Determination of Vertical and Horizontal Permeabil
Determination of Vertical and Horizontal Permeabil
Determination of Vertical and Horizontal Permeabil
Determination of Vertical anD Horizontal Permeabilities for Vertical oil anD Gas
Wells WitH Partial comPletion anD Partial Penetration usinG Pressure anD
Pressure DeriV atiVe Plots...
13 3,638
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3Universidad Surcolombiana , Programa de Ingeniería de Petróleos, Grupo de Investigación en Pruebas de Pozos
t has been long recognized that in some reservoirs the flow does not follow the expected radial cylindrical
pattern. Spherical flow may take place in systems with wells completed in thick reservoirs where a short
completion interval is open to flow yielding a unique and more complex early-time pressure behavior. Some
of the main reasons for partial penetration are to avoid coning of water and minimize sand production. A similar
early-time pressure behavior may be due to the presence of plugged perforations. Such well completions are
referred to as limited-entry, restricted-entry or partially penetrating wells. A typical case of spherical propagation
of pressure transients occurs during the repeat formation tester measurements. Such a test measures spot forma-
tion pressures and recovers formation fluid samples for gaining an insight into the reservoir flow mechanics.
The purpose of this study is to identify on the pressure and pressure derivative curves the unique characteristics
for different flow regimes resulting from these type of completions and to determine various reservoir parameters,
such as vertical, horizontal permeability, and various skin factors. The interpretation is performed using Tiab’s
Direct Synthesis (TDS) Technique, introduced by Tiab (1993), which uses analytical equations obtained from
characteristic lines and points found on the log-log plot of pressure and pressure derivative to determine perme-
ability, skin and wellbore storage without using type-curve matching. The extension of this methodology for the
case under study includes wellbore storage and skin effects. It is applied to both drawdown and buildup tests.
We found that a spherical or hemispherical flow regime occurs prior to the radial flow regime whenever the
penetration ratio of about 20%. A half-slope line on the pressure derivative is the unique characteristic iden-
tifying the presence of the spherical/hemispherical flow. The typical half-slope line of theses flow regimes is
used to estimate spherical permeability and spherical skin values. These parameters are then used to estimate
vertical permeability, anisotropy index and skin. Results of TDS technique where successufully compared to
those of conventional technique for field and simulated examples.
Keywords: hemispherical flow, spherical flow, radial flow, skin factor, analytical solution, difussivity equation.
Encontramos que el flujo hemisférico o esférico toma lugar antes del flujo radial siempre que la relación
de penetración sea aproximadamente menor del 20%. Una pendiente negativa de ½ en la curva de la
derivada es la característica única para identificar la presencia de flujo hemisférico/esférico. Esta línea típica
de pendiente –½ se usa para determinar la permeabilidad esférica y los daños esféricos, para luego estimar
la permeabilidad vertical y el índice de anisotropía. Los resultados de la TDS fueron satisfactoriamente
comparados con casos de campo y casos simulados.
Palabras claves: flujo hemisférico, flujo esférico, flujo radial, factor de daño, solución analítica, ecuación de difusividad.
D Dimentionless quantity
g Gas
H Horizontal
i Initial
N Unit slope
r Radial flow
r1 First or early radial flow
r2 Second or late radial flow
sp Spherical flow
hs Hemispherical flow
V Vertical
deposition, folding or faulting. The vertical anisotropy
is fundamental in describing pressure response around
The most common practice to analyze pressure tran- a well partially penetrating a formation unbounded
sient data is to assume a radial flow profile. However, in laterally and confined at the top and bottom by imper-
wells with partial penetration/completion a hemispheri- meable layers.
cal/spherical flow is more representative of the system.
In this work the effect of partial well completion
In reality the formation itself is usually nonuniform and partial well penetration on pressure behavior will
or heterogeneous in properties such as porosity and be analyzed in order to determine vertical permeability,
permeability, both areally and vertically resulting from horizontal permeability, skin and wellbore storage. The
knowledge of vertical anisotropy would allow a better is to extend TDS Technique for the case of wells with
reservoir development and subsequent secondary re- partial penetration and partial completion.
covery programs could be planned more efficiently.
Spherical symmetries are appropriate in well pres- FLOW GEOMETRIES
sure analyses when the well does not fully penetrate
the productive horizon, or perhaps if it were selectively
Vertical wells can exhibit different flow regimes
completed. Muskat presented the problem of steady
during their transient behavior. Spherical flow can oc-
state spherical flow in 1932.
cur when a well is producing from a limited section of
Several papers, although not enough, have been a thick reservoir or producing from a thick reservoir
written to discuss spherical flow phenomena but mostly under a variety of conditions such as the presence of
in connection with wireline formation testing tools. Mo- shale barriers spherical flow will also develop. In the
ran and Finklea in 1962 were the first to suggest that a case of partial completion in thick reservoirs.
pressure buildup equation based on spherical flow was
Spherical flow can be visualized as flow along the
necessary to correctly analyze pressure data obtained
radius of a sphere. Figure 1 shows the ideal geometry of
from a wireline formation tester (a limited entry test).
spherical flow and demonstrates the concept of perfect
The first general discussion of unsteady-state spheri-
radial flow towards a common point in the sphere: its
cal flow appears to be a paper published by Chatas in
center. Hemispherical flow, also shown in Figure 1, is
1966. In 1974, Culham presented equations suitable
identical to spherical flow with the obvious exception
for pressure buildup analysis but the wellbore storage
that the flow is contained within a hemisphere.
distortion was not included.
Raghavan and Clark (1975) examined the applicabil-
ity of the spherical flow equations given by Moran and
Finklea (1962) to a well producing from a limited section
of a thick anisotropic formation. Later in 1980, Brigham
et al. extended the Chatas (1966) study to include well-
bore storage effects. However, their solution is valid only
for the case of no wellbore damage. Later, Joseph (1984)
and Proett (1998) presented solutions including wellbore
storage and damage skin effects. Additional references
discussing the partial penetration problem are available
from the literature (Brons and Marting, 1961; Abbot et
al., 1978). However, their main concern was to express
the partial penetration and limited entry as a skin factor Figure 1. Ideal geometry of spherical and hemispherical flow
not to estimate vertical permeability.
In 1993, Tiab introduced the TDS Technique for in- In practice, the flow is not purely spherical or hemi-
terpreting log-log pressure and pressure derivative plots spherical because the completion interval is not a true
by using analytical solutions to determine permeability, point sink. However, the flow is spherical in a practical
skin and wellbore storage without employing type-curve sense if the completion interval is very short relative
matching. This revolutionary technique, already extend- to the net pay. In the case of a thick reservoir between
ed to many other systems (Boussalem, et al., 2002; Tiab two impermeable confining layers and a short partial-
and Escobar, 2003), uses such unique features as lines, completion interval, the spherical flow regime will occur
intersection points, and other “fingerprint”characteristics between two periods of cylindrical-radial flow. In both
found on the pressure and pressure derivative log-log cases, three flow periods can be identified -additional to
plot to develop analytical equations to readily obtain wellbore storage- as follows: A period 1 corresponding to
reservoir parameters. The main objective of this paper an initial radial flow over the completion interval. Dur-
ing this period the reservoir behaves as if the formation and assuming an areally isotropic system then:
thickness were equal to the length of the open zone. A
Period 2 corresponds to a transition period during which (5)
spherical/hemispherical flow may be identified. And the
third period corresponds to a second radial flow but this 3) The physical system of interest considers a sphere
time over the total formation thickness. itself instead of its center. This region of singularity is
called a continuous “spherical sink” which corresponds
physically to a wellbore, which must be visualized as
MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION a sphere. Hence, the cylindrical wellbore of radius rw
must be represented by a fictitious spherical wellbore
of radius rsw given by an equation originally suggested
The fundamental partial differential equation (Muskat, by Moran and Finklea (1962):
1932) describing the flow of a slightly compressible fluid
in a homogeneous and infinite porous medium character-
ized by a spherical geometry, can be stated as: (6)
hp has to be greater or equal than rw. Under the
above assumptions the spherical source solution for
(1) long time is given then by:
Several authors (Moran and Finlklea, 1962) have
presented solutions to Equation 1 for different flowing
conditions, fluid types and boundary conditions. For the (7)
purpose of this study, besides the basic considerations Where the dimensionless variables suggested by
normally assumed in well test analysis, Joseph (1984) Joseph (1984) for spherical flow are defined in a field
also assumed the three following considerations: units as follows:
1) The flow is perfectly spherical to a well of radius
rw in an isotropic medium, then the terms ∂Φ/∂θ and (8.a)
∂Φ/∂χ can in Equation 1 can be dropped. Therefore,
Equation 1 can be stated as:
2) Even though Joseph (1984) assumed the medium
is spherically isotropic; hence k in Equation 2 is the
constant spherical permeability. The analysis in systems (11.a)
possessing simple anisotropy (i.e., uniform but unequal and the dimensionless variables normally used in
horizontal and vertical permeability components) can radial coordinates are (Earlougher, 1977):
be also done without significatively affecting the radial
coordinate (Joseph, 1984). In that case, k should be
replaced by ksp in Equation 2. (8.b)
where ksp is set as a geometric average of the perme- (10.b)
ability components as follows:
(4) (11.b)
Characteristic points and lines obtained for cylindrical and linear flow. This results
A log-log plot of dimensionless pressure and in the familiar unit-slope portion on the log-log plot
pressure derivative versus time is shown in Figure 2. at early times. Combination of Equations 9.a and 11.a
Although, wellbore storage may be present, the three will lead to:
dominant flow regimes identified in a well with partial
completion in chronological order are: early radial,
spherical and late radial flows (Moncada, 2004). (13)
Substituting Equation 13 and Equation 8.a into
Equation 12 and solving explicitly for C we obtained:
Where tN is any convenient time during the unit-
slope portion on the log-log plot and ∆P is the value
of pressure drop corresponding to tN.
Substituting the dimensionless groups in Equation instead of a sphere. Then, Equation 2 also applies to
7 will yield: hemispherical flow and the dimensionless pressure de-
rivative will be then equal to the one for spherical flow
(27) (Equation 22). It should also be noted that the suffix
where; sp ought to be changed by hs indicating hemispheri-
cal flow. Figure 5 shows a log-log plot of the pressure
and pressure derivative versus dimensionless time for
a partial penetrated well. This is then to the one for
spherical flow (Equation 22). The dimensionless vari-
ables suggested by Joseph (1984) will differ only by
replacing the geometric factor 4π by 2π. Equation 22.a
corresponds to the early-time straight line. The slope
An expression relating the spherical flow portion of of this straight line is also -½. Again, substituting the
the pressure and the pressure derivative can be derived dimensionless terms in Equation 22.a and solving for
by dividing Equation 24 with Equation 27 to yield: the pressure derivative, it yields:
(28) (30)
Solving for the spherical skin, ssp, the following where:
Equation is obtained:
(29) Taking logarithm to both sides of Equation 30
The subscript sp stands for spherical flow. ∆Psp gives:
and (t*∆P’)sp are the values of pressure and pressure
derivative corresponding to an arbitrary value of tsp on (32)
the spherical flow straight line.
Also, a plot of t*∆P’ versus t on a log-log graph will
(2b) Hemispherical flow. This is considered as a yield a straight line of slope –½ when hemispherical
special case of spherical flow, and it should be realized flow is dominant. Combining Equations 30 and 31 and
that all results developed under spherical flow extend solving for khs yields:
over directly for hemispherical flow applications with
only minor modifications. The obvious observation is
that the flow is now contained within a hemisphere (33)
Substituting the dimensionless terms in Equation
7 leads to:
Where ∆Phs and (t*∆P’)hs are the values correspond-
ing to any arbitrary time, ths, on the hemispherical flow
straight line. At the intercept the above equations are equal, then:
(2c) Intersection point. As shown in Figure 6, for
analytical simulation runs using their respective coordi-
nate systems, the negative half-slope line corresponding
to the hemispherical flow and the late radial flow line of Substituting Equation 19 into Equation 40.b and
the dimensionless pressure derivative in hemispherical solving for ti in field units:
symmetry intersect at:
Combining Equations 40.a and 42 will yield:
Subscript r2 stands for the second radial flow line.
Being tr2 any convenient time during the radial flow line
Figure 6. Pressure derivative type curves for a vertical well with partial on the log-log plot. ∆Pr2 and (t*∆P’)r2 are the values
penetration in radial and hemispherical symmetry corresponding to tr2.
Figure 7. Pressure Derivative considering different lengths of partial Step 5. kV can be estimated using either Equation
penetration (CD = 0, s = 0) 5 or 34, for spherical or hemispherical flow regime,
The length of the completed interval or the partial
penetration length, hp, also plays an important role on Step 6. Calculate the anisotropy index, IA, using
the definition of the spherical/hemispherical flow as Equation 47.
described in Figure 7. The characteristic slope of -½ is
absent for penetration ratios greater than 40 %.
TDS TECHNIQUE PROCEDURE Step 7. Knowing the mechanical and the total skin
the partial penetration expressed as a skin factor can
The following procedure can be used to calculate be calculated from:
and verify values of C, ksp or khs, kH, kV and st from a
log-log plot of pressure and pressure derivatives versus (48)
time without type curve matching (Moncada, 2004).
Step 8. For verification purposes, it is recommended
Step 1. Plot pressure and pressure derivative on a log- to use either Equations 17.a, 20 and 21 (spherical flow)
log paper. If given the case, draw the early unit-slope line or Equations 40.a, 42 and 43 (hemispherical flow).
Field example 1
Table 1 contains drawdown test data taken from Ab-
bott et al. (1978). Well No. 20 is partially completed in Figure 8. Pressure and pressure derivative plot for Well No. 20, field
a massive carbonate reservoir. The well was shut-in for example 1
stabilization and then was flowing at 5200 BOPD for 8,5
h. Reservoir and fluid parameters are given in Table 1b. (∆P)N =23 psi and tN= 1 h. Then, C of 16,01 bbl/psi is
calculated using Equation 46.
Table 1b. Reservoir, well and rock data for field example 1
Step 2. (t* ∆P’)sp=56,25 psi, (∆P)sp=96 psi and tsp
= 4,5 are read from the -½-slope line. ksp=8,05 md is
Property Value Property Value found with Equation 26.
h, ft 302 rw, ft 0,246
Step 3. Also from the -½-slope straight line a
hp, ft 20 q, bpd 5200
spherical mechanical skin, ssp = -0,87 is obtained using
ø, % 0,2 µ, cp 0,21 Equation 29.
ct, psi-1 34,2x10-6 Bo, rb/STB 1,7
Pi, psia 2298 Step 4. From the late radial flow regime, tr2 = 7,5
h, ∆Pr2 = 120 psi and (t*∆P’)r2 = 52,2 psi are read, a
value of the horizontal permeability of 8,26 md is esti-
Solution mated by means of Equation 44 and a total skin factor
of -5,33 is found with Equation 45.
Step 1. The pressure and pressure derivative plot
is given in Figure 6. From the unit-slope line we read Step 5. kV = 7,64 md is estimated using Equation 5.
t, h Pwf, psia ∆P, psia t*∆P’, psia t, h Pwf, psia ∆P, psia t*∆P’, psia
0,0 2266,0 0,0 4,0 2178,0 88,0 60,0
0,5 2255,0 11,0 11,5 4,5 2170,0 96,0 56,3
1,0 2243,0 23,0 24,5 5,5 2161,0 105,0 46,8
1,6 2228,0 38,0 40,0 6,0 2157,0 109,0 48,0
2,0 2218,0 48,0 45,0 6,5 2153,0 113,0 52,0
2,5 2208,0 58,0 52,5 7,0 2149,0 117,0 49,0
3,0 2197,0 69,0 69,0 7,5 2146,0 120,0 52,5
3,5 2185,0 81,0 66,5 8,0 2142,0 124,0 48,0
8,5 2140,0 126,0
for spherical flow,
For hemispherical flow, the 2 in the denominator of
Equation 50 ought to be removed.
then, hD = 659,25; G = 1,57 and sc = 7,46 are es- Figure 9. Pressure and pressure derivative plot for simulated example 1
Step 2. From the -½-slope straight line, at ths = 1,06
Simulated example 1
h, the following data are obtained: (t*∆P’)hs= 1,62 psi
Using a numerical simulator a pressure buildup test and (∆P)hs= 419,28 psi. khs of 54,7 md can be calcu-
for an oil well with partial penetration has been simu- lated using Equation 33.
lated using the same reservoir parameters presented by
Joseph and Koederitz (1985), (Table 2) and the pressure Step 3. A value of shs of 0,41 is estimated with
data is provided in Table 3. Equation 39.
Table 2. Reservoir, well and rock data used for simulation examples
t, h Pwf, psia ∆P, psia t*∆P’, psia t, h Pwf, psia ∆P, psia t*∆P’, psia
0 4145,7 304,2 20,2 1,3 4252,6 411,1 4,9
0,002 4154,5 313,1 20,2 1,8 4254,1 412,6 4,2
0,003 4165,6 324,2 20,2 2,8 4255,7 414,3 3,4
0,006 4178,9 337,4 20,1 3,9 4256,8 415,3 2,9
0,01 4189,8 348,3 19,6 4,9 4257,4 415,9 2,6
0,017 4200,2 358,8 18,6 7,5 4258,4 416,9 2,2
0,029 4210 368,6 17,3 9,4 4258,8 417,4 2
0,07 4224,2 382,7 15,5 11,7 4259,2 417,8 1,8
0,1 4219,1 377,7 15,8 16,2 4259,8 418,3 1,7
0,2 4235,8 394,4 11,7 20,1 4260,1 418,7 1,6
0,3 4240,6 399,2 10 25 4260,4 419 1,6
0,4 4243,7 402,3 8,8 31,1 4260,7 419,3 1,6
0,7 4248,8 407,3 6,7 38,6 4261 419,6 1,6
1 4250,8 409,4 5,8 48 4261,3 419,9 1,6
Step 4. At tr2=31,05 hr (late radial flow regime), we Step 5. kV is found to be 25,79 md using Equation 34.
read (t*∆P’)r2= 1,62 psi and (∆P)r2= 419,28 psi. Then,
kr of 80,1 md is determined with Equation 44 and st of Step 6. An IA of 0,32 is determined with Equation 47.
121,8 can be calculated using Equation 45. Step 7. Since b = 0,08, a partial penetration skin of
57,42 is found with Equation 48.
Δt, (h) m(P), Δm(P), t*Δm(P)’ Δt, (h) m(P), Δm(P), t*Δm(P)’,
(psi2/cp) (psi2/cp) (psi2/cp) (psi2/cp) (psi2/cp) (psi2/cp)
0,0001 927562604,5 7807073,188 1986070 0,1600 916444706,1 18924971,56 464872
0,0002 926180835,8 9188841,822 2034200 0,2261 916296574,7 19073102,98 399896
0,0004 924770335,2 10599342,49 2052510 0,3193 916170672,4 19199005,28 355218
0,0006 923948349,4 11421328,29 2037370 0,4511 916052184 19317493,66 330527
0,0008 923368344,2 12001333,52 2015680 0,6372 915941108,1 19428569,56 320546
0,0014 922231170,5 13138507,14 1945070 1 915800421,6 19569256,03 318028
0,0025 921150390,7 14219286,96 1839910 1,4 915693062,9 19676614,75 318283
0,0101 918894311,6 16475366,05 1421470 2 915582008,8 19787668,87 318560
0,0201 918015635,3 17354042,34 1141880 2,6 915500573,4 19869104,28 318626
0,0402 917330040,9 18039636,79 870852 3,6 915396933,6 19972744,11 318624
0,0568 917055874,8 18313802,86 750153 4,6 915319207,5 20050470,13 318604
0,0802 916818791,3 18550886,42 641988 7 915189671,5 20180006,17 318577
0,1133 916615072,1 18754605,61 546606 9,7 915086049,3 20283628,39 318567
Simulated example 2 Step 2. From the -½-slope straight line, at ths = 0,127128
Table 4 presents synthetic pseudopressure data for hr, the following data are obtained: (t*∆m(P’))hs=
drawdown test in a gas well generated with the data 517729 psi2/cp and (∆m(P))hs=18813865,1 psi2/cp. khs
given in Table 2. Estimate permeabilities, pseudoskin of 8,64 md can be calculated using Equation A.13.
and skin factors using TDS technique.
Step 3. A value of shs of -0,84 is estimated with
Equation A.15.
Step 1. Figure 10 presents the pressure and pres- Step 4. At tr2= 2,3 h (late radial flow regime),
sure derivative plot for this simulated example. Val- we read (t*∆P’) r2 = 318606 psi 2 /cp and (∆P) r2 =
ues of (t*∆m(P’))r1= 2052510 psi2/cp, (∆m(P))r1= 19832088,6 psi2/cp. Then, kr of 29,99 md is found using
10599342,5 psi2/cp and tr1 = 0,0004 h are read. A radial Equation A.16 and st’ of 22,5 is determined by means
permeability value of 35,8 md is calculated using Equa- of Equation A.17
tion A.10 and a skin factor of -4,95 is determinated with
Step 5. kV is found to be 0,72 md using Equa-
Equation A.11.
tion 34.
Step 6. IA = 0,024 is determined with Equation 47.
Step 7. Since b = 0,13, a partial penetration skin of
36,73 is calculated using Equation 48.
Note: Although not shown here, the examples
were also worked using conventional techniques and
reported in Table 5 for comparison purposes. Perme-
abilities may be verified using either Equations 17.a,
20, 21, 40.a, 42, or 43 for the given case. Also, for gas
wells, it should be taken into account that pseudoskin
factors and rapid flow conditions have to be included to
find the true skin factor as explained with great detail
Figure 10. Pseudopressure and pseudopressure derivative plot for
simulated example 2 in Núñez-García et al. (2003).
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•• plotof
The log-log plot ofpressure
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methods based on pressure vs. time plots.
Chacón, A., Djebrouni, A. and Tiab, D., 2004. “Determining
•• with slope
A straight line with slope of
of negative
negative one-half
one-halfwaswas the Average Reservoir Pressure from Vertical and Hori-
zontal Well Test Analysis Using the Tiab’s Direct Synthe-
unique characteristic
identified as the unique characteristic of
of the
the pres-
sis Technique”. SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference
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Chatas, A. T., 1966. “Unsteady Spherical Flow in Petroleum
•• corresponding to
The straight line corresponding to the
the spherical
sphericaloror Reservoirs”, SPEJ, 102.
flow regime
hemispherical flow regime can
can bebe used
used to
to calcu-
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the spherical or hemispherical flow regime
regime isiscom-
com- Spherical Flow Regime Problems”, SPEJ 545.
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values greater than 10 and penetration ratios higher Earlougher, R.C., Jr., 1997. “Advances in Well Test Analysis”,
than 40 . Monograph Series, 5, SPE, Dallas, TX., U.S.A..
•• SynthesisTechnique
The Tiab’s Direct Synthesis Techniquewaswasextended
extended Engler, T. and Tiab, D., 1996. “Analysis of Pressure and
Pressure Derivative without Type Curve Matching, 4.
for vertical gas and oil wells with partial completion
Naturally Fractured Reservoirs”. J. of Petroleum Scien.
or partial penetration and its practical step-by-step and Engineering ,15, 127-138.
procedure is presented. It leads to more accurate
results compared with conventional methods. Escobar, F. H., Tiab, D. and Berumen-Campos, S., 2003.
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Gas Equations
Al-Hussainy (1966) introduced the pseudopressure
defined as:
The pseudopressure difussivity equation is:
(A.2) (A.15)
The dimensionless pseudopressure derivatives in
radial, spherical and hemispherical symmetries, re-
spectively, are: