1 PB
1 PB
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The aim of this study was to investigate the origins and morphological features
of the popliteus muscle in cadavers.
In a sample of 40 lower limbs taken from cadavers the exact morphological
features of the popliteus muscle were examined.
In 100% of the cases studied we noticed, apart from the known femoral origin
from the lateral femoral epicondyle, a fibular origin from the styloid process of
the head of the fibula directed obliquely and blending with the main femoral
origin, forming the arms of a Y-shaped structure. In all the cases a capsular
origin was presented, while in 91.67% an origin lateral to it from the superior
border of the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus was found. The capsular
and meniscal origins formed the base of the Y-shaped structure that corresponded
to the known arcuate ligament.
We consider that the additional origins of the popliteus muscle form the arcuate
ligament, which is not a distinct anatomical structure as it is described in tradi-
tional anatomical textbooks. In addition, we have analysed the exact morpho-
logical features of the capsular, fibular and meniscal origins of the popliteal
INTRODUCTION don takes its origin only from a pit on the lateral
The popliteus muscle is a unique muscle because surface of the femoral condyle just below the at-
an inversion of its origin and insertion appears. Thus tachment of the fibular collateral ligament of the
the tendinous attachment is the origin from the prox- knee.
imal bone, while the fleshy attachment represents The first description of the popliteus tendon as
the insertion of the muscle. There is confusion con- having additional origins from the lateral menis-
cerning the morphology of the popliteus muscle and cus, the fibular head and the ligaments of Win-
especially its origins. McMinn [13] reported that only slow and Wrisberg was by Higgins in 1894 [8].
occasionally is the tendon partially attached to the Later, Fürst [6] in 1903 confirmed these observa-
lateral meniscus. Basmajian [4] stated that a vari- tions, making analytical reports of popliteus muscle
able bundle of fleshy fibres from its upper border comparative anatomy. Paturet [16] described an
gains a fibrous attachment to the hinder part of the origin from the posterior surface of the articular
lateral meniscus, thereby forming an articular mus- capsule of the knee through a fibrous band con-
cle. Various authors, such as Anson [1], Moore [14] sisting of two portions: a lateral portion that gave an
and Goss [7] have mentioned that the popliteus ten- attachment to the lateral head of the gastrocnemius
Address for correspondence: Dr. B. Papaziogas, Senior Lecturer of Surgery, Fanariou str. 16, 551 33 Thessaloniki, Greece, tel: 0030 2310 992562,
fax: 0030 2310 992563, e-mail: papaziog@med.auth.gr
Folia Morphol., 2006, Vol. 65, No. 4
Our specimens were consistent in showing an
origin in a small pit of the lateral surface of the lat-
eral femoral condyle. This pit was located just ante-
rior to the femoral attachment of the lateral collat-
eral ligament. The tendon is then directed posterior-
ly and inferiorly underneath the lateral collateral lig-
ament. The other aspect of the tendon blends with
the fibrous capsule and finally emerges from the joint
Figure 2. A capsular origin of the popliteus muscle was found
beneath the lateral head of the gastrocnemius mus- extending between the posterior aspect of the fibrous capsule
cle. During our dissections we noticed the presence of the knee joint and the main tendon.
G. Paraskevas et al., Study on popliteus muscle and arcuate popliteal ligament morphology
Folia Morphol., 2006, Vol. 65, No. 4
during these movements. Dynamic electromyograph- cases. Moreover, we assessed the exact morphological
ic studies of the popliteus muscle during flexion show features of that ligament. We are now able, finally, to
that the activity is related to rotation rather than to present the exact dimensions of the fibular, capsular
flexion. It is therefore inferred that the flexion ac- and meniscal origins of the popliteus muscle.
tion of the muscle is negligible [5]. Barnett and Rich-
ardson [2] reported that the muscle is markedly ac- REFERENCES
tive during crouching, indicating that it may share 1. Anson B (1966) Morris’ human anatomy, 12th ed.
McGraw-Hill Book Co, New York, p. 231.
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