1. The document discusses guidelines related to COVID-19 for government offices and employees.
2. It recommends implementing social distancing measures like holding meetings through video conferencing and staggering office attendance.
3. It also suggests regularly sanitizing office premises and promoting contactless digital payments.
1. The document discusses guidelines related to COVID-19 for government offices and employees.
2. It recommends implementing social distancing measures like holding meetings through video conferencing and staggering office attendance.
3. It also suggests regularly sanitizing office premises and promoting contactless digital payments.
1. The document discusses guidelines related to COVID-19 for government offices and employees.
2. It recommends implementing social distancing measures like holding meetings through video conferencing and staggering office attendance.
3. It also suggests regularly sanitizing office premises and promoting contactless digital payments.
1. The document discusses guidelines related to COVID-19 for government offices and employees.
2. It recommends implementing social distancing measures like holding meetings through video conferencing and staggering office attendance.
3. It also suggests regularly sanitizing office premises and promoting contactless digital payments.
od-{r qrrys o) ilfr.r S: d re-n o) t-o-i \'E {sS eqq qn-f,i d
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