and Sp = − ln e (3)
other completion characteristics affect the productivity ratio. Q𝜇 rw
The experimental and numerical studies were carried out
To better understand how skin factors can affect the
to present a better understanding of the fluid flow dynam-
productivity of a well, the productivity index for an ideal
ics in both perforations and casing and to determine how
open hole ( Jo ) is compared to that for a well with skin fac-
important design is in flow distribution near a wellbore. This
tors ( Jd ) (Economides, 2013):
approach allows for pressure drop in various completion
configurations to be studied and analyzed and allows flow Q𝜇 [ ]
convergence-affected corresponding skin to be measured.
Δp =
2𝜋kf h
ln(re ∕rw ) + Sp (4)
In addition, the study also develops simple correlations for
predicting the perforation skin factor for perforated vertical
Q 2𝜋kf h
wells and compares the validity of the correlations with the Jd = = [ ( ) ] (5)
available model of Karakas and Tariq (1991) for the speci- Δp 𝜇 ln re ∕rw + Sp
fied reservoir and perforating parameters.
To quantify the comparison, the productivity ratio (PR)
is applied, as expressed (Economides, 2013):
( )
Jd ln re ∕rw
Methodology PR = = ( ) (6)
Jo ln re ∕rw + Sp
In porous media, fluid flow at low velocities typically obeys
In the literature, some studies calculate the total skin
Darcy’s law. However, as the flow velocity increases, a non-
factor by adding together all of the above-mentioned skin
Darcy flow regime begins to develop, caused by the increas-
factors. Karakas and Tariq’s model is commonly applied
ingly nonlinear relationship between the local pressure gra-
when estimating how a well’s productivity is influenced by
dient and in situ fluid velocity. Open-hole well completion is
perforation. There are two scenarios: the perforation tun-
both the simplest and most popular completion strategy used
nel exceeds the formation damaged zone, or the perfora-
in the oil and gas hydrocarbon industry today. Constructing
tions remain within the formation damaged zone. Karakas
a productivity model of vertical open holes is also relatively
and Tariq (1991) developed a procedure to calculate the
straightforward. Through integrating the relevant data with
perforation skin factor. The perforation skin factor is a
Darcy’s equation, a well-productivity model can be built that
120 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2022) 12:117–133
( ) ( )
combination including the horizontal flow effect Sh , the a = a1 log rpd + a2 (13)
vertical converging effect (Sv ), and the wellbore effect(Swb ).
b = b1 rpd + b2 (14)
Sp = Sh + Sv + Swb (7)
Finally, the wellbore skin effect, Swb , can be obtained by
The horizontal perforation skin factor,Sh, is given by: Karakas and Tariq (1991):
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2022) 12:117–133 121
122 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2022) 12:117–133
it is possible to characterize both intra- and inter-particle three value flow rates (1, 2, and 3 Liter/minute) of water
pores. MIP was used first to characterize and then ana- were injected through each sample within Darcy’s flow
lyze the pore morphology and index properties for the two range. Water was used instead of oil as water does not
zones in the artificial samples. cause permanent damage to the samples. RFC setup was
used to measure the differential pressure and flow rates,
with the water radially injected into our core sample for
Experimental procedure the single flow within the different flow rates.
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2022) 12:117–133 123
124 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2022) 12:117–133
flow in a porous region could be expressed, respectively (Sun Table 4 The range of dimensionless parameters
et al. 2013) as: Dimensionless parameters Range
𝜕𝛾𝜌 ( )
+ ∇. 𝛾𝜌⃗v = 0 (19) Penetration ratio (Pr) 1.333–8
𝜕t Ratio of perforation radius to wellbore radius (Rr) 0.025–0.2
Permeability ratio (Kr) 1–10
( ) ( )
𝜕( ) ( ) 𝜇 C Ratio of perforation angle to 180° (𝜃d ) 0.33–1
⃗f −
𝛾𝜌⃗v + ∇. 𝛾𝜌⃗vv⃗ = −𝛾∇p+∇. 𝛾𝜏 + 𝛾 B v⃗ + − 2 𝜌||v⃗||v⃗
𝜕t k 2
The last term in Eq. (20) represents the viscous and iner- Table 5 The main index properties of the samples
tial loss imposed by the porous media on the fluid. The lami-
Index properties of the two artificial samples’ zones Values (units)
nar flows in porous media generally feature a pressure drop (S1 and S2)
proportional to permeability and velocity. By ignoring out
an inertial loss term, we can reduce the porous media model Permeability of skin zone (kd) 6.3 Darcy
to Darcy’s law, as expressed in the equation: Porosity of skin zone (𝛾s ) 26%
Permeability of formation zone (kf ) 26.6 Darcy
∇p = − v⃗ (21) Porosity of formation zone (𝛾f ) 21%
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2022) 12:117–133 125
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Pore diameter (µm)
Table 6 Dimensionless parameters of two artificial samples and flow sample at the same flow boundary conditions (Table 6).
boundary conditions The comparison between the experimental data and
Dimensionless parameters and flow boundary Values (units) numerical results for the single-phase flow (water) through
conditions the two artificial samples is shown in Figs. 6 and 7. The
results of validation showed a good agreement between the
Penetration ratio ( Pr) 1
numerical results and experimental data.
Ratio of perforation radius to wellbore radius 0.11811
( Rr ) The comparison results showed that the perforated sam-
Permeability Ration ( Kr) 1 ple strongly affects the injection pressure build-up, due
Perforation angle (𝜃) 90° to the casing resistance, by forcing the flow to pass only
Three water flow rates (Q) 1, 2 and 3 L/min through the perforations. Also, the results exhibited that the
Viscosity of water (𝜇) 0.00095 kg/m·s pressure build-up takes a short time to reach steady-state
condition; this time decreases with increasing water flow
rate (Q ). In the low flow rate cases, the required time for
near-wellbore region and analyze the results. For perfo- reaching steady-state conditions is longer than the high flow
rated wells, fluids can come into the wellbore via perfora- rate case due to the samples’ large storage capacity; a high
tion tunnel arrays. The perforations are usually created portion of the fluid will pass through the perforations, and a
around the wellbore helically (i.e., shaped like a helix or small portion will be stored within the pores. In addition, the
spiral). The CFD simulation results have been validated results show a slight deviation between the experimental and
with experimental data for the injection build-up pressure numerical results that appear in higher flow rate cases. This
through the open hole sample and the perforated casing may be related to the resistance of small damage or amounts
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (s)
126 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2022) 12:117–133
Pressure (Pa)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (s)
of very fine particles around the perforations produced by The present study provides an in-depth analysis of per-
the PD technique. forated well completion productivity. As part of the analy-
The perforation skin factor was obtained from the differ- sis, dimensionless groups were identified that control flows
ence for pressure drop results between the two completion within the perforations, along with the effects of these
samples in both experimental and numerical methods. The groups on wells’ productivity. Furthermore, using numeri-
numerical results exhibit a clear view of the effect of perfo- cal and statistical analyses, a series of results were obtained
ration parameters on the value and distribution of pressure that highlight the examined well’s perforation skin factor.
gradient for the single flow water at the same flow boundary The statistical analysis results show a clear view of the
condition. For example, the perforation skin factor value for interaction effect among the four dimensionless parameters
one of the numerical run cases was calculated; it was close (Pr , Rr , Kr and 𝜃d ) on the perforation skin factor (Sp) for two
to zero due to the similar pressure gradient results in both perforation angle cases (360° and 60°–180°), as illustrated
cases (an open hole and perforated sample), as shown in in Figs. 10 and 11. The results indicate that the increasing
Figs. 8 and 9. penetration ratio ( Pr ) decreased the perforation skin factor
Fig. 8 Numerical results of the pressure gradient for perforated completion case at boundary conditions (Q = 1 l/min, 𝜇 = 0.001003 kg/m·s,
re = 10 m, rw = 0.1 m, 𝛾 = 20%, Pr = 8, Rr = 0.1125, Kr = 1, and ϴ = 360°)
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2022) 12:117–133 127
Fig. 9 Numerical results of the pressure gradient for open hole completion at boundary conditions (Q = 1 l/min, 𝜇 = 0.001003 kg/m·s, re = 10 m,
rw = 0.1 m)
( )
Fig. 10 Interaction of the three dimensionless parameters (Pr , Rr and Kr ) eter Kr = 10 ; (b) Interaction between the two dimensionless param-
and their effects on the perforation skin factor (Sp ) at perforation angle (eters (Pr and) Kr ) with constant value for the dimensionless parameter
𝜃 = 360: (a) Interaction between the two dimensionless param- Rr = 0.025
eters (Pr and Rr ) with constant value for the dimensionless param-
due to the high radial flow rate. This means that if the perfo- skin factor’s value and increase the radial flow in the near-
rations are long and the distance between them is short, the wellbore region.
well productivity will be significantly increased. If the pen- In addition, the ratio of perforation radius to wellbore
etration ratio is low, the rise in perforation skin factor will be radius ( Rr ) and permeability ratio ( Kr ) have a moderate
higher. In this case, due to high resistance, higher injection effect, while the ratio of perforation angle (𝜃d ) has a low
pressure would be necessary to inject the required volume impact on the perforation skin factor value. The increase in
in the core sample. Therefore, long perforations, together Rr shows a moderate contribution to productivity, which
with high perforation density, will decrease the perforation indicates that perforation aperture widening for enhancing
128 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2022) 12:117–133
Fig. 11 Interaction of the three dimensionless parameters (Pr , Rr , Kr and 𝜃d ) the two parameters (Pr and Kr ) with constant value for Rr = 0.1125 and
and their effects on the perforation skin factor (Sp ) at perforation angles 𝜃d = 0.666; (c) Interaction between the two parameters (Pr and 𝜃d ) with
𝜃 = 60 − 180: (a) Interaction between the two parameters (Pr and Rr ) constant value for Rr = 0.1125 and Kr = 5.5
with constant value for Kr = 5.5 and 𝜃d = 0.666; (b) Interaction between
bottom flow accomplishes relatively little. For vertical wells, perforation technique that will lead to a high flow rate, as
the reservoir anisotropy’s effect on productivity ratio is also well as choosing the best density and dimensions for the
tested in this work, showing that the productivity ratio gener- perforation as a means to accelerate radial inflow. The over-
ally declines(with )increasing the horizontal-vertical-perme- all outcome of these informed choices is an increase in the
ability ratio kh k . The skin factor for different perforation productivity index.
angles is reduced when the inflow angle decreases, whereas The current correlations used for simulating production
maximum value is achieved at a perforation angle of 360°, flows in perforated vertical wells require a relatively com-
as illustrated in Fig. 10. plex process involving tables and equations to calculate per-
We can learn the effect of each perforation param- foration skin factor. Aiming to streamline this process, the
eter from these results and, based on the results, choose present work proposed efficient and simple correlations for
the design that is optimal. This means choosing the best simulating the flows in the near-wellbore region that have
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2022) 12:117–133 129
helical and symmetrical perforations. Two correlations were available model (Karakas and Tariq (1991)) was performed
obtained from the statistical analysis based on the experi- to verify their computational accuracy and efficiency, as
mental and numerical results for the two cases: shown in Figs. 12, 13, 14 and 15. The comparison results
demonstrated good agreement between the current cor-
Sp (360◦ ) = 10(0.65−0.08756Pr −1.069Rr +0.01312Kr ) − 0.85 (26) relations and Karakas and Tariq’s semi-analytical model
results within the range of dimensionless parameters (see
Sp (60◦ − 180◦ ) = 10(0.655−0.1123Pr −1.428Rr +0.0302Kr +0.0703𝜃d ) − 1.75 Table 4). In addition, two novel correlations have been
produced from the current study that simplify the esti-
mation of the perforation skin factor in perforation wells
The two correlations are used to determine the effect compared to the available model. The correlations can be
of the four dimensionless parameters on the perforation used to calculate the perforation skin factor by integrating
skin factor value. A comparison of perforation skin fac- the horizontal-flow effect, the vertical converging effect,
tor results for obtained correlations and results of the and the wellbore effect.
130 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2022) 12:117–133
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2022) 12:117–133 131
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