Distribution Substation Plant Manual Chapter 9 20211217
Distribution Substation Plant Manual Chapter 9 20211217
Distribution Substation Plant Manual Chapter 9 20211217
© Western Power
ABN 18540492861
Record of revisions
Revision Date EDM Version Revised by Description
0 December 2021 2 Ken Tiong Original Issue
This document must not be made available to personnel outside Western Power without the prior written
approval of Western Power.
Knowledge Management
The AMS and the interrelationships between the
Performance Management
1. Introduction .........................................................................................................................................6
2. Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................................6
3. Compliance with this manual ...............................................................................................................6
4. Information Provided on Drawings ......................................................................................................7
4.1 Non - fire rated substations ........................................................................................................ 7
4.1.1 Sheet 1 – Plant Single Line Diagram ................................................................... 7
4.1.2 Sheet 2 - Land Requirements ............................................................................. 7
4.1.3 Sheet 3 – Plant, Equipment and Substation Layout ............................................. 8
4.1.4 Sheet 4 - Clearances ......................................................................................... 9
4.1.5 Sheet 5 – Plant Earthing Single Line Diagram ...................................................... 9
4.1.6 Sheet 6 - Permissible Screening Arrangements ................................................. 10
5. Drawings - Substation Arrangements ................................................................................................. 11
5.1 Drawing Legend ....................................................................................................................... 12
5.2 DSPM 9-01 Up to 630kVA Modular Package Substation (MPS) ................................................. 13
5.3 DSPM 9-02 Up to 630kVA Modular Package Substation (MPS) with HV switchgear................... 19
5.4 DSPM 9-03 Up to 1000kVA Non MPS District ............................................................................ 25
5.5 DSPM 9-04 Up to 1000kVA Non MPS District with HV Switchgear............................................. 31
2. Disclaimer
The information contained within these drawings shall not be used for anything other than their intended
purpose (as stated within this Chapter). Other documents that refer to these drawings shall not change the
intended purpose whether it is written or inferred.
This Chapter alone does not claim to demonstrate compliance with any Government Regulations or Industry
Standards. These drawings are to be read in conjunction with the following Western Power documents:
The drawings within this Chapter are generic in nature and may not be suitable for all substation sites. It is
the designer’s responsibility to make sure that these drawings are suitable for the proposed substation site
prior to use.
Where a customer’s site requires a non-standard substation arrangement (e.g., where an alternative plant
layout is required or where only an odd sized piece of land is available for a substation site), the drawings
within this section can be made available to the customer. It is then the customer’s responsibility, in
conjunction with their architect and Civil / Structural Engineers and Western Power’s Designer / Design
Manager, to prepare an alternative design. This design must meet all Western Power’s requirements and any
relevant Australian Standards.
The non-standard substation or bespoke design must be submitted to Western Power for approval by
Western Powers Designer or Design manager with an explanation of how the proposed substation design is
safe, fit for purpose and will facilitate installation of “standardised Western Power distribution equipment”.
Where there is a non-standard layout of a substation building / room or site, the approval process should be
undertaken prior to any construction work.
The non-standard drawings register for Distribution Construction Standards Handbook (DCSH) and
Distribution Substation Manual (DSM / DSPM) is EDM# 34163616. Any non-standard design must be
approved by a Team Leader and a Senior Engineer, and added to this register.
Some drawings may contain additional sheets where information needs to be communicated about the plant
that may affect the installation. As previously mentioned, not all substations will have a complete drawing
set until Western Power has finalised the plant procurement process. As an interim measure some substation
drawings may still contain DSM drawings.
The following sections explain the purpose of, and the typical information that is contained within each
drawing sheet.
The purpose of this drawing is to provide a diagrammatic representation of the electrical circuit of the
substation equipment.
1. Location of isolation switches and disconnectors. This includes the utilisation categories of the
switches and their and nominal ratings.
2. Operational earthing points
3. Electrical protection
4. Voltage levels
5. Transformer vector group
6. Number of incoming and outgoing circuits
The purpose of this drawing sheet is to show a diagrammatic representation of a piece of land that is to be
provided by the landowner for the installation of the substation. This drawing should be used in conjunction
with the relevant customer connection manual to determine a suitable site such as the Underground
Distribution Schemes (UDSM) or Western Australian Service Installation and Requirements (WASIR).
The designer may need the landowner to provide additional land to facilitate the following items that are site
specific and not shown on the standard substation drawings:
Designer Notes:
1. Where these non-standard items are required, they shall be included on the substation design
drawing with dimensions to ensure Western Power’s unrestricted access to this land is maintained in
the future.
2. The designer is to ensure that the substation site is in a position that does not pose a safety risk and
allows unrestricted access for Western Power personnel and operational vehicles.
The purpose of this drawing is to show what equipment is required within the substation and its physical
arrangement on the site. All equipment shown is based on standard Western Power equipment contained
in the Distribution Design Catalogue (DDC).
1. To enable the designer to build up an assembly list for the substation (for cost estimating and creating
work orders).
2. To assist in defining construction information to other groups - for example, a marked-up copy can be
issued to Kewdale Electrical Workshop for the construction of equipment such as an LV kiosk or
automated ring main unit and another copy can be issued to field staff for site installation
3. To allow “standard substation equipment” to be procured by Western Power reducing the overall cost
of a substation. In the event of future equipment failure, the “standard substation equipment” will
facilitate like for like replacement where these standard drawings have been used for the design and
construction of the original substation site.
a. The layout of distribution plant that can be used within the site such as transformers, ring main
units and low voltage switchgear.
b. When required, the arrangement of the LV switchgear.
c. Power cables and connectors that shall be used to interconnect the distribution plant within the
d. The dimensions from the edge of the site to the culvert and / or equipment base within the site.
Uncontrolled document when printed
Refer to DM for current version EDM 52678147
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Designer Notes:
1. All dimensions shown on drawings have been rounded up to the nearest 50mm. An equivalent
building tolerance of ± 50mm should be permitted.
The purpose of this drawing is to provide a diagrammatic representation of the clearances that have been
provided within the substation site.
1. The clearances required around items of equipment to the edge of the substation site that allow
the equipment to be operated.
2. The clearances required around items of equipment to the edge of the substation site used as
access and egress paths.
3. The clearance from the equipment to the earth grading ring to be used by the designer for
calculation of the touch voltages.
4. Fire clearances from transformer tank to combustible surfaces in accordance with DSPM Chapter
5 – Table 6.1 which is derived from AS/NZS 2067 Table 6.1.
5. Noise clearance zones in accordance with UDSM, Clause 5.3.18.
Designer Notes:
1. Where additional clearances are required that are not shown on the standard layout drawing, they shall
be included on the substation design drawing and dimensioned to ensure clearances to substation
equipment is maintained.
2. The designer is to complete a fire risk assessment as per AS/NZS 2067 Clause to demonstrate
how these clearances have been met or the fire risk has been mitigated. Refer DSPM Chapter 5 – Fire
Clearances for additional guidance.
The purpose of this drawing is to provide a diagrammatic representation of the earthing circuit. The
equipment used for earthing of distribution substations is shown on the compatible unit drawing for the
plant within the Distribution Design Catalogue (DDC). The DDC provides details and quantities of the
equipment used to make earth connections onto the plant and between pieces of plant within the substation
The standard earthing arrangement is based on a combined (HV & LV) system of earthing. Where an
alternative earthing arrangement is used (e.g. separate HV & LV earthing system) the standard earthing
arrangement can be modified and shown on the substation design drawings. The design drawings shall show
the equipment used for the LV earthing system and its location in relation to the substation.
1. The Earthing FAQ provides additional information on Western Power’s network earthing requirements.
This document will be replaced with Western Power’s earthing guideline in the near future.
The purpose of this drawing is to provide a diagrammatic representation of acceptable screening layout
around the substation site. This sheet is intended to be issued to the customer to allow preparation of
architectural drawings that are to be submitted back to Western Power’s substation designer for approval.
Designer Notes:
1. Access and egress routes are required to be maintained when screening is used. The land area may
need to be increased to facilitate screening so that operational clearances and access routes can be
2. Where screening is used the designer should include the architectural drawings into the substation
design drawing.
3. This drawing should be read in conjunction with the Substation Installation Requirements within the
UDSM Clause or WASIR 14.5.4.
4. All buildings shall meet the requirements of the Local Government and the National Construction
Code (NCC).
5. Two-hour fire rated screening may be used to reduce the fire clearance zone. See DSPM Chapter 5 for
more guidance on fire clearances.