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Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal

(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)

Syllabus for B. Tech in CSE (Data Science)
(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)

Artificial Intelligence
Code: PCC-DS 601
Contacts: 3L

Name of the Course: Artificial Intelligence

Course Code: PCC-DS 601 Semester: VI

Duration: 6 months Maximum Marks:100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory:3 hrs./week Mid Semester exam: 15

Tutorial: NIL Assignment and Quiz: 10 marks
Attendance : 5 marks
Practical: NIL End Semester Exam :70 Marks
Credit Points: 3

Unit Content Hrs/U Marks/

nit Unit
Introduction [2] 6
1 Overview of Artificial intelligence- Problems of AI, AI technique, Tic
- Tac - Toe problem.
Intelligent Agents [2]
Agents & environment, nature of environment, structure of agents,
goal based agents, utility based agents, learning agents.
Problem Solving [2]
Problems, Problem Space & search: Defining the problem as state
space search, production system, problem characteristics,
issues in the design of search programs.

2. Search techniques [5] 13

Solving problems by searching :problem solving agents, searching for
solutions; uniform search strategies: breadth first
search, depth first search, depth limited search,
bidirectional search, comparing uniform search strategies.
Heuristic search strategies [5]
Greedy best-first search, A* search, memory bounded heuristic search:
local search algorithms & optimization problems:
Hill climbing search, simulated annealing search, local beam search,
genetic algorithms; constraint satisfaction problems,
local search for constraint satisfaction problems.
Adversarial search [3]
Games, optimal decisions & strategies in games, the minimax search
procedure, alpha-beta pruning, additional refinements,
iterative deepening.

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in CSE (Data Science)
(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)

3 Knowledge & reasoning [3] 3

Knowledge representation issues, representation & mapping,
approaches to knowledge representation, issues in knowledge
4 Using predicate logic [2] 6
Representing simple fact in logic, representing instant & ISA
relationship, computable functions & predicates, resolution,
natural deduction.
Probabilistic reasoning [4]
Representing knowledge in an uncertain domain, the semantics of
Bayesian networks, Dempster-Shafer theory, Fuzzy sets &
fuzzy logics.
5 Natural Language processing [2] 6
Introduction, Syntactic processing, semantic analysis, discourse &
pragmatic processing.
Learning [2]
Forms of learning, inductive learning, learning decision trees,
explanation based learning, learning using relevance
information, neural net learning & genetic learning.
Expert Systems [2]
Representing and using domain knowledge, expert system shells,
knowledge acquisition.

Text book and Reference books:

1. Artificial Intelligence, Ritch & Knight, TMH

2. Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach, Stuart Russel Peter Norvig Pearson
3. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems, Patterson, PHI
4. Poole, Computational Intelligence, OUP
5. Logic & Prolog Programming, Saroj Kaushik, New Age International
6. Expert Systems, Giarranto, VIKAS
7. M.C. Trivedi, Artificial Intelligence, Khanna Publishing House, New Delhi
(AICTE Recommended Textbook – 2018)

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in CSE (Data Science)
(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)

Data Communication and Computer Networks

Code:PCC- DS602
Contact: 3L

Name of the Course: Data Communication and Computer Networks

Course Code: PCC- Semester: VI

Duration:6 months Maximum Marks:100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory:3 hrs./week Mid Semester exam: 15

Tutorial: NIL Assignment and Quiz: 10 marks
Attendance: 5 marks
Practical: hrs./week End Semester Exam:70 Marks
Credit Points: 3

Unit Content Hrs/Unit Marks/Unit

Data communication Components:
1 Representation of data and its flow 9
Networks,Various Connection
Topology, Protocols and Standards,
OSI model, Transmission Media,
LAN: Wired LAN, Wireless LANs,
Connecting LAN and Virtual LAN,
Techniques for Bandwidth utilization:
Multiplexing - Frequency division,
Time division and Wave division,
Concepts on spread spectrum.
Data Link Layer and Medium Access 8
2 Sub Layer: Error Detection and Error
Correction - Fundamentals, Block
coding, Hamming Distance, CRC;
Flow Control and Error control
protocols - Stop and Wait, Go back –
N ARQ, Selective Repeat ARQ,
Sliding Window, Piggybacking,
Random Access, Multiple access
protocols -Pure ALOHA, Slotted
Network Layer: Switching, Logical 14
3 addressing – IPV4, IPV6; Address
mapping – ARP, RARP, BOOTP and
DHCP–Delivery, Forwarding and
Unicast Routing protocols.

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in CSE (Data Science)
(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)

Transport Layer: Process to Process 8

4. Communication, User Datagram
Protocol (UDP), Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP), SCTP Congestion
Control; Quality of Service, QoS
improving techniques:
Leaky Bucket and Token Bucket
5 Application Layer: Domain Name 8
EMAIL, File Transfer Protocol (FTP),
WWW, HTTP, SNMP, Bluetooth,
Firewalls, Basic concepts of

Text book and Reference books:

1. Introduction to Algorithms" by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein.
2. "The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms" by Aho, Hopcroft, Ullman.
3. "Algorithm Design" by Kleinberg and Tardos.
4. Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Gajendra Sharma, Khanna Publishing House, New Delhi

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in CSE (Data Science)
(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)

Name of the Course: Big Data Technology

Course Code: PCC- DS603 Semester: VI

Duration:6 months Maximum Marks:100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Theory:3 hrs./week Mid Semester exam: 15
Tutorial: NIL Assignment and Quiz: 10 marks
Attendance: 5 marks
Practical: hrs./week End Semester Exam:70 Marks
Credit Points: 3

Big data definition, structured and unstructured data. Need for analytics, Big data programming ( Hadoop,
Map-Reduce), Application Data store (NoSQL), OLAP.
Optimization Techniques, Data flow framework.
Programming Map-Reduce, Best practices.

Text Books: 1. Handbook of big data technology by Zomaya and Sakr.

2. Real time Big Data Analytics Book by Sumit Gupta
3. Big Data and Hadoop, V.K. Jain, Khanna Publishing House

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in CSE (Data Science)
(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)

Advanced Algorithms
Code: PEC-DS601 A
Contact: 3L

Name of the Course: Advanced Algorithms

Course Code: PEC-DS601 A Semester: VI

Duration:6 months Maximum Marks:100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory:3 hrs./week Mid Semester exam: 15

Tutorial: NIL Assignment and Quiz: 10 marks
Attendance: 5 marks
Practical: NIL End Semester Exam:70 Marks
Credit Points: 3

Unit Content Hrs/Unit Marks/Unit

Sorting: Review of various sorting algorithms,
1 topological sorting 6
Graph: Definitions and Elementary Algorithms:
Shortest path by BFS, shortest path in edge-weighted
case (Dijkasra's), depth-first search and computation
of strongly connected components, emphasis on
correctness proof of the algorithm and time/space
analysis, example of amortized analysis.
Matroids: Introduction to greedy paradigm, 8
2 algorithm to compute a maximum
weight maximal independent set. Application to
Graph Matching: Algorithm to compute maximum
matching. Characterization of
maximum matching by augmenting paths, Edmond's
Blossom algorithm to compute augmenting path.
Flow-Networks: Maxflow-mincut theorem, Ford- 9
Fulkerson Method to compute
maximum flow, Edmond-Karp maximum-flow
Matrix Computations: Strassen's algorithm and
introduction to divide and
conquer paradigm, inverse of a triangular matrix,
relation between the time
complexities of basic matrix operations,

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in CSE (Data Science)
(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)

Shortest Path in Graphs: Floyd-Warshall 10

3 algorithm and introduction to dynamic
programming paradigm. More examples of dynamic
Modulo Representation of integers/polynomials:
Chinese Remainder Theorem,
Conversion between base-representation and
modulo-representation. Extension to
polynomials. Application: Interpolation problem.
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT): In complex
field, DFT in modulo ring. Fast
Fourier Transform algorithm. Schonhage-Strassen
Integer Multiplication algorithm
Linear Programming: Geometry of the feasibility 10
4. region and Simplex algorithm
NP-completeness: Examples, proof of NP-hardness
and NP-completeness.
One or more of the following topics based on time
and interest
Approximation algorithms, Randomized Algorithms,
Interior Point Method,
Advanced Number Theoretic Algorithm
5 Recent Trands in problem solving paradigms using 5
recent searching and sorting techniques by applying
recently proposed data structures.

Text book and Reference books:

1. "Introduction to Algorithms" by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein.
2. "The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms" by Aho, Hopcroft, Ullman.
3. "Algorithm Design" by Kleinberg and Tardos.
4. Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Gajendra Sharma, Khanna Publishing House, New Delhi

Distributed Systems

Code: PEC-DS601B
Contact: 3L

Name of the Course: Distributed Systems

Course Code: PEC-DS601B Semester: VI

Duration:6 months Maximum Marks:100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory:3 hrs./week Mid Semester exam: 15

Tutorial: NIL Assignment and Quiz: 10 marks
Attendance: 5 marks
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in CSE (Data Science)
(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)

Practical: NIL End Semester Exam:70 Marks

Credit Points: 3

Unit Content Hrs/Unit Marks/Unit

1 Distributed data processing; What is a DDBS; 8
Advantages and disadvantages of DDBS; Problem
areas; Overview of database and computer network
Transparencies in a distributed DBMS; Distributed
DBMS architecture; Global directory issues
Alternative design strategies;
Distributed design issues;
Fragmentation; Data allocation
View management; Data security;
Semantic Integrity Control QUERY
Objectives of query processing;
Characterization of query processors;
Layers of query processing; Query
decomposition; Localization of
distributed data
3 Factors governing query optimization; Centralized
query optimization; Ordering of fragment queries;
Distributed query optimization algorithms
The transaction concept; Goals of transaction
management; Characteristics of transactions;
Taxonomy of transaction models
Concurrency control in centralized database systems;
Concurrency control in DDBSs; Distributed
concurrency control algorithms; Deadlock
Reliability issues in DDBSs; Types of failures; 8
4. Reliability techniques; Commit protocols; Recovery
protocols Algorithm
Parallel architectures; parallel query
processing and

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in CSE (Data Science)
(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)


Databases, Distributed Object
Management, Multi-databases

Text book and Reference books:

1. Principles of Distributed Database Systems, M.T. Ozsu and PValduriez,
Prentice-Hall, 1991.
2. Distributed Database Systems, D. Bell and J. Grimson, Addison-
Wesley, 1992.

Image Processing
Code:PEC-IT601 D
Contact: 3L

Name of the Course: Image Processing

Course Code: PEC-IT601D Semester: VI

Duration:6 months Maximum Marks:100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory:3 hrs./week Mid Semester exam: 15

Tutorial: NIL Assignment and Quiz: 10 marks
Attendance: 5 marks
Practical: NIL End Semester Exam:70 Marks
Credit Points: 3

Unit Content Hrs/Unit Marks/Unit

1 Introduction [3L] 9
Background, Digital Image
Representation, Fundamental steps in
Image Processing, Elements of Digital
Image Processing - Image Acquisition,
Storage, Processing, Communication,
Digital Image Formation [4L] 4
2 A Simple Image Model, Geometric Model- Basic
Transformation (Translation, Scaling, Rotation),
Perspective Projection, Sampling & Quantization -
Uniform & Non uniform.
Mathematical Preliminaries[9L] 9
3 Neighbour of pixels, Connectivity, Relations,
Equivalence & Transitive Closure; Distance
Measures, Arithmetic/Logic Operations, Fourier
Transformation, Properties of The Two
Dimensional Fourier Transform, Discrete Fourier
Transform, Discrete Cosine & SineTransform.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in CSE (Data Science)
(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)
Image Enhancement [8L] 8
4. Spatial Domain Method, Frequency Domain
Method, Contrast Enhancement -Linear &
Nonlinear Stretching, Histogram Processing;
Smoothing - Image Averaging, Mean Filter,
Low-pass Filtering; Image Sharpening. High-
pass Filtering, High- boost Filtering,
Derivative Filtering, Homomorphic Filtering;
Enhancement in the frequency domain - Low
pass filtering, High pass filtering.
5 Image Restoration [7L] 7
Degradation Model, Discrete Formulation,
Algebraic Approach to Restoration -
Unconstrained & Constrained; Constrained
Least Square Restoration, Restoration by
Homomorphic Filtering, Geometric
Transformation - Spatial Transformation,
Gray Level Interpolation.

6 Image Segmentation [7L] 7

Point Detection, Line Detection, Edge
detection, Combined detection, Edge
Linking & Boundary Detection - Local
Processing, Global Processing via The
Hough Transform; Thresholding -
Foundation, Simple Global Thresholding,
Optimal Thresholding; Region Oriented
Segmentation - Basic Formulation, Region
Growing by Pixel Aggregation, Region
Splitting & Merging.

Text book and Reference books:

1. Hearn, Baker – “Computer Graphics (C version 2nd Ed.)” – Pearson education
2. Z. Xiang, R. Plastock – “ Schaum’s outlines Computer Graphics (2nd Ed.)” – TMH
3. D. F. Rogers, J. A. Adams – “Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics (2nd Ed.)” –

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in CSE (Data Science)
(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)

Machine Learning
Code:PEC-DS601 E
Contact: 3L

Name of the Course: Machine Learning

Course Code: PEC-DS601E Semester: VI

Duration:6 months Maximum Marks:100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory:3 hrs./week Mid Semester exam: 15

Tutorial: NIL Assignment and Quiz: 10 marks
Attendance: 5 marks
Practical: NIL End Semester Exam:70 Marks
Credit Points: 3

Supervised Learning, Decision Tree, Linear Discriminant Functions (SVM)

Neural Network, Deep belief network, Density elimination Methods
Bayes Decision Theory
Expectation and Minimization
Ensemble Methods
Feature Engineering
Association Rule Mining
Clustering Techniques
Text Books:
1. Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery edited by Walter Daelemans, Katharina
2. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop
3. Introduction to Machine learning with python by Andreas C. Müller and Sarah Guido
4. Machine Learning by Rajiv Chopra, Khanna Publishing House
5. Machine Learning using Python, Jeeva Jose, Khanna Publishing House

Parallel and Distributed Algorithms

Code: PEC-DS602A
Contacts: 3L

Name of the Course: Parallel and Distributed Algorithms

Course Code PEC-DS602A Semester: VI

Duration: 6 months Maximum Marks: 100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory:3 hrs./week Mid Semester exam: 15

Tutorial: NIL Assignment and Quiz: 10 marks
Attendance: 5 marks
Practical: NIL End Semester Exam:70 Marks
Credit Points: 3

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in CSE (Data Science)
(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)
Unit Content Hrs/Unit Marks/Unit
UNIT-I :Basic Techniques, Parallel Computers for
1 increase Computation speed, Parallel & Cluster 8
UNIT-II :Message Passing Technique- Evaluating
2 Parallel programs and debugging, Portioning and 8
Divide and Conquer strategies examples
UNIT-III :Pipelining- Techniques computing platform,
3 pipeline programs examples 8
UNIT-IV:Synchronous Computations, load balancing,
4. distributed termination examples, programming with 11
shared memory, shared memory multiprocessor
constructs for specifying parallelist sharing data parallel
programming languages and constructs, open MP
5 UNIT-V :Distributed shared memory systems and 9
programming achieving constant memory distributed
shared memory programming primitives, algorithms –
sorting and numerical algorithms.

Text book and Reference books:

1. Parallel Programming, Barry Wilkinson, Michael Allen, Pearson Education, 2nd Edition.
2. Introduction to Parallel algorithms by Jaja from Pearson, 1992.

Data Warehousing and Data Mining

Code: PEC-DS602B
Contacts: 3L

Name of the Course: Data Warehousing and Data Mining

Course Code PEC-DS602B Semester: VI

Duration: 6 months Maximum Marks: 100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory:3 hrs./week Mid Semester exam: 15

Tutorial: NIL Assignment and Quiz: 10 marks
Attendance: 5 marks
Practical: NIL End Semester Exam:70 Marks
Credit Points: 3

Unit Content Hrs/Unit Marks/Unit

Unit 1:
1 Introduction to Data Warehousing; Data Mining: 8
Mining frequent patterns,
association and correlations; Sequential Pattern Mining
concepts, primitives,
scalable methods;

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in CSE (Data Science)
(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)
Unit 2:
2 Classification and prediction; Cluster Analysis – Types 8
of Data in Cluster Analysis,
Partitioning methods, Hierarchical Methods;
Transactional Patterns and other
temporal based frequent patterns,

Unit 3:
3 Mining Time series Data, Periodicity Analysis for time 8
related sequence data, Trend analysis, Similarity search
in Time-series analysis;
Unit 4:
4. Mining Data Streams, Methodologies for stream data 11
processing and stream data
systems, Frequent pattern mining in stream data,
Sequential Pattern Mining in
Data Streams, Classification of dynamic data streams,
Class Imbalance Problem;
Graph Mining; Social Network
Analysis;modulation for communication,
filtering, feedback control systems.

Unit 5: 9
Web Mining, Mining the web page layout structure,
mining web link structure,
mining multimedia data on the web, Automatic
classification of web documents
and web usage mining; Distributed Data Mining.
Unit 6: 5
Recent trends in Distributed Warehousing and Data
Mining, Class Imbalance
Problem; Graph Mining; Social Network Analysis

Text book and Reference books:

1. Data Warehousing Fundamentals for IT Professionals, Second Edition byPaulraj

Ponniah, Wiley India.
2. Data Warehousing, Data Mining, & OLAP – Second Edition by Alex Berson and
Stephen J. Smith, Tata McGraw Hill Education
3. Data warehouse Toolkit by Ralph Kimball, Wiley India
4. Data Mining & Warehousing by Ikvinderpal Singh, Khanna Publishing House
5. Jiawei Han and M Kamber, Data Mining Concepts and Techniques,, Second Edition,
Elsevier Publication, 2011.
6. Vipin Kumar, Introduction to Data Mining - Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach,
Addison Wesley,2006.
7. G Dong and J Pei, Sequence Data Mining, Springer, 2007.

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in CSE (Data Science)
(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)

Human Computer Interaction

Contact: 3L

Name of the Course: Human Computer Interaction

Course Code: PEC-DS602C Semester: VI
Duration: 6 months Maximum Marks:100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Theory:3 hrs./week Mid Semester exam: 15
Tutorial: NIL Assignment and Quiz: 10 marks
Attendance : 5 marks
Practical: NIL End Semester Exam :70 Marks
Credit Points: 3

Unit Content Hrs/Unit Marks/Unit

1 Human: I/O channels – Memory – Reasoning and problem solving;
The computer: Devices – Memory – processing and networks;
Interaction: Models – frameworks – Ergonomics – styles – elements
–interactivity- Paradigms.
Interactive Design basics – process – scenarios – navigation – screen 11
2 design –
Iteration and prototyping. HCI in software process – software life cycle

usability engineering – Prototyping in practice – design rationale.
Design rules
– principles, standards, guidelines, rules. Evaluation Techniques –
Cognitive models –Socio-Organizational issues and stake holder
3. requirements 8
–Communication and collaboration models-Hypertext,
Multimedia and WWW.
4. Mobile Ecosystem: Platforms, Application frameworks- Types of 8
Applications: Widgets, Applications, Games- Mobile Information
Mobile 2.0, Mobile Design: Elements of Mobile Design,
5. Designing Web Interfaces – Drag & Drop, Direct Selection, Contextual 8
Overlays, Inlays and Virtual Pages, Process Flow. Case
6. Recent Trends: Speech Recognition and Translation, 3
Multimodal System

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in CSE (Data Science)
(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)
Text book and Reference books:
1. Theodor Richardson, Charles N Thies, Secure Software Design, Jones & Bartlett
2. Kenneth R. van Wyk, Mark G. Graff, Dan S. Peters, Diana L. Burley, Enterprise Software
Addison Wesley.

Data Analysis and Modeling Technique

Code: PEC-DS602D
Contact: 3L

Name of the Course: Data Analysis and Modeling Technique

Course Code: PEC-DS602D Semester: VI

Duration:6 months Maximum Marks:100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory:3 hrs./week Mid Semester exam: 15

Tutorial: NIL Assignment and Quiz: 10 marks
Attendance: 5 marks
Practical: NIL End Semester Exam:70 Marks
Credit Points: 3

Unit Content Hrs/Unit Marks/Unit

1 Basic probability: 6
Discrete and continuous random variables,
independence, covariance, central limit theorem,
Chebyshev inequality, diverse continuous and
discrete distributions.
Statistics, Parameter Estimation, and Fitting a 9
2 Distribution:
Descriptive statistics, graphical statistics, method of
moments, maximum likelihood estimation
Random Numbers and Simulation: 7
3 Sampling of continuous
distributions, Monte Carlo methods
Hypothesis Testing: 9
4. Type I and II errors, rejection regions; Z-
test, T-test, F-test, Chi-Square test, Bayesian
5 Stochastic Processes and Data Modeling: 9
Markov process, Hidden Markov Models, Poisson
Process, Bayesian Network, Regression, Queuing

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in CSE (Data Science)
(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)

Numerical Methods
Code: OEC-DS601A
Contact: 3L

Name of the Course: Numerical Methods

Course Code: OEC-DS601A Semester: VI

Duration:6 months Maximum Marks:100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory:3 hrs./week Mid Semester exam: 15

Tutorial: NIL Assignment and Quiz: 10 marks
Attendance: 5 marks
Practical: NIL End Semester Exam:70 Marks
Credit Points: 3

Unit Content Hrs/Unit Marks/Unit

Approximation in numerical computation:
1 Truncation and rounding errors, Fixed and floating- 2
point arithmetic, Propagation
of errors.
Interpolation: Newton forward/backward 8
2 interpolation, Lagrange’s and Newton’s divided
difference Interpolation.
Numerical integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 3
3 1/3 rule, Expression for corresponding error terms.
Numerical solution of a system of linear equations: 8
4. Gauss elimination method, Matrix inversion, LU
Factorization method, Gauss-Seidel iterative method.
5 Numerical solution of Algebraic equation: 3
Bisection method, Regula-Falsi method,
Newton-Raphson method.
6 Numerical solution of ordinary differential equation: 2
Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta methods, Predictor-
Corrector methods
and Finite Difference method.

Text book and Reference books:

1. R.S. Salaria: Computer Oriented Numerical Methods, Khanna Publishing House

2. C.Xavier: C Language and Numerical Methods.
3. Dutta & Jana: Introductory Numerical Analysis.
4. J.B.Scarborough: Numerical Mathematical Analysis.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in CSE (Data Science)
(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)
5. Jain, Iyengar , & Jain: Numerical Methods (Problems and Solution).
6. Balagurusamy: Numerical Methods, Scitech.
7. Baburam: Numerical Methods, Pearson Education.
8. N. Dutta: Computer Programming & Numerical Analysis, Universities Press.

Human Resource Development and Organizational Behaviour

Code: OEC-DS601 B
Contact: 3L

Name of the Course: Human Resource Development and Organizational


Course Code: OEC-DS601 B Semester: VI

Duration:6 months Maximum Marks:100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory:3 hrs./week Mid Semester exam: 15

Tutorial: NIL Assignment and Quiz: 10 marks
Attendance: 5 marks
Practical: NIL End Semester Exam:70 Marks
Credit Points: 3
Unit Content Hrs/Unit Marks/Unit
Organizational Behaviour: Definition, Importance,
1 Historical Background, Fundamental Concepts of 4
Challenges and Opportunities for OB. [2]
Personality and Attitudes: Meaning of personality,
Personality Determinants and Traits, Development
Personality, Types of Attitudes, Job Satisfaction.
Perception: Definition, Nature and Importance, 8
2 Factors influencing Perception, Perceptual
Selectivity, Link between Perception and Decision
Making. [2]
4. Motivation: Definition, Theories of Motivation -
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory, McGregor’s
Theory X &
Y, Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory,
Alderfer’s ERG Theory, McClelland’s Theory of
Needs, Vroom’s
Expectancy Theory.
Group Behaviour: Characteristics of Group, Types 4
3 of Groups, Stages of Group Development, Group

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in CSE (Data Science)
(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)
Making. [2]
Communication: Communication Process, Direction
of Communication, Barriers to Effective
Communication. [2]
Leadership: Definition, Importance, Theories of
Leadership Styles.
Organizational Politics: Definition, Factors 8
4. contributing to Political Behaviour. [2]
Conflict Management: Traditional vis-a-vis Modern
View of Conflict, Functional and Dysfunctional
Conflict Process, Negotiation – Bargaining
Strategies, Negotiation Process. [2]
Organizational Design: Various Organizational
Structures and their Effects on Human Behaviour,
Concepts of
Organizational Climate and Organizational Culture.

Text book and Reference books:

1. Robbins, S. P. & Judge, T.A.: Organizational Behavior, Pearson Education, 15th Edn.
2. Luthans, Fred: Organizational Behavior, McGraw Hill, 12th Edn.
3. Shukla, Madhukar: Understanding Organizations – Organizational Theory & Practice in
India, PHI
4. Fincham, R. & Rhodes, P.: Principles of Organizational Behaviour, OUP, 4th Edn.
5. Hersey, P., Blanchard, K.H., Johnson, D.E.- Management of Organizational Behavior
Leading Human Resources,
PHI, 10th Edn.

Research Methodology
Code: PROJ- DS601
Contact: 3L

Name of the Course: Research Methodology

Course Code: PROJ- CS601 Semester: VI

Duration:6 months Maximum Marks:100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory:3 hrs./week Mid Semester exam: 15

Tutorial: NIL Assignment and Quiz: 10 marks
Attendance: 5 marks
Practical: NIL End Semester Exam:70 Marks
Credit Points: 3

Unit Content Hrs/Unit Marks/Unit

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in CSE (Data Science)
(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)
1 Motivation and objectives – Research methods vs. 9
Methodology. Types of research – Descriptive vs.
Analytical, Applied vs. Fundamental, Quantitative vs.
Qualitative, Conceptual vs. Empirical, concept of applied
and basic research process, criteria of good research.
Defining and formulating the research problem, selecting
the problem, necessity of defining the problem,
importance of literature review in defining a problem,
literature review-primary and secondary sources, reviews,
monograph, patents, research databases, web as a source,
searching the web, critical literature review, identifying
gap areas from literature and research database,
development of working hypothesis.
2 Accepts of method validation, observation and
collection of data, methods of data collection, sampling
methods, data processing and analysis strategies and
tools,data analysis with statically package (Sigma
STAT,SPSS for student t-test, ANOVA, etc.),
hypothesis testing.
Ethics-ethical issues, ethical committees (human &
animal); IPR- intellectual property rights and patent
law, commercialization, copy right, royalty, trade
related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS);
scholarly publishing- IMRAD concept and design of
research paper, citation and acknowledgement,
plagiarism, reproducibility and accountability.
4. Meaning of Interpretation, Technique of Interpretation,
Precaution in Interpretation, Significance of Report
Writing, Different Steps in Writing Project Report,
Layout of the Project/Research Report, Types of
Reports, Oral Presentation, Mechanics of Writing a
Project/Research Report, Precautions for Writing
Research Reports, Conclusions.

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in CSE (Data Science)
(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)
Text book and Reference books:

1. Garg, B.L., Karadia, R., Agarwal, F. and Agarwal, U.K., 2002. An introduction to Research
Methodology, RBSA Publishers.
2. Kothari, C.R., 1990. Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. New Age International.
3. Sinha, S.C. and Dhiman, A.K., 2002. Research Methodology, Ess Ess Publications. 2 volumes.
4. Trochim, W.M.K., 2005. Research Methods: the concise knowledge base, Atomic Dog Publishing.
5. Wadehra, B.L. 2000. Law relating to patents, trade marks, copyright designs and geographical
indications. Universal Law Publishing.

Additional reading

1. Anthony, M., Graziano, A.M. and Raulin, M.L., 2009. Research Methods: A Process of Inquiry,
Allyn and Bacon.
2. Carlos, C.M., 2000. Intellectual propertyrights, the WTO and developing countries: the TRIPS
agreement and policy options. Zed Books, New York.
3. Coley, S.M. and Scheinberg, C. A., 1990, "Proposal Writing", Sage Publications.
4. Day, R.A., 1992.How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, Cambridge University Press.
5. Fink, A., 2009. Conducting Research Literature Reviews: From the Internet to Paper. Sage
6. Leedy, P.D. and Ormrod, J.E., 2004 Practical Research: Planning and Design, Prentice Hall.
7. Satarkar, S.V., 2000. Intellectual property rights and Copy right. Ess Ess Publications.

Course code Course Title L T P Credits

PEC-DS 601C Information Security 3 0 0 3
Pre- requisite NIL Syllabus version
v. 1.0
Course Objectives:
1. To study and practice fundamental techniques in developing secure applications
2. To understand the policy, procedures and guidelines to protect the computing resources

Expected Course Outcome:

1. To understand security parameters and access control methods.
2. To understand the fundamental policies and design principle of computing resources
3. To recognize system design, logic-based system
4. To study the security architecture of database, operating system and associated vulnerabilities

Module:1 4 hours
Overview of Security Parameters: Confidentiality, integrity and availability; Security violation and
threats; Security policy and procedure; Assumptions and Trust; Security Assurance, Implementation and
Operational Issues; Security Life Cycle.

Module:2 3 hours

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in CSE (Data Science)
(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)
Access Control Models: Discretionary, mandatory, roll-based and task-based models, unified models,
access control algebra, temporal and spatio-temporal models.

Module:3 5 hours
Security Policies: Confidentiality policies, integrity policies, hybrid policies, non-interferenceand policy
composition, international standards.

Module:4 5 hours
Systems Design: Design principles, representing identity, control of access and information flow,
confinement problem. Assurance: Building systems with assurance, formal methods, evaluating systems.

Module:5 6 hours
Logic-based System: Malicious logic, vulnerability analysis, auditing, intrusion detection.
Applications: Network security, operating system security, user security, program security.Special Topics:
Data privacy, introduction to digital forensics, enterprise security specification.

Module:6 3 hours
Operating Systems Security: Security Architecture, Analysis of Security in Linux/Windows.

Module:7 2 hours
Database Security: Security Architecture, Enterprise security, Database auditing.

Module:8 Contemporary issues 2 hours

Total Lecture hours: 30 hours

Text Book(s)
1. Anderson, R. Security engineering. John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
2. Bishop, M. Computer Security: Art and Science. Pearson Education, Boston, US, 2003.
3. Stamp, M. Information security: principles and practice. John Wiley & Sons, 2014.
Reference Book(s)
1. Pfleeger, C. P., Pfleeger, S. L., and Margulies, J. Security in Computing,ProQuest Safari Tech Books
Online, 2017.
2. Wheeler, D. A. Secure programming HOWTO, 2017.
3. Zalewski, M. Google browser security handbook, 2009.
4. Gertz, M., & Jajodia, S. (Eds.). Handbook of database security: applications andtrends. Springer
Science & Business Media, 2007.

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in CSE (Data Science)
(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)

Data Communication andComputer Networks Lab

Code: PCC-DS692
Contacts: 4P

Name of the Course: Data Communication and Computer Networks Lab

Course Code: PCC- Semester:VI


Duration:6 months Maximum Marks:100

Teaching Scheme:
Theory: hrs./week Continuous Internal Assessment
Tutorial: NIL External Assesement:60
Practical: 4 hrs./week Distribution of marks:40
Credit Points: 2

Laboratory Experiments:
NIC Installation & Configuration (Windows/Linux)
Understanding IP address, subnet etc
Familiarization with
 Networking cables (CAT5, UTP)
 Connectors (RJ45, T-connector)
 Hubs, Switches
TCP/UDP Socket Programming
 Simple, TCP based, UDP based
 Multicast & Broadcast Sockets
 Implementation of a Prototype Multithreaded Server
Implementation of
Data Link Layer Flow Control Mechanism (Stop & Wait, Sliding Window)
Data Link Layer Error Detection Mechanism (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
Data Link Layer Error Control Mechanism (Selective Repeat, Go Back N)
Server Setup/Configuration
FTP, TelNet, NFS, DNS, Firewall

Any experiment specially designed by the college

(Detailed instructions for Laboratory Manual to be followed for further guidance)

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in CSE (Data Science)
(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)
Big DataTechnology & OLAP Lab
Code: PCC-DS693
Contacts: 4P

Name of the Course: Big Data Technology and OLAP Lab

Course Code: PCC- Semester:VI


Duration:6 months Maximum Marks:100

Teaching Scheme:
Theory: hrs./week Continuous Internal Assessment
Tutorial: NIL External Assesement:60
Practical: 4 hrs./week Distribution of marks:40
Credit Points: 2

A. NoSQL Lab using (MongoDB/Redis/Cassandra/CouchDB/Hbase using HDFs etc): Introduction

to Nosql, Difference between RDBMS to NOSQL,JSON and BSON
documents, Introduction to MongoDB/.. and its Features, Database, Collection and
Documents,Various Data Types in MongoDB/..,Introduction to mongo/.. shell, CRUD
Operations, Database Operations, Read and Write Operations, Aggregation, Data
Modeling Introduction, Data Modeling Concept,Storage Engine,Indexing,Replication
Concept, Failover & Recovery
B. Multidimensional Data Modeling using OLAP:
Introduction of Data Warehousing and OLAP, example of a Data Warehouse and
Data mart, Data Cleaning

Artificial Intelligence Lab

Code: PCC- DS691
Contacts: 4P
1. Study of Prolog.
2. Write simple fact for the statements using PROLOG.
3. Write predicates One converts centigrade temperatures to Fahrenheit, the other checks if a
temperature is below freezing.
4. Write a program to solve the Monkey Banana problem.
5. WAP in turbo prolog for medical diagnosis and show the advantage and disadvantage of
green and red cuts.
6. WAP to implement factorial, fibonacci of a given number.
7. Write a program to solve 4-Queen problem.
8. Write a program to solve traveling salesman problem.
9. Write a program to solve water jug problem using LISP Any experiment specially designed by
the college.
Any experiment specially designed by the college
(Detailed instructions for Laboratory Manual to be followed for further guidance)


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